Book in press

Project Summary:

Child and Adolescent Migration, Mental Health and Language: Effects of Foreign Language Immersions. Exeter, UK: University of Exeter Press.

Project Description:

Child and Adolescent Migration, Mental Health and Language: Effects of Foreign Language Immersions focuses on migration and the socio-affective significance of language. It is a look into how the latter influences while forming part of children’s and adolescents’ development, subjectivity, identifications and identity formations. By taking a thorough approach to the intricacy of migrancy, this timely publication examines the many challenges young economic migrants, environmental migrants, refugees, irregular migrants and asylum seekers encounter prior to and following their geographic, socio-cultural and linguistic relocations. While not disregarding the benefits that stem from international relocations, Carra-Salsberg addresses contemporary concerns influencing young migrants’ socio-affective experiences.

As part of the book’s discussion on the subjective significance of language, this publication takes a semiotic, pedagogic and psycho-analytic approach to the study of the effects of host, foreign language immersions and significant language learning. The author draws attention to the manner in which the juxtaposing challenges minors’ encounter within receiving countries often add to pre-existing traumas. Throughout this book, the developmental importance of language is studied through theory, the analysis of memoirs and the author’s depiction and understanding of her own experiences between languages. This book, written for academics, psychologists, psychiatrists, pedagogues, counsellors, human right advocates and policy makers, highlights the intricate connection between language, migration and mental health. The restorative significance of language is also discussed in relation to migrants’ natural need to grieve, testify and find meaning within the hybridity that integrates their past and present sense of self.

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University of Exeter Press

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