
Tony Burke

Photo of Tony Burke

Department of Humanities


Office: Vanier College, 0247
Phone: 416-736-2100 Ext: 33712
Email: tburke@yorku.ca
Primary website: http://www.tonyburke.ca

Media Requests Welcome
Accepting New Graduate Students

Professor Burke’s research interests include the study of Christian biographical literature of the second century (infancy gospels), children and the family in Roman antiquity, curses, and non-canonical Jewish and Christian writings.


Professor Burke’s is a graduate of Wilfrid Laurier University (BA, MA) and the University of Toronto (Ph. D.). While writing a Masters paper on Magic and Miracle, he became interested in a little-known non-canonical gospel called the Infancy Gospel of Thomas, which features stories of Jesus when he was a child. He pursued that interest into his doctoral work; his thesis, 'The Infancy Gospel of Thomas: The Text, its Origins, and its Transmission,' included a new critical edition of the text drawing upon a range of published and unpublished manuscripts. The thesis will be published in 2010 in the series Corpus Christianorum Series Apocryphorum. Tony continues to work on non-canonical Christian texts (or 'Christian Apocrypha'), and has work-in-progress on a handbook of the Christian Apocrypha, an edition of the History of the Thirty Silver Pieces (the amount given to Judas to betray Jesus), an edition of the Infancy Gospel of Thomas in Syriac, and a study on curses and curse stories in the biblical world. Information on these projects can be obtained from a look at his web site and Apocryphicity blog.


PhD, University of Toronto
BA, MA, Wilfred Laurier

Research Interests

Religion , Infancy gospels, Non-Canonical Jewish and Christian writings, Curses, Early Christianity, Jewish and Christian Apocrypha, Childhood in Antiquity