Patricia A Mazepa

Department of Communication & Media Studies
Professor Emerita
Ph.D. Communication 2003, Carleton UniversityM.A. Communication 1997, Carleton University
B. Soc. Sci. Leisure Studies (summa cum laude) 1993, University of Ottawa
B.A. Communication (summa cum laude) 1992, University of Ottawa
Faculty of Graduate StudiesProfessional Leadership
Conference Organization 2010 Department of Communication, York University “Making Media Public: Global Crises and Local Opportunities” (Co-organizer) 2006 Canadian Communication Association, 75th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, York University, Toronto. (1-3 June) ( (Principal Organizer and Chair)
Community Contributions
Faculty Associate, Robarts Centre for Canadian Studies Instructor, International Taoist Tai Chi Society
Research Interests
Current Research Projects
Collaborative Research Lab
Start Date:
- Month: Apr Year: 2010
End Date:
- Month: Jun Year: 2013
Collaborator: David Skinner
Collaborator Institution: York University
Collaborator Role: Co-Director
Communication and New Media: From Broadcast to Narrowcast, Canadian Edition. with Martin Hirst and John Harrison. Toronto: Oxford University Press.
Alternative Media in Canada. Co-edited with Kirsten Kozolanka and David Skinner, UBC Press.
“A Political Economy Approach to the Internet” with Vincent Mosco in Bauer, J.M. and Latzer, M. (Eds.) Handbook on the Economics of the Internet. Cheltenham U.K. and Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar. (pp. 163-180).
“Considering Alternative Media in Canada: Structure, Participation, Activism” in Kozolanka, K., Mazepa, P., and Skinner, D. (Eds.) Alternative Media in Canada. UBC Press(pp. 1-22).
“Regressive Social Relations, Activism and Media in Canada” in Kozolanka, K., Mazepa, P., and Skinner, D. (Eds.) Alternative Media in Canada. UBC Press (pp. 244-263).
“Cultural Front (Canada)” in Downing, J. (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Social Movement Media. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications. (pp. 147-150).
“Direct from the Source: Canada's Integrated System of State Propaganda” in Sussman, G. (Ed.) The Propaganda Society: Promotional Culture and Politics in Global Context. Peter Lang. [pp.297-313).
“Rights on Paper, but Not in Practice: A History of Press Censorship in Canada” in Dakroury, A., Eid, M., and Kamalipour, Y. (Eds.) (2009) Right to Communicate: Historical Hopes, Global Debates, and Future Premises. Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt. (pp. 195-226).
"High Tech Hegemony: Transforming Canada's Capital into Silicon Valley North" with Vincent Mosco in Artz, L. and Kamalipour, Y. (Eds.) The Globalization of Corporate Media Hegemony. State University of New York Press. pp. 93-112.
"Manifest Spatialization: Militarizing Communication in Canada." Global Media Journal -- Canadian Edition, 8(1), 9-30.
“Making Media Public: From Discussion to Action?” with Cohen, N.S., Macdonald, S. and Skinner, D. Canadian Journal of Communication. 36(1): 169-178.
“Democracy of, in and through Communication: Struggles around Public Service in Canada in the First Half of the Twentieth Century” Info: The journal of policy, regulation and strategy for telecommunications, information and media. Vol. 9, No. 2, pp. 45-56.
“Managing the Media: Communicating Labour at High Tech U” with Christopher Bodnar. Canadian Journal of Social and Political Thought. Special Issue On-line
Developing Communicative Power: Experiential Learning as Critically Reflexive Pedagogy In and Out of the Classroom.” International Communication Association, Fukuoka Japan.
“Militarized Communication? From Psychological Operations to the Whole of Government Approach” International Communication Association, Boston, USA
“Women on the Margins?: Comparative Media Representations of Women's Labour in the Canadian Press, 1939-45" with Tracy Moniz, Canadian Communication Association, Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Fredericton, NB.
Ph.D. Communication 2003, Carleton UniversityM.A. Communication 1997, Carleton University
B. Soc. Sci. Leisure Studies (summa cum laude) 1993, University of Ottawa
B.A. Communication (summa cum laude) 1992, University of Ottawa
Faculty of Graduate StudiesProfessional Leadership
Conference Organization 2010 Department of Communication, York University “Making Media Public: Global Crises and Local Opportunities” (Co-organizer) 2006 Canadian Communication Association, 75th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, York University, Toronto. (1-3 June) ( (Principal Organizer and Chair)
Community Contributions
Faculty Associate, Robarts Centre for Canadian Studies Instructor, International Taoist Tai Chi Society
Research Interests
Current Research Projects
Collaborative Research Lab
Project Type: Self-FundedRole: Co-Director
Start Date:
- Month: Apr Year: 2010
End Date:
- Month: Jun Year: 2013
Collaborator: David Skinner
Collaborator Institution: York University
Collaborator Role: Co-Director
All Publications
“A Political Economy Approach to the Internet” with Vincent Mosco in Bauer, J.M. and Latzer, M. (Eds.) Handbook on the Economics of the Internet. Cheltenham U.K. and Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar. (pp. 163-180).
“Considering Alternative Media in Canada: Structure, Participation, Activism” in Kozolanka, K., Mazepa, P., and Skinner, D. (Eds.) Alternative Media in Canada. UBC Press(pp. 1-22).
“Regressive Social Relations, Activism and Media in Canada” in Kozolanka, K., Mazepa, P., and Skinner, D. (Eds.) Alternative Media in Canada. UBC Press (pp. 244-263).
“Cultural Front (Canada)” in Downing, J. (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Social Movement Media. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications. (pp. 147-150).
“Direct from the Source: Canada's Integrated System of State Propaganda” in Sussman, G. (Ed.) The Propaganda Society: Promotional Culture and Politics in Global Context. Peter Lang. [pp.297-313).
“Rights on Paper, but Not in Practice: A History of Press Censorship in Canada” in Dakroury, A., Eid, M., and Kamalipour, Y. (Eds.) (2009) Right to Communicate: Historical Hopes, Global Debates, and Future Premises. Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt. (pp. 195-226).
"High Tech Hegemony: Transforming Canada's Capital into Silicon Valley North" with Vincent Mosco in Artz, L. and Kamalipour, Y. (Eds.) The Globalization of Corporate Media Hegemony. State University of New York Press. pp. 93-112.
Communication and New Media: From Broadcast to Narrowcast, Canadian Edition. with Martin Hirst and John Harrison. Toronto: Oxford University Press.
Alternative Media in Canada. Co-edited with Kirsten Kozolanka and David Skinner, UBC Press.
"Manifest Spatialization: Militarizing Communication in Canada." Global Media Journal -- Canadian Edition, 8(1), 9-30.
“Making Media Public: From Discussion to Action?” with Cohen, N.S., Macdonald, S. and Skinner, D. Canadian Journal of Communication. 36(1): 169-178.
“Democracy of, in and through Communication: Struggles around Public Service in Canada in the First Half of the Twentieth Century” Info: The journal of policy, regulation and strategy for telecommunications, information and media. Vol. 9, No. 2, pp. 45-56.
“Managing the Media: Communicating Labour at High Tech U” with Christopher Bodnar. Canadian Journal of Social and Political Thought. Special Issue On-line
Developing Communicative Power: Experiential Learning as Critically Reflexive Pedagogy In and Out of the Classroom.” International Communication Association, Fukuoka Japan.
“Militarized Communication? From Psychological Operations to the Whole of Government Approach” International Communication Association, Boston, USA
“Women on the Margins?: Comparative Media Representations of Women's Labour in the Canadian Press, 1939-45" with Tracy Moniz, Canadian Communication Association, Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Fredericton, NB.