William Craig Wicken

Office: Vari Hall, 2192
Phone: 416-736-2100 Ext: 66963
Email: wwicken@yorku.ca
Attached CV
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Accepting New Graduate Students
Research in indigenous history and is also extensively involved in public policy. This has included working for First Nations communities, governments, and testifying as an expert witness. As of April 2016, he has testified in 18 separate trials, four of which have been heard on appeal to the Supreme Court of Canada.
My research interest concerns the indigenous peoples of Canada and the United States. I have also been extensively involved in public policy. This has included working for First Nations communities, governments, and testifying as an expert witness on historical issues where the plaintiff or defendant has raised a constitutional argument. Up to April 2016, I have testified in 17 separate trials, four of which have been heard on appeal to the Supreme Court of Canada (R. v. Marshall, 1999; R. v. Bernard, 2005, R. v. Stephen Frederick Marshall, 2005, and Daniels v. AG of Canada 2016). I have also served as a panel member on an Environmental Impact Assessment Review in New Brunswick. This EIA panel listened to community and public concerns regarding the construction and operation of a tungsten and molybdenum mine (Sisson Project).
Ph.D., Department of History, McGill UniversityM.A., History of the United States, McGill University
Honours B.A., East Asian History, McGill University
Faculty of Graduate StudiesProfessional Leadership
Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada (FRSC), 2020- ; Board Member, Canada's History Society 2014- 2020 Jury Member, Canadian Historical Association, Sir John A. Macdonald Prize, 2015-2018.
Community Contributions
2020: Expert Witness, Specific Claims Tribunal, Odanak/Wolinak FN v. Canada; 2017: Expert Witness Testimony, Specific Claims Tribunal, Madawaska/Maliseet First Nation vs. Canada;2016: Expert Witness Testimony, R. v. Dennie and Joseph, New Brunswick Provincial Court; 2015: Environmental Impact Assessment Panel Member, New Brunswick Department of Environment and Local Government, Sisson Project. 2014: Expert Witness Testimony, R. v. Millea, New Brunswick Provincial Court. 2013: Expert Witness Testimony in R. v. Darren Paul, New Brunswick Provincial Court; 2011: Expert Witness Testimony in R. v. Daniels, Federal Court of Canada.
Research Interests
- Sir John A. Macdonald Prize for the best scholarly book in Canadian history by the Canadian Historical Association - 2013
- Clio Prize winner by the Canadian Historical Association - 2013
- Governor General’s Award for Scholarly Achievement - 2013
- Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada - 2020
- Clio Prize winner by the Canadian Historical Scoiety - 2003
Current Research Projects
- Sir John A. Macdonald Prize for the best scholarly book in Canadian history by the Canadian Historical Association - 2013
- Clio Prize winner by the Canadian Historical Association - 2013
- Governor General’s Award for Scholarly Achievement - 2013
- Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada - 2020
- Clio Prize winner by the Canadian Historical Scoiety - 2003
This project done through the leadership of the Mi'kmaw Studies programme at Cape Breton University , the Treaty and Aboriginal Rights Research Centre at Shubenacadie, NS (TARR) and the Union of Nova Scotia Mi'kmaq, will investigate records that are currently held by the TARR Centre in order to preserve them for future research. The project will also begin a pilot oral history project of Mi'kmaw elders who have been involved in Mi'kmaw politics since the 1960s.
- Month: Sep Year: 2021
Start Date:
- Month: Jan Year: 2012
2012 The Colonization of Mi’kmaw Memory and History, 1794-1928: The King v. Gabriel Sylliboy Toronto: University of Toronto Press 336 pp.
2004 John G. Reid, Maurice Basque, Elizabeth Mancke, Barry Moody, and Geoffrey Plank, The Conquest of Acadia, 1710: An Interpretive and Contextual History. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
2002 Mi’kmaq Treaties on Trial: History, Land and Donald Marshall Junior Toronto: University of Toronto Press 301 pp. 2004(reprinted)
1998 Jo-Anne Fiske and Susan Sleeper-Smith, co-editors New Faces of the Fur Trade: Selected Papers from the Seventh North American Fur Trade Conference. (Lansing: Michigan State University Press)
2005 ‘Passamaquoddy Identity and the Marshall Decision,’ in Northeast Borderlands Stephen Hornsby and John G. Reid, eds. (Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 50-8.
2004 ‘Mi’kmaq Decisions: Antoine Tecounenemac, the Conquest and the Treaty of Utrecht,’ in John Reid, et.al. The Conquest of Acadia, 1710 (Toronto: University of Toronto Press), 86-100.
Reprinted in Margaret Conrad, Alvin Finkel, ed., Foundations: Readings in Pre-Confederation History. Toronto: Pearson Education, 2007.
1998 ‘Re-examining Mi'kmaq-Acadian Relations, 1635-1755.’ in Vingt ans après, Habitants et marchands: Lectures de l'histoire des XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles canadiens sous la direction de Sylvie Dépatie, Catherine Desbarats, Danielle Gauvreau, Mario Lanlancette and Thomas Wien. Montréal and Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press, 93-114.
Reprinted in Bryden, Coates, Lux, marks, Martel, and Samson, Visions: The Canadian History Modules Project, Pre-Confederation. Toronto: Nelson Education, 2011, pp. 182-90.
1991 ‘Mi'kmaq Land in Southwestern Nova Scotia, 1771-1823.’ In Making Adjustments: Change and Continuity in Planter Nova Scotia 1759-1800, Margaret Conrad, ed., Fredericton: Acadiensis Press, 113-122.
1998 ‘R. V. Donald Marshall Jr., 1993-1996.’ Acadiensis, XXVIII, 1 (Autumn 1998), 6-15.
1995 ‘Heard it from my Grandfather: Mi'kmaq Treaty Tradition and the Syliboy Case of 1928.’ University of New Brunswick Law Journal 44 (1995), 146-161.
1994 ‘The Mi'kmaq and Wuastukwiuk Treaties.’ University of New Brunswick Law Journal 43 (1994), 241-253.
Reprinted in Aboriginal Legal Issues: Cases, Materials & Commentary John J. Borrows and Leonard I. Rotman (Toronto and Vancouver: Butterworths 1998), 157-161
1993 ‘26 August 1726: A Case Study in Mi'kmaq-New England Relations.’ Acadiensis, XXIII, 1 (Autumn 1993), 5-22.
May 2011 ‘The King’s Road Controversy.’ Canadian Historical Association Fredericton, N.B.
March 2009 ‘Child-Women Ratios in Mi’kmaq Communities Of Nova Scotia, 1871-1911.’ Aboriginal Policy Research Conference Ottawa, Ont
September 2008 ‘After the Siege’ Colloque Louisbourg Sydney/Louisbourg, Nova Scotia
September 2005 ‘The Supreme Court’s decision in Marshall: An historical retrospective’ Wanipitei Conference Lake Temagami, Ont.
February 2003 ‘A History of Mi’kmaw Governance’ Nova Scotia Mi’kmaw Chiefs and Councils Conference Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
February 2003 ‘An Historian’s Practical Guide to the Courts.’ York University Graduate Students New Frontiers Conference York University
October 2003 'The Union of Nova Scotia Indians and the Nova Scotia Supreme Court, 1971-1999.' Dalhousie Law School Conference on the History of Nova Scotia Supreme Court
April 2011 Response to Expert Opinion Reports of Professors Patterson and Von Gernet In the Matter of Daniels v. INAC & AG of Canada On Behalf of the Congress of Aboriginal Peoples Federal Court of Canada 25 typescript pp.
March 2011 The Prince Edward Island Mi'kmaq and the 18th century Treaties Aboriginal Affairs Secretariat Prince Edward Island Government 48 typescript pp.
December 2010 The Objectives of Section 91(24) of the British North America Act of 1867 Report Submitted in the Matter of Daniels v. INAC & AG of Canada On behalf of the Congress of Aboriginal Peoples Federal Court of Canada 174 typescript pp.
June 2008 Identifying People of Mi’kmaq Ancestry: A Report Submitted to the Mi’kmaq Rights Initiative 112 typescript pp.
March 2008 Night Hunting in Mi’kmaq historical communities R. v. Francis and Paul Nova Scotia Provincial Court For Union of Nova Scotia Indians 26 typescript pp.
April 2008 Review of Expert Opinion Reports In the Matter of R. v. Babin Nova Scotia Provincial Court 20 typescript pp.
August 2007 Night Hunting in Maliseet Society New Brunswick Court of Appeal For Mawiw 15 typescript pp.
March 2006 Mi’kmaq Confederacy of PEI: Strategic Research Plan: Some Thoughts For the Mi’kmaq Confederacy of PEI 15 typescript pp.
January 2006 The 1778 and 1779 Treaties A report for the Migmawei Maowiomi Secretariat Listugjug, Q.C. 67 typescript pp.
October 2005 Report on the Inuit Treaty of 1765 For the Labrador Metis First Nation 9 typescript pp.
August 2004 The Mi’kmaq Community in Southwestern Nova Scotia In the Late Nineteenth and early Twentieth Centuries Acadia First Nation 70 typescript pp.
May 2004 The Mi’kmaq of Gaspe in the 20th Century for the Wesgijinua’luet Research Project Mi’gmawei Mawiomi Secretariat, Listuguj, Q.C. 60 typescript pp.
October 2004 `A Metis Community in southwest Nova Scotia’ in the matter of R. v. Babin Nova Scotia Provincial Court 27 typescript pp.
December 2003 Statement of Opinion re. Mi’kmaq Hunting in New Brunswick,’ For the Attorney-General of New Brunswick re. Mi’kmaq hunting along the Salmon River 4 typescript pp.
September 2003 `The Gespe’gewa’gi Mi’kmaq in the 19th century’ for the Wesgijinua’luet Research Project Mi’gmawei Mawiomi Secretariat, Listuguj, Q.C. 67 typescript pp.
June 2002 Executive Summary of Research Reports Prepared for the Wesgijinua’luet Research Project Mi’gmawei Mawoimi Secretariat, Listuguj, Q.C. 28 typescript pp.
March 2002 Executive Summary of Restigouche River Project [four reports on historical, archaeological, and linguistic analysis of the Restigouche River] for Listuguj First Nation, P.Q. 12 typescript pp.
March 2002 Mi’kmaq use and occupancy of the Restigouche River for Listuguj First Nation [PQ] 19 typescript pp.
September 2002 Report in the Matter of R. v. Alex MacDonald, et. al. For the Union of Nova Scotia Indians and Confederacy of Mainland Micmacs 221 typescript pp.
April 2002 Review of Nova Scotia Supreme Court decision in R. V. Stephen Frederick Marshall, 5 March, 2002 for UNSI and CMM 22 typescript pp.
May 2002 `Mi’kmaq use and Occupancy of Gespe’gewa’gi 1534-1871.’ Wesgijinua’luet Research Project Mi’gmawei Mawoimi Secretariat, Listuguj, Q.C. 90 typescript pp.
June 2001 Statement of Opinion re. Maliseet in St. Lawrence River Valley for François Robert of Martin, Camirand & Pelletier Montreal, PQ 85 typescript pp.
November 2000 Statement of Opinion re. New Brunswick Maliseet night-hunting practises in the matter of R. v. Polchies and Tomah for Cameron Gunn of the New Brunswick Public Prosecutor’s Office 4 typescript pp.
September 2000 Statement of Opinion re: Mi’kmaq of Newfoundland and the 1761 Treaty in the matter of R. V. Drew for Shayne MacDonald representing Conne River Newfoundland Supreme Court 35 typescript pp.
June 1997 Statement of Opinion re: Mi’kmaq Treaties and Taxation in the matter of Vaughn Pictou v. R. for the Union of Nova Scotia Indians Federal Tax Court of Canada 118 typescript pp.
1993 Report Submitted to MAWIW [Big Cove, Burnt Church and Tobique, First Nations Reserves, New Brunswick]. “A Report on the Eighteenth Century Treaties with Documents Attached.”
1993 Report Submitted to the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples. and John G. Reid. An Overview of the Eighteenth Century Treaties Signed Between the Mi'kmaq and Wuastukwiuk Peoples and the English Crown, 1725-1928. 202 typescript pp
Current Courses
Term | Course Number | Section | Title | Type |
Fall/Winter 2024 | AP/HIST3850 6.0 | A | Murder & Other Crimes in North America | LECT |
Fall/Winter 2024 | AP/HIST4515 6.0 | A | Murder in the Archives | SEMR |
Research in indigenous history and is also extensively involved in public policy. This has included working for First Nations communities, governments, and testifying as an expert witness. As of April 2016, he has testified in 18 separate trials, four of which have been heard on appeal to the Supreme Court of Canada.
My research interest concerns the indigenous peoples of Canada and the United States. I have also been extensively involved in public policy. This has included working for First Nations communities, governments, and testifying as an expert witness on historical issues where the plaintiff or defendant has raised a constitutional argument. Up to April 2016, I have testified in 17 separate trials, four of which have been heard on appeal to the Supreme Court of Canada (R. v. Marshall, 1999; R. v. Bernard, 2005, R. v. Stephen Frederick Marshall, 2005, and Daniels v. AG of Canada 2016). I have also served as a panel member on an Environmental Impact Assessment Review in New Brunswick. This EIA panel listened to community and public concerns regarding the construction and operation of a tungsten and molybdenum mine (Sisson Project).
Ph.D., Department of History, McGill UniversityM.A., History of the United States, McGill University
Honours B.A., East Asian History, McGill University
Faculty of Graduate StudiesProfessional Leadership
Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada (FRSC), 2020- ; Board Member, Canada's History Society 2014- 2020 Jury Member, Canadian Historical Association, Sir John A. Macdonald Prize, 2015-2018.
Community Contributions
2020: Expert Witness, Specific Claims Tribunal, Odanak/Wolinak FN v. Canada; 2017: Expert Witness Testimony, Specific Claims Tribunal, Madawaska/Maliseet First Nation vs. Canada;2016: Expert Witness Testimony, R. v. Dennie and Joseph, New Brunswick Provincial Court; 2015: Environmental Impact Assessment Panel Member, New Brunswick Department of Environment and Local Government, Sisson Project. 2014: Expert Witness Testimony, R. v. Millea, New Brunswick Provincial Court. 2013: Expert Witness Testimony in R. v. Darren Paul, New Brunswick Provincial Court; 2011: Expert Witness Testimony in R. v. Daniels, Federal Court of Canada.
Research Interests
Current Research Projects
This project done through the leadership of the Mi'kmaw Studies programme at Cape Breton University , the Treaty and Aboriginal Rights Research Centre at Shubenacadie, NS (TARR) and the Union of Nova Scotia Mi'kmaq, will investigate records that are currently held by the TARR Centre in order to preserve them for future research. The project will also begin a pilot oral history project of Mi'kmaw elders who have been involved in Mi'kmaw politics since the 1960s.
Start Date:- Month: Sep Year: 2021
Principal Researcher
Start Date:
- Month: Jan Year: 2012
All Publications
2005 ‘Passamaquoddy Identity and the Marshall Decision,’ in Northeast Borderlands Stephen Hornsby and John G. Reid, eds. (Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 50-8.
2004 ‘Mi’kmaq Decisions: Antoine Tecounenemac, the Conquest and the Treaty of Utrecht,’ in John Reid, et.al. The Conquest of Acadia, 1710 (Toronto: University of Toronto Press), 86-100.
Reprinted in Margaret Conrad, Alvin Finkel, ed., Foundations: Readings in Pre-Confederation History. Toronto: Pearson Education, 2007.
1998 ‘Re-examining Mi'kmaq-Acadian Relations, 1635-1755.’ in Vingt ans après, Habitants et marchands: Lectures de l'histoire des XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles canadiens sous la direction de Sylvie Dépatie, Catherine Desbarats, Danielle Gauvreau, Mario Lanlancette and Thomas Wien. Montréal and Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press, 93-114.
Reprinted in Bryden, Coates, Lux, marks, Martel, and Samson, Visions: The Canadian History Modules Project, Pre-Confederation. Toronto: Nelson Education, 2011, pp. 182-90.
1991 ‘Mi'kmaq Land in Southwestern Nova Scotia, 1771-1823.’ In Making Adjustments: Change and Continuity in Planter Nova Scotia 1759-1800, Margaret Conrad, ed., Fredericton: Acadiensis Press, 113-122.
2012 The Colonization of Mi’kmaw Memory and History, 1794-1928: The King v. Gabriel Sylliboy Toronto: University of Toronto Press 336 pp.
2004 John G. Reid, Maurice Basque, Elizabeth Mancke, Barry Moody, and Geoffrey Plank, The Conquest of Acadia, 1710: An Interpretive and Contextual History. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
2002 Mi’kmaq Treaties on Trial: History, Land and Donald Marshall Junior Toronto: University of Toronto Press 301 pp. 2004(reprinted)
1998 Jo-Anne Fiske and Susan Sleeper-Smith, co-editors New Faces of the Fur Trade: Selected Papers from the Seventh North American Fur Trade Conference. (Lansing: Michigan State University Press)
1998 ‘R. V. Donald Marshall Jr., 1993-1996.’ Acadiensis, XXVIII, 1 (Autumn 1998), 6-15.
1995 ‘Heard it from my Grandfather: Mi'kmaq Treaty Tradition and the Syliboy Case of 1928.’ University of New Brunswick Law Journal 44 (1995), 146-161.
1994 ‘The Mi'kmaq and Wuastukwiuk Treaties.’ University of New Brunswick Law Journal 43 (1994), 241-253.
Reprinted in Aboriginal Legal Issues: Cases, Materials & Commentary John J. Borrows and Leonard I. Rotman (Toronto and Vancouver: Butterworths 1998), 157-161
1993 ‘26 August 1726: A Case Study in Mi'kmaq-New England Relations.’ Acadiensis, XXIII, 1 (Autumn 1993), 5-22.
May 2011 ‘The King’s Road Controversy.’ Canadian Historical Association Fredericton, N.B.
March 2009 ‘Child-Women Ratios in Mi’kmaq Communities Of Nova Scotia, 1871-1911.’ Aboriginal Policy Research Conference Ottawa, Ont
September 2008 ‘After the Siege’ Colloque Louisbourg Sydney/Louisbourg, Nova Scotia
September 2005 ‘The Supreme Court’s decision in Marshall: An historical retrospective’ Wanipitei Conference Lake Temagami, Ont.
February 2003 ‘A History of Mi’kmaw Governance’ Nova Scotia Mi’kmaw Chiefs and Councils Conference Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
February 2003 ‘An Historian’s Practical Guide to the Courts.’ York University Graduate Students New Frontiers Conference York University
October 2003 'The Union of Nova Scotia Indians and the Nova Scotia Supreme Court, 1971-1999.' Dalhousie Law School Conference on the History of Nova Scotia Supreme Court
April 2011 Response to Expert Opinion Reports of Professors Patterson and Von Gernet In the Matter of Daniels v. INAC & AG of Canada On Behalf of the Congress of Aboriginal Peoples Federal Court of Canada 25 typescript pp.
March 2011 The Prince Edward Island Mi'kmaq and the 18th century Treaties Aboriginal Affairs Secretariat Prince Edward Island Government 48 typescript pp.
December 2010 The Objectives of Section 91(24) of the British North America Act of 1867 Report Submitted in the Matter of Daniels v. INAC & AG of Canada On behalf of the Congress of Aboriginal Peoples Federal Court of Canada 174 typescript pp.
June 2008 Identifying People of Mi’kmaq Ancestry: A Report Submitted to the Mi’kmaq Rights Initiative 112 typescript pp.
March 2008 Night Hunting in Mi’kmaq historical communities R. v. Francis and Paul Nova Scotia Provincial Court For Union of Nova Scotia Indians 26 typescript pp.
April 2008 Review of Expert Opinion Reports In the Matter of R. v. Babin Nova Scotia Provincial Court 20 typescript pp.
August 2007 Night Hunting in Maliseet Society New Brunswick Court of Appeal For Mawiw 15 typescript pp.
March 2006 Mi’kmaq Confederacy of PEI: Strategic Research Plan: Some Thoughts For the Mi’kmaq Confederacy of PEI 15 typescript pp.
January 2006 The 1778 and 1779 Treaties A report for the Migmawei Maowiomi Secretariat Listugjug, Q.C. 67 typescript pp.
October 2005 Report on the Inuit Treaty of 1765 For the Labrador Metis First Nation 9 typescript pp.
August 2004 The Mi’kmaq Community in Southwestern Nova Scotia In the Late Nineteenth and early Twentieth Centuries Acadia First Nation 70 typescript pp.
May 2004 The Mi’kmaq of Gaspe in the 20th Century for the Wesgijinua’luet Research Project Mi’gmawei Mawiomi Secretariat, Listuguj, Q.C. 60 typescript pp.
October 2004 `A Metis Community in southwest Nova Scotia’ in the matter of R. v. Babin Nova Scotia Provincial Court 27 typescript pp.
December 2003 Statement of Opinion re. Mi’kmaq Hunting in New Brunswick,’ For the Attorney-General of New Brunswick re. Mi’kmaq hunting along the Salmon River 4 typescript pp.
September 2003 `The Gespe’gewa’gi Mi’kmaq in the 19th century’ for the Wesgijinua’luet Research Project Mi’gmawei Mawiomi Secretariat, Listuguj, Q.C. 67 typescript pp.
June 2002 Executive Summary of Research Reports Prepared for the Wesgijinua’luet Research Project Mi’gmawei Mawoimi Secretariat, Listuguj, Q.C. 28 typescript pp.
March 2002 Executive Summary of Restigouche River Project [four reports on historical, archaeological, and linguistic analysis of the Restigouche River] for Listuguj First Nation, P.Q. 12 typescript pp.
March 2002 Mi’kmaq use and occupancy of the Restigouche River for Listuguj First Nation [PQ] 19 typescript pp.
September 2002 Report in the Matter of R. v. Alex MacDonald, et. al. For the Union of Nova Scotia Indians and Confederacy of Mainland Micmacs 221 typescript pp.
April 2002 Review of Nova Scotia Supreme Court decision in R. V. Stephen Frederick Marshall, 5 March, 2002 for UNSI and CMM 22 typescript pp.
May 2002 `Mi’kmaq use and Occupancy of Gespe’gewa’gi 1534-1871.’ Wesgijinua’luet Research Project Mi’gmawei Mawoimi Secretariat, Listuguj, Q.C. 90 typescript pp.
June 2001 Statement of Opinion re. Maliseet in St. Lawrence River Valley for François Robert of Martin, Camirand & Pelletier Montreal, PQ 85 typescript pp.
November 2000 Statement of Opinion re. New Brunswick Maliseet night-hunting practises in the matter of R. v. Polchies and Tomah for Cameron Gunn of the New Brunswick Public Prosecutor’s Office 4 typescript pp.
September 2000 Statement of Opinion re: Mi’kmaq of Newfoundland and the 1761 Treaty in the matter of R. V. Drew for Shayne MacDonald representing Conne River Newfoundland Supreme Court 35 typescript pp.
June 1997 Statement of Opinion re: Mi’kmaq Treaties and Taxation in the matter of Vaughn Pictou v. R. for the Union of Nova Scotia Indians Federal Tax Court of Canada 118 typescript pp.
1993 Report Submitted to MAWIW [Big Cove, Burnt Church and Tobique, First Nations Reserves, New Brunswick]. “A Report on the Eighteenth Century Treaties with Documents Attached.”
1993 Report Submitted to the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples. and John G. Reid. An Overview of the Eighteenth Century Treaties Signed Between the Mi'kmaq and Wuastukwiuk Peoples and the English Crown, 1725-1928. 202 typescript pp
Current Courses
Term | Course Number | Section | Title | Type |
Fall/Winter 2024 | AP/HIST3850 6.0 | A | Murder & Other Crimes in North America | LECT |
Fall/Winter 2024 | AP/HIST4515 6.0 | A | Murder in the Archives | SEMR |