Ph.D., History, Concordia University
M.A., History, Simon Fraser University
B.A., Sociology and English, Victoria University of Wellington
Professional Leadership
Editorial and Review Boards of Learned Journals
2006- English Language Editor, Histoire sociale/Social History
2000- Review Board, Law and History Review
1989-2000 Member Editorial Board, Canadian Committee on Labour History, Publication series.
1988-1997 Member, Editorial Board, Labour/Le Travail
1986-1991 Advisory Board, Revue d'histoire de l'amérique française.
1983-1990 Advisory Board, Histoire sociale/Social History.
1986-1989 Editorial Board, Historical Papers. Canadian Historical Association.
Offices in Professional Organizations
2007-2009 Chair, Sir John A Macdonald Prize committee.
2006-2009 Member, Sir John A Macdonald Prize committee
2007 Marta Danylewycz Prize, CRIAW / ICREF
2003-2004 Chair, Hilda Neatby Prize Committee, Canadian Committee on Women’s History
2003-2006 Member, Hilda Neatby Prize Committee, Canadian Committee on Women’s History
1998-2000 Prize Committee for the Institut d'histoire de l'Amérique française
1992-1995 Member Canadian Historical Association Council.
1991-1993 Member of Organizing Committee for the Conference,"Teaching Women's History: Challenges and Solutions," Trent University, August 20, 1993.
1990-1991 Quebec representative, Canadian Committee on Women's History.
1990-1991 Sir John A Macdonald Prize Committee Member
1989-1991 Chair of Graduate Studies Committee, History Dept, Université de Montréal.
1989-1990 Chair, Planning Committee, Canadian Committee on Women's History.
1989-1991 Member FCAR Scholarship Committee.
1988-1989 Member of Program Committee for the Canadian Historical Association's Annual Meeting 1989, responsible for papers submitted on "Life cycles and daily life.”
1986-1988 Co ordinator, Canadian Committee on Women's History.
1987-1988 Member, Canadian Organizing Committee, Canada-Australia Labour History conference, Sydney, Australia, December 1988.
1988 Member of Organizing Committee, "Technologie et travail", Congrès annuel du RCHTQ. 29 avril 1988.
1986-1988 Hilda Neatby Prize in Canadian Women's History, Selection Committee.
1986-1988 Councillor, Regroupement de chercheurs en histoire des travailleurs québecois.
Conference Organizing
May 2004 “Dans la rue/In the Street,” Organizing Committee for Annual Montreal History Group May Day conference.
April 2001 Local Arrangements, Organizer A Conference on the History of Families in Canada, Glendon College, York, Toronto, Ontario.
1991-1993 Member of Organizing Committee for the Conference, "Teaching Women's History: Challenges and Solutions, Trent University, August 20, 1993.
1989-1992 Member, Committee for the Conference and Special Issue of the RHAF to commemorate the 350th Anniversary of Montreal.
Unpaid Consultancies / Expert Witness
2000-2001 Affidavit on history of marriage, prepared for Égale Canada et. al for Case before Attorney General of Canada, Attorney General of BC and Attorney General of Ontario, “In the matter of applications for licenses by persons of the same sex who intend to marry.”
1999-2000 Consulted for 19th century portion of CBC’s, Canada: A People’s History.
Reviews of manuscripts for the Aid to Scholarly Publications Programme of the Canadian Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences. 2009
Reviews of grants submitted to SSHRC and FQRSC.
Reviews for other learned journals including:
Law and History Review Canadian Historical Review Histoire Sociale/Social History Revue d'histoire de l'Amérique française Osgoode Hall Law Journal Social History Labour/Le Travail Canadian Bulletin of Medical History The Journal of American History History of Aging
Community Contributions
Department Administration, Committees, Service
2010-2011 Chair, School of Women's Studies. 2009-2010 Chair, School of Women’s Studies. Chair, History Council, LA&PS. File Preparation Committee, History. Member, Executive, Graduate History Program. Member, CFR Board. Member, Executive, Graduate Women’s Studies. Adjudicating Committee, Women’s Studies.
2008-2009 Chair, School of Women’s Studies. Member, Executive, Graduate History Program. Member, CFR Board. Member, Executive, Graduate Women’s Studies. Adjudicating Committee, Women’s Studies.
2007-2008 Chair, School of Women’s Studies. Member, Executive, Graduate History Program. Member, CFR Board. Member, Executive, Graduate Women’s Studies. Research Coordinator, History, Arts – developed “History Thursdays: Research and reflections by York Faculty doing Historical Research.”
2006-2007 Executive History Department, Arts File Preparation Committee, T and P, Women’s Studies Colonial Latin America, Search Committee Adjudication Committee, History, Glendon. Ramsay Cook Scholarship Committee, Graduate Program in History.
2005-2006 Sabbatical
2004-2005 Executive, History Department, Arts Computer Coordinator, History Department, Arts Executive, Graduate Program in History Scholarship Ranking Committee, Graduate Program in History
2003-2004 Faculty of Arts Leave File Preparation Committee, History, Glendon
2002-2003 Chair, African History Search Committee, History, Arts Chair, Service Sub-Committee, Tenure and Promotion, Arts
2001-2002 Chair, School of Women’s Studies, Tenure and Promotion Committee
2000-2001 Director, Graduate Program, History, York Chair, School of Women’s Studies Tenure and Promotion Committee Member, Teaching Sub-Committee, Tenure and Promotion Committee, Arts Member, Executive, Centre for Feminist Research, York.
1999-2000 Sabbatical Chair, School of Women’s Studies Tenure and Promotion Committee
1998-1999 Director, Graduate Program, History, York Coordinator, Women’s Studies Programme, Glendon Member, Executive, School of Women’s Studies Chair, School of Women’s Studies Search Committee for a new chair
1997-1998 Director, Graduate Program, History, York Coordinator, Women's Studies Programme, Glendon Member, Project Team, School of Women's Studies
1995-1997 Coordinator, Women's Studies Programme, Glendon. Member, Project Team, School of Women's Studies, York. Tenure and Promotions Committee, Teaching Sub-Committee, History
1994-1995 Co-coordinator, Women's Studies Programme, Glendon. Tenure and Promotions Committee, Scholarship Sub-Committee, History
1989-1991 Director of Graduate Studies, History, Université de Montréal
Faculty Level
2001-2003 Chair, Policy and Planning Committee, Glendon 2000-2001 Member, Policy and Planning Committee, Glendon
2006-2010 Senator 2006-2009 Senate Executive member, representative for Glendon.
History, Women, Feminist family history, social, Quebec and the British Empire, marriage and widowhood, women's history, Marriage, inheritance laws and colonization – Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the Cape (South Africa),
Honourable mention, Francois-Xavier Garneau Medal awarded every five years for outstanding work in history for Working Families 2000 - 2000
Harold Adams Innis prize for the best work in the social sciences written in English and subsidized by the Aid to Scholarly Publications Programme 1994 - 1994
John A. Macdonald prize for the best book in Canadian History published in 1993 - 1993
Current Research Projects
Research Project
An examination of debates about marriage and inheritance in 19th century settler societies within the British Empire which looks at the public and political debates about changing marriage and inheritance law, and specifically marriage law regarding wives property rights within marriage. In this project, I read the records that exist of political debates, of government initiated investigations and legal cases as well as drama, novels and other cultural productions in Canada, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa to explore the place of marriage and inheritance in the making of white settler societies. I received an SSHRC grant to explore the marriage side of this question in 2001-2004. I am now seeking time to complete some of the research, integrate issues of inheritance more explicitly than I had initially planned and to write up my research results.
See more
Research Project
Jewish Businessmen and Methodist Missionaries and their descendants in New Zealand. It is a transnational study of two families that settled in New Zealand during the 19th century and have left fairly extensive records across the generations. One was that of a German Jew, Bendix Hallenstein who provisioned miners during the Gold Rush, first in Victoria, Australia, then in New Zealand and went on to become a minor politician and important businessman. The other is that of a Methodist missionary, Samuel Fowler who was sent to the Pacific around the same time. The manuscript traces the history of these two men and their wives, then follows subsequent generations of couples who are their descendants to weave a picture of the diverse origins and histories that went into the making of New Zealand.
Caroline's Dilemma. A colonial inheritance saga. (New South Press, Sydney, Australia, 2019; UBC Press, Vancouver, 2020)
Wife to Widow. Lives, Laws and Politics in Nineteenth-century Montreal. (Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, June, 2011) , 600p.
Negotiating Identities in 19th and 20th Century Montreal (Vancouver: UBC Press, October, 2005), co-edited with Tamara Myers, 310p.
Wife to Widow: Class, Culture, Family and the Law in Nineteenth-Century Quebec, Grandes Conférences Desjardins, pamphlet No. 1 (Programme d'études sur le Québec de l'Université McGill, 1997), 1-45.
Familles ouvrières à Montréal. Age, genre et survie quotidienne pendant la phase d'industrialisation (Montréal: Boréal, 1995) Translated by Christiane Teasdale. 368p.
Working Families. Age, Gender and Daily Survival in Industrializing Montreal. (Toronto: Canadian Social History Series, McClelland and Stewart, 1993) ; (Republished Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1996) (3rd edition, Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2007) , 310p. -Winner of 1993 John A. Macdonald prize for the best book in Canadian History published in 1993. -Winner of the Harold Adams Innis prize for the best book in the social sciences published in English with a grant from the Aid to Scholarly Publications Programme, 1993. -Honourable mention, Francois-Xavier Garneau Medal, 2000, awarded every five years for outstanding work in history.
Canadian Family History. Selected Readings, (Toronto: Copp Clark Pitman, New Canadian Readings Series, 1992), 443p. (2nd ed., Toronto: Irwin Pub. 2000).
Book Chapters
“Widows at the Hustings: Gender, Citizenship, and the Montreal by-elections of 1832,” in Rudolph M. Bell and Virginia Yans, Women on their Own. Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Being Single (NJ: Rutgers University Press, 2008), 82-113.
“Canadian children who lived with one parent in 1901,” in Eric Sager and Peter Baskerville eds., Household Counts: Canadian Households and Families in 1901 (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2006), 247-301.
“Colonial Comparisons: Rethinking Marriage, Civilization and Nation in 19th century White- Settler Societies,” in Phillip Buckner and G. Frances eds., Rediscovering the British World, (Calgary: University of Calgary Press, November, 2005), 135-58.
Bettina Bradbury and Tamara Myers, “Introduction,” in Bradbury and Myers, eds., Negotiating Identities in 19th and 20th century Montreal (Vancouver: UBC Press, 2005), 1-21.
“Social, Economic, and Cultural Origins of Contemporary Families,” in Maureen Baker ed., Families: Changing Trends in Canada (McGraw-Hill Ryerson, Toronto, 2005). Updated version of “Social, Economic, and Cultural Origins of Contemporary Families,” in Maureen Baker ed., Families: Changing Trends in Canada (McGraw-Hill Ryerson, Toronto, 2000), 67-92; revised version of "The Social and Economic Origins of Contemporary Families, Canada Before the First World War," in Maureen Baker, ed., Families: Changing Trends in Canada (McGraw-Hill Ryerson Ltd., Toronto, 1996), 55-77.
“Widows Negotiate the Law: The First Year of Widowhood in Early 19th Century Montreal,” in Tamara Myers and Bettina Bradbury, eds., Negotiating Identity in 19th and 20th Century Montreal (Vancouver: UBC Press, 2005), 120-48.
“Itineraries of Marriage and Widowhood in Nineteenth-century Montreal,” in Nancy Christie and Michael Gauvreau, eds., Mapping the Margins: Families and Social Discipline in Canada, 1700-1975 (Montreal & Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2004), 103-140.
“Debating Dower: Patriarchy, Capitalism and Widows' Rights in Lower Canada, ” in Tamara Myers, Kate Boyer, et. al. eds., Power, Place and Identity: Historical Studies of Social and Legal Regulation in Quebec (Montreal, Montreal History Group, 1998), 55-78.
“Creating a More Inclusive History - An overview of the challenges and solutions faced in integrating class, race and gender into survey courses, ” in Bettina Bradbury, Franca Iacovetta, Joan Sangster et. al. Teaching Women's History (Athabaska, 1995), 37-48.
“The Home as Workplace,” in Paul Craven ed., Labouring Lives. Work and Workers in Nineteenth-Century Ontario, (Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 1995), 412-478.
“Welfare and Survival in the Great Depression, ” in Len Evendon ed., Suburb of Happy Homes: Burnaby: Centennial Themes (Burnaby, Community and Economic Development Center and Center for Canadian Studies, Simon Fraser University, 1995), 41-66.
“Widowhood and Canadian Family History,” in Margaret Conrad ed., Intimate Relations: Family and Community in Planter Nova Scotia, 1759-1800 (Fredericton, Acadiensis Press, 1995), 19-41.
“Women and Technological Change in Nineteenth Century Montreal, ” in Audrey Kobayashi and Linda Peake, editors, Women, Work and Place, (Montreal and Kingston, McGill-Queen's, 1994), 27-44.
“Marriage Contracts as a Source for Historians, ” with Alan Stewart, in Don Fyson ed., Class, Gender and the Law in Eighteenth and Nineteenth Century Québec (Montreal, Montreal History Group, 1993), 99-126.
“Gender at Work at Home: Family Decisions, the Labour Market and Girls' Contributions to the Family Economy,” in Gregory S. Kealey and Greg Patmore eds., Canadian and Australian Labour History (Australian-Canadian Studies, Sydney, 1990), pp. 119-140,
“Elderly Inmates and Care giving Sisters: Catholic Institutions for the Elderly in Nineteenth Century Montreal,” in Franca Iacovetta and Wendy Mitchinson eds., On The Case: Case Files and Social History (University of Toronto Press, Toronto, 1998), 129-155.
“The Fragmented Family: Family Strategies in the Face of Death, Illness and Poverty, Montreal, 1860-1885, ” in Joy Parr, ed., Childhood and Family in Canadian History, (Toronto, McClelland and Stewart, 1982), 109-128.
Book Reviews
Dillon, Lisa. The Shady Side of Fifty: Age and Old Age in Late Victorian Canada and the United States, Canadian Historical Review 90, 3 (September 2009): 558-61.
Nootens, Thierry. Fous, prodigues et ivrognes. Familles et déviance à Montréal au XIXe siècle. Montreal and Kingston: MQUP, 2007. RHAF 62, 1 (Summer 2008): 141-4
Fecteau, Jean-Marie, La liberté du pauvre. Crime et pauvreté au XIXe siècle québécois Bulletin d’histoire politique, vol. 15, numéro 2, hiver 2007: 239-44.
Morris, R.J. Men, Women and Property in England, 1780-1870, Histoire sociale / Social History, vol XL, no. 80, (November 2007): 459-62.
Noel. Françoise Family Life and Sociability in Upper and Lower Canada, 1780-1870. Montreal and Kingston: McGill Queen's University Press, 2003. H-Canada, 2005.
de Groot, Raphaënd Elizabeth Ouellet, Plus Que Parfaites. Les aides familiales à Montréal, 1850-2000, in Atlantis, 28, 2 (Spring 2004), 151-2.
Kok, Jan ed., Rebellious Families: Household Strategies and Collective Action in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries (New York: Berghahn Books, 2002), Labour/Le Travail, (Autumn, 2004): 330.
Baskerville, Peter and Eric W. Sager, Unwilling Idlers: The Urban Unemployed and Their Families in Late Victorian Canada (Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 1999) for Labour/Le Travail 45, (2000): 296-8.
Chambers, Lori, Married Women and Property Law in Victorian Ontario (The Osgoode Society for Canadian Legal History, Toronto, 1997) Osgoode Hall Law Journal, 37, 4 (Winter 1999): 877-884.
Dublin, Thomas, Transforming Women's Work: New England Lives in the Industrial Revolution, The Journal of American History 82, 2 (September 1995): 719-20
Le Collectif Clio, L'histoire des femmes au Québec depuis quatre siècles, Labour/Le Travail (Spring 1995) 321-3.
Serge Gagnon, Mariage et famille au temps de Papineau Histoire sociale / Social History, XXVIII, 56 (november 1995) : 577-9.
Jean Du Berger et Jacques Mathieu, Les ouvrières de Dominion Corset à Québec, 1886-1988 Canadian Woman Studies/les cahiers de la femme 15, 1 (Winter 1994) : 104-7.
Judith Fingard, The Dark Side of Life in Victorian Halifax, Canadian Historical Review 72,4 (December, 1991): 601-3.
Peter Ward, Courtship, Love and Marriage in Nineteenth Century Canada, Canadian Historical Review 72, 4 (December, 1991): 597-9.
Claudette Lacelle, Les domestiques dans les villes canadiennes, Labour/Le Travail 23 (Spring 1989) : 278-80.
Gregory S. Kealey, ed., Class, Gender and Region. Essays in Canadian Historical Sociology, Labour History, 1989.
Marjorie Griffin Cohen, Women's Work, Markets and Economic Development in Nineteenth Century Ontario, RHAF, 42; 4 (1989): 607-9.
Jane Lewis, ed., Labour and Love. Women's Experience of Home and Family, 1850-1940, Labour/Le Travail, (Winter 1988).
Jean Burnet, ed., Looking into my Sister's Eyes: Explorations in Ontario Women's History, Atlantis, 14, 1(Fall 1988): 171.
Viv Nelles, Monopoly’s Moment. Revue d'histoire de l'Amerique française, 41,3 (hiver 1988) : 403-8.
Veronica Strong-Boag and Aneta Fellman, Rethinking Canada. The Promise of Women's History, RHAF, 40,3 (hiver 1987).
Alison Prentice and Susan Mann Trofimenkoff, The Neglected Majority. Essays in Canadian Women's History, RHAF, 39,4 (printemps 1986): 604-5.
Marie Lavigne et Yolande Pinard, Travailleuses et féministes. Les femmes dans la société québécoise, RHAF, 38, 3 (hiver 1985) : 441-3.
Peter Ward, The Mysteries of Montreal - Memoirs of a Midwife, Canadian Historical Review, LXVI, 4, (Decembre 1985): 593-4.
Tamara Hareven, Family Time and Industrial Time, Atlantis, 10,2 (Spring 1985).
Susan Strasser, Never Done: A History of American Housework, Labour/Le Travail, 13 (Spring 1984).
Joan Scott and Louise Tilly, Women, Work and Family, Labour/Le Travail, 6 (Autumn 1980).
Journal Articles
“Feminist Historians and Family History in Canada in the 1990's,” Journal of Family History, Vol. 25, 3, (July 2000): 362-83.
“Single Parenthood in the Past: Canadian Census Categories, 1891-1951 and the ‘Normal’ Family,” Historical Methods, Special Issue on the Canadian Families Project, 33, 4 (Fall, 2000): 211-217.
“From civil death to separate property: Changes in the legal rights of married women in nineteenth century New Zealand, ” New Zealand Journal of History, Vol. 29, no.1 (April, 1995): 40-66.
“Property and Marriage: The Law and Practice in early Nineteenth Century Montreal, ” with Alan Stewart, Evelyn Kolish and Peter Gossage, Histoire sociale/ Social History XXVI, (May, 1993): 9-39
“Women and the History of their Work in Canada: Some Recent Books, ” Journal of Canadian Studies, 28, 3, (Fall, 1993): 159-64.
“Mourir chrétiennement. La vie et la mort dans les établissments catholiques pour personnes âgées à Montréal au XIXe siècle, ” Revue d'histoire de L'Amérique française, 46, 1, (été, 1992) : 143-175
“Surviving as a Widow in Nineteenth-Century Montreal, ” Revue d'histoire urbaine/Urban History Review, XVII, 3, (February 1989): 148-160.
“Women's History and Working Class History,” Labour/Le Travail, 19 (Spring 1987): 23-43.
“Pigs, Cows and Boarders. Non-wage forms of Survival among Montreal Families, 1861-1881, ” Labour/Le Travail, 14 (Autumn 1984): 9-46.
“Women and Wage Labour in a Period of Transition: Montreal, 1861-1881, ” Histoire Sociale / Social History, 33 (May 1984): 115-132
“The Family Economy and Work in an Industrializing City, Montreal in the 1870's,” Canadian Historical Association, Historical Papers, (1979): 71-96.
Professional Journal Articles
"Thinking about families in the year of the family," Heritage Post, newsletter for elementary teachers, April, 1994.
“Commentaire sur l'histoire des travailleurs, des femmes et de la famille, ” Histoire des travailleurs Quebecois, Bulletin du RCHTQ, (numero 32-33, 1985): 77-84.
"Vancouver in the Thirties," in C. Davis ed., The Vancouver Book, (Vancouver, Evergreen Press, 1976).
Conference Papers
Aug 2010 “Une féminste québecoise confronte la Nouvelle Zélande: en honeur de mon amie Andrée Lévesque.” Canadian Committee on Women’s History Conference, Vancouver, August, 2010.
Aug 2010 “White widows’ wishes in 19th century British colonies.” International Federation for Research in Women’s History, International Congress of Historical Sciences, 22-28 August, Amsterdam, Netherlands .
Apr 2009 “Migration, family fortunes and the law in 19th century Quebec and the Cape Colony,” Inside and Outside the Nation: Canadian History as Transnational History, Winnipeg. Invited presenter.
Apr 2009 “Revisiting Brian Young’s George- Etienne Cartier, Montreal Bourgeois through the lenses of two decades of women’s and gender history,” Montreal History Group May Day Conference in Honour of Brian Young.
Jun 2008 “A drinking widow confronts Quebec’s civil courts: Maria Mitchell’s struggle for a say in her children’s future in nineteenth-century Montreal," CHA, Annual Meeting, Vancouver. Facilitator session on “Gender, Necessity, and Obligation,” CHA, Annual Meeting, Vancouver
Feb 2008 “Nineteenth Century Widowhood: Challenges, Choices and Constraints,” Invited talk, Herstory series, Black Creek Pioneer Village.
Oct 2008 “‘Dower this barbarous law:’ Re-imagining marriage, widowhood and nation in early 19th century Montreal.” Invited lecture. Shannon Lectures in History, University of Carleton.
Jun 2007 “‘Wholly deprived of the keeping and comfort of her said five children’: Maria Mitchell’s struggle over her children’s future in the civil courts of nineteenth-century Quebec,” The Social and Cultural History of Children and Youth Conference, run by the Society for the History of Children and Youth, Linköping University, Norrköping, Sweden. Jun 2007 “Wife to Widow to Mother Superior: Emilie Tavernier Gamelin and the Reshaping of Montreal’s Nineteenth-Century Social Institutions, The Merry Widow: Rethinking widowhood in history, culture and society, Centre for Research into Gender in Culture and Society, University of Swansea, Wales.
May/Jun 2006 “City of Women: A Twenty-Year Retrospective.” Roundtable organized by the Canadian Committee on Women’s History, with Carolyn Strange, Karen Dubinsky and Steven Maynard, CHA, York University
Oct 2006 “Table ronde: La liberté du pauvre,” Poverty and Social Relations in Canada, 19th and 20th centuries. Centre d’histoire des régulations sociales / Centre for the History of Social Regulation, UQAM, Montreal.
Jul 2005 “Imagining Widowhood ‘á la loi anglaise.’ British Montrealers adjust to living with French marriage law over the 19th century,” British World Conference, Auckland, New Zealand.
Oct 2005 “Widow’s Wealth: Children Wills and Widowhood,” Feminist History Group, Melbourne, Australia.
Sep 2005 “Women and the vote in early 19th century Quebec,” History Department, University of Melbourne.
Nov 2005 “‘I hope dear Caroline that your future may be far more bright than your past has been and that you may have all the comfort in your children you can derive.’ Widows’ Wealth: Children, work and wills in 19th century Montreal,” MHG, Jeudis d’histoire, McGill University.
May 2005 “‘In England a man can do as he likes with his property:’ Competing Visions of Marriage and Inheritance in Nineteenth-Century Quebec and the Cape Colony,” Thirteenth Berkshire Conference on the History of Women, Scripps College, Claremont, California.
Oct 2004 “Le vote de Mme Cuvillier: loyauté, genre et alterité dans l’élection partielle de Montréal Ouest, 1832,” Institut d’histoire de l’Amérique française, Annual Meeting, Chicoutimi.
May 2004 “Widows at the Hustings, April-May 1832,” Montreal History Group Annual May Day Conference, “In the street.” Montreal, Quebec.
Nov 2003 “Family Historians, Affidavits and the Case for and against Gay Marriage,” Queen’s Department of History, Guest Lecturer.
Feb 2003 “Family Historians, Affidavits and the Case for and against Gay Marriage,” Historian’s Craft Opening Session, New Frontiers in Graduate History Conference, York University.
Jul 2003 “Rethinking Marriage and Nation in 19th century white settler societies,” British World Conference, Calgary, July 2003.
May 2002 “Qui laisse quelles traces? Veuves francophones et anglophones au 19e siècle: l'effet des identités culturelles dans les archives montrèalaises,” History Department, Laval University, Quebec.
Feb 2002 “Widowhood and Cultural Identity in 19th Century Montreal,” Annual Jackson Lecture, History Department, University of Winnipeg.
Apr 2001 “Families: Historical, Critical and Contemporary Perspectives,” Graduate Program in Sociology seminar.
Apr 2001 “The Children of Single Parents a Hundred Years Ago. Patterns and Problems,” A Conference on the History of Families in Canada, Toronto, Ontario.
Apr 2001 “Wife to Widow: Center to Margins? Individual Itineraries in 19th Century Quebec,” Key note speaker, On the Margins of Family / Aux marges de la famille, Hamilton, Ontario.
Mar 2001 “Exhibiting History: Conversations about fins de siècle “McCord,” Invited speaker at Colloquium at the McCord Museum of Canadian History, Montreal.
May 2000 “Reading men’s wills. Marriage, death and property in 19th century Montreal,” Annual May Day Meeting, Montreal History Group.
Apr 1999 “Colonies, Civilization and Marriage: Rethinking the Marriage Contract in Nineteenth Century White Settler Societies,” Montreal History Group Annual May Day Conference, McGill.
Oct 1999 “Rethinking marriage, property and cultural identities in 19th century Quebec,” American Society for Legal History, Toronto.
Jun 1999 “Single Parenting in 19th Century Toronto,” Conference of the Canadian Families Project, Victoria, B.C.
Jul 1998 “Colonies, Civilization and Marriage: Re-thinking the Marriage Contract in Nineteenth Century White Settler Societies,” Conference of the International Federation for Research in Women's History, Melbourne.
Sep 1998 “Family Matters: Historical Perspectives”, Robarts Series on the Family, York University.
Jun 1998 “Past Lessons- Future Policy: How Government Learns from History?" Round Table, CHA Annual Conference
Jun 1998 “Past Lessons-Future Policy: How Government Learns from History?” Round Table, CHA Annual Conference.
Oct 1998 “Women in Business in the Nineteenth Century,” Commentator, The Fifth Canadian Business History Conference, Hamilton.
Feb 1997 “Negotiating Widow's Rights in 19th Century Quebec,” Guest speaker, UBC Centre for Research in Women's Studies and Gender Relations
Nov 1997 “Wife to Widow: Class, Culture, Family and the Law in Nineteenth Century Quebec,” First invited speaker for the Conférences Desjardin annual lectures, sponsored by the Programme d’ études sur le Quebec, McGill.
May 1996 “Boundaries and Marriage Law: Legal traditions and Legal Choices in Nineteenth Century Montreal,” Edinburgh, Scotland, Centre of Canadian Studies Conference
Mar 1996 “From Wife to Widow: Transformations of Women's Rights in 19th Century Quebec,” Research Lecture series, York University, 6 March
Apr 1996 “On the Rules it Establishes depends the Scanty Pittance of the Widow: The Registry Ordinance of 1841 and Widows' Rights in Lower Canada,” Power, Place and Identity. Historical Studies of Social and Legal Regulation in Quebec. Montreal History Group, McGill.
May 1996 “Private Decisions and Public Policy: Transformations in widow's dower rights in nineteenth century Quebec,” Canadian Historical Association, Learneds:
Mar 1996 “Women, Property and the State: Reflections on the Changing Relation of Women to the State in Quebec between 1800 and 1880,” État: de nouvelles perspectives en histoire canadienne, 22-23 March, UdeM
Apr 1995 “Researching the History of Women's Work in the Home,” Workshop at Counting Women in: New ways of thinking about Work, Conference sponsored by Ontario Women's History Network, Toronto Board of Education, Ontario Workers Arts and Heritage Centre, Glendon College.
Oct 1994 “Great Expectations: Transformations in Widows' Rights in Early Nineteenth-Century Montreal,” Guest speaker, Windsor History Department.
Mar 1994 “On Dowers and Death and the Death of the Dower,” Montreal History Group, Jeudis d'histoire", McGill University, Montreal.
Oct 1994 “Transformations dans les droits des veuves, Montreal, 1820-1860,” Congres annuel de l'Institut d'histoire de l'Amerique francaise, Chicoutimi.
Nov 1994 “Wives and widows: Rethinking women and economic change in 19tcentury Canada,” Visiting Speaker, HIstory, Sociology and Women's Studies, McMaster University.
Aug 1993 "From civil death to separate property: Changes in the legal rights of married women in nineteenth century New Zealand”, "Suffrage and Beyond. An International Historical Conference to commemorate the centenary of female suffrage in New Zealand,” Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand.
Apr 1993 "From Working-Class Families to Widowhood: Researching Nineteenth Century Women's Lives, ” York University, Sociology Department, Social History Network Meeting.
Jan 1993 "How did working-class women manage without a man? Questions from nineteenth-century Montreal, ” York University, History Department, Graduate Student Series on the Craft of the Historian.
Oct 1993 “Widowhood and Canadian Family History,” Keynote Address, “Family and Community in Planter Nova Scotia Conference,” Acadia University, Wolfville, Nova Scotia.
Mar 1992 "'Money Matters': A Preliminary Look at the Rights of Married women to Property and Wages in Nineteenth Century England, United States, Canada and New Zealand," History Department Lunchtime Seminar Series, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand.
May 1992 "Dying a religious death: Institutional charity for widows and widowers in nineteenth-century Montreal,” International Conference on Marriage and the Family, Carleton University, Ottawa.
May 1992 "Dying a religious death: Institutional charity for widows and widowers in nineteenth-century Montreal," International Conference on Marriage and the Family, Carleton University, Ottawa.
Oct 1992 "Growing Old in 19th Century Montreal,” Glendon History Club.
May 1992 "International Comparisons: Researching Nineteenth Century Married Women's Property Rights in Common-Law Colonies and Québec", Workshop on "Problems in Researching Gender, Justice and Cultural Difference", organized by the Montreal History Group, McGill University.
Oct 1992 "Mourir chrétiennement. La vie et la mort dans les établissements catholiques pour personnes agées à Montréal au XIXe siècle,” Institut d’histoire de l’Amérique francaise, Montréal.
Mar 1992 "What's hers is mine: Changes in the financial rights and obligations of husbands and wives in 19th century New Zealand," Seminar Series, Stout Research Centre, Victoria University of Wellington.
Jun 1991 Commentator, "Aspects of Industrialization in France," CHA, Kingston.
Apr 1991 "Se débrouiller sans hommes à Montréal à la fin du XIXe siècle," Colloque annuel du Regroupement des chercheurs et chercheures en histoire des travailleurs et travailleuses du Québec.
Feb 1990 "Families, the formalization of work and labour markets: Ideas from nineteenth-century Montreal," Colloquium "Beyond Fragmentation, Family History and Labour History, Université d'Ottawa.
Jan 1990 "Parenting Alone in the Past and Present: Changes and Continuities in lone-parenthood in Montreal since the late nineteenth-century," invited speaker, History Department, Guelph University.
Jun 1989 Commentator,"Cycles de vie à Montréal au 19e siècle" CHA, Quebec. Chair, "Gender in the Textile and Hosiery Industries" CHA, Quebec.
Apr 1989 "Marriage Regimes: Law and Practice in Nineteenth Century Montreal," with J. Greenlaw, P. Gossage, A. Stewart, and E. Kolish. Les soirées du Montreal Business History Project.
Oct 1989 "Régimes matrimoniaux: Le droit et la pratique à Montreal, 1820-1845" with Jane Greenlaw, Peter Gossage, Evelyn Kolish and Alan Stewart. IHAF, Sherbrooke.
Dec 1988 "Gender at Work at Home.” Canadian-Australian Labour History Conference, Sydney, Australia.
Oct 1988 Chair, session on "Les femmes et le travail au 20e siècle.” IHAF, Trois Rivieres.
Mar 1988 Colloque, "Montreal: Une histoire a partager/ Montreal: A History to Share", McGill, Animator of the session on Women, Work and the Family.
Feb 1988 Guest speaker, History Department, Concordia University, Montreal: "Women and Technological Change in Nineteenth Century Montreal.”
May 1987 Guest speaker, SOREP, Chicoutimi: "Mariage, veuvage et remariage à Montréal au début du 19e siècle - méthodologie et problèmes.”
Oct 1987 Social Science History Association, New Orleans: "Widows and their families in early nineteenth century Montreal.”
Jun 1986 “The writing of the history of women and working-class history", CHA, Annual Meeting, Winnipeg.
Oct 1986 Urban History Group of the Canadian Historical Association, Montreal: "Women and the family in the nineteenth-century City: Questions, Sources and Methods.”
Dec 1986 Guest speaker, History Dept, York University: "Women and the working class in Quebec historiography."
Oct 1984 "Les veuves et leurs familles, Montréal, 1860-1880.” IHAF, Quebec City.
Jun 1983 "Pigs, Cows and Boarders. Non wage forms of survival among Montreal Families, 1861 1891," CHA Annual meeting, Vancouver.
Jun 1980 "The Fragmented Family: Strategies in the Face of Illness, Disease and Death, Montreal, 1861-1885," CHA Annual Meeting, Montreal.
Jun 1979 "Families and Work in an Industrializing City, Montreal, 1871," CHA Annual Meeting, Saskatoon.
Ph.D., History, Concordia University
M.A., History, Simon Fraser University
B.A., Sociology and English, Victoria University of Wellington
Professional Leadership
Editorial and Review Boards of Learned Journals
2006- English Language Editor, Histoire sociale/Social History
2000- Review Board, Law and History Review
1989-2000 Member Editorial Board, Canadian Committee on Labour History, Publication series.
1988-1997 Member, Editorial Board, Labour/Le Travail
1986-1991 Advisory Board, Revue d'histoire de l'amérique française.
1983-1990 Advisory Board, Histoire sociale/Social History.
1986-1989 Editorial Board, Historical Papers. Canadian Historical Association.
Offices in Professional Organizations
2007-2009 Chair, Sir John A Macdonald Prize committee.
2006-2009 Member, Sir John A Macdonald Prize committee
2007 Marta Danylewycz Prize, CRIAW / ICREF
2003-2004 Chair, Hilda Neatby Prize Committee, Canadian Committee on Women’s History
2003-2006 Member, Hilda Neatby Prize Committee, Canadian Committee on Women’s History
1998-2000 Prize Committee for the Institut d'histoire de l'Amérique française
1992-1995 Member Canadian Historical Association Council.
1991-1993 Member of Organizing Committee for the Conference,"Teaching Women's History: Challenges and Solutions," Trent University, August 20, 1993.
1990-1991 Quebec representative, Canadian Committee on Women's History.
1990-1991 Sir John A Macdonald Prize Committee Member
1989-1991 Chair of Graduate Studies Committee, History Dept, Université de Montréal.
1989-1990 Chair, Planning Committee, Canadian Committee on Women's History.
1989-1991 Member FCAR Scholarship Committee.
1988-1989 Member of Program Committee for the Canadian Historical Association's Annual Meeting 1989, responsible for papers submitted on "Life cycles and daily life.”
1986-1988 Co ordinator, Canadian Committee on Women's History.
1987-1988 Member, Canadian Organizing Committee, Canada-Australia Labour History conference, Sydney, Australia, December 1988.
1988 Member of Organizing Committee, "Technologie et travail", Congrès annuel du RCHTQ. 29 avril 1988.
1986-1988 Hilda Neatby Prize in Canadian Women's History, Selection Committee.
1986-1988 Councillor, Regroupement de chercheurs en histoire des travailleurs québecois.
Conference Organizing
May 2004 “Dans la rue/In the Street,” Organizing Committee for Annual Montreal History Group May Day conference.
April 2001 Local Arrangements, Organizer A Conference on the History of Families in Canada, Glendon College, York, Toronto, Ontario.
1991-1993 Member of Organizing Committee for the Conference, "Teaching Women's History: Challenges and Solutions, Trent University, August 20, 1993.
1989-1992 Member, Committee for the Conference and Special Issue of the RHAF to commemorate the 350th Anniversary of Montreal.
Unpaid Consultancies / Expert Witness
2000-2001 Affidavit on history of marriage, prepared for Égale Canada et. al for Case before Attorney General of Canada, Attorney General of BC and Attorney General of Ontario, “In the matter of applications for licenses by persons of the same sex who intend to marry.”
1999-2000 Consulted for 19th century portion of CBC’s, Canada: A People’s History.
Reviews of manuscripts for the Aid to Scholarly Publications Programme of the Canadian Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences. 2009
Reviews of grants submitted to SSHRC and FQRSC.
Reviews for other learned journals including:
Law and History Review Canadian Historical Review Histoire Sociale/Social History Revue d'histoire de l'Amérique française Osgoode Hall Law Journal Social History Labour/Le Travail Canadian Bulletin of Medical History The Journal of American History History of Aging
Community Contributions
Department Administration, Committees, Service
2010-2011 Chair, School of Women's Studies. 2009-2010 Chair, School of Women’s Studies. Chair, History Council, LA&PS. File Preparation Committee, History. Member, Executive, Graduate History Program. Member, CFR Board. Member, Executive, Graduate Women’s Studies. Adjudicating Committee, Women’s Studies.
2008-2009 Chair, School of Women’s Studies. Member, Executive, Graduate History Program. Member, CFR Board. Member, Executive, Graduate Women’s Studies. Adjudicating Committee, Women’s Studies.
2007-2008 Chair, School of Women’s Studies. Member, Executive, Graduate History Program. Member, CFR Board. Member, Executive, Graduate Women’s Studies. Research Coordinator, History, Arts – developed “History Thursdays: Research and reflections by York Faculty doing Historical Research.”
2006-2007 Executive History Department, Arts File Preparation Committee, T and P, Women’s Studies Colonial Latin America, Search Committee Adjudication Committee, History, Glendon. Ramsay Cook Scholarship Committee, Graduate Program in History.
2005-2006 Sabbatical
2004-2005 Executive, History Department, Arts Computer Coordinator, History Department, Arts Executive, Graduate Program in History Scholarship Ranking Committee, Graduate Program in History
2003-2004 Faculty of Arts Leave File Preparation Committee, History, Glendon
2002-2003 Chair, African History Search Committee, History, Arts Chair, Service Sub-Committee, Tenure and Promotion, Arts
2001-2002 Chair, School of Women’s Studies, Tenure and Promotion Committee
2000-2001 Director, Graduate Program, History, York Chair, School of Women’s Studies Tenure and Promotion Committee Member, Teaching Sub-Committee, Tenure and Promotion Committee, Arts Member, Executive, Centre for Feminist Research, York.
1999-2000 Sabbatical Chair, School of Women’s Studies Tenure and Promotion Committee
1998-1999 Director, Graduate Program, History, York Coordinator, Women’s Studies Programme, Glendon Member, Executive, School of Women’s Studies Chair, School of Women’s Studies Search Committee for a new chair
1997-1998 Director, Graduate Program, History, York Coordinator, Women's Studies Programme, Glendon Member, Project Team, School of Women's Studies
1995-1997 Coordinator, Women's Studies Programme, Glendon. Member, Project Team, School of Women's Studies, York. Tenure and Promotions Committee, Teaching Sub-Committee, History
1994-1995 Co-coordinator, Women's Studies Programme, Glendon. Tenure and Promotions Committee, Scholarship Sub-Committee, History
1989-1991 Director of Graduate Studies, History, Université de Montréal
Faculty Level
2001-2003 Chair, Policy and Planning Committee, Glendon 2000-2001 Member, Policy and Planning Committee, Glendon
2006-2010 Senator 2006-2009 Senate Executive member, representative for Glendon.
History, Women, Feminist family history, social, Quebec and the British Empire, marriage and widowhood, women's history, Marriage, inheritance laws and colonization – Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the Cape (South Africa),
Honourable mention, Francois-Xavier Garneau Medal awarded every five years for outstanding work in history for Working Families 2000 - 2000
Harold Adams Innis prize for the best work in the social sciences written in English and subsidized by the Aid to Scholarly Publications Programme 1994 - 1994
John A. Macdonald prize for the best book in Canadian History published in 1993 - 1993
Current Research Projects
Research Project
An examination of debates about marriage and inheritance in 19th century settler societies within the British Empire which looks at the public and political debates about changing marriage and inheritance law, and specifically marriage law regarding wives property rights within marriage. In this project, I read the records that exist of political debates, of government initiated investigations and legal cases as well as drama, novels and other cultural productions in Canada, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa to explore the place of marriage and inheritance in the making of white settler societies. I received an SSHRC grant to explore the marriage side of this question in 2001-2004. I am now seeking time to complete some of the research, integrate issues of inheritance more explicitly than I had initially planned and to write up my research results.
Research Project
Jewish Businessmen and Methodist Missionaries and their descendants in New Zealand. It is a transnational study of two families that settled in New Zealand during the 19th century and have left fairly extensive records across the generations. One was that of a German Jew, Bendix Hallenstein who provisioned miners during the Gold Rush, first in Victoria, Australia, then in New Zealand and went on to become a minor politician and important businessman. The other is that of a Methodist missionary, Samuel Fowler who was sent to the Pacific around the same time. The manuscript traces the history of these two men and their wives, then follows subsequent generations of couples who are their descendants to weave a picture of the diverse origins and histories that went into the making of New Zealand.
All Publications
Book Chapters
“Widows at the Hustings: Gender, Citizenship, and the Montreal by-elections of 1832,” in Rudolph M. Bell and Virginia Yans, Women on their Own. Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Being Single (NJ: Rutgers University Press, 2008), 82-113.
“Canadian children who lived with one parent in 1901,” in Eric Sager and Peter Baskerville eds., Household Counts: Canadian Households and Families in 1901 (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2006), 247-301.
“Colonial Comparisons: Rethinking Marriage, Civilization and Nation in 19th century White- Settler Societies,” in Phillip Buckner and G. Frances eds., Rediscovering the British World, (Calgary: University of Calgary Press, November, 2005), 135-58.
Bettina Bradbury and Tamara Myers, “Introduction,” in Bradbury and Myers, eds., Negotiating Identities in 19th and 20th century Montreal (Vancouver: UBC Press, 2005), 1-21.
“Social, Economic, and Cultural Origins of Contemporary Families,” in Maureen Baker ed., Families: Changing Trends in Canada (McGraw-Hill Ryerson, Toronto, 2005). Updated version of “Social, Economic, and Cultural Origins of Contemporary Families,” in Maureen Baker ed., Families: Changing Trends in Canada (McGraw-Hill Ryerson, Toronto, 2000), 67-92; revised version of "The Social and Economic Origins of Contemporary Families, Canada Before the First World War," in Maureen Baker, ed., Families: Changing Trends in Canada (McGraw-Hill Ryerson Ltd., Toronto, 1996), 55-77.
“Widows Negotiate the Law: The First Year of Widowhood in Early 19th Century Montreal,” in Tamara Myers and Bettina Bradbury, eds., Negotiating Identity in 19th and 20th Century Montreal (Vancouver: UBC Press, 2005), 120-48.
“Itineraries of Marriage and Widowhood in Nineteenth-century Montreal,” in Nancy Christie and Michael Gauvreau, eds., Mapping the Margins: Families and Social Discipline in Canada, 1700-1975 (Montreal & Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2004), 103-140.
“Debating Dower: Patriarchy, Capitalism and Widows' Rights in Lower Canada, ” in Tamara Myers, Kate Boyer, et. al. eds., Power, Place and Identity: Historical Studies of Social and Legal Regulation in Quebec (Montreal, Montreal History Group, 1998), 55-78.
“Creating a More Inclusive History - An overview of the challenges and solutions faced in integrating class, race and gender into survey courses, ” in Bettina Bradbury, Franca Iacovetta, Joan Sangster et. al. Teaching Women's History (Athabaska, 1995), 37-48.
“The Home as Workplace,” in Paul Craven ed., Labouring Lives. Work and Workers in Nineteenth-Century Ontario, (Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 1995), 412-478.
“Welfare and Survival in the Great Depression, ” in Len Evendon ed., Suburb of Happy Homes: Burnaby: Centennial Themes (Burnaby, Community and Economic Development Center and Center for Canadian Studies, Simon Fraser University, 1995), 41-66.
“Widowhood and Canadian Family History,” in Margaret Conrad ed., Intimate Relations: Family and Community in Planter Nova Scotia, 1759-1800 (Fredericton, Acadiensis Press, 1995), 19-41.
“Women and Technological Change in Nineteenth Century Montreal, ” in Audrey Kobayashi and Linda Peake, editors, Women, Work and Place, (Montreal and Kingston, McGill-Queen's, 1994), 27-44.
“Marriage Contracts as a Source for Historians, ” with Alan Stewart, in Don Fyson ed., Class, Gender and the Law in Eighteenth and Nineteenth Century Québec (Montreal, Montreal History Group, 1993), 99-126.
“Gender at Work at Home: Family Decisions, the Labour Market and Girls' Contributions to the Family Economy,” in Gregory S. Kealey and Greg Patmore eds., Canadian and Australian Labour History (Australian-Canadian Studies, Sydney, 1990), pp. 119-140,
“Elderly Inmates and Care giving Sisters: Catholic Institutions for the Elderly in Nineteenth Century Montreal,” in Franca Iacovetta and Wendy Mitchinson eds., On The Case: Case Files and Social History (University of Toronto Press, Toronto, 1998), 129-155.
“The Fragmented Family: Family Strategies in the Face of Death, Illness and Poverty, Montreal, 1860-1885, ” in Joy Parr, ed., Childhood and Family in Canadian History, (Toronto, McClelland and Stewart, 1982), 109-128.
Book Reviews
Dillon, Lisa. The Shady Side of Fifty: Age and Old Age in Late Victorian Canada and the United States, Canadian Historical Review 90, 3 (September 2009): 558-61.
Nootens, Thierry. Fous, prodigues et ivrognes. Familles et déviance à Montréal au XIXe siècle. Montreal and Kingston: MQUP, 2007. RHAF 62, 1 (Summer 2008): 141-4
Fecteau, Jean-Marie, La liberté du pauvre. Crime et pauvreté au XIXe siècle québécois Bulletin d’histoire politique, vol. 15, numéro 2, hiver 2007: 239-44.
Morris, R.J. Men, Women and Property in England, 1780-1870, Histoire sociale / Social History, vol XL, no. 80, (November 2007): 459-62.
Noel. Françoise Family Life and Sociability in Upper and Lower Canada, 1780-1870. Montreal and Kingston: McGill Queen's University Press, 2003. H-Canada, 2005.
de Groot, Raphaënd Elizabeth Ouellet, Plus Que Parfaites. Les aides familiales à Montréal, 1850-2000, in Atlantis, 28, 2 (Spring 2004), 151-2.
Kok, Jan ed., Rebellious Families: Household Strategies and Collective Action in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries (New York: Berghahn Books, 2002), Labour/Le Travail, (Autumn, 2004): 330.
Baskerville, Peter and Eric W. Sager, Unwilling Idlers: The Urban Unemployed and Their Families in Late Victorian Canada (Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 1999) for Labour/Le Travail 45, (2000): 296-8.
Chambers, Lori, Married Women and Property Law in Victorian Ontario (The Osgoode Society for Canadian Legal History, Toronto, 1997) Osgoode Hall Law Journal, 37, 4 (Winter 1999): 877-884.
Dublin, Thomas, Transforming Women's Work: New England Lives in the Industrial Revolution, The Journal of American History 82, 2 (September 1995): 719-20
Le Collectif Clio, L'histoire des femmes au Québec depuis quatre siècles, Labour/Le Travail (Spring 1995) 321-3.
Serge Gagnon, Mariage et famille au temps de Papineau Histoire sociale / Social History, XXVIII, 56 (november 1995) : 577-9.
Jean Du Berger et Jacques Mathieu, Les ouvrières de Dominion Corset à Québec, 1886-1988 Canadian Woman Studies/les cahiers de la femme 15, 1 (Winter 1994) : 104-7.
Judith Fingard, The Dark Side of Life in Victorian Halifax, Canadian Historical Review 72,4 (December, 1991): 601-3.
Peter Ward, Courtship, Love and Marriage in Nineteenth Century Canada, Canadian Historical Review 72, 4 (December, 1991): 597-9.
Claudette Lacelle, Les domestiques dans les villes canadiennes, Labour/Le Travail 23 (Spring 1989) : 278-80.
Gregory S. Kealey, ed., Class, Gender and Region. Essays in Canadian Historical Sociology, Labour History, 1989.
Marjorie Griffin Cohen, Women's Work, Markets and Economic Development in Nineteenth Century Ontario, RHAF, 42; 4 (1989): 607-9.
Jane Lewis, ed., Labour and Love. Women's Experience of Home and Family, 1850-1940, Labour/Le Travail, (Winter 1988).
Jean Burnet, ed., Looking into my Sister's Eyes: Explorations in Ontario Women's History, Atlantis, 14, 1(Fall 1988): 171.
Viv Nelles, Monopoly’s Moment. Revue d'histoire de l'Amerique française, 41,3 (hiver 1988) : 403-8.
Veronica Strong-Boag and Aneta Fellman, Rethinking Canada. The Promise of Women's History, RHAF, 40,3 (hiver 1987).
Alison Prentice and Susan Mann Trofimenkoff, The Neglected Majority. Essays in Canadian Women's History, RHAF, 39,4 (printemps 1986): 604-5.
Marie Lavigne et Yolande Pinard, Travailleuses et féministes. Les femmes dans la société québécoise, RHAF, 38, 3 (hiver 1985) : 441-3.
Peter Ward, The Mysteries of Montreal - Memoirs of a Midwife, Canadian Historical Review, LXVI, 4, (Decembre 1985): 593-4.
Tamara Hareven, Family Time and Industrial Time, Atlantis, 10,2 (Spring 1985).
Susan Strasser, Never Done: A History of American Housework, Labour/Le Travail, 13 (Spring 1984).
Joan Scott and Louise Tilly, Women, Work and Family, Labour/Le Travail, 6 (Autumn 1980).
Caroline's Dilemma. A colonial inheritance saga. (New South Press, Sydney, Australia, 2019; UBC Press, Vancouver, 2020)
Wife to Widow. Lives, Laws and Politics in Nineteenth-century Montreal. (Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, June, 2011) , 600p.
Negotiating Identities in 19th and 20th Century Montreal (Vancouver: UBC Press, October, 2005), co-edited with Tamara Myers, 310p.
Wife to Widow: Class, Culture, Family and the Law in Nineteenth-Century Quebec, Grandes Conférences Desjardins, pamphlet No. 1 (Programme d'études sur le Québec de l'Université McGill, 1997), 1-45.
Familles ouvrières à Montréal. Age, genre et survie quotidienne pendant la phase d'industrialisation (Montréal: Boréal, 1995) Translated by Christiane Teasdale. 368p.
Working Families. Age, Gender and Daily Survival in Industrializing Montreal. (Toronto: Canadian Social History Series, McClelland and Stewart, 1993) ; (Republished Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1996) (3rd edition, Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2007) , 310p. -Winner of 1993 John A. Macdonald prize for the best book in Canadian History published in 1993. -Winner of the Harold Adams Innis prize for the best book in the social sciences published in English with a grant from the Aid to Scholarly Publications Programme, 1993. -Honourable mention, Francois-Xavier Garneau Medal, 2000, awarded every five years for outstanding work in history.
Canadian Family History. Selected Readings, (Toronto: Copp Clark Pitman, New Canadian Readings Series, 1992), 443p. (2nd ed., Toronto: Irwin Pub. 2000).
Journal Articles
“Feminist Historians and Family History in Canada in the 1990's,” Journal of Family History, Vol. 25, 3, (July 2000): 362-83.
“Single Parenthood in the Past: Canadian Census Categories, 1891-1951 and the ‘Normal’ Family,” Historical Methods, Special Issue on the Canadian Families Project, 33, 4 (Fall, 2000): 211-217.
“From civil death to separate property: Changes in the legal rights of married women in nineteenth century New Zealand, ” New Zealand Journal of History, Vol. 29, no.1 (April, 1995): 40-66.
“Property and Marriage: The Law and Practice in early Nineteenth Century Montreal, ” with Alan Stewart, Evelyn Kolish and Peter Gossage, Histoire sociale/ Social History XXVI, (May, 1993): 9-39
“Women and the History of their Work in Canada: Some Recent Books, ” Journal of Canadian Studies, 28, 3, (Fall, 1993): 159-64.
“Mourir chrétiennement. La vie et la mort dans les établissments catholiques pour personnes âgées à Montréal au XIXe siècle, ” Revue d'histoire de L'Amérique française, 46, 1, (été, 1992) : 143-175
“Surviving as a Widow in Nineteenth-Century Montreal, ” Revue d'histoire urbaine/Urban History Review, XVII, 3, (February 1989): 148-160.
“Women's History and Working Class History,” Labour/Le Travail, 19 (Spring 1987): 23-43.
“Pigs, Cows and Boarders. Non-wage forms of Survival among Montreal Families, 1861-1881, ” Labour/Le Travail, 14 (Autumn 1984): 9-46.
“Women and Wage Labour in a Period of Transition: Montreal, 1861-1881, ” Histoire Sociale / Social History, 33 (May 1984): 115-132
“The Family Economy and Work in an Industrializing City, Montreal in the 1870's,” Canadian Historical Association, Historical Papers, (1979): 71-96.
Professional Journal Articles
"Thinking about families in the year of the family," Heritage Post, newsletter for elementary teachers, April, 1994.
“Commentaire sur l'histoire des travailleurs, des femmes et de la famille, ” Histoire des travailleurs Quebecois, Bulletin du RCHTQ, (numero 32-33, 1985): 77-84.
"Vancouver in the Thirties," in C. Davis ed., The Vancouver Book, (Vancouver, Evergreen Press, 1976).
Conference Papers
Aug 2010 “Une féminste québecoise confronte la Nouvelle Zélande: en honeur de mon amie Andrée Lévesque.” Canadian Committee on Women’s History Conference, Vancouver, August, 2010.
Aug 2010 “White widows’ wishes in 19th century British colonies.” International Federation for Research in Women’s History, International Congress of Historical Sciences, 22-28 August, Amsterdam, Netherlands .
Apr 2009 “Migration, family fortunes and the law in 19th century Quebec and the Cape Colony,” Inside and Outside the Nation: Canadian History as Transnational History, Winnipeg. Invited presenter.
Apr 2009 “Revisiting Brian Young’s George- Etienne Cartier, Montreal Bourgeois through the lenses of two decades of women’s and gender history,” Montreal History Group May Day Conference in Honour of Brian Young.
Jun 2008 “A drinking widow confronts Quebec’s civil courts: Maria Mitchell’s struggle for a say in her children’s future in nineteenth-century Montreal," CHA, Annual Meeting, Vancouver. Facilitator session on “Gender, Necessity, and Obligation,” CHA, Annual Meeting, Vancouver
Feb 2008 “Nineteenth Century Widowhood: Challenges, Choices and Constraints,” Invited talk, Herstory series, Black Creek Pioneer Village.
Oct 2008 “‘Dower this barbarous law:’ Re-imagining marriage, widowhood and nation in early 19th century Montreal.” Invited lecture. Shannon Lectures in History, University of Carleton.
Jun 2007 “‘Wholly deprived of the keeping and comfort of her said five children’: Maria Mitchell’s struggle over her children’s future in the civil courts of nineteenth-century Quebec,” The Social and Cultural History of Children and Youth Conference, run by the Society for the History of Children and Youth, Linköping University, Norrköping, Sweden. Jun 2007 “Wife to Widow to Mother Superior: Emilie Tavernier Gamelin and the Reshaping of Montreal’s Nineteenth-Century Social Institutions, The Merry Widow: Rethinking widowhood in history, culture and society, Centre for Research into Gender in Culture and Society, University of Swansea, Wales.
May/Jun 2006 “City of Women: A Twenty-Year Retrospective.” Roundtable organized by the Canadian Committee on Women’s History, with Carolyn Strange, Karen Dubinsky and Steven Maynard, CHA, York University
Oct 2006 “Table ronde: La liberté du pauvre,” Poverty and Social Relations in Canada, 19th and 20th centuries. Centre d’histoire des régulations sociales / Centre for the History of Social Regulation, UQAM, Montreal.
Jul 2005 “Imagining Widowhood ‘á la loi anglaise.’ British Montrealers adjust to living with French marriage law over the 19th century,” British World Conference, Auckland, New Zealand.
Oct 2005 “Widow’s Wealth: Children Wills and Widowhood,” Feminist History Group, Melbourne, Australia.
Sep 2005 “Women and the vote in early 19th century Quebec,” History Department, University of Melbourne.
Nov 2005 “‘I hope dear Caroline that your future may be far more bright than your past has been and that you may have all the comfort in your children you can derive.’ Widows’ Wealth: Children, work and wills in 19th century Montreal,” MHG, Jeudis d’histoire, McGill University.
May 2005 “‘In England a man can do as he likes with his property:’ Competing Visions of Marriage and Inheritance in Nineteenth-Century Quebec and the Cape Colony,” Thirteenth Berkshire Conference on the History of Women, Scripps College, Claremont, California.
Oct 2004 “Le vote de Mme Cuvillier: loyauté, genre et alterité dans l’élection partielle de Montréal Ouest, 1832,” Institut d’histoire de l’Amérique française, Annual Meeting, Chicoutimi.
May 2004 “Widows at the Hustings, April-May 1832,” Montreal History Group Annual May Day Conference, “In the street.” Montreal, Quebec.
Nov 2003 “Family Historians, Affidavits and the Case for and against Gay Marriage,” Queen’s Department of History, Guest Lecturer.
Feb 2003 “Family Historians, Affidavits and the Case for and against Gay Marriage,” Historian’s Craft Opening Session, New Frontiers in Graduate History Conference, York University.
Jul 2003 “Rethinking Marriage and Nation in 19th century white settler societies,” British World Conference, Calgary, July 2003.
May 2002 “Qui laisse quelles traces? Veuves francophones et anglophones au 19e siècle: l'effet des identités culturelles dans les archives montrèalaises,” History Department, Laval University, Quebec.
Feb 2002 “Widowhood and Cultural Identity in 19th Century Montreal,” Annual Jackson Lecture, History Department, University of Winnipeg.
Apr 2001 “Families: Historical, Critical and Contemporary Perspectives,” Graduate Program in Sociology seminar.
Apr 2001 “The Children of Single Parents a Hundred Years Ago. Patterns and Problems,” A Conference on the History of Families in Canada, Toronto, Ontario.
Apr 2001 “Wife to Widow: Center to Margins? Individual Itineraries in 19th Century Quebec,” Key note speaker, On the Margins of Family / Aux marges de la famille, Hamilton, Ontario.
Mar 2001 “Exhibiting History: Conversations about fins de siècle “McCord,” Invited speaker at Colloquium at the McCord Museum of Canadian History, Montreal.
May 2000 “Reading men’s wills. Marriage, death and property in 19th century Montreal,” Annual May Day Meeting, Montreal History Group.
Apr 1999 “Colonies, Civilization and Marriage: Rethinking the Marriage Contract in Nineteenth Century White Settler Societies,” Montreal History Group Annual May Day Conference, McGill.
Oct 1999 “Rethinking marriage, property and cultural identities in 19th century Quebec,” American Society for Legal History, Toronto.
Jun 1999 “Single Parenting in 19th Century Toronto,” Conference of the Canadian Families Project, Victoria, B.C.
Jul 1998 “Colonies, Civilization and Marriage: Re-thinking the Marriage Contract in Nineteenth Century White Settler Societies,” Conference of the International Federation for Research in Women's History, Melbourne.
Sep 1998 “Family Matters: Historical Perspectives”, Robarts Series on the Family, York University.
Jun 1998 “Past Lessons- Future Policy: How Government Learns from History?" Round Table, CHA Annual Conference
Jun 1998 “Past Lessons-Future Policy: How Government Learns from History?” Round Table, CHA Annual Conference.
Oct 1998 “Women in Business in the Nineteenth Century,” Commentator, The Fifth Canadian Business History Conference, Hamilton.
Feb 1997 “Negotiating Widow's Rights in 19th Century Quebec,” Guest speaker, UBC Centre for Research in Women's Studies and Gender Relations
Nov 1997 “Wife to Widow: Class, Culture, Family and the Law in Nineteenth Century Quebec,” First invited speaker for the Conférences Desjardin annual lectures, sponsored by the Programme d’ études sur le Quebec, McGill.
May 1996 “Boundaries and Marriage Law: Legal traditions and Legal Choices in Nineteenth Century Montreal,” Edinburgh, Scotland, Centre of Canadian Studies Conference
Mar 1996 “From Wife to Widow: Transformations of Women's Rights in 19th Century Quebec,” Research Lecture series, York University, 6 March
Apr 1996 “On the Rules it Establishes depends the Scanty Pittance of the Widow: The Registry Ordinance of 1841 and Widows' Rights in Lower Canada,” Power, Place and Identity. Historical Studies of Social and Legal Regulation in Quebec. Montreal History Group, McGill.
May 1996 “Private Decisions and Public Policy: Transformations in widow's dower rights in nineteenth century Quebec,” Canadian Historical Association, Learneds:
Mar 1996 “Women, Property and the State: Reflections on the Changing Relation of Women to the State in Quebec between 1800 and 1880,” État: de nouvelles perspectives en histoire canadienne, 22-23 March, UdeM
Apr 1995 “Researching the History of Women's Work in the Home,” Workshop at Counting Women in: New ways of thinking about Work, Conference sponsored by Ontario Women's History Network, Toronto Board of Education, Ontario Workers Arts and Heritage Centre, Glendon College.
Oct 1994 “Great Expectations: Transformations in Widows' Rights in Early Nineteenth-Century Montreal,” Guest speaker, Windsor History Department.
Mar 1994 “On Dowers and Death and the Death of the Dower,” Montreal History Group, Jeudis d'histoire", McGill University, Montreal.
Oct 1994 “Transformations dans les droits des veuves, Montreal, 1820-1860,” Congres annuel de l'Institut d'histoire de l'Amerique francaise, Chicoutimi.
Nov 1994 “Wives and widows: Rethinking women and economic change in 19tcentury Canada,” Visiting Speaker, HIstory, Sociology and Women's Studies, McMaster University.
Aug 1993 "From civil death to separate property: Changes in the legal rights of married women in nineteenth century New Zealand”, "Suffrage and Beyond. An International Historical Conference to commemorate the centenary of female suffrage in New Zealand,” Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand.
Apr 1993 "From Working-Class Families to Widowhood: Researching Nineteenth Century Women's Lives, ” York University, Sociology Department, Social History Network Meeting.
Jan 1993 "How did working-class women manage without a man? Questions from nineteenth-century Montreal, ” York University, History Department, Graduate Student Series on the Craft of the Historian.
Oct 1993 “Widowhood and Canadian Family History,” Keynote Address, “Family and Community in Planter Nova Scotia Conference,” Acadia University, Wolfville, Nova Scotia.
Mar 1992 "'Money Matters': A Preliminary Look at the Rights of Married women to Property and Wages in Nineteenth Century England, United States, Canada and New Zealand," History Department Lunchtime Seminar Series, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand.
May 1992 "Dying a religious death: Institutional charity for widows and widowers in nineteenth-century Montreal,” International Conference on Marriage and the Family, Carleton University, Ottawa.
May 1992 "Dying a religious death: Institutional charity for widows and widowers in nineteenth-century Montreal," International Conference on Marriage and the Family, Carleton University, Ottawa.
Oct 1992 "Growing Old in 19th Century Montreal,” Glendon History Club.
May 1992 "International Comparisons: Researching Nineteenth Century Married Women's Property Rights in Common-Law Colonies and Québec", Workshop on "Problems in Researching Gender, Justice and Cultural Difference", organized by the Montreal History Group, McGill University.
Oct 1992 "Mourir chrétiennement. La vie et la mort dans les établissements catholiques pour personnes agées à Montréal au XIXe siècle,” Institut d’histoire de l’Amérique francaise, Montréal.
Mar 1992 "What's hers is mine: Changes in the financial rights and obligations of husbands and wives in 19th century New Zealand," Seminar Series, Stout Research Centre, Victoria University of Wellington.
Jun 1991 Commentator, "Aspects of Industrialization in France," CHA, Kingston.
Apr 1991 "Se débrouiller sans hommes à Montréal à la fin du XIXe siècle," Colloque annuel du Regroupement des chercheurs et chercheures en histoire des travailleurs et travailleuses du Québec.
Feb 1990 "Families, the formalization of work and labour markets: Ideas from nineteenth-century Montreal," Colloquium "Beyond Fragmentation, Family History and Labour History, Université d'Ottawa.
Jan 1990 "Parenting Alone in the Past and Present: Changes and Continuities in lone-parenthood in Montreal since the late nineteenth-century," invited speaker, History Department, Guelph University.
Jun 1989 Commentator,"Cycles de vie à Montréal au 19e siècle" CHA, Quebec. Chair, "Gender in the Textile and Hosiery Industries" CHA, Quebec.
Apr 1989 "Marriage Regimes: Law and Practice in Nineteenth Century Montreal," with J. Greenlaw, P. Gossage, A. Stewart, and E. Kolish. Les soirées du Montreal Business History Project.
Oct 1989 "Régimes matrimoniaux: Le droit et la pratique à Montreal, 1820-1845" with Jane Greenlaw, Peter Gossage, Evelyn Kolish and Alan Stewart. IHAF, Sherbrooke.
Dec 1988 "Gender at Work at Home.” Canadian-Australian Labour History Conference, Sydney, Australia.
Oct 1988 Chair, session on "Les femmes et le travail au 20e siècle.” IHAF, Trois Rivieres.
Mar 1988 Colloque, "Montreal: Une histoire a partager/ Montreal: A History to Share", McGill, Animator of the session on Women, Work and the Family.
Feb 1988 Guest speaker, History Department, Concordia University, Montreal: "Women and Technological Change in Nineteenth Century Montreal.”
May 1987 Guest speaker, SOREP, Chicoutimi: "Mariage, veuvage et remariage à Montréal au début du 19e siècle - méthodologie et problèmes.”
Oct 1987 Social Science History Association, New Orleans: "Widows and their families in early nineteenth century Montreal.”
Jun 1986 “The writing of the history of women and working-class history", CHA, Annual Meeting, Winnipeg.
Oct 1986 Urban History Group of the Canadian Historical Association, Montreal: "Women and the family in the nineteenth-century City: Questions, Sources and Methods.”
Dec 1986 Guest speaker, History Dept, York University: "Women and the working class in Quebec historiography."
Oct 1984 "Les veuves et leurs familles, Montréal, 1860-1880.” IHAF, Quebec City.
Jun 1983 "Pigs, Cows and Boarders. Non wage forms of survival among Montreal Families, 1861 1891," CHA Annual meeting, Vancouver.
Jun 1980 "The Fragmented Family: Strategies in the Face of Illness, Disease and Death, Montreal, 1861-1885," CHA Annual Meeting, Montreal.
Jun 1979 "Families and Work in an Industrializing City, Montreal, 1871," CHA Annual Meeting, Saskatoon.