Sabah Alnasseri

Associate Professor
Office: Ross Building, S627
Phone: (416)736-2100 Ext: 30089
Primary website:
My research and teaching is interdisciplinary in nature and integrate several theoretical and methodological approaches. By this I mean not only modern-rational approaches to the study of history, culture, economics and politics, but also epistemologies, which are produced historically and locally in the societies in question. I am interested in the concrete constellation of circumstances that favor or hinder change. Questions like oil, gas and political power; sects, tribes, classes and the state in the Middle East; historical and conjectural causes for the emergence, expansion and contraction of social, protest and labor movements in the Arab world; Form, history, structural ruptures and modes of internationalization of peripheral states; Western intervention, violence and influence in the Middle East. Since the outbreaks of the Arab Revolution in 2010/11 followed by violent counterrevolutions I critically engaged with questions of state and popular power, political economy of the revolutions, and the violent forms of their stalemate. The observations of current violent conflicts, civil-, proxy and wars of intervention, crisis and state failing made me revisit and rethink al-Muqaddimah (prolegomena), the magnum opus of the Arab historian of the 14th century Ibn-Khaldun that has had enduring influence on modernity. My intention in re-visiting and researching al-Muqaddimah is to work out his understanding of the political and the state and how his epistemological and methodological approach can help us design and develop alternative methods and concepts of analysis more suitable for political, social and cultural qualities of the Middle East. The objective is to discern a historical democratic-political culture in the Arab world that appeals to the concrete needs of the people in the region and do away with an imported model of one-fits-all neoliberal democracy with its futile debates over the transition to that dysfunctional democracy, long story short: an epistemology of a different path to dignity.
PhD, Johann-Wolfgang Goethe UniversityMA, J.W.G University-Frankfurt/Main
Professional Leadership
My contributions on Middle East Politics, economy and theory on issues of democracy, state and development were published in scholarly articles, books and book chapters. The arguments and analyses outlined in these works have not lost their relevance and to a large extent have been confirmed by the current developments. I have designed a new fourth year course on the subject to contribute to the expansion and internationalization of the curriculum.
Based on my attempt to develop the French theory of regulation and make it suitable for the analysis of development in (semi)peripheral societies, I have developed theoretical and analytical concepts with which I have analyzed development strategies in the Arab Middle East. This was an original contribution in theory and methods.
Another contribution was my re-thinking of the political-economic concept of "previous accumulation", and a theoretical extension of the materialist state theory to questions of peripheral states, especially around the issue of internationalization of the latter.
I have organized workshops for undergraduate and graduate students on issues concerning theory and methods in political science, political economy, and Middle East politics and involved them in activities such as organizing a workshop or a conference. I organized for my graduate students panels at national and international conferences and mentored them on presenting and publishing papers in conference proceedings.
I served as an expert and consultant on political and economic issues in the Middle East. I served as an author and a member on editorial boards and acted as an article reviewer and refere for refereed journals and a consultant for one of the Member of the European Parliament.
I organized workshops and gave lectures in schools, youth centres, and cultural centres with respect to issues of development, war, conflict, political education and the like, I gave public lectures in community centres and on campuses in Toronto on the subject of the Iraq war/occupation, as well as on the problematic of the global war on terror and the question of democracy in the Middle East. Since the beginning of the Arab Spring in December 2010, I have investigated this phenomenon in various forms a. o. publications in German and English, lectures and conference presentations in Canada, USA, Mexico, Germany, Spain, Austria etc.
Community Contributions
Jul13-June 30 2016: Graduate Program Director
July 2014-June 2016: Member of the Planing Committee
July 2015- present: Member of Recruitment Committee
September 2014- May 2015: Member of the CRC Hiring Committee
April 2015-present: Member of Graduate Council Governance Committee
January 2012 – June 2013: department’s representative to the faculty council
February-March 2012: Member of the PhD Admission Committee
September 2007 – April 2008: Member of the PHD Admission Committee
July 2009 - June 2010: Associate chair
September 2008 - April 2009: Member of the MA Admission Committee
January 2007 – June 2009: Member of the Workload Committee
Research Interests
- Vice-President Research, York University, Amount Awarded, $4000 - 2012-13
- Dean, Faculty of Liberal Arts, York University, Amount Awarded: $1000 - 2011-12
- York University, Amount Awarded: $15000 - 2007-08
- Doctoral Research Scholarship, Rosa Luxemburg Foundation. Amount Awarded: ca. 50 000 €. - 2000-2003
2016: Arab Revolutions and Beyond: The Middle East and Reverbration in the Amricas, Palgrave
2004: Periphere Regulation. Regulationstheoretische Konzepte zur Analyse von Entwicklungsstrategien im arabischen Raum (Peripheral regulation. Regulation theoretical concepts for the analysis of development strategies in the Arab space), Münster
2004: Politik jenseits der Kreuzzüge. Zur aktuellen politischen Situation im Mittleren und Nahen Osten (Politics beyond the war of crusades. On the Current political situation in the Near- and Middle East), Münster
2018: Staatsform, periphere Staatlichkeit und Regulation (State form, peripheral statehood and regulation), in: Christoph Görg, Ulrich Brand (Ed.), Historisch-materialistische Staatstheorie und die Form des Staates, Nomos, Baden-Baden, pp. 161-178, in German
2017: Westlische Interventionen in die arabische Epochenwende (Western interventions in the Arab Revolutions), in: Helmut Krieger/Magda eewald (Hrsg.), Krise, Revolte und Krieg in der arabischen Welt, Westfaelisches Dampfboot, Muenster, pp. 32-42, in German
2016: Class, state, and the Egyptian Revolution, in: Sabah Alnasseri (ed.), Arab Revolutions and Beyond: The Middle East and Reverbration in the Amricas, Palgrave, p. 119-160
2013: Regulation, Krise und politische Oekonomie der arabischen Revolutionen: Der Fall Aegypten (Regulation, crisis and political economy of Arab Revolutions: The case of Egypt), in: Roland Atzmueller et al (eds.), Fit fuer die Krise? Westfaelisches Dampfboat, Muenster, pp. 353-380
2018: Komlosy, Andrea, Work. The last 1000 years, Verso, London, in: Omran, Issue 7/25, pp. 161-170 (Arabic)
2011: Amin, Samir, The World We Wish to See. Revolutionary objectives in the twenty-first century, Monthly Review Press, New York 2008, in: Das Argument, Nr. 2, 291/2011, pp. 296-97
2007: Patrick Cockburn, The Occupation, in: Das Argument, N. 272, Heft 4 2007, Berlin, pp. 627-630.
2017: Die Geister, die ich rief: Der 20. Januar des Doland Trumps (The spririts that I called: The 20. January of Donald Trump),, 19 pages
2013: Syrien verstehen? (Understanding Syria?),, 6 pages
2011: Die arabischen Revolutionen: Ursachen und Folgen, in:, 16 pages
2010: Der Eine-Billion-Dollar-Krieg: Von der „Operation Iraqi Freedom“ zur „Operation New Dawn“, in:, 3 pages
2009: Obamas Politik im Nahen und Mittleren Osten: Kolonialismus Light, in:, 8 pages
2007: “Irak verstehen”, in:, 10 pages
2007: “Understanding Iraq”, in: The Socialist Register, Wales, The Merlin Press, pp. 77-101
2017: Iraq 2014: Making sense of sectarian violence, in: International Journal of contemporary Iraqi studies, Volume 11 Number 3, pp. 205-219
2012: Revolutionaries Seldom Harvest the Fruit: The 17th Bouazizi 2010, in: Studies in Marxism Discourse, (August 2012), 28 pages
2011: Sabah Alnasseri, Yasin Kaya, Nima Nakhae, Hessam Daryani, Alex Caramento: Development in (semi)-peripheral countries: The cases of Turkey, Iran, and South Africa, in: The world review of political economy, Vol 2, Nr. 3, Fall 2011, Pluto, 495-512
2011: Imperialism and the social question in (semi)-peripheries: The case for a neo-national bourgeoisie, in: Global Discourse [Online], 2: II (October 2011), 37 pages
2011: Revolutionäre ernten die Früchte selten: Der 17. Bouazizi 2010, in: PROKLA, Nr. 163, 2011, Nr. 2, pp. 273-294
2007: “Governance im Zeitalter des Terrors: Der Fall Irak“ (Governance in times of terror: The case of Iraq), in: Prokla 148, Nr. 3, September 2007, Münster , pp. 439-457
2018: Asabbiyah as a social form, WOCMES, Seville, Spain, July18-19, 2018
2018: Elements of Ideology in al-Muqaddimah, WOCMES, Seville, Spain, July 16-19, 2018
2016: Tahrir and working class political hegemony: the case of Egypt, CPSA conference, Calgary, Canada, May 28-June 3, 2016
2015: Imperialism and state violence, From the Thirty Year’s Crisis to Multipolarity conference, Winnipeg, Canada, September 25-27, 2016
2013: Political economy of the Arab Spring, CPSA conference, Victoria, Canada, June 4-6, 2013
2013: Political economy of the Arab Spring: A regulation theoretical approach, 1st World Keynes conference, Izmir, Turkey, June26-29, 2013
July 4., 2012: Autoraeterer Korporatismus (Authoritarian corporatism), Lecture, Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, Berlin, Germany
July 3., 2012: Die politische Oekonomie des Arabischen Fruehlings (the political economy of the Arab Spring), Lecture, Marburg University, Germany
2012: Imperialism, (semi)peripheral State and class struggle, WAPE conference, Universidad Autonoma Metrpolitana Mexico City, Mexico, May 25-27, 2012
March 12, 2012: Islamic Law and the Arab Spring, Lecture, Osgoode Law School, York University, Toronto, Canada
2012: Lessons Learned, Left Forum, New York, USA, March 16-18, 2012
2012: On the current revolutionary situation in the Arab Middle East, MPSA Annual Conference, Chicago, IL, US, April 12-15.
2012: Revolutionaries seldom harvest the fruit; On the current revolutionary situation in the Arab Middle East, IPSA conference, Compultense University Madrid, Spain, July 8-12.
2011: The Neo-National Bourgeoisie Imperialism and the social question in Africa and the Middle East, international conference: “Responses to Capitalist Crisis: Neoliberalism and Beyond,” University of Massachusetts Amherst, May 27-29.
December 22, 2010: Der Imperialismus und die soziale Frage in der (Semi-)Peripherie, Frankfurt University, Department of Social Science
May13-16, 2010: Multiple crisis and imperial rivalry, conference “Historical Materialism”, York University
March 6. 2009: Iran in world and regional politics, Symposium: Exploring perspective. A journey through contemporary Iran, Glendon Campus, York University
July 7, 2009: Migration, unfreie Arbeit und (uersprungliche) Akkumulation: Marokkanische ArbeiterInnen in Spanien, Institute for social research, Frankfurt
July 3-4, 2009: The state in the Middle East and impacts of the actual crisis, conference "Dimensions of the Current Crises and Alternatives to Capitalism" Institute of Political Science and the Renner Institute, Vienna University.
2008: “Understanding Iraq“, Conference: International Karl-Marx-Conference, Havana, Cuba, May 4-7. 2008
2008: “Understanding Iraq“, Conference: Historical Materialism, York, Toronto, April 24-26. 2008
2007: “Understanding Iraq“, Conference: Historical Materialism, London, UK, November 9-12, (non-refereed).
2013: Understanding Syria, public lecture, Toronto Public Library, May 30, 2013
2012: Autoraeterer Korporatismus (Authoritarian corporatism), Lecture, Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, Berlin, Germany, July 4
2012: Westliche Interventionen in die arabische Epochenwende (Western interventions in the Arabic epochal change), Vienna School of International Studies, Vienna, Austria, October 27, 2012
2012: Workshop on the Arab Revolutions, School of International Studies, Viena, Austria, October 28, 2012
March 1-3, 2013. Organized an international conference on the Arab Revolutions and Beyond at York University
I have made media appearances and interviews in Radio-broadcasting HR3, WDR, Radio Berlin-Brandenburg, for the TV-broadcasting N24, Rhein-Main-TV, SWR (Germany), BBC-World, The RealNews (Toronto), Telesur, Russia Today International and RT Germany etc.
My research and teaching is interdisciplinary in nature and integrate several theoretical and methodological approaches. By this I mean not only modern-rational approaches to the study of history, culture, economics and politics, but also epistemologies, which are produced historically and locally in the societies in question. I am interested in the concrete constellation of circumstances that favor or hinder change. Questions like oil, gas and political power; sects, tribes, classes and the state in the Middle East; historical and conjectural causes for the emergence, expansion and contraction of social, protest and labor movements in the Arab world; Form, history, structural ruptures and modes of internationalization of peripheral states; Western intervention, violence and influence in the Middle East. Since the outbreaks of the Arab Revolution in 2010/11 followed by violent counterrevolutions I critically engaged with questions of state and popular power, political economy of the revolutions, and the violent forms of their stalemate. The observations of current violent conflicts, civil-, proxy and wars of intervention, crisis and state failing made me revisit and rethink al-Muqaddimah (prolegomena), the magnum opus of the Arab historian of the 14th century Ibn-Khaldun that has had enduring influence on modernity. My intention in re-visiting and researching al-Muqaddimah is to work out his understanding of the political and the state and how his epistemological and methodological approach can help us design and develop alternative methods and concepts of analysis more suitable for political, social and cultural qualities of the Middle East. The objective is to discern a historical democratic-political culture in the Arab world that appeals to the concrete needs of the people in the region and do away with an imported model of one-fits-all neoliberal democracy with its futile debates over the transition to that dysfunctional democracy, long story short: an epistemology of a different path to dignity.
PhD, Johann-Wolfgang Goethe UniversityMA, J.W.G University-Frankfurt/Main
Professional Leadership
My contributions on Middle East Politics, economy and theory on issues of democracy, state and development were published in scholarly articles, books and book chapters. The arguments and analyses outlined in these works have not lost their relevance and to a large extent have been confirmed by the current developments. I have designed a new fourth year course on the subject to contribute to the expansion and internationalization of the curriculum.
Based on my attempt to develop the French theory of regulation and make it suitable for the analysis of development in (semi)peripheral societies, I have developed theoretical and analytical concepts with which I have analyzed development strategies in the Arab Middle East. This was an original contribution in theory and methods.
Another contribution was my re-thinking of the political-economic concept of "previous accumulation", and a theoretical extension of the materialist state theory to questions of peripheral states, especially around the issue of internationalization of the latter.
I have organized workshops for undergraduate and graduate students on issues concerning theory and methods in political science, political economy, and Middle East politics and involved them in activities such as organizing a workshop or a conference. I organized for my graduate students panels at national and international conferences and mentored them on presenting and publishing papers in conference proceedings.
I served as an expert and consultant on political and economic issues in the Middle East. I served as an author and a member on editorial boards and acted as an article reviewer and refere for refereed journals and a consultant for one of the Member of the European Parliament.
I organized workshops and gave lectures in schools, youth centres, and cultural centres with respect to issues of development, war, conflict, political education and the like, I gave public lectures in community centres and on campuses in Toronto on the subject of the Iraq war/occupation, as well as on the problematic of the global war on terror and the question of democracy in the Middle East. Since the beginning of the Arab Spring in December 2010, I have investigated this phenomenon in various forms a. o. publications in German and English, lectures and conference presentations in Canada, USA, Mexico, Germany, Spain, Austria etc.
Community Contributions
Jul13-June 30 2016: Graduate Program Director
July 2014-June 2016: Member of the Planing Committee
July 2015- present: Member of Recruitment Committee
September 2014- May 2015: Member of the CRC Hiring Committee
April 2015-present: Member of Graduate Council Governance Committee
January 2012 – June 2013: department’s representative to the faculty council
February-March 2012: Member of the PhD Admission Committee
September 2007 – April 2008: Member of the PHD Admission Committee
July 2009 - June 2010: Associate chair
September 2008 - April 2009: Member of the MA Admission Committee
January 2007 – June 2009: Member of the Workload Committee
Research Interests
- Vice-President Research, York University, Amount Awarded, $4000 - 2012-13
- Dean, Faculty of Liberal Arts, York University, Amount Awarded: $1000 - 2011-12
- York University, Amount Awarded: $15000 - 2007-08
- Doctoral Research Scholarship, Rosa Luxemburg Foundation. Amount Awarded: ca. 50 000 €. - 2000-2003
All Publications
2018: Staatsform, periphere Staatlichkeit und Regulation (State form, peripheral statehood and regulation), in: Christoph Görg, Ulrich Brand (Ed.), Historisch-materialistische Staatstheorie und die Form des Staates, Nomos, Baden-Baden, pp. 161-178, in German
2017: Westlische Interventionen in die arabische Epochenwende (Western interventions in the Arab Revolutions), in: Helmut Krieger/Magda eewald (Hrsg.), Krise, Revolte und Krieg in der arabischen Welt, Westfaelisches Dampfboot, Muenster, pp. 32-42, in German
2016: Class, state, and the Egyptian Revolution, in: Sabah Alnasseri (ed.), Arab Revolutions and Beyond: The Middle East and Reverbration in the Amricas, Palgrave, p. 119-160
2013: Regulation, Krise und politische Oekonomie der arabischen Revolutionen: Der Fall Aegypten (Regulation, crisis and political economy of Arab Revolutions: The case of Egypt), in: Roland Atzmueller et al (eds.), Fit fuer die Krise? Westfaelisches Dampfboat, Muenster, pp. 353-380
2018: Komlosy, Andrea, Work. The last 1000 years, Verso, London, in: Omran, Issue 7/25, pp. 161-170 (Arabic)
2011: Amin, Samir, The World We Wish to See. Revolutionary objectives in the twenty-first century, Monthly Review Press, New York 2008, in: Das Argument, Nr. 2, 291/2011, pp. 296-97
2007: Patrick Cockburn, The Occupation, in: Das Argument, N. 272, Heft 4 2007, Berlin, pp. 627-630.
2016: Arab Revolutions and Beyond: The Middle East and Reverbration in the Amricas, Palgrave
2004: Periphere Regulation. Regulationstheoretische Konzepte zur Analyse von Entwicklungsstrategien im arabischen Raum (Peripheral regulation. Regulation theoretical concepts for the analysis of development strategies in the Arab space), Münster
2004: Politik jenseits der Kreuzzüge. Zur aktuellen politischen Situation im Mittleren und Nahen Osten (Politics beyond the war of crusades. On the Current political situation in the Near- and Middle East), Münster
2017: Die Geister, die ich rief: Der 20. Januar des Doland Trumps (The spririts that I called: The 20. January of Donald Trump),, 19 pages
2013: Syrien verstehen? (Understanding Syria?),, 6 pages
2011: Die arabischen Revolutionen: Ursachen und Folgen, in:, 16 pages
2010: Der Eine-Billion-Dollar-Krieg: Von der „Operation Iraqi Freedom“ zur „Operation New Dawn“, in:, 3 pages
2009: Obamas Politik im Nahen und Mittleren Osten: Kolonialismus Light, in:, 8 pages
2007: “Irak verstehen”, in:, 10 pages
2007: “Understanding Iraq”, in: The Socialist Register, Wales, The Merlin Press, pp. 77-101
2017: Iraq 2014: Making sense of sectarian violence, in: International Journal of contemporary Iraqi studies, Volume 11 Number 3, pp. 205-219
2012: Revolutionaries Seldom Harvest the Fruit: The 17th Bouazizi 2010, in: Studies in Marxism Discourse, (August 2012), 28 pages
2011: Sabah Alnasseri, Yasin Kaya, Nima Nakhae, Hessam Daryani, Alex Caramento: Development in (semi)-peripheral countries: The cases of Turkey, Iran, and South Africa, in: The world review of political economy, Vol 2, Nr. 3, Fall 2011, Pluto, 495-512
2011: Imperialism and the social question in (semi)-peripheries: The case for a neo-national bourgeoisie, in: Global Discourse [Online], 2: II (October 2011), 37 pages
2011: Revolutionäre ernten die Früchte selten: Der 17. Bouazizi 2010, in: PROKLA, Nr. 163, 2011, Nr. 2, pp. 273-294
2007: “Governance im Zeitalter des Terrors: Der Fall Irak“ (Governance in times of terror: The case of Iraq), in: Prokla 148, Nr. 3, September 2007, Münster , pp. 439-457
2018: Asabbiyah as a social form, WOCMES, Seville, Spain, July18-19, 2018
2018: Elements of Ideology in al-Muqaddimah, WOCMES, Seville, Spain, July 16-19, 2018
2016: Tahrir and working class political hegemony: the case of Egypt, CPSA conference, Calgary, Canada, May 28-June 3, 2016
2015: Imperialism and state violence, From the Thirty Year’s Crisis to Multipolarity conference, Winnipeg, Canada, September 25-27, 2016
2013: Political economy of the Arab Spring, CPSA conference, Victoria, Canada, June 4-6, 2013
2013: Political economy of the Arab Spring: A regulation theoretical approach, 1st World Keynes conference, Izmir, Turkey, June26-29, 2013
July 4., 2012: Autoraeterer Korporatismus (Authoritarian corporatism), Lecture, Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, Berlin, Germany
July 3., 2012: Die politische Oekonomie des Arabischen Fruehlings (the political economy of the Arab Spring), Lecture, Marburg University, Germany
2012: Imperialism, (semi)peripheral State and class struggle, WAPE conference, Universidad Autonoma Metrpolitana Mexico City, Mexico, May 25-27, 2012
March 12, 2012: Islamic Law and the Arab Spring, Lecture, Osgoode Law School, York University, Toronto, Canada
2012: Lessons Learned, Left Forum, New York, USA, March 16-18, 2012
2012: On the current revolutionary situation in the Arab Middle East, MPSA Annual Conference, Chicago, IL, US, April 12-15.
2012: Revolutionaries seldom harvest the fruit; On the current revolutionary situation in the Arab Middle East, IPSA conference, Compultense University Madrid, Spain, July 8-12.
2011: The Neo-National Bourgeoisie Imperialism and the social question in Africa and the Middle East, international conference: “Responses to Capitalist Crisis: Neoliberalism and Beyond,” University of Massachusetts Amherst, May 27-29.
December 22, 2010: Der Imperialismus und die soziale Frage in der (Semi-)Peripherie, Frankfurt University, Department of Social Science
May13-16, 2010: Multiple crisis and imperial rivalry, conference “Historical Materialism”, York University
March 6. 2009: Iran in world and regional politics, Symposium: Exploring perspective. A journey through contemporary Iran, Glendon Campus, York University
July 7, 2009: Migration, unfreie Arbeit und (uersprungliche) Akkumulation: Marokkanische ArbeiterInnen in Spanien, Institute for social research, Frankfurt
July 3-4, 2009: The state in the Middle East and impacts of the actual crisis, conference "Dimensions of the Current Crises and Alternatives to Capitalism" Institute of Political Science and the Renner Institute, Vienna University.
2008: “Understanding Iraq“, Conference: International Karl-Marx-Conference, Havana, Cuba, May 4-7. 2008
2008: “Understanding Iraq“, Conference: Historical Materialism, York, Toronto, April 24-26. 2008
2007: “Understanding Iraq“, Conference: Historical Materialism, London, UK, November 9-12, (non-refereed).
2013: Understanding Syria, public lecture, Toronto Public Library, May 30, 2013
2012: Autoraeterer Korporatismus (Authoritarian corporatism), Lecture, Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, Berlin, Germany, July 4
2012: Westliche Interventionen in die arabische Epochenwende (Western interventions in the Arabic epochal change), Vienna School of International Studies, Vienna, Austria, October 27, 2012
2012: Workshop on the Arab Revolutions, School of International Studies, Viena, Austria, October 28, 2012
March 1-3, 2013. Organized an international conference on the Arab Revolutions and Beyond at York University
I have made media appearances and interviews in Radio-broadcasting HR3, WDR, Radio Berlin-Brandenburg, for the TV-broadcasting N24, Rhein-Main-TV, SWR (Germany), BBC-World, The RealNews (Toronto), Telesur, Russia Today International and RT Germany etc.