
Maurice Poon

Photo of Maurice Poon

School of Social Work


Office: S878 Ross Building
Phone: 416-736-2100 Ext: 20521

Maurice Kwong-Lai Poon is a professor in the School of Social Work at York University and Co-chair of the Advisory Research Committee at Asian Community AIDS Services. His current research focuses on gay Asian diasporic identities and politics, the social construction of violence in gay intimate relationships, and HIV/AIDS issues related to Asian men who have sex with men. He is active in the development of human services for the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered Asian community in Toronto.



Ph.D. in Social Work, University of Toronto, Toronto
MSW, Carleton University, Ottawa
BSW, Ryerson University, Toronto
Social Service Worker Diploma, Seneca College, Toronto

Research Interests

Social Work , Sexuality, Race & Ethnicity, Social Justice, HIV/AIDS