Margaret F. (Meg) Gibson
Office: Ross Building, S831
Phone: Ross Building, S831 Ext: 66322
Meg Gibson is a visiting scholar and lecturer (True Visitor) in the School of Social Work at York, teaching courses on critical social work theory, practice, and research.
Margaret F. (Meg) Gibson completed her BA at Harvard University in History and Science, and her MSW and PhD at the University of Toronto in Social Work, with collaborative degrees in Women and Gender Studies. She has practiced in a variety of social work settings, including harm reduction programs, HIV programs, and mental health services. Most recently her research has focused on disability service systems and related discourses, starting from the everyday experiences of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) parents. Her interests include disability studies, LGBTQ communities, the uptake of neuroscience in human services, research methods, parenting, and the history and philosophy of social work. Meg’s work has been published in journals including Disability & Society; The British Journal of Social Work; Culture, Health, & Sexuality; Disability Studies Quarterly; The Journal of Homosexuality; and Signs: A Journal of Women and Culture. She has edited a book collection entitled Queering Motherhood: Narrative and Theoretical Perspectives (Demeter Press, 2014).
BA, Harvard UniversityMSW, University of Toronto
PhD, University of Toronto
Gibson, M. F. (Ed.) . (2014) . Queering motherhood: narrative and theoretical perspectives. Toronto: Demeter Press.
Gibson, M. F. (2014) . Upsetting expertise: disability, mothering, and queer resistance. In M. F. Gibson (Ed.), Queering motherhood: narrative and theoretical perspectives, 203-218. Toronto: Demeter Press.
Gibson, M. F. (2014) . Introduction: Queering motherhood in narrative, theory, and the everyday. In M. F. Gibson (Ed.), Queering motherhood: narrative and theoretical perspectives, 1-23. Toronto: Demeter Press.
Kinsman, G. and Gibson, M. F. (2014) . Towards a collective and materialist approach to queer parenthood: a conversation with Gary Kinsman. In M. F. Gibson (Ed.), Queering motherhood: narrative and theoretical perspectives, 245-263. Toronto: Demeter Press.
Gibson, M.F. (2014) . Queer mothering and the question of normalcy. In A. O'Reilly (Ed.), Mothers, mothering and motherhood across cultural differences: A reader, 347-366. Toronto: Demeter Press.
Mishna, F., Underwood, M., Milne, C., & Gibson, M. (2012) . Ethical issues related to cyber bullying research. In S. Bauman (Ed.), Principles of cyber bullying research: expert perspectives. New York: Routledge.
Gibson, M. F. (1997) . Clitoral corruption: Body metaphors and American doctors’ constructions of female homosexuality, 1870-1900. In V. Rosario (Ed.), Science and homosexualities, 108-132. New York: Routledge.
Gibson, M. F. (2017) . Predator, pet lesbian, or just the nanny? LGBTQ parents of children with disabilities describe categorization. Journal of Homosexuality, Aug 11, 1-24. [Epub ahead of print] . doi: 10.1080/00918369.2017.1364565.
Gibson, M. F. (2016) . ‘This is real now because it’s a piece of paper’: Texts, disability and LGBTQ parents. Disability & Society. Online first. DOI 10.1080/09687599.2016.1197822.
Flanders, C. E., Gibson, M.F., Goldberg, A. E., & Ross, L. E. (2016) . Postpartum depression among visible and invisible sexual minority women: a pilot study. Archives of Women’s Mental Health, 19(2), 299-305. DOI 10.1007/s00737-015-0566-4.
Gibson, M. F. (2015) . Intersecting deviance: social work, difference, and the legacy of eugenics. British Journal of Social Work, 45, 313-330. DOI 10.1093/bjsw/bct131.
Gibson, M. F. (2014) . Adopting difference: thinking through adoption by gay men in Ontario, Canada. Signs: A Journal of Women in Culture and Society, 39(2), 407-432.
Logie, C. & Gibson, M. F. (2013) . A mark that is no mark? Queer women and violence in HIV discourse. Culture, Health & Sexuality, 15(1), 29-43.
Gibson, M. F. (2012) . Opening up: therapist self-disclosure in theory, research, and practice. Clinical Social Work Journal, 40(3), 287-296.
Gibson, M. F. (2012) . Stressing reproduction: reading into parents of disabled children. Disability Studies Quarterly, 32(1).
Gibson, M. F. (2010) . Building research, building justice: epistemology, social work, and lesbian parents. Canadian Social Work Review, 27(2), 239-258.
Gibson, M. F. (1998) . The masculine degenerate: American doctors’ portrayals of the lesbian intellect, 1880-1949. Journal of Women’s History, v. 9 (4), 78-103.
Meg Gibson is a visiting scholar and lecturer (True Visitor) in the School of Social Work at York, teaching courses on critical social work theory, practice, and research.
Margaret F. (Meg) Gibson completed her BA at Harvard University in History and Science, and her MSW and PhD at the University of Toronto in Social Work, with collaborative degrees in Women and Gender Studies. She has practiced in a variety of social work settings, including harm reduction programs, HIV programs, and mental health services. Most recently her research has focused on disability service systems and related discourses, starting from the everyday experiences of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) parents. Her interests include disability studies, LGBTQ communities, the uptake of neuroscience in human services, research methods, parenting, and the history and philosophy of social work. Meg’s work has been published in journals including Disability & Society; The British Journal of Social Work; Culture, Health, & Sexuality; Disability Studies Quarterly; The Journal of Homosexuality; and Signs: A Journal of Women and Culture. She has edited a book collection entitled Queering Motherhood: Narrative and Theoretical Perspectives (Demeter Press, 2014).
BA, Harvard UniversityMSW, University of Toronto
PhD, University of Toronto
All Publications
Gibson, M. F. (2014) . Upsetting expertise: disability, mothering, and queer resistance. In M. F. Gibson (Ed.), Queering motherhood: narrative and theoretical perspectives, 203-218. Toronto: Demeter Press.
Gibson, M. F. (2014) . Introduction: Queering motherhood in narrative, theory, and the everyday. In M. F. Gibson (Ed.), Queering motherhood: narrative and theoretical perspectives, 1-23. Toronto: Demeter Press.
Kinsman, G. and Gibson, M. F. (2014) . Towards a collective and materialist approach to queer parenthood: a conversation with Gary Kinsman. In M. F. Gibson (Ed.), Queering motherhood: narrative and theoretical perspectives, 245-263. Toronto: Demeter Press.
Gibson, M.F. (2014) . Queer mothering and the question of normalcy. In A. O'Reilly (Ed.), Mothers, mothering and motherhood across cultural differences: A reader, 347-366. Toronto: Demeter Press.
Mishna, F., Underwood, M., Milne, C., & Gibson, M. (2012) . Ethical issues related to cyber bullying research. In S. Bauman (Ed.), Principles of cyber bullying research: expert perspectives. New York: Routledge.
Gibson, M. F. (1997) . Clitoral corruption: Body metaphors and American doctors’ constructions of female homosexuality, 1870-1900. In V. Rosario (Ed.), Science and homosexualities, 108-132. New York: Routledge.
Gibson, M. F. (Ed.) . (2014) . Queering motherhood: narrative and theoretical perspectives. Toronto: Demeter Press.
Gibson, M. F. (2017) . Predator, pet lesbian, or just the nanny? LGBTQ parents of children with disabilities describe categorization. Journal of Homosexuality, Aug 11, 1-24. [Epub ahead of print] . doi: 10.1080/00918369.2017.1364565.
Gibson, M. F. (2016) . ‘This is real now because it’s a piece of paper’: Texts, disability and LGBTQ parents. Disability & Society. Online first. DOI 10.1080/09687599.2016.1197822.
Flanders, C. E., Gibson, M.F., Goldberg, A. E., & Ross, L. E. (2016) . Postpartum depression among visible and invisible sexual minority women: a pilot study. Archives of Women’s Mental Health, 19(2), 299-305. DOI 10.1007/s00737-015-0566-4.
Gibson, M. F. (2015) . Intersecting deviance: social work, difference, and the legacy of eugenics. British Journal of Social Work, 45, 313-330. DOI 10.1093/bjsw/bct131.
Gibson, M. F. (2014) . Adopting difference: thinking through adoption by gay men in Ontario, Canada. Signs: A Journal of Women in Culture and Society, 39(2), 407-432.
Logie, C. & Gibson, M. F. (2013) . A mark that is no mark? Queer women and violence in HIV discourse. Culture, Health & Sexuality, 15(1), 29-43.
Gibson, M. F. (2012) . Opening up: therapist self-disclosure in theory, research, and practice. Clinical Social Work Journal, 40(3), 287-296.
Gibson, M. F. (2012) . Stressing reproduction: reading into parents of disabled children. Disability Studies Quarterly, 32(1).
Gibson, M. F. (2010) . Building research, building justice: epistemology, social work, and lesbian parents. Canadian Social Work Review, 27(2), 239-258.
Gibson, M. F. (1998) . The masculine degenerate: American doctors’ portrayals of the lesbian intellect, 1880-1949. Journal of Women’s History, v. 9 (4), 78-103.