Soosan D Latham

School of Human Resource Management
Assistant Professor
Office: Atkinson College, 126
Phone: (416)736-2100 Ext: 22818
Soosan brings over 20 years of diverse business experience in executive coaching, management consulting, leadership development and human resources management. As a former Assistant Dean, Executive Programs at University of Toronto Rotman Business School, and most recently a Vice President in Human Resources with JP Morgan Chase in Toronto and New York, Soosan's practical business strengths include conceptual design and implementation of management development initiatives with a focus on improving leadership capability across cultural differences.
Soosan earned her PhD in Adult Education and Counseling Psychology from the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education at the University of Toronto. Her research is focused on exploring issues of identity and efficacy among culturally diverse leaders. She has been a sessional instructor at York University since 2005.
PhD, OISE/University of TorontoMBA, Iran Center for Management Studies
BA, Damavand College
Latham, Soosan D. (2010) The Multicultural Leader: Stories of influence and achievement. NS,Halifax Backalong Books.
Latham G.P., & Latham S. D., (2000) Overlooking theory and research in performance appraisal at one’s peril: Much done, more to do. In C. Cooper & E.A. Locke (Eds). International Review of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Chichester, England: Wiley.
Latham G.P., Daghighi S., & Locke, E.A.,(1997) Implications of goal setting theory for faculty motivation. In J. Bess (Ed) Teaching Well and Liking It: The Motivation of Faculty in Higher Education. San Francisco: Josey Bass.
Latham, G.P., Latham, S.D., & Whyte, G. (2004) . Fostering integrative thinking: Adapting the executive education model to the MBA Program. Journal of Management Education.
Latham, G.P., & Latham, S.D., (2003). Facilitators and inhibitors of the transfer of knowledge between scientists and practitioners in human resource management: leveraging cultural, individual, and institutional variables. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 12, 245-256
Latham, Soosan D. (2011) Leadership Development: Learning through visual inquiry. In Soosan D. Latham and J. Gary Knowles (eds) Arts in Organizations: Creative exploration of the workplace. NS. Halifax, Backalong Books.
Latham, S. D. & Knowles, J. G. (In progress) The arts in organizational research: Creative explorations of the workplace.
Approach to Teaching
As an adult educator Soosan's approach to teaching combines practical experience with theoretical knowledge and encourages creative self expression through engagement with a variety of art forms.
Soosan brings over 20 years of diverse business experience in executive coaching, management consulting, leadership development and human resources management. As a former Assistant Dean, Executive Programs at University of Toronto Rotman Business School, and most recently a Vice President in Human Resources with JP Morgan Chase in Toronto and New York, Soosan's practical business strengths include conceptual design and implementation of management development initiatives with a focus on improving leadership capability across cultural differences.
Soosan earned her PhD in Adult Education and Counseling Psychology from the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education at the University of Toronto. Her research is focused on exploring issues of identity and efficacy among culturally diverse leaders. She has been a sessional instructor at York University since 2005.
PhD, OISE/University of TorontoMBA, Iran Center for Management Studies
BA, Damavand College
All Publications
Latham G.P., & Latham S. D., (2000) Overlooking theory and research in performance appraisal at one’s peril: Much done, more to do. In C. Cooper & E.A. Locke (Eds). International Review of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Chichester, England: Wiley.
Latham G.P., Daghighi S., & Locke, E.A.,(1997) Implications of goal setting theory for faculty motivation. In J. Bess (Ed) Teaching Well and Liking It: The Motivation of Faculty in Higher Education. San Francisco: Josey Bass.
Latham, Soosan D. (2010) The Multicultural Leader: Stories of influence and achievement. NS,Halifax Backalong Books.
Latham, G.P., Latham, S.D., & Whyte, G. (2004) . Fostering integrative thinking: Adapting the executive education model to the MBA Program. Journal of Management Education.
Latham, G.P., & Latham, S.D., (2003). Facilitators and inhibitors of the transfer of knowledge between scientists and practitioners in human resource management: leveraging cultural, individual, and institutional variables. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 12, 245-256
Latham, Soosan D. (2011) Leadership Development: Learning through visual inquiry. In Soosan D. Latham and J. Gary Knowles (eds) Arts in Organizations: Creative exploration of the workplace. NS. Halifax, Backalong Books.
Latham, S. D. & Knowles, J. G. (In progress) The arts in organizational research: Creative explorations of the workplace.
Approach to Teaching
As an adult educator Soosan's approach to teaching combines practical experience with theoretical knowledge and encourages creative self expression through engagement with a variety of art forms.