Publication Type:
book chapters

Publication Year:

Publication Bibliography:

“El Camino de Santiago en O Diário de um Mago de Paulo Coelho: puntos de partida y crisol narrativo.” Aportes recientes a la literatura y el arte españoles: Estudios de crítica narrativa (Recent Developments in Spanish Literature and Art: Studies in Narrative Criticism). London: Edwin Mellen Press, 2012. 87-109. ISBN: 0-7734-2643-4

Publication Reference Link:

Break down of publication data into fields

Publication Title:

Author Name:

Co-Author Name(s):


Conference Title:

Report Title:

Title of Paper:

Chapter Title:

Title of Journal:

Title of Book:

Conference Name:

City and Province/State/Country:

Editor's Name (if different from Author's Name):

Volume and Issue:

ISBN/Catalogue No:



Page Number(s):

Publication Type:

Publication Category: