Philipp S. Angermeyer
Department of Languages, Literatures and Linguistics
Associate Professor
Office: Ross Building, 566
Phone: (416) 736-2100 Ext: 33793
Primary website:
Ph.D., Linguistics, New York UniversityM.A., Linguistics/Comparative Literature/Eastern European History, Universität zu Köln, Germany
Faculty of Graduate StudiesResearch Interests
- Dean's Dissertation Fellowship, New York University 2004-2005 - 2004-2005
- Graduate Forum Membership, New York University 2003-2004 - 2003-2004
- MacCracken Fellowship, New York University 1999-2003 - 1999-2003
- Guest researcher at SFB 538 Mehrsprachigkeit (Center for Research on Multilingualism), University of Hamburg, Germany. 2008 - 2008
Current Research Projects
- Dean's Dissertation Fellowship, New York University 2004-2005 - 2004-2005
- Graduate Forum Membership, New York University 2003-2004 - 2003-2004
- MacCracken Fellowship, New York University 1999-2003 - 1999-2003
- Guest researcher at SFB 538 Mehrsprachigkeit (Center for Research on Multilingualism), University of Hamburg, Germany. 2008 - 2008
Online database of interpreter-mediated interaction
Description:Joint project with Bernd Meyer (U Mainz/Germersheim) and Thomas Schmidt (Institut für Deutsche Sprache, Mannheim), funded by the SSHRC Image, Text, Sound and Technology Program.
International Colloquium on Multilingualism and Interpreting in Settings of Globalisation: Asylum and Migration, February 19-20, 2015 at Ghent University, with Katrijn Maryns and Mieke van Herreweghe
Description:Research colloquium
Collaborator: Katrijn Maryns
Collaborator Institution: Universiteit Gent
Language Contact in Africa and the African Diaspora in the Americas. In honor of John V. Singler. Edited with Cece Cutler and Zvjezdana Vrzic. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. Creole Language Library Vol. 53.
2015 Speak English or what? Codeswitching and interpreter use in New York City courts. New York: Oxford University Press.
2012 "Bilingualism meets digraphia: Script alternation and hybridity in Russian-American writing and beyond." In Language mixing and code-switching in writing: approaches to mixed-language written discourse, edited by M. Sebba, S. Mahootian, and C. Jonsson. New York: Routledge.
2011 "Language and the law.” In Handbook of Pragmatics edited by Jef Verschuren and Jan-Ola Östman. John Benjamins.
2007 “Mehrsprachigkeit vor Gericht: Sprachwahl und Sprachwechsel in gedolmetschten Schlichtungsverfahren.” [Multilingualism in court: Language choice and codeswitching in interpreted arbitration proceedings]. Mehrsprachigkeit am Arbeitsplatz, edited by Bernd Meyer and Shinichi Kameyama. Forum Angewandte Linguistik, Band 48. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, pp. 129-147.
2010 Review of Berk-Seligson, Susan “Coerced Confessions: The Discourse of Bilingual Police Interrogations.” International Journal of Speech, Language and the Law 17 (1): 171-176
2004 Review of Hale, Sandra "The Discourse of Court Interpreting." Linguistlist, Issue 16.1381.
Controlling Roma refugees with 'Google-Hungarian': Indexing deviance, contempt, and belonging in Toronto's linguistic landscape. Language in Society 46 (2): 159-183.
2014 "Monolingual ideologies and multilingual practices in small claims court: The case of Spanish-speaking arbitrators." International Journal of Multilingualism, 11 (4): 430-448.
2013 “Multilingual speakers and language choice in the legal system.” Applied Linguistics Review 4 (1): 105-126.
2010 “Interpreter-mediated interaction as bilingual speech: Bridging macro-and microsociolinguistics in codeswitching research.” International Journal of Bilingualism 14 (4): 466-489.
2009 “Translation style and participant roles in court interpreting.” Journal of Sociolinguistics 13 (1): 3-28.
2008 “Creating monolingualism in the multilingual courtroom.” Sociolinguistic Studies 2 (3): 385-403.
2005 “Spelling Bilingualism: Script Choice in Russian American Classified Ads and Signage.” Language in Society 34 (4): 493-531.
2005 “Who is ‘you’? Polite forms of address and ambiguous participant roles in court interpreting.” Target: International Journal of Translation Studies 17 (2): 203-226.
2003 “The Case for Politeness: Pronoun Variation in Co-ordinate NP's in object position in American English.” Co-authored with John Victor Singler. Language Variation and Change 15: 171-209.
2002 “Lexical Cohesion in Multilingual Conversation.” International Journal of Bilingualism 6: 361-393.
2011 “Regulated multilingualism and divergent multilingual practices in New York small claims court.” Accepted for presentation at 8th International Symposium on Bilingualism, Oslo, Norway, June 2011. Part of the colloquium panel “Practices, processes and institutions in multilingual spaces” convened by Eva Codó, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, and Miguel Pérez-Milans, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.
2011 “Relating translation effects to language contact phenomena.” 85th Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
2011 “Reviewing the invisible interpreter: Ideologies and practices of court interpreting.” Accepted for presentation at American Association for Applied Linguistics, Chicago, March 2011. Part of an invited colloquium “Language in Legal Settings: Sociolinguistic Perspectives Applied” convened by Frances Rock, Cardiff University.
2009 "Testifying with a court interpreter or without: Comparing recurrent narratives across proceedings." International Association of Forensic Linguists 9th Biennial Conference on Forensic Linguistics/Language and Law, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
2009 “Translation data as evidence in language contact research.” 7th International Symposium on Bilingualism, Utrecht, the Netherlands.
2009 “Translation effects as evidence in language contact studies: The case of variable subject pronouns in NYC Spanish.” NWAV 38, University of Ottawa.
2007 "Varying in codes and styles: The multilingual speaker in sociolinguistics." 81st Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America, Anaheim, California.
2006 "Codeswitching in interpreter-mediated interaction: Comparing four communities in contact." 80th Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America, Albuquerque.
2006 "Variation in small claims court: Style-shifting versus codeswitching in litigant testimony." NWAV 35, Columbus, Ohio.
2005 "Dial 1-800-KPACOTA: Script alternation and hybridity in Russian-American advertisement." (Part of a panel entitled "Language alternation in writing.") 5th International Symposium on Bilingualism, Barcelona.
2005 "El ticket or la boleta? Lexical variation and contested linguistic boundaries in interpreter-mediated interaction." NWAV 34, New York University.
2005 "‘Ask her if she speaks English’: The implications of language choice in interpreter-mediated court proceedings." 50th ILA Conference, Language and the Law, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, City University of New York.
2005 "‘Speak English or what?’ - Language choice and codeswitching in multilingual court proceedings." 5th International Symposium on Bilingualism, Barcelona.
2004 "Mehrsprachigkeit vor Gericht: Sprachwahl und Sprachwechsel in gedolmetschten Schlichtungsverfahren." [Multilingualism in court: Language choice and codeswitching in interpreter-mediated arbitration hearings] 35. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Angewandte Linguistik, Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Germany.
2004 "Who is 'I'? Pronoun choice and bilingual identity in court interpreting." NWAV 33, University of Michigan.
2003 "On the B-Train to Brighton Beach: Russian-American Bilingualism and Bi-Alphabetism." Alphabetics: Interpreting Letters, Harvard University.
2003 "Script choice as an indicator of loanword status in bilingual writing." NWAVE 32, University of Pennsylvania.
2003 "Switching Codes and Switching Roles: Interpreters and Litigants in Small Claims Court." 8th International Pragmatics Conference, University of Toronto.
2002 "A Quantitative Analysis of Untriggered Reflexives in Co-Ordinate NP's in American English," with John Victor Singler. NWAV 31, Stanford University.
2002 "Copying Contiguous Gestures: An Articulatory Account of Bella Coola Reduplication." 26th Annual Penn Linguistics Colloquium, University of Pennsylvania.
2002 "Lexical Cohesion as a Motivation for Code-switching: Evidence from Spanish-English Bilingual Speech in Court Testimonies." First Workshop on Spanish Sociolinguistics, The University at Albany, SUNY.
2001 "Lexical Cohesion in Multilingual Conversation." Poster presentation, NWAV 30, North Carolina State University.
1998 "The Use of the Internet as a Source of Data: Case-Marking in Co-ordinate NP’s," with Cecilia Cutler, Keith Fernandes, and John Victor Singler. NWAV 27, University of Georgia.
2005 “Who is 'I'? Pronoun choice and bilingual identity in court interpreting.” Selected Proceedings from NWAV 33. University of Pennsylvania Working Papers in Linguistics, Volume 11.2: 31-44.
2003 “Copying Contiguous Gestures: An Articulatory Account of Bella Coola Reduplication.” In Proceedings of the 26th Penn Linguistics Colloquium. University of Pennsylvania Working Papers in Linguistics, Volume 9.1: 17-30.
2003 “Lexical Cohesion as a Motivation for Code-switching: Evidence from Spanish-English Bilingual Speech in Court Testimonies.” In Selected Proceedings from the First Workshop on Spanish Sociolinguistics, ed. Lotfi Sayahi. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Proceedings Project, pp. 112-122.
To appear “Bilingualism meets digraphia: Script alternation and hybridity in Russian-American writing and beyond.” To appear in Language mixing and code-switching in writing: approaches to mixed-language written discourse, edited by M. Sebba, S. Mahootian, and C. Jonsson. New York: Routledge.
To appear "Language and the law.” In Handbook of Pragmatics edited by Jef Verschuren and Jan-Ola Östman. John Benjamins.
Current Courses
Term | Course Number | Section | Title | Type |
Fall 2024 | AP/LING2420 3.0 | A | Language and Culture | LECT |
Upcoming Courses
Term | Course Number | Section | Title | Type |
Winter 2025 | GS/LAL6410 3.0 | M | Language, Culture and Ideology | SEMR |
Ph.D., Linguistics, New York UniversityM.A., Linguistics/Comparative Literature/Eastern European History, Universität zu Köln, Germany
Faculty of Graduate StudiesResearch Interests
Current Research Projects
Online database of interpreter-mediated interaction
Description:Joint project with Bernd Meyer (U Mainz/Germersheim) and Thomas Schmidt (Institut für Deutsche Sprache, Mannheim), funded by the SSHRC Image, Text, Sound and Technology Program.
Project Type: Funded-
International Colloquium on Multilingualism and Interpreting in Settings of Globalisation: Asylum and Migration, February 19-20, 2015 at Ghent University, with Katrijn Maryns and Mieke van Herreweghe
Description:Research colloquium
Role: Co-organizerCollaborator: Katrijn Maryns
Collaborator Institution: Universiteit Gent
All Publications
2012 "Bilingualism meets digraphia: Script alternation and hybridity in Russian-American writing and beyond." In Language mixing and code-switching in writing: approaches to mixed-language written discourse, edited by M. Sebba, S. Mahootian, and C. Jonsson. New York: Routledge.
2011 "Language and the law.” In Handbook of Pragmatics edited by Jef Verschuren and Jan-Ola Östman. John Benjamins.
2007 “Mehrsprachigkeit vor Gericht: Sprachwahl und Sprachwechsel in gedolmetschten Schlichtungsverfahren.” [Multilingualism in court: Language choice and codeswitching in interpreted arbitration proceedings]. Mehrsprachigkeit am Arbeitsplatz, edited by Bernd Meyer and Shinichi Kameyama. Forum Angewandte Linguistik, Band 48. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, pp. 129-147.
2010 Review of Berk-Seligson, Susan “Coerced Confessions: The Discourse of Bilingual Police Interrogations.” International Journal of Speech, Language and the Law 17 (1): 171-176
2004 Review of Hale, Sandra "The Discourse of Court Interpreting." Linguistlist, Issue 16.1381.
Language Contact in Africa and the African Diaspora in the Americas. In honor of John V. Singler. Edited with Cece Cutler and Zvjezdana Vrzic. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. Creole Language Library Vol. 53.
2015 Speak English or what? Codeswitching and interpreter use in New York City courts. New York: Oxford University Press.
Controlling Roma refugees with 'Google-Hungarian': Indexing deviance, contempt, and belonging in Toronto's linguistic landscape. Language in Society 46 (2): 159-183.
2014 "Monolingual ideologies and multilingual practices in small claims court: The case of Spanish-speaking arbitrators." International Journal of Multilingualism, 11 (4): 430-448.
2013 “Multilingual speakers and language choice in the legal system.” Applied Linguistics Review 4 (1): 105-126.
2010 “Interpreter-mediated interaction as bilingual speech: Bridging macro-and microsociolinguistics in codeswitching research.” International Journal of Bilingualism 14 (4): 466-489.
2009 “Translation style and participant roles in court interpreting.” Journal of Sociolinguistics 13 (1): 3-28.
2008 “Creating monolingualism in the multilingual courtroom.” Sociolinguistic Studies 2 (3): 385-403.
2005 “Spelling Bilingualism: Script Choice in Russian American Classified Ads and Signage.” Language in Society 34 (4): 493-531.
2005 “Who is ‘you’? Polite forms of address and ambiguous participant roles in court interpreting.” Target: International Journal of Translation Studies 17 (2): 203-226.
2003 “The Case for Politeness: Pronoun Variation in Co-ordinate NP's in object position in American English.” Co-authored with John Victor Singler. Language Variation and Change 15: 171-209.
2002 “Lexical Cohesion in Multilingual Conversation.” International Journal of Bilingualism 6: 361-393.
2011 “Regulated multilingualism and divergent multilingual practices in New York small claims court.” Accepted for presentation at 8th International Symposium on Bilingualism, Oslo, Norway, June 2011. Part of the colloquium panel “Practices, processes and institutions in multilingual spaces” convened by Eva Codó, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, and Miguel Pérez-Milans, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.
2011 “Relating translation effects to language contact phenomena.” 85th Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
2011 “Reviewing the invisible interpreter: Ideologies and practices of court interpreting.” Accepted for presentation at American Association for Applied Linguistics, Chicago, March 2011. Part of an invited colloquium “Language in Legal Settings: Sociolinguistic Perspectives Applied” convened by Frances Rock, Cardiff University.
2009 "Testifying with a court interpreter or without: Comparing recurrent narratives across proceedings." International Association of Forensic Linguists 9th Biennial Conference on Forensic Linguistics/Language and Law, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
2009 “Translation data as evidence in language contact research.” 7th International Symposium on Bilingualism, Utrecht, the Netherlands.
2009 “Translation effects as evidence in language contact studies: The case of variable subject pronouns in NYC Spanish.” NWAV 38, University of Ottawa.
2007 "Varying in codes and styles: The multilingual speaker in sociolinguistics." 81st Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America, Anaheim, California.
2006 "Codeswitching in interpreter-mediated interaction: Comparing four communities in contact." 80th Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America, Albuquerque.
2006 "Variation in small claims court: Style-shifting versus codeswitching in litigant testimony." NWAV 35, Columbus, Ohio.
2005 "Dial 1-800-KPACOTA: Script alternation and hybridity in Russian-American advertisement." (Part of a panel entitled "Language alternation in writing.") 5th International Symposium on Bilingualism, Barcelona.
2005 "El ticket or la boleta? Lexical variation and contested linguistic boundaries in interpreter-mediated interaction." NWAV 34, New York University.
2005 "‘Ask her if she speaks English’: The implications of language choice in interpreter-mediated court proceedings." 50th ILA Conference, Language and the Law, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, City University of New York.
2005 "‘Speak English or what?’ - Language choice and codeswitching in multilingual court proceedings." 5th International Symposium on Bilingualism, Barcelona.
2004 "Mehrsprachigkeit vor Gericht: Sprachwahl und Sprachwechsel in gedolmetschten Schlichtungsverfahren." [Multilingualism in court: Language choice and codeswitching in interpreter-mediated arbitration hearings] 35. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Angewandte Linguistik, Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Germany.
2004 "Who is 'I'? Pronoun choice and bilingual identity in court interpreting." NWAV 33, University of Michigan.
2003 "On the B-Train to Brighton Beach: Russian-American Bilingualism and Bi-Alphabetism." Alphabetics: Interpreting Letters, Harvard University.
2003 "Script choice as an indicator of loanword status in bilingual writing." NWAVE 32, University of Pennsylvania.
2003 "Switching Codes and Switching Roles: Interpreters and Litigants in Small Claims Court." 8th International Pragmatics Conference, University of Toronto.
2002 "A Quantitative Analysis of Untriggered Reflexives in Co-Ordinate NP's in American English," with John Victor Singler. NWAV 31, Stanford University.
2002 "Copying Contiguous Gestures: An Articulatory Account of Bella Coola Reduplication." 26th Annual Penn Linguistics Colloquium, University of Pennsylvania.
2002 "Lexical Cohesion as a Motivation for Code-switching: Evidence from Spanish-English Bilingual Speech in Court Testimonies." First Workshop on Spanish Sociolinguistics, The University at Albany, SUNY.
2001 "Lexical Cohesion in Multilingual Conversation." Poster presentation, NWAV 30, North Carolina State University.
1998 "The Use of the Internet as a Source of Data: Case-Marking in Co-ordinate NP’s," with Cecilia Cutler, Keith Fernandes, and John Victor Singler. NWAV 27, University of Georgia.
2005 “Who is 'I'? Pronoun choice and bilingual identity in court interpreting.” Selected Proceedings from NWAV 33. University of Pennsylvania Working Papers in Linguistics, Volume 11.2: 31-44.
2003 “Copying Contiguous Gestures: An Articulatory Account of Bella Coola Reduplication.” In Proceedings of the 26th Penn Linguistics Colloquium. University of Pennsylvania Working Papers in Linguistics, Volume 9.1: 17-30.
2003 “Lexical Cohesion as a Motivation for Code-switching: Evidence from Spanish-English Bilingual Speech in Court Testimonies.” In Selected Proceedings from the First Workshop on Spanish Sociolinguistics, ed. Lotfi Sayahi. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Proceedings Project, pp. 112-122.
To appear “Bilingualism meets digraphia: Script alternation and hybridity in Russian-American writing and beyond.” To appear in Language mixing and code-switching in writing: approaches to mixed-language written discourse, edited by M. Sebba, S. Mahootian, and C. Jonsson. New York: Routledge.
To appear "Language and the law.” In Handbook of Pragmatics edited by Jef Verschuren and Jan-Ola Östman. John Benjamins.
Current Courses
Term | Course Number | Section | Title | Type |
Fall 2024 | AP/LING2420 3.0 | A | Language and Culture | LECT |
Upcoming Courses
Term | Course Number | Section | Title | Type |
Winter 2025 | GS/LAL6410 3.0 | M | Language, Culture and Ideology | SEMR |