
Regina Rini

Photo of Regina Rini

Department of Philosophy

Associate Professor
Canada Research Chair in Philosophy of Moral and Social Cognition

Office: Ross S416
Email: rarini@yorku.ca

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Accepting New Graduate Students

Canada Research Chair in Social and Moral Cognition and Associate Professor of Philosophy. Research background in moral psychology, ethical theory, and neuroscience


I teach and write on a number of topics at the intersection of normative theory and social science. My previously published research is mostly about the relevance of cognitive science to moral theory. Currently I am working on new projects related to the ethics of microaggression, the relationship between moral disagreement and moral agency, and the role of partisanship in political epistemology. Before coming to York in 2017, I was Assistant Professor of Bioethics at NYU. Before that I held a postdoc in Moral Cognition at Oxford University.


PhD, NYU, 2011
B.A., Georgetown, 2004

Professional Leadership

co-organizer of May 2018 conference at American University of Beirut, 'Moral Psychology: From Neurons to Norms' (https://neuronstonorms.weebly.com/)

Community Contributions

'Raising Good Robots' essay (second place winner, 2017 Marc Sanders Prize for Public Philosophy) https://aeon.co/essays/creating-robots-capable-of-moral-reasoning-is-like-parenting related interview on WOSU: http://radio.wosu.org/post/tech-tuesday-raising-robots-facebook-innovation-googles-copyless-paste#stream/0 op-ed in the Los Angeles Times: 'GOP's New Tactic: Pitting the LGBT community against Muslims' http://beta.latimes.com/opinion/op-ed/la-oe-rini-gop-gay-muslim-20160724-snap-story.html essay in Aeon, 'Should we rename institutions that honour dead racists?' https://aeon.co/ideas/should-we-rename-institutions-that-honour-dead-racists op-ed in LA Times, 'Microaggression, Macro Harm' http://beta.latimes.com/opinion/op-ed/la-oe-1012-rini-microaggression-solidarity-20151012-story.html

Research Interests

Ethics , Psychology, moral cognition, social epistemology, Philosophy