
Jonathan Edmondson

Photo of Jonathan Edmondson

Department of History
Department of Humanities

Distinguished Research Professor
Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada

Office: Vari Hall, 2178
Phone: 416-736-2100 Ext: 30417

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Accepting New Graduate Students

Professor Jonathan Edmondson’s research interests are in Roman History, especially in the society, economy and culture of Roman Spain from the late Iron Age to the late Roman Empire; Roman epigraphy, especially of the Roman Empire; gladiators in Roman society; the Roman family; and Greco-Roman historiography, especially Cassius Dio.


Professor Jonathan Edmondson teaches in History and Classical Studies. Professor Edmondson's research interests are in Roman History, in particular in the society, economy and culture of Roman Spain (especially Lusitania) from the late Iron Age to the late Roman Empire; Roman epigraphy, especially of the Roman Empire; gladiators in Roman society; the Roman family; and Greco-Roman historiography, especially Cassius Dio. He is currently working on cultural interaction and cultural change in the western Roman Empire (especially Lusitania) and on local society at Augusta Emerita (Mérida, Spain). He is currently working on the inscriptions of Emerita as part of an international team involved in producing a new edition of all inscriptions from this Roman colony for the second edition of Volume II of the Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum. He is also co-director of the ADOPIA project, a digital atlas of personal names from Roman Spain (

He was a visiting professor at the Centre Ausonius and Department of History, Université de Michel de Montaigne – Bordeaux III in February/March 1999 and elected a Corresponding Member of the Real Academia de la History (Royal Academy of History) of Spain in 2002 and a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society (London, U.K.) in June 2009. He won the international prize, "Genio Protector de la Colonia Augusta Emerita", awarded by Spain's Ministry of Culture and the Museo Nacional de Arte Romano, Mérida, in September 2011 and the Award of Merit of the Classical Association of Canada / Société Canadienne des Études Classiques in May 2014. He was a Visiting Professor at the Institut Ausonius (Université de Bordeaux-Montaigne) in Fall Term 2015 and held the prestigious Hyde Visiting Lecturership in Ancient History at the University of Pennsylvania in April 2016. He won the Dean’s Award for Distinction in Research, Creativity or Scholarship – Established Researcher, Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies, in 2016 and was granted the status of Distinguished Research Professor at York University's Spring Convocation in June 2017.


Ph.D. in Classics (Ancient History), Cambridge University: Christ’s College
M.A. in Classics, Cambridge University: Christ’s College
B.A. in Classics, Cambridge University: Christ’s College

Professional Leadership


2024-25, Past President, American Society of Greek and Latin Epigraphy 2022-23, President, American Society of Greek and Latin Epigraphy

2008-10 President, Classical Association of Canada/Société Canadienne des Etudes Classiques

2008-2017 Comité, Association Internationale d’Epigraphie Grecque et Latine (AIEGL)

2006-8 Vice-President, Classical Association of Canada/Société Canadienne des Etudes Classiques

2006-8 Past President, Ontario Classical Association

2004-6 President, Ontario Classical Association

2003-4 Vice-President, Ontario Classical Association

2003-5 Served three-year term on SSHRC Standard Research Grant Assessment Committee 1 (Classics, Archaeology, Medieval Studies, Religious Studies, Philosophy)

1998-2004 Member of Advisory Board, American Journal of Archaeology

1997-2002 Classical Association of Canada, Member of Executive Committee

1996-2003 Ontario Classical Association, Member of Executive

1992-1998 Archaeological Institute of America, Toronto Society: Executive Committee

1991-92 Archaeological Institute of America, Toronto Society: Vice-President

1986-87 Member of Council, Society for Promotion of Roman Studies, London, U.K. (elected for 1986-89, but resigned after move to Canada)


1. Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies
2. Cambridge Philological Society
3. Classical Association of Canada
4. American Philological Association
5. Association of Ancient Historians
6. Ontario Classical Association
7. Association Internationale d’Epigraphie grecque et latine (AIEGL)

Research Interests

History , Classics, Society, economy and culture of Roman Spain (especially Lusitania) from the late Iron Age to the late Roman Empire, Roman epigraphy, especially of the Roman Empire, Gladiators in Roman society, the Roman family, Roman History and Classical Studies