
Marc Egnal

Photo of Marc Egnal

Department of History

Professor Emeritus


He is currently Professor of History at York University, and is also the author of Divergent Paths: How Culture and Institutions Have Shaped North American Growth (Oxford University Press, 1996) and A Mighty Empire: The Origins of the American Revolution (1988). His current area of research and writing is the U.S. Civil War.



Ph.D., University of Wisconsin
M.A., University of Wisconsin
B.A., Swathmore College

Professional Leadership

A. Conference Organization

Organizer, Conference, “Microcomputers in the Humanities and Social Sciences,” York University, April 1985.

Organizer, Conference, “Arts and Ideas in Eighteenth-Century England,” Founders College, York University, January 1988.

Chair, Local Arrangements Committee, Annual Conference, Society for Historians of the Early American Republic, York University, June 1990.

Convener, Toronto-area Americanists, 1990-2001

Co-chair [with Adrienne Hood of the University of Toronto] of the Local Arrangements Committee for the April 1999 Toronto meeting of the Organization of American Historians.

Co-Chair and Program Coordinator, Sixth Annual Meeting, Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture, Toronto, June 2000.

Representative for York University, Fulbright Roundtable on U.S. studies in Canada, Montreal, May 6-7, 2005.

Co-Chair [with Rick Halpern of the University of Toronto], Conference on the American Civil War, to be held June 10-11, 2005.

B. Manuscript Reviewing for Journals and Scholarly Presses

Manuscripts reviewed for The William and Mary Quarterly, Economic History Review, Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography, Journal of American History, Journal of Southern History, Oxford University Press, Ohio State University Press, University of Pennsylvania Press, Cornell University Press, Institute of Early American History, Blackwell Publishers, and Prentice-Hall Canada.

C. Membership in Professional Organizations

Organization of American Historians, Economic History Association, Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture, Society for Historians of the Early American Republic.

D. Editorial Boards and Prize Committees

Member of Advisory Board, Lincoln Prize at Gettysburg College.

Member of Council, Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture, 2006-2009

Research Interests

U.S. Civil War; North American economic development, History