
Rongbing Huang

School of Administrative Studies

Associate Professor

Office: Atkinson College, 274
Phone: 416-736-2100 Ext: 22898
Email: rhuang@yorku.ca
Primary website: http://www.yorku.ca/rhuang

Dr. Rongbing Huang earned his Ph. D. in Operations Management from the Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto. Dr. Huang received his master degree in Management Information Systems from Fudan University, Shanghai and served as a software engineer in China for almost two years.


Dr. Rongbing Huang earned his Ph. D. in Operations Management from the Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto. Dr. Huang received his master degree in Management Information Systems from Fudan University, Shanghai and served as a software engineer in China for almost two years. Rongbing’s research interests include Location Theory, Combinatorial Optimization, Service Management and Online Auction. The courses Rongbing teaches on Quantitative Methods, Decision Analysis, and eCommerce benefit from not only his research but also his experience with online insurance in China. Dr. Huang’s work has been published/accepted in the Journal of the Operational Research Society, European Journal of Operational Research and Computers & Operations Research.


PhD, Rotman, University of Toronto
M.Sc., Fudan University, China
B.Sc., East China Normal University, China

Research Interests

Information Technologies , Financial and Monetary Systems, Management Science

Current Research Projects

    See more
    ATK Fellowship

    See more
    ATK Fellowship
Journal Articles


Wang, J., L. Zhao, and R. Huang “SIRaRu rumor spreading model in complex networks,” Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications, 398(2014), 43-55.


Wang, J., L. Zhao, and R. Huang “2SI2R rumor spreading model in homogeneous networks,” Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications, 413(2014), 153-161.


Menezes, M. and R. Huang “Comparison of Condorcet and Weber solutions on a plane: social choice versus centralization,” Computers and Operations Research, 2014, to appear.


Wang, Q., L. Zhao, R. Huang, Y. Yang, and J. Wu “Interaction of media and disease dynamics and its impact on emerging infection management,” Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series B, 2014, to appear.


Huang, R. “A short note on locating facilities on a path to minimize load range equity measure,” Annals of Operations Research, 2014, to appear.


Zhao, L., C. Li, R. Huang, S. Si, J. Xue, W. Huang, and Y. Hu “Harmonizing model with transfer tax on water pollution across regional boundaries in a China’s lake basin,” European Journal of Operational Research, 225(2013), 377-382.


Zhao, L., J. Wang, R. Huang, H. Cui, X. Qiu, and X. Wang “Sentiment Contagion in Complex Networks,” Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications, 394(2014), 17-23.


Huang, R., M. Menezes, and S. Kim “The impact of cost uncertainty on the location of a distribution center,” European Journal of Operational Research. 218(2012), 401-407


Huang, R. “Some comments on deteriorating inventory theory with partial backlogging,” International Journal of Production Economics, 140(2012), 514-516.


Zhao, L., Y. Qian, R. Huang, C. Li, J Xue, and Y. Hu “Model of transfer tax on transboundary water pollution in China’s river basin,” Operations Research Letters, 40 (2012), 218-222.


Berman, O., A. Gavious and R. Huang “Location of response facilities: a simultaneous game between state and terrorist”, International Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 10, No. 1 (2011), 102-120.


Berman, O. and R. Huang “The minimum weighted covering location problem with distance constraints,” Computers and Operations Research, Vol. 35, Issue 2 (2008), 356-372.


Huang, R., S. Kim and M. Menezes “Facility location for large-scale emergencies”, Annals of Operations Research, Vol. 181, Issue 1 (2010), 271-286.

Berman, O. and R. Huang “The minisum multi-purpose trip location problem on networks,” Transportation Science, Vol. 41, No. 4, November (2007), 500-515.

Berman, O., R. Huang, S. Kim, and M. Menezes “Locating capacitated facilities to maximize captured demand,” IIE Transactions, Vol. 39, Issue 11(2007), 1015 – 1029.

Menezes, M., S. Kim and R. Huang “Optimal workforce size and allocation for urban retail chains,” European Journal of Operational Research, 175(2006), 1151-1163.

Berman, O. and R. Huang “The minisum collection depots location problem with multiple facilities on a network,” Journal of Operational Research Society, 55(2004), 769-779.

Gao, D. and R. Huang “Some results on canonical correlation and their applications to linear model,” Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 321(2000), 47-59.

Conference Papers


Huang, R., O. Berman, and A. Gavious “Location of response facilities: a simultaneous game between state and terrorist,” CORS conference, Quebec City, May 2008.


Current Courses

Term Course Number Section Title Type
Winter 2025 AP/ADMS2320 3.0 U Business Statistics ONLN
Winter 2025 GS/MSMG6510 3.0 M Supply Chain Analytics LECT

Dr. Rongbing Huang earned his Ph. D. in Operations Management from the Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto. Dr. Huang received his master degree in Management Information Systems from Fudan University, Shanghai and served as a software engineer in China for almost two years.

Dr. Rongbing Huang earned his Ph. D. in Operations Management from the Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto. Dr. Huang received his master degree in Management Information Systems from Fudan University, Shanghai and served as a software engineer in China for almost two years. Rongbing’s research interests include Location Theory, Combinatorial Optimization, Service Management and Online Auction. The courses Rongbing teaches on Quantitative Methods, Decision Analysis, and eCommerce benefit from not only his research but also his experience with online insurance in China. Dr. Huang’s work has been published/accepted in the Journal of the Operational Research Society, European Journal of Operational Research and Computers & Operations Research.


PhD, Rotman, University of Toronto
M.Sc., Fudan University, China
B.Sc., East China Normal University, China

Research Interests

Information Technologies , Financial and Monetary Systems, Management Science

Current Research Projects

    Project Type: Funded
    ATK Fellowship

    Project Type: Funded
    ATK Fellowship

All Publications

Journal Articles


Wang, J., L. Zhao, and R. Huang “SIRaRu rumor spreading model in complex networks,” Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications, 398(2014), 43-55.


Wang, J., L. Zhao, and R. Huang “2SI2R rumor spreading model in homogeneous networks,” Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications, 413(2014), 153-161.


Menezes, M. and R. Huang “Comparison of Condorcet and Weber solutions on a plane: social choice versus centralization,” Computers and Operations Research, 2014, to appear.


Wang, Q., L. Zhao, R. Huang, Y. Yang, and J. Wu “Interaction of media and disease dynamics and its impact on emerging infection management,” Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series B, 2014, to appear.


Huang, R. “A short note on locating facilities on a path to minimize load range equity measure,” Annals of Operations Research, 2014, to appear.


Zhao, L., C. Li, R. Huang, S. Si, J. Xue, W. Huang, and Y. Hu “Harmonizing model with transfer tax on water pollution across regional boundaries in a China’s lake basin,” European Journal of Operational Research, 225(2013), 377-382.


Zhao, L., J. Wang, R. Huang, H. Cui, X. Qiu, and X. Wang “Sentiment Contagion in Complex Networks,” Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications, 394(2014), 17-23.


Huang, R., M. Menezes, and S. Kim “The impact of cost uncertainty on the location of a distribution center,” European Journal of Operational Research. 218(2012), 401-407


Huang, R. “Some comments on deteriorating inventory theory with partial backlogging,” International Journal of Production Economics, 140(2012), 514-516.


Zhao, L., Y. Qian, R. Huang, C. Li, J Xue, and Y. Hu “Model of transfer tax on transboundary water pollution in China’s river basin,” Operations Research Letters, 40 (2012), 218-222.


Berman, O., A. Gavious and R. Huang “Location of response facilities: a simultaneous game between state and terrorist”, International Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 10, No. 1 (2011), 102-120.


Berman, O. and R. Huang “The minimum weighted covering location problem with distance constraints,” Computers and Operations Research, Vol. 35, Issue 2 (2008), 356-372.


Huang, R., S. Kim and M. Menezes “Facility location for large-scale emergencies”, Annals of Operations Research, Vol. 181, Issue 1 (2010), 271-286.

Berman, O. and R. Huang “The minisum multi-purpose trip location problem on networks,” Transportation Science, Vol. 41, No. 4, November (2007), 500-515.

Berman, O., R. Huang, S. Kim, and M. Menezes “Locating capacitated facilities to maximize captured demand,” IIE Transactions, Vol. 39, Issue 11(2007), 1015 – 1029.

Menezes, M., S. Kim and R. Huang “Optimal workforce size and allocation for urban retail chains,” European Journal of Operational Research, 175(2006), 1151-1163.

Berman, O. and R. Huang “The minisum collection depots location problem with multiple facilities on a network,” Journal of Operational Research Society, 55(2004), 769-779.

Gao, D. and R. Huang “Some results on canonical correlation and their applications to linear model,” Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 321(2000), 47-59.

Conference Papers


Huang, R., O. Berman, and A. Gavious “Location of response facilities: a simultaneous game between state and terrorist,” CORS conference, Quebec City, May 2008.


Current Courses

Term Course Number Section Title Type
Winter 2025 AP/ADMS2320 3.0 U Business Statistics ONLN
Winter 2025 GS/MSMG6510 3.0 M Supply Chain Analytics LECT