
Atsuko Matsuoka


Office: Ross Building, S809
Phone: 416-736-2100 Ext: 22851

My past research has been on the intersectionality of oppression and 1) identity issues related to the older population and 2) identity issues among the diaspora population from the Horn of Africa. Continuing my interests in ethnoracial minority older adults, I have been working on abuse among older immigrant adults and developed an intervention model using restorative justice mediation. I continue to work on Wellness Recovery Action Plan with older adults in which I use strengths-based critical social work and a mental health recovery approach. Currently I examine intersectionality of oppression and social justice beyond human animals in the hope of developing the area of social work and animals from an animal rights perspective.



PhD, University of Toronto

Research Interests

Social Work , Elderly, abuse of older adults, animals and social work, ethnicity and intersectionality
  • Visiting professor, Doshisya University, Kyoto, Japan - 2012-2013
  • Atkinson College Fellowship, York University - 1998
  • Post Doctoral Fellowship, University of Manitoba - 1991-1992
  • Wilfred George Scott Fellowship in Gerontology, University of Toronto - 1989-1990
  • Nathan Markus Fellowship in Gerontology and Social Work, University of Toronto - 1989-1990
  • University of Toronto Open Fellowship - 1987-1988
  • Nathan Markus Fellowship in Gerontology and Social Work, University of Toronto - 1987-1988
  • Government of Canada Award - 1984-1988
  • Fellow, Massey College - 1984-present

Current Research Projects

Building “Animals and Social Work”: Incorporating ¬Trans-Species Social Justice

    See more
    Role: PI

    Start Date:
      Month: May   Year: 2014

    End Date:
      Month: Apr   Year: 2019

    Collaborator: John Sorenson
Highlighting the role of resilience, leadership, and capacity-building among immigrant seniors in addressing elder abuse within immigrant communities


    Elder abuse and neglect has been identified as a key concern that significantly affects the quality of life and the full contributions of older persons to society. While interest in addressing elder abuse has increased, considerable gaps remain in the social sciences literature. One main gap is the limited research about elder abuse and neglect within immigrant communities. A second main gap is related to the portrayal of older adults as vulnerable and lacking agency; few studies have focused on leadership, resilience, and capacity-building activities among specific organizations and among older individuals themselves. In this project, we will host a series of planned knowledge mobilization activities focusing on leadership development, capacity-building, and resilience among older immigrants in an effort to address elder abuse.

    See more
    Role: Co-investigator

Partnering to promote health care equity for ethnic minority older adults


    Recent immigrant older adults and some visible minorities who have aged here experience health inequities in Canada. These are primarily related to difficulties with the complex process of accessing suitable care. However, Canadian research on the topic is extremely fragmented and hard to find and knowledge users charged with designing policy and programs do not have the evidence they need to help them to address access barriers experienced by ethnic minority older adults. Effort is needed to consolidate existing evidence and design research that fills knowledge gaps with respect to access so as to generate a decision-making tool that can guide knowledge users in their decisions across different health and social care contexts. This project intends to address this gap.

    See more
    Role: Co-investigator

Animal assisted interventions in the Nova Scotia health service sector


    This study investigates current practice of animal-assisted interventions (AAI) in the province of Nova Scotia from the perspective of practitioners in the five health care professions, including occupational, recreational, and behavioural therapists, psychologists, and social workers. The purposes of this study are: 1) to gain a better understanding of how AAI are conducted in the province, the types of health concerns addressed, and the relationship between AAI services and other health services; 2) to develop a conceptual framework for best practices of AAI within the context of NS and 3) to bring curricular change initiatives using the research findings. We proposed to achieve the purposes through conducting constructivist grounded theory based in-depth interviews with practitioners and through advisory workshops.

    See more
    Role: Co-investigator

    the Nova Scotia Health Research Foundation
Court-based Family mediation with South Asians in Peel


    This is community-based action research by the Peel Family Mediation to find outcomes of court-based mediation.

    See more
    Role: Investigator

    The Ministry of Attorney Genearal
Moving forward: Development of a program of research on prevention of abuse and neglect, and health promotion among older immigrant women


    The project aimed to 1) establish collaborative research networks and partnerships; 2) convene a symposium for knowledge sharing/exchange, identify gaps, and build consensus on the priority research directions; 3) disseminate the knowledge gained from the symposium; 4) develop a shared program of research; and 5) refine priority research questions and prepare grant applications.

    See more
    Role: Co-Prinipal Investigator

Gender and Reconstruction in Eritrea


    This study examines gender relations in a new state, Eritrea, that gained independence from Ethiopia after three decades of war. The nationalist Eritrean People's Liberation Front (EPLF) expressed commitment to women's emancipation and other progressive ideas during the struggle for independence; the study examined the situation of women after independence when the EPLF formed the government. Research involved collecting stories from ex-female fighters, female students, civilians, and officials. The study is in the final stage, in which a book manuscript is being revised.

    See more
    Role: Co-investigator



Sorenson, J. & Matsuoka, A. (Eds). (2019) Dog’s Best Friend?: Rethinking Human-Canid Relations. Montreal and Kingston: McGill & Queen University Press.


Matsuoka, A. and Sorenson, J. (Eds). (2018) Critical Animal Studies: Toward Trans-species Social Justice, London: Rowman & Littlefield International.


A Matsuoka 2014 Defining Critical Animal Studies: An Intersectional Social Justice Approach. New York: Peter Lang Publishing. Co-edited with A. Nocella II, J. Sorenson and K. Socha.


Matsuoka, A. 2007. Kuritical social work to datsukoutikubunseki: Ensyu keisiki ni yoru naiseisikouno manabi (Critical Social Work and Analysing Practice through Deconstruction: Experiential Learning) Tokyo: Tyuouhouki, with S. Kitagawa, & N. Murata. In Japanese.


Matsuoka, A. 2001. Ghosts and shadows: Constructions of Identity and Community in an African Diaspora, University of Toronto Press. With John Sorenson.


Book Chapters


Sorenson, J. & Matsuoka, A. (2019). Introduction. In Sorenson, J. & Matsuoka, A. (Eds). Dog’s Best Friend?: Rethinking Human-Canid Relations. McGill & Queen University Press.


Koleszar-Green, R. & Matsuoka, A. (2018). Indigenous Worldviews and Critical Animal Studies: Decolonization and Revealing Truncated Narratives of Dominance. In Matsuoka, A. & Sorenson, J. (Eds). Critical Animal Studies: Toward Trans-Species Social Justice.(333-349). London: Rowman & Littlefield International.


Sorenson, J. & Matsuoka, A. (2018). Introduction. In Matsuoka, A. & Sorenson, J. (Eds). Critical Animal Studies: Toward Trans-Species Social Justice.(1-17). London: Rowman & Littlefield International.


Sorenson, J. & Matsuoka, A. (2017). The new carnivores, In Castricano, J. & Colman, J. (Eds.). Animal Subjects 2.0, Waterloo, On: Wilfrid Laurier University Press.


Matsuoka, A. & Sorenson, J. (2016). Violence towards nonhuman animals. P. O’Reilly and T. Fleming (Eds.) , (pp.153-171). Violence in Canada. Whitby: de Sitter.


Hepburn, S. Matsuoka, A. Guruge, S. & Manuel, L. (2015) . Intervention strategies to address abuse of ethnocultural minority older adults from different communities, In S. Koehn & M. Badger (Eds.). Health care equity for ethnic minority older adults. Vancouver, BC: Gerontology Research Centre, Simon Fraser University.


Nocella, A. J. II, Sorenson, J., Socha, K. & Matsuoka, A. (2014). Introduction Critical Animal Studies: A coming of age, In A. J. Nocella II, J. Sorenson, K. Socha & A. Matsuoka (Eds.), Defining critical animal studies: An intersectional social justice approach. (pp. xviiii-xxxvi). New York: Peter Lang Publishing.


Matsuoka, A. Social Justice beyond Human Beings: Trans-Species Social Justice, In T. Ryan (Ed.). Animals in Social Work. London: Palgrave Macmillan.With John Sorenson


Matsuoka, A. 2010 Restorative Justice-based mediation for elder abuse among ethno-racial minority seniors, with A. Clarke and D. Murphy, In D.Durst & M. Maclean (Eds.). Diversity in Aging among Immigrant Seniors in Canada: Changing Faces and Greying Temples, Calgary, AB: Detselig Enterprises. 149-167.


Matsuoka, A. 2006. Ghosts and Shadows: Memory and resilience among the Eritrean Diaspora, with J. Sorenson. In V. Agnew (ed) Diaspora, Memory and Identity: A Search for Home, University of Toronto Press.


Matsuoka, A. 2003. What do minority ethnic older people prefer for care in later life?: Does the ethnic identity matter in later life? In J. F. Kess, H. Noro, M.M. Ayukawa & H. Lansdowne (Eds.), Changing Japanese identities in multicultural Canada. Victoria, B.C. : Centre for Asia-Pacific Initiatives, University of Victoria, 95-101.


Matsuoka, A. 2002. Community Care Access Centre, In M. Shirasawa and M. Fukutomi (Eds.), Kee Wodo de Yomu 21sekino Syakai Fukusi- Kea Managimento (Understading the 21st Century Social Welfare through Key Words: Care Mangement) Tokyo: Tyuouhouki, 180-181.


Matsuoka, A. 2001. Kanada Kaigo Jijyou (Home Care system in Canada) (pp.250-256). In Kaigohoken Keywords Jiten (Dictionary of homecare insurance keywords) Tokyo: Chyuouhouki Publisher, 250-256.


Matsuoka, A. 2000. Kanada no ke-sumangimento (Case management in Canada). In M. Shirasawa et al. (Eds.) Ke-su managemento kouza Tokyo: Chyuouhouki, 121-138.


Matsuoka, A. 1999 Eritrean-Canadian refugee households as sites of gender renegotiation. D. Indra, (Ed.). Not a room of one's own: Engendering forced migration knowledge and practice. (pp.218-241) . Oxford: Berghahn Books, with Sorenson, J.


Matsuoka, A. 1997. Kanada no Tiikifukushi [Community Development in Canada], In F. Miura & K.Uda (Eds.) Tiikifukushijiten. [Encyclopedia for Community Welfare.] (pp. 430-431). Tokyo: Chyuouhouki. (In Japanese)


Matsuoka, A. 1996. Postomodernism wo sitentosita enpowerment apurochi. In I. Matsuhara (Ed.), Koureisyakea no Syakaiseisakugaku. [Postmodernism and Empowerment in Care for Older People. Social Policy in Care for Older People.] (pp. 203-218). Tokyo: Chyuouhouki. (In Japanese)
[Revised chapter from the monograph, KoureiSyakai niokeru Syakaikiban no Sousei ni Kansuru TyousaKenkyu. Hyogo Research Institute for Ageless Society, Japan.]


Matsuoka, A. 1994. Chihousei Roujin no Chiikikaigo to Social Work [Community Care for older people with dementia and social work] In K. Nakajima & H. Yonemoto (Eds), Zaitaku Care and Skill [ Home Care and Skills] (pp. 277-299). Tokyo: Chyuouhouki Publishing Inc. (In Japanese)


Matsuoka, A. 1989. Kanada no Roujin Fukushi [Social Welfare for the Aged in Canada]. In Shakai-Hosyo Kenkyusyo [Social Development Research Institute] (ed.), Kanada no Syakaihosyou [Social Welfare in Canada] (pp.215-236). Tokyo: Tokyo University Press. (In Japanese)


Matsuoka, A. 1984. Community Welfare Volunteers in Japan: the Minsei-Iin System. In R. Levinson and K.S. Hayne (Eds.), Accessing Human Services (pp. 259-274). Beverly Hills: Sage.


Journal Articles


S. Guruge, Man, G., Matsuoka, A. & Sindan, S. (2019) "Developing a comprehensive understanding of elder abuse prevention in immigrant communities: A comparative mixed methods study protocol" BMJ Open


Matsuoka, A. (2015). Ethnic/Racial minority older adults and recovery: Integrating stories of resilience and hope in social work, British Journal of Social Work. 45(Supplement 1), i135-i152.


Matsuoka, A. & Sorenson, J. (2013). Human consequences of animal exploitation: Needs for redefining social welfare, Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare, 40(4), 7-32.


Matsuoka, A. 2009 Combating stigma and discrimination among social work students, Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health, 28(2), 95-98. with A. Thompson.


Matsuoka, A. 2006. Datsukoutiku bunnsekini yoru jireikenkyuu:so-syaruwo-ka aidentitinokeiseiwomezasite.2 Case analysis (Deconstructing Cases: Analysis by using critical social work for Practicum education to form social work identities), Social Work Kenkyu, with S. Kitagawa, & N. Murata.


Matsuoka, A. 2005. Datsukoutiku bunnsekini yoru jireikenkyuu:so-syaruwo-ka aidentitinokeiseiwomezasite.1( theory) (Deconstructing Cases: Analysis by using critical social work for Practicum education to form social work identities), Social Work Kenkyu, 30(2), 61-69. with S. Kitagawa, & N. Murata.


Matsuoka, A. 2005. Ideas of North: The Eritrean diaspora in Canada. Journal of Eritrean Studies, 4(2). 85-114. with John Sorenson.


Matsuoka, A. 2004. So-syaru wa-ku no jissenn towa nanndesuka. (What is social work practice?) Social Work Kenkyu, 30(1), 32-38.


Matsuoka, A. 2003. Critical social work to kazokuheno sihenn.(Critical social work and support for a family), Syakaifukusikenskyu, 88, 41-47.


Matsuoka, A. 2003. Koureisya wo mamoru: kanadano koureisya gyakutai houninn (Protecting and preventing elder abuse and neglects in Canada), Social Work Kenkyu, 29(1), 39-46.


Matsuoka, A. 2001. Assessment ni okeru gihouto tuuru no imi.[What do assessment tools and skills mean in social work?] Social Work Kenkyu 26(4) 40-46.


Matsuoka, A. 2001. Phantom wars and cyberwars: Abyssinian fundamentalism and catastrophe in Eritrea, Dialectical Anthropology 26(1), 37-63, with John Sorenson.


Matsuoka, A. 2000. Kanada ni okeru imin nanmin to syakai fukusi sabisu(Social Services for Immigrants and Refugees in Canada), Syakaifukusikenskyu, 79, 113-117.


Matsuoka, A. 1999. Eritrean women in Canada: Negotiating new lives. Canadian Woman Studies les cahiers de la femme. 19(3), 104-109. with John Sorenson.


Matsuoka, A. 1999 Kea managemento, (Care-management) Kea manajia 2, 72-74. (in Japanese)


Matsuoka, A. 1999. Preferred care in later life among Japanese Canadians. Journal of Multicultural Social Work. 7(1/2), 127-148.


Matsuoka, A. 1993. Collecting qualitative data through interviews with ethnic elderly. Canadian Journal on Aging, 12(2), 216-232.


Matsuoka, A. 1992. Yori renkeisareta homu kea sabisu ni mukete: kanada ontario no baai [Toward better coordinated home care services: The Case of Ontario, Canada]. Home Care, 6(9), 30-33. (First of a series of two)


Matsuoka, A. 1991. Ethnic Identity and Social Service Delivery: Some Models Examined in Relation to Immigrants and Refugees from Ethiopia. Canadian Social Work Review, 8(1), 255-268, with Sorenson, J.


Matsuoka, A. 2012/2013 Prevention of abuse of older immigrant women in the post-migration context in Canada, Canadian Review of Social Policy/ Revue Canadienne de Politique Sociale 68/69 107-120. with S. Guruge, S.Koehn, M. Beaulieu and J. Ploeg with Lithwick, M, Manuel, L., Mullings, D., Roger, K., Spencer, C., Tyyskä, V., Walsh, C., & Gomes, F.

Conference Papers


Matsuoka, A. (2009) . Building foundations for mental health and wellness promotion: A mental health recovery-based anti-stigma/oppression education program, International Conference on the Promotion of Mental Health and Wellness, Toronto, Ontario, March 4th - 6th. With Ann Thompson.


Matsuoka, A. (2008) . Restorative Justice based Mediation for Elder Abuse among Ethno-Racial Minority Older People, 37th Annual Scientific & Educational Meeting of The Canadian Association on Gerontology, London, On, Oct. 23-25. With with A.Clark and D. Murphy.


Matsuoka, A. 2002. Caring for the old in Canada, In Nobuyoshi Onizaki et al. (Eds.) , Sekai Kaigo Jijyou (Caring for the old in the World). Tokyo: Tyuouhouki. 205-223.


Conference Proceedings


Matsuoka, A. 1996. Ethical decision making for health and well-being. Proceedings: Joint World Congress of the International Federation of Social Workers & the International Association of Schools of Social Work, 24-27, July, 1996 (pp.53-55), with Tabisz, E..


Public Lectures


Matsuoka, A. (2008) . Critical social work and community work, invited lecture at the Department of Social Work, Doshisya University, Kyoto, Japan. May 12.


My past research has been on the intersectionality of oppression and 1) identity issues related to the older population and 2) identity issues among the diaspora population from the Horn of Africa. Continuing my interests in ethnoracial minority older adults, I have been working on abuse among older immigrant adults and developed an intervention model using restorative justice mediation. I continue to work on Wellness Recovery Action Plan with older adults in which I use strengths-based critical social work and a mental health recovery approach. Currently I examine intersectionality of oppression and social justice beyond human animals in the hope of developing the area of social work and animals from an animal rights perspective.


PhD, University of Toronto

Research Interests

Social Work , Elderly, abuse of older adults, animals and social work, ethnicity and intersectionality


  • Visiting professor, Doshisya University, Kyoto, Japan - 2012-2013
  • Atkinson College Fellowship, York University - 1998
  • Post Doctoral Fellowship, University of Manitoba - 1991-1992
  • Wilfred George Scott Fellowship in Gerontology, University of Toronto - 1989-1990
  • Nathan Markus Fellowship in Gerontology and Social Work, University of Toronto - 1989-1990
  • University of Toronto Open Fellowship - 1987-1988
  • Nathan Markus Fellowship in Gerontology and Social Work, University of Toronto - 1987-1988
  • Government of Canada Award - 1984-1988
  • Fellow, Massey College - 1984-present

Current Research Projects

Building “Animals and Social Work”: Incorporating ¬Trans-Species Social Justice

    Project Type: Funded
    Role: PI

    Start Date:
      Month: May   Year: 2014

    End Date:
      Month: Apr   Year: 2019

    Collaborator: John Sorenson
Highlighting the role of resilience, leadership, and capacity-building among immigrant seniors in addressing elder abuse within immigrant communities


    Elder abuse and neglect has been identified as a key concern that significantly affects the quality of life and the full contributions of older persons to society. While interest in addressing elder abuse has increased, considerable gaps remain in the social sciences literature. One main gap is the limited research about elder abuse and neglect within immigrant communities. A second main gap is related to the portrayal of older adults as vulnerable and lacking agency; few studies have focused on leadership, resilience, and capacity-building activities among specific organizations and among older individuals themselves. In this project, we will host a series of planned knowledge mobilization activities focusing on leadership development, capacity-building, and resilience among older immigrants in an effort to address elder abuse.

    Project Type: Funded
    Role: Co-investigator

Partnering to promote health care equity for ethnic minority older adults


    Recent immigrant older adults and some visible minorities who have aged here experience health inequities in Canada. These are primarily related to difficulties with the complex process of accessing suitable care. However, Canadian research on the topic is extremely fragmented and hard to find and knowledge users charged with designing policy and programs do not have the evidence they need to help them to address access barriers experienced by ethnic minority older adults. Effort is needed to consolidate existing evidence and design research that fills knowledge gaps with respect to access so as to generate a decision-making tool that can guide knowledge users in their decisions across different health and social care contexts. This project intends to address this gap.

    Project Type: Funded
    Role: Co-investigator

Animal assisted interventions in the Nova Scotia health service sector


    This study investigates current practice of animal-assisted interventions (AAI) in the province of Nova Scotia from the perspective of practitioners in the five health care professions, including occupational, recreational, and behavioural therapists, psychologists, and social workers. The purposes of this study are: 1) to gain a better understanding of how AAI are conducted in the province, the types of health concerns addressed, and the relationship between AAI services and other health services; 2) to develop a conceptual framework for best practices of AAI within the context of NS and 3) to bring curricular change initiatives using the research findings. We proposed to achieve the purposes through conducting constructivist grounded theory based in-depth interviews with practitioners and through advisory workshops.

    Project Type: Funded
    Role: Co-investigator

    the Nova Scotia Health Research Foundation
Court-based Family mediation with South Asians in Peel


    This is community-based action research by the Peel Family Mediation to find outcomes of court-based mediation.

    Project Type: Funded
    Role: Investigator

    The Ministry of Attorney Genearal
Moving forward: Development of a program of research on prevention of abuse and neglect, and health promotion among older immigrant women


    The project aimed to 1) establish collaborative research networks and partnerships; 2) convene a symposium for knowledge sharing/exchange, identify gaps, and build consensus on the priority research directions; 3) disseminate the knowledge gained from the symposium; 4) develop a shared program of research; and 5) refine priority research questions and prepare grant applications.

    Project Type: Funded
    Role: Co-Prinipal Investigator

Gender and Reconstruction in Eritrea


    This study examines gender relations in a new state, Eritrea, that gained independence from Ethiopia after three decades of war. The nationalist Eritrean People's Liberation Front (EPLF) expressed commitment to women's emancipation and other progressive ideas during the struggle for independence; the study examined the situation of women after independence when the EPLF formed the government. Research involved collecting stories from ex-female fighters, female students, civilians, and officials. The study is in the final stage, in which a book manuscript is being revised.

    Role: Co-investigator


All Publications

Book Chapters


Sorenson, J. & Matsuoka, A. (2019). Introduction. In Sorenson, J. & Matsuoka, A. (Eds). Dog’s Best Friend?: Rethinking Human-Canid Relations. McGill & Queen University Press.


Koleszar-Green, R. & Matsuoka, A. (2018). Indigenous Worldviews and Critical Animal Studies: Decolonization and Revealing Truncated Narratives of Dominance. In Matsuoka, A. & Sorenson, J. (Eds). Critical Animal Studies: Toward Trans-Species Social Justice.(333-349). London: Rowman & Littlefield International.


Sorenson, J. & Matsuoka, A. (2018). Introduction. In Matsuoka, A. & Sorenson, J. (Eds). Critical Animal Studies: Toward Trans-Species Social Justice.(1-17). London: Rowman & Littlefield International.


Sorenson, J. & Matsuoka, A. (2017). The new carnivores, In Castricano, J. & Colman, J. (Eds.). Animal Subjects 2.0, Waterloo, On: Wilfrid Laurier University Press.


Matsuoka, A. & Sorenson, J. (2016). Violence towards nonhuman animals. P. O’Reilly and T. Fleming (Eds.) , (pp.153-171). Violence in Canada. Whitby: de Sitter.


Hepburn, S. Matsuoka, A. Guruge, S. & Manuel, L. (2015) . Intervention strategies to address abuse of ethnocultural minority older adults from different communities, In S. Koehn & M. Badger (Eds.). Health care equity for ethnic minority older adults. Vancouver, BC: Gerontology Research Centre, Simon Fraser University.


Nocella, A. J. II, Sorenson, J., Socha, K. & Matsuoka, A. (2014). Introduction Critical Animal Studies: A coming of age, In A. J. Nocella II, J. Sorenson, K. Socha & A. Matsuoka (Eds.), Defining critical animal studies: An intersectional social justice approach. (pp. xviiii-xxxvi). New York: Peter Lang Publishing.


Matsuoka, A. Social Justice beyond Human Beings: Trans-Species Social Justice, In T. Ryan (Ed.). Animals in Social Work. London: Palgrave Macmillan.With John Sorenson


Matsuoka, A. 2010 Restorative Justice-based mediation for elder abuse among ethno-racial minority seniors, with A. Clarke and D. Murphy, In D.Durst & M. Maclean (Eds.). Diversity in Aging among Immigrant Seniors in Canada: Changing Faces and Greying Temples, Calgary, AB: Detselig Enterprises. 149-167.


Matsuoka, A. 2006. Ghosts and Shadows: Memory and resilience among the Eritrean Diaspora, with J. Sorenson. In V. Agnew (ed) Diaspora, Memory and Identity: A Search for Home, University of Toronto Press.


Matsuoka, A. 2003. What do minority ethnic older people prefer for care in later life?: Does the ethnic identity matter in later life? In J. F. Kess, H. Noro, M.M. Ayukawa & H. Lansdowne (Eds.), Changing Japanese identities in multicultural Canada. Victoria, B.C. : Centre for Asia-Pacific Initiatives, University of Victoria, 95-101.


Matsuoka, A. 2002. Community Care Access Centre, In M. Shirasawa and M. Fukutomi (Eds.), Kee Wodo de Yomu 21sekino Syakai Fukusi- Kea Managimento (Understading the 21st Century Social Welfare through Key Words: Care Mangement) Tokyo: Tyuouhouki, 180-181.


Matsuoka, A. 2001. Kanada Kaigo Jijyou (Home Care system in Canada) (pp.250-256). In Kaigohoken Keywords Jiten (Dictionary of homecare insurance keywords) Tokyo: Chyuouhouki Publisher, 250-256.


Matsuoka, A. 2000. Kanada no ke-sumangimento (Case management in Canada). In M. Shirasawa et al. (Eds.) Ke-su managemento kouza Tokyo: Chyuouhouki, 121-138.


Matsuoka, A. 1999 Eritrean-Canadian refugee households as sites of gender renegotiation. D. Indra, (Ed.). Not a room of one's own: Engendering forced migration knowledge and practice. (pp.218-241) . Oxford: Berghahn Books, with Sorenson, J.


Matsuoka, A. 1997. Kanada no Tiikifukushi [Community Development in Canada], In F. Miura & K.Uda (Eds.) Tiikifukushijiten. [Encyclopedia for Community Welfare.] (pp. 430-431). Tokyo: Chyuouhouki. (In Japanese)


Matsuoka, A. 1996. Postomodernism wo sitentosita enpowerment apurochi. In I. Matsuhara (Ed.), Koureisyakea no Syakaiseisakugaku. [Postmodernism and Empowerment in Care for Older People. Social Policy in Care for Older People.] (pp. 203-218). Tokyo: Chyuouhouki. (In Japanese)
[Revised chapter from the monograph, KoureiSyakai niokeru Syakaikiban no Sousei ni Kansuru TyousaKenkyu. Hyogo Research Institute for Ageless Society, Japan.]


Matsuoka, A. 1994. Chihousei Roujin no Chiikikaigo to Social Work [Community Care for older people with dementia and social work] In K. Nakajima & H. Yonemoto (Eds), Zaitaku Care and Skill [ Home Care and Skills] (pp. 277-299). Tokyo: Chyuouhouki Publishing Inc. (In Japanese)


Matsuoka, A. 1989. Kanada no Roujin Fukushi [Social Welfare for the Aged in Canada]. In Shakai-Hosyo Kenkyusyo [Social Development Research Institute] (ed.), Kanada no Syakaihosyou [Social Welfare in Canada] (pp.215-236). Tokyo: Tokyo University Press. (In Japanese)


Matsuoka, A. 1984. Community Welfare Volunteers in Japan: the Minsei-Iin System. In R. Levinson and K.S. Hayne (Eds.), Accessing Human Services (pp. 259-274). Beverly Hills: Sage.




Sorenson, J. & Matsuoka, A. (Eds). (2019) Dog’s Best Friend?: Rethinking Human-Canid Relations. Montreal and Kingston: McGill & Queen University Press.


Matsuoka, A. and Sorenson, J. (Eds). (2018) Critical Animal Studies: Toward Trans-species Social Justice, London: Rowman & Littlefield International.


A Matsuoka 2014 Defining Critical Animal Studies: An Intersectional Social Justice Approach. New York: Peter Lang Publishing. Co-edited with A. Nocella II, J. Sorenson and K. Socha.


Matsuoka, A. 2007. Kuritical social work to datsukoutikubunseki: Ensyu keisiki ni yoru naiseisikouno manabi (Critical Social Work and Analysing Practice through Deconstruction: Experiential Learning) Tokyo: Tyuouhouki, with S. Kitagawa, & N. Murata. In Japanese.


Matsuoka, A. 2001. Ghosts and shadows: Constructions of Identity and Community in an African Diaspora, University of Toronto Press. With John Sorenson.


Journal Articles


S. Guruge, Man, G., Matsuoka, A. & Sindan, S. (2019) "Developing a comprehensive understanding of elder abuse prevention in immigrant communities: A comparative mixed methods study protocol" BMJ Open


Matsuoka, A. (2015). Ethnic/Racial minority older adults and recovery: Integrating stories of resilience and hope in social work, British Journal of Social Work. 45(Supplement 1), i135-i152.


Matsuoka, A. & Sorenson, J. (2013). Human consequences of animal exploitation: Needs for redefining social welfare, Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare, 40(4), 7-32.


Matsuoka, A. 2009 Combating stigma and discrimination among social work students, Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health, 28(2), 95-98. with A. Thompson.


Matsuoka, A. 2006. Datsukoutiku bunnsekini yoru jireikenkyuu:so-syaruwo-ka aidentitinokeiseiwomezasite.2 Case analysis (Deconstructing Cases: Analysis by using critical social work for Practicum education to form social work identities), Social Work Kenkyu, with S. Kitagawa, & N. Murata.


Matsuoka, A. 2005. Datsukoutiku bunnsekini yoru jireikenkyuu:so-syaruwo-ka aidentitinokeiseiwomezasite.1( theory) (Deconstructing Cases: Analysis by using critical social work for Practicum education to form social work identities), Social Work Kenkyu, 30(2), 61-69. with S. Kitagawa, & N. Murata.


Matsuoka, A. 2005. Ideas of North: The Eritrean diaspora in Canada. Journal of Eritrean Studies, 4(2). 85-114. with John Sorenson.


Matsuoka, A. 2004. So-syaru wa-ku no jissenn towa nanndesuka. (What is social work practice?) Social Work Kenkyu, 30(1), 32-38.


Matsuoka, A. 2003. Critical social work to kazokuheno sihenn.(Critical social work and support for a family), Syakaifukusikenskyu, 88, 41-47.


Matsuoka, A. 2003. Koureisya wo mamoru: kanadano koureisya gyakutai houninn (Protecting and preventing elder abuse and neglects in Canada), Social Work Kenkyu, 29(1), 39-46.


Matsuoka, A. 2001. Assessment ni okeru gihouto tuuru no imi.[What do assessment tools and skills mean in social work?] Social Work Kenkyu 26(4) 40-46.


Matsuoka, A. 2001. Phantom wars and cyberwars: Abyssinian fundamentalism and catastrophe in Eritrea, Dialectical Anthropology 26(1), 37-63, with John Sorenson.


Matsuoka, A. 2000. Kanada ni okeru imin nanmin to syakai fukusi sabisu(Social Services for Immigrants and Refugees in Canada), Syakaifukusikenskyu, 79, 113-117.


Matsuoka, A. 1999. Eritrean women in Canada: Negotiating new lives. Canadian Woman Studies les cahiers de la femme. 19(3), 104-109. with John Sorenson.


Matsuoka, A. 1999 Kea managemento, (Care-management) Kea manajia 2, 72-74. (in Japanese)


Matsuoka, A. 1999. Preferred care in later life among Japanese Canadians. Journal of Multicultural Social Work. 7(1/2), 127-148.


Matsuoka, A. 1993. Collecting qualitative data through interviews with ethnic elderly. Canadian Journal on Aging, 12(2), 216-232.


Matsuoka, A. 1992. Yori renkeisareta homu kea sabisu ni mukete: kanada ontario no baai [Toward better coordinated home care services: The Case of Ontario, Canada]. Home Care, 6(9), 30-33. (First of a series of two)


Matsuoka, A. 1991. Ethnic Identity and Social Service Delivery: Some Models Examined in Relation to Immigrants and Refugees from Ethiopia. Canadian Social Work Review, 8(1), 255-268, with Sorenson, J.


Matsuoka, A. 2012/2013 Prevention of abuse of older immigrant women in the post-migration context in Canada, Canadian Review of Social Policy/ Revue Canadienne de Politique Sociale 68/69 107-120. with S. Guruge, S.Koehn, M. Beaulieu and J. Ploeg with Lithwick, M, Manuel, L., Mullings, D., Roger, K., Spencer, C., Tyyskä, V., Walsh, C., & Gomes, F.

Conference Papers


Matsuoka, A. (2009) . Building foundations for mental health and wellness promotion: A mental health recovery-based anti-stigma/oppression education program, International Conference on the Promotion of Mental Health and Wellness, Toronto, Ontario, March 4th - 6th. With Ann Thompson.


Matsuoka, A. (2008) . Restorative Justice based Mediation for Elder Abuse among Ethno-Racial Minority Older People, 37th Annual Scientific & Educational Meeting of The Canadian Association on Gerontology, London, On, Oct. 23-25. With with A.Clark and D. Murphy.


Matsuoka, A. 2002. Caring for the old in Canada, In Nobuyoshi Onizaki et al. (Eds.) , Sekai Kaigo Jijyou (Caring for the old in the World). Tokyo: Tyuouhouki. 205-223.


Conference Proceedings


Matsuoka, A. 1996. Ethical decision making for health and well-being. Proceedings: Joint World Congress of the International Federation of Social Workers & the International Association of Schools of Social Work, 24-27, July, 1996 (pp.53-55), with Tabisz, E..


Public Lectures


Matsuoka, A. (2008) . Critical social work and community work, invited lecture at the Department of Social Work, Doshisya University, Kyoto, Japan. May 12.