
Margaret Evelyn Beare

Photo of Margaret Evelyn Beare

Department of Sociology


Office: Ignat Kaneff Building, 3006
Phone: (416)736-2100 Ext: 55907
Email: mbeare@yorku.ca


Doctor of Philosophy - Sociology, Columbia University
Diploma in Criminology, Cambridge University
Masters of Arts, Sociology, University of Guelph
Bachelor of Arts, Sociology and English, University of Guelph


Osgoode Hall Law School

Research Interests

, Social Control; Policing; Crime and Delinquency; Organized Crime; Women and Justice Issues; Criminology and Corrections., Sociology
  • Honorary Research Fellow in the School of Social Sciences, Cardiff University—appointed May 2002 for a three-year period. (2002-2005) - 2002-2005
  • A member of the Council of Investigative Excellence for the Canadian Police College—appointed Spring 2002-2005 - 2002-2005
  • ·         A member of the Auditor General Advisory Committee on an anti-money laundering strategy (other members include Norm Inkster and Ray Proti)—January 2002 and March 2004 - 2002, 2004
  • Member of the Citizen’s Advisory Committee •for the Prison for Women, Kingston Ontario, January 1994-1995. - 1994-95
  • Elected Trustee of the International Association for the Study of Organized Crime, (November 1993-1996). - 1993-1996
  • Technical Advisor on the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police Drug Abuse Committee and Organized Crime Committee, (1990-2000). - 1990-2000
  • Representative for the Ministry of the Solicitor General on the Interdepartmental Secretariat on Drug Abuse, responsible for the creation of Canada’s Drug Strategy, (November 1986 - June 1987). - 1986-87
  • Member of the Police Powers Project team for the Criminal Code Review 1982 to 1985. - 1982-85
  • Participation as a member of the Enterprise Crime Study Working Group for the Federal/Provincial Task Force on Enterprise Crime (1982—1983). - 1982-83
  • Visiting Fellowship - Centre of Criminology, University of Toronto, 1981 — 1982 - 1981-82
  • President’s Fellowship - Columbia University, 1979 - 1980 - 1979-80
  • Columbia University Teacher’s Assistantship Columbia University, 1978 — 1979 - 1978-79
  • Ontario Government Fellowship, 1969 - 1970 - 1969-70
  • Witness at the March 2010 Senate Hearings on Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights—OC Legislation - 2010
  • Appointed to serve on the SSHRC ‘Adjudication Committee 23 Law, Criminology, and Socio-legal Studies’. 2008. - 2008


2008 Honouring Social Justice: Honouring Dianne Martin, Edited book. U of Toronto Press.


2007. Money Laundering: The Chasing of Dirty and Dangerous Dollars. Co-authored with Steven Schneider. U of T Press (approx. 400 pages)


2007. Police and Government Relations: Who’s Calling the Shots? Co-edited with Tonita Murray. U of T Press. (480 pages)


2003. Critical Reflections on Transnational Organized Crime, Money Laundering and Corruption. Edited book. University of Toronto Press. (354 pages)


1996. Criminal Conspiracies: Organized Crime in Canada, Nelson Canada, (252 pages)


Book Chapters


2008 “Shouting Innocence from the Highest Rooftop”, Honouring Social Justice: Honouring Dianne Martin, U of Toronto Press.


2008 “The Few Among the Many: Women and Policing” Honouring Social Justice: Honouring Dianne Martin, U of Toronto Press.


2007. “The History and the Future of the Politics of Policing”, paper prepared for the Ipperwash Symposium, included in Police and Government Relations: Who’s Calling the Shots? (89 double-spaced pages) Commissioned paper. Published by U of T Press.


2005. “Case Study—‘Voluntary’ Ethical Conduct: Anti-Money Laundering Compliance and the Financial Sector” in Ethics Codes: The Regulatory Norms of a Global Society edited by Wesley Cragg. (42 pages)


2004. “Policing, the Media, Politics and Corruption”, chapter in The Uncertainty Series: Corruption, Policing, Security & Democracy edit by M. Amir and S. Einstein. (34 Pages)


2003. “Purposeful Misconceptions: Organized Crime and the State”, in Transnational Organized Crime: Myth, Power and Profit, edited by E.C. Viano, J. Magallanes and L. Bridel, Carolina Academia Press, NC.


2003. “Organized Corporate Criminality: Corporate Complicity in Tobacco Smuggling”, and “The Business of Bribery: Globalization, Economic Liberalization, and the ‘Problem’ of Corruption (with James Williams) in M.E. Beare ed. Critical Critical Reflections on Transnational Organized Crime, Money Laundering And Corruption. University of Toronto Press.


1999. “Illegal Migration: Personal Tragedies, Social Problems, or National Security Threats? ” in Illegal Immigration and Commercial Sex: The New Slave Trade, edited by Phil Williams, Cass Publishers. Pages 11-41.


1999. "Overview of Organized Crime and Money Laundering in Canada", in Crime in Canadian Society, edited by Silverman, Teevan and Sacco, Butterworth. New edition with a revised chapter of the 1996 publication. Pages 290-306.


1997. “Corruption and Organized Crime: A Means to an End”, Barry Rider (ed.) Corruption: The Enemy Within, Kluwer Law International, Netherlands, Pages 65-76.


1995. "Combating Money laundering: Efforts in Canada and the United States", in Contemporary Issues in Organized Crime, ed. Jay Albanese, Willow Tree Press, pps 171-187.


1995. “Overview of Organized Crime and Money Laundering in Canada”, in Crime in Canadian Society, edited by Silverman, Teevan and Sacco, Butterworth.


Book Reviews


2008. Chinese Human Smuggling Organizations: Families, Social Networks, and Cultural Imperatives, by Sheldon X. Zhang, Stanford University Press, California, 2008. Review appeared in Canadian Journal of Sociology, 34, Winter 2009


2006. Organized Crime, by Alan Wright, Willan Publisher, for Canadian Criminal Justice Association.


2005. “September 11: Consequences for Canada” by Kent Roach, Osgoode Hall Law Journal


Journal Articles


2007. “The Devil Made Me Do It: Business Partners In Crime”, Journal of Financial Crime, Vol. 14, No.1. pp 34-48.


2002. “Organized Corporate Criminality: The Creation of An Organized Crime Smuggling Market: Tobacco Smuggling Between Canada and the US," Crime, Law and Social Change, Volume 37 Fall 2002. Pages 225-243


2002. “Searching for Wayward Dollars: Money Laundering or Tax Evasion—Which Dollars are We Really After?” Journal of Financial Crime Vol. 9 No. 3, (14 pages)


2000. “The Business of Bribery: Globalization, Economic Liberalization, and the ‘Problem’ of Corruption”, Crime, Law & Social Change, Volume 32, No.2. 1999 Co-authored with James Williams. (Issued in 2000) Pages 115-146.


1999. “Illegal Migration: Personal Tragedies, Social Problems, or National Security Threats?” Transnational Crime. Volume 3 Winter 1997, No.4. (Issued in 1999) Pages11-41.


1998. “Policing Organized Crime: The Comparative Structures, Traditions and Policies Within the United States and Canada". Special edition of Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice, Fall. Co-authored with Frederick Martens.


1997. “Corruption and Organized Crime: Lessons from History”, Crime, Law and Social Change, 28, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Netherlands, 155-172.


Conference Papers


2010 “Good in theory…”. 6th Annual Money Laundering Symposium, Osgoode Professional Development, April 23.


2009 “A Reflection on the Changing Nature of Transnational Organized Crime in Relation to the UN Convention”, Invited paper given to the International Forum on Crime and criminal law in the Era of Globalization, Beijing China October 24-26th.


2009 “Anti-Laundering Strategies: Canadian Experience”, Wollongong, NSW, Australia, March 2009, Guest lecture, March 2009


2009 “Beware of Geeks Bearing Formula: The Buffetts—from Warren to Jimmy” Anti-Money laundering Conference, Sydney Australia, April 1st, 2009 PLENARY


2009 “Old Questions Revisited... ”, 27th Cambridge International Symposium on Economic Crime Jesus College, Cambridge, UK, September 2009, PLENARY


2008 “Banking on Trouble: Government Cultivation of Corruption and Crime—The Casino Industry” 26th Cambridge International Symposium on Economic Crime Jesus College, Cambridge, UK, September 2008, PLENARY


2008 “Crisis Management and Political Issues-Managing Hot Button Issues”, Canadian Police College, Ottawa, December 12, 2008 PLENARY


2008 “Police Accountability and Independence—Walking the Line”, ATLAS AGORA (Association of Transnational Law Schools), Toronto, July 8th, 2008 PANEL


2008 “Policing’ Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing in Canada—What Works---What Doesn’t”, CASIS (Canadian Association for Security and Intelligence Studies), Ottawa, October 30, 2008, PANEL


2007 Presentation given and web-cast as part of the Osgoode Hall/ Nathanson Centre “After Arar Series”. Panel titled: Intelligence and Intelligent Governance: Institutional Design and Reform after Arar. November


2007 “Chasing Dangerous and Dirty Dollars”, Toronto Dominion’s Financial Institutions group for the Canadian Financial Institutions Industry, Toronto, September.


2007 “Chasing Dirty and Dangerous Dollars”, 21st Asia-pacific Roundtable, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, June 2007.


2007 An invited presentation given at the 17th Annual International Fraud Investigator’s Conference, hosted by the Toronto Police Service. Presentation titled: “Chasing Dirty Money: Money Laundering and Transnational Crime”. December


2007 “Club Membership for Services Rendered” International Symposium on Economic Crime, University of Cambridge, September 2007.


2007 “Police Accountability and Independence-Walking the Line”, Canadian Police College, Chilliwack, BC September 2007


2007 “Role of Law Enforcement in a Democratic Society: Pitfalls and Pratfalls”, Workshop hosted by the Alberta government, Red Deer Alberta. March.


2007 An invited presentation titled “The Devil is in the Detail” given at the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil, hosted by the Centre for the Study of Violence. November


2006 “Looking for Excellence in Policing” Workshop hosted by Nova Scotia government, Glengarry Hotel, Truro Nova Scotia, November.


2006 “The Devil Made Me Do It: Business Partners in Crime”. International Symposium on Economic Crime, University of Cambridge, September 2006.


2006 “The Politics of Enhanced Police Powers: When is Enough, Enough?" Paper given at the International Police Executive Symposium, May 26-30, 2006, Sarimsakli Turkey.


2005. “Fear-based Security: The Political Economy of Threat”, April 29 2005, presented in Amsterdam, (published by The Transnational Institute, Amsterdam).


2005. “Intelligence-led Policing—Critique of a Canadian model”—paper given in Hangzhou China, June 17, 2005 (Forthcoming, Hong Kong Institute of Criminology)


2004 Paper presented to the Organized Crime Strategy Workshop in Melbourne Australia, August.


2004 Paper presented to Chinese People’s Public Security University Beijing, and Hubei Provincial Police College in Wuhan City, February.


2003 Paper presented at the Organised Crime Task Force: International Conference Waterfront Hall, Belfast, Northern Ireland, June 11-13, 2003


2003 Law Commission Canada “In Search of Security” conference held in Montreal February 19, 2003. Presentation of the paper together with James Williams (graduate student and now faculty member at Windsor University), which was the subject of a Beare, won LCC/SSHRC grant, Summer 2002


2003 Canadian Heritage National Forum Policing in a Multicultural Society, commissioned paper titled “Policing with a National Security Agenda”, Ottawa February 27 2003.


2002 UNICRI Symposium published paper titled “Investigating Transnational Organized Crime: Current Situation and Guidelines from the Palermo Convention”, Meeting held February 22-23, 2002, Turin Italy.


2002 York University The Canadian Response to September 11th: Taking Stick and next Steps Conference. Presented a paper titled “Opportunity and Opportunism in the Quest for Illusions of Security”, June 2002, Toronto.


2002 Paper to Athabaska University—“Organized Crime: The Reality Behind the Mythology”—part of the Athabaska series of lectures. March.


2002 Paper to National Parole Board Annual meeting—“Tactics of Transnational Crime and Enforcement, January.


2001 "Case Study: Critique of Self-Regulation, Money Laundering and the Financial Sector”, Transparency International Conference, May 7th 2001


2001 “Re-Examining the Money Laundering Crisis”, Wilton Park Conference on Organized Crime, West Sussex, UK. January 29-31.


2001 “Searching for Wayward Dollars: Money Laundering or Tax Evasion--Which Dollars are we really after?” Cambridge: 19th International Symposium on Economic Crime, Sept. 2001.


2001 Paper titled “Shifting Boundaries Between Departments of Justice, Police, Foreign Affairs, Development Aid and the Military” presented to the Max Planck Institute, Freiburg Germany, December 13-15 2001.


2000 Washington DC Roundtable on “The Future of International Organized crime”—chairing and giving a presentation (U. S. State Department and George Washington Univ.), September 2000


2000 UN Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute—chairing a session and giving a presentation (Italy, UNICRI office), September 15, 2000


2000 “Fact from Fiction—Tactics and Strategies of Addressing Organized Crime and Criminals”. Workshop of formal papers, transmitted across Canada to all RCMP detachments, hosted by the Canadian Police College. Presentations appear on Police Futures web-site. June, 2000.


2000 “Soliciting ‘partners’ for Targeting Money Laundering: a Critique of a Compliance Driven Enforcement Strategy” Rethinking the Line: The Canada-US Border Conference (U BC and Univ. of Washington), October 23-25 2000


2000 Plenary paper titled “Structures, Strategies and Tactics of Transnational Criminal Organizations” Presented at the opening of the Transnational Crime Conference at the Australian Institute of Criminology, January, 2000—together with two additional papers given at the same international event: a paper on Russian Organized Crime and a talk to the Australian Federal Police, ‘Management of Serious Crime” (MOSC) course.


1999. Wollongong, Australia combined meeting of the Maritime Cooperation and the Transnational Crime working groups for CSCAP—gave opening paper—titled “Overview: Issues Paper on Maritime Transnational Crime.


1999 “Purposeful Misconceptions: Organized Crime and the State”, International Conference on Organized Crime: Myth Power and Profit. Lausanne Switzerland. October.


1999. "Transnational Crime Enforcement as a threat to Human Security: Inappropriate Policies and Unintended Consequences”, Canadian Council on International Law, October, Ottawa.


1999 Active as a scholar on the Council for Security Cooperation in the Asia Pacific. Prepared a number of papers including: “Exposure Via Crisis: Crime and the Asian Financial Crisis”. Asian Pacific Roundtable, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, May 1999: and “Firearms and Transnational Crime”. Paper to the Council for Security Co-operation in the Asian Pacific. Bangkok, May, 1999.


1996 “Policing Global Organized Crime”, Kingston Conference on National Economic Security, February


1994 Papers and formal presentations given on “International Crime and Money Laundering” at McGill University, Montreal, March


1993 Formal presentations given on “International Crime and Money Laundering” Trent University, Peterborough, November. Queen’s Gazette, “Tobacco Smuggling Brings Huge profits”, Nov.22, 1993.


1992 “Proceeds of Crime Law Enforcement: The Canadian vs. United States Model”, Plenary paper and workshop presented at the International Congress of the Australian Institute of Professional Intelligence Officers, Sydney, Australia, Dec. 1-3, 1992.


1987 Paper titled “Strategies for Control of Drug Abuse: Social and Economic Considerations”, presented to the International Council on Alcohol and Addictions Conference, Lausanne Switzerland, June


1982 Paper presented to the International Congress of Sociology. “The Concept of ‘The Dangerous Class’ and Policing a Metropolitan Area”, Mexico City, August, 1982.


1981 Paper presented at the Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Association Meeting. “Mock Change Programmes in the Wake of Community Conflict and Mistrust”, Halifax, 1981.


1980 Paper presented to the Ontario Association of Sociology and Anthropology. “Women as Professionals in Criminal Justice”, Guelph, 1980.


1978 Paper presented to Fairleigh Dickinson University, Teaneck, New Jersey, Paper entitled “Women in Crime: A Critique of Freda Adler’s approach in Sisters in Crime”, November 1978.


1970’s to mid-1990’s: Papers presented at most of the annual American Society of Criminology meetings from the 1970’s into the mid 1990’s. The following is a sample of the papers: 1994, Miami “Challenging the Concept of ‘Organized Crime”; 1993, Phoenix Arizona, “Cigarette Smuggling: The Growth of an Organized Crime Market”; 1991, San Francisco, “An analysis of Money Laundering”; 1988, Chicago, “Political Economy of Money Laundering”; 1987, Montreal, Panel organizer and discussant on “Organized Crime in Canada”, November 1987; 1987, “An Analysis of Police Rhetoric: Policing as Ideological Work”; 1982, Toronto, “Selling Policing in Metropolitan Toronto: Sociological Analysis of Police Rhetoric Over 25 years”; 1977, Atlanta, (with Frederick T. Martens). “Evaluation of Organized Crime: You Play the Black and the Red Comes Up”.

Conference Proceedings


2005. “Fear-based Security: The Political Economy of Threat”, April 29 2005, presented in Amsterdam, (Forthcoming, The Transnational Institute, Amsterdam).


2005. “Intelligence-led Policing—Critique of a Canadian model”—paper given in Hangzhou China, June 17, 2005 (Forthcoming, Hong Kong Institute of Criminology)


2002 “Case Study: Critique of Self-Regulation, Money Laundering and the Financial Sector”, Transparency International Conference, May 7th 2001, (pgs23). This paper is being finalized as a chapter of a book that will result from this SSHRC grant.


2002. UNICRI Symposium published paper titled “Investigating Transnational Organized Crime: Current Situation and Guidelines from the Palermo Convention”, Meeting held February 22-23, 2002, Turin Italy.


2002 “Shifting Boundaries Between Departments of Justice, Police, Foreign Affairs, Development Aid and the Military”. Paper presented to the Max Planck Institute, Freiburg Germany, December 13-15 2001. Published in The Containment of Transnational Organized Crime edited by H.-J. Albrecht and C. Fijnaut, Published in Freiburg, 2002.


2000. “Commentary: Issues in policing and private security”, Police and Private Security: What the Future Holds, Police futures group No.1. Conference held, November 1999.


2000. “Fact from Fiction—Tactics and Strategies of Addressing Organized Crime and Criminals”. Video-conference workshop, transmitted across Canada to all RCMP detachments, hosted by the Canadian Police College. Presentations appear on Police Futures web-site. June.


2000. “Structures, Strategies and Tactics of Transnational Criminal Organizations”, plenary address published by the Australian Institute of Criminology, March. “Russian (East European) Organized Crime around the Globe”, paper presented at the Transnational Crime Conference, hosted by the Australian Institute of Criminology, March.


1998 “North America: A Perspective on the Globalization of Organized Crime”, Journal of Financial Crime, Volume six, # 1, Henry Stewart Publications, pp 81-87.


1992. “Efforts to Combat Money Laundering: The Canadian Experience” in Action Against Transnational Criminality, Commonwealth Secretariat, Volume 11, 1993 (papers presented to the 1992 Oxford Conference on International and White Collar Crime, Christ Church, Oxford, September 1992.)


Research Reports


2010 “Literature Analysis of the relationship between Legal and Illegal Gaming—Crime”. Prepared for the Ontario Problem Gambling Research Centre.


2010 “Literature Analysis of the relationship between Legal and Illegal Gaming—Crime”. Prepared for the Ontario Problem Gambling Research Centre.


2010 “Women in Organized Crime”. Prepared for the Department of Public Security Canada.


2008 “Annotated Organized Crime Bibliographic Database and Report” Data base and report prepared for Public Security Canada. Authors included Norm Taylor, James Sheptycki, M. Beare, Carlo Morselli, Lisa Taylor and P-Y Bourduas, March.


2006 International Study of Anti-Organized Crime Agencies/Commissions. Report for Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Canada, (51 page report). March.


2005 Preliminary Examination of the Formal Application of the Criminal Organizations Provisions of the Criminal Code Report completed for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, (recently passed).


2003 Criminal Organizations and Their Activities in Canada: A Literature Review, prepared for the Department of Justice. (116 page report) . March.


2003 Policing with a National Security Agenda. Paper prepared for Heritage Canada, February, Commissioned paper.


2002 Enforcement, Criminality, Smuggling and Security. Chaired a working group that prepared a one-day program and Preparation of standardized Course Kit of material for Dept. of Immigration.


2001 Environmental Scan: Organized Crime in the Media. Report completed for Department of Justice, Ottawa. Co-author Juan Ronderos. March.


2000. Alternative Approaches to Combating Transnational Crime, completed for Solicitor General Canada. (Principal researcher: Steven Schneider, KPMG)


2000. Suspicious Transaction Study: Referrals by Financial Institutions to the RCMP. Report written with the research assistance of Nathanson Centre graduate students for the Canadian Bankers Association. April 2000 (released 2001, 43 pages).


1999. Major Issues relating to Organized Crime: Within the Context of Economic Relationships. A report for the Law Commission, Canada. (Co-author: RT Naylor, 59 pages)


1998. Contributed to two projects: a report by KPMG for the RCMP on the Strategic Study of the Economic Crime Program at the RCMP; and, a National survey on Public Perception to Organized Crime completed by Joan Nuffield, Bob Hann et al for the Solicitor General Canada.


1996. Bank Defalcation Study. Co-authored with Eric Ouellet for the Canadian Bankers Association.


1996. . Research completed for the Literacy Secretariat on behalf of the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police. Principal researcher and project manager for this ten-site study.Youth At-Risk: Literacy, Substance Abuse, and Criminality


1990. Tracing of Illicit Funds: Money Laundering in Canada. Co—authored with Stephen Schneider. Department of the solicitor general, Police Policy and Research User Report No. 1990-05


1989. “Current Issues in Canadian Gambling”, published in Gambling in Canada: Golden Goose or Trojan Horse? Edited by C. Campbell and J. Lowman, published by Simon Fraser University.


1988. Legalized Gambling in Canada. Department of the Solicitor General, Police Policy and Research User Report 1988-12.


1984. Canadian Police Practices Related to Arrest, Detention, Bail and Charge: A review of empirical studies on Canadian Police Practices, prepared for the Canadian Criminal Code Review. Department of the Solicitor General, Programs Branch User Report No. 1984-53.


1984. Legalized Gambling: An Overview A study of legalized gambling within the United States, England, Australia and parts of Europe and an Executive Summary of this 250 page document. Co—authored with Howard Hampton. Department of the Solicitor General, Police Policy and Research User Report No. 1984—13.


1984. The RICO Statute: An Overview of U.S. State and Federal RICO Legislation Co-authored with Dr. Gerald Woods and prepared for the Federal/Provincial Task Force on Enterprise Crime. Solicitor General, User Report No. 1984-12.



Doctor of Philosophy - Sociology, Columbia University
Diploma in Criminology, Cambridge University
Masters of Arts, Sociology, University of Guelph
Bachelor of Arts, Sociology and English, University of Guelph


Osgoode Hall Law School

Research Interests

, Social Control; Policing; Crime and Delinquency; Organized Crime; Women and Justice Issues; Criminology and Corrections., Sociology


  • Honorary Research Fellow in the School of Social Sciences, Cardiff University—appointed May 2002 for a three-year period. (2002-2005) - 2002-2005
  • A member of the Council of Investigative Excellence for the Canadian Police College—appointed Spring 2002-2005 - 2002-2005
  • ·         A member of the Auditor General Advisory Committee on an anti-money laundering strategy (other members include Norm Inkster and Ray Proti)—January 2002 and March 2004 - 2002, 2004
  • Member of the Citizen’s Advisory Committee •for the Prison for Women, Kingston Ontario, January 1994-1995. - 1994-95
  • Elected Trustee of the International Association for the Study of Organized Crime, (November 1993-1996). - 1993-1996
  • Technical Advisor on the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police Drug Abuse Committee and Organized Crime Committee, (1990-2000). - 1990-2000
  • Representative for the Ministry of the Solicitor General on the Interdepartmental Secretariat on Drug Abuse, responsible for the creation of Canada’s Drug Strategy, (November 1986 - June 1987). - 1986-87
  • Member of the Police Powers Project team for the Criminal Code Review 1982 to 1985. - 1982-85
  • Participation as a member of the Enterprise Crime Study Working Group for the Federal/Provincial Task Force on Enterprise Crime (1982—1983). - 1982-83
  • Visiting Fellowship - Centre of Criminology, University of Toronto, 1981 — 1982 - 1981-82
  • President’s Fellowship - Columbia University, 1979 - 1980 - 1979-80
  • Columbia University Teacher’s Assistantship Columbia University, 1978 — 1979 - 1978-79
  • Ontario Government Fellowship, 1969 - 1970 - 1969-70
  • Witness at the March 2010 Senate Hearings on Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights—OC Legislation - 2010
  • Appointed to serve on the SSHRC ‘Adjudication Committee 23 Law, Criminology, and Socio-legal Studies’. 2008. - 2008

All Publications

Book Chapters


2008 “Shouting Innocence from the Highest Rooftop”, Honouring Social Justice: Honouring Dianne Martin, U of Toronto Press.


2008 “The Few Among the Many: Women and Policing” Honouring Social Justice: Honouring Dianne Martin, U of Toronto Press.


2007. “The History and the Future of the Politics of Policing”, paper prepared for the Ipperwash Symposium, included in Police and Government Relations: Who’s Calling the Shots? (89 double-spaced pages) Commissioned paper. Published by U of T Press.


2005. “Case Study—‘Voluntary’ Ethical Conduct: Anti-Money Laundering Compliance and the Financial Sector” in Ethics Codes: The Regulatory Norms of a Global Society edited by Wesley Cragg. (42 pages)


2004. “Policing, the Media, Politics and Corruption”, chapter in The Uncertainty Series: Corruption, Policing, Security & Democracy edit by M. Amir and S. Einstein. (34 Pages)


2003. “Purposeful Misconceptions: Organized Crime and the State”, in Transnational Organized Crime: Myth, Power and Profit, edited by E.C. Viano, J. Magallanes and L. Bridel, Carolina Academia Press, NC.


2003. “Organized Corporate Criminality: Corporate Complicity in Tobacco Smuggling”, and “The Business of Bribery: Globalization, Economic Liberalization, and the ‘Problem’ of Corruption (with James Williams) in M.E. Beare ed. Critical Critical Reflections on Transnational Organized Crime, Money Laundering And Corruption. University of Toronto Press.


1999. “Illegal Migration: Personal Tragedies, Social Problems, or National Security Threats? ” in Illegal Immigration and Commercial Sex: The New Slave Trade, edited by Phil Williams, Cass Publishers. Pages 11-41.


1999. "Overview of Organized Crime and Money Laundering in Canada", in Crime in Canadian Society, edited by Silverman, Teevan and Sacco, Butterworth. New edition with a revised chapter of the 1996 publication. Pages 290-306.


1997. “Corruption and Organized Crime: A Means to an End”, Barry Rider (ed.) Corruption: The Enemy Within, Kluwer Law International, Netherlands, Pages 65-76.


1995. "Combating Money laundering: Efforts in Canada and the United States", in Contemporary Issues in Organized Crime, ed. Jay Albanese, Willow Tree Press, pps 171-187.


1995. “Overview of Organized Crime and Money Laundering in Canada”, in Crime in Canadian Society, edited by Silverman, Teevan and Sacco, Butterworth.


Book Reviews


2008. Chinese Human Smuggling Organizations: Families, Social Networks, and Cultural Imperatives, by Sheldon X. Zhang, Stanford University Press, California, 2008. Review appeared in Canadian Journal of Sociology, 34, Winter 2009


2006. Organized Crime, by Alan Wright, Willan Publisher, for Canadian Criminal Justice Association.


2005. “September 11: Consequences for Canada” by Kent Roach, Osgoode Hall Law Journal




2008 Honouring Social Justice: Honouring Dianne Martin, Edited book. U of Toronto Press.


2007. Money Laundering: The Chasing of Dirty and Dangerous Dollars. Co-authored with Steven Schneider. U of T Press (approx. 400 pages)


2007. Police and Government Relations: Who’s Calling the Shots? Co-edited with Tonita Murray. U of T Press. (480 pages)


2003. Critical Reflections on Transnational Organized Crime, Money Laundering and Corruption. Edited book. University of Toronto Press. (354 pages)


1996. Criminal Conspiracies: Organized Crime in Canada, Nelson Canada, (252 pages)


Journal Articles


2007. “The Devil Made Me Do It: Business Partners In Crime”, Journal of Financial Crime, Vol. 14, No.1. pp 34-48.


2002. “Organized Corporate Criminality: The Creation of An Organized Crime Smuggling Market: Tobacco Smuggling Between Canada and the US," Crime, Law and Social Change, Volume 37 Fall 2002. Pages 225-243


2002. “Searching for Wayward Dollars: Money Laundering or Tax Evasion—Which Dollars are We Really After?” Journal of Financial Crime Vol. 9 No. 3, (14 pages)


2000. “The Business of Bribery: Globalization, Economic Liberalization, and the ‘Problem’ of Corruption”, Crime, Law & Social Change, Volume 32, No.2. 1999 Co-authored with James Williams. (Issued in 2000) Pages 115-146.


1999. “Illegal Migration: Personal Tragedies, Social Problems, or National Security Threats?” Transnational Crime. Volume 3 Winter 1997, No.4. (Issued in 1999) Pages11-41.


1998. “Policing Organized Crime: The Comparative Structures, Traditions and Policies Within the United States and Canada". Special edition of Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice, Fall. Co-authored with Frederick Martens.


1997. “Corruption and Organized Crime: Lessons from History”, Crime, Law and Social Change, 28, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Netherlands, 155-172.


Conference Papers


2010 “Good in theory…”. 6th Annual Money Laundering Symposium, Osgoode Professional Development, April 23.


2009 “A Reflection on the Changing Nature of Transnational Organized Crime in Relation to the UN Convention”, Invited paper given to the International Forum on Crime and criminal law in the Era of Globalization, Beijing China October 24-26th.


2009 “Anti-Laundering Strategies: Canadian Experience”, Wollongong, NSW, Australia, March 2009, Guest lecture, March 2009


2009 “Beware of Geeks Bearing Formula: The Buffetts—from Warren to Jimmy” Anti-Money laundering Conference, Sydney Australia, April 1st, 2009 PLENARY


2009 “Old Questions Revisited... ”, 27th Cambridge International Symposium on Economic Crime Jesus College, Cambridge, UK, September 2009, PLENARY


2008 “Banking on Trouble: Government Cultivation of Corruption and Crime—The Casino Industry” 26th Cambridge International Symposium on Economic Crime Jesus College, Cambridge, UK, September 2008, PLENARY


2008 “Crisis Management and Political Issues-Managing Hot Button Issues”, Canadian Police College, Ottawa, December 12, 2008 PLENARY


2008 “Police Accountability and Independence—Walking the Line”, ATLAS AGORA (Association of Transnational Law Schools), Toronto, July 8th, 2008 PANEL


2008 “Policing’ Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing in Canada—What Works---What Doesn’t”, CASIS (Canadian Association for Security and Intelligence Studies), Ottawa, October 30, 2008, PANEL


2007 Presentation given and web-cast as part of the Osgoode Hall/ Nathanson Centre “After Arar Series”. Panel titled: Intelligence and Intelligent Governance: Institutional Design and Reform after Arar. November


2007 “Chasing Dangerous and Dirty Dollars”, Toronto Dominion’s Financial Institutions group for the Canadian Financial Institutions Industry, Toronto, September.


2007 “Chasing Dirty and Dangerous Dollars”, 21st Asia-pacific Roundtable, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, June 2007.


2007 An invited presentation given at the 17th Annual International Fraud Investigator’s Conference, hosted by the Toronto Police Service. Presentation titled: “Chasing Dirty Money: Money Laundering and Transnational Crime”. December


2007 “Club Membership for Services Rendered” International Symposium on Economic Crime, University of Cambridge, September 2007.


2007 “Police Accountability and Independence-Walking the Line”, Canadian Police College, Chilliwack, BC September 2007


2007 “Role of Law Enforcement in a Democratic Society: Pitfalls and Pratfalls”, Workshop hosted by the Alberta government, Red Deer Alberta. March.


2007 An invited presentation titled “The Devil is in the Detail” given at the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil, hosted by the Centre for the Study of Violence. November


2006 “Looking for Excellence in Policing” Workshop hosted by Nova Scotia government, Glengarry Hotel, Truro Nova Scotia, November.


2006 “The Devil Made Me Do It: Business Partners in Crime”. International Symposium on Economic Crime, University of Cambridge, September 2006.


2006 “The Politics of Enhanced Police Powers: When is Enough, Enough?" Paper given at the International Police Executive Symposium, May 26-30, 2006, Sarimsakli Turkey.


2005. “Fear-based Security: The Political Economy of Threat”, April 29 2005, presented in Amsterdam, (published by The Transnational Institute, Amsterdam).


2005. “Intelligence-led Policing—Critique of a Canadian model”—paper given in Hangzhou China, June 17, 2005 (Forthcoming, Hong Kong Institute of Criminology)


2004 Paper presented to the Organized Crime Strategy Workshop in Melbourne Australia, August.


2004 Paper presented to Chinese People’s Public Security University Beijing, and Hubei Provincial Police College in Wuhan City, February.


2003 Paper presented at the Organised Crime Task Force: International Conference Waterfront Hall, Belfast, Northern Ireland, June 11-13, 2003


2003 Law Commission Canada “In Search of Security” conference held in Montreal February 19, 2003. Presentation of the paper together with James Williams (graduate student and now faculty member at Windsor University), which was the subject of a Beare, won LCC/SSHRC grant, Summer 2002


2003 Canadian Heritage National Forum Policing in a Multicultural Society, commissioned paper titled “Policing with a National Security Agenda”, Ottawa February 27 2003.


2002 UNICRI Symposium published paper titled “Investigating Transnational Organized Crime: Current Situation and Guidelines from the Palermo Convention”, Meeting held February 22-23, 2002, Turin Italy.


2002 York University The Canadian Response to September 11th: Taking Stick and next Steps Conference. Presented a paper titled “Opportunity and Opportunism in the Quest for Illusions of Security”, June 2002, Toronto.


2002 Paper to Athabaska University—“Organized Crime: The Reality Behind the Mythology”—part of the Athabaska series of lectures. March.


2002 Paper to National Parole Board Annual meeting—“Tactics of Transnational Crime and Enforcement, January.


2001 "Case Study: Critique of Self-Regulation, Money Laundering and the Financial Sector”, Transparency International Conference, May 7th 2001


2001 “Re-Examining the Money Laundering Crisis”, Wilton Park Conference on Organized Crime, West Sussex, UK. January 29-31.


2001 “Searching for Wayward Dollars: Money Laundering or Tax Evasion--Which Dollars are we really after?” Cambridge: 19th International Symposium on Economic Crime, Sept. 2001.


2001 Paper titled “Shifting Boundaries Between Departments of Justice, Police, Foreign Affairs, Development Aid and the Military” presented to the Max Planck Institute, Freiburg Germany, December 13-15 2001.


2000 Washington DC Roundtable on “The Future of International Organized crime”—chairing and giving a presentation (U. S. State Department and George Washington Univ.), September 2000


2000 UN Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute—chairing a session and giving a presentation (Italy, UNICRI office), September 15, 2000


2000 “Fact from Fiction—Tactics and Strategies of Addressing Organized Crime and Criminals”. Workshop of formal papers, transmitted across Canada to all RCMP detachments, hosted by the Canadian Police College. Presentations appear on Police Futures web-site. June, 2000.


2000 “Soliciting ‘partners’ for Targeting Money Laundering: a Critique of a Compliance Driven Enforcement Strategy” Rethinking the Line: The Canada-US Border Conference (U BC and Univ. of Washington), October 23-25 2000


2000 Plenary paper titled “Structures, Strategies and Tactics of Transnational Criminal Organizations” Presented at the opening of the Transnational Crime Conference at the Australian Institute of Criminology, January, 2000—together with two additional papers given at the same international event: a paper on Russian Organized Crime and a talk to the Australian Federal Police, ‘Management of Serious Crime” (MOSC) course.


1999. Wollongong, Australia combined meeting of the Maritime Cooperation and the Transnational Crime working groups for CSCAP—gave opening paper—titled “Overview: Issues Paper on Maritime Transnational Crime.


1999 “Purposeful Misconceptions: Organized Crime and the State”, International Conference on Organized Crime: Myth Power and Profit. Lausanne Switzerland. October.


1999. "Transnational Crime Enforcement as a threat to Human Security: Inappropriate Policies and Unintended Consequences”, Canadian Council on International Law, October, Ottawa.


1999 Active as a scholar on the Council for Security Cooperation in the Asia Pacific. Prepared a number of papers including: “Exposure Via Crisis: Crime and the Asian Financial Crisis”. Asian Pacific Roundtable, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, May 1999: and “Firearms and Transnational Crime”. Paper to the Council for Security Co-operation in the Asian Pacific. Bangkok, May, 1999.


1996 “Policing Global Organized Crime”, Kingston Conference on National Economic Security, February


1994 Papers and formal presentations given on “International Crime and Money Laundering” at McGill University, Montreal, March


1993 Formal presentations given on “International Crime and Money Laundering” Trent University, Peterborough, November. Queen’s Gazette, “Tobacco Smuggling Brings Huge profits”, Nov.22, 1993.


1992 “Proceeds of Crime Law Enforcement: The Canadian vs. United States Model”, Plenary paper and workshop presented at the International Congress of the Australian Institute of Professional Intelligence Officers, Sydney, Australia, Dec. 1-3, 1992.


1987 Paper titled “Strategies for Control of Drug Abuse: Social and Economic Considerations”, presented to the International Council on Alcohol and Addictions Conference, Lausanne Switzerland, June


1982 Paper presented to the International Congress of Sociology. “The Concept of ‘The Dangerous Class’ and Policing a Metropolitan Area”, Mexico City, August, 1982.


1981 Paper presented at the Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Association Meeting. “Mock Change Programmes in the Wake of Community Conflict and Mistrust”, Halifax, 1981.


1980 Paper presented to the Ontario Association of Sociology and Anthropology. “Women as Professionals in Criminal Justice”, Guelph, 1980.


1978 Paper presented to Fairleigh Dickinson University, Teaneck, New Jersey, Paper entitled “Women in Crime: A Critique of Freda Adler’s approach in Sisters in Crime”, November 1978.


1970’s to mid-1990’s: Papers presented at most of the annual American Society of Criminology meetings from the 1970’s into the mid 1990’s. The following is a sample of the papers: 1994, Miami “Challenging the Concept of ‘Organized Crime”; 1993, Phoenix Arizona, “Cigarette Smuggling: The Growth of an Organized Crime Market”; 1991, San Francisco, “An analysis of Money Laundering”; 1988, Chicago, “Political Economy of Money Laundering”; 1987, Montreal, Panel organizer and discussant on “Organized Crime in Canada”, November 1987; 1987, “An Analysis of Police Rhetoric: Policing as Ideological Work”; 1982, Toronto, “Selling Policing in Metropolitan Toronto: Sociological Analysis of Police Rhetoric Over 25 years”; 1977, Atlanta, (with Frederick T. Martens). “Evaluation of Organized Crime: You Play the Black and the Red Comes Up”.

Conference Proceedings


2005. “Fear-based Security: The Political Economy of Threat”, April 29 2005, presented in Amsterdam, (Forthcoming, The Transnational Institute, Amsterdam).


2005. “Intelligence-led Policing—Critique of a Canadian model”—paper given in Hangzhou China, June 17, 2005 (Forthcoming, Hong Kong Institute of Criminology)


2002 “Case Study: Critique of Self-Regulation, Money Laundering and the Financial Sector”, Transparency International Conference, May 7th 2001, (pgs23). This paper is being finalized as a chapter of a book that will result from this SSHRC grant.


2002. UNICRI Symposium published paper titled “Investigating Transnational Organized Crime: Current Situation and Guidelines from the Palermo Convention”, Meeting held February 22-23, 2002, Turin Italy.


2002 “Shifting Boundaries Between Departments of Justice, Police, Foreign Affairs, Development Aid and the Military”. Paper presented to the Max Planck Institute, Freiburg Germany, December 13-15 2001. Published in The Containment of Transnational Organized Crime edited by H.-J. Albrecht and C. Fijnaut, Published in Freiburg, 2002.


2000. “Commentary: Issues in policing and private security”, Police and Private Security: What the Future Holds, Police futures group No.1. Conference held, November 1999.


2000. “Fact from Fiction—Tactics and Strategies of Addressing Organized Crime and Criminals”. Video-conference workshop, transmitted across Canada to all RCMP detachments, hosted by the Canadian Police College. Presentations appear on Police Futures web-site. June.


2000. “Structures, Strategies and Tactics of Transnational Criminal Organizations”, plenary address published by the Australian Institute of Criminology, March. “Russian (East European) Organized Crime around the Globe”, paper presented at the Transnational Crime Conference, hosted by the Australian Institute of Criminology, March.


1998 “North America: A Perspective on the Globalization of Organized Crime”, Journal of Financial Crime, Volume six, # 1, Henry Stewart Publications, pp 81-87.


1992. “Efforts to Combat Money Laundering: The Canadian Experience” in Action Against Transnational Criminality, Commonwealth Secretariat, Volume 11, 1993 (papers presented to the 1992 Oxford Conference on International and White Collar Crime, Christ Church, Oxford, September 1992.)


Research Reports


2010 “Literature Analysis of the relationship between Legal and Illegal Gaming—Crime”. Prepared for the Ontario Problem Gambling Research Centre.


2010 “Literature Analysis of the relationship between Legal and Illegal Gaming—Crime”. Prepared for the Ontario Problem Gambling Research Centre.


2010 “Women in Organized Crime”. Prepared for the Department of Public Security Canada.


2008 “Annotated Organized Crime Bibliographic Database and Report” Data base and report prepared for Public Security Canada. Authors included Norm Taylor, James Sheptycki, M. Beare, Carlo Morselli, Lisa Taylor and P-Y Bourduas, March.


2006 International Study of Anti-Organized Crime Agencies/Commissions. Report for Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Canada, (51 page report). March.


2005 Preliminary Examination of the Formal Application of the Criminal Organizations Provisions of the Criminal Code Report completed for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, (recently passed).


2003 Criminal Organizations and Their Activities in Canada: A Literature Review, prepared for the Department of Justice. (116 page report) . March.


2003 Policing with a National Security Agenda. Paper prepared for Heritage Canada, February, Commissioned paper.


2002 Enforcement, Criminality, Smuggling and Security. Chaired a working group that prepared a one-day program and Preparation of standardized Course Kit of material for Dept. of Immigration.


2001 Environmental Scan: Organized Crime in the Media. Report completed for Department of Justice, Ottawa. Co-author Juan Ronderos. March.


2000. Alternative Approaches to Combating Transnational Crime, completed for Solicitor General Canada. (Principal researcher: Steven Schneider, KPMG)


2000. Suspicious Transaction Study: Referrals by Financial Institutions to the RCMP. Report written with the research assistance of Nathanson Centre graduate students for the Canadian Bankers Association. April 2000 (released 2001, 43 pages).


1999. Major Issues relating to Organized Crime: Within the Context of Economic Relationships. A report for the Law Commission, Canada. (Co-author: RT Naylor, 59 pages)


1998. Contributed to two projects: a report by KPMG for the RCMP on the Strategic Study of the Economic Crime Program at the RCMP; and, a National survey on Public Perception to Organized Crime completed by Joan Nuffield, Bob Hann et al for the Solicitor General Canada.


1996. Bank Defalcation Study. Co-authored with Eric Ouellet for the Canadian Bankers Association.


1996. . Research completed for the Literacy Secretariat on behalf of the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police. Principal researcher and project manager for this ten-site study.Youth At-Risk: Literacy, Substance Abuse, and Criminality


1990. Tracing of Illicit Funds: Money Laundering in Canada. Co—authored with Stephen Schneider. Department of the solicitor general, Police Policy and Research User Report No. 1990-05


1989. “Current Issues in Canadian Gambling”, published in Gambling in Canada: Golden Goose or Trojan Horse? Edited by C. Campbell and J. Lowman, published by Simon Fraser University.


1988. Legalized Gambling in Canada. Department of the Solicitor General, Police Policy and Research User Report 1988-12.


1984. Canadian Police Practices Related to Arrest, Detention, Bail and Charge: A review of empirical studies on Canadian Police Practices, prepared for the Canadian Criminal Code Review. Department of the Solicitor General, Programs Branch User Report No. 1984-53.


1984. Legalized Gambling: An Overview A study of legalized gambling within the United States, England, Australia and parts of Europe and an Executive Summary of this 250 page document. Co—authored with Howard Hampton. Department of the Solicitor General, Police Policy and Research User Report No. 1984—13.


1984. The RICO Statute: An Overview of U.S. State and Federal RICO Legislation Co-authored with Dr. Gerald Woods and prepared for the Federal/Provincial Task Force on Enterprise Crime. Solicitor General, User Report No. 1984-12.