Professor Jonathan Edmondson’s research interests are in Roman History, especially in the society, economy and culture of Roman Spain from the late Iron Age to the late Roman Empire; Roman epigraphy, especially of the Roman Empire; gladiators in Roman society; the Roman family; and Greco-Roman historiography, especially Cassius Dio.
Professor Jonathan Edmondson teaches in History and Classical Studies. Professor Edmondson's research interests are in Roman History, in particular in the society, economy and culture of Roman Spain (especially Lusitania) from the late Iron Age to the late Roman Empire; Roman epigraphy, especially of the Roman Empire; gladiators in Roman society; the Roman family; and Greco-Roman historiography, especially Cassius Dio. He is currently working on cultural interaction and cultural change in the western Roman Empire (especially Lusitania) and on local society at Augusta Emerita (Mérida, Spain). He is currently working on the inscriptions of Emerita as part of an international team involved in producing a new edition of all inscriptions from this Roman colony for the second edition of Volume II of the Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum. He is also co-director of the ADOPIA project, a digital atlas of personal names from Roman Spain (
He was a visiting professor at the Centre Ausonius and Department of History, Université de Michel de Montaigne – Bordeaux III in February/March 1999 and elected a Corresponding Member of the Real Academia de la History (Royal Academy of History) of Spain in 2002 and a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society (London, U.K.) in June 2009. He won the international prize, "Genio Protector de la Colonia Augusta Emerita", awarded by Spain's Ministry of Culture and the Museo Nacional de Arte Romano, Mérida, in September 2011 and the Award of Merit of the Classical Association of Canada / Société Canadienne des Études Classiques in May 2014. He was a Visiting Professor at the Institut Ausonius (Université de Bordeaux-Montaigne) in Fall Term 2015 and held the prestigious Hyde Visiting Lecturership in Ancient History at the University of Pennsylvania in April 2016. He won the Dean’s Award for Distinction in Research, Creativity or Scholarship – Established Researcher, Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies, in 2016 and was granted the status of Distinguished Research Professor at York University's Spring Convocation in June 2017.
Ph.D. in Classics (Ancient History), Cambridge University: Christ’s College
M.A. in Classics, Cambridge University: Christ’s College
B.A. in Classics, Cambridge University: Christ’s College
Professional Leadership
2024-25, Past President, American Society of Greek and Latin Epigraphy 2022-23, President, American Society of Greek and Latin Epigraphy
2008-10 President, Classical Association of Canada/Société Canadienne des Etudes Classiques
2008-2017 Comité, Association Internationale d’Epigraphie Grecque et Latine (AIEGL)
2006-8 Vice-President, Classical Association of Canada/Société Canadienne des Etudes Classiques
2006-8 Past President, Ontario Classical Association
2004-6 President, Ontario Classical Association
2003-4 Vice-President, Ontario Classical Association
2003-5 Served three-year term on SSHRC Standard Research Grant Assessment Committee 1 (Classics, Archaeology, Medieval Studies, Religious Studies, Philosophy)
1998-2004 Member of Advisory Board, American Journal of Archaeology
1997-2002 Classical Association of Canada, Member of Executive Committee
1996-2003 Ontario Classical Association, Member of Executive
1992-1998 Archaeological Institute of America, Toronto Society: Executive Committee
1991-92 Archaeological Institute of America, Toronto Society: Vice-President
1986-87 Member of Council, Society for Promotion of Roman Studies, London, U.K. (elected for 1986-89, but resigned after move to Canada)
1. Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies 2. Cambridge Philological Society 3. Classical Association of Canada 4. American Philological Association 5. Association of Ancient Historians 6. Ontario Classical Association 7. Association Internationale d’Epigraphie grecque et latine (AIEGL)
Research Interests
History, Classics, Society, economy and culture of Roman Spain (especially Lusitania) from the late Iron Age to the late Roman Empire, Roman epigraphy, especially of the Roman Empire, Gladiators in Roman society, the Roman family,
Roman History and Classical Studies
Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada - 2019
Corresponding Member of the Deutsches Archäologisches Institut - 2018
Distinguished Research Professor, York University - 2017
Dean’s Award for Distinction in Research, Creativity or Scholarship – Established Researcher, Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies, York University - 2016
Award of Merit, Classical Association of Canada/Société canadienne des études classiques - 2014
“Genio Protector de la Colonia Augusta Emerita” Prize, Spanish Ministry of Education and Culture / National Museum of Roman Art (Museo Nacional de Arte Romano), Mérida - 2011
Fellow of the Royal Historical Society (U.K.) - 2009
Corresponding Member, Real Academia de la Historia (Royal Academy of History, Spain) - 2003
Classical Association of Canada, Distinguished Visiting Lecturer in Atlantic Canada (Memorial University, Sir Wilfrid Grenfell College, Cornerbook; Acadia, Halhousie, St. Mary’s, Mt. Allison, University of P.E.I., University of New Brunswick at Fredericton, University of New Brunswick at St. John) - 2003
Senior Fellow, Massey College - 2001
Professeur invité, Institut Ausonius, Université Michel de Montaigne -- Bordeaux - 1999, 2015
Classical Association of Canada, Distinguished Visiting Lecturer in Western Canada (Universities of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Saskatoon, Alberta, Calgary, Victoria and UBC) - 1994
A.H. Lloyd Research Scholarship, Christ’s College, Cambridge - 1983-83
Department of Education and Science Major State Studentship for Research, Bachelor Research Scholarship, Christ’s College, Cambridge - 1979-82
Open Exhibition to Christ’s College, Cambridge - 1976-79
Current Research Projects
ADOPIA: Atlas Digital Onomastique de la Péninsule Ibérique Antique / Atlas digital onómastico de la Península Ibérica Antigua / Atlas digital onómastico da Península Ibérica Antiga / Digital Onomastic Atlas of the Iberian Peninsula in Antiquity
A digital atlas of all personal names attested in the three Roman provinces (Lusitania, Baetica, Hispania Tarraconensis) in the Iberian Peninsula in Antiquity. A collaborative project involving partner institutions York University, Institut Ausonius (Université de Bordeaux - Montaigne, France), Centro CIL II (Universidad de Alcalá, Spain), Archivo Epigráfico Hispánico (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain) and researchers in Canada, France, Spain and Portugal.
Personal names constitute a fundamental source for our understanding of ancient societies. Onomastics reveal much about an individual’s cultural, social and geographic identity. Studying them throws important light on the processes of cultural change that affected the inhabitants of the Roman Empire as well as on family relations and the social organization of civic communities across the Roman provinces. The Iberian peninsula has long been a fertile area for the study of ancient onomastics. It has benefited from a long-standing tradition of research by scholars such as María Lourdes Albertos Firmat and Jürgen Untermann and from a landmark publication: the Atlas antroponímico de la Lusitania romana, published in 2003 by the Institut Ausonius (Université Michel de Montaigne-Bordeaux III) and the Fundación de Estudios Romanos (Museo Nacional de Arte Romano, Mérida), the result of ten years of research by the « Grupo Mérida », an international research network comprising colleagues from Spain, Portugal, France and Canada. This work, which marks a fundamental advance in research on the onomastics of the Roman Empire, provides the scholarly community with an indispensable research tool. Based on the information available until 2002, its 339 maps and 2030 different names illumine in a specific and original manner the social makeup of the province of Lusitania in the High Empire. ADOPIA represents the continuation of this project. It combines the results of cutting-edge epigraphic research with all the advantages of new digital technologies. The many possibilities that a Digital Humanities approach offers add considerable value and impact to the information now available. This website provides a dynamic digital version of the Atlas antroponímico de la Lusitania romana. The material available in ADOPIA is constantly updated; its digital format facilitates the rapid integration of all new relevant epigraphic data. ADOPIA allows simple and advanced searches of the names and individual naming practices attested in Lusitania, as well as immediate mapping of the results of such searches. In the near future, ADOPIA will incorporate onomastic data from the two other Hispanic provinces: Baetica and Hispania Citerior (Tarraconensis).
See more
Co-Director (with Dr. M. Navarro Caballero, Directeur de Recherche, CNRS – Institut Ausonius, Université de Bordeaux – Montaigne)
Start Date:
Month: Sep Year: 2016
Dr. Milagros Navarro Caballero, Directeur de Recherche Collaborator Institution:
CNRS – Institut Ausonius, Université de Bordeaux – Montaigne Collaborator Role:
SSHRC-CRSH Partnership Development Grant
LA&PS Seed Grant for Collaborative Research
Edmondson, J. and Navarro Caballero, M. (eds.) (2024). Onomastique, société et identité culturelle en Lusitanie romaine / Onomástica, sociedad e identidad cultural en Lusitania romana (ADOPIA I) (Scripta Antiqua 178). Bordeaux.
Si muero, no me olvides. Miradas sobre la sociedad de Augusta Emerita a través de la epigrafía funeraria. Co-authors: A. Alvar Ezquerra, L. A. Hidalgo Martín, J. L. Ramírez Sádaba. Alcalá de Henares: Universidad de Alcalá, 2021, 316 pp.
Nueva Epigrafía Funeraria de Augusta Emerita: Tituli sepulcrales urbanos (ss. I-VII) y su contexto arqueológico (NEFAE), co-written with L. Á. Hidalgo Martín, J. Márquez Pérez, J. L. Ramírez Sádaba (Memoria. Monografías Arqueológicas de Mérida 1). Mérida: Consorcio de la Ciudad Monumental, Histórico-Artística y Arqueológica / Diputación Provincial de Badajoz, 2019 [2020]
Roman Literary Cultures: Domestic Politics, Revolutionary Poetics, Civic Spectacle. Edited by Alison Keith and Jonathan Edmondson. Toronto and Buffalo: University of Toronto Press, 2016. xxiv + 340 pp.
The Oxford Handbook of Roman Epigraphy, co-edited with Christer Bruun. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2015 (revised paperback ed., 2018).
Augustus (Edinburgh Readings on the Ancient World Series). Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2009. (revised paperback edition, March 2014)
Roman Dress and the Fabrics of Roman Culture. Ed. Jonathan Edmondson and Alison Keith. Toronto: University of Toronto Press; Buffalo: University of Toronto Press, 2008.
Granite Funerary Stelae from Augusta Emerita (Monografías Emeritenses 9). Mérida: Museo Nacional de Arte Romano; Madrid: Ministerio de Cultura, 2006.
Flavius Josephus and Flavian Rome. Ed. Jonathan Edmondson, J. Rives and S. Mason. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005.
with Grupo Mérida. Atlas Antroponímico de la Lusitania romana. Mérida: Fundación de Estudios Romanos; Bordeaux: Centre Ausonius, 2003.
Imagen y Memoria. Monumentos funerarios con retratos en la colonia Augusta Emerita. Co-authored with T. Nogales Basarrate and W. Trillmich. Madrid: Real Academia de la Historia, 2001.
Law and Social Status in Classical Athens. Ed. Jonathan Edmondson and V. J. Hunter. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000.
Dio: The Julio-Claudians. Selections from Books 58-63 of The Roman History of Cassius Dio. London: London Association of Classical Teachers, 1992.
Two Industries in Roman Lusitania: Mining and Garum Production. Oxford, England: British Archaeological Reports, 1987.
Book Chapters
“El elegante altar funerario marmóreo de Flavia Firmana erigido in hortis suis en Augusta Emerita (Mérida)” in D. Gorostidi Pi & A. Gutiérrez García-M., eds. Tituli-Imagines-Marmora: Materia y prestigio en mármol. Homenaje a Isabel Rodà de Llanza (AEspA Anejo 95), Madrid: CSIC, 2023, 79-90
“A criação de uma sociedade provincial romana”, in A Lusitânia romana: fronteira do mundo antigo, special issue of National Geographic (Portugal), História, 2022, 34-43.
“Domestic Servants at the Roman Imperial Court”, in B. Kelly & A. G. Hug (eds.), The Roman Emperor and His Court, c. 30 BC – AD 300. 1. Historical Essays. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2022, 168-203.
“Les bases de données épigraphiques et l’Institut Ausonius à l’ère des Humanités numériques” (co-written with M. Navarro Caballero, N. Prévôt and C. Ruiz Darasse), in A. Redentor, E. Alguacil Villanúa & J. Andreu Pintado (eds.), Valete vos viatores: Travelling through Latin Inscriptions across the Roman Empire, Coimbra: Universidade de Coimbra, 2022, 207-228.
“Roman Colonies and Local Cults in Lusitania: the case of Augusta Emerita (Mérida)” in A.G. Sinner & V. Revilla Calvo (eds.), Religious Dynamics in a Microcontinent. Cult Places, Identities, and Cultural Change in Hispania (Archaeology of the Mediterranean World, 1). Turnhout: Brepols, 2022, 79-99.
“Reconstructing the Texts of Funerary Inscriptions from Augusta Emerita for the CIL II2 Mérida Project with the Aid of New Technologies”, in I. Velázquez Soriano and D. Espinosa Espinosa (eds.), Epigraphy in the Digital Age: Opportunities and Challenges in the Recording, Analysis and Dissemination of Epigraphic Texts. Oxford: Archaeopress, 2021, 55-70.
“The Spatial, Social and Political Landscape of Public Spectacle from Augustus to Severus Alexander” in M. L. Caldelli & C. Ricci (eds.), City of Encounters: Public Spaces and Social Interaction in Ancient Rome, Rome: Quasar, 2020, 149-196.
“The Linguistic Lure of the Arena in Apuleius’ Golden Ass” in L.L. Brice, A. Gatzke, †M. Trundle (eds.), People and Institutions in the Roman Empire: Essays in Memory of Garrett G. Fagan, Leiden and Boston: Brill, 160-182.
“La administración de la provincia de Lusitania en el siglo III d.C.: nuevas aportaciones” in D. Moreau, & R. González Salinero (eds.), Academica Libertas. Essais en l´honneur du Professeur Javier Arce. Ensayos en honor del Profesor Javier Arce (Bibliothèque de l’Antiquité Tardive 39), Turnhout: Brepols, 2020, 167-181.
“La formación de una sociedad colonial en Augusta Emerita” in T. Nogales Basarrate & N. Barrero Martín (eds.), La fundación de Augusta Emerita y los orígenes de Lusitania, Monografías Emeritenses 11, Mérida, 2018 [2019], 53-84.
“Los espectáculos romanos a través de la epigrafía”, in A. Alvar Ezquerra (ed.), Siste, viator. La epigrafía en la antigua Roma, Alcalá: Universidad de Alcalá, 2019, 101-113.
“Onomástica personal y cambios políticos, sociales y culturales en Lusitania romana: una nueva versión del Altas Antroponímico de la Lusitania romana” [co-written with M. Navarro Caballero], in T. Nogales Basarrate (ed.), Lusitania romana: del pasado al presente de la investigación, Mérida, 2017 [2018], 59-90
"Hacia una historia social de la colonia de Augusta Emerita: problemas metodológicos y perspectivas prometedoras" in Métodos y técnicas en Ciencias de la Antigüedad : estudios sobre investigación y docencia, eds. E. Ortiz de Urbina & J.M. Vallejo, Vitoria-Gasteiz : Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, Argitalpen Zerbitzua = Servicio Editorial, 2018 (Anejos de Veleia. Acta 16), 159-204
“Glimpses inside the familia publica at Augusta Emerita (Mérida)” in J. Carbonell Manils & H. Gimeno Pascual (eds.), A Baete ad fluvium Anam: Cultura epigráfica en la Bética Occidental y territorios fronterizos. Homenaje al profesor José Luis Moralejo Álvarez, Alcalá de Henares, 2016, 67-83.
“The Roman Administration of Lusitania from the Reforms of Diocletian to c. 340” in J. d’Encarnação, M. Conceição Lopes & P. C. Carvalho (eds.), Lusitânia entre romanos e barbaros, Coimbra – Mangualde: Universidade de Coimbra, 2016, 179-221.
“Monuments of Empire in Roman Spain and Beyond: Augusta Emerita (Mérida), the ‘Spanish Rome’” in J.M.D. Pohl & C.L. Lyons (ed.), Altera Roma: Art and Empire from the Aztecs to New Spain, Los Angeles: The Cotsen Institute of Archaeology/University of California Press, 2016, 69-107.
“Investing in Death: Gladiators as Investment and Currency in Late Republican Rome” in H. Beck, M. Jehne & J. Serrati (eds.), Money and Power in the Roman Republic. Collection Latomus 355, Brussels, 2016, 37-52.
“Rituals of Reciprocity: Staging Gladiatorial munera in Apuleius’ Metamorphoses” in A. Keith & J. Edmondson (ed.), Roman Literary Cultures: Domestic Politics, Revolutionary Poetics, Civic Spectacle. Toronto and Buffalo: University of Toronto Press, 2016, 278-309.
“Roman Literary Cultures” (co-written with A. Keith), in A. Keith & J. Edmondson (ed.), Roman Literary Cultures: Domestic Politics, Revolutionary Poetics, Civic Spectacle. Toronto and Buffalo: University of Toronto Press, 2016, 3-13.
“The Epigrapher at Work” (co-written with C. Bruun) in The Oxford Handbook of Roman Epigraphy, ed. C. Bruun & J. Edmondson, New York: Oxford University Press, 2015, 3-20 (ch. 1).
“Inscribing Roman Texts: officinae, layout, carving techniques” in The Oxford Handbook of Roman Epigraphy, ed. C. Bruun & J. Edmondson, New York: Oxford University Press, 2015, 111-130 (ch. 7).
“Spectacle in Rome, Italy, and the Provinces” (co-written with M.J. Carter), in The Oxford Handbook of Roman Epigraphy, ed. C. Bruun & J. Edmondson, New York: Oxford University Press, 2015, 537-558 (ch. 25).
“Roman Family History” in The Oxford Handbook of Roman Epigraphy, ed. C. Bruun & J. Edmondson, New York: Oxford University Press, 2015, 559-581 (ch. 26).
“Economic Life in the Roman Empire”, in The Oxford Handbook of Roman Epigraphy, ed. C. Bruun & J. Edmondson, New York: Oxford University Press, 2015, 671-695 (ch. 31).
“The Roman Emperor and the Local Communities of the Roman Empire” in J.-L. Ferrary & J. Scheid (ed.), Il princeps romano: autocrate o magistrato? Fattori giuridici e fattori sociali del potere imperiale da Augusto a Commodo. Istituto Universitario di Studi Superiori, Pavia, 2015, 701-729.
“Los recursos económicos y las formas de producción” in J. M. Álvarez Martínez, A. Carvalho, C. Fabião (eds.), Lusitania Romana. Origen de dos pueblos. Lusitânia Romana. Origem de dois povos, Studia Lusitana 9, Mérida, 2015, 189-199. [Portuguese version: “Os recursos económicos e as formas de produção” in A. Carvalho, J. M. Álvarez Martínez, C. Fabião (eds.), Lusitânia Romana. Origem de dois povos, Lisboa, 2016, 184-193].
“Hispania capta. Reflexiones sobre el proceso e impacto de la conquista romana en la Península Ibérica”, in Conquistadores y conquistados. Relaciones de dominio en el mundo romano, eds. G. Bravo & R. González Salinero, (Signifer 43). Madrid & Salamanca, 2014, 19-44.
“L’expérience et le savoir d’empire dans la province d’Hispania Ulterior sous la République”. In S. Pittia, J. Dubouloz, G. Sabatini, eds., L’imperium romanum en perspective. Les savoirs d’empire dans la République romaine et leur héritage dans l’Europe médiévale et moderne, Besançon : Presses universitaires de Franche-Comté, 2014, 283-303.
“La presencia romana en el sur de Lusitania en vísperas de la fundación de Augusta Emerita: aspectos sociales” in J. M. Alvarez Martínez, P. Mateos Cruz & M. Alba (ed.), 1910-2010: El Yacimiento Emeritense, Mérida, 2011 [2012], 93-110.
“Slavery and the Roman Family”, in P. A. Cartledge & K. R. Bradley (ed.), The Cambridge World History of Slavery, vol. 1. The Ancient Mediterranean World. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011, 337-361.
“A Tale of Two Colonies: Augusta Emerita (Mérida) and Metellinum (Medellín), 25 B.C. – A.D. 100”, in R. Sweetman (ed.), Roman Colonies in the First Century of their Foundation. Oxford: Oxbow, 2011, 32-54.
“Vétérans et société locale dans la colonie d’Augusta Emerita (25 av. J.-C. – 200 apr. J.-C.)” in J.-G. Gorges & T. Nogales Basarrate (ed.), Naissance de la Lusitanie romaine (Ier av. – Ier ap. J.C.) / Origen de la Lusitania romana (siglos I a.C. – I d.C.), Toulouse & Mérida, 2010, 211-251.
'Les provinces hispaniques et l’impact du pouvoir romain: l’exemple de la Lusitanie (fin du Ier siècle av. J.-C.– fin du IIe siècle ap. J.-C.).' Rome et l’Occident (IIe siècle av. J.-C. – IIe siècle apr. J.-C.: Gouverner l’Empire. Ed. F. Hurlet. Rennes: Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2009. 253-286.
'The virginity of the soldier Zosimus and other family myths: terms of affection within and beyond the family at Augusta Emerita.' Lusitânia romana – entre o mito e a realidade: Actas da VI Mesa-Redonda Internacional sobre a Lusitânia romana. Ed. J.-G. Gorges, J. d’Encarnação & A. Carvalho. Lisbon, 2009. 249-280.
'New Light on Doctors, Medical Training and Links between Augusta Emerita and Olisipo in the mid-first century A.D.' Espacios, usos y formas de la epigrafía hispana en épocas antigua y tardoantigua: Homenaje al Dr. Armin U. Stylow (Anejos de Archivo Español de Arqueología 48). Madrid, 2009. 117-129.
'Amanda’s Former Slaves: Epigraphy, Archaeology and Social History at Augusta Emerita (Mérida).' Le due patrie acquisite: Studi di archeologia dedicate a Walter Trillmich (Bullettino della Commissione archeologica comunale di Roma. Suppl. 18). Ed. E. La Rocca, P. León & C. Parisi Presicce. Rome, 2008. 163-173.
'Public Dress and Social Control in Late Republican and Early Imperial Rome.' Roman Dress and the Fabrics of Roman Culture. Ed. in J. Edmondson & A. Keith. Toronto: University of Toronto Press; Buffalo: University of Toronto Press, 2008. 21-46.
'Introduction: From Costume History to Dress Studies.' Roman Dress and the Fabrics of Roman Culture. Ed. A. Keith, J. Edmondson & A. Keith. Toronto: University of Toronto Press; Buffalo: University of Toronto Press, 2008. 1-17.
with L. A. Hidalgo Martín, 'Hallazgo de dos epitafios de veterani en Mérida: Vidas paralelas de dos soldados Augustani (emeritenses) a finales del siglo I d.C.' Mérida. Excavaciones arqueológicas. 2004 (Memoria 10). Mérida, 2007. 479-507.
with J. Márquez Pérez & P. D. Sánchez Barrero. 'Un enterramiento de incineración con estela de granito fechado en el s. I d.C. documentado en el entorno viario del Circo romano de Augusta Emerita.' Mérida. Excavaciones arqueológicas. 2004 (Memoria 10). Mérida, 2007. 509-521.
'The Cult of Mars Augustus and Roman Imperial Power at Augusta Emerita in the Third Century A.D.: A New Votive Dedication.' Culto imperial: política y poder. Ed. T. Nogales & J. González. Rome: L’Erma di Bretschneider, 2007. 541-575.
'Cities and urban life in the western provinces of the Roman Empire, 30 BCE to 250 CE.' A Companion to the Roman Empire (Blackwell Companions to the Ancient World series). Ed. D. Potter. Oxford: Blackwell, 2006. 250-280.
'Introduction: Flavius Josephus and Flavian Rome.' Flavius Josephus and Flavian Rome. Ed. J. Edmondson, S. Mason and J. Rives. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005. 1-33.
'Family Relations in Roman Lusitania: Social Change in a Roman Province?' The Roman Family in the Empire: Rome, Italy, and Beyond. Ed. M. George. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005. 183-229
'Los monumentos funerarios como espejo de la sociedad emeritense: secretos y problemas sociofamiliares a la luz de la epigrafía.' Augusta Emerita: Territorios, Espacios, Imágenes y Gentes en Lusitania Romana. Ed. T. Nogales Basarrate. Mérida/Madrid: Ministerio de Cultura, 2005. 341-71.
'Inmigración y sociedad local en Augusta Emerita.' V Mesa Redonda Internacional sobre Lusitania romana: Las comunicaciones. Ed. E. Cerrillo Martín de Cáceres, J.-G. Gorges & T. Nogales Basarrate. Madrid: Ministerio de Cultura, 2004. 321-369.
'En quête de la famille romaine à la Civitas Igaeditanorum (Idanha-a-Velha) en Lusitanie au Haut-empire.' Au jardin des Hespérides. Histoire, société et épigraphie des monde anciens. Ed. C. Auliard & L. Bodiou. Mélanges offerts à Alain Tranoy. Rennes: Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2004. 233-252.
'Writing Latin in the province of Lusitania.' Becoming Roman, Writing Latin? (Journal of Roman Archaeology, Supplement 48) . Portsmouth, R.I., 2002. 41-60.
'Public spectacles and Roman social relations.' Ludi Romani: Espectáculos en Hispania Romana. Ed. T. Nogales Basarrate & A. Castellanos. Madrid, 2002. 21-43.
'Les fondements économiques de la puissance des élites hispano-romaines.' Élites hispaniques. Ed. M. Navarro Caballero and S. Demougin. Bordeaux, 2001. 63-68.
'Some new granite funerary stelae from Augusta Emerita.' Mérida. Excavaciones arqueológicas. 1999 (Memoria 5). Mérida, 2001. 383-394.
'Conmemoración funeraria y relaciones familiares en Augusta Emerita.' Sociedad y cultura en Lusitania romana. Ed. J.-G. Gorges and T. Nogales Basarrate. Mérida, 2000. 299-327.
'The cultural politics of public spectacle in Rome and the Greek East, 167-166 B.C.' The Art of Ancient Spectacle. Studies in the History of Art. Ed. B. Bergmann and C. Kondoleon. Washington: National Gallery, 1999. 77-95.
'Mining.' A Guide to the Late Antique World. Ed. G. W. Bowersock, Peter Brown and O. Grabar. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1999. 579-580.
'Roman Mining.' Oxford Companion to Classical Civilization. Ed. S. Hornblower and A.J.S. Spawforth. Oxford: Clarendon, 1998.
'Metallurgy, Roman' and 'Mines and Mining, Roman.' The Oxford Classical Dictionary. 3rd ed. Oxford: Clarendon, 1996. 966, 984-85.
'Dynamic arenas: gladiatorial presentations in the city of Rome and the construction of Roman society during the Early Empire.' Roman Theater and Society. Ed. W.J. Slater. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan, 1996. 69-112.
'Roman power and the emergence of provincial administration in Lusitania during the Republic.' Pouvoir et Imperium. L’exercice du pouvoir et l’administration provinciale dans l’Empire romain républicain. Ed. E. Hermon. Naples: Jovene; Quebec: Université Laval, 1996. 163-211.
'Athens. The Classical Period, 480-323 B.C.' and 'The Augustan Age and Imperial Rome, 27 B.C. - A.D. 180.' Civilizations: a cultural atlas. Ed. A. Haberman. Toronto: Gage Educational, 1993. 30-35, 36-41.
'Instrumenta imperii: law and imperialism in Republican Rome.' Law, Society and Politics in the Ancient Mediterranean World. Ed. B. Halpern and D. W. Hobson. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1993. 156-192.
'Romanization and urban development in Lusitania.' The Early Roman Empire in the West. Ed. T. F. C. Blagg and M. Millett. Oxford: Oxbow, 1990. 151-178.
'Le garum en Lusitanie urbaine et rurale: hiérarchies de demande et de production.' Les villes de Lusitanie romaine: hiérarchies et territoires. Ed. J.-G. Gorges. Paris: C.N.R.S., 1990. 123-147.
Book Reviews
Review of L. Abad Casal, S. Keay & S. Ramallo Asensio (eds.), Early Roman Towns in Hispania Tarraconensis (JRA Suppl.) for American Journal of Archaeology 113.2 (2009) Online Book Review, 4 pp.
Review of J. Arce (ed.), Centcelles. El monumento tardorromano: iconografía y arquitectura, for American Journal of Archaeology 108.4 (2004) 657-658.
Review of D. Kyle, Spectacles of Death in Ancient Rome for The American Historical Review (December 2001) 1847-48.
Review of J.-G. Gorges & F.G. Rodríguez Martín (ed.), Économie et territoire en Lusitanie romaine for The English Historical Review 116, no. 468 (September 2001) 918-919.
Review of A.U. Stylow et al. (ed.) , Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum. II. Editio altera. Pars V. Conventus Astigitanus (CIL II2/5) for Phoenix 54 (2000) 373-377.
Review of I. Nielsen & H. Sigismund Nielsen (ed.), Meals in a Social Context. Aspects of the Communal Meal in the Hellenistic and Roman World for Classical Review 50 (2000) 530-532.
Review of W. Trillmich et al., Hispania Antiqua: Denkmäler der Römerzeit for Journal of Roman Studies 86 (1996) 227-229.
Review of K. R. Bradley, Discovering the Roman Family for Canadian Journal of History/Annales canadiennes d’histoire 28 (1993) 561-563.
Review of C. Domergue, Les Mines de la péninsule ibérique dans l’antiquité romaine for Journal of Roman Studies 82 (1992) 263-265.
Review of R.W. Davies, Service in the Roman Army (1989) for Canadian Journal of History/Annales canadiennes d’histoire 25 (1990) 91-93.
Review of S.J. Keay, Roman Spain (1988) and R.J. Harrison, Spain at the Dawn of History (1988) for Journal of Roman Studies 79 (1989) 240-242.
Review of J.S. Richardson, Hispaniae: Spain and the development of Roman imperialism (1986) for JACT Ancient History Review 24 (1988) 8-9.
Review of A. Tranoy, La Galice romaine (1981) for Journal of Roman Studies 76 (1986) 316-317.
Review of J.M. Menéndez Pidal (ed.), Historia de España: La España romana (2nd ed., 1982) for Journal of Roman Studies 75 (1985) 266-268.
Review of J.-G. Gorges, Les villas hispano-romaines (1979) for Journal of Roman Studies 71 (1981) 217-218.
Journal Articles
"Epigraphy, onomastics and local society at the western limits of the territory of Augusta Emerita" in J. P. Bernardes (ed.), digitAR - Revista Digital de Arqueologia, Arquitectura e Artes, 10: Homenagem a José d’Encarnação 40 anos de Inscrições romanas do Conventus Pacensis , 2024, 102-131.
“A female doctor (medica) at Augusta Emerita (Mérida)? Re-examining CIL II 497 from humanist readings to the latest digital epigraphy techniques”, Veleia 39, 2022, 255-298
“A new fragmentary funerary plaque from Augusta Emerita with a multiple epitaph” (co-authored with P. Paniego Díaz), Anas 35, 2022, 315-326
“Language contact and the spread of epigraphic cultures in the Western Mediterranean, 3rd to 1st c. BCE”, Journal of Roman Archaeology 35, 2022, 1069–1076.
“The epitaph on the granite cupa found in situ in the calle Marquesa de Pinares, Mérida, and female sociability at Augusta Emerita in the second century A.D.”, Anas 35, 2022, 293-314.
“Mining and the Production of Precious Metals in Roman Lusitania (1st Century B.C. – 3rd Century A.D.)”, Madrider Mitteilungen 61, 2020 [2021], 166-191
“Otro militar en el territorio de Valeria”, co-written with H. Gimeno Pascual, Sylloge Epigraphica Barcinonensis 18, 2020, 125-134
"Una nueva familia de libertos de Augusta Emerita”, Anas 29-30, 2016-17 [2020], 125-133
“Notes on the elogium of a Benefactor at Pompeii” (co-written with J. Bodel, A. Bendlin, S. Bernard and C. Bruun), Journal of Roman Archaeology 32, 2019, 148-182.
“Primer testimonio de evergetismo en el foro de Valeria (Conventus Carthaginiensis, Hispania Citerior): una nueva placa opistógrafa” (co-authored with H. Gimeno Pascual), Madrider Mitteilungen 58, 2017 [2018], 321-372.
“Las estelas funerarias marmóreas de Augusta Emerita: Novedades, revisiones y apuntes tipológicos, técnicos e iconográficos” [co-written with J. M. Murciano Calles], Anas 25-26, 2012-13 [2018], 133-171.
“Reconstructing a Small Town in the Foothills of the Pyrenees: The Flavian municipium of Labitolosa”, Journal of Roman Archaeology, 30, 2017, 724-729.
“La aplicación de la técnica de Modelo de Residuo Morfológico (M.R.M.) para la recuperación de los textos de dos cupae funerarias emeritenses” (co-written with R. Campo Lastra and M.V. Gago), Anas, 24, 2011 [2016], 115-126.
“Rural Epigraphy in Roman Spain: A New Corpus of Inscriptions”, Journal of Roman Archaeology 28 (2015), 764-768.
“Towards a deeper understanding of gladiatorial spectacles and amphitheatres in the Hispanic provinces”, Journal of Roman Archaeology 24 (2011) 738-744.
'Celebrating the inauguration of the Flavian amphitheatre in A.D. 80? Or ‘An untitled collection of uncertain length celebrating a series of unspecified occasions in honour of an unnamed Caesar’?' Journal of Roman Archaeology 21 (2008): 465-470.
'Micro- and macro-approaches to the economy of Baetica felix.' Journal of Roman Archaeology 19 (2006): 563-570.
'Family life within slave households at Augusta Emerita: the epitaph of the Cordii.' Anas 15-16 (2005): 201-237.
'Un Ercavicensis en Augusta Emerita: una nueva estela funeraria de granito.' Mérida: Ciudad y Patrimonio 5 (2003): 137-42.
'Epigraphy and History of Roman Hispania: the new edition of CIL II".' Journal of Roman Archaeology 12 (1999): 649-666.
'Two dedications to Divus Augustus and Diva Augusta from Augusta Emerita and the early development of the imperial cult in Lusitania re-examined.' Madrider Mitteilungen 38 (1997): 89-105.
'Specula urbis Romae: a group of marble funerary stelae with arch and rosettes from Augusta Emerita.' Anas 6 (1995): 9-49.
'Creating a provincial landscape: Roman imperialism and rural change in Lusitania.' Studia Historica: Historia antigua 10 (1992): 13-30.
'Mining in the later Roman Empire and beyond: continuity or disruption?' Journal of Roman Studies 79 (1989): 84-102.
'Mithras at Pax Iulia: a re-examination.' Conimbriga 23 (1984): 69-83.
Conference Papers
'Monuments of Empire in Roman Spain and beyond: Augusta Emerita (Mérida), the 'Spanish Rome'.' Altera Roma: Art and Empire from the Aztecs to New Spain. Getty Villa, Malibu, California. 29 April - 1 May , 2010.
'The Commemoration of Soldiers and Veterans at Augusta Emerita, 25 B.C. – A.D. 235.' XXIst International Congress of Roman Frontier Studies. Newcastle. August 2009.
'Medical Training, Slaves and Geographical Mobility in Roman Spain: A New Inscription from Augusta Emerita (Mérida, Spain).' Inscribed Lives: Roman Epigraphy in Context. Stanford University. May 2009.
'Editing a New Votive Text from Augusta Emerita.' Department of Classics. Brown University. March 2009.
'Training Doctors in Roman Spain: A New Inscription from Augusta Emerita (Mérida).' American Philological Association. Philadelphia. January 2009.
'A Tale of Two Colonies: Augusta Emerita (Mérida) and Metellinum (Medellín).' Department of History. Trent University. October 2008.
'Vétérans et société locale dans la colonie d’Augusta Emerita (25 av. J.-C.–235 ap. J.-C).' Classical Association of Canada. Université de Montréal. May 2008.
'The Delights of Baiae.' Vergil and Campania: a conference in memory of A.G. McKay. McMaster University. April 2008.
'Commodus in the Arena: Myth, Politics and Public Spectacle in late-second-century Rome.' Department of Languages and Linguistics. Concordia University. March 2008.
'Collaborating between Classics and History in Teaching Ancient History at the Ph.D. Level.' Graduate Training in Ancient History: Or How Best to Study Ancient History in the 21st Century? American Philological Association, Chicago. January 2008.
'The Development of Local Epigraphic Cultures in Roman Lusitania.' Acta XII Congressus Internationalis Epigraphiae Graecae et Latinae. Barcelona. 2007.
'Les vétérans dans la colonie d’Augusta Emerita (25 av. J.-C. – 100 ap. J.-C).' 7th international Table ronde on Roman Lusitania. Université de Toulouse-Le Mirail. November 2007.
'A Tale of Two Colonies: Augusta Emerita (Mérida) and Metellinum (Medellín) in Roman Spain.' 100 Years of Solitude: Roman Colonies in the first hundred years of their existence. University of St Andrews, Scotland. September 2007.
'Une nouvelle dédicace à Mars Auguste à Emerita et l’administration romaine de la Lusitanie au milieu du IIIe siècle.' Anthropologie et économie du monde romain». École Normale Supérieure, Paris. June 2007.
'New veterans from Augusta Emerita (Mérida, Spain).' Classical Association of Canada. Memorial University, St. John’s, Newfoundland. May 2007.
'The emperor Commodus in the arena: politics, myth and public spectacle in imperial Rome.' Literary Table, Arts and Letters Club. Toronto. March 2007.
'La integración de los inmigrantes en la sociedad emeritense.' La sociedad emeritense. Museo Nacional de Arte Romano, Mérida (Spain). February 2007.
'The administration of Lusitania in the third century A.D.: new evidence from Augusta Emerita.' American Philological Association. San Diego. January 2007.
“Producing death: the development of the gladiator industry at Rome, 264 B.C. – A.D. 200”. Invited lecture for X-Club, Arts and Letters Club of Toronto, May 2007.
'A New Cavalryman (eques) from Augusta Emerita (Mérida, Spain).' Limes XX. Actas del XX Congreso de Estudios sobre la Frontera Romana. Ed. A. Morillo Cerdán, N. Hanel & E. Martín Hernández. León (España). Septiembre de 2006.
'The epigraphic workshops of Augusta Emerita and their influence in southern Lusitania and northern Baetica.' Aufkommen, Entwicklung und Transformation des epigraphic habit in den hispanischen Provinzen. Kommission für Alte Geschichte und Epigraphik, Munich. November 2006.
'A possible eques stationarius at Augusta Emerita.' XXth International Congress of Roman Frontier Studies. León, Spain. September 2006.
'Imperial cult in Roman Lusitania.' El culto imperial en Hispania romana: Política y poder. Museo Nacional de Arte Romano. May 2006.
'Inmigrantes en Augusta Emerita: un nuevo enfoque.' Departamento de Historia Antigua. Universidad de Sevilla. May 2006.
'Producing death: the development of the gladiator industry at Rome, 264 B.C. – A.D. 200.' The Ties that Bind and Build: Networks of Production in the Ancient Mediterranean. University of Southern California, Los Angeles. February 2006.
'Finis terrae? Marginality in the far west of the Iberian Peninsula.' At the Edges of Empire: Interpreting the Marginal Areas of the Roman World. University of Chicago. February 2006.
'Epigraphic Texts and Archaeological Contexts in Rome, Italy and the Western Provinces.' American Philological Association. Montreal. January 2006.
'Restoring context and meaning to the epitaphs of Augusta Emerita (Mérida, Spain).' American Philological Association. Montreal. January 2006.
'Gladiators at Pompeii.' Pompeii and Ostia, Ontario Classical Association. McMaster University. October 2005.
'New light on the provincial administration of Roman Lusitania: two new texts from Augusta Emerita.' Ancient History seminar. University of Toronto. April 2005.
'The virginity of Zosimus and other family myths: Terms of affection within and beyond the family in Roman Lusitania.' 6th International Conference on Lusitania. Cascais (Portugal). November 2004.
'Los monumentos funerarios como espejo de la sociedad emeritense: secretos y problemas socio-familiares a la luz de la epigrafía.' Augusta Emerita: Territorios, Espacios, Imágenes, y Gentes en la Lusitania Romana. Museo Nacional de Arte Romano, Mérida (Spain). June 2004.
'Family life within slave households at Augusta Emerita: a new inscription from Mérida (Spain).' Classical Association of Canada. Quebec. May 2004.
'Inaugurating the Colosseum, A.D. 80.' Department of Languages and Linguistics. Concordia University. March 2004.
“Marriage patterns in a Roman colony: the example of Augusta Emerita (Mérida, Spain)”. Paper at Annual Conference of American Philological Association, San Francisco, January 2004.
'Public dress and social control in late Republican and early Imperial Rome.' Roman Dress and the Fabric of Roman Culture. York University. October 2004.
Classical Association of Canada, Lecture Tour in Atlantic provinces, September/October 2003. Eight lectures at Memorial Univ. of Newfoundland; Sir Wilfred Grenville College, Cornerbrook; Acadia University; Dalhousie University & St. Mary’s University; University of New Brunswick at St. John; University of New Brunswick at Fredericton; Mt. Allison University; University of Prince Edward Island. Topics: “Inaugurating the Colosseum A.D. 80: Spectacle, Monument and Public Memory in Flavian Rome” and “Commodus in the Arena: Myth, Power and Spectacle in late-second-century Rome”.
“Public dress and social control in late-Republican and early imperial Rome”. Paper at Annual Meeting of Classical Association of Canada, Fredericton, N.B., May 2003.
“Rituals of reciprocity: gladiatorial munera in Apuleius’ Metamorphoses”. Paper at Annual Meeting of American Philological Association, New Orleans, January 2003.
“Roman Portugal: the impact of Rome”. Invited paper at conference on “Portugal in the World”, York University, Toronto. March 2003.
“Espectáculos y la vertiente social del ocio en Roma”. Keynote lecture at international congress on “Ludi Romani: Espectáculos y Sociedad Romana”, Museo Nacional de Arte Romano, Mérida, September 2002.
“Inmigración, emigración y sociedad local en Augusta Emerita”. Invited paper for 5th International Conference on Lusitania, Universidad de Extremadura, Cáceres, November 2002.
“The development of local epigraphic cultures in Lusitania”. Paper at XIIth International Congress of Greek and Latin Epigraphy, Barcelona, September 2002.
“Writing Latin, Becoming Roman in Lusitania”. Paper at Annual Meeting of American Philological Association, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, January 2002.
“Commodus in the Arena”. Invited lecture, Smith College, Northampton, Mass., October 2001.
“Commodus in the Arena: Myth, Tradition and Contemporary Spectacle”. Invited paper for panel on “Interpreting Roman Spectacle” at Annual Joint-Meeting of the American Philological Association and Archaeological Institute of America, San Diego, January 2001.
“History in Film? Gladiator”. Invited paper for panel on “Greece and Rome in Film”, Ontario Classical Association, Spring Meeting, Toronto, April 2001.
Response to paper by Honora Chapman on Spectacle in Josephus’ Bellum Judaicum at international conference on “Flavius Josephus in Flavian Rome”, York University, May 2001.
“The Family in Roman Lusitania: social change in a Roman province?” Invited paper for international conference, “Roman Family IV: Italy and Beyond”, McMaster University, September 2001.
“Writing Latin in Roman Lusitania”. Invited paper for panel on “Writing Latin, Becoming Roman in the Western Provinces” at 4th International Roman Archaeology Conference, Glasgow, sponsored by the Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies. March 2001.
One of four York delegates to conference organized by SSHRC, “Alternative Wor(l)ds: The Humanities in 2010”. Toronto. October 2000.
“Conmemoración funeraria y relaciones familiares en Augusta Emerita”. Invited paper for 4th International Conference on Lusitania. Mérida, March 2000.
“Familia y sociedad en la colonia emeritense”. Invited lecture. Departamento de Historia Antigua, Universidad de Sevilla, March 2000.
“Marriage Patterns in a Roman Colony: the example of Augusta Emerita (Mérida, Spain)”. Paper at Annual Meeting of the Classical Association of Canada. Winnipeg, May 2000.
“The world of the arena in Apuleius, Golden Ass”. Invited keynote lecture for conference on “Competition and Celebration in the Roman World”. McMaster University, September 2000.
“Funerary monuments with portraits from Augusta Emerita”. Invited seminar. SUNY Buffalo, November 1999.
“La politique culturelle des spectacles publics à Rome et dans l’Orient grec, 167-166 av. J.-C.” Seminar, Centre Ausonius, Université de Bordeaux III, March 1999.
Response to paper by M. Koortbojian on “The Imagery of Julius Caesar” at international conference on Negotiating Ideologies in Greece and Rome. University of Toronto, October 1999.
“La politique culturelle des spectacles publics à Rome et dans l’Orient grec”. Invited lecture, Université Laval, Quebec, December 1998.
“Les fondements économiques de la puissance des élites hispano-romaines”. Invited paper at international conference on « Les élites hispano-romaines ». Centre Ausonius, Université de Bordeaux III, December 1998.
“Les structures familiales dans le Civitas Igaeditanorum (Lusitanie)”. Invited seminar, Université Laval, Quebec, December 1998.
Contribution to poster presentation “Atlas onomástico de la Lusitania Romana”. XIth International Congress of Greek and Latin Epigraphy, Rome, September 1997.
“Augusta Emerita (Mérida): from Roman colony to provincial capital”. Invited lecture, Archaeological Institute of America, Niagara Peninsula Chapter, January 1997.
“Funerary monuments with portrait bust from Augusta Emerita (Mérida)” Paper, Annual Meeting, Classical Association of Canada, Memorial University, Nfld., June 1997.
“Granite funerary stelae from Augusta Emerita (Mérida, Spain). A neglected type of funerary monument and the Italian origins of the colony’s first settlers”. Paper at XIth International Congress of Greek and Latin Epigraphy, Rome, September 1997.
“Inaugurating the Colosseum, A.D. 80”. Invited lecture, Twelfth Annual Cambridge Latin Teachers' Workshop, Toronto, July 1997
“Public dress and social control in Rome”. Graduate seminar, Dept. of Classics, McMaster University, March 1997; also given as invited paper at Institute for Classical Studies, London (U.K.), June 1997.
“A dedication to Divus Augustus and Diva Augusta from Emerita. CIL II 473 and the early development of the imperial cult in Lusitania re-examined”. Paper, Annual Meeting, Classical Association of Canada, Brock University, May 1996.
“Dress and social control at Rome, 200 B.C. to A.D. 100”. Seminar in Social History and Historical Anthropology, York University, March 1996.
“Flavian Spectacle: Inaugurating the Colosseum, A.D. 80”. Invited lecture, Ontario Classical Association, Spring Meeting, April 1996.
“Re-membering Caligula: past and present in Cassius Dio”. Paper at conference on “Roman Narratives” in honour of Professor A.G. McKay, York University, May 1996.
“The cultural politics of public spectacle in Rome and the Greek East, 167-166 B.C.” Invited paper at special colloquium on “The Art of Ancient Spectacle” at American Academy, Rome, June 1996
'Urban and rural funerary monuments from Augusta Emerita (Mérida, Lusitania): cultural differentiation in a Roman colony.' La ciudad en el mundo romano/ La ciutat en el món romà (Actas del XIV Congreso Internacional de Arqueología Clásica). Ed. X. Dupré i Raventós. Tarragona. 1995.
“Augusta Emerita (Mérida, Spain): from Roman colony to provincial capital”. Invited lecture to Archaeological Institute of America: Toronto Chapter, January 1995.
“Family structures in Roman Lusitania”. History Research Seminar, York University, October 1995.
“The cultural politics of public spectacle in Rome and the Greek East, 167-166 B.C.” Paper at international conference, “Festival, Spectacle and Public Memory in Europe and the Americas”, York University, April 1995 (versions also delivered at Spring Meeting, Classical Association of the Atlantic States, Rutgers University, April 1995 and at Annual Meeting of Classical Association of Canada, Université de Québec à Montréal, May 1995).
“The discourse of dress in ancient Rome/ Le discours du code vestimentaire en Rome antique”. Invited paper, Dept. of Classical Studies/Etudes Anciennes, University of Ottawa, January, 1995.
Classical Association of Canada, Lecture Tour of Western Canada (Eleven lectures/seminars at Universities of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Saskatoon, Alberta, Calgary, British Columbia and Victoria). October-November 1994. Lecture topics: 1) “Creating a Roman province: the impact of Roman rule on Lusitania” 2) “Dynamic Arenas: gladiatorial presentations in Rome and the construction of Roman society” 3) “Inaugurating the Colosseum, A.D. 80: the anatomy of a Roman public spectacle” 4) “The discourse of dress in ancient Rome” (seminar) 5) “Family structures in Roman Lusitania” (seminar)
“A day in the life of a gladiator”. Invited lecture at Glynnwood Retirement Home, Toronto, April 1994.
“Le pouvoir romain et l’emergence de l’administration romaine en Lusitanie sous la République”. Invited paper at international colloquium on “L’exercice du pouvoir dans l’Empire romain républicain” at Xe Congrès international de la Fédération Internationale des Etudes Classiques, Quebec, August 1994.
“Mining and the transformation of the Roman world: problems and approaches”. Invited pre-circulated paper for international workshop on “Mining, archaeometallurgy, coin production and feudal peasant settlement (4th-10th century)”, part of project on “Transformation of the Roman World”, sponsored by the European Science Foundation, Auxerre (France), November, 1994.
“Structures familiales dans la Civitas Igaeditanorum: les limites d’une approche purement onomastique”. Invited paper at international Table Ronde on “Onomastique et Société de la Lusitanie romaine”, Centre Pierre Paris, Université de Bordeaux III, May 1994.
Invited participant, international workshop on “Mining, archaeometallurgy, coin production and feudal peasant settlement (4th-10th century)”. Sixth workshop of pan-European project on “Transformation of the Roman World”, organised by the European Science Foundation, Pontignano, Siena (Italy), June 1993.
“Dynamic arenas: the amphitheatre and the construction of Roman society”. Invited paper at international conference, “Roman Theatre and Society”, McMaster University, September 1993.
“Family structures in Roman Lusitania”. Paper, Annual Meeting, Classical Association of Canada, Carleton University, May 1993.
“Gladiatorial presentations in the city of Rome and the restructuring of Roman society from Augustus to Trajan”. Seminar in Social History and Historical Anthropology, York University, November 1993.
“La creación de un paisaje provincial: imperialismo romano y transformación rural en Lusitania”. Invited paper at International Round Table on “El Medio rural en Lusitania romana”, University of Salamanca, Spain, January 1993.
“Measuring cultural change in Roman Lusitania”. Invited seminar paper, Graduate Department of Classics, McMaster University, April 1993.
“Roman shipping and trade in the western Mediterranean”. Invited paper at colloquium on “Trade and Communication in the Ancient World”, University of Western Ontario, October 1993.
“Urban and rural funerary monuments from Augusta Emerita (Mérida, Lusitania): cultural differentiation in a Roman colony”. Paper, XIVth International Congress of Classical Archaeology, Tarragona, Spain, September 1993.
“Political analysis in Cassius Dio”. Seminar paper, Department of Classics, University of Calgary, October 1992.
“Roman shipping and trade in the western Mediterranean”. Invited lecture, The Calgary Society for Mediterranean Studies, Calgary, October 1992.
“Rural change in Roman Lusitania”. Seminar paper, Institute for the Study of Culture and Religion in Antiquity, York University, November 1992.
“Explaining the past: causation and motivation in Cassius Dio”. Paper, Annual Meeting, Classical Association of Canada, Queen's University, Kingston, May 1991.
“Reconstructing local society and reading cultural change in the Roman province of Lusitania”. Seminar in Social History and Historical Anthropology, York University, November 1991.
“Acculturation in Roman Lusitania: problems and approaches”. Paper, Seminar in Social History and Historical Anthropology, York University, February 1990.
“Acculturation in Roman Spain: the example of Lusitania”. Paper, Graduate Seminar in Classics, University of Toronto, March 1990.
“Cultural interaction and cultural change in the Roman province of Lusitania”. Seminar paper, Institute for the Study of Culture and Religion in Antiquity, York University, September 1990.
“Dio on the Principate: from Tiberius to Nero”. Paper, Annual Meeting, Classical Association of Canada, University of Victoria, May 1990.
“New approaches to Roman social and economic history”. Invited lecture, Department of Classical Studies, Trent University, February 1990.
“Acculturation in a Roman province: Roman and native names in Lusitania”. Seminar paper, Department of History, York University, February 1989.
“Roman and native in Lusitania: an integrated approach”. Paper, Annual Meeting of the Classical Association of Canada, Université Laval, May 1989.
“The Romanization of Lusitania: unity in diversity?”. Seminar paper, Department of Classics, University of Ottawa, February 1989.
“Law and imperialism in Republican Rome”. Invited paper, conference on “Law in its Social Setting in the Ancient Mediterranean World”, York University, Toronto, April 1988.
“Le garum en Lusitanie urbaine et rurale: hiérarchies de demande et de production”. Invited paper at international Table Ronde: “Les villes de Lusitanie romaine: hiérarchies et territories” at Maison des Pays Ibériques, Université de Bordeaux III, December 1988.
“Wealth at Republican Praeneste”. Paper, Annual Meeting of the Classical Association of the Middle West and South, New Orleans, April 1988.
“Wealth, cult and local society in Republican Praeneste”. Invited lecture, Spring Meeting, Ontario Classical Association, Trinity College, University of Toronto, April 1988.
“Romanization and urban development in Lusitania”. Invited paper at conference “The Early Roman Empire in the West”, University of Kent, Canterbury, March 1987.
“Mining in the later Roman Empire and beyond: continuity or disruption?” Invited paper delivered in the Ancient History seminar series “The End of the Roman Empire”, Institute of Classical Studies, University of London, November 1986.
“Slavery and the Roman Family”, chapter commissioned for Cambridge World History of Slavery, vol. 1. Greek and Roman Antiquity (ed. P.A. Cartledge & K.R. Bradley) (submitted August 2006; corrected first proofs April 2009)
“Vétérans et société locale dans la colonie d’Augusta Emerita (25 av. J.-C. – 200 apr. J.-C)”, in J.-G. Gorges (ed.), La naissance de la Lusitania romaine, Toulouse, 2009 (in press, proofs pp. 1-41).
“A Tale of Two Colonies: Augusta Emerita (Mérida) and Metellinum (Medellín), 25 B.C. – A.D. 100”, in R. Sweetman & G. Woolf (ed.), One Hundred Years of Solitude: Roman Colonies in the First Hundred Years of their Existence (accepted for publication)
Articles on “Lusitania,” “Augusta Emerita,” and “Endovellicus” for the Blackwell/Wiley Encyclopedia of the Ancient World (ed. R. Bagnall, K. Brodersen, C. Champion, A. Erskine and S. Huebner) (in preparation).
Imperial Rome: the first two centuries (A.D. 14-192) . Contracted for Edinburgh University Press to form volume 5 of the series Edinburgh History of Rome (in preparation).
Oxford Handbook to Roman Epigraphy. Co-edited with C. Bruun. Under contract for Oxford University Press.
“The Funerary Commemoration of Soldiers and Veterans at the Colony of Augusta Emerita (Mérida, Spain), 25 B.C. – A.D. 235”, Proceedings of the XXIst International Congress of Roman Frontier Studies, Newcastle, August 2009 (submitted May 2010).
The Roman Family. Contracted for Cambridge University Press (in preparation).
Digital Humanities Project: ADOPIA: Atlas Digital Onomastique de la Péninsule Ibérique Antique / Atlas digital onómastico de la Península Ibérica Antigua / Atlas digital onómastico da Península Ibérica Antiga / Digital Onomastic Atlas of the Iberian Peninsula in Antiquity Co-director (with Dr. M. Navarro Caballero, Directeur de Recherche, CNRS – Institut Ausonius, Université de Bordeaux – Montaigne) [] Project launched: June 2016.
Current Courses
Course Number
Winter 2025
AP/LA3070 3.0
Roman Rhetoric
Winter 2025
AP/LA4070 3.0
Roman Rhetoric
Winter 2025
AP/HIST3135 3.0
Spectacle and Society in Ancient Rome
Fall/Winter 2024
AP/HIST4130 6.0
Problems in Roman History
Fall/Winter 2024
AP/HIST2100 6.0
Ancient Greece & Rome
Professor Jonathan Edmondson’s research interests are in Roman History, especially in the society, economy and culture of Roman Spain from the late Iron Age to the late Roman Empire; Roman epigraphy, especially of the Roman Empire; gladiators in Roman society; the Roman family; and Greco-Roman historiography, especially Cassius Dio.
Professor Jonathan Edmondson teaches in History and Classical Studies. Professor Edmondson's research interests are in Roman History, in particular in the society, economy and culture of Roman Spain (especially Lusitania) from the late Iron Age to the late Roman Empire; Roman epigraphy, especially of the Roman Empire; gladiators in Roman society; the Roman family; and Greco-Roman historiography, especially Cassius Dio. He is currently working on cultural interaction and cultural change in the western Roman Empire (especially Lusitania) and on local society at Augusta Emerita (Mérida, Spain). He is currently working on the inscriptions of Emerita as part of an international team involved in producing a new edition of all inscriptions from this Roman colony for the second edition of Volume II of the Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum. He is also co-director of the ADOPIA project, a digital atlas of personal names from Roman Spain (
He was a visiting professor at the Centre Ausonius and Department of History, Université de Michel de Montaigne – Bordeaux III in February/March 1999 and elected a Corresponding Member of the Real Academia de la History (Royal Academy of History) of Spain in 2002 and a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society (London, U.K.) in June 2009. He won the international prize, "Genio Protector de la Colonia Augusta Emerita", awarded by Spain's Ministry of Culture and the Museo Nacional de Arte Romano, Mérida, in September 2011 and the Award of Merit of the Classical Association of Canada / Société Canadienne des Études Classiques in May 2014. He was a Visiting Professor at the Institut Ausonius (Université de Bordeaux-Montaigne) in Fall Term 2015 and held the prestigious Hyde Visiting Lecturership in Ancient History at the University of Pennsylvania in April 2016. He won the Dean’s Award for Distinction in Research, Creativity or Scholarship – Established Researcher, Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies, in 2016 and was granted the status of Distinguished Research Professor at York University's Spring Convocation in June 2017.
Ph.D. in Classics (Ancient History), Cambridge University: Christ’s College
M.A. in Classics, Cambridge University: Christ’s College
B.A. in Classics, Cambridge University: Christ’s College
Professional Leadership
2024-25, Past President, American Society of Greek and Latin Epigraphy 2022-23, President, American Society of Greek and Latin Epigraphy
2008-10 President, Classical Association of Canada/Société Canadienne des Etudes Classiques
2008-2017 Comité, Association Internationale d’Epigraphie Grecque et Latine (AIEGL)
2006-8 Vice-President, Classical Association of Canada/Société Canadienne des Etudes Classiques
2006-8 Past President, Ontario Classical Association
2004-6 President, Ontario Classical Association
2003-4 Vice-President, Ontario Classical Association
2003-5 Served three-year term on SSHRC Standard Research Grant Assessment Committee 1 (Classics, Archaeology, Medieval Studies, Religious Studies, Philosophy)
1998-2004 Member of Advisory Board, American Journal of Archaeology
1997-2002 Classical Association of Canada, Member of Executive Committee
1996-2003 Ontario Classical Association, Member of Executive
1992-1998 Archaeological Institute of America, Toronto Society: Executive Committee
1991-92 Archaeological Institute of America, Toronto Society: Vice-President
1986-87 Member of Council, Society for Promotion of Roman Studies, London, U.K. (elected for 1986-89, but resigned after move to Canada)
1. Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies 2. Cambridge Philological Society 3. Classical Association of Canada 4. American Philological Association 5. Association of Ancient Historians 6. Ontario Classical Association 7. Association Internationale d’Epigraphie grecque et latine (AIEGL)
Research Interests
History, Classics, Society, economy and culture of Roman Spain (especially Lusitania) from the late Iron Age to the late Roman Empire, Roman epigraphy, especially of the Roman Empire, Gladiators in Roman society, the Roman family,
Roman History and Classical Studies
Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada - 2019
Corresponding Member of the Deutsches Archäologisches Institut - 2018
Distinguished Research Professor, York University - 2017
Dean’s Award for Distinction in Research, Creativity or Scholarship – Established Researcher, Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies, York University - 2016
Award of Merit, Classical Association of Canada/Société canadienne des études classiques - 2014
“Genio Protector de la Colonia Augusta Emerita” Prize, Spanish Ministry of Education and Culture / National Museum of Roman Art (Museo Nacional de Arte Romano), Mérida - 2011
Fellow of the Royal Historical Society (U.K.) - 2009
Corresponding Member, Real Academia de la Historia (Royal Academy of History, Spain) - 2003
Classical Association of Canada, Distinguished Visiting Lecturer in Atlantic Canada (Memorial University, Sir Wilfrid Grenfell College, Cornerbook; Acadia, Halhousie, St. Mary’s, Mt. Allison, University of P.E.I., University of New Brunswick at Fredericton, University of New Brunswick at St. John) - 2003
Senior Fellow, Massey College - 2001
Professeur invité, Institut Ausonius, Université Michel de Montaigne -- Bordeaux - 1999, 2015
Classical Association of Canada, Distinguished Visiting Lecturer in Western Canada (Universities of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Saskatoon, Alberta, Calgary, Victoria and UBC) - 1994
A.H. Lloyd Research Scholarship, Christ’s College, Cambridge - 1983-83
Department of Education and Science Major State Studentship for Research, Bachelor Research Scholarship, Christ’s College, Cambridge - 1979-82
Open Exhibition to Christ’s College, Cambridge - 1976-79
Current Research Projects
ADOPIA: Atlas Digital Onomastique de la Péninsule Ibérique Antique / Atlas digital onómastico de la Península Ibérica Antigua / Atlas digital onómastico da Península Ibérica Antiga / Digital Onomastic Atlas of the Iberian Peninsula in Antiquity
A digital atlas of all personal names attested in the three Roman provinces (Lusitania, Baetica, Hispania Tarraconensis) in the Iberian Peninsula in Antiquity. A collaborative project involving partner institutions York University, Institut Ausonius (Université de Bordeaux - Montaigne, France), Centro CIL II (Universidad de Alcalá, Spain), Archivo Epigráfico Hispánico (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain) and researchers in Canada, France, Spain and Portugal.
Personal names constitute a fundamental source for our understanding of ancient societies. Onomastics reveal much about an individual’s cultural, social and geographic identity. Studying them throws important light on the processes of cultural change that affected the inhabitants of the Roman Empire as well as on family relations and the social organization of civic communities across the Roman provinces. The Iberian peninsula has long been a fertile area for the study of ancient onomastics. It has benefited from a long-standing tradition of research by scholars such as María Lourdes Albertos Firmat and Jürgen Untermann and from a landmark publication: the Atlas antroponímico de la Lusitania romana, published in 2003 by the Institut Ausonius (Université Michel de Montaigne-Bordeaux III) and the Fundación de Estudios Romanos (Museo Nacional de Arte Romano, Mérida), the result of ten years of research by the « Grupo Mérida », an international research network comprising colleagues from Spain, Portugal, France and Canada. This work, which marks a fundamental advance in research on the onomastics of the Roman Empire, provides the scholarly community with an indispensable research tool. Based on the information available until 2002, its 339 maps and 2030 different names illumine in a specific and original manner the social makeup of the province of Lusitania in the High Empire. ADOPIA represents the continuation of this project. It combines the results of cutting-edge epigraphic research with all the advantages of new digital technologies. The many possibilities that a Digital Humanities approach offers add considerable value and impact to the information now available. This website provides a dynamic digital version of the Atlas antroponímico de la Lusitania romana. The material available in ADOPIA is constantly updated; its digital format facilitates the rapid integration of all new relevant epigraphic data. ADOPIA allows simple and advanced searches of the names and individual naming practices attested in Lusitania, as well as immediate mapping of the results of such searches. In the near future, ADOPIA will incorporate onomastic data from the two other Hispanic provinces: Baetica and Hispania Citerior (Tarraconensis).
Project Type:
Funded Role:
Co-Director (with Dr. M. Navarro Caballero, Directeur de Recherche, CNRS – Institut Ausonius, Université de Bordeaux – Montaigne)
Start Date:
Month: Sep Year: 2016
Dr. Milagros Navarro Caballero, Directeur de Recherche Collaborator Institution:
CNRS – Institut Ausonius, Université de Bordeaux – Montaigne Collaborator Role:
SSHRC-CRSH Partnership Development Grant
LA&PS Seed Grant for Collaborative Research
All Publications
Book Chapters
“El elegante altar funerario marmóreo de Flavia Firmana erigido in hortis suis en Augusta Emerita (Mérida)” in D. Gorostidi Pi & A. Gutiérrez García-M., eds. Tituli-Imagines-Marmora: Materia y prestigio en mármol. Homenaje a Isabel Rodà de Llanza (AEspA Anejo 95), Madrid: CSIC, 2023, 79-90
“A criação de uma sociedade provincial romana”, in A Lusitânia romana: fronteira do mundo antigo, special issue of National Geographic (Portugal), História, 2022, 34-43.
“Domestic Servants at the Roman Imperial Court”, in B. Kelly & A. G. Hug (eds.), The Roman Emperor and His Court, c. 30 BC – AD 300. 1. Historical Essays. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2022, 168-203.
“Les bases de données épigraphiques et l’Institut Ausonius à l’ère des Humanités numériques” (co-written with M. Navarro Caballero, N. Prévôt and C. Ruiz Darasse), in A. Redentor, E. Alguacil Villanúa & J. Andreu Pintado (eds.), Valete vos viatores: Travelling through Latin Inscriptions across the Roman Empire, Coimbra: Universidade de Coimbra, 2022, 207-228.
“Roman Colonies and Local Cults in Lusitania: the case of Augusta Emerita (Mérida)” in A.G. Sinner & V. Revilla Calvo (eds.), Religious Dynamics in a Microcontinent. Cult Places, Identities, and Cultural Change in Hispania (Archaeology of the Mediterranean World, 1). Turnhout: Brepols, 2022, 79-99.
“Reconstructing the Texts of Funerary Inscriptions from Augusta Emerita for the CIL II2 Mérida Project with the Aid of New Technologies”, in I. Velázquez Soriano and D. Espinosa Espinosa (eds.), Epigraphy in the Digital Age: Opportunities and Challenges in the Recording, Analysis and Dissemination of Epigraphic Texts. Oxford: Archaeopress, 2021, 55-70.
“The Spatial, Social and Political Landscape of Public Spectacle from Augustus to Severus Alexander” in M. L. Caldelli & C. Ricci (eds.), City of Encounters: Public Spaces and Social Interaction in Ancient Rome, Rome: Quasar, 2020, 149-196.
“The Linguistic Lure of the Arena in Apuleius’ Golden Ass” in L.L. Brice, A. Gatzke, †M. Trundle (eds.), People and Institutions in the Roman Empire: Essays in Memory of Garrett G. Fagan, Leiden and Boston: Brill, 160-182.
“La administración de la provincia de Lusitania en el siglo III d.C.: nuevas aportaciones” in D. Moreau, & R. González Salinero (eds.), Academica Libertas. Essais en l´honneur du Professeur Javier Arce. Ensayos en honor del Profesor Javier Arce (Bibliothèque de l’Antiquité Tardive 39), Turnhout: Brepols, 2020, 167-181.
“La formación de una sociedad colonial en Augusta Emerita” in T. Nogales Basarrate & N. Barrero Martín (eds.), La fundación de Augusta Emerita y los orígenes de Lusitania, Monografías Emeritenses 11, Mérida, 2018 [2019], 53-84.
“Los espectáculos romanos a través de la epigrafía”, in A. Alvar Ezquerra (ed.), Siste, viator. La epigrafía en la antigua Roma, Alcalá: Universidad de Alcalá, 2019, 101-113.
“Onomástica personal y cambios políticos, sociales y culturales en Lusitania romana: una nueva versión del Altas Antroponímico de la Lusitania romana” [co-written with M. Navarro Caballero], in T. Nogales Basarrate (ed.), Lusitania romana: del pasado al presente de la investigación, Mérida, 2017 [2018], 59-90
"Hacia una historia social de la colonia de Augusta Emerita: problemas metodológicos y perspectivas prometedoras" in Métodos y técnicas en Ciencias de la Antigüedad : estudios sobre investigación y docencia, eds. E. Ortiz de Urbina & J.M. Vallejo, Vitoria-Gasteiz : Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, Argitalpen Zerbitzua = Servicio Editorial, 2018 (Anejos de Veleia. Acta 16), 159-204
“Glimpses inside the familia publica at Augusta Emerita (Mérida)” in J. Carbonell Manils & H. Gimeno Pascual (eds.), A Baete ad fluvium Anam: Cultura epigráfica en la Bética Occidental y territorios fronterizos. Homenaje al profesor José Luis Moralejo Álvarez, Alcalá de Henares, 2016, 67-83.
“The Roman Administration of Lusitania from the Reforms of Diocletian to c. 340” in J. d’Encarnação, M. Conceição Lopes & P. C. Carvalho (eds.), Lusitânia entre romanos e barbaros, Coimbra – Mangualde: Universidade de Coimbra, 2016, 179-221.
“Monuments of Empire in Roman Spain and Beyond: Augusta Emerita (Mérida), the ‘Spanish Rome’” in J.M.D. Pohl & C.L. Lyons (ed.), Altera Roma: Art and Empire from the Aztecs to New Spain, Los Angeles: The Cotsen Institute of Archaeology/University of California Press, 2016, 69-107.
“Investing in Death: Gladiators as Investment and Currency in Late Republican Rome” in H. Beck, M. Jehne & J. Serrati (eds.), Money and Power in the Roman Republic. Collection Latomus 355, Brussels, 2016, 37-52.
“Rituals of Reciprocity: Staging Gladiatorial munera in Apuleius’ Metamorphoses” in A. Keith & J. Edmondson (ed.), Roman Literary Cultures: Domestic Politics, Revolutionary Poetics, Civic Spectacle. Toronto and Buffalo: University of Toronto Press, 2016, 278-309.
“Roman Literary Cultures” (co-written with A. Keith), in A. Keith & J. Edmondson (ed.), Roman Literary Cultures: Domestic Politics, Revolutionary Poetics, Civic Spectacle. Toronto and Buffalo: University of Toronto Press, 2016, 3-13.
“The Epigrapher at Work” (co-written with C. Bruun) in The Oxford Handbook of Roman Epigraphy, ed. C. Bruun & J. Edmondson, New York: Oxford University Press, 2015, 3-20 (ch. 1).
“Inscribing Roman Texts: officinae, layout, carving techniques” in The Oxford Handbook of Roman Epigraphy, ed. C. Bruun & J. Edmondson, New York: Oxford University Press, 2015, 111-130 (ch. 7).
“Spectacle in Rome, Italy, and the Provinces” (co-written with M.J. Carter), in The Oxford Handbook of Roman Epigraphy, ed. C. Bruun & J. Edmondson, New York: Oxford University Press, 2015, 537-558 (ch. 25).
“Roman Family History” in The Oxford Handbook of Roman Epigraphy, ed. C. Bruun & J. Edmondson, New York: Oxford University Press, 2015, 559-581 (ch. 26).
“Economic Life in the Roman Empire”, in The Oxford Handbook of Roman Epigraphy, ed. C. Bruun & J. Edmondson, New York: Oxford University Press, 2015, 671-695 (ch. 31).
“The Roman Emperor and the Local Communities of the Roman Empire” in J.-L. Ferrary & J. Scheid (ed.), Il princeps romano: autocrate o magistrato? Fattori giuridici e fattori sociali del potere imperiale da Augusto a Commodo. Istituto Universitario di Studi Superiori, Pavia, 2015, 701-729.
“Los recursos económicos y las formas de producción” in J. M. Álvarez Martínez, A. Carvalho, C. Fabião (eds.), Lusitania Romana. Origen de dos pueblos. Lusitânia Romana. Origem de dois povos, Studia Lusitana 9, Mérida, 2015, 189-199. [Portuguese version: “Os recursos económicos e as formas de produção” in A. Carvalho, J. M. Álvarez Martínez, C. Fabião (eds.), Lusitânia Romana. Origem de dois povos, Lisboa, 2016, 184-193].
“Hispania capta. Reflexiones sobre el proceso e impacto de la conquista romana en la Península Ibérica”, in Conquistadores y conquistados. Relaciones de dominio en el mundo romano, eds. G. Bravo & R. González Salinero, (Signifer 43). Madrid & Salamanca, 2014, 19-44.
“L’expérience et le savoir d’empire dans la province d’Hispania Ulterior sous la République”. In S. Pittia, J. Dubouloz, G. Sabatini, eds., L’imperium romanum en perspective. Les savoirs d’empire dans la République romaine et leur héritage dans l’Europe médiévale et moderne, Besançon : Presses universitaires de Franche-Comté, 2014, 283-303.
“La presencia romana en el sur de Lusitania en vísperas de la fundación de Augusta Emerita: aspectos sociales” in J. M. Alvarez Martínez, P. Mateos Cruz & M. Alba (ed.), 1910-2010: El Yacimiento Emeritense, Mérida, 2011 [2012], 93-110.
“Slavery and the Roman Family”, in P. A. Cartledge & K. R. Bradley (ed.), The Cambridge World History of Slavery, vol. 1. The Ancient Mediterranean World. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011, 337-361.
“A Tale of Two Colonies: Augusta Emerita (Mérida) and Metellinum (Medellín), 25 B.C. – A.D. 100”, in R. Sweetman (ed.), Roman Colonies in the First Century of their Foundation. Oxford: Oxbow, 2011, 32-54.
“Vétérans et société locale dans la colonie d’Augusta Emerita (25 av. J.-C. – 200 apr. J.-C.)” in J.-G. Gorges & T. Nogales Basarrate (ed.), Naissance de la Lusitanie romaine (Ier av. – Ier ap. J.C.) / Origen de la Lusitania romana (siglos I a.C. – I d.C.), Toulouse & Mérida, 2010, 211-251.
'Les provinces hispaniques et l’impact du pouvoir romain: l’exemple de la Lusitanie (fin du Ier siècle av. J.-C.– fin du IIe siècle ap. J.-C.).' Rome et l’Occident (IIe siècle av. J.-C. – IIe siècle apr. J.-C.: Gouverner l’Empire. Ed. F. Hurlet. Rennes: Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2009. 253-286.
'The virginity of the soldier Zosimus and other family myths: terms of affection within and beyond the family at Augusta Emerita.' Lusitânia romana – entre o mito e a realidade: Actas da VI Mesa-Redonda Internacional sobre a Lusitânia romana. Ed. J.-G. Gorges, J. d’Encarnação & A. Carvalho. Lisbon, 2009. 249-280.
'New Light on Doctors, Medical Training and Links between Augusta Emerita and Olisipo in the mid-first century A.D.' Espacios, usos y formas de la epigrafía hispana en épocas antigua y tardoantigua: Homenaje al Dr. Armin U. Stylow (Anejos de Archivo Español de Arqueología 48). Madrid, 2009. 117-129.
'Amanda’s Former Slaves: Epigraphy, Archaeology and Social History at Augusta Emerita (Mérida).' Le due patrie acquisite: Studi di archeologia dedicate a Walter Trillmich (Bullettino della Commissione archeologica comunale di Roma. Suppl. 18). Ed. E. La Rocca, P. León & C. Parisi Presicce. Rome, 2008. 163-173.
'Public Dress and Social Control in Late Republican and Early Imperial Rome.' Roman Dress and the Fabrics of Roman Culture. Ed. in J. Edmondson & A. Keith. Toronto: University of Toronto Press; Buffalo: University of Toronto Press, 2008. 21-46.
'Introduction: From Costume History to Dress Studies.' Roman Dress and the Fabrics of Roman Culture. Ed. A. Keith, J. Edmondson & A. Keith. Toronto: University of Toronto Press; Buffalo: University of Toronto Press, 2008. 1-17.
with L. A. Hidalgo Martín, 'Hallazgo de dos epitafios de veterani en Mérida: Vidas paralelas de dos soldados Augustani (emeritenses) a finales del siglo I d.C.' Mérida. Excavaciones arqueológicas. 2004 (Memoria 10). Mérida, 2007. 479-507.
with J. Márquez Pérez & P. D. Sánchez Barrero. 'Un enterramiento de incineración con estela de granito fechado en el s. I d.C. documentado en el entorno viario del Circo romano de Augusta Emerita.' Mérida. Excavaciones arqueológicas. 2004 (Memoria 10). Mérida, 2007. 509-521.
'The Cult of Mars Augustus and Roman Imperial Power at Augusta Emerita in the Third Century A.D.: A New Votive Dedication.' Culto imperial: política y poder. Ed. T. Nogales & J. González. Rome: L’Erma di Bretschneider, 2007. 541-575.
'Cities and urban life in the western provinces of the Roman Empire, 30 BCE to 250 CE.' A Companion to the Roman Empire (Blackwell Companions to the Ancient World series). Ed. D. Potter. Oxford: Blackwell, 2006. 250-280.
'Introduction: Flavius Josephus and Flavian Rome.' Flavius Josephus and Flavian Rome. Ed. J. Edmondson, S. Mason and J. Rives. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005. 1-33.
'Family Relations in Roman Lusitania: Social Change in a Roman Province?' The Roman Family in the Empire: Rome, Italy, and Beyond. Ed. M. George. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005. 183-229
'Los monumentos funerarios como espejo de la sociedad emeritense: secretos y problemas sociofamiliares a la luz de la epigrafía.' Augusta Emerita: Territorios, Espacios, Imágenes y Gentes en Lusitania Romana. Ed. T. Nogales Basarrate. Mérida/Madrid: Ministerio de Cultura, 2005. 341-71.
'Inmigración y sociedad local en Augusta Emerita.' V Mesa Redonda Internacional sobre Lusitania romana: Las comunicaciones. Ed. E. Cerrillo Martín de Cáceres, J.-G. Gorges & T. Nogales Basarrate. Madrid: Ministerio de Cultura, 2004. 321-369.
'En quête de la famille romaine à la Civitas Igaeditanorum (Idanha-a-Velha) en Lusitanie au Haut-empire.' Au jardin des Hespérides. Histoire, société et épigraphie des monde anciens. Ed. C. Auliard & L. Bodiou. Mélanges offerts à Alain Tranoy. Rennes: Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2004. 233-252.
'Writing Latin in the province of Lusitania.' Becoming Roman, Writing Latin? (Journal of Roman Archaeology, Supplement 48) . Portsmouth, R.I., 2002. 41-60.
'Public spectacles and Roman social relations.' Ludi Romani: Espectáculos en Hispania Romana. Ed. T. Nogales Basarrate & A. Castellanos. Madrid, 2002. 21-43.
'Les fondements économiques de la puissance des élites hispano-romaines.' Élites hispaniques. Ed. M. Navarro Caballero and S. Demougin. Bordeaux, 2001. 63-68.
'Some new granite funerary stelae from Augusta Emerita.' Mérida. Excavaciones arqueológicas. 1999 (Memoria 5). Mérida, 2001. 383-394.
'Conmemoración funeraria y relaciones familiares en Augusta Emerita.' Sociedad y cultura en Lusitania romana. Ed. J.-G. Gorges and T. Nogales Basarrate. Mérida, 2000. 299-327.
'The cultural politics of public spectacle in Rome and the Greek East, 167-166 B.C.' The Art of Ancient Spectacle. Studies in the History of Art. Ed. B. Bergmann and C. Kondoleon. Washington: National Gallery, 1999. 77-95.
'Mining.' A Guide to the Late Antique World. Ed. G. W. Bowersock, Peter Brown and O. Grabar. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1999. 579-580.
'Roman Mining.' Oxford Companion to Classical Civilization. Ed. S. Hornblower and A.J.S. Spawforth. Oxford: Clarendon, 1998.
'Metallurgy, Roman' and 'Mines and Mining, Roman.' The Oxford Classical Dictionary. 3rd ed. Oxford: Clarendon, 1996. 966, 984-85.
'Dynamic arenas: gladiatorial presentations in the city of Rome and the construction of Roman society during the Early Empire.' Roman Theater and Society. Ed. W.J. Slater. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan, 1996. 69-112.
'Roman power and the emergence of provincial administration in Lusitania during the Republic.' Pouvoir et Imperium. L’exercice du pouvoir et l’administration provinciale dans l’Empire romain républicain. Ed. E. Hermon. Naples: Jovene; Quebec: Université Laval, 1996. 163-211.
'Athens. The Classical Period, 480-323 B.C.' and 'The Augustan Age and Imperial Rome, 27 B.C. - A.D. 180.' Civilizations: a cultural atlas. Ed. A. Haberman. Toronto: Gage Educational, 1993. 30-35, 36-41.
'Instrumenta imperii: law and imperialism in Republican Rome.' Law, Society and Politics in the Ancient Mediterranean World. Ed. B. Halpern and D. W. Hobson. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1993. 156-192.
'Romanization and urban development in Lusitania.' The Early Roman Empire in the West. Ed. T. F. C. Blagg and M. Millett. Oxford: Oxbow, 1990. 151-178.
'Le garum en Lusitanie urbaine et rurale: hiérarchies de demande et de production.' Les villes de Lusitanie romaine: hiérarchies et territoires. Ed. J.-G. Gorges. Paris: C.N.R.S., 1990. 123-147.
Book Reviews
Review of L. Abad Casal, S. Keay & S. Ramallo Asensio (eds.), Early Roman Towns in Hispania Tarraconensis (JRA Suppl.) for American Journal of Archaeology 113.2 (2009) Online Book Review, 4 pp.
Review of J. Arce (ed.), Centcelles. El monumento tardorromano: iconografía y arquitectura, for American Journal of Archaeology 108.4 (2004) 657-658.
Review of D. Kyle, Spectacles of Death in Ancient Rome for The American Historical Review (December 2001) 1847-48.
Review of J.-G. Gorges & F.G. Rodríguez Martín (ed.), Économie et territoire en Lusitanie romaine for The English Historical Review 116, no. 468 (September 2001) 918-919.
Review of A.U. Stylow et al. (ed.) , Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum. II. Editio altera. Pars V. Conventus Astigitanus (CIL II2/5) for Phoenix 54 (2000) 373-377.
Review of I. Nielsen & H. Sigismund Nielsen (ed.), Meals in a Social Context. Aspects of the Communal Meal in the Hellenistic and Roman World for Classical Review 50 (2000) 530-532.
Review of W. Trillmich et al., Hispania Antiqua: Denkmäler der Römerzeit for Journal of Roman Studies 86 (1996) 227-229.
Review of K. R. Bradley, Discovering the Roman Family for Canadian Journal of History/Annales canadiennes d’histoire 28 (1993) 561-563.
Review of C. Domergue, Les Mines de la péninsule ibérique dans l’antiquité romaine for Journal of Roman Studies 82 (1992) 263-265.
Review of R.W. Davies, Service in the Roman Army (1989) for Canadian Journal of History/Annales canadiennes d’histoire 25 (1990) 91-93.
Review of S.J. Keay, Roman Spain (1988) and R.J. Harrison, Spain at the Dawn of History (1988) for Journal of Roman Studies 79 (1989) 240-242.
Review of J.S. Richardson, Hispaniae: Spain and the development of Roman imperialism (1986) for JACT Ancient History Review 24 (1988) 8-9.
Review of A. Tranoy, La Galice romaine (1981) for Journal of Roman Studies 76 (1986) 316-317.
Review of J.M. Menéndez Pidal (ed.), Historia de España: La España romana (2nd ed., 1982) for Journal of Roman Studies 75 (1985) 266-268.
Review of J.-G. Gorges, Les villas hispano-romaines (1979) for Journal of Roman Studies 71 (1981) 217-218.
Edmondson, J. and Navarro Caballero, M. (eds.) (2024). Onomastique, société et identité culturelle en Lusitanie romaine / Onomástica, sociedad e identidad cultural en Lusitania romana (ADOPIA I) (Scripta Antiqua 178). Bordeaux.
Si muero, no me olvides. Miradas sobre la sociedad de Augusta Emerita a través de la epigrafía funeraria. Co-authors: A. Alvar Ezquerra, L. A. Hidalgo Martín, J. L. Ramírez Sádaba. Alcalá de Henares: Universidad de Alcalá, 2021, 316 pp.
Nueva Epigrafía Funeraria de Augusta Emerita: Tituli sepulcrales urbanos (ss. I-VII) y su contexto arqueológico (NEFAE), co-written with L. Á. Hidalgo Martín, J. Márquez Pérez, J. L. Ramírez Sádaba (Memoria. Monografías Arqueológicas de Mérida 1). Mérida: Consorcio de la Ciudad Monumental, Histórico-Artística y Arqueológica / Diputación Provincial de Badajoz, 2019 [2020]
Roman Literary Cultures: Domestic Politics, Revolutionary Poetics, Civic Spectacle. Edited by Alison Keith and Jonathan Edmondson. Toronto and Buffalo: University of Toronto Press, 2016. xxiv + 340 pp.
The Oxford Handbook of Roman Epigraphy, co-edited with Christer Bruun. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2015 (revised paperback ed., 2018).
Augustus (Edinburgh Readings on the Ancient World Series). Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2009. (revised paperback edition, March 2014)
Roman Dress and the Fabrics of Roman Culture. Ed. Jonathan Edmondson and Alison Keith. Toronto: University of Toronto Press; Buffalo: University of Toronto Press, 2008.
Granite Funerary Stelae from Augusta Emerita (Monografías Emeritenses 9). Mérida: Museo Nacional de Arte Romano; Madrid: Ministerio de Cultura, 2006.
Flavius Josephus and Flavian Rome. Ed. Jonathan Edmondson, J. Rives and S. Mason. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005.
with Grupo Mérida. Atlas Antroponímico de la Lusitania romana. Mérida: Fundación de Estudios Romanos; Bordeaux: Centre Ausonius, 2003.
Imagen y Memoria. Monumentos funerarios con retratos en la colonia Augusta Emerita. Co-authored with T. Nogales Basarrate and W. Trillmich. Madrid: Real Academia de la Historia, 2001.
Law and Social Status in Classical Athens. Ed. Jonathan Edmondson and V. J. Hunter. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000.
Dio: The Julio-Claudians. Selections from Books 58-63 of The Roman History of Cassius Dio. London: London Association of Classical Teachers, 1992.
Two Industries in Roman Lusitania: Mining and Garum Production. Oxford, England: British Archaeological Reports, 1987.
Journal Articles
"Epigraphy, onomastics and local society at the western limits of the territory of Augusta Emerita" in J. P. Bernardes (ed.), digitAR - Revista Digital de Arqueologia, Arquitectura e Artes, 10: Homenagem a José d’Encarnação 40 anos de Inscrições romanas do Conventus Pacensis , 2024, 102-131.
“A female doctor (medica) at Augusta Emerita (Mérida)? Re-examining CIL II 497 from humanist readings to the latest digital epigraphy techniques”, Veleia 39, 2022, 255-298
“A new fragmentary funerary plaque from Augusta Emerita with a multiple epitaph” (co-authored with P. Paniego Díaz), Anas 35, 2022, 315-326
“Language contact and the spread of epigraphic cultures in the Western Mediterranean, 3rd to 1st c. BCE”, Journal of Roman Archaeology 35, 2022, 1069–1076.
“The epitaph on the granite cupa found in situ in the calle Marquesa de Pinares, Mérida, and female sociability at Augusta Emerita in the second century A.D.”, Anas 35, 2022, 293-314.
“Mining and the Production of Precious Metals in Roman Lusitania (1st Century B.C. – 3rd Century A.D.)”, Madrider Mitteilungen 61, 2020 [2021], 166-191
“Otro militar en el territorio de Valeria”, co-written with H. Gimeno Pascual, Sylloge Epigraphica Barcinonensis 18, 2020, 125-134
"Una nueva familia de libertos de Augusta Emerita”, Anas 29-30, 2016-17 [2020], 125-133
“Notes on the elogium of a Benefactor at Pompeii” (co-written with J. Bodel, A. Bendlin, S. Bernard and C. Bruun), Journal of Roman Archaeology 32, 2019, 148-182.
“Primer testimonio de evergetismo en el foro de Valeria (Conventus Carthaginiensis, Hispania Citerior): una nueva placa opistógrafa” (co-authored with H. Gimeno Pascual), Madrider Mitteilungen 58, 2017 [2018], 321-372.
“Las estelas funerarias marmóreas de Augusta Emerita: Novedades, revisiones y apuntes tipológicos, técnicos e iconográficos” [co-written with J. M. Murciano Calles], Anas 25-26, 2012-13 [2018], 133-171.
“Reconstructing a Small Town in the Foothills of the Pyrenees: The Flavian municipium of Labitolosa”, Journal of Roman Archaeology, 30, 2017, 724-729.
“La aplicación de la técnica de Modelo de Residuo Morfológico (M.R.M.) para la recuperación de los textos de dos cupae funerarias emeritenses” (co-written with R. Campo Lastra and M.V. Gago), Anas, 24, 2011 [2016], 115-126.
“Rural Epigraphy in Roman Spain: A New Corpus of Inscriptions”, Journal of Roman Archaeology 28 (2015), 764-768.
“Towards a deeper understanding of gladiatorial spectacles and amphitheatres in the Hispanic provinces”, Journal of Roman Archaeology 24 (2011) 738-744.
'Celebrating the inauguration of the Flavian amphitheatre in A.D. 80? Or ‘An untitled collection of uncertain length celebrating a series of unspecified occasions in honour of an unnamed Caesar’?' Journal of Roman Archaeology 21 (2008): 465-470.
'Micro- and macro-approaches to the economy of Baetica felix.' Journal of Roman Archaeology 19 (2006): 563-570.
'Family life within slave households at Augusta Emerita: the epitaph of the Cordii.' Anas 15-16 (2005): 201-237.
'Un Ercavicensis en Augusta Emerita: una nueva estela funeraria de granito.' Mérida: Ciudad y Patrimonio 5 (2003): 137-42.
'Epigraphy and History of Roman Hispania: the new edition of CIL II".' Journal of Roman Archaeology 12 (1999): 649-666.
'Two dedications to Divus Augustus and Diva Augusta from Augusta Emerita and the early development of the imperial cult in Lusitania re-examined.' Madrider Mitteilungen 38 (1997): 89-105.
'Specula urbis Romae: a group of marble funerary stelae with arch and rosettes from Augusta Emerita.' Anas 6 (1995): 9-49.
'Creating a provincial landscape: Roman imperialism and rural change in Lusitania.' Studia Historica: Historia antigua 10 (1992): 13-30.
'Mining in the later Roman Empire and beyond: continuity or disruption?' Journal of Roman Studies 79 (1989): 84-102.
'Mithras at Pax Iulia: a re-examination.' Conimbriga 23 (1984): 69-83.
Conference Papers
'Monuments of Empire in Roman Spain and beyond: Augusta Emerita (Mérida), the 'Spanish Rome'.' Altera Roma: Art and Empire from the Aztecs to New Spain. Getty Villa, Malibu, California. 29 April - 1 May , 2010.
'The Commemoration of Soldiers and Veterans at Augusta Emerita, 25 B.C. – A.D. 235.' XXIst International Congress of Roman Frontier Studies. Newcastle. August 2009.
'Medical Training, Slaves and Geographical Mobility in Roman Spain: A New Inscription from Augusta Emerita (Mérida, Spain).' Inscribed Lives: Roman Epigraphy in Context. Stanford University. May 2009.
'Editing a New Votive Text from Augusta Emerita.' Department of Classics. Brown University. March 2009.
'Training Doctors in Roman Spain: A New Inscription from Augusta Emerita (Mérida).' American Philological Association. Philadelphia. January 2009.
'A Tale of Two Colonies: Augusta Emerita (Mérida) and Metellinum (Medellín).' Department of History. Trent University. October 2008.
'Vétérans et société locale dans la colonie d’Augusta Emerita (25 av. J.-C.–235 ap. J.-C).' Classical Association of Canada. Université de Montréal. May 2008.
'The Delights of Baiae.' Vergil and Campania: a conference in memory of A.G. McKay. McMaster University. April 2008.
'Commodus in the Arena: Myth, Politics and Public Spectacle in late-second-century Rome.' Department of Languages and Linguistics. Concordia University. March 2008.
'Collaborating between Classics and History in Teaching Ancient History at the Ph.D. Level.' Graduate Training in Ancient History: Or How Best to Study Ancient History in the 21st Century? American Philological Association, Chicago. January 2008.
'The Development of Local Epigraphic Cultures in Roman Lusitania.' Acta XII Congressus Internationalis Epigraphiae Graecae et Latinae. Barcelona. 2007.
'Les vétérans dans la colonie d’Augusta Emerita (25 av. J.-C. – 100 ap. J.-C).' 7th international Table ronde on Roman Lusitania. Université de Toulouse-Le Mirail. November 2007.
'A Tale of Two Colonies: Augusta Emerita (Mérida) and Metellinum (Medellín) in Roman Spain.' 100 Years of Solitude: Roman Colonies in the first hundred years of their existence. University of St Andrews, Scotland. September 2007.
'Une nouvelle dédicace à Mars Auguste à Emerita et l’administration romaine de la Lusitanie au milieu du IIIe siècle.' Anthropologie et économie du monde romain». École Normale Supérieure, Paris. June 2007.
'New veterans from Augusta Emerita (Mérida, Spain).' Classical Association of Canada. Memorial University, St. John’s, Newfoundland. May 2007.
'The emperor Commodus in the arena: politics, myth and public spectacle in imperial Rome.' Literary Table, Arts and Letters Club. Toronto. March 2007.
'La integración de los inmigrantes en la sociedad emeritense.' La sociedad emeritense. Museo Nacional de Arte Romano, Mérida (Spain). February 2007.
'The administration of Lusitania in the third century A.D.: new evidence from Augusta Emerita.' American Philological Association. San Diego. January 2007.
“Producing death: the development of the gladiator industry at Rome, 264 B.C. – A.D. 200”. Invited lecture for X-Club, Arts and Letters Club of Toronto, May 2007.
'A New Cavalryman (eques) from Augusta Emerita (Mérida, Spain).' Limes XX. Actas del XX Congreso de Estudios sobre la Frontera Romana. Ed. A. Morillo Cerdán, N. Hanel & E. Martín Hernández. León (España). Septiembre de 2006.
'The epigraphic workshops of Augusta Emerita and their influence in southern Lusitania and northern Baetica.' Aufkommen, Entwicklung und Transformation des epigraphic habit in den hispanischen Provinzen. Kommission für Alte Geschichte und Epigraphik, Munich. November 2006.
'A possible eques stationarius at Augusta Emerita.' XXth International Congress of Roman Frontier Studies. León, Spain. September 2006.
'Imperial cult in Roman Lusitania.' El culto imperial en Hispania romana: Política y poder. Museo Nacional de Arte Romano. May 2006.
'Inmigrantes en Augusta Emerita: un nuevo enfoque.' Departamento de Historia Antigua. Universidad de Sevilla. May 2006.
'Producing death: the development of the gladiator industry at Rome, 264 B.C. – A.D. 200.' The Ties that Bind and Build: Networks of Production in the Ancient Mediterranean. University of Southern California, Los Angeles. February 2006.
'Finis terrae? Marginality in the far west of the Iberian Peninsula.' At the Edges of Empire: Interpreting the Marginal Areas of the Roman World. University of Chicago. February 2006.
'Epigraphic Texts and Archaeological Contexts in Rome, Italy and the Western Provinces.' American Philological Association. Montreal. January 2006.
'Restoring context and meaning to the epitaphs of Augusta Emerita (Mérida, Spain).' American Philological Association. Montreal. January 2006.
'Gladiators at Pompeii.' Pompeii and Ostia, Ontario Classical Association. McMaster University. October 2005.
'New light on the provincial administration of Roman Lusitania: two new texts from Augusta Emerita.' Ancient History seminar. University of Toronto. April 2005.
'The virginity of Zosimus and other family myths: Terms of affection within and beyond the family in Roman Lusitania.' 6th International Conference on Lusitania. Cascais (Portugal). November 2004.
'Los monumentos funerarios como espejo de la sociedad emeritense: secretos y problemas socio-familiares a la luz de la epigrafía.' Augusta Emerita: Territorios, Espacios, Imágenes, y Gentes en la Lusitania Romana. Museo Nacional de Arte Romano, Mérida (Spain). June 2004.
'Family life within slave households at Augusta Emerita: a new inscription from Mérida (Spain).' Classical Association of Canada. Quebec. May 2004.
'Inaugurating the Colosseum, A.D. 80.' Department of Languages and Linguistics. Concordia University. March 2004.
“Marriage patterns in a Roman colony: the example of Augusta Emerita (Mérida, Spain)”. Paper at Annual Conference of American Philological Association, San Francisco, January 2004.
'Public dress and social control in late Republican and early Imperial Rome.' Roman Dress and the Fabric of Roman Culture. York University. October 2004.
Classical Association of Canada, Lecture Tour in Atlantic provinces, September/October 2003. Eight lectures at Memorial Univ. of Newfoundland; Sir Wilfred Grenville College, Cornerbrook; Acadia University; Dalhousie University & St. Mary’s University; University of New Brunswick at St. John; University of New Brunswick at Fredericton; Mt. Allison University; University of Prince Edward Island. Topics: “Inaugurating the Colosseum A.D. 80: Spectacle, Monument and Public Memory in Flavian Rome” and “Commodus in the Arena: Myth, Power and Spectacle in late-second-century Rome”.
“Public dress and social control in late-Republican and early imperial Rome”. Paper at Annual Meeting of Classical Association of Canada, Fredericton, N.B., May 2003.
“Rituals of reciprocity: gladiatorial munera in Apuleius’ Metamorphoses”. Paper at Annual Meeting of American Philological Association, New Orleans, January 2003.
“Roman Portugal: the impact of Rome”. Invited paper at conference on “Portugal in the World”, York University, Toronto. March 2003.
“Espectáculos y la vertiente social del ocio en Roma”. Keynote lecture at international congress on “Ludi Romani: Espectáculos y Sociedad Romana”, Museo Nacional de Arte Romano, Mérida, September 2002.
“Inmigración, emigración y sociedad local en Augusta Emerita”. Invited paper for 5th International Conference on Lusitania, Universidad de Extremadura, Cáceres, November 2002.
“The development of local epigraphic cultures in Lusitania”. Paper at XIIth International Congress of Greek and Latin Epigraphy, Barcelona, September 2002.
“Writing Latin, Becoming Roman in Lusitania”. Paper at Annual Meeting of American Philological Association, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, January 2002.
“Commodus in the Arena”. Invited lecture, Smith College, Northampton, Mass., October 2001.
“Commodus in the Arena: Myth, Tradition and Contemporary Spectacle”. Invited paper for panel on “Interpreting Roman Spectacle” at Annual Joint-Meeting of the American Philological Association and Archaeological Institute of America, San Diego, January 2001.
“History in Film? Gladiator”. Invited paper for panel on “Greece and Rome in Film”, Ontario Classical Association, Spring Meeting, Toronto, April 2001.
Response to paper by Honora Chapman on Spectacle in Josephus’ Bellum Judaicum at international conference on “Flavius Josephus in Flavian Rome”, York University, May 2001.
“The Family in Roman Lusitania: social change in a Roman province?” Invited paper for international conference, “Roman Family IV: Italy and Beyond”, McMaster University, September 2001.
“Writing Latin in Roman Lusitania”. Invited paper for panel on “Writing Latin, Becoming Roman in the Western Provinces” at 4th International Roman Archaeology Conference, Glasgow, sponsored by the Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies. March 2001.
One of four York delegates to conference organized by SSHRC, “Alternative Wor(l)ds: The Humanities in 2010”. Toronto. October 2000.
“Conmemoración funeraria y relaciones familiares en Augusta Emerita”. Invited paper for 4th International Conference on Lusitania. Mérida, March 2000.
“Familia y sociedad en la colonia emeritense”. Invited lecture. Departamento de Historia Antigua, Universidad de Sevilla, March 2000.
“Marriage Patterns in a Roman Colony: the example of Augusta Emerita (Mérida, Spain)”. Paper at Annual Meeting of the Classical Association of Canada. Winnipeg, May 2000.
“The world of the arena in Apuleius, Golden Ass”. Invited keynote lecture for conference on “Competition and Celebration in the Roman World”. McMaster University, September 2000.
“Funerary monuments with portraits from Augusta Emerita”. Invited seminar. SUNY Buffalo, November 1999.
“La politique culturelle des spectacles publics à Rome et dans l’Orient grec, 167-166 av. J.-C.” Seminar, Centre Ausonius, Université de Bordeaux III, March 1999.
Response to paper by M. Koortbojian on “The Imagery of Julius Caesar” at international conference on Negotiating Ideologies in Greece and Rome. University of Toronto, October 1999.
“La politique culturelle des spectacles publics à Rome et dans l’Orient grec”. Invited lecture, Université Laval, Quebec, December 1998.
“Les fondements économiques de la puissance des élites hispano-romaines”. Invited paper at international conference on « Les élites hispano-romaines ». Centre Ausonius, Université de Bordeaux III, December 1998.
“Les structures familiales dans le Civitas Igaeditanorum (Lusitanie)”. Invited seminar, Université Laval, Quebec, December 1998.
Contribution to poster presentation “Atlas onomástico de la Lusitania Romana”. XIth International Congress of Greek and Latin Epigraphy, Rome, September 1997.
“Augusta Emerita (Mérida): from Roman colony to provincial capital”. Invited lecture, Archaeological Institute of America, Niagara Peninsula Chapter, January 1997.
“Funerary monuments with portrait bust from Augusta Emerita (Mérida)” Paper, Annual Meeting, Classical Association of Canada, Memorial University, Nfld., June 1997.
“Granite funerary stelae from Augusta Emerita (Mérida, Spain). A neglected type of funerary monument and the Italian origins of the colony’s first settlers”. Paper at XIth International Congress of Greek and Latin Epigraphy, Rome, September 1997.
“Inaugurating the Colosseum, A.D. 80”. Invited lecture, Twelfth Annual Cambridge Latin Teachers' Workshop, Toronto, July 1997
“Public dress and social control in Rome”. Graduate seminar, Dept. of Classics, McMaster University, March 1997; also given as invited paper at Institute for Classical Studies, London (U.K.), June 1997.
“A dedication to Divus Augustus and Diva Augusta from Emerita. CIL II 473 and the early development of the imperial cult in Lusitania re-examined”. Paper, Annual Meeting, Classical Association of Canada, Brock University, May 1996.
“Dress and social control at Rome, 200 B.C. to A.D. 100”. Seminar in Social History and Historical Anthropology, York University, March 1996.
“Flavian Spectacle: Inaugurating the Colosseum, A.D. 80”. Invited lecture, Ontario Classical Association, Spring Meeting, April 1996.
“Re-membering Caligula: past and present in Cassius Dio”. Paper at conference on “Roman Narratives” in honour of Professor A.G. McKay, York University, May 1996.
“The cultural politics of public spectacle in Rome and the Greek East, 167-166 B.C.” Invited paper at special colloquium on “The Art of Ancient Spectacle” at American Academy, Rome, June 1996
'Urban and rural funerary monuments from Augusta Emerita (Mérida, Lusitania): cultural differentiation in a Roman colony.' La ciudad en el mundo romano/ La ciutat en el món romà (Actas del XIV Congreso Internacional de Arqueología Clásica). Ed. X. Dupré i Raventós. Tarragona. 1995.
“Augusta Emerita (Mérida, Spain): from Roman colony to provincial capital”. Invited lecture to Archaeological Institute of America: Toronto Chapter, January 1995.
“Family structures in Roman Lusitania”. History Research Seminar, York University, October 1995.
“The cultural politics of public spectacle in Rome and the Greek East, 167-166 B.C.” Paper at international conference, “Festival, Spectacle and Public Memory in Europe and the Americas”, York University, April 1995 (versions also delivered at Spring Meeting, Classical Association of the Atlantic States, Rutgers University, April 1995 and at Annual Meeting of Classical Association of Canada, Université de Québec à Montréal, May 1995).
“The discourse of dress in ancient Rome/ Le discours du code vestimentaire en Rome antique”. Invited paper, Dept. of Classical Studies/Etudes Anciennes, University of Ottawa, January, 1995.
Classical Association of Canada, Lecture Tour of Western Canada (Eleven lectures/seminars at Universities of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Saskatoon, Alberta, Calgary, British Columbia and Victoria). October-November 1994. Lecture topics: 1) “Creating a Roman province: the impact of Roman rule on Lusitania” 2) “Dynamic Arenas: gladiatorial presentations in Rome and the construction of Roman society” 3) “Inaugurating the Colosseum, A.D. 80: the anatomy of a Roman public spectacle” 4) “The discourse of dress in ancient Rome” (seminar) 5) “Family structures in Roman Lusitania” (seminar)
“A day in the life of a gladiator”. Invited lecture at Glynnwood Retirement Home, Toronto, April 1994.
“Le pouvoir romain et l’emergence de l’administration romaine en Lusitanie sous la République”. Invited paper at international colloquium on “L’exercice du pouvoir dans l’Empire romain républicain” at Xe Congrès international de la Fédération Internationale des Etudes Classiques, Quebec, August 1994.
“Mining and the transformation of the Roman world: problems and approaches”. Invited pre-circulated paper for international workshop on “Mining, archaeometallurgy, coin production and feudal peasant settlement (4th-10th century)”, part of project on “Transformation of the Roman World”, sponsored by the European Science Foundation, Auxerre (France), November, 1994.
“Structures familiales dans la Civitas Igaeditanorum: les limites d’une approche purement onomastique”. Invited paper at international Table Ronde on “Onomastique et Société de la Lusitanie romaine”, Centre Pierre Paris, Université de Bordeaux III, May 1994.
Invited participant, international workshop on “Mining, archaeometallurgy, coin production and feudal peasant settlement (4th-10th century)”. Sixth workshop of pan-European project on “Transformation of the Roman World”, organised by the European Science Foundation, Pontignano, Siena (Italy), June 1993.
“Dynamic arenas: the amphitheatre and the construction of Roman society”. Invited paper at international conference, “Roman Theatre and Society”, McMaster University, September 1993.
“Family structures in Roman Lusitania”. Paper, Annual Meeting, Classical Association of Canada, Carleton University, May 1993.
“Gladiatorial presentations in the city of Rome and the restructuring of Roman society from Augustus to Trajan”. Seminar in Social History and Historical Anthropology, York University, November 1993.
“La creación de un paisaje provincial: imperialismo romano y transformación rural en Lusitania”. Invited paper at International Round Table on “El Medio rural en Lusitania romana”, University of Salamanca, Spain, January 1993.
“Measuring cultural change in Roman Lusitania”. Invited seminar paper, Graduate Department of Classics, McMaster University, April 1993.
“Roman shipping and trade in the western Mediterranean”. Invited paper at colloquium on “Trade and Communication in the Ancient World”, University of Western Ontario, October 1993.
“Urban and rural funerary monuments from Augusta Emerita (Mérida, Lusitania): cultural differentiation in a Roman colony”. Paper, XIVth International Congress of Classical Archaeology, Tarragona, Spain, September 1993.
“Political analysis in Cassius Dio”. Seminar paper, Department of Classics, University of Calgary, October 1992.
“Roman shipping and trade in the western Mediterranean”. Invited lecture, The Calgary Society for Mediterranean Studies, Calgary, October 1992.
“Rural change in Roman Lusitania”. Seminar paper, Institute for the Study of Culture and Religion in Antiquity, York University, November 1992.
“Explaining the past: causation and motivation in Cassius Dio”. Paper, Annual Meeting, Classical Association of Canada, Queen's University, Kingston, May 1991.
“Reconstructing local society and reading cultural change in the Roman province of Lusitania”. Seminar in Social History and Historical Anthropology, York University, November 1991.
“Acculturation in Roman Lusitania: problems and approaches”. Paper, Seminar in Social History and Historical Anthropology, York University, February 1990.
“Acculturation in Roman Spain: the example of Lusitania”. Paper, Graduate Seminar in Classics, University of Toronto, March 1990.
“Cultural interaction and cultural change in the Roman province of Lusitania”. Seminar paper, Institute for the Study of Culture and Religion in Antiquity, York University, September 1990.
“Dio on the Principate: from Tiberius to Nero”. Paper, Annual Meeting, Classical Association of Canada, University of Victoria, May 1990.
“New approaches to Roman social and economic history”. Invited lecture, Department of Classical Studies, Trent University, February 1990.
“Acculturation in a Roman province: Roman and native names in Lusitania”. Seminar paper, Department of History, York University, February 1989.
“Roman and native in Lusitania: an integrated approach”. Paper, Annual Meeting of the Classical Association of Canada, Université Laval, May 1989.
“The Romanization of Lusitania: unity in diversity?”. Seminar paper, Department of Classics, University of Ottawa, February 1989.
“Law and imperialism in Republican Rome”. Invited paper, conference on “Law in its Social Setting in the Ancient Mediterranean World”, York University, Toronto, April 1988.
“Le garum en Lusitanie urbaine et rurale: hiérarchies de demande et de production”. Invited paper at international Table Ronde: “Les villes de Lusitanie romaine: hiérarchies et territories” at Maison des Pays Ibériques, Université de Bordeaux III, December 1988.
“Wealth at Republican Praeneste”. Paper, Annual Meeting of the Classical Association of the Middle West and South, New Orleans, April 1988.
“Wealth, cult and local society in Republican Praeneste”. Invited lecture, Spring Meeting, Ontario Classical Association, Trinity College, University of Toronto, April 1988.
“Romanization and urban development in Lusitania”. Invited paper at conference “The Early Roman Empire in the West”, University of Kent, Canterbury, March 1987.
“Mining in the later Roman Empire and beyond: continuity or disruption?” Invited paper delivered in the Ancient History seminar series “The End of the Roman Empire”, Institute of Classical Studies, University of London, November 1986.
“Slavery and the Roman Family”, chapter commissioned for Cambridge World History of Slavery, vol. 1. Greek and Roman Antiquity (ed. P.A. Cartledge & K.R. Bradley) (submitted August 2006; corrected first proofs April 2009)
“Vétérans et société locale dans la colonie d’Augusta Emerita (25 av. J.-C. – 200 apr. J.-C)”, in J.-G. Gorges (ed.), La naissance de la Lusitania romaine, Toulouse, 2009 (in press, proofs pp. 1-41).
“A Tale of Two Colonies: Augusta Emerita (Mérida) and Metellinum (Medellín), 25 B.C. – A.D. 100”, in R. Sweetman & G. Woolf (ed.), One Hundred Years of Solitude: Roman Colonies in the First Hundred Years of their Existence (accepted for publication)
Articles on “Lusitania,” “Augusta Emerita,” and “Endovellicus” for the Blackwell/Wiley Encyclopedia of the Ancient World (ed. R. Bagnall, K. Brodersen, C. Champion, A. Erskine and S. Huebner) (in preparation).
Imperial Rome: the first two centuries (A.D. 14-192) . Contracted for Edinburgh University Press to form volume 5 of the series Edinburgh History of Rome (in preparation).
Oxford Handbook to Roman Epigraphy. Co-edited with C. Bruun. Under contract for Oxford University Press.
“The Funerary Commemoration of Soldiers and Veterans at the Colony of Augusta Emerita (Mérida, Spain), 25 B.C. – A.D. 235”, Proceedings of the XXIst International Congress of Roman Frontier Studies, Newcastle, August 2009 (submitted May 2010).
The Roman Family. Contracted for Cambridge University Press (in preparation).
Digital Humanities Project: ADOPIA: Atlas Digital Onomastique de la Péninsule Ibérique Antique / Atlas digital onómastico de la Península Ibérica Antigua / Atlas digital onómastico da Península Ibérica Antiga / Digital Onomastic Atlas of the Iberian Peninsula in Antiquity Co-director (with Dr. M. Navarro Caballero, Directeur de Recherche, CNRS – Institut Ausonius, Université de Bordeaux – Montaigne) [] Project launched: June 2016.