Amy Rossiter
Professor Emeritus
Member, Graduate Program in Social Work
Member, Graduate Program in Women's Studies
Office: Ross Building, S863
Phone: 416-736-2100
Critical perspectives in social work, ethics, applications of feminist postmodernism to social work. My research is aimed at strengthening the relationship between social work and social justice. I am interested in the small, everyday moments of social work practice and education that carry a history marked by conflict between social justice and social control. I am interested in exposing those moments to critical scrutiny so that we can more consciously make decisions about how we wish to create the culture that in turn creates us.
EdD, University of TorontoMSW, University of Toronto
BM, Cleveland Institute of Music
Research Interests
- Ontario Graduate Scholarships, University of Toronto 1982, 1984 - 1982, 1984
- Canadian Friends of the Hebrew University Scholarship 1972 - 1972
Current Research Projects
- Ontario Graduate Scholarships, University of Toronto 1982, 1984 - 1982, 1984
- Canadian Friends of the Hebrew University Scholarship 1972 - 1972
ATK Fellowship (York Internal Grant), York University
This research supports a grass-roots agency in a disadvantaged neighbourhood by evaluating its education-based programs for youth who have been suspended from school. The major research focus is documenting the process through which alienated youth maintain a high level of engagement with PEACH.
Toronto Dominion Bank
This study draws from the philosophy of Hannah Arendt in order to find theoretical justification for the concept of reflexivity in social work practice. Specifically, the study draws from Arendt’s work on thinking and judgement in relation to the political.
This study investigates the concept of recognition and assesses current attempts to theorize the relation between recognition and redistribution.
2000. Faucett, B., Featherstone, B., Fook, J., & Rossiter, A. (Eds.) . Practice and research in social work: Postmodern feminist perspectives. London: Routledge.
1988. Rossiter, A. From private to public: A feminist exploration of early mothering. Toronto: The Women's Press.
2007. Rossiter, A. (2007) . Self as subjectivity: Towards a ‘use of self’ as respectful relations of recognition. In D. Mandell (Ed.), Revisiting the use of self: Questioning professional identities). Toronto: Canadian Scholars Press.
2005. Rossiter, A. Where in the world are we? Notes on the need for a social work response to global power. In S. Hick, R. Pozzuto & J. Fook (Eds.), Social work: A critical turn (pp.189-202). Toronto: Thompson Educational Publishing.
2004. Badwall, H., O’Connor, P., & Rossiter, A. Living out histories and identities in organizations: A case study from three perspectives. In N. Gould & M. Baldwin (Eds.), Social work, critical reflection and the learning organization (pp. 143-160). Aldershot, UK: Ashgate.
2000. Rossiter, A. The Postmodern feminist condition: New conditions for social work. In B. Fawcett, B. Featherstone, J. Fook, & A. Rossiter (Eds.), Practice and research in social work: Postmodern feminist perspectives (pp. 24-38). London: Routledge.
2000. Rossiter, A., Prilleltensky, I., & Walsh-Bowers, R. A Postmodern perspective on professional ethics. In B. Fawcett, B. Featherstone, J. Fook, & A. Rossiter (Eds.), Practice and research in social work: Postmodern feminist perspectives (pp. 83-103). London: Routledge.
1996. Litner, B., Rossiter, A., & Taylor, M. The equitable inclusion of women in higher education: Some consequences for teaching. In R Nelson (Ed.), Inside Canadian universities: Another day at the plant. Kingston: Cedarcreek. Reprinted from Canadian Journal of Education.
1996. Rossiter, A. Finding meaning for social work in transitional times: Reflections on change. In N. Gould and I. Taylor (Eds.), Reflective learning in social work education: Research, theory and practice (pp. 141-151). London: Arena.
1991. Rossiter, A. Initiator status and separation adjustment. In C. Everett (Ed.), Marital instability and divorce outcomes. New York: Haworth, 1991. Reprinted from Journal of Divorce and Remarriage.
2004. Review of Social work and social justice: A structural approach to practice, by Colleen Lundy, Canadian Social Work Review, 21(1), 110-112.
2000. Review of Circle works: Transforming eurocentric consciousness, by Fyre Jean Graveline, Atlantis, 24(2), 163-164.
1996. Review of Forbidden narratives: Critical autobiography as social science, by Kathryn Church, Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health, 15(2), 171-174.
1992. Review of Women and well-being, edited by Vanaja Dhruvarajan, Canadian Social Work Review, 9(1), 130-131.
1991. Review of Women's life cycle and economic insecurity: Problems and proposals, by Martha Ozawa,” Canadian Social Work Review, 8(1), 121.
1989. Review of Being pregnant by Daphne Morrison, Resources for Feminist Research, 8(1), 5.
2014. Rossiter, A. Axel Honneth’s Theory of Recognition and its Potential for Aligning Social Work with Social Justice. In press (March, 2014). Radical and Critical Social Work.
Rossiter, A. (2011) . “Tolerance and the Liberal Subject in Classroom Assignments.” Critical Praxis Research Network Blog. Retrieved from Critical Praxis Research Network, University of Victoria, Victoria BC.
2011. Rossiter, A. & Heron, B. Neoliberalism, Competencies and the Devaluing of Social Work Practice. Canadian Social Work Review, 28(2), in press.
2011. Rossiter, A. Unsettled Social Work: The Challenge of Levinas’s Ethics. British Journal of Social Work.Published online, January 24, 2011. doi:1093/bjsw/bcr004.
2011. Rossiter, A. Unsettled Social Work: The Challenge of Levinas’s Ethics. Published online, January 24, 2011. doi:1093/bjsw/bcr004.
Rossiter, A. (2011) . “Tolerance and the Liberal Subject in Classroom Assignments.” Critical Praxis Research Network Blog. Retrieved from Critical Praxis Research Network, University of Victoria, Victoria BC.
2010 Pollack, S. & Rossiter, A. Neoliberalism and the Entrepreneurial Subject: Implications for Feminism and Social Work. Canadian Social Work Review, 27(1). In press.
2006 Rossiter, A. The “beyond” of social work ethics. Canadian Social Work Review, 23(1-2), 139-144.
2006. Rossiter, A., Blocki-Radeke, C., Daley, A. & Eisenstat, M. An Investigation into Youths’ Experience of “Wraparound.” In press: Canadian Social Work Review, 23(1/2).
2006. Rossiter, A. The “Beyond of Social Work Ethics.” In press: Canadian Social Work Review, 23(1/2).
2005. Rossiter, A. (2005) . Discourse analysis in critical social work. Critical Social Work, 6(1). Retrieved from
2003. Rossiter, A. (2003) . A response to Anne Westhues's ‘Reflections on the Sector Study.’ Canadian Social Work Review, 19(2), 341-348.
2002. Sanchez Valdes, L., Prilleltensky, I., Walsh-Bowers, R., & Rossiter, A. (2002) . Applied ethics in mental health in Cuba, Part 1: Guiding concepts and values. Ethics and Behavior, 12(3), 223-242.
2002. Prilleltensky, I., Sanchez Valdes, L., Rossiter, A., & Walsh-Bowers, R. (2002) . Applied ethics in mental health in Cuba, Part II: Power differentials, dilemmas, resources and limitations. Ethics and Behavior, 12(3), 243-260.
2002. Rossiter, A., Walsh-Bowers, R., & Prilleltensky, I. (2002) . Ethics as a located story: A comparison of North American and Cuban professional ethics. Theory & Psychology, 12(4), 533-556.
2001. Rossiter, A. (2001) . Innocence lost and suspicion found: Do we educate for or against social work? Critical Social Work, 2(1). Retrieved from
2000. Rossiter, A. The professional is political: An interpretation of the problem of the past in solution-focused therapy. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 70(1), 1-12.
1999. Prilleltensky, I., Walsh-Bowers, R., & Rossiter, A. Clinicians lived experience of ethics. Journal of Educational and Psychological Consultation, 10(4), 315-342.
1988. Rossiter, A. A model for group intervention with pre school children adjusting to separation or divorce. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 58, 387 396.
1998. Rossiter, A. A view from a different location: Toward an alternative account of feminist practice ethics in mental health. Affilia, 13(1), 9-30.
1997. Rossiter, A. Putting order in its place: Disciplining pedagogy. Curriculum Studies, 5(1), 29-38.
1996. Rossiter, A. A Perspective on critical social work. Journal of Progressive Human Services, 7(2), 23-41.
1996. Rossiter, A., Walsh-Bowers, R., & Prilleltensky, I. Learning from broken rules: Individualism, bureaucracy and ethics. Ethics and Behavior, 6(4), 307-320.
1996. Prilleltensky, I., Rossiter, A., & Walsh-Bowers, R. Preventing harm and promoting ethical discourse in the helping professions: Conceptual, research, analytical, and action frameworks. Ethics and Behavior 6(4), 287-306.
1996. Walsh-Bowers, R., Rossiter, A., & Prilleltensky, I. The personal is organizational in the ethics of hospital social workers. Ethics and Behavior, 6(4), 321-335.
1995. Rossiter, A. Entering the intersection of identity, form and knowledge: Reflections on curriculum transformation. Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health, 14(1), 5-14.
1995 Rossiter, A. Teaching Social Work Skills from a Critical Perspective. Canadian Social Work Review, 12(1), 9-27.
1994. Rossiter, A. 'Chips, coke and rock 'n roll': Children's mediation of an invitation to a first dance party. Feminist Review, 46, 1-20.
1993. Rossiter, A. Teaching from a critical perspective: Towards empowerment in social work education. Canadian Social Work Review, 10(1), 76-90.
1993. Litner, B., Rossiter, A., & Taylor, M. The equitable inclusion of women in higher education: Some consequences for teaching. Canadian Journal of Education, 17(3), 286-302.
1991. Rossiter, A. Initiator status and separation adjustment. Journal of Divorce & Remarriage, 15, 141 155.
1988. Rossiter, A. The use of abstraction as oppression in counselling: An attempt to find a new direction for helping. Women and Therapy, 7(4), 74 87.
1972.(as) Siren, A. An analysis of correctional services for adults in Ontario. Canadian Journal of Criminology and Corrections, 14(3), 268 281.
2010 Ethics Before Knowledge: Applying Levinasian Ethics to Social Work. School of Social Work Annual Research Symposium. York University, April 16.
2010 Ethics Before Knowledge: Applying Levinasian Ethics to Supervison. The First National Conference on Social Work Supervision. Tel Hai Academic College, Israel Department of Social Work. February 17-18.
2010. Recognition, Identities, Justice. Ethical Challenges Inherent in Meeting Mental Health Needs of Immigrant Children and Youth. Conference sponsored by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research. Thistletown Regional Centre, Toronto, Nov. 17&18.
2009 Evaluating the Open Moments: Resilience and Recognition at PEACH. York Institute of Health: Social Inclusion for Health and Well Being in Program Evaluation. April 30, 2009
2008. Does Hannah Arendt’s thinking about thinking help us think about critical social work? School of Social Work 2nd Annual Research Symposium. April 24, Toronto.
2004. Reflective practice in organizations: The interruption of difference. The 3rd International Carfax Conference on Reflective Practice: Reflection as a Catalyst for Change. June, Gloucester, UK.
2002. The relation of the sector study to the Agreement on Internal Trade. Panel presentation. Canadian Association of Schools of Social Work Conference. May 25, Toronto.
1998. Is this social work? Dilemmas in teaching social work from a critical perspective. Invited paper, Critical Social Work Conference, Deakin University. November 26, Geelong, Australia.
1997. A postmodern account of professional ethics. The Third Bi-Annual Conference for Caribbean and International Social Work Educators. July, Port of Spain, Trinidad.
1996. Counsellors' Need for a “safe space” in ethical decision-making. History and Philosophy of Psychology Section of the Canadian Psychological Association. May, Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario.
1995. Seeking a safe space: Relocating ethics in practice. American Psychological Association Annual Meeting. August, New York.
1995. Promoting ethical processes in the helping professions. “Growing '95.” Conference sponsored by the Ontario Association of Children's Aid Societies. May, Toronto.
1995. Putting order in its place: disciplining pedagogy. American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting. April, San Francisco.
1995. Tweedledum and Tweedledee: Schoolgirl cleverness and stupidity. With Marian MacMahon. First International Conference on Girls and Girlhood: Transitions and Dilemmas. June, Amsterdam.
1991. Toward the equitable inclusion of women in higher education. With Bluma Litner and Marilyn Taylor. The Canadian Society for the Study of Higher Education. June, Kingston, Ontario.
1991. An analysis of children's mediation of a first dance party as an instance of the social production of identity. Qualitative Analysis Conference. May, Ottawa.
1990. Supporting young children after divorce. Changing Family Realities: Expanding our Concept of Childcare. June, Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, Ontario.
1989. with Magda Lewis, Critical pedagogy as resistance: Mediation as a feminist practice. Women's Studies Association. May, Quebec City, Quebec.
1986. The Construction of the natural and normal in mothering. Ontario Psychological Association. February, Toronto.
1985. Double consciousness as potential for perspective transformation in adult education. The Canadian Association for the Study of Adult Education. May, Montreal.
1996. Rossiter, A., Walsh-Bowers, R., & Prilleltensky, I. Learning from broken rules: Individualism, organization and ethics (1996). Proceedings of the Joint World Congress of the International Federation of Social Workers and the International Association of Schools of Social Work. Extended version published in Ethics and Behavior, 6(4).
1994. Rossiter, A. Teaching social work skills from a critical perspective. Proceedings of the International Association of Schools of Social Work 27th Congress, 1994. Extended version published in Canadian Social Work Review, 12(1).
2008. Rossiter, A., “Desirable Characteristics/Qualities of Camphill Co-workers: Description in service of recruitment and hiring. Camphill Communities Ontario.
2006. Rossiter, A., Pargassingh A. & Wilson, K. “Suspended and Studying Program: “The Other Curriculum.” Promoting Economic Action and Community Health.
2013. Recognition, Identities and Justice. Invited keynote address: L’impossibile innocenza del lavoro sociale. October 24, Varese, Italy.
2012. Axel Honneth’s Recognition Theory: Social Justice for Neoliberal Times? “Ethical Encounters in a Neoliberal Era through a Postcolonial Lens,” University of Victoria, June 15-16, 2012.
2011. Levinas, professional knowledge and practice. Presentation to faculty at the School of Social Work, University of Victoria; Critical practice seminar for students, University of Victoria; Symposium, Critical Practice and Research Network, University of Victoria. April 4-6, 2011, Victoria.
2010. Recognition, Identities and Justice. Paper delivered at the Conference on Ethical Challenges Inherent in Meeting Mental Health Needs of Immigrant Children and Youth. November 18, 2010, Toronto.
2003. Beyond competencies. Special Session on the GATS. Canadian Association of Schools of Social Work Annual Conference. June 2, Halifax.
2003. Social work in the context of globalization. Keynote Address: Professional Development Day for Social Work Educators. Sponsored by the Maritime School of Social Work. May 31, Halifax.
1992. Telling and hearing women's stories in helping contexts: Work in progress on women's struggles in the human services. Keynote address. Women and Therapy: Healing and Social Change. May 7, Guelph, Ontario.
Critical perspectives in social work, ethics, applications of feminist postmodernism to social work. My research is aimed at strengthening the relationship between social work and social justice. I am interested in the small, everyday moments of social work practice and education that carry a history marked by conflict between social justice and social control. I am interested in exposing those moments to critical scrutiny so that we can more consciously make decisions about how we wish to create the culture that in turn creates us.
EdD, University of TorontoMSW, University of Toronto
BM, Cleveland Institute of Music
Research Interests
Current Research Projects
Project Type:
Project Type:
Project Type:
ATK Fellowship (York Internal Grant), York University
This research supports a grass-roots agency in a disadvantaged neighbourhood by evaluating its education-based programs for youth who have been suspended from school. The major research focus is documenting the process through which alienated youth maintain a high level of engagement with PEACH.
Role: ResearcherFunders:
Toronto Dominion Bank
This study draws from the philosophy of Hannah Arendt in order to find theoretical justification for the concept of reflexivity in social work practice. Specifically, the study draws from Arendt’s work on thinking and judgement in relation to the political.
Role: Researcher-
This study investigates the concept of recognition and assesses current attempts to theorize the relation between recognition and redistribution.
Role: ResearcherAll Publications
2007. Rossiter, A. (2007) . Self as subjectivity: Towards a ‘use of self’ as respectful relations of recognition. In D. Mandell (Ed.), Revisiting the use of self: Questioning professional identities). Toronto: Canadian Scholars Press.
2005. Rossiter, A. Where in the world are we? Notes on the need for a social work response to global power. In S. Hick, R. Pozzuto & J. Fook (Eds.), Social work: A critical turn (pp.189-202). Toronto: Thompson Educational Publishing.
2004. Badwall, H., O’Connor, P., & Rossiter, A. Living out histories and identities in organizations: A case study from three perspectives. In N. Gould & M. Baldwin (Eds.), Social work, critical reflection and the learning organization (pp. 143-160). Aldershot, UK: Ashgate.
2000. Rossiter, A. The Postmodern feminist condition: New conditions for social work. In B. Fawcett, B. Featherstone, J. Fook, & A. Rossiter (Eds.), Practice and research in social work: Postmodern feminist perspectives (pp. 24-38). London: Routledge.
2000. Rossiter, A., Prilleltensky, I., & Walsh-Bowers, R. A Postmodern perspective on professional ethics. In B. Fawcett, B. Featherstone, J. Fook, & A. Rossiter (Eds.), Practice and research in social work: Postmodern feminist perspectives (pp. 83-103). London: Routledge.
1996. Litner, B., Rossiter, A., & Taylor, M. The equitable inclusion of women in higher education: Some consequences for teaching. In R Nelson (Ed.), Inside Canadian universities: Another day at the plant. Kingston: Cedarcreek. Reprinted from Canadian Journal of Education.
1996. Rossiter, A. Finding meaning for social work in transitional times: Reflections on change. In N. Gould and I. Taylor (Eds.), Reflective learning in social work education: Research, theory and practice (pp. 141-151). London: Arena.
1991. Rossiter, A. Initiator status and separation adjustment. In C. Everett (Ed.), Marital instability and divorce outcomes. New York: Haworth, 1991. Reprinted from Journal of Divorce and Remarriage.
2004. Review of Social work and social justice: A structural approach to practice, by Colleen Lundy, Canadian Social Work Review, 21(1), 110-112.
2000. Review of Circle works: Transforming eurocentric consciousness, by Fyre Jean Graveline, Atlantis, 24(2), 163-164.
1996. Review of Forbidden narratives: Critical autobiography as social science, by Kathryn Church, Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health, 15(2), 171-174.
1992. Review of Women and well-being, edited by Vanaja Dhruvarajan, Canadian Social Work Review, 9(1), 130-131.
1991. Review of Women's life cycle and economic insecurity: Problems and proposals, by Martha Ozawa,” Canadian Social Work Review, 8(1), 121.
1989. Review of Being pregnant by Daphne Morrison, Resources for Feminist Research, 8(1), 5.
2000. Faucett, B., Featherstone, B., Fook, J., & Rossiter, A. (Eds.) . Practice and research in social work: Postmodern feminist perspectives. London: Routledge.
1988. Rossiter, A. From private to public: A feminist exploration of early mothering. Toronto: The Women's Press.
2014. Rossiter, A. Axel Honneth’s Theory of Recognition and its Potential for Aligning Social Work with Social Justice. In press (March, 2014). Radical and Critical Social Work.
Rossiter, A. (2011) . “Tolerance and the Liberal Subject in Classroom Assignments.” Critical Praxis Research Network Blog. Retrieved from Critical Praxis Research Network, University of Victoria, Victoria BC.
2011. Rossiter, A. & Heron, B. Neoliberalism, Competencies and the Devaluing of Social Work Practice. Canadian Social Work Review, 28(2), in press.
2011. Rossiter, A. Unsettled Social Work: The Challenge of Levinas’s Ethics. British Journal of Social Work.Published online, January 24, 2011. doi:1093/bjsw/bcr004.
2011. Rossiter, A. Unsettled Social Work: The Challenge of Levinas’s Ethics. Published online, January 24, 2011. doi:1093/bjsw/bcr004.
Rossiter, A. (2011) . “Tolerance and the Liberal Subject in Classroom Assignments.” Critical Praxis Research Network Blog. Retrieved from Critical Praxis Research Network, University of Victoria, Victoria BC.
2010 Pollack, S. & Rossiter, A. Neoliberalism and the Entrepreneurial Subject: Implications for Feminism and Social Work. Canadian Social Work Review, 27(1). In press.
2006 Rossiter, A. The “beyond” of social work ethics. Canadian Social Work Review, 23(1-2), 139-144.
2006. Rossiter, A., Blocki-Radeke, C., Daley, A. & Eisenstat, M. An Investigation into Youths’ Experience of “Wraparound.” In press: Canadian Social Work Review, 23(1/2).
2006. Rossiter, A. The “Beyond of Social Work Ethics.” In press: Canadian Social Work Review, 23(1/2).
2005. Rossiter, A. (2005) . Discourse analysis in critical social work. Critical Social Work, 6(1). Retrieved from
2003. Rossiter, A. (2003) . A response to Anne Westhues's ‘Reflections on the Sector Study.’ Canadian Social Work Review, 19(2), 341-348.
2002. Sanchez Valdes, L., Prilleltensky, I., Walsh-Bowers, R., & Rossiter, A. (2002) . Applied ethics in mental health in Cuba, Part 1: Guiding concepts and values. Ethics and Behavior, 12(3), 223-242.
2002. Prilleltensky, I., Sanchez Valdes, L., Rossiter, A., & Walsh-Bowers, R. (2002) . Applied ethics in mental health in Cuba, Part II: Power differentials, dilemmas, resources and limitations. Ethics and Behavior, 12(3), 243-260.
2002. Rossiter, A., Walsh-Bowers, R., & Prilleltensky, I. (2002) . Ethics as a located story: A comparison of North American and Cuban professional ethics. Theory & Psychology, 12(4), 533-556.
2001. Rossiter, A. (2001) . Innocence lost and suspicion found: Do we educate for or against social work? Critical Social Work, 2(1). Retrieved from
2000. Rossiter, A. The professional is political: An interpretation of the problem of the past in solution-focused therapy. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 70(1), 1-12.
1999. Prilleltensky, I., Walsh-Bowers, R., & Rossiter, A. Clinicians lived experience of ethics. Journal of Educational and Psychological Consultation, 10(4), 315-342.
1988. Rossiter, A. A model for group intervention with pre school children adjusting to separation or divorce. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 58, 387 396.
1998. Rossiter, A. A view from a different location: Toward an alternative account of feminist practice ethics in mental health. Affilia, 13(1), 9-30.
1997. Rossiter, A. Putting order in its place: Disciplining pedagogy. Curriculum Studies, 5(1), 29-38.
1996. Rossiter, A. A Perspective on critical social work. Journal of Progressive Human Services, 7(2), 23-41.
1996. Rossiter, A., Walsh-Bowers, R., & Prilleltensky, I. Learning from broken rules: Individualism, bureaucracy and ethics. Ethics and Behavior, 6(4), 307-320.
1996. Prilleltensky, I., Rossiter, A., & Walsh-Bowers, R. Preventing harm and promoting ethical discourse in the helping professions: Conceptual, research, analytical, and action frameworks. Ethics and Behavior 6(4), 287-306.
1996. Walsh-Bowers, R., Rossiter, A., & Prilleltensky, I. The personal is organizational in the ethics of hospital social workers. Ethics and Behavior, 6(4), 321-335.
1995. Rossiter, A. Entering the intersection of identity, form and knowledge: Reflections on curriculum transformation. Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health, 14(1), 5-14.
1995 Rossiter, A. Teaching Social Work Skills from a Critical Perspective. Canadian Social Work Review, 12(1), 9-27.
1994. Rossiter, A. 'Chips, coke and rock 'n roll': Children's mediation of an invitation to a first dance party. Feminist Review, 46, 1-20.
1993. Rossiter, A. Teaching from a critical perspective: Towards empowerment in social work education. Canadian Social Work Review, 10(1), 76-90.
1993. Litner, B., Rossiter, A., & Taylor, M. The equitable inclusion of women in higher education: Some consequences for teaching. Canadian Journal of Education, 17(3), 286-302.
1991. Rossiter, A. Initiator status and separation adjustment. Journal of Divorce & Remarriage, 15, 141 155.
1988. Rossiter, A. The use of abstraction as oppression in counselling: An attempt to find a new direction for helping. Women and Therapy, 7(4), 74 87.
1972.(as) Siren, A. An analysis of correctional services for adults in Ontario. Canadian Journal of Criminology and Corrections, 14(3), 268 281.
2010 Ethics Before Knowledge: Applying Levinasian Ethics to Social Work. School of Social Work Annual Research Symposium. York University, April 16.
2010 Ethics Before Knowledge: Applying Levinasian Ethics to Supervison. The First National Conference on Social Work Supervision. Tel Hai Academic College, Israel Department of Social Work. February 17-18.
2010. Recognition, Identities, Justice. Ethical Challenges Inherent in Meeting Mental Health Needs of Immigrant Children and Youth. Conference sponsored by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research. Thistletown Regional Centre, Toronto, Nov. 17&18.
2009 Evaluating the Open Moments: Resilience and Recognition at PEACH. York Institute of Health: Social Inclusion for Health and Well Being in Program Evaluation. April 30, 2009
2008. Does Hannah Arendt’s thinking about thinking help us think about critical social work? School of Social Work 2nd Annual Research Symposium. April 24, Toronto.
2004. Reflective practice in organizations: The interruption of difference. The 3rd International Carfax Conference on Reflective Practice: Reflection as a Catalyst for Change. June, Gloucester, UK.
2002. The relation of the sector study to the Agreement on Internal Trade. Panel presentation. Canadian Association of Schools of Social Work Conference. May 25, Toronto.
1998. Is this social work? Dilemmas in teaching social work from a critical perspective. Invited paper, Critical Social Work Conference, Deakin University. November 26, Geelong, Australia.
1997. A postmodern account of professional ethics. The Third Bi-Annual Conference for Caribbean and International Social Work Educators. July, Port of Spain, Trinidad.
1996. Counsellors' Need for a “safe space” in ethical decision-making. History and Philosophy of Psychology Section of the Canadian Psychological Association. May, Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario.
1995. Seeking a safe space: Relocating ethics in practice. American Psychological Association Annual Meeting. August, New York.
1995. Promoting ethical processes in the helping professions. “Growing '95.” Conference sponsored by the Ontario Association of Children's Aid Societies. May, Toronto.
1995. Putting order in its place: disciplining pedagogy. American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting. April, San Francisco.
1995. Tweedledum and Tweedledee: Schoolgirl cleverness and stupidity. With Marian MacMahon. First International Conference on Girls and Girlhood: Transitions and Dilemmas. June, Amsterdam.
1991. Toward the equitable inclusion of women in higher education. With Bluma Litner and Marilyn Taylor. The Canadian Society for the Study of Higher Education. June, Kingston, Ontario.
1991. An analysis of children's mediation of a first dance party as an instance of the social production of identity. Qualitative Analysis Conference. May, Ottawa.
1990. Supporting young children after divorce. Changing Family Realities: Expanding our Concept of Childcare. June, Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, Ontario.
1989. with Magda Lewis, Critical pedagogy as resistance: Mediation as a feminist practice. Women's Studies Association. May, Quebec City, Quebec.
1986. The Construction of the natural and normal in mothering. Ontario Psychological Association. February, Toronto.
1985. Double consciousness as potential for perspective transformation in adult education. The Canadian Association for the Study of Adult Education. May, Montreal.
1996. Rossiter, A., Walsh-Bowers, R., & Prilleltensky, I. Learning from broken rules: Individualism, organization and ethics (1996). Proceedings of the Joint World Congress of the International Federation of Social Workers and the International Association of Schools of Social Work. Extended version published in Ethics and Behavior, 6(4).
1994. Rossiter, A. Teaching social work skills from a critical perspective. Proceedings of the International Association of Schools of Social Work 27th Congress, 1994. Extended version published in Canadian Social Work Review, 12(1).
2008. Rossiter, A., “Desirable Characteristics/Qualities of Camphill Co-workers: Description in service of recruitment and hiring. Camphill Communities Ontario.
2006. Rossiter, A., Pargassingh A. & Wilson, K. “Suspended and Studying Program: “The Other Curriculum.” Promoting Economic Action and Community Health.
2013. Recognition, Identities and Justice. Invited keynote address: L’impossibile innocenza del lavoro sociale. October 24, Varese, Italy.
2012. Axel Honneth’s Recognition Theory: Social Justice for Neoliberal Times? “Ethical Encounters in a Neoliberal Era through a Postcolonial Lens,” University of Victoria, June 15-16, 2012.
2011. Levinas, professional knowledge and practice. Presentation to faculty at the School of Social Work, University of Victoria; Critical practice seminar for students, University of Victoria; Symposium, Critical Practice and Research Network, University of Victoria. April 4-6, 2011, Victoria.
2010. Recognition, Identities and Justice. Paper delivered at the Conference on Ethical Challenges Inherent in Meeting Mental Health Needs of Immigrant Children and Youth. November 18, 2010, Toronto.
2003. Beyond competencies. Special Session on the GATS. Canadian Association of Schools of Social Work Annual Conference. June 2, Halifax.
2003. Social work in the context of globalization. Keynote Address: Professional Development Day for Social Work Educators. Sponsored by the Maritime School of Social Work. May 31, Halifax.
1992. Telling and hearing women's stories in helping contexts: Work in progress on women's struggles in the human services. Keynote address. Women and Therapy: Healing and Social Change. May 7, Guelph, Ontario.