Wilburn Hayden

Professor Emeritus
Office: School of Social Work
Phone: 647-344-0373
Email: whayden@yorku.ca
Primary website: Wilburn Hayden
Secondary website: Blacks in Appalachia
Attached CV
A leading expert on Black Appalachians, Hayden joined York University as the Director of the School of Social Work in 2007 after a long and distinguished career of university teaching, academic leadership and social work practice. His last post before coming to York was at the California University of Pennsylvania where he was professor and director of the Master of Social Work Program. His book, Appalachian Black People: Identity, Location and Racial Barriers will be published spring 2015. Black Canadians is his current research focus.
Having grown up in Winston-Salem in the Appalachian county of Forsyth, North Carolina, he has worked and been involved in Appalachian studies for a lifetime and has taught in three Appalachian universities. He was featured in the PBS documentary film "The Appalachians", which has been shown regularly on local PBS stations since April 2005. His scholarship has been complemented by extensive community practice as well as professional credentials that include the Academy of Certified Social Workers and Certified Social Work Manager. Community practice experiences include director of human services; chief social worker in a state prison; and community organizer with groups from adult male ex-offenders to females and males developing services for battered women including political campaigns. He has been selected the National Association Social Workers Social Worker of the Year in North Carolina, 1988 and Pennsylvania, 2007.
PhD, University of TorontoMSW, University of North Carolina
BA, St. Andrews University
Professional Leadership
National Association of Social Workers (NASW) – Treasurer & Board of Directors, 1987 – 1989 North Carolina Chapter of NASW – Treasurer & Board of Directors, 1978 – 82, 1984 – 85 Appalachian Studies Association – President, 1988-89 National Association of Social Work Deans and Directors (NASWDD) – Board & Secretary, 2003 – 2007 Social Worker of the Year: NC NASW,1988; PA NASW,2007 Distinguish Friend of Appalachia, East Tennessee State University, Center for Appalachian Studies and Services, 2015
Community Contributions
York Centre for Human Rights Anti-Racism Workshop Focus Group, 2011 – 12 York Sexual Assault Survivors' Support Line and Leadership Advisory Board, 2011 - 2014 Institute on Social Work and Social Sciences. Co-planner and co-presenter. University of Duhok, Kurdistan, Iraq. December 13-15, 2013. Racial Issues,Panel member; A Look at How Our Racial Environments Shape Our Values, Identity and Behaviour in Toronto,Conducted two sessions.Police College Staff Development Day. January 21, 2014. “Community Café: Community Wellness – Jane-Finch Communities.” York U. School of Social Work Global & Local Community Engagement Committee, February 1, 2017.
Research Interests
Current Research Projects
The primary objective of the project was to explore potential collaboration between the School of Social Work and Salahaddin University’s Social Work Education Department.
Description:Three York faculty members traveled to Kurdistan Salahaddin University-Hawler from April 10 – 21, 2013; Formal Presentations were made to: Department of Social Work faculty, staff and students, and the College of Arts (faculty members from different departments); meetings and informal discussions were held.
Start Date:
- Month: Apr Year: 2013
End Date:
- Month: Apr Year: 2013
LA & PS Internationalization Initiatives Fund
This is on-going research that looks at black Canadians historical and comtemporary within the context of multiculturalism.
Description:Through critical race theory the study examines racism, white privilege, discrimination and prejudices as barriers that reduces life options and quality of life for blacks.Racial, ethnic and religious silos are examined as social conditions impacting on black Canadian residents.
This study is a comprehensive examination of blacks living in the USA Appalachia. The foci include a history of blacks in the mostly white region, an assessment of the socio-economic data and the impact of racism. Five barriers that lock a group into oppression are employed in the analyses. These barriers are poverty, prejudice, discrimination, powerlessness and white privilege. The study relies heavy on the USA Census data.
Hayden, W. Appalachian Black People: Identity, Location and Barriers. Pittsburgh: 91 South. March 2015.
Hayden, W. “Black Slavery of Appalachia,” and “Appalachian Freed Blacks.” Encyclopedia of Appalachia. Knoxville, TN: University of Tennessee, 2006.
Hayden, W. Community Service Skills. Needham, MA: Simon & Schuster, 1999
Hayden. W. Foundation of Family Services Skills. Needham, MA: Ginn Press, 1987, Second Edition, 1990; Third Edition, Needham, MA: Simon & Schuster, 1999
Hayden. W. Intensive Job Placement Training Manual. (co-author) . Human Resources Consultants, Chapel Hill, NC, May 1981
“Black Slavery of Appalachia,” and “Appalachian Freed Blacks.” Encyclopedia of Appalachia. Knoxville, TN: University of Tennessee, 2006.
Hayden, W. “Barriers Confronting African-Americans of the Rural Appalachian Region.” Chapter in Social Work in Rural Communities. 4th edition. Edited by Leon Ginsberg, Washington, DC: CSWE, 2005
Hayden. W. “African American in Appalachia: Intensification of Historical Demographic Patterns.” Chapter in The Hidden America: Social Problems in Rural American in the 21st Century. Edited by Robert Moore. Selinsgrove, MS: Susquehanna University Press, 2001
Hayden, W. in L. Ginsberg. "African American Appalachian: Barriers to Equality." in Leon Ginsberg, Rural Social Work Practice. Washington, DC: CSWE, 1999
Hayden. W. "Total Quality Management: Continuous Process Improvement and Case Management." (co-author). in Burton Gummer and Philip McCallion. Total Quality Management (TQM) in the Social Services: Theory and Practice. Albany, NY: Rockefeller College Press, 1995
Hayden, W. in S. Jones. "Black Appalachian Families." in Shirley Jones, Sociocultural and Service Issues in Working Rural Clients. NY: SUNY-Albany, 1993
Hayden, W. in Keys, P. and L. "A Curriculum Model for Social Work Management." in Paul Keys and Leon Ginsberg, New Management in Human Services. MD: NASW, 1988,
Hayden, W. in Loyd, J. and A. "Blacks: An Invisible Institution in Appalachia?" in Jim Lloyd and Anne Campbell, The Impact of Institutions in Appalachia. Boone, NC; Appalachian Consortium, 1986
Hayden. W. in R. Horn. "Ghetto." in Robert Horn, The Guide to Simulations/Games for Education and Training, 3rd Edition, edited by Cranford, NJ, Didactic Systems, Inc., 1977
Hayden,W. Susan Keefe. Appalachian Cultural Competency. Book Review for The Journal of Appalachian Studies. 12-2, 2008, Huntington, WV: Appalachian Studies Association.
Susan Keefe. Appalachian Cultural Competency. Book Review for The Journal of Appalachian Studies. 12-2, 2008, Huntington, WV: Appalachian Studies Association.
Hayden, W.“Integrating Behavioral Health Services within a Primary Care Center in a Rural Setting.” (co-authored). Families in Society. January-March, 2005.
Hayden, W. “Racial and Ethnic Diversity in Appalachia.” The Journal of Appalachian Studies. 10-3, 2004. Huntington, WV: Appalachian Studies Association
Hayden, W. “In Search of Justice: White Privilege in Appalachia.” The Journal of Appalachian Studies. Spring, 2002. Huntington, WV: Appalachian Studies Association
Hayden. W. "The Family Services Associate Curriculum: Social Work Education for Indigenous Workers.” Human Science Research Council Journal, Special Issue: Indigenisation in Social Work Education. Cape Town, South Africa. Fall, 1997
Hayden, W.“Integrating Behavioral Health Services within a Primary Care Center in a Rural Setting.” (co-authored). Families in Society. January-March, 2005.
“Black Appalachians: Identity, Locations and Barriers.” WVA NASW 2017 Spring Continuing Education Conference for Social Workers, Charleston, WV, April 28, 2017.
“Appalachia Virginia and West Virginia Black Populations: A Demographic Examination.” April 21, 2011. Undergraduate Research Day Conference Keynote. Concord University, Athens, West Virginia.
“West Virginia History Omission or Exclusion,” Keynote at A Black History Month Program sponsored by the West Virginia Division of Culture and History Center Capitol Complex, Charleston, West Virginia February 19, 2012
“A Demographic Examination of African Americans in Northern Appalachia.” Appalachian Studies Conference. Indiana University of PA, March 23-25, 2012.
“Ausubel, Johnson and Bloom: Educational Theory Based Professional Social Work Curriculum.” CASWE Conference. Wilfrid-Laurier University, May 28-31, 2012
Hayden, W. "Northern Appalachian Black Populations: A Demographic Examination." Celebrating Northern Appalachia In Word and Song Conference. California University of Pennsylvania. April 11, 2011
Hayden, W. "Appalachia Virginia and West Virginia Black Populations: A Demographic Examination." Undergraduate Research Day Conference Keynote. Concord University, Athens, West Virginia, April 21, 2011
Hayden, W.“A Systematic Framework for Examining Oppression Across National Boundaries.” CASWE Annual Conference. Carlton University, Ottawa, May 27 – 29, 2009.
Hayden, W. “Appalachian Racism: Still the Challenge for the Next Three Decades.” 31st Annual Appalachian Studies Conference. Marshall University. Huntington, WV. March 28 - 30, 2008.
Hayden, W. “Racial and Ethnic Diversity in Appalachia" (Keynote Address) 16th Annual REACH Conference. St. Clair College. Dayton, Ohio, February 29th, 2008.
Hayden, W. “Racism and White Privilege.” University of North Carolina – Greensboro, April 3-4, 2008.
Hayden, W. “Racial and Ethnic Diversity in Appalachia.” Radford University. Radford, VA, March 2007
Hayden, W. “The Appalachians: Examining the History, Culture and People.” Opening Presentation. PA NASW Annual Conference, King of Prussia, PA, March 2, 2006
Hayden, W. “White Privilege and Racism: Barriers to Equality.” West Chester University MSW Program, West Chester, PA, March 24, 2006; September 1, 2006
“Hayden, W. Culture Implications for Practicing in Appalachian Communities.” Conference Keynote, Marshall University, November 10, 2006
Hayden, W. “Developing and Fostering Ones Professional Rural Identity for Working with Rural Populations” Keynote Address. Community Care Behavioral Health Organization Conference, Harrisburg, PA, October 20, 2005
Hayden, W. “Voices from Black Appalachia: A Comparative Examination of African American Appalachians Living in Small Towns and Cities within the Region,” the Appalachian Studies Conference, Helen, GA, March, 2002
Hayden, W. Appalachia Virginia and West Virginia Black Populations: A Demographic Examination. Undergraduate Research Day Conference Keynote. Concord University, Athens, West Virginia. April 21, 2011
"Blacks: An Invisible Institution in Appalachia?" in Jim Lloyd and Anne Campbell, The Impact of Institutions in Appalachia. Boone, NC; Appalachian Consortium, 1986.
Hayden, W. “Photos from the Black Appalachian Photographic Essay Exhibit.” Appalachian Heritage, Summer, 36-3. Berea, KY: Appalachian Center, 2008.
Hayden, W. A Photographic Essay Exhibit: "It Takes Some Kicking: Voices From Black Appalachia," funded by the University of North Carolina at Greensboro Research Council; 1974-75 and Appalachian Research Council Berea College; 1984 - 85
“Community Café: Community Wellness – Jane-Finch Communities.” York U. School of Social Work Global & Local Community Engagement Committee, February 1, 2017.
"Black Poverty and Silos: The Mosaic Multi-Culture Ontario." York University Centre for Human Rights. March 22, 2011
Hayden, W. "Black Poverty and Silos: The Mosaic Multi-Culture Ontario." York University Centre for Human Rights. March 22, 2011
Hayden, W. "Race Matters: MacLeans Asian Ambush. Racism in the Media: York U Talks Back!" York University Centre for Human Rights. March 24, 2011.
“Racial Challenges for Social Work Practitioners: An Examination of Canadian Racism, Segregation, Discrimination, Prejudice, and White Privilege,” School of Work Field Instructors Training, York University, October 21, 2011.
Hayden, W. "Canadian Social History: A Racial Timeline". York University Centre for Human Rights. February 10, 2010.
A leading expert on Black Appalachians, Hayden joined York University as the Director of the School of Social Work in 2007 after a long and distinguished career of university teaching, academic leadership and social work practice. His last post before coming to York was at the California University of Pennsylvania where he was professor and director of the Master of Social Work Program. His book, Appalachian Black People: Identity, Location and Racial Barriers will be published spring 2015. Black Canadians is his current research focus.
Having grown up in Winston-Salem in the Appalachian county of Forsyth, North Carolina, he has worked and been involved in Appalachian studies for a lifetime and has taught in three Appalachian universities. He was featured in the PBS documentary film "The Appalachians", which has been shown regularly on local PBS stations since April 2005. His scholarship has been complemented by extensive community practice as well as professional credentials that include the Academy of Certified Social Workers and Certified Social Work Manager. Community practice experiences include director of human services; chief social worker in a state prison; and community organizer with groups from adult male ex-offenders to females and males developing services for battered women including political campaigns. He has been selected the National Association Social Workers Social Worker of the Year in North Carolina, 1988 and Pennsylvania, 2007.
PhD, University of TorontoMSW, University of North Carolina
BA, St. Andrews University
Professional Leadership
National Association of Social Workers (NASW) – Treasurer & Board of Directors, 1987 – 1989 North Carolina Chapter of NASW – Treasurer & Board of Directors, 1978 – 82, 1984 – 85 Appalachian Studies Association – President, 1988-89 National Association of Social Work Deans and Directors (NASWDD) – Board & Secretary, 2003 – 2007 Social Worker of the Year: NC NASW,1988; PA NASW,2007 Distinguish Friend of Appalachia, East Tennessee State University, Center for Appalachian Studies and Services, 2015
Community Contributions
York Centre for Human Rights Anti-Racism Workshop Focus Group, 2011 – 12 York Sexual Assault Survivors' Support Line and Leadership Advisory Board, 2011 - 2014 Institute on Social Work and Social Sciences. Co-planner and co-presenter. University of Duhok, Kurdistan, Iraq. December 13-15, 2013. Racial Issues,Panel member; A Look at How Our Racial Environments Shape Our Values, Identity and Behaviour in Toronto,Conducted two sessions.Police College Staff Development Day. January 21, 2014. “Community Café: Community Wellness – Jane-Finch Communities.” York U. School of Social Work Global & Local Community Engagement Committee, February 1, 2017.
Research Interests
Current Research Projects
The primary objective of the project was to explore potential collaboration between the School of Social Work and Salahaddin University’s Social Work Education Department.
Description:Three York faculty members traveled to Kurdistan Salahaddin University-Hawler from April 10 – 21, 2013; Formal Presentations were made to: Department of Social Work faculty, staff and students, and the College of Arts (faculty members from different departments); meetings and informal discussions were held.
Project Type: FundedRole: Principle Investigator
Start Date:
- Month: Apr Year: 2013
End Date:
- Month: Apr Year: 2013
LA & PS Internationalization Initiatives Fund
This is on-going research that looks at black Canadians historical and comtemporary within the context of multiculturalism.
Description:Through critical race theory the study examines racism, white privilege, discrimination and prejudices as barriers that reduces life options and quality of life for blacks.Racial, ethnic and religious silos are examined as social conditions impacting on black Canadian residents.
Project Type: Self-Funded-
This study is a comprehensive examination of blacks living in the USA Appalachia. The foci include a history of blacks in the mostly white region, an assessment of the socio-economic data and the impact of racism. Five barriers that lock a group into oppression are employed in the analyses. These barriers are poverty, prejudice, discrimination, powerlessness and white privilege. The study relies heavy on the USA Census data.
Project Type: Self-FundedRole: Principal Investigator
All Publications
“Black Slavery of Appalachia,” and “Appalachian Freed Blacks.” Encyclopedia of Appalachia. Knoxville, TN: University of Tennessee, 2006.
Hayden, W. “Barriers Confronting African-Americans of the Rural Appalachian Region.” Chapter in Social Work in Rural Communities. 4th edition. Edited by Leon Ginsberg, Washington, DC: CSWE, 2005
Hayden. W. “African American in Appalachia: Intensification of Historical Demographic Patterns.” Chapter in The Hidden America: Social Problems in Rural American in the 21st Century. Edited by Robert Moore. Selinsgrove, MS: Susquehanna University Press, 2001
Hayden, W. in L. Ginsberg. "African American Appalachian: Barriers to Equality." in Leon Ginsberg, Rural Social Work Practice. Washington, DC: CSWE, 1999
Hayden. W. "Total Quality Management: Continuous Process Improvement and Case Management." (co-author). in Burton Gummer and Philip McCallion. Total Quality Management (TQM) in the Social Services: Theory and Practice. Albany, NY: Rockefeller College Press, 1995
Hayden, W. in S. Jones. "Black Appalachian Families." in Shirley Jones, Sociocultural and Service Issues in Working Rural Clients. NY: SUNY-Albany, 1993
Hayden, W. in Keys, P. and L. "A Curriculum Model for Social Work Management." in Paul Keys and Leon Ginsberg, New Management in Human Services. MD: NASW, 1988,
Hayden, W. in Loyd, J. and A. "Blacks: An Invisible Institution in Appalachia?" in Jim Lloyd and Anne Campbell, The Impact of Institutions in Appalachia. Boone, NC; Appalachian Consortium, 1986
Hayden. W. in R. Horn. "Ghetto." in Robert Horn, The Guide to Simulations/Games for Education and Training, 3rd Edition, edited by Cranford, NJ, Didactic Systems, Inc., 1977
Hayden,W. Susan Keefe. Appalachian Cultural Competency. Book Review for The Journal of Appalachian Studies. 12-2, 2008, Huntington, WV: Appalachian Studies Association.
Susan Keefe. Appalachian Cultural Competency. Book Review for The Journal of Appalachian Studies. 12-2, 2008, Huntington, WV: Appalachian Studies Association.
Hayden, W. Appalachian Black People: Identity, Location and Barriers. Pittsburgh: 91 South. March 2015.
Hayden, W. “Black Slavery of Appalachia,” and “Appalachian Freed Blacks.” Encyclopedia of Appalachia. Knoxville, TN: University of Tennessee, 2006.
Hayden, W. Community Service Skills. Needham, MA: Simon & Schuster, 1999
Hayden. W. Foundation of Family Services Skills. Needham, MA: Ginn Press, 1987, Second Edition, 1990; Third Edition, Needham, MA: Simon & Schuster, 1999
Hayden. W. Intensive Job Placement Training Manual. (co-author) . Human Resources Consultants, Chapel Hill, NC, May 1981
Hayden, W.“Integrating Behavioral Health Services within a Primary Care Center in a Rural Setting.” (co-authored). Families in Society. January-March, 2005.
Hayden, W. “Racial and Ethnic Diversity in Appalachia.” The Journal of Appalachian Studies. 10-3, 2004. Huntington, WV: Appalachian Studies Association
Hayden, W. “In Search of Justice: White Privilege in Appalachia.” The Journal of Appalachian Studies. Spring, 2002. Huntington, WV: Appalachian Studies Association
Hayden. W. "The Family Services Associate Curriculum: Social Work Education for Indigenous Workers.” Human Science Research Council Journal, Special Issue: Indigenisation in Social Work Education. Cape Town, South Africa. Fall, 1997
Hayden, W.“Integrating Behavioral Health Services within a Primary Care Center in a Rural Setting.” (co-authored). Families in Society. January-March, 2005.
“Black Appalachians: Identity, Locations and Barriers.” WVA NASW 2017 Spring Continuing Education Conference for Social Workers, Charleston, WV, April 28, 2017.
“Appalachia Virginia and West Virginia Black Populations: A Demographic Examination.” April 21, 2011. Undergraduate Research Day Conference Keynote. Concord University, Athens, West Virginia.
“West Virginia History Omission or Exclusion,” Keynote at A Black History Month Program sponsored by the West Virginia Division of Culture and History Center Capitol Complex, Charleston, West Virginia February 19, 2012
“A Demographic Examination of African Americans in Northern Appalachia.” Appalachian Studies Conference. Indiana University of PA, March 23-25, 2012.
“Ausubel, Johnson and Bloom: Educational Theory Based Professional Social Work Curriculum.” CASWE Conference. Wilfrid-Laurier University, May 28-31, 2012
Hayden, W. "Northern Appalachian Black Populations: A Demographic Examination." Celebrating Northern Appalachia In Word and Song Conference. California University of Pennsylvania. April 11, 2011
Hayden, W. "Appalachia Virginia and West Virginia Black Populations: A Demographic Examination." Undergraduate Research Day Conference Keynote. Concord University, Athens, West Virginia, April 21, 2011
Hayden, W.“A Systematic Framework for Examining Oppression Across National Boundaries.” CASWE Annual Conference. Carlton University, Ottawa, May 27 – 29, 2009.
Hayden, W. “Appalachian Racism: Still the Challenge for the Next Three Decades.” 31st Annual Appalachian Studies Conference. Marshall University. Huntington, WV. March 28 - 30, 2008.
Hayden, W. “Racial and Ethnic Diversity in Appalachia" (Keynote Address) 16th Annual REACH Conference. St. Clair College. Dayton, Ohio, February 29th, 2008.
Hayden, W. “Racism and White Privilege.” University of North Carolina – Greensboro, April 3-4, 2008.
Hayden, W. “Racial and Ethnic Diversity in Appalachia.” Radford University. Radford, VA, March 2007
Hayden, W. “The Appalachians: Examining the History, Culture and People.” Opening Presentation. PA NASW Annual Conference, King of Prussia, PA, March 2, 2006
Hayden, W. “White Privilege and Racism: Barriers to Equality.” West Chester University MSW Program, West Chester, PA, March 24, 2006; September 1, 2006
“Hayden, W. Culture Implications for Practicing in Appalachian Communities.” Conference Keynote, Marshall University, November 10, 2006
Hayden, W. “Developing and Fostering Ones Professional Rural Identity for Working with Rural Populations” Keynote Address. Community Care Behavioral Health Organization Conference, Harrisburg, PA, October 20, 2005
Hayden, W. “Voices from Black Appalachia: A Comparative Examination of African American Appalachians Living in Small Towns and Cities within the Region,” the Appalachian Studies Conference, Helen, GA, March, 2002
Hayden, W. Appalachia Virginia and West Virginia Black Populations: A Demographic Examination. Undergraduate Research Day Conference Keynote. Concord University, Athens, West Virginia. April 21, 2011
"Blacks: An Invisible Institution in Appalachia?" in Jim Lloyd and Anne Campbell, The Impact of Institutions in Appalachia. Boone, NC; Appalachian Consortium, 1986.
Hayden, W. “Photos from the Black Appalachian Photographic Essay Exhibit.” Appalachian Heritage, Summer, 36-3. Berea, KY: Appalachian Center, 2008.
Hayden, W. A Photographic Essay Exhibit: "It Takes Some Kicking: Voices From Black Appalachia," funded by the University of North Carolina at Greensboro Research Council; 1974-75 and Appalachian Research Council Berea College; 1984 - 85
“Community Café: Community Wellness – Jane-Finch Communities.” York U. School of Social Work Global & Local Community Engagement Committee, February 1, 2017.
"Black Poverty and Silos: The Mosaic Multi-Culture Ontario." York University Centre for Human Rights. March 22, 2011
Hayden, W. "Black Poverty and Silos: The Mosaic Multi-Culture Ontario." York University Centre for Human Rights. March 22, 2011
Hayden, W. "Race Matters: MacLeans Asian Ambush. Racism in the Media: York U Talks Back!" York University Centre for Human Rights. March 24, 2011.
“Racial Challenges for Social Work Practitioners: An Examination of Canadian Racism, Segregation, Discrimination, Prejudice, and White Privilege,” School of Work Field Instructors Training, York University, October 21, 2011.
Hayden, W. "Canadian Social History: A Racial Timeline". York University Centre for Human Rights. February 10, 2010.