
Ali Asgary

Photo of Ali Asgary

School of Administrative Studies

Director, CIFAL York
Executive Director, ADERSIM

Office: Disaster & Emergency Management, School of Administrative Studies, tkinson College, 232
Phone: 416-736-2100 Ext: 22879
Primary website: DEM, SAS
Secondary website: ADERSIM

Attached CV

Media Requests Welcome
Accepting New Graduate Students

Ali Asgary is an expert in disaster, emergency and business continuity management. He has been actively involved in research, teaching and professional activities in these fields since 1993. His research has been published in leading disaster and emergency management journals including Disasters, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, International Journal of Disaster Science, Disaster Prevention and Management, Environmental Hazards, International Journal Of Emergency Management, International Journal of Business Continuity and Risk Managemnet, Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management, and International Journal of Emergency Services among others. He was among the funding faculty members who started the first university program in Disaster & Emergency Management in Canada at Brandon University in 2003 and later on among the funding faculty embers who started Disaster & Emergency Management at York University. Dr. Asgary served as the IAEM Canada president between 2007-2009 and as the board member of IAEM during the same period. He has led as a PI, Co-PI and collaborator in a large number of research projects funded by different agencies including NSERC, GEOIDE, SSHRC, PreCarn, CIHR, NFRF, ORF, Transport Canada, Public Safety Canada, Wellcome Trust, IDRC, and DRDC. Since 2015 Dr. asgary has been the executive director of York University's Advanced Disaster, Emergency and Rapid-response Simulation (ADERSIM). His research interests include post disaster recovery and reconstruction, business continuity and risk assessment, disaster and emergency simulations and modeling, applications of AI, VR, AR and MR, and geomatics in disaster and emergency management, and cost-benefit analysis and decision making under uncertainty.


Ali Asgary is an expert in disaster, emergency and business continuity management. He has been actively involved in research, teaching and professional activities in these fields since 1993. His research has been published in leading disaster and emergency management journals including Disasters, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, International Journal of Disaster Science, Disaster Prevention and Management, Environmental Hazards, International Journal Of Emergency Management, International Journal of Business Continuity and Risk Managemnet, Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management, and International Journal of Emergency Services among others. He was among the funding faculty members who started the first university program in Disaster & Emergency Management in Canada at Brandon University in 2003 and later on among the funding faculty embers who started Disaster & Emergency Management at York University. Dr. Asgary served as the IAEM Canada president between 2007-2009 and as the board member of IAEM during the same period. He has led as a PI, Co-PI and collaborator in a large number of research projects funded by different agencies including NSERC, GEOIDE, SSHRC, PreCarn, CIHR, NFRF, ORF, Transport Canada, Public Safety Canada, Wellcome Trust, IDRC, and DRDC. Since 2015 Dr. asgary has been the executive director of York University's Advanced Disaster, Emergency and Rapid-response Simulation (ADERSIM). His research interests include post disaster recovery and reconstruction, business continuity and risk assessment, disaster and emergency simulations and modeling, applications of AI, VR, AR and MR, and geomatics in disaster and emergency management, and cost-benefit analysis and decision making under uncertainty. Since June 2021, Dr. Asgary is serving as the Director of CIFAL York ( that is a UNITAR affiliated executive, leadership and civil society training centre. Professor Asgary is also the associate director of Y-EMERGE (


PhD, University of Newcastle< Newcastle upon Tyne, England
MA, University of Tehran
BA, University of Tehran


Faculty of Graduate Studies

Professional Leadership

Past President, IAEM-CANADA (International Association of Emergency Managers).
Executive Director, Advanced Disaster, Emergency and Rapid-response Simulation (ADERSIM)
Director, CIFAL York

Research Interests

Emergency Management , Urban Planning/Design, Disaster Simulation and Modeling, Business Continuity, Decision support systems, GIS, AI, VR, AR, and MR applications in disaster and emergency management, Post disaster recovery and reconstruction

Current Research Projects

Predictive modeling and forecasting of the transmission of COVID-19 in Africa using Artificial Intelligence


    York University has joined forces with epidemiologists, modelers, physicists, statisticians, software engineers, and data scientists across Africa to integrate the power of predictive modelling and simulations with the capacity of a comprehensive COVID-19 monitoring dashboard that will be used to predict epidemic trends and inform decision-making and real-time management across Africa.


    York University has joined forces with epidemiologists, modelers, physicists, statisticians, software engineers, and data scientists across Africa to integrate the power of predictive modelling and simulations with the capacity of a comprehensive COVID-19 monitoring dashboard that will be used to predict epidemic trends and inform decision-making and real-time management across Africa.

    See more
    Role: Co-Applicant

    Start Date:
      Month: Jan   Year: 2021

    End Date:
      Month: Dec   Year: 2022

    International Development and Research Centre (IDRC),
Radar-based All-Weather Roadway Safety System


    Radar-based All-Weather Roadway Safety System for First Responders

    See more
    Role: Co-PI

    Start Date:
      Month: Jul   Year: 2018

    End Date:
      Month: Jun   Year: 2021

    Collaborator: Dr. Peter Park
    Collaborator Institution: York Regional Police, AUG signals
Advanced Disaster, Emergency and Rapid Response Simulation Facility, Ontario Research Fund (ORF), ORF Research Infrastructure

    See more
    Role: Co-Lead

    Start Date:
      Month: Jul   Year: 2016

    End Date:
      Month: Jun   Year: 2021

    Ontario Research Fund (ORF), ORF Research Infrastructure
Advanced Disaster, Emergency and Rapid Response Simulation, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC)

    See more
    Role: Co-PI

    Start Date:
      Month: May   Year: 2015

    End Date:
      Month: Jun   Year: 2021

Building Bridges across Social and Computational Sciences: Using Big Data to Inform Humanitarian Policy and Interventions

    See more
    Role: Co-investigator

    Start Date:
      Month: Sep   Year: 2015

    End Date:
      Month: Jul   Year: 2017

    Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC)
Crisis Management: Case of School Shooting

    See more
    Role: Collaborator

Development of a Rule-Based Structural Fire Threat Assessment System for Canadian Fire Departments

    See more
Joint Emergency Preparedness Program - Program Safety Canada

    See more

    See more
    Role: Principle Investigator

Determinants of Business Continuity Planning in Canada: Estimating Business’ Willingness to Pay for Power Outage Mitigation and Preparedness Using Stated Choice Analysis

    See more
    Role: Principle Investigator

Real-time oil spill detection using Laser-Induced Fluorescence LIDAR, Internet-based Temporal-GIS, and Mobile Emergency Asset Management

    See more
    Role: Co-Investigator

Journal Articles


Asgary A., Nosedal-Sanchez, J., Pantin, B., Wu, J., and Shafei-Sabet, M., “Testing and validating a disaster mutual assistance decision support tool for electricity companies”, Int. J. Business Continuity and Risk Management, 2017, 7(4).


Asgary, A., Pantin, B., Emamgholizadeh Saiir, B., and Wu, J., (2017) "Developing disaster mutual assistance decision criteria for electricity industry", Disaster Prevention and Management: An International Journal, Vol. 26 Iss: 2, pp.230 – 240.


ASGARY, ALI. Business Continuity and Disaster Risk Management in Business Education: Case of York University. AD-minister [online]. 2016, n.28 [cited  2016-09-05], pp.49-72. Available from: . ISSN 1692-0279.


Asgary A., Ansari S., Duncan R., and Pradhan S., “Mapping potential airplane hazards and risks using airline traffic DATA”, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, Volume 13, September 2015, pp. 276-280.


Juan Pablo Sarmiento, Gabriela Hoberman, Maria Ilcheva, Ali Asgary, Ana Maria Majano, Sarah Poggione, Luis R. Duran, Private sector and disaster risk reduction: The Cases of Bogota, Miami, Kingston, San Jose, Santiago, and Vancouver, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction.


Sadeghi-Naini A. and Asgary A. , (2013) "Modeling number of firefighters responding to an incident using artificial neural networks", International Journal of Emergency Services, Vol. 2 Iss: 2, pp.104 – 118.


Ali Asgary, Nooreddin Azimi, Muhammad Imtiaz Anjum, (2013) Measuring small businesses disaster resiliency: case of small businesses impacted by the 2010 flood in Pakistan, International Journal of Business Continuity and Risk Management, 4(2), 170-187.


Asgary A, Anjum MI, Azimi N, (2013) "Disaster recovery and business continuity after the 2010 flood in Pakistan: Case of small businesses", International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 2, 46-56.


Mojtaba Rafieian, Ali Asgary, (2013) "Impacts of temporary housing on housing reconstruction after the Bam earthquake", Disaster Prevention and Management, Vol. 22 Iss: 1, pp.63 - 74.


Azimia, N., Asgary, A., 2013, Rural residents and choice of building earthquake-resistant house: results of a choice experiment study, Environmental Hazards.


Asgary, A., Moeini, S.M., Mehregan, N., 2012, Willingness to pay for enhancing local emergency preparedness programmes: evidences from Canada, International Journal of Emergency Management, Vol. 8, No. 2, PP.168-181.


Asgary, A., Sadeghi Naini, A., Levy, J., 2012, Modeling the risk of structural fire incidents using a self-organizing map, Fire Safety Journal, Volume 49, Pages 1-9.


Asgary A., Halim A., (2011), “Measuring Peoples’ Preferences for Cyclone Vulnerability Reduction Measures in Bangladesh”, Journal of Disaster Prevention and Management 20 (2), 186-198.


Asgary , Ali; Rezvani, Mohammad Reza and Mehregan , Nader (2011): Local Residents’ Preferences for Second Home Tourism Development Policies: A Choice Experiment nalysis. Published in: TOURISMOS: An International Multidisciplinary Journal of Tourism , Vol. 6, No. 1 (15. April 2011): pp. 31-51.


Asgary, A. and Naini, A. S. (2011) , MODELLING THE ADAPTATION OF BUSINESS CONTINUITY PLANNING BY BUSINESSES USING NEURAL NETWORKS. Intelligent Systems in Accounting, Finance and Management. doi: 10.1002/isaf.326


Asgary, A. and Y. Mousavi-Jahromi, 2011. Power outage, business continuity and businesses' choices of power outage mitigation measures. Am. J. Econ. Bus. Admin., 3: 312-320.


Mehregan N., Asgary A., and Rezaei M., 2011, “Disasters and employment changes: impacts of the Bam earthquake on employment structure using shift-share analysis”, Disasters, 17 NOV 2011, DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-7717.2011.01268.x


Paulus, Jeremy and Asgary, Ali (2011) "Enhancing Border Security: Local Values and Preferences at the Blue Water Bridge (Point Edward, Canada)," Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management: Vol. 7 (1), Article 77.


Bagheri, Ali, Darijani, Musa, Asgary, Ali, and Morid, Saeid, 2010, “Crisis in Urban Water Systems during the Reconstruction Period: A System Dynamics Analysis of Alternative Policies after the 2003 Earthquake in Bam-Iran, Water Resource Management, 0920-4741, 1573-1650.


Asgary Ali, Ghaffari Alireza, and Levy Jason, 2010, “Spatial and Temporal Analysis of Structural Fire Incidents and Their Causes: A Case of Toronto, Canada”, Fire Safety Journal, 45 (1), 44-57.


Asgary Ali, Spatial and Temporal Analysis of Structural Fire Incidents and Their Causes: A Case of Toronto, Canada, Fire Safety Journal, 2010, 45 (1), 44-57.


Asgary Ali, 2010, “Spatial Patterns and Distribution of Disasters in the OIC Member Countries”, Arab World Geographers, 12 (1,2).




Asgary Ali, Levey Jason and Mehregan Nader, 2007, “Estimating Willingness to Pay for a Hypothethical Earthquake Early Warning System”, Environmental Hazards 7, 312-320


Levy, J.K., Hartmann, J., Li, K.W., An, Y. & Asgary, A. (2007) Multi-criteria Decision Support Systems for Flood Hazard Mitigation and Emergency Response in Urban Watersheds, Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 43(2):1-13.


Asgary, A., Klosterman, R. and Razani, A., 2007, “Sustainable Urban Growth Management Using What-If?”, International Journal of Environmental Research, 1(3): 218-230.


Bagheri A., Asgary A., Rafiean M., and Levy J., 2006. “Measuring Urban Water System Performance: A Fuzzy Inference Model Approach”, Journal of the American Water Works Association, 98(11): 84-92.


Badri S.A., Asgary A., Eftekhari, AR., and Levy J., 2006, “Post Disaster Resettlement, Development and Change: 12 Years after Manjil Earthquake”, Disasters, 30 (4): 451-468.


Burns C., Asgary A., and Levy J., (2005), “Operator support for ageing nuclear critical infrastructure systems: integrating ecological interface design with prospect theory, Int. J. Critical Infrastructures, 4(1): 299-311.


Asgary A., Willis K.G., Taghvaei A.A., and Rafiean M., (2004), "Estimating Rural Households Willingness to Pay for Health Insurance", European Journal of Health Economics, 5(3): 209-215.


Eftekhari A.R., Asgary Ali, and Taherkhani Mahdi, 2002, “Industrial Districts and Rural Development: A case Study of Markazi Province”, Asia-Pacific Journal of Rural Development, XII(2):47-60.


Asgary A., Willis K.G., and Hosseini, (2000), “The Impacts of Caspian Sea Level Rise on the Housing Market”, Journal of Humanities, 7(4):1-8.


Asgary Ali, and Willis K.G., (1997), “Estimating the Benefits of Construction Measures to Mitigate Earthquake Risk”, Environment & Planning B, Planning and Design, 24:613-624.


Asgary Ali and Willis K.G., (1997), “Households’ Behavior in Response to Earthquake Risk: An Assessment of Alternative Theories”, International Journal of Disaster Studies, Policy and Management, 21(4).


Conference Proceedings


Ali Asgary, Alireza Ghaffari, and Albert Kong, Automated Intelligent Emergency Assessment of GTA Pipeline Events, ASME Conf. Proc. 2010, 413 (2010), DOI:10.1115/IPC2010-31006


Ali Asgary is an expert in disaster, emergency and business continuity management. He has been actively involved in research, teaching and professional activities in these fields since 1993. His research has been published in leading disaster and emergency management journals including Disasters, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, International Journal of Disaster Science, Disaster Prevention and Management, Environmental Hazards, International Journal Of Emergency Management, International Journal of Business Continuity and Risk Managemnet, Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management, and International Journal of Emergency Services among others. He was among the funding faculty members who started the first university program in Disaster & Emergency Management in Canada at Brandon University in 2003 and later on among the funding faculty embers who started Disaster & Emergency Management at York University. Dr. Asgary served as the IAEM Canada president between 2007-2009 and as the board member of IAEM during the same period. He has led as a PI, Co-PI and collaborator in a large number of research projects funded by different agencies including NSERC, GEOIDE, SSHRC, PreCarn, CIHR, NFRF, ORF, Transport Canada, Public Safety Canada, Wellcome Trust, IDRC, and DRDC. Since 2015 Dr. asgary has been the executive director of York University's Advanced Disaster, Emergency and Rapid-response Simulation (ADERSIM). His research interests include post disaster recovery and reconstruction, business continuity and risk assessment, disaster and emergency simulations and modeling, applications of AI, VR, AR and MR, and geomatics in disaster and emergency management, and cost-benefit analysis and decision making under uncertainty.

Ali Asgary is an expert in disaster, emergency and business continuity management. He has been actively involved in research, teaching and professional activities in these fields since 1993. His research has been published in leading disaster and emergency management journals including Disasters, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, International Journal of Disaster Science, Disaster Prevention and Management, Environmental Hazards, International Journal Of Emergency Management, International Journal of Business Continuity and Risk Managemnet, Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management, and International Journal of Emergency Services among others. He was among the funding faculty members who started the first university program in Disaster & Emergency Management in Canada at Brandon University in 2003 and later on among the funding faculty embers who started Disaster & Emergency Management at York University. Dr. Asgary served as the IAEM Canada president between 2007-2009 and as the board member of IAEM during the same period. He has led as a PI, Co-PI and collaborator in a large number of research projects funded by different agencies including NSERC, GEOIDE, SSHRC, PreCarn, CIHR, NFRF, ORF, Transport Canada, Public Safety Canada, Wellcome Trust, IDRC, and DRDC. Since 2015 Dr. asgary has been the executive director of York University's Advanced Disaster, Emergency and Rapid-response Simulation (ADERSIM). His research interests include post disaster recovery and reconstruction, business continuity and risk assessment, disaster and emergency simulations and modeling, applications of AI, VR, AR and MR, and geomatics in disaster and emergency management, and cost-benefit analysis and decision making under uncertainty. Since June 2021, Dr. Asgary is serving as the Director of CIFAL York ( that is a UNITAR affiliated executive, leadership and civil society training centre. Professor Asgary is also the associate director of Y-EMERGE (


PhD, University of Newcastle< Newcastle upon Tyne, England
MA, University of Tehran
BA, University of Tehran


Faculty of Graduate Studies

Professional Leadership

Past President, IAEM-CANADA (International Association of Emergency Managers).
Executive Director, Advanced Disaster, Emergency and Rapid-response Simulation (ADERSIM)
Director, CIFAL York

Research Interests

Emergency Management , Urban Planning/Design, Disaster Simulation and Modeling, Business Continuity, Decision support systems, GIS, AI, VR, AR, and MR applications in disaster and emergency management, Post disaster recovery and reconstruction

Current Research Projects

Predictive modeling and forecasting of the transmission of COVID-19 in Africa using Artificial Intelligence


    York University has joined forces with epidemiologists, modelers, physicists, statisticians, software engineers, and data scientists across Africa to integrate the power of predictive modelling and simulations with the capacity of a comprehensive COVID-19 monitoring dashboard that will be used to predict epidemic trends and inform decision-making and real-time management across Africa.


    York University has joined forces with epidemiologists, modelers, physicists, statisticians, software engineers, and data scientists across Africa to integrate the power of predictive modelling and simulations with the capacity of a comprehensive COVID-19 monitoring dashboard that will be used to predict epidemic trends and inform decision-making and real-time management across Africa.

    Project Type: Funded
    Role: Co-Applicant

    Start Date:
      Month: Jan   Year: 2021

    End Date:
      Month: Dec   Year: 2022

    International Development and Research Centre (IDRC),
Radar-based All-Weather Roadway Safety System


    Radar-based All-Weather Roadway Safety System for First Responders

    Project Type: Funded
    Role: Co-PI

    Start Date:
      Month: Jul   Year: 2018

    End Date:
      Month: Jun   Year: 2021

    Collaborator: Dr. Peter Park
    Collaborator Institution: York Regional Police, AUG signals
Advanced Disaster, Emergency and Rapid Response Simulation Facility, Ontario Research Fund (ORF), ORF Research Infrastructure

    Project Type: Funded
    Role: Co-Lead

    Start Date:
      Month: Jul   Year: 2016

    End Date:
      Month: Jun   Year: 2021

    Ontario Research Fund (ORF), ORF Research Infrastructure
Advanced Disaster, Emergency and Rapid Response Simulation, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC)

    Project Type: Funded
    Role: Co-PI

    Start Date:
      Month: May   Year: 2015

    End Date:
      Month: Jun   Year: 2021

Building Bridges across Social and Computational Sciences: Using Big Data to Inform Humanitarian Policy and Interventions

    Project Type: Funded
    Role: Co-investigator

    Start Date:
      Month: Sep   Year: 2015

    End Date:
      Month: Jul   Year: 2017

    Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC)
Crisis Management: Case of School Shooting

    Role: Collaborator

Development of a Rule-Based Structural Fire Threat Assessment System for Canadian Fire Departments

    Project Type: Funded
Joint Emergency Preparedness Program - Program Safety Canada


    Project Type: Funded
    Role: Principle Investigator

Determinants of Business Continuity Planning in Canada: Estimating Business’ Willingness to Pay for Power Outage Mitigation and Preparedness Using Stated Choice Analysis

    Project Type: Funded
    Role: Principle Investigator

Real-time oil spill detection using Laser-Induced Fluorescence LIDAR, Internet-based Temporal-GIS, and Mobile Emergency Asset Management

    Project Type: Funded
    Role: Co-Investigator

All Publications

Journal Articles


Asgary A., Nosedal-Sanchez, J., Pantin, B., Wu, J., and Shafei-Sabet, M., “Testing and validating a disaster mutual assistance decision support tool for electricity companies”, Int. J. Business Continuity and Risk Management, 2017, 7(4).


Asgary, A., Pantin, B., Emamgholizadeh Saiir, B., and Wu, J., (2017) "Developing disaster mutual assistance decision criteria for electricity industry", Disaster Prevention and Management: An International Journal, Vol. 26 Iss: 2, pp.230 – 240.


ASGARY, ALI. Business Continuity and Disaster Risk Management in Business Education: Case of York University. AD-minister [online]. 2016, n.28 [cited  2016-09-05], pp.49-72. Available from: . ISSN 1692-0279.


Asgary A., Ansari S., Duncan R., and Pradhan S., “Mapping potential airplane hazards and risks using airline traffic DATA”, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, Volume 13, September 2015, pp. 276-280.


Juan Pablo Sarmiento, Gabriela Hoberman, Maria Ilcheva, Ali Asgary, Ana Maria Majano, Sarah Poggione, Luis R. Duran, Private sector and disaster risk reduction: The Cases of Bogota, Miami, Kingston, San Jose, Santiago, and Vancouver, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction.


Sadeghi-Naini A. and Asgary A. , (2013) "Modeling number of firefighters responding to an incident using artificial neural networks", International Journal of Emergency Services, Vol. 2 Iss: 2, pp.104 – 118.


Ali Asgary, Nooreddin Azimi, Muhammad Imtiaz Anjum, (2013) Measuring small businesses disaster resiliency: case of small businesses impacted by the 2010 flood in Pakistan, International Journal of Business Continuity and Risk Management, 4(2), 170-187.


Asgary A, Anjum MI, Azimi N, (2013) "Disaster recovery and business continuity after the 2010 flood in Pakistan: Case of small businesses", International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 2, 46-56.


Mojtaba Rafieian, Ali Asgary, (2013) "Impacts of temporary housing on housing reconstruction after the Bam earthquake", Disaster Prevention and Management, Vol. 22 Iss: 1, pp.63 - 74.


Azimia, N., Asgary, A., 2013, Rural residents and choice of building earthquake-resistant house: results of a choice experiment study, Environmental Hazards.


Asgary, A., Moeini, S.M., Mehregan, N., 2012, Willingness to pay for enhancing local emergency preparedness programmes: evidences from Canada, International Journal of Emergency Management, Vol. 8, No. 2, PP.168-181.


Asgary, A., Sadeghi Naini, A., Levy, J., 2012, Modeling the risk of structural fire incidents using a self-organizing map, Fire Safety Journal, Volume 49, Pages 1-9.


Asgary A., Halim A., (2011), “Measuring Peoples’ Preferences for Cyclone Vulnerability Reduction Measures in Bangladesh”, Journal of Disaster Prevention and Management 20 (2), 186-198.


Asgary , Ali; Rezvani, Mohammad Reza and Mehregan , Nader (2011): Local Residents’ Preferences for Second Home Tourism Development Policies: A Choice Experiment nalysis. Published in: TOURISMOS: An International Multidisciplinary Journal of Tourism , Vol. 6, No. 1 (15. April 2011): pp. 31-51.


Asgary, A. and Naini, A. S. (2011) , MODELLING THE ADAPTATION OF BUSINESS CONTINUITY PLANNING BY BUSINESSES USING NEURAL NETWORKS. Intelligent Systems in Accounting, Finance and Management. doi: 10.1002/isaf.326


Asgary, A. and Y. Mousavi-Jahromi, 2011. Power outage, business continuity and businesses' choices of power outage mitigation measures. Am. J. Econ. Bus. Admin., 3: 312-320.


Mehregan N., Asgary A., and Rezaei M., 2011, “Disasters and employment changes: impacts of the Bam earthquake on employment structure using shift-share analysis”, Disasters, 17 NOV 2011, DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-7717.2011.01268.x


Paulus, Jeremy and Asgary, Ali (2011) "Enhancing Border Security: Local Values and Preferences at the Blue Water Bridge (Point Edward, Canada)," Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management: Vol. 7 (1), Article 77.


Bagheri, Ali, Darijani, Musa, Asgary, Ali, and Morid, Saeid, 2010, “Crisis in Urban Water Systems during the Reconstruction Period: A System Dynamics Analysis of Alternative Policies after the 2003 Earthquake in Bam-Iran, Water Resource Management, 0920-4741, 1573-1650.


Asgary Ali, Ghaffari Alireza, and Levy Jason, 2010, “Spatial and Temporal Analysis of Structural Fire Incidents and Their Causes: A Case of Toronto, Canada”, Fire Safety Journal, 45 (1), 44-57.


Asgary Ali, Spatial and Temporal Analysis of Structural Fire Incidents and Their Causes: A Case of Toronto, Canada, Fire Safety Journal, 2010, 45 (1), 44-57.


Asgary Ali, 2010, “Spatial Patterns and Distribution of Disasters in the OIC Member Countries”, Arab World Geographers, 12 (1,2).




Asgary Ali, Levey Jason and Mehregan Nader, 2007, “Estimating Willingness to Pay for a Hypothethical Earthquake Early Warning System”, Environmental Hazards 7, 312-320


Levy, J.K., Hartmann, J., Li, K.W., An, Y. & Asgary, A. (2007) Multi-criteria Decision Support Systems for Flood Hazard Mitigation and Emergency Response in Urban Watersheds, Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 43(2):1-13.


Asgary, A., Klosterman, R. and Razani, A., 2007, “Sustainable Urban Growth Management Using What-If?”, International Journal of Environmental Research, 1(3): 218-230.


Bagheri A., Asgary A., Rafiean M., and Levy J., 2006. “Measuring Urban Water System Performance: A Fuzzy Inference Model Approach”, Journal of the American Water Works Association, 98(11): 84-92.


Badri S.A., Asgary A., Eftekhari, AR., and Levy J., 2006, “Post Disaster Resettlement, Development and Change: 12 Years after Manjil Earthquake”, Disasters, 30 (4): 451-468.


Burns C., Asgary A., and Levy J., (2005), “Operator support for ageing nuclear critical infrastructure systems: integrating ecological interface design with prospect theory, Int. J. Critical Infrastructures, 4(1): 299-311.


Asgary A., Willis K.G., Taghvaei A.A., and Rafiean M., (2004), "Estimating Rural Households Willingness to Pay for Health Insurance", European Journal of Health Economics, 5(3): 209-215.


Eftekhari A.R., Asgary Ali, and Taherkhani Mahdi, 2002, “Industrial Districts and Rural Development: A case Study of Markazi Province”, Asia-Pacific Journal of Rural Development, XII(2):47-60.


Asgary A., Willis K.G., and Hosseini, (2000), “The Impacts of Caspian Sea Level Rise on the Housing Market”, Journal of Humanities, 7(4):1-8.


Asgary Ali, and Willis K.G., (1997), “Estimating the Benefits of Construction Measures to Mitigate Earthquake Risk”, Environment & Planning B, Planning and Design, 24:613-624.


Asgary Ali and Willis K.G., (1997), “Households’ Behavior in Response to Earthquake Risk: An Assessment of Alternative Theories”, International Journal of Disaster Studies, Policy and Management, 21(4).


Conference Proceedings


Ali Asgary, Alireza Ghaffari, and Albert Kong, Automated Intelligent Emergency Assessment of GTA Pipeline Events, ASME Conf. Proc. 2010, 413 (2010), DOI:10.1115/IPC2010-31006