Ted Goossen

Professor Emeritus
Office: Vanier College, 231
Phone: 416-736-2100 Ext: 66986
Email: tgoossen@yorku.ca
Professor Ted Goossen specialize in Modern And Contemporary Japanese Literature, and have translated a number of Japanese writers, including Shiga Naoya, Ibuse Masuji and Murakami Haruki. He has also involved on a fairly regular basis with the Department of Contemporary studies at the University of Tokyo, where he taught courses in Canadian and Japanese literature and literary translation.
PhD, University of TorontoMA, University of Toronto
BA, Oberlin College
The Oxford Book of Japanese Short Stories. Great Britain: Oxford University Press, 1997.
'Apocalypse and Matricide in Contemporary Japanese Literature.' Nihon Bungaku ni Okeru 'Haha' Zo ['The Image of the Mother in Japanese Literature']. Tokyo: Yuseido Press, 1997.
'Behind Front: War Propaganda Photography and the Discovery of 'Text'.' The Expanding Universe of English. Ed. Sato & Shibata. Tokyo: Tokyo University Press, 1996.
'Front no Uramen.(Behind Front).' Ekusuto no Hakken (The Discovery of Text). Ed. Yoshihiro Ohsawa. Tokyo: Chuokoron-sha, 1994. 270-284.
'Apocalypse and Matricide in Contemporary Japanese Literature.' Proceedings of the International Symposium, 'Mothers in Japanese Literature. 6-7 Aug. 1995, UBC.
Professor Ted Goossen specialize in Modern And Contemporary Japanese Literature, and have translated a number of Japanese writers, including Shiga Naoya, Ibuse Masuji and Murakami Haruki. He has also involved on a fairly regular basis with the Department of Contemporary studies at the University of Tokyo, where he taught courses in Canadian and Japanese literature and literary translation.
PhD, University of TorontoMA, University of Toronto
BA, Oberlin College
All Publications
'Apocalypse and Matricide in Contemporary Japanese Literature.' Nihon Bungaku ni Okeru 'Haha' Zo ['The Image of the Mother in Japanese Literature']. Tokyo: Yuseido Press, 1997.
'Behind Front: War Propaganda Photography and the Discovery of 'Text'.' The Expanding Universe of English. Ed. Sato & Shibata. Tokyo: Tokyo University Press, 1996.
'Front no Uramen.(Behind Front).' Ekusuto no Hakken (The Discovery of Text). Ed. Yoshihiro Ohsawa. Tokyo: Chuokoron-sha, 1994. 270-284.
The Oxford Book of Japanese Short Stories. Great Britain: Oxford University Press, 1997.
'Apocalypse and Matricide in Contemporary Japanese Literature.' Proceedings of the International Symposium, 'Mothers in Japanese Literature. 6-7 Aug. 1995, UBC.