
Michael Palamarek

School of Gender, Sexuality and Women's Studies

Assistant Professor

Office: C128 York Hall, Glendon
Phone: 416-736-2100 Ext: 88381
Email: mpalamarek@glendon.yorku.ca

Upcoming Courses

Term Course Number Section Title Type
Fall/Winter 2024 AP/SXST1601 6.0 A Introduction to Sexuality Studies LECT
Fall 2024 GL/SOCI4605 3.0 A Masculinities SEMR
Fall 2024 GL/CORE1630 3.0 A Devenir universitaire : Glendon et vous LECT
Fall/Winter 2024 GL/SXST1601 6.0 A Introduction à l'étude de la sexualité LECT

Upcoming Courses

Term Course Number Section Title Type
Fall/Winter 2024 AP/SXST1601 6.0 A Introduction to Sexuality Studies LECT
Fall 2024 GL/SOCI4605 3.0 A Masculinities SEMR
Fall 2024 GL/CORE1630 3.0 A Devenir universitaire : Glendon et vous LECT
Fall/Winter 2024 GL/SXST1601 6.0 A Introduction à l'étude de la sexualité LECT