
Tania Das Gupta

Photo of Tania Das Gupta

School of Gender, Sexuality and Women's Studies


Office: 410 Atkinson Building
Phone: 416-736-2100 Ext: 66345

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Tania Das Gupta is professor in the School of Gender, Sexuality and Women's Studies in the Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies, York University. Her publications and research interests are in the following areas: South Asian diaspora, race and racism, anti-racism, immigration and refugee issues, state policies, and women, work and families. Most recent publication is Twice Migrated Twice Displaced: Indian and Pakistani Transnational Households in Canada from UBC Press (2021)



Ph.D., University of Toronto
M.A., University of Toronto
B.A., University of Toronto

Research Interests

, Racism and Anti-racism , Gender Issues, Class, Employment and Labour, Multiculturalism, Migration, Transnationalism
  • York University Merit Award, 2008 - 2008
  • Atkinson College Alumni Association Teaching Award, 1997 - 1997
  • Charles E. Lightbody Scholarship, University of Saskatchewan, 1983 (top third-year student in history) - 1983
  • University of Toronto Scholarship for study at Oxford 1975 - 1975

Current Research Projects

COVID-19 and Punjabi Migration


    In partnership with Punjabi Community Health Services (PCHS), this project’s goals are to discover the shifting needs, obstacles, concerns and coping strategies around settlement among young newcomer Punjabis (ages 18–35) in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) arising as a result of COVID-19.


    The project’s objectives are to:
    1) assess the specific needs and obstacles that GTA-based Punjabi newcomers are encountering in the COVID-19 period and formulate support strategies.
    2) understand how young Punjabi migrants may be adapting their migration plans and strategies to COVID-19 and post-COVID-19 environments in India and Canada.
    3) understand and document alternative mobility pathways for young Punjabis in India who are unable to migrate between the two locations under COVID-19 conditions.

    See more
    Role: Principle Investigator

    Start Date:
      Month: May   Year: 2021

    End Date:
      Month: Dec   Year: 2021

    Collaborator: Dr. Sugandha Nagpal
    Collaborator Institution: O.P. Jindal Global University, India


Twice Migrated, Twice Displaced: Gulf-Indian and Gulf-Pakistani Professionals and Transnational Households in Canada, 2004-2014 (In press, UBC Press, projected September 2021).


Guest co-editor (with Soma Chatterjee) of Special Issue on Indigenous self-determination in a ‘chronically mobile’ world: Critical perspectives from anti-racist scholars of migration and mobility, in Studies in Social Justice, Vol. 14, No. 2 (2020)


Race and Racialization: Essential Readings. Lead editor (with Carl James, Chris Andersen, Grace Edwards Galabuzi, Roger Maaka). Toronto: Canadian Scholars’ Press, 2018 (second edition), 713 pages.


Real Nurses and Others: Racism in Nursing. (Halifax: Fernwood Press, 2009) ,127 pages , ISBN978-1-55266-298-4


Co-edited with Carl James, Grace Edwards Galabuzi, Roger Maaka, Chris Andersen, Race and Racialization: Essential Readings. Toronto: Canadian Scholars’ Press, 2007, 416 pages (ISBN 978-1-55130-335-2


Learning From Our History: Community Development by Immigrant Women in Ontario, 1958-86, A Tool For Action (Toronto: Cross Cultural Communication Centre, 1986), 105 pages (ISBN 0-9691060-7-6).


Racism and Paid Work (Toronto: Garamond Press, 1996), 130 pages, ISBN 1-55193-000-5.


Co-editor (with Jesse Vorst, Roxana Ng, et al), Race, Class, Gender: Bonds and Barriers, (Winnipeg: Between the Lines, 1989), 260 pages (ISBN 0-921284-26-8).


Book Chapters


"Indian Women and Work in the Diaspora,” Handbook on Indian Diaspora. Eds. Radha Hegde and Ajaya Sahoo. New York: Routledge, 2017.


“Restructuring, Resistance and Knowledge Production on Campus: The story of the Department of Equity Studies at York University” in Critical Ethnic Studies: A Reader edited by Nada Elia, et al. Durham: Duke University Press, 2016, p. 90-202.


“Gulf Husbands and Canadian Wives in the South Asian Community: Transnationalism From Below – A Classed, Gendered and Racialized Phenomenon,” in Man, Guida & R. Cohen, eds. 2015. Engendering Transnational Voices: Studies in Family, Work and Identities. Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2015, 17-32.


“Journey to Consciousness,” in Resilience and Triumph: Immigrant women tell their stories edited by Rashmi Luther, et al. Toronto: Second Story Press, 2015, p.245-249.


”Migration, Trauma and Work,” in Roots and Routes of Displacement Trauma: From Analysis to Advocacy and Policy to Practice, Eds. Soheila Pashang and Sheila Gruner. Toronto: Rock Mills Press, 2014.


“Race and Migration,” in Immanuel Nesse, et al. Encyclopedia of Global Human Migration. New York: Wiley-Blackwell, 2012, p.2483-2491.


Tania Das Gupta with Rebecca Hagey and Jane Turritin, "Racial Discrimination in Nursing" in Interrogating Race and Racism, Vijay Agnew, eds. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2007, p.261-301.


Das Gupta, T. "Immigrant Women's Activism: The Last Thirty Years," in Race, Racialization, and Antiracism in Canada and Beyond, Genevieve Fuji Johnson and Randy Enomoto, eds. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2007, p.105-116.


Das Gupta, T. "Racism/Anti-Racism, Precarious Employment and Unions" in Precarious Employment Employment: Understanding Labour Market Insecurity in Canada edited by Leah F. Vosko. Canada: McGill Queen's University Press, 2006, p. 318-334.


Das Gupta, T. Co-authored with Cynthia Cranford and Leah F. Vosko, "Thinking Through Community Unionism" in Precarious Employment: Understanding Labour Market Insecurity in Canada edited by Leah F. Vosko. Canada: McGill Queen's University Press, 2006.


Das Gupta, T. "Racism in Nursing," in Women At the Margins: Is Anyone Listening? edited by Merle Jacobs (Toronto: Women's Press, 2002).


Das Gupta, T. "Families of Native Peoples, Immigrants and People of Colour," in Canadian Families: Diversity, Conflict & Change edited by Nancy Mandell and Ann Duffy (Toronto: Harcourt Brace, 2000), 42 pages.


Das Gupta, T. "Multiculturalism Policy: Terrain of Struggle For Immigrant Women", in Canadian Woman Studies: An Introductory Reader edited by Nuzhat Amin, Frances Beer, Kathryn McPherson, Andrea Medovarski, Angela Miles, Goli Rezai-Rashti (Canada: Inanna Publications and Education Inc., 1999), 6 pages.


Das Gupta, T. "The Politics of Multiculturalism: "Immigrant Women" and the Canadian State," in Scratching the Surface: Canadian Anti-Racist Feminist Thought edited by Enakshi Dua and Angela Robertson (Toronto: Women's Press, 1999), 46 pages.


Das Gupta, T. "Anti-Racism and the Organized Labour Movement," in Racism and Social Inequality in Canada, ed. Vic Satzewich, (Toronto: Thompson Educational Publishing, 1998), 20 pages.


Das Gupta, T. "Towards An Anti-Racist, Feminist Teaching Method," in Feminism and Education: A Canadian Perspective, Vol. 2, (Toronto: Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, 1994), p. 17-42.


Das Gupta, T. "Introducing Race, Class and Gender: Towards an Anti-Racist, Working Class Feminist Movement," in Race, Class, Gender: Bonds and Barriers. (Winnipeg: Between the Lines, 1989) , pp. 1-9.


“Restructuring, Resistance and Knowledge Production on Campus: The story of the Department of Equity Studies at York University” in Critical Ethnic Studies: A Reader edited by Nada Elia, et al. Durham: Duke University Press, 2016, p. 90-202.

Book Reviews


Home and Native Land: Unsettling Multiculturalism in Canada edited by May Chazan, Lisa helps, Anna Stanley, Sonali Thakkar. Toronto: Between the Lines, 2011 in Socialist Studies, Vol. 8, No. 2, 2012.


Global Cities at Work: New Migrant Divisions of Labour. New York: Pluto Press, in Labour/Le Travail, September 22, 2011.


Class and Race formation in North America by James W. Russell in Labour/Le Travail, volume 66 (Fall 2010), p. 259-261


Das Gupta, T. Re-Thinking Anti-Racisms: From Theory To Practice edited by Floya Anthias and Cathie Lloyd in Contemporary Sociology: A Journal of Reviews, 33, 2, 2004.


Das Gupta, D. Immigrants and the Labour Force; Policy, Regulation, and Impact, by Ravi Pendakur in Labour/Le Travail, 2001.


Das Gupta, D. Temporary Work: The Gendered Rise of a Precarious Employment Relationship, by Leah H. Vosko in Resources for Feminist Research, 2001.




Twice Migrated, Twice Displaced explores the lives of Gulf South Asians who arrived in Canada from India and Pakistan via Persian Gulf countries. Tania Das Gupta reveals the multiple migration patterns of this group, analyzing themes such as gender, racial, and religious discrimination; class mobility; the formation of transnational families; and identities in a post-9/11 context. This perceptive study demonstrates the effect of neoliberal labour markets and transnationalism on community building, diaspora, citizenship, and a sense of belonging when in Canada.


Twice Migrated, Twice Displaced explores the lives of Gulf South Asians who arrived in Canada from India and Pakistan via Persian Gulf countries. Tania Das Gupta reveals the multiple migration patterns of this group, analyzing themes such as gender, racial, and religious discrimination; class mobility; the formation of transnational families; and identities in a post-9/11 context. This perceptive study demonstrates the effect of neoliberal labour markets and transnationalism on community building, diaspora, citizenship, and a sense of belonging when in Canada.


Journal Articles


Soma Chatterjee and Tania Das Gupta, “On Migration and Indigenous Sovereignty in a Chronically Mobile World,” Studies in Social Justice, Volume 14, No. 2 (2020): 246-267.


“Are You a Bengali Or Are you an Indian? Bengalis in Canada,” Alternate Routes 31(1), 2019


Tania Das Gupta, Guida Man, Kiran Mirchandani, Roxana Ng, “Class Borders: Chinese and South Asian Canadian Professional Women Navigating the Labour Market,” Journal of Pacific Migration Review, Volume 23, No. 1, 2014, p.55-83.


Pramila Aggarwal and Tania Das Gupta, “Grandmothering at work: Conversations with Sikh Punjabi Grandmothers in Toronto,” South Asian Diaspora, Special Issue, Vol. V, No. 1, 2013, p.77-90.


“The Challenges of a ‘Multicultural’ Classroom: Some Reflections,” Atlantis: A Woman’s Studies Journal, Vol. 35.2 , 2012, p.118-127.


Das Gupta, T. "Twice Migrated: Political Economy of South Asian Immigrants From the Middle East to Canada," International Journal of the Humanities, Vol. 3, Issue 9, p. 263-274, 2005 06. []


Das Gupta, T. "Teaching Anti-Racist Research in the Academy," Teaching Sociology, Vol. 31, No. 4 October 2003, pp.456-468.


Das Gupta, T. and F. lacovetta "Introduction to "Whose Canada Is It? Immigrant Women, Women of Colour and Feminist Critiques of `Multiculturalism'," in Atlantis, Vol. 24.2 Spring/Summer 2000, 4 pages.


Das Gupta, T. "Anti-Black Racism in Nursing in Ontario," in Studies in Political Economy, (Fall, 1996), pp. 97116.


Das Gupta, T. "Multiculturalism Policy: Terrain of Struggle for Immigrant Women," in Canadian Woman Studies, (1994), , p. 72-75.


Das Gupta, T. "Political Economy of Gender, Race & Class: Looking at South Asian Immigrant Women in Canada," in Canadian Ethnic Studies, (1994), Vol. XXVI, no. 1, pp. 59-73.


Das Gupta, T. "Towards An Anti-Racist, Feminist Teaching Method," in New Horizons in Adult Education, (1993), April, pp. 33-50.


Das Gupta, T. "Unravelling the Web," in Resources for Feminist Research, (1987), Vol. 16, no. 1, March, pp. 13-14.


Das Gupta, T. "Involving Immigrant Women: A Case of Participatory Research," in Canadian Women's Studies, (1987), Vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 14-16.


Das Gupta, T. "Looking Under the Mosaic: South Asian Immigrant Women," in Polyphony, (1986), Vol. 8, nos. 1-2, pp. 67-69.


Conference Papers


“Twice Migrated Gulf South Asians in Canada”, 17th Annual Online IMISCOE (International Migration, Integration and Social Cohesion in Europe)
Conference, July 1, 2020.


“Twice Migrated South Asians in Canada”, Canadian Sociological Association (CSA), University of B.C., Vancouver, June 4, 2019.


“Twice Migrated South Asian Households and Transnational Living,” 25th Canadian Ethnic Studies Association (CESA) Conference, Oct. 12, 2018, Banff, Alberta.


“Twice Migrated South Asians in Canada,” Multinational Migration: Onward Migration Patterns and Possibilities in Asia and Beyond, Asia Research Inst. and Yale Centre for the Study of Race, Indigeneity and Transnational Migration, Singapore, September 27, 2018.


“Are You a Bengali Or Are you an Indian? Bengalis in Canada,” Keynote paper presented at the Canada 150th: Conference on Migration of Bengalis to British Columbia, Simon Fraser University, British Columbia, Sep. 16, 2017


“De-valuation of professional immigrant women’s labour: Economic integration in a neo-liberal economy,” Women’s Studies and Feminist Research Annual Conference, Gender and the Global Economy: Continuities, Contradictions, Disruptions, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, April 23, 2014.


“Discourses of racism in the lives of professional Indian and Chinese women immigrants in Canada,” Canadian Sociological Association, Victoria, B.C, June 7, 2013.


“Navigating Neoliberal Globalization: Immigrant Women in Canada,” Women’s World Conference, Ottawa, July 2011.


“Restructuring, Resistance and Knowledge Production on Campus: The Story of the Department of Equity Studies at York University,” paper presented at Critical Ethnic Studies and the Future of Genocide Conference, University of California, Riverside, California, March 10-12, 2011.


“Twice migrated South Asian Canadians: race, gender and class relations in the transnational field,” paper presented at Assessing the Complexities of South Asian Migration, Waterloo, Ontario, May 19-21, 2011.


“Becoming ‘Canadian’: Discourses of Race, Ethnicity and Diaspora in Twice-Migrated South Asian Canadians,” Conference Organized by Chair in Multiculturalism: Re-Thinking Multiculturalism: Brazil, Canada, and the United States, York University, Toronto, Jan. 29-30, 2010.


“Re-Visiting the politics of multiculturalism and citizenship in post-9-11 Canada,” Paper presented at the 10th Annual Critical Race and Anti-Colonial Studies Conference, University of Alberta, Edmonton, October 8-10, 2010.


Paper by Ng, R., Mirchandani, K., Liu, W.l., Shan, H., Das Gupta, T., Man, G. titled: “Mobilizing class transnationally: Professional immigrant women navigating the Canadian labour market.” Canadian Association for the Studies of Adult Education (CASAE) 28th Annual Conference, May 25-27, 2009, Ottawa.


“Transnational Identities: Twice Migrated South Asians in Canada,” 8th Biennial Conference of the Asian Association of Social Psychology, New Delhi, India, December 12, 2009.


“Transnationalism from Below: A Classed, Gendered and Racialized Phenomenon,” Canadian Sociological Association (CSA), Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, Ottawa, May 29, 2009.


“Transnational Class Mobility: Professional Immigrant Women Navigating the Labour Market,” (with Roxana Ng, Kiran Mirchandani, Guida Man, Hongxia Shan), The 8th Critical Race and Anti-Colonial Studies Conference, Researchers and Academics of Colour for Equality (RACE), Ryerson University, Toronto, Nov. 14, 2008.


Das Gupta, T. Presented paper titled: "Transnationalism From Below: Twice-Migrated South Asian Immigrants in Canada," 12th International Metropolis Conference, Melbourne, Australia, Oct. 8-12, 2007.


Das Gupta, T. "Twice Migrated: Political Economy of South Asian Immigrants From the Middle East to Canada,"International Journal of the Humanities, Vol. 3, Issue 9, p. 263-274, 2005 06. []


Das Gupta, T. "Towards a Conceptual Framework of Understanding Racism in the Workplace," Perspective on Social Inequalities: Issues of Race, Gender and Class Worldwide," York University, Sep. 14, 2001.


Das Gupta, T. "Teaching Anti-Racist Research From the Academy," American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., August 15, 2000.


Das Gupta, T. "Issues and Dilemmas in Doing Anti-Racist Research From The Academy," Third Bi-Annual Conference for Caribbean and International Social Work Educators, Trinidad, July 8, 1997.


Das Gupta, T. "The Role of the State in Shaping Families of Colour," Conference on The Political Economy of Marriage and Family, Women's Studies, Atkinson College, York University, November 4, 1995.


Das Gupta, T. "The Construction of Race and Gender in State Policy, Practices and Discourse," Centre for Research in Women's Studies and Gender Relations, The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, October 22, 1995.


Das Gupta, T. "Towards An Anti-Racist, Feminist Teaching Method," Atkinson College And Part-time Education Conference, York University, April 29, 1992.


Das Gupta, T. "Mode of Production Controversy in India," Political Economy of Adult Education Conference, International Council of Adult Education, Toronto, December 8-12, 1980.


Conference Proceedings


"Are You a Bengali or Are you an Indian? Bengalis in Canada," p.15-27. Canada 150 Conference Proceedings: Migration of Bengalis. Edited by Habiba Zaman and Sanzida Habib, Vancouver, B.C., 2018


Das Gupta, T. and B. Fallis, "Defining the Field of Community Development in Toronto," Proceedings of the 9th Annual Conference of Canadian Association for the Study ofAdult Education, ed. Barbara Stolze Clough, (University of Victoria, 1990), pp. 120-124.


Research Reports


Das Gupta, T. "Some Effects on Nurses of Race, Colour or Ethnicity: Summary of Das Gupta's Survey of Nurses, November 2001-May 2002," Implementing Accountability for Equity and Ending Racial Backlash in Nursing, Centre for Equity in Health and Society, Canadian Race Relations Foundation, Toronto, April 2005.


Das Gupta, T. "Racism in Nursing," Ontario Nurses' Association, 2003, 150 pages (additional Executive Report of 19) pages. The full report will be published as a book.


Das Gupta, T. "Analytical Report on Ontario Nurses Association (ONA) vs. Hotel Dieu," ONA, 1995, 75 pages.


Public Lectures


Das Gupta, T. “Anti-Racist Alliances and Practices,” The 8th Annual Critical Race and Anti-Colonial Studies Conference, Researchers and Academics of Colour (RACE), Ryerson University, Toronto, November 16, 2008.


Das Gupta, T. “Labour Market Experiences of Indo-Canadian Women” at the 28th North American Bengali Conference, Metro Toronto Convention Centre, Toronto, July 5, 2008.


Das Gupta, T. “Racial Harassment,” Second Annual Racial Harassment Conference, Osgoode Hall School, May 25, 2003


Das Gupta, T. “Manifestations of Racial Harassment and Discrimination in the Workplace,” Continuing Legal Education, Osgoode Hall School, May 17, 2001.


Das Gupta, T. “Terror and Turmoil: The Situation in South Asia and its Global Implications” organized by South Asian Studies Program at York University, Sep. 26, 2001


Das Gupta, T. Racism at Work, International Day for the Elimination of Racism, Interdepartmental Employment Equity Committee, Human Resources Development Canada, March 21, 2000


Das Gupta, T. Ontario Nurses’ Association (ONA) Human Rights and Equity Caucus, Toronto, Nov. 20, 2000


Das Gupta,T. “Immigrant Women’s Activism: the Last 30 Years,” Conference on End Racism Activism For the 21st Century,” Vancouver, B.C., Nov. 23-25, 2000




Interview: "Asians Moved Back Home En Masse: Then, Something Beautiful Happened." Refinery29, May 13, 2021


Appeared briefly on CBC 6 pm news, May 3, 2021 in relation to interview by CBC for
article ‘How 2 Toronto women are reshaping what it means to be South Asian and taking that message worldwide’.


Interviewed by The Pointer, a local news outlet in Peel Region, on the hiring of an Equity and Diversity Officer by the Carpenter’s District Council of Ontario.


Interviewed by CBC for article ‘How 2 Toronto women are reshaping what it means to be South Asian and taking that message worldwide’, May 3, 2021


“Inquiry into coronavirus nursing home deaths needs to include discussion of workers and race.” The Conversation, May 25, 2020.


Current Courses

Term Course Number Section Title Type
Fall/Winter 2024 AP/GWST3510 6.0 A Women & Work: Production & Reproduction LECT

Tania Das Gupta is professor in the School of Gender, Sexuality and Women's Studies in the Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies, York University. Her publications and research interests are in the following areas: South Asian diaspora, race and racism, anti-racism, immigration and refugee issues, state policies, and women, work and families. Most recent publication is Twice Migrated Twice Displaced: Indian and Pakistani Transnational Households in Canada from UBC Press (2021)


Ph.D., University of Toronto
M.A., University of Toronto
B.A., University of Toronto

Research Interests

, Racism and Anti-racism , Gender Issues, Class, Employment and Labour, Multiculturalism, Migration, Transnationalism


  • York University Merit Award, 2008 - 2008
  • Atkinson College Alumni Association Teaching Award, 1997 - 1997
  • Charles E. Lightbody Scholarship, University of Saskatchewan, 1983 (top third-year student in history) - 1983
  • University of Toronto Scholarship for study at Oxford 1975 - 1975

Current Research Projects

COVID-19 and Punjabi Migration


    In partnership with Punjabi Community Health Services (PCHS), this project’s goals are to discover the shifting needs, obstacles, concerns and coping strategies around settlement among young newcomer Punjabis (ages 18–35) in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) arising as a result of COVID-19.


    The project’s objectives are to:
    1) assess the specific needs and obstacles that GTA-based Punjabi newcomers are encountering in the COVID-19 period and formulate support strategies.
    2) understand how young Punjabi migrants may be adapting their migration plans and strategies to COVID-19 and post-COVID-19 environments in India and Canada.
    3) understand and document alternative mobility pathways for young Punjabis in India who are unable to migrate between the two locations under COVID-19 conditions.

    Project Type: Funded
    Role: Principle Investigator

    Start Date:
      Month: May   Year: 2021

    End Date:
      Month: Dec   Year: 2021

    Collaborator: Dr. Sugandha Nagpal
    Collaborator Institution: O.P. Jindal Global University, India

All Publications

Book Chapters


"Indian Women and Work in the Diaspora,” Handbook on Indian Diaspora. Eds. Radha Hegde and Ajaya Sahoo. New York: Routledge, 2017.


“Restructuring, Resistance and Knowledge Production on Campus: The story of the Department of Equity Studies at York University” in Critical Ethnic Studies: A Reader edited by Nada Elia, et al. Durham: Duke University Press, 2016, p. 90-202.


“Gulf Husbands and Canadian Wives in the South Asian Community: Transnationalism From Below – A Classed, Gendered and Racialized Phenomenon,” in Man, Guida & R. Cohen, eds. 2015. Engendering Transnational Voices: Studies in Family, Work and Identities. Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2015, 17-32.


“Journey to Consciousness,” in Resilience and Triumph: Immigrant women tell their stories edited by Rashmi Luther, et al. Toronto: Second Story Press, 2015, p.245-249.


”Migration, Trauma and Work,” in Roots and Routes of Displacement Trauma: From Analysis to Advocacy and Policy to Practice, Eds. Soheila Pashang and Sheila Gruner. Toronto: Rock Mills Press, 2014.


“Race and Migration,” in Immanuel Nesse, et al. Encyclopedia of Global Human Migration. New York: Wiley-Blackwell, 2012, p.2483-2491.


Tania Das Gupta with Rebecca Hagey and Jane Turritin, "Racial Discrimination in Nursing" in Interrogating Race and Racism, Vijay Agnew, eds. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2007, p.261-301.


Das Gupta, T. "Immigrant Women's Activism: The Last Thirty Years," in Race, Racialization, and Antiracism in Canada and Beyond, Genevieve Fuji Johnson and Randy Enomoto, eds. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2007, p.105-116.


Das Gupta, T. "Racism/Anti-Racism, Precarious Employment and Unions" in Precarious Employment Employment: Understanding Labour Market Insecurity in Canada edited by Leah F. Vosko. Canada: McGill Queen's University Press, 2006, p. 318-334.


Das Gupta, T. Co-authored with Cynthia Cranford and Leah F. Vosko, "Thinking Through Community Unionism" in Precarious Employment: Understanding Labour Market Insecurity in Canada edited by Leah F. Vosko. Canada: McGill Queen's University Press, 2006.


Das Gupta, T. "Racism in Nursing," in Women At the Margins: Is Anyone Listening? edited by Merle Jacobs (Toronto: Women's Press, 2002).


Das Gupta, T. "Families of Native Peoples, Immigrants and People of Colour," in Canadian Families: Diversity, Conflict & Change edited by Nancy Mandell and Ann Duffy (Toronto: Harcourt Brace, 2000), 42 pages.


Das Gupta, T. "Multiculturalism Policy: Terrain of Struggle For Immigrant Women", in Canadian Woman Studies: An Introductory Reader edited by Nuzhat Amin, Frances Beer, Kathryn McPherson, Andrea Medovarski, Angela Miles, Goli Rezai-Rashti (Canada: Inanna Publications and Education Inc., 1999), 6 pages.


Das Gupta, T. "The Politics of Multiculturalism: "Immigrant Women" and the Canadian State," in Scratching the Surface: Canadian Anti-Racist Feminist Thought edited by Enakshi Dua and Angela Robertson (Toronto: Women's Press, 1999), 46 pages.


Das Gupta, T. "Anti-Racism and the Organized Labour Movement," in Racism and Social Inequality in Canada, ed. Vic Satzewich, (Toronto: Thompson Educational Publishing, 1998), 20 pages.


Das Gupta, T. "Towards An Anti-Racist, Feminist Teaching Method," in Feminism and Education: A Canadian Perspective, Vol. 2, (Toronto: Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, 1994), p. 17-42.


Das Gupta, T. "Introducing Race, Class and Gender: Towards an Anti-Racist, Working Class Feminist Movement," in Race, Class, Gender: Bonds and Barriers. (Winnipeg: Between the Lines, 1989) , pp. 1-9.


“Restructuring, Resistance and Knowledge Production on Campus: The story of the Department of Equity Studies at York University” in Critical Ethnic Studies: A Reader edited by Nada Elia, et al. Durham: Duke University Press, 2016, p. 90-202.

Book Reviews


Home and Native Land: Unsettling Multiculturalism in Canada edited by May Chazan, Lisa helps, Anna Stanley, Sonali Thakkar. Toronto: Between the Lines, 2011 in Socialist Studies, Vol. 8, No. 2, 2012.


Global Cities at Work: New Migrant Divisions of Labour. New York: Pluto Press, in Labour/Le Travail, September 22, 2011.


Class and Race formation in North America by James W. Russell in Labour/Le Travail, volume 66 (Fall 2010), p. 259-261


Das Gupta, T. Re-Thinking Anti-Racisms: From Theory To Practice edited by Floya Anthias and Cathie Lloyd in Contemporary Sociology: A Journal of Reviews, 33, 2, 2004.


Das Gupta, D. Immigrants and the Labour Force; Policy, Regulation, and Impact, by Ravi Pendakur in Labour/Le Travail, 2001.


Das Gupta, D. Temporary Work: The Gendered Rise of a Precarious Employment Relationship, by Leah H. Vosko in Resources for Feminist Research, 2001.




Twice Migrated, Twice Displaced: Gulf-Indian and Gulf-Pakistani Professionals and Transnational Households in Canada, 2004-2014 (In press, UBC Press, projected September 2021).


Guest co-editor (with Soma Chatterjee) of Special Issue on Indigenous self-determination in a ‘chronically mobile’ world: Critical perspectives from anti-racist scholars of migration and mobility, in Studies in Social Justice, Vol. 14, No. 2 (2020)


Race and Racialization: Essential Readings. Lead editor (with Carl James, Chris Andersen, Grace Edwards Galabuzi, Roger Maaka). Toronto: Canadian Scholars’ Press, 2018 (second edition), 713 pages.


Real Nurses and Others: Racism in Nursing. (Halifax: Fernwood Press, 2009) ,127 pages , ISBN978-1-55266-298-4


Co-edited with Carl James, Grace Edwards Galabuzi, Roger Maaka, Chris Andersen, Race and Racialization: Essential Readings. Toronto: Canadian Scholars’ Press, 2007, 416 pages (ISBN 978-1-55130-335-2


Learning From Our History: Community Development by Immigrant Women in Ontario, 1958-86, A Tool For Action (Toronto: Cross Cultural Communication Centre, 1986), 105 pages (ISBN 0-9691060-7-6).


Racism and Paid Work (Toronto: Garamond Press, 1996), 130 pages, ISBN 1-55193-000-5.


Co-editor (with Jesse Vorst, Roxana Ng, et al), Race, Class, Gender: Bonds and Barriers, (Winnipeg: Between the Lines, 1989), 260 pages (ISBN 0-921284-26-8).




Twice Migrated, Twice Displaced explores the lives of Gulf South Asians who arrived in Canada from India and Pakistan via Persian Gulf countries. Tania Das Gupta reveals the multiple migration patterns of this group, analyzing themes such as gender, racial, and religious discrimination; class mobility; the formation of transnational families; and identities in a post-9/11 context. This perceptive study demonstrates the effect of neoliberal labour markets and transnationalism on community building, diaspora, citizenship, and a sense of belonging when in Canada.


Twice Migrated, Twice Displaced explores the lives of Gulf South Asians who arrived in Canada from India and Pakistan via Persian Gulf countries. Tania Das Gupta reveals the multiple migration patterns of this group, analyzing themes such as gender, racial, and religious discrimination; class mobility; the formation of transnational families; and identities in a post-9/11 context. This perceptive study demonstrates the effect of neoliberal labour markets and transnationalism on community building, diaspora, citizenship, and a sense of belonging when in Canada.


Journal Articles


Soma Chatterjee and Tania Das Gupta, “On Migration and Indigenous Sovereignty in a Chronically Mobile World,” Studies in Social Justice, Volume 14, No. 2 (2020): 246-267.


“Are You a Bengali Or Are you an Indian? Bengalis in Canada,” Alternate Routes 31(1), 2019


Tania Das Gupta, Guida Man, Kiran Mirchandani, Roxana Ng, “Class Borders: Chinese and South Asian Canadian Professional Women Navigating the Labour Market,” Journal of Pacific Migration Review, Volume 23, No. 1, 2014, p.55-83.


Pramila Aggarwal and Tania Das Gupta, “Grandmothering at work: Conversations with Sikh Punjabi Grandmothers in Toronto,” South Asian Diaspora, Special Issue, Vol. V, No. 1, 2013, p.77-90.


“The Challenges of a ‘Multicultural’ Classroom: Some Reflections,” Atlantis: A Woman’s Studies Journal, Vol. 35.2 , 2012, p.118-127.


Das Gupta, T. "Twice Migrated: Political Economy of South Asian Immigrants From the Middle East to Canada," International Journal of the Humanities, Vol. 3, Issue 9, p. 263-274, 2005 06. []


Das Gupta, T. "Teaching Anti-Racist Research in the Academy," Teaching Sociology, Vol. 31, No. 4 October 2003, pp.456-468.


Das Gupta, T. and F. lacovetta "Introduction to "Whose Canada Is It? Immigrant Women, Women of Colour and Feminist Critiques of `Multiculturalism'," in Atlantis, Vol. 24.2 Spring/Summer 2000, 4 pages.


Das Gupta, T. "Anti-Black Racism in Nursing in Ontario," in Studies in Political Economy, (Fall, 1996), pp. 97116.


Das Gupta, T. "Multiculturalism Policy: Terrain of Struggle for Immigrant Women," in Canadian Woman Studies, (1994), , p. 72-75.


Das Gupta, T. "Political Economy of Gender, Race & Class: Looking at South Asian Immigrant Women in Canada," in Canadian Ethnic Studies, (1994), Vol. XXVI, no. 1, pp. 59-73.


Das Gupta, T. "Towards An Anti-Racist, Feminist Teaching Method," in New Horizons in Adult Education, (1993), April, pp. 33-50.


Das Gupta, T. "Unravelling the Web," in Resources for Feminist Research, (1987), Vol. 16, no. 1, March, pp. 13-14.


Das Gupta, T. "Involving Immigrant Women: A Case of Participatory Research," in Canadian Women's Studies, (1987), Vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 14-16.


Das Gupta, T. "Looking Under the Mosaic: South Asian Immigrant Women," in Polyphony, (1986), Vol. 8, nos. 1-2, pp. 67-69.


Conference Papers


“Twice Migrated Gulf South Asians in Canada”, 17th Annual Online IMISCOE (International Migration, Integration and Social Cohesion in Europe)
Conference, July 1, 2020.


“Twice Migrated South Asians in Canada”, Canadian Sociological Association (CSA), University of B.C., Vancouver, June 4, 2019.


“Twice Migrated South Asian Households and Transnational Living,” 25th Canadian Ethnic Studies Association (CESA) Conference, Oct. 12, 2018, Banff, Alberta.


“Twice Migrated South Asians in Canada,” Multinational Migration: Onward Migration Patterns and Possibilities in Asia and Beyond, Asia Research Inst. and Yale Centre for the Study of Race, Indigeneity and Transnational Migration, Singapore, September 27, 2018.


“Are You a Bengali Or Are you an Indian? Bengalis in Canada,” Keynote paper presented at the Canada 150th: Conference on Migration of Bengalis to British Columbia, Simon Fraser University, British Columbia, Sep. 16, 2017


“De-valuation of professional immigrant women’s labour: Economic integration in a neo-liberal economy,” Women’s Studies and Feminist Research Annual Conference, Gender and the Global Economy: Continuities, Contradictions, Disruptions, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, April 23, 2014.


“Discourses of racism in the lives of professional Indian and Chinese women immigrants in Canada,” Canadian Sociological Association, Victoria, B.C, June 7, 2013.


“Navigating Neoliberal Globalization: Immigrant Women in Canada,” Women’s World Conference, Ottawa, July 2011.


“Restructuring, Resistance and Knowledge Production on Campus: The Story of the Department of Equity Studies at York University,” paper presented at Critical Ethnic Studies and the Future of Genocide Conference, University of California, Riverside, California, March 10-12, 2011.


“Twice migrated South Asian Canadians: race, gender and class relations in the transnational field,” paper presented at Assessing the Complexities of South Asian Migration, Waterloo, Ontario, May 19-21, 2011.


“Becoming ‘Canadian’: Discourses of Race, Ethnicity and Diaspora in Twice-Migrated South Asian Canadians,” Conference Organized by Chair in Multiculturalism: Re-Thinking Multiculturalism: Brazil, Canada, and the United States, York University, Toronto, Jan. 29-30, 2010.


“Re-Visiting the politics of multiculturalism and citizenship in post-9-11 Canada,” Paper presented at the 10th Annual Critical Race and Anti-Colonial Studies Conference, University of Alberta, Edmonton, October 8-10, 2010.


Paper by Ng, R., Mirchandani, K., Liu, W.l., Shan, H., Das Gupta, T., Man, G. titled: “Mobilizing class transnationally: Professional immigrant women navigating the Canadian labour market.” Canadian Association for the Studies of Adult Education (CASAE) 28th Annual Conference, May 25-27, 2009, Ottawa.


“Transnational Identities: Twice Migrated South Asians in Canada,” 8th Biennial Conference of the Asian Association of Social Psychology, New Delhi, India, December 12, 2009.


“Transnationalism from Below: A Classed, Gendered and Racialized Phenomenon,” Canadian Sociological Association (CSA), Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, Ottawa, May 29, 2009.


“Transnational Class Mobility: Professional Immigrant Women Navigating the Labour Market,” (with Roxana Ng, Kiran Mirchandani, Guida Man, Hongxia Shan), The 8th Critical Race and Anti-Colonial Studies Conference, Researchers and Academics of Colour for Equality (RACE), Ryerson University, Toronto, Nov. 14, 2008.


Das Gupta, T. Presented paper titled: "Transnationalism From Below: Twice-Migrated South Asian Immigrants in Canada," 12th International Metropolis Conference, Melbourne, Australia, Oct. 8-12, 2007.


Das Gupta, T. "Twice Migrated: Political Economy of South Asian Immigrants From the Middle East to Canada,"International Journal of the Humanities, Vol. 3, Issue 9, p. 263-274, 2005 06. []


Das Gupta, T. "Towards a Conceptual Framework of Understanding Racism in the Workplace," Perspective on Social Inequalities: Issues of Race, Gender and Class Worldwide," York University, Sep. 14, 2001.


Das Gupta, T. "Teaching Anti-Racist Research From the Academy," American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., August 15, 2000.


Das Gupta, T. "Issues and Dilemmas in Doing Anti-Racist Research From The Academy," Third Bi-Annual Conference for Caribbean and International Social Work Educators, Trinidad, July 8, 1997.


Das Gupta, T. "The Role of the State in Shaping Families of Colour," Conference on The Political Economy of Marriage and Family, Women's Studies, Atkinson College, York University, November 4, 1995.


Das Gupta, T. "The Construction of Race and Gender in State Policy, Practices and Discourse," Centre for Research in Women's Studies and Gender Relations, The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, October 22, 1995.


Das Gupta, T. "Towards An Anti-Racist, Feminist Teaching Method," Atkinson College And Part-time Education Conference, York University, April 29, 1992.


Das Gupta, T. "Mode of Production Controversy in India," Political Economy of Adult Education Conference, International Council of Adult Education, Toronto, December 8-12, 1980.


Conference Proceedings


"Are You a Bengali or Are you an Indian? Bengalis in Canada," p.15-27. Canada 150 Conference Proceedings: Migration of Bengalis. Edited by Habiba Zaman and Sanzida Habib, Vancouver, B.C., 2018


Das Gupta, T. and B. Fallis, "Defining the Field of Community Development in Toronto," Proceedings of the 9th Annual Conference of Canadian Association for the Study ofAdult Education, ed. Barbara Stolze Clough, (University of Victoria, 1990), pp. 120-124.


Research Reports


Das Gupta, T. "Some Effects on Nurses of Race, Colour or Ethnicity: Summary of Das Gupta's Survey of Nurses, November 2001-May 2002," Implementing Accountability for Equity and Ending Racial Backlash in Nursing, Centre for Equity in Health and Society, Canadian Race Relations Foundation, Toronto, April 2005.


Das Gupta, T. "Racism in Nursing," Ontario Nurses' Association, 2003, 150 pages (additional Executive Report of 19) pages. The full report will be published as a book.


Das Gupta, T. "Analytical Report on Ontario Nurses Association (ONA) vs. Hotel Dieu," ONA, 1995, 75 pages.


Public Lectures


Das Gupta, T. “Anti-Racist Alliances and Practices,” The 8th Annual Critical Race and Anti-Colonial Studies Conference, Researchers and Academics of Colour (RACE), Ryerson University, Toronto, November 16, 2008.


Das Gupta, T. “Labour Market Experiences of Indo-Canadian Women” at the 28th North American Bengali Conference, Metro Toronto Convention Centre, Toronto, July 5, 2008.


Das Gupta, T. “Racial Harassment,” Second Annual Racial Harassment Conference, Osgoode Hall School, May 25, 2003


Das Gupta, T. “Manifestations of Racial Harassment and Discrimination in the Workplace,” Continuing Legal Education, Osgoode Hall School, May 17, 2001.


Das Gupta, T. “Terror and Turmoil: The Situation in South Asia and its Global Implications” organized by South Asian Studies Program at York University, Sep. 26, 2001


Das Gupta, T. Racism at Work, International Day for the Elimination of Racism, Interdepartmental Employment Equity Committee, Human Resources Development Canada, March 21, 2000


Das Gupta, T. Ontario Nurses’ Association (ONA) Human Rights and Equity Caucus, Toronto, Nov. 20, 2000


Das Gupta,T. “Immigrant Women’s Activism: the Last 30 Years,” Conference on End Racism Activism For the 21st Century,” Vancouver, B.C., Nov. 23-25, 2000




Interview: "Asians Moved Back Home En Masse: Then, Something Beautiful Happened." Refinery29, May 13, 2021


Appeared briefly on CBC 6 pm news, May 3, 2021 in relation to interview by CBC for
article ‘How 2 Toronto women are reshaping what it means to be South Asian and taking that message worldwide’.


Interviewed by The Pointer, a local news outlet in Peel Region, on the hiring of an Equity and Diversity Officer by the Carpenter’s District Council of Ontario.


Interviewed by CBC for article ‘How 2 Toronto women are reshaping what it means to be South Asian and taking that message worldwide’, May 3, 2021


“Inquiry into coronavirus nursing home deaths needs to include discussion of workers and race.” The Conversation, May 25, 2020.


Current Courses

Term Course Number Section Title Type
Fall/Winter 2024 AP/GWST3510 6.0 A Women & Work: Production & Reproduction LECT