Pedagogy and Praxis

Project Summary:

Under neoliberal austerity regimes, universities in Canada and around the world are being defunded to neutralize their critical power. At the same time, the public demand for critical analysis and scholarly knowledge is increasing, as evidenced by the use of social media for education and the explosion of webinars and teach-ins during the Black Lives Matter racial justice protests of summer 2020 and the Covid-19 pandemic. In this time of multiple and intensifying crises, Pedagogy and Praxis is rooted in a commitment to social justice and starts from the position that the university has crucial role to play in critical analysis and knowledge mobilization and dissemination.

Project Description:

The broader objective of Pedagogy and Praxis is both to develop pedagogical methods and strategies of public humanities as well as provide a forum for scholars and students to share their work publicly, integrating the research and practice of public pedagogy. Championing the university as a public good, Pedagogy and Praxis involves teaching in public with the university in mutual dialogue with the broader community. We conceive the public of this project to be community members who are looking for rigorously researched historical context and critical analysis for the social justice issues of the present.
Pedagogy and Praxis includes the pop culture podcast Replay, co-hosted by Prof. Shama Rangwala and award-winning journalist Desmond Cole.

Project Type:

Project Role:
Principal Investigator

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(e.g type 1000 for 1,000)
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