Daphne Winland

Associate Professor
Office: Vari Hall, 2034
Phone: (416) 736-2100 Ext: 33539
Email: winland@yorku.ca
Accepting New Graduate Students
Building on research and publications in the areas of diaspora, (trans)nationalism, and the cultural politics of representation, Professor Winland has conducted ethnographic research in Croatia, Bosnia and Canada focusing on the impacts of the Wars of Succession in the former Yugoslavia. She is the author of “We are now a nation: Croats between “home” and ‘Homeland” (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2007, reprinted 2013) and numerous articles exploring the politics of identity, citizenship, the politics of memory and ethnonationalism. Since the war in the former Yugoslavia began in 1990, she has been investigating Croatians’ struggles, both in diaspora and the newly independent homeland, to reinvent themselves in the changing political, social and cultural landscape of post-communist Europe. She has conducted extensive research on diaspora involvement in nation-building projects and citizenship regimes as well as historical revisionism and populism in Europe. Current research projects include ethnographic research on transnational memory, comparative study of East European diaspora with a focus on memory activism, and, (b) the political genealogies of diplomatic archives and their relationship to the performance of trans/national imaginaries, memory-making and nation-building in Israel/Palestine.
Ph.D. Sociology, York UniversityM.A. Anthropology, York University
Research Interests
- SSHRC Insight Grant - 2013
- SSHRC Strategic Research Grant - 2011
- SSHRC Standard Research Grant - 2001
- Canada 150 - 2017
- Knowledge Mobilization Collaborative Research Grant - 2011
Current Research Projects
- SSHRC Insight Grant - 2013
- SSHRC Strategic Research Grant - 2011
- SSHRC Standard Research Grant - 2001
- Canada 150 - 2017
- Knowledge Mobilization Collaborative Research Grant - 2011
This research project addresses a relatively recent phenomenon that is the changing face of diaspora engagement with the Croatian homeland. While the older generation of diaspora Croats was preoccupied with political change, the new and younger generation of diaspora Croats eager to participate in homeland affairs, has become actively involved in promoting neoliberal strategies and approaches to the emergent Croatian market economy.
Start Date:
- Month: May Year: 2013
End Date:
- Month: Apr Year: 2016
This project, which builds on my research on diaspora-homeland relations for Croatians, addresses a relatively recent phenomenon that is the changing face of diaspora engagement with the Croatian homeland. While the older generation of diaspora Croats was preoccupied with political change, the new and younger generation of diaspora Croats eager to participate in homeland affairs, has become actively involved in promoting neoliberal strategies and approaches to the emergent Croatian market economy. How do homeland Croats facing new pressures to conform to European Union criteria for inclusion into an expanded Europe, respond to the recent efforts of diaspora Croats to “aid” in their efforts to shed the stigma of Croatians as a Balkan peoples, mired in ethno-nationalist conflict to one characterized by entrepreneurship and progress.
2007 We Are Now a Nation: Croats between ‘Home’ and ‘Homeland’ Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 264 pp. (Paperback 2013)
2013 “Family Matters: Finding Solutions to Youth Homelessness” Gaetz, S., Karabanow, J, O’Grady, B. (eds.) Youth Homelessness in Canada: a Reader. Pp. 15-39.
2010 “Mujaheddin in our Midst: Bosnian Croats after Dayton” in L. Šaric, (ed.) Contested Cultural Identities: Discursive Responses to the Challenges of Changing Europe London: Routledge.
2008 “Transnationalism in Post-Conflict Contexts: Croatia” in D. Kostovicova and V. Boji?i?-Dzelilovi? (eds.) Transnationalism in the Balkans. London: Routledge.
2006 “Claiming to be Croat: The Risks of Return to the Homeland” pp. 201-220, in V. Amit and N. Dyck, (eds.) Claiming Individuality: The Cultural Politics of Distinction. London, UK: Pluto Press.
2006 “Raising the Curtain: Transnationalism in the Post-Communist World” pp. 261-277 in V. Satzewich and L. Wong (eds.) Transnational Identities and Practices in Canada. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press.
2005 “Nation-Building, Nation-Bonding: Croatian Diaspora and the Homeland” in H. Riegler (ed.) The Politics of Exile: the Role of Diasporas in Nation Building Austrian Institute of International Affairs, Baden-Baden, Germany: Nomos Pub.
2004 “Croatian Diaspora” in Encyclopedia of Diasporas-Immigrant and Refugee Cultures Around the World in M. Ember, C. Ember, I. Skoggard (eds.) New Haven: Kluwer/Plenam Press.
2009 Trbovich, A.S. "A Legal Geography of Yugoslavia’s Disintegration." New York: Oxford University Press 2008 H-Net: Humanities and Social Sciences Review On-line http://www.h-net.org/reviews
2008 Green, S. F., "Notes from the Balkans: Locating Marginality and Ambiguity in the Greek-Albanian Border." Princeton: Princeton University. 2005. Journal of Modern Greek Studies, 29(2): 494-495
2002 Das, V., A. “Kleinman, M. Lock, M. Ramphele and P. Reynolds (eds.) Remaking a World: Violence, Social Suffering, and Recovery.” University of California Press, 2001. American Ethnologist, 29(3): 756-758
1996 Chan, S. Hmong Means Free (Seattle University Washington Press) in Contemporary Sociology, 25(1):38-39
1996 Donnelly, N. “Changing Lives of Refugee Among Women” (Philadelphia, Pa.: Temple University Press) in Contemporary Sociology, 25(1): 37-38.
1995 Margolis, M. Little Brazil: An Ethnography of Brazilian Immigrants in New York City (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press) in Canadian Journal of Urban Research 4#1:163-164
“Between Two Wars: Generational Responses of Croats to Homeland Independence”. Diaspora: Journal of Transnational Studies. Special issue 18:2/3
“Why We Come Back to Diasporas: Heterogeneous Groups and the Persistent Dream of Political Action” Diaspora: Journal of Transnational Studies (1/2):254-64
2006 “Revisiting a Case Study of Hmong Refugees and Ontario Mennonites” Journal of Mennonite Studies, 24:169-176.
2006 “Ten Years Later: the Changing Nature of Transnational Ties in post-Independence Croatia” Ethnopolitics 5(3):295-307.
2002 “The Politics of Desire and Disdain: Croatian Identity Between 'Home' and 'Homeland'”. American Ethnologist 29(3): 693-718.
2000 “Vision Impaired: The Cultural Politics of Everyday Life in Croatia” Anthropology of East Europe Review 18(2): 31-37.
1998b “Croatians ‘Here’ and ‘There’: Diaspora and the Politics of Desire”). Revija za Sociologiju, 29(1): 49-59.
1998a “’Our Home and Native Land?’ Canadian Ethnic Scholarship and the Challenge of Transnationalism” Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology, 35(4): 521-543.
1995 “We Are Now an Actual Nation”: The Impact of National Independence on the Croatian Diaspora in Canada”, Diaspora, 4(1): 3-30.
1994 “Conversion and Community: Hmong Refugee Women and Christianity” Canadian Journal of Sociology, 19(1): 21-45.
1993 “The Quest for Mennonite Peoplehood: Ethno-religious Identity and the Dilemma of Definitions”, Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology, 30(1): 110-138.
1992 “Native Scholarship: the Enigma of Self-Definition among Jewish and Mennonite Scholars” Journal of Historical Sociology, 5(4): 431-461.
1992 “The Role of Religious Affiliation in Refugee Resettlement: the Case of Hmong Mennonites” Canadian Ethnic Studies, 24(1): 96-119.
1987 “Women and Religion: Mennonite Hmong”, Refuge 6(3): 3-6.
2010 “Alternative Homecomings: Diaspora Croats and the shifting grounds of belonging”. Movement and the Dilemmas of Cosmopolitan Ethics and Practices: Canadian Anthropology Society (CASCA), Montreal, June 1
2010 “True Patriot Love”? Reflections on Imported Conflicts and “Civil” Society in Canada. Metropolis, Montreal, March 18-20
2009 “Neoliberalism in the new Croatia” American Anthropological Association. Philadelphia, December 2
2009 "Plenary Panel, Diasporas and Activism in Europe," Centre for Civil Society, London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), London, UK, September 10-13.
2009 “Transnationalism and Transformation among Toronto Croats Since Independence” Towards a Democratic Cosmopolis: Diaspora, Citizenship & Recognition York University, Toronto, October 22.
2008 “Liberty, Freedom, Prosperity: the New Face of Croatian Diaspora” European Association of Social Anthropology Ljubljana, Slovenia, August 26-29.
2007 “Going Home”: Diaspora Return and Croatian National Imaginaries” Metropolis, Toronto, March 15-19.
2007 “Posavina Croats after Dayton” Institute for Strengthening Democracy in Bosnia, Konjic, Bosnia and Hercegovina, July 6-9.
2007 “’Mujaheddin in Our Midst’: Bosnian Croats after the Yugoslav Wars of Succession”, Association for the Study of Nationalities, Harriman Institute, Columbia University, New York City, April 6-8.
2006 “(Re)Making Croatians: Western Civilization versus Oriental Barbarism” Canadian Anthropology Society (CASCA), Montreal, May.
2005 “Revisiting a Case Study of Hmong Refugees and Ontario Mennonites” Mennonite Hosts and Refugee Newcomers: 1979 to the Present. University of Winnipeg, September 29-October 2, Winnipeg, Manitoba.
2004 “Diaspora Croats and Homeland Return” Imagining Diasporas: Space, Identity and Social Change, University of Windsor, May 14-16, Windsor.
2004 “Patriots or Provocateurs: The Right -Wing Backlash in Croatia” Association for the Study of Nationalism, Harriman Institute, Columbia University, April 13-15, New York.
2004 “Ten Years Later: the Changing Nature of Transnational Ties in post-Independence Croatia” Transnationalism in the Balkans: The Emergence, Nature and Impact of Cross-national Linkages on an Enlarged and Enlarging Europe London School of Economics. November 23-25, London, UK.
2003 “Kamenjak “National” Park: Politics and the Privatization of Tourist Sites in Croatia”, Canadian Association of Social and Cultural Anthropology, May 6-9, Halifax.
2003 “Memories and Monuments: “Recovering” the Croatian State” Association for the Study of Nationalism, Harriman Institute, Columbia University, April 3-5, New York.
2003 “Spawning the Self: Croatians Ten Years Later” Canadian Association of Social and Cultural Anthropology, May 6-9, Halifax.
2002 “Diasporic Influence on Host Country Domestic Political Activity” Diaspora and the Homeland, Metropolis International, May 9-12, Dubrovnik, Croatia.
2001 “Herzeg Croats at the Brink” South Eastern Security at the Beginning of the XXI Century, May 17-20, Belgrade, Serbia.
2001 “The Politics of Desire and Disdain: Croatian Identity Between “home” and “homeland” American Ethnological Society. May 3-6, Montreal.
2001 “Transnational Structure of Contemporary Academic Practices” Canadian Association of Social and Cultural Anthropology, May 3-6, Montreal.
2000 “Civic Participation and Homeland Ties: A Comparative Study of Croatians and Sri Lankan Tamils in the Greater Toronto Area” Metropolis 2000 May 15-17, Toronto.
2000 “The Cultural Politics of Croatian Identity” European Association of Social Anthropology, July 26-29, Krakow, Poland.
2000 “Vision Impaired: The Cultural Politics of Everyday Life in Croatia” Soyuz Symposium, Harriman Institute, Columbia University, February 12-15, New York.
1999 “Cartographies of Desire: The Cultural Politics of Croatian Identity”, Diasporas and Ethnic Immigrants in 20th Century Europe” Humboldt Universitaet Zu Berlin, May 9-12, Berlin.
1999 “Croatia Ten Years Later” Canadian Association of Social and Cultural Anthropology, May 3-6, Quebec City.
1999 “Projekt Mitteleuropa”: Croatians and the Politics of Recognition in the “New Europe", Creating the Other: the Causes and Dynamic of Nationalism, Ethnic Enmity, and Racism in Central and Eastern Europe Center for Austrian Studies, University of Minnesota, May 22-25, Minneapolis.
1998 “Imagining Croatia: Diaspora and Desire”, American Anthropological Association, December 4-9, Philadelphia.
1998 “Imagining the State in Canada and Croatia: the Politics and Poetics of Nationalist and Multiculturalist Discourse in Pluralist Societies” Divided Societies, April 22-29, Dubrovnik, Croatia.
1998 “Navigating the Storm: Fieldwork with Communities in Crisis” Qualitative Analysis Conference, May 15-17, Toronto.
1997 “Contingent Selves: Reflections from the Fields” Canadian Association of Social and Cultural Anthropology, June 11-15, St. Johns, Nfld.
1997 “The Croatian Diaspora and the Politics of Desire” American Sociological Association, August 9-12, Toronto.
1996 “True Patriot Love?” Multiculturalism and the Problem of Borders”, Canadian Association of Social and Cultural Anthropology, May 4-7, St. Catharine’s.
1995 “Constructing Multicultural Identities: Diaspora in the Age of Ethnic Nationalism”, Canadian Ethnic Studies Association, October 20-23, Gimli, Manitoba.
1995 “”Now we are a Nation”: Independence and the Croatian Diaspora”, Canadian Association of Social and Cultural Anthropology, May 12-15, Montreal.
1993 “Crisis and Community: Reflections of the Impact of Croatian Independence on Croatian Identity in Canada”, Canadian Association of Social and Cultural Anthropology, May 8-12, Toronto.
1993 “Strategies for Survival among “Hard-to-Settle” Refugees: Gender and Adaptation among Hmong Women” Conference on Gender Issues and Refugees: Development Implications, May 3-5, Toronto.
1993 “The ‘Hrvatska’ Factor: Croatian Canadians and Mother Country” Canadian Ethnic Studies Association, November 7-10, Vancouver, B.C.
1991 “Conversion and Community: Hmong Women and Christianity” Canadian Council on Southeast Asian Studies, March, Toronto.
1990 “Museums and Multicultural Policy in Ontario” Ontario Museum Association, October, Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario.
1987 “Mennonite Hmong: Summer Sausage and Sticky Rice” Society for the Scientific Study of Religion, November, Louisville, Ky.
1985 “Hmong Mennonites: Adaptation or Conversion” Canadian Association of Sociology and Anthropology, June, Winnipeg, Manitoba.
1985 “Mennonite identity Crisis: Fact or Fiction” Northeastern Anthropological Association, November, Buffalo, N.Y.
2010 “Transnationalism and Transformation among Toronto Croats Since Independence” Democratic Cosmopolis (forthcoming)
2003 “Diasporic Influence on Host Country Domestic Political Activity: Croatians in Canada or Croatian-Canadians?” in Šaki et. al. (eds) Immigrants and Homeland Institute of Social Sciences, Zagreb, pp. 143-157.
1981 “Recommendations for M.A. Programs in Anthropology” in W. Adcock and G. Gold (eds.) Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Ontario Association of Sociology and Anthropology, pp. 4-23.
Current Courses
Term | Course Number | Section | Title | Type |
Winter 2025 | AP/ANTH1120 6.0 | M | Making Sense of a Changing World | ONCA |
Building on research and publications in the areas of diaspora, (trans)nationalism, and the cultural politics of representation, Professor Winland has conducted ethnographic research in Croatia, Bosnia and Canada focusing on the impacts of the Wars of Succession in the former Yugoslavia. She is the author of “We are now a nation: Croats between “home” and ‘Homeland” (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2007, reprinted 2013) and numerous articles exploring the politics of identity, citizenship, the politics of memory and ethnonationalism. Since the war in the former Yugoslavia began in 1990, she has been investigating Croatians’ struggles, both in diaspora and the newly independent homeland, to reinvent themselves in the changing political, social and cultural landscape of post-communist Europe. She has conducted extensive research on diaspora involvement in nation-building projects and citizenship regimes as well as historical revisionism and populism in Europe. Current research projects include ethnographic research on transnational memory, comparative study of East European diaspora with a focus on memory activism, and, (b) the political genealogies of diplomatic archives and their relationship to the performance of trans/national imaginaries, memory-making and nation-building in Israel/Palestine.
Ph.D. Sociology, York UniversityM.A. Anthropology, York University
Research Interests
Current Research Projects
This research project addresses a relatively recent phenomenon that is the changing face of diaspora engagement with the Croatian homeland. While the older generation of diaspora Croats was preoccupied with political change, the new and younger generation of diaspora Croats eager to participate in homeland affairs, has become actively involved in promoting neoliberal strategies and approaches to the emergent Croatian market economy.
Project Type: FundedRole: Principal Investigator
Start Date:
- Month: May Year: 2013
End Date:
- Month: Apr Year: 2016
This project, which builds on my research on diaspora-homeland relations for Croatians, addresses a relatively recent phenomenon that is the changing face of diaspora engagement with the Croatian homeland. While the older generation of diaspora Croats was preoccupied with political change, the new and younger generation of diaspora Croats eager to participate in homeland affairs, has become actively involved in promoting neoliberal strategies and approaches to the emergent Croatian market economy. How do homeland Croats facing new pressures to conform to European Union criteria for inclusion into an expanded Europe, respond to the recent efforts of diaspora Croats to “aid” in their efforts to shed the stigma of Croatians as a Balkan peoples, mired in ethno-nationalist conflict to one characterized by entrepreneurship and progress.
All Publications
2013 “Family Matters: Finding Solutions to Youth Homelessness” Gaetz, S., Karabanow, J, O’Grady, B. (eds.) Youth Homelessness in Canada: a Reader. Pp. 15-39.
2010 “Mujaheddin in our Midst: Bosnian Croats after Dayton” in L. Šaric, (ed.) Contested Cultural Identities: Discursive Responses to the Challenges of Changing Europe London: Routledge.
2008 “Transnationalism in Post-Conflict Contexts: Croatia” in D. Kostovicova and V. Boji?i?-Dzelilovi? (eds.) Transnationalism in the Balkans. London: Routledge.
2006 “Claiming to be Croat: The Risks of Return to the Homeland” pp. 201-220, in V. Amit and N. Dyck, (eds.) Claiming Individuality: The Cultural Politics of Distinction. London, UK: Pluto Press.
2006 “Raising the Curtain: Transnationalism in the Post-Communist World” pp. 261-277 in V. Satzewich and L. Wong (eds.) Transnational Identities and Practices in Canada. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press.
2005 “Nation-Building, Nation-Bonding: Croatian Diaspora and the Homeland” in H. Riegler (ed.) The Politics of Exile: the Role of Diasporas in Nation Building Austrian Institute of International Affairs, Baden-Baden, Germany: Nomos Pub.
2004 “Croatian Diaspora” in Encyclopedia of Diasporas-Immigrant and Refugee Cultures Around the World in M. Ember, C. Ember, I. Skoggard (eds.) New Haven: Kluwer/Plenam Press.
2009 Trbovich, A.S. "A Legal Geography of Yugoslavia’s Disintegration." New York: Oxford University Press 2008 H-Net: Humanities and Social Sciences Review On-line http://www.h-net.org/reviews
2008 Green, S. F., "Notes from the Balkans: Locating Marginality and Ambiguity in the Greek-Albanian Border." Princeton: Princeton University. 2005. Journal of Modern Greek Studies, 29(2): 494-495
2002 Das, V., A. “Kleinman, M. Lock, M. Ramphele and P. Reynolds (eds.) Remaking a World: Violence, Social Suffering, and Recovery.” University of California Press, 2001. American Ethnologist, 29(3): 756-758
1996 Chan, S. Hmong Means Free (Seattle University Washington Press) in Contemporary Sociology, 25(1):38-39
1996 Donnelly, N. “Changing Lives of Refugee Among Women” (Philadelphia, Pa.: Temple University Press) in Contemporary Sociology, 25(1): 37-38.
1995 Margolis, M. Little Brazil: An Ethnography of Brazilian Immigrants in New York City (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press) in Canadian Journal of Urban Research 4#1:163-164
2007 We Are Now a Nation: Croats between ‘Home’ and ‘Homeland’ Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 264 pp. (Paperback 2013)
“Between Two Wars: Generational Responses of Croats to Homeland Independence”. Diaspora: Journal of Transnational Studies. Special issue 18:2/3
“Why We Come Back to Diasporas: Heterogeneous Groups and the Persistent Dream of Political Action” Diaspora: Journal of Transnational Studies (1/2):254-64
2006 “Revisiting a Case Study of Hmong Refugees and Ontario Mennonites” Journal of Mennonite Studies, 24:169-176.
2006 “Ten Years Later: the Changing Nature of Transnational Ties in post-Independence Croatia” Ethnopolitics 5(3):295-307.
2002 “The Politics of Desire and Disdain: Croatian Identity Between 'Home' and 'Homeland'”. American Ethnologist 29(3): 693-718.
2000 “Vision Impaired: The Cultural Politics of Everyday Life in Croatia” Anthropology of East Europe Review 18(2): 31-37.
1998b “Croatians ‘Here’ and ‘There’: Diaspora and the Politics of Desire”). Revija za Sociologiju, 29(1): 49-59.
1998a “’Our Home and Native Land?’ Canadian Ethnic Scholarship and the Challenge of Transnationalism” Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology, 35(4): 521-543.
1995 “We Are Now an Actual Nation”: The Impact of National Independence on the Croatian Diaspora in Canada”, Diaspora, 4(1): 3-30.
1994 “Conversion and Community: Hmong Refugee Women and Christianity” Canadian Journal of Sociology, 19(1): 21-45.
1993 “The Quest for Mennonite Peoplehood: Ethno-religious Identity and the Dilemma of Definitions”, Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology, 30(1): 110-138.
1992 “Native Scholarship: the Enigma of Self-Definition among Jewish and Mennonite Scholars” Journal of Historical Sociology, 5(4): 431-461.
1992 “The Role of Religious Affiliation in Refugee Resettlement: the Case of Hmong Mennonites” Canadian Ethnic Studies, 24(1): 96-119.
1987 “Women and Religion: Mennonite Hmong”, Refuge 6(3): 3-6.
2010 “Alternative Homecomings: Diaspora Croats and the shifting grounds of belonging”. Movement and the Dilemmas of Cosmopolitan Ethics and Practices: Canadian Anthropology Society (CASCA), Montreal, June 1
2010 “True Patriot Love”? Reflections on Imported Conflicts and “Civil” Society in Canada. Metropolis, Montreal, March 18-20
2009 “Neoliberalism in the new Croatia” American Anthropological Association. Philadelphia, December 2
2009 "Plenary Panel, Diasporas and Activism in Europe," Centre for Civil Society, London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), London, UK, September 10-13.
2009 “Transnationalism and Transformation among Toronto Croats Since Independence” Towards a Democratic Cosmopolis: Diaspora, Citizenship & Recognition York University, Toronto, October 22.
2008 “Liberty, Freedom, Prosperity: the New Face of Croatian Diaspora” European Association of Social Anthropology Ljubljana, Slovenia, August 26-29.
2007 “Going Home”: Diaspora Return and Croatian National Imaginaries” Metropolis, Toronto, March 15-19.
2007 “Posavina Croats after Dayton” Institute for Strengthening Democracy in Bosnia, Konjic, Bosnia and Hercegovina, July 6-9.
2007 “’Mujaheddin in Our Midst’: Bosnian Croats after the Yugoslav Wars of Succession”, Association for the Study of Nationalities, Harriman Institute, Columbia University, New York City, April 6-8.
2006 “(Re)Making Croatians: Western Civilization versus Oriental Barbarism” Canadian Anthropology Society (CASCA), Montreal, May.
2005 “Revisiting a Case Study of Hmong Refugees and Ontario Mennonites” Mennonite Hosts and Refugee Newcomers: 1979 to the Present. University of Winnipeg, September 29-October 2, Winnipeg, Manitoba.
2004 “Diaspora Croats and Homeland Return” Imagining Diasporas: Space, Identity and Social Change, University of Windsor, May 14-16, Windsor.
2004 “Patriots or Provocateurs: The Right -Wing Backlash in Croatia” Association for the Study of Nationalism, Harriman Institute, Columbia University, April 13-15, New York.
2004 “Ten Years Later: the Changing Nature of Transnational Ties in post-Independence Croatia” Transnationalism in the Balkans: The Emergence, Nature and Impact of Cross-national Linkages on an Enlarged and Enlarging Europe London School of Economics. November 23-25, London, UK.
2003 “Kamenjak “National” Park: Politics and the Privatization of Tourist Sites in Croatia”, Canadian Association of Social and Cultural Anthropology, May 6-9, Halifax.
2003 “Memories and Monuments: “Recovering” the Croatian State” Association for the Study of Nationalism, Harriman Institute, Columbia University, April 3-5, New York.
2003 “Spawning the Self: Croatians Ten Years Later” Canadian Association of Social and Cultural Anthropology, May 6-9, Halifax.
2002 “Diasporic Influence on Host Country Domestic Political Activity” Diaspora and the Homeland, Metropolis International, May 9-12, Dubrovnik, Croatia.
2001 “Herzeg Croats at the Brink” South Eastern Security at the Beginning of the XXI Century, May 17-20, Belgrade, Serbia.
2001 “The Politics of Desire and Disdain: Croatian Identity Between “home” and “homeland” American Ethnological Society. May 3-6, Montreal.
2001 “Transnational Structure of Contemporary Academic Practices” Canadian Association of Social and Cultural Anthropology, May 3-6, Montreal.
2000 “Civic Participation and Homeland Ties: A Comparative Study of Croatians and Sri Lankan Tamils in the Greater Toronto Area” Metropolis 2000 May 15-17, Toronto.
2000 “The Cultural Politics of Croatian Identity” European Association of Social Anthropology, July 26-29, Krakow, Poland.
2000 “Vision Impaired: The Cultural Politics of Everyday Life in Croatia” Soyuz Symposium, Harriman Institute, Columbia University, February 12-15, New York.
1999 “Cartographies of Desire: The Cultural Politics of Croatian Identity”, Diasporas and Ethnic Immigrants in 20th Century Europe” Humboldt Universitaet Zu Berlin, May 9-12, Berlin.
1999 “Croatia Ten Years Later” Canadian Association of Social and Cultural Anthropology, May 3-6, Quebec City.
1999 “Projekt Mitteleuropa”: Croatians and the Politics of Recognition in the “New Europe", Creating the Other: the Causes and Dynamic of Nationalism, Ethnic Enmity, and Racism in Central and Eastern Europe Center for Austrian Studies, University of Minnesota, May 22-25, Minneapolis.
1998 “Imagining Croatia: Diaspora and Desire”, American Anthropological Association, December 4-9, Philadelphia.
1998 “Imagining the State in Canada and Croatia: the Politics and Poetics of Nationalist and Multiculturalist Discourse in Pluralist Societies” Divided Societies, April 22-29, Dubrovnik, Croatia.
1998 “Navigating the Storm: Fieldwork with Communities in Crisis” Qualitative Analysis Conference, May 15-17, Toronto.
1997 “Contingent Selves: Reflections from the Fields” Canadian Association of Social and Cultural Anthropology, June 11-15, St. Johns, Nfld.
1997 “The Croatian Diaspora and the Politics of Desire” American Sociological Association, August 9-12, Toronto.
1996 “True Patriot Love?” Multiculturalism and the Problem of Borders”, Canadian Association of Social and Cultural Anthropology, May 4-7, St. Catharine’s.
1995 “Constructing Multicultural Identities: Diaspora in the Age of Ethnic Nationalism”, Canadian Ethnic Studies Association, October 20-23, Gimli, Manitoba.
1995 “”Now we are a Nation”: Independence and the Croatian Diaspora”, Canadian Association of Social and Cultural Anthropology, May 12-15, Montreal.
1993 “Crisis and Community: Reflections of the Impact of Croatian Independence on Croatian Identity in Canada”, Canadian Association of Social and Cultural Anthropology, May 8-12, Toronto.
1993 “Strategies for Survival among “Hard-to-Settle” Refugees: Gender and Adaptation among Hmong Women” Conference on Gender Issues and Refugees: Development Implications, May 3-5, Toronto.
1993 “The ‘Hrvatska’ Factor: Croatian Canadians and Mother Country” Canadian Ethnic Studies Association, November 7-10, Vancouver, B.C.
1991 “Conversion and Community: Hmong Women and Christianity” Canadian Council on Southeast Asian Studies, March, Toronto.
1990 “Museums and Multicultural Policy in Ontario” Ontario Museum Association, October, Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario.
1987 “Mennonite Hmong: Summer Sausage and Sticky Rice” Society for the Scientific Study of Religion, November, Louisville, Ky.
1985 “Hmong Mennonites: Adaptation or Conversion” Canadian Association of Sociology and Anthropology, June, Winnipeg, Manitoba.
1985 “Mennonite identity Crisis: Fact or Fiction” Northeastern Anthropological Association, November, Buffalo, N.Y.
2010 “Transnationalism and Transformation among Toronto Croats Since Independence” Democratic Cosmopolis (forthcoming)
2003 “Diasporic Influence on Host Country Domestic Political Activity: Croatians in Canada or Croatian-Canadians?” in Šaki et. al. (eds) Immigrants and Homeland Institute of Social Sciences, Zagreb, pp. 143-157.
1981 “Recommendations for M.A. Programs in Anthropology” in W. Adcock and G. Gold (eds.) Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Ontario Association of Sociology and Anthropology, pp. 4-23.
Current Courses
Term | Course Number | Section | Title | Type |
Winter 2025 | AP/ANTH1120 6.0 | M | Making Sense of a Changing World | ONCA |