
Jelena Zikic

Photo of Jelena Zikic

School of Human Resource Management

Associate Professor
Graduate Program Director

Office: Atkinson Building, 150T
Phone: 416-736-2100 Ext: 22865

Dr. Jelena Zikic received her PhD from Joseph L. Rotman School of Management at University of Toronto and before that she studied at the London School of Economics where she earned her MSc in Social and Organizational Psychology. Her program or research and expertise centers on career transitions of diverse populations (e.g., unemployed, entrepreneurs, baby boomers, migrants). In this context her studies address professional identity transitions, cross-cultural mentoring relationships, career management and coping. Currently she is studying challenge and opportunism related to labour market integration of foreign professionals. Her research focuses on career management issues by combining the individual as well as organizational perspective. She has developed part of her career internationally and is currently involved in several cross-cultural projects. At present, Dr. Zikic is working on three major projects and all three are founded by SSHRC.

In her teaching she promotes critical thinking and reflection and focuses on teaching Career Management, Strategic Human Resource Management, and Organizational Communication. Her international background and experience allow her to relate to diverse and increasingly globally minded students at York University.

Dr. Zikic has presented at numerous national and international conferences and her work appeared in journals such as Academy of Management Discoveries, Journal of Organizational Behavior, Human Relations, Journal of Vocational Behavior, and Human Resource Management Journal among others. Most recently, her work has been featured in the Globe and Mail newspaper, in CBC radio interviews and the HR Reporter. She is the recipient of the Verity International prize for the best paper and the Literati Award from the Emerald publishing for the Highly Commented Paper.


Awards and Recognition

• Invited Guest Editor to Globe and Mail’s Leadership Lab for the month of May 2022
• Invited Contributor (chosen among hundreds of academics to provide one of 15 narratives) in a unique volume on academic careers: Becoming an organizational scholar: Navigating the academic odyssey, published in 2021.
Invited Keynote Speaker by the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology EAWOP: When you can't be who you are: Career transitions of migrants and refugees. Turin, Italy (2019).
All-Academy Best International Symposium Award at Academy of Management
Comparing careers across countries: New scholarship and directions. Academy of Management Conference, Boston, MA, United States (August 2019)
Best Symposium Award, Careers Division, AND Finalist for Best Symposium by the All-Academy International Theme Committee, Careers, and career success across national contexts. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, United States (August 2018)
Emerald Literati Award for Highly Commended Paper, Career Development International paper, co-authored with Koen et al. (2017)
Best Symposium Award by the Careers Division, Refugees in Europe: Careers and labor market integration; Zikic, J., Invited Discussant, Academy of Management Conference, Atlanta, GA, United States (August 2017)
• Human Relations Journal- Featured Article for June 2017, Zikic & Richardson (2016)
Nominated for the Research Award at Faculty of Liberal and Professional Studies (2015)
Best Paper, Skilled migrants’ career capital as a source of competitive advantage: Implications for strategic HRM. International Human Resource Management Journal, by the International Human Resource Management (IHRM) Division, Scholarly Research Award Competition (2015)
• Invited Keynote speaker by the Strategic Capability Network (SCN), Jobs without people and people without Jobs: Migrant professionals, baby boomers, and strategic organizational initiatives.Toronto, ON, Canada (October 2014)
Best Symposium Award by the Careers Division. Job search and unemployment: Integrating theories; Zikic, J., Invited Discussant. Academy of Management Conference, Montreal, QC, Canada (August 2010)
• Dean’s Award for Excellence in Research, May 2008
• Emerald Literati Award for Highly Commended Paper, 2008, for paper published in Career Development International, co-authored with Dr. Julia Richardson 2008
• Verity International Award for Overall Outstanding Paper in Management, 2008 (for paper published in the Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, co-authored with Dr. Julia Richardson) 2008
• Best Symposium Award by the Careers Division (entitled: Questions we ask about careers of the immigrant workforce) presented at the Academy of Management in August 2008
• Best International Paper Award by the Careers Division for the paper entitled "Cracking the fortune cookies: Influencing factors in career success across 11 countries", given at the Academy of Management meeting in August 2008
• Best Reviewer Award, Careers Division, The Academy of Management Conference, Seattle, 2003


PhD, University of Toronto
MSc, London School of Economics, UK
BSc, University of Toronto

Professional Leadership

Academy of Management (AOM) - (Organizational Behaviour, HRM, Careers Divisions) – current (since 2001)
European Group of Organizational Studies (EGOS) – current (since 2002)
Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP) – current (since 2004)
European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP) – current (since 2010)

Institutional/Academic Service to the Profession

• Academy of Management (elected positions): Global Committee Chair (OB division) 2012-2015; Representative at -Large (CAR)/Awards committee 2012-2016, Committee member/Best paper awards (HRM) 2022-2023; Mentor Careers Division 2019-ongoing
• European Group of Organizational Studies (EGOS)-past Convenor
• European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP) – current (since 2010); Invited Keynote Speaker 2019.


Special Issue Editor for: Human Relations, Journal of Organizational Behavior, and Journal of World Business

Journal/Conference Reviewer

Academy of Management Journal
Journal of Vocational Behavior
Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology
Human Resources Management Journal/Review
Human Relations
Career Development International
Reviewer for the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC), Impact Awards, Canada Research Chairs

Research Interests

, Expertise in Career Transitions of diverse populations (e.g., Immigrant/refugee Professionals, Expatriates, Entrepreneurs, Baby Boomers), Unemployment and coping processes (e.g., job search and career exploration/planning), Career Adaptability processes and Career theory building, Cross cultural studies, Methodology: Field research and combination of Quantitative and Qualitative research methods (mixed method)

Current Research Projects

Exploring employer and individual perspectives on alternative careers


    Future Skills Center (FSC) Grant- Ryerson University (principal applicant) – Exploring employer and individual perspectives on alternative careers (with Dr. Jing Wang) (2022-2023)

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Alternative careers of skilled migrants & SME diversity


    MITACS funding – Alternative careers of skilled migrants & SME diversity (co-applicants: PhD students Soodabeh Mansoor and Marlee Mercer) (2022-2023)

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Diversity and Inclusion: Case studies of skilled migrants in Hamilton/Halton Region in collaboration with United Way Hamilton


    MITACS funding – Diversity and Inclusion: Case studies of skilled migrants in Hamilton/Halton Region in collaboration with United Way Hamilton, (co-applicant Viktoriya Voloshyna, Phd student) (2018-2019)

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Skilled immigrant integration: The role of local employers and skilled immigrants in enabling successful integration


    SSHRC Insight Grant (sole principal applicant) – Skilled immigrant integration: The role of local employers and skilled immigrants in enabling successful integration, (2018-2022)

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Migration and resilience in Urban Canada: Discovering strengths and building capacity


    SSHRC Partnership Grant – Migration and resilience in Urban Canada: Discovering strengths and building capacity (one of ten academic partners) (2016-2021)

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Competitive Award to Lead and Organize Cross-cultural Symposium between Canada & Germany: Is Canada a model immigration nation?


    European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP) – Competitive Award to Lead and Organize Cross-cultural Symposium between Canada & Germany: Is Canada a model immigration nation? Bamberg, Germany (Dec. 15-16, 2016)

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Internationalization of the Curriculum and Blended Course proposal


    Academic Innovation Fund Recipient: Internationalization of the Curriculum and Blended Course proposal, (2016-2018)

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Career Success of Migrant Professionals


    SSHRC Partnership Grant (Migration and Resilience) (co-applicant) – Project chosen & awarded competitive GA-ship for 2017-2018 for Career Success of Migrant Professionals project.

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Cross-cultural mentoring relationships


    SSHRC Research Opportunity Grant (York U) – Cross-cultural mentoring relationships, (2016-2017)

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Organizing with the new demographic: The bidirectional influence of immigrant and bicultural employees on their organizations


    SSHRC (collaborator role) – Organizing with the new demographic: The bidirectional influence of immigrant and bicultural employees on their organizations, (2016-2019).

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Immigrant doctors in the Canadian labour force


    Minor Research Grant (York University) – Immigrant doctors in the Canadian labour force, (2015-2016)

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Mentoring relationships between immigrant and local professionals


    SSHRC (principal applicant) – Mentoring relationships between immigrant and local professionals (sole principal investigator) (2012-2015)

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Special Call in Business and Management, Immigrant Professionals: Organizational and Personal Employment Barriers


    SSHRC (principal applicant)– Special Call in Business and Management, Immigrant Professionals: Organizational and Personal Employment Barriers, (sole principal investigator) (2008-2011)

    See more
Re-invention of retirement: A study of Baby Boomers in two nations


    SSHRC – Special Call in Business and Management, Re-invention of retirement: A study of Baby Boomers in two nations, (co-applicant) (2008-2011)

    See more
Recruitment, (Re)training, and Retention of Immigrants in the Canadian Workforce


    SSHRC Knowledge Mobilization Grant – Recruitment, (Re)training, and Retention of Immigrants in the Canadian Workforce, (co-applicant, multiple contributor grant) (2008-2011)

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What can job seekers do to improve their job search clarity and job search self-efficacy?


    SSHRC Small Research Grant (York University) – What can job seekers do to improve their job search clarity and job search self-efficacy? (2006-2007)

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Book Chapters


Zikic, J. & Voloshyna, V. (In press). Skilled migrant resilience in the new city: The role of boundary objects in migrant careers. In V. Preston, J. Shields, & T. Bedard (Eds.). Resilience and integrating international migrants in cities in Canada.


Zikic, J. & Voloshyna, V. (2021). Mixed methods in careers research: Contradictory paradigms or desired approach? In Murphy, W., & Tosti-Kharas, J. (Eds.). Handbook of Research Methods in Careers (pp. 299-318). EE Publishing Limited.


Zikic, J. & Voloshyna, V. (2021). Skilled migrant careers: From identity struggle to organizational integration. In Bonache J., Brewster C., & Froese F. J. (Eds.). Global mobility and the management of expatriates. (pp. 204-224). Cambridge University Press.


Zikic, J. (2020). Career nomad: From career instinct to action, in T. Hernaus & M. Cerne (Eds.), Becoming an organizational scholar: Navigating the academic odyssey. Edward Elgar.


Buyken, M. B. W., Klehe, U.-C., Zikic, J., & van Vianen, A. E. M. (2015). Merits and challenges of career adaptability as a tool towards sustainable careers. In van der Heijden, B. & de Vos, A. (Eds). Handbook of research on sustainable careers. Elgar Publishing.


Zikic, J., Kent, D., & Richardson, J. (2014). International Job Search. In Klehe, U.C. & van Hooft, E.A.J. (Eds.). Handbook of job loss and job search. Oxford University Press.


Klehe, U.-C., Zikic, J., van Vianen, A. E. M. & Koen, J. (2013). Proactive coping with economic stress: The role of career adaptability. In P. Perrewe (Ed.) Research in occupational stress and well being. Bingley.


Zikic, J. & Bogicevic, B. (2011). Careers in Serbia. In Briscoe, J. P., Hall, D. T. & Mayrhofer, W. (Eds.) Careers around the world, Routledge.


Zikic, J. (2006) . Career Exploration. In J. H. Greenhaus & G. Callanan (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Career Development, 374 – 385. Sage.


Journal Articles


Usanova, K., Zikic, J., Vaiman, V. (in press). Being an “outsider in”: Skilled migrants’ career strategies in local organizations. Journal of Global Mobility.


Zikic J. & Voloshyna, V. (in press). Untangling space and career action: Migrant career recontextualization in the host city. Academy of Management Discoveries.


Zikic, J. (2022). Career sacrifice unpacked: From prosocial motivation to regret. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 874142.


Hajro, A., Caprar, D. V., Zikic, J., & Stahl, G. K. (2021). Global migrants: Understanding the implications for international business and management. Journal of World Business, 56(2), 101192.


Zikic, J. & Klehe, U. (2021). Going against the grain: The role of skilled migrants' self-regulation in finding quality employment. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 42(8), 1023-1041.


Andresen, M., Apospori, E., Gunz, H., Suzanne, P. A., Taniguchi, M., Lysova, E. I., . . . Zikic, J. (2019). Careers in context: An international study of career goals as mesostructure between societies’ career-related human potential and proactive career behavior. Human Resource Management Journal, 30(3), 365-391.


Wehrle, K., Klehe, U. C., Kira, M., & Zikic, J. (2018). Can I come as I am? Refugees' vocational identity threats, coping, and growth. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 105, 83-101.


Smale, A., Bagdadli, S., Cotton, R., Dello Russo, S., Dickmann, M., Dysvik, A., ... & Unite, J., & Zikic as part of the Cross‐Cultural Collaboration on Contemporary Careers (5C) research collaborative. (2018) Proactive career behaviors and subjective career success: The moderating role of national culture. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 40(1), 105-122.


Lee, D.M., Zikic, J., Sung-Chul, N., & Leisa, S. (2017) . Human Resource Approaches to Retirement: Gatekeeping, Improvising, Orchestrating, and Partnering. Human Resource Management, 56 (3), 455-477.


Zikic, J. & Richardson, J. (2016) . What happens when you can’t be who you are: Professional identity at the institutional periphery. Human Relations, vol. 69 (1), pp.139-168.


Koen, J., van Vianen, A.E.M., Klehe, U.C. & Zikic, J. (2016) . “A Whole New Future”: Identity Construction among Disadvantaged Young Adults. Career Development International, vol.21 (7), 1-25.


Y. Shen, B. Demel, J. Unite, J.P. Briscoe, D.T. Hall, K. Chudzikowski, W. Mayrhofer, R. Abdul-Ghani, B. Bogicevic Milikic, O. Colorado, Z. Fei, M. Las Heras, E. Ogliastri, A. Pazy, J.M.L. Poon, D. Shefer, M. Taniguchi, J. Zikic. (2015) Career success across 11 countries: implications for international human resource management. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 26-13, pages 1753-1778.


Ezzedeen, S. & Zikic, J. (2015) . Finding balance amidst boundarylessness: An interpretive study of entrepreneurial work-life balance and boundary management. Journal of Family Issues. Vol.36, (14), 1883-1894.


Zikic, J., & Ezzedeen, S. (2015) . Towards a more integrated view of entrepreneurial careers: Qualitative investigation of the three forms of career capital and their relationships among high tech entrepreneurs. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, vol. 21 (6) pp. 756-777.


Saks, A., Zikic, J., Koen, J. (2015) . A Reconceptualization of the Measurement of Job Search Self-Efficacy, Journal of Vocational Behavior, vol, 86, pp.104-114.


Zikic, J. (2015) . Skilled Migrants Career Capital as a Source of Competitive Advantage: Implications for Strategic HRM, The International Journal of Human Resource Management, vol. 26(10), 1360-1381.


Malik, A.R, Cooper-Thomas, H.D., & Zikic, J. (2014) . The neglected role of cultural intelligence in recent immigrant newcomers’ socialization. International Journal of Cross Cultural Management, 14 (2), 195-213.


Lee, M.D., Sargent, L.D., Martin, B., & Zikic, J. (2013) . Reinventing retirement: New pathways, new arrangements, new meanings. Human Relations, 66 (1), 3-21.


Novicevic, M.M., Zikic, J., Martin, J., Humpreys, J.H., & Foster, R. (2013) . Responsible executive leadership: A moral-identity analysis based on Barnard’s conceptualization. Journal of Management History, 19 (4), 474-491.


Ezzedeen, S., & Zikic, J. (2012) . Entrepreneurial experiences of women in Canadian high technology. International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship. 4 (1), 44-64.


Klehe, U.C., Van Vianen, A.E.M., & Zikic, J. (2012) . Coping with economic stress: Introduction to the Special Issue. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 33, 745-75.


Klehe, U.C., Zikic, J., VanVianen, A. E. M., & DePater, I. E. (2011) . Career adaptability, turnover, and loyalty during organizational downsizing. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 79, 217-229.


Turchick-Hakak, L., Holzinger, I., & Zikic, J. (2010) . Barriers and paths to success: Latin American MBAs’ views of employment in Canada. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 25, 159-176.


Zikic, J., Bonache, J., & Cerdin J-L. (2010) . Crossing national boundaries: A typology of qualified immigrants’ career orientations. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 31, 667-686.


Zikic, J. & Franklin, M. (2010) Enriching careers & lives: Introducing a positive, holistic, and narrative career counselling method that bridges theory and practice Journal of Employment Counseling, 74, 180-189.


Koen, J., Klehe, U.-C., Vianen, A. E. M. v., Zikic, J., & Nauta, A. (2010) . Job-search strategies and reemployment quality - the impact of career adaptability. Journal of Vocational Behavior,77, 126-139.


Koen, J., Klehe, U.-C., Zikic, J., & vanVianen, A. E., M. (2010) . Well prepared is half done: Career adaptability and job search strategy among unemployed. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 77, 126-139.


Fang, T., Zikic, J., & Novicevic, M. N. (2009) . Career Success of Immigrant Professionals: Stock and Flow of their Career Capital, International Journal of Manpower, 30 (5), 472-488.


Chudzikowski, K., Demel, B., Mayrhofer, W., Unite, J., Bogicevic, B., Briscoe, J., Hall, T, Las Heras, M., Yan, S., & Zikic. J. (2009) . Career Transitions in Europe: A country comparative analysis of causes and triggers in three occupational groups. Journal of Organizational and Occupational Psychology, 82, 825-849.


Zikic J., & Saks, A. (2009) . Job search and social cognitive theory: The role of career-relevant activities. Journal of Vocational Behavior 74, 117–127.


Zikic. J., & Hall, D.T. (2009) . Toward a more complex view of career exploration. Career Development Quarterly, 58, 181- 191, 2009


Zikic, J., Burke, R., & Fiksenbaum, L. (2008) . Gender differences in involuntary job loss and the reemployment experience: Less there than meets the eye. Gender in Management: An International Journal, 23 (4), 247-261.


Harvey, M., Novicevic, M. M., Zikic, J., & Ready, K. (2007) . How to manage multiple faculty identifications during change. Multicultural Education & Technology Journal, 1, (4), 259-270


Zikic, J. 2007. The darker side of an international academic career. Career Development International, 12(2), 164-186.


Zikic, J. 2007. Unlocking the careers of business professionals following job loss: Sensemaking and career exploration of older workers. Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, 24(1), 58-73.


Zikic, J. 2006. Job loss as a blessing in disguise: The role of career exploration and career planning in predicting reemployment quality. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 69(3), 391-401.


Zikic, J. 2006. Trait affect and job search outcomes. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 68, 233-252.


Zikic, J., Novicevic, M. N, Harvey, M., & Breland, J. (2006) . Repatriate career exploration: A path to career growth and success. Career Development International, 11, (7), 633-649.


Zikic, J., & Richardson, J. (2005) . Unlocking careers following job loss: The interplay between individual and outplacement influence on career exploration processes. Paper presented at European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS), Berlin, Germany.


Chuang, Y., Church, R., & Zikic, J. (2004) . Organizational culture, group diversity, and intra-group conflict. Team Performance Management, 10, (2)L 26-34.


Klehe, U.-C., Zikic, J., VanVianan, A. E. M., & DePater, I. E. (in press) . Career adaptability, turnover, and loyalty during organizational downsizing. In press at Journal of Vocational Behavior.

Zikic, J. & Franklin, M. (in press) Enriching careers & lives: Introducing a positive, holistic, and narrative career counselling method that bridges theory and practice Journal of Employment Counseling.

Briscoe, J.P., Kaše, R., Dries, N., Dysvik, A., Unite, J.A., Adeleye, I…..& Zikic, J. Here, there, & everywhere: Development and validation of a cross-culturally representative measure of subjective career success. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 130, 1-23.

Conference Papers


Zikic, J. Job Search and unemployment: Integrating Theories, Invited Discussant to the Symposium at the Academy of Management Conference, Montreal, August 2010.


Zikic, J. Positive organizational scholarship: Perspective from Canada. Paper to be presented at that Academy of Management Conference, Chicago, August 2009.


Zikic, J., Bonache, J., & Cerdin, J-L. (2008) . Boundary Translation’: Typology of Immigrant Career Adaptation & Boundarylessness. Evidence from Canada, France and Spain. Paper presented at the Academy of Management Conference, Anaheim, August 2008.


Fang, T., Zikic, J., & Novicevic, M. N. Career Success of Immigrant Professionals: Stock and Flow of their Career Capital. Paper presented at the Academy of Management Conference, Anaheim, August 2008


5C team including Zikic J. (multiple authors) . Career Transitions in Shifting Economic, Political and Social Contexts: The Case of Four Countries. Paper presented at the Academy of Management Conference, Anaheim, August 2008.


5C team including Zikic, J. (multiple authors) . Cracking the fortune cookies: Influencing factors in career success across 11 countries", Paper presented at the meeting of the European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) in Amsterdam July 2008.


Zikic, J. (2008) . How boundaryless are immigrant professionals? Evidence from Canada, Spain and France. Presented at the Expatriation Meeting organized by EIASM in October 2008 in Gran Canarias.


Zikic, J., (2008). Questions we ask about careers of the immigrant workforce. Symposium organized and presented at the Academy of Management Conference, Anaheim, August 2008.


Zikic, J. (as part of the 5C team) . (2007) Career Success Across Cultures: Dancing to the Beat of Their Own Drummers. Paper presented at the meeting of the European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS), Vienna, Austria.


Zikic, J., (2007). To feel successful in one’s career by doing good: Career success in Spain. Symposium presented at the Academy of Management Conference, Philadelphia, August 2007


Zikic, J. & Hall, D. T. (2007) . Toward a more complex view of career exploration: Triggers and barriers to dancing alone. Paper presented at the meeting of the European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS), Vienna, Austria.


Zikic, J. (2006) . Cross-Cultural study of Contemporary Careers (Spanish perspective) Symposium presented at International Congress of International Association of Cross Cultural Psychology, Spetses, Greece.


Zikic, J. (2006) . Here, There, and Everywhere? Conceptualizations of Career and Career Success in Different Cultures. Paper presented by the 5C team at European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS), Bergen, Norway.


Zikic, J. (2005) . Exploring for better jobs: Career activities and job search during job loss. Paper presented at the Academy of Management Conference, Honolulu, August 2005


Zikic, J., & Hall, D. T. (2004) . Career exploration as a lifelong process. Paper presented at European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS), Ljubljana, Slovenia.


Zikic, J., & Vora, D. (2003) . A continuity model of organizational identification in multinational corporations. Paper presented at European Academy of Management (EURAM )Annual Meeting, Milan, Italy.


Zikic, J. (2003) . Rediscovering career exploration as a life-long process. Paper presented and Symposium organizer at the Academy of Management Conference, Seattle, WA.


Zikic, J. (2002) . Applicant attraction: From signals to outcomes. Paper presented at Canadian Psychological Association (CPA), Vancouver, Canada.


Zikic, J. (2002) . From dual to multiple career orientations of technical professionals. Paper presented at European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS), Barcelona, Spain.


Chuang, Y., Church, R., & Zikic, J. (2001) . How does organizational culture matter? The role of organizational culture in group diversity processes and performance. Paper presented at Academy of Management Confernece, Washington, D.C, August, 2001


Zikic, J. (2001) . The image cycle: Bridging the gap between customers and employees. Paper presented at Conference on Corporate Identity, Reputation, & Competitiveness, Paris, France.


Zikic, J., & Ondrack, D. (2000) . Development of professional competencies for management consulting. Workshop on the Management Advice Industry, European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management, Brussels, Belgium.


Conference Proceedings


Zikic, J. (2001) . The image cycle: Bridging the gap between customers and employees. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Corporate Reputation, Identity, and Competitiveness. Paris, France: Reputation Institute.


Research Reports


Winn, C., & Zikic, J. Best Practices: Employers and IEPs Speak about Strategies for integrating International Educated Professionals into the Canadian Labour Force. Published by the Progress Career Planning Institute and sponsored by the Citizenship and Immigration Canada.

Current Courses

Term Course Number Section Title Type
Winter 2025 AP/HRM4430 3.0 M Career Management BLEN
Winter 2025 GS/HRM7120 3.0 M Seminar II: Micro-HRM Research SEMR
Winter 2025 GS/HRM6500 3.0 M Human Resources Management Effectiveness LECT

Dr. Jelena Zikic received her PhD from Joseph L. Rotman School of Management at University of Toronto and before that she studied at the London School of Economics where she earned her MSc in Social and Organizational Psychology. Her program or research and expertise centers on career transitions of diverse populations (e.g., unemployed, entrepreneurs, baby boomers, migrants). In this context her studies address professional identity transitions, cross-cultural mentoring relationships, career management and coping. Currently she is studying challenge and opportunism related to labour market integration of foreign professionals. Her research focuses on career management issues by combining the individual as well as organizational perspective. She has developed part of her career internationally and is currently involved in several cross-cultural projects. At present, Dr. Zikic is working on three major projects and all three are founded by SSHRC.

In her teaching she promotes critical thinking and reflection and focuses on teaching Career Management, Strategic Human Resource Management, and Organizational Communication. Her international background and experience allow her to relate to diverse and increasingly globally minded students at York University.

Dr. Zikic has presented at numerous national and international conferences and her work appeared in journals such as Academy of Management Discoveries, Journal of Organizational Behavior, Human Relations, Journal of Vocational Behavior, and Human Resource Management Journal among others. Most recently, her work has been featured in the Globe and Mail newspaper, in CBC radio interviews and the HR Reporter. She is the recipient of the Verity International prize for the best paper and the Literati Award from the Emerald publishing for the Highly Commented Paper.

Awards and Recognition

• Invited Guest Editor to Globe and Mail’s Leadership Lab for the month of May 2022
• Invited Contributor (chosen among hundreds of academics to provide one of 15 narratives) in a unique volume on academic careers: Becoming an organizational scholar: Navigating the academic odyssey, published in 2021.
Invited Keynote Speaker by the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology EAWOP: When you can't be who you are: Career transitions of migrants and refugees. Turin, Italy (2019).
All-Academy Best International Symposium Award at Academy of Management
Comparing careers across countries: New scholarship and directions. Academy of Management Conference, Boston, MA, United States (August 2019)
Best Symposium Award, Careers Division, AND Finalist for Best Symposium by the All-Academy International Theme Committee, Careers, and career success across national contexts. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, United States (August 2018)
Emerald Literati Award for Highly Commended Paper, Career Development International paper, co-authored with Koen et al. (2017)
Best Symposium Award by the Careers Division, Refugees in Europe: Careers and labor market integration; Zikic, J., Invited Discussant, Academy of Management Conference, Atlanta, GA, United States (August 2017)
• Human Relations Journal- Featured Article for June 2017, Zikic & Richardson (2016)
Nominated for the Research Award at Faculty of Liberal and Professional Studies (2015)
Best Paper, Skilled migrants’ career capital as a source of competitive advantage: Implications for strategic HRM. International Human Resource Management Journal, by the International Human Resource Management (IHRM) Division, Scholarly Research Award Competition (2015)
• Invited Keynote speaker by the Strategic Capability Network (SCN), Jobs without people and people without Jobs: Migrant professionals, baby boomers, and strategic organizational initiatives.Toronto, ON, Canada (October 2014)
Best Symposium Award by the Careers Division. Job search and unemployment: Integrating theories; Zikic, J., Invited Discussant. Academy of Management Conference, Montreal, QC, Canada (August 2010)
• Dean’s Award for Excellence in Research, May 2008
• Emerald Literati Award for Highly Commended Paper, 2008, for paper published in Career Development International, co-authored with Dr. Julia Richardson 2008
• Verity International Award for Overall Outstanding Paper in Management, 2008 (for paper published in the Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, co-authored with Dr. Julia Richardson) 2008
• Best Symposium Award by the Careers Division (entitled: Questions we ask about careers of the immigrant workforce) presented at the Academy of Management in August 2008
• Best International Paper Award by the Careers Division for the paper entitled "Cracking the fortune cookies: Influencing factors in career success across 11 countries", given at the Academy of Management meeting in August 2008
• Best Reviewer Award, Careers Division, The Academy of Management Conference, Seattle, 2003


PhD, University of Toronto
MSc, London School of Economics, UK
BSc, University of Toronto

Professional Leadership

Academy of Management (AOM) - (Organizational Behaviour, HRM, Careers Divisions) – current (since 2001)
European Group of Organizational Studies (EGOS) – current (since 2002)
Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP) – current (since 2004)
European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP) – current (since 2010)

Institutional/Academic Service to the Profession

• Academy of Management (elected positions): Global Committee Chair (OB division) 2012-2015; Representative at -Large (CAR)/Awards committee 2012-2016, Committee member/Best paper awards (HRM) 2022-2023; Mentor Careers Division 2019-ongoing
• European Group of Organizational Studies (EGOS)-past Convenor
• European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP) – current (since 2010); Invited Keynote Speaker 2019.


Special Issue Editor for: Human Relations, Journal of Organizational Behavior, and Journal of World Business

Journal/Conference Reviewer

Academy of Management Journal
Journal of Vocational Behavior
Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology
Human Resources Management Journal/Review
Human Relations
Career Development International
Reviewer for the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC), Impact Awards, Canada Research Chairs

Research Interests

, Expertise in Career Transitions of diverse populations (e.g., Immigrant/refugee Professionals, Expatriates, Entrepreneurs, Baby Boomers), Unemployment and coping processes (e.g., job search and career exploration/planning), Career Adaptability processes and Career theory building, Cross cultural studies, Methodology: Field research and combination of Quantitative and Qualitative research methods (mixed method)

Current Research Projects

Exploring employer and individual perspectives on alternative careers


    Future Skills Center (FSC) Grant- Ryerson University (principal applicant) – Exploring employer and individual perspectives on alternative careers (with Dr. Jing Wang) (2022-2023)

    Project Type: Funded
Alternative careers of skilled migrants & SME diversity


    MITACS funding – Alternative careers of skilled migrants & SME diversity (co-applicants: PhD students Soodabeh Mansoor and Marlee Mercer) (2022-2023)

    Project Type: Funded
Diversity and Inclusion: Case studies of skilled migrants in Hamilton/Halton Region in collaboration with United Way Hamilton


    MITACS funding – Diversity and Inclusion: Case studies of skilled migrants in Hamilton/Halton Region in collaboration with United Way Hamilton, (co-applicant Viktoriya Voloshyna, Phd student) (2018-2019)

    Project Type: Funded
Skilled immigrant integration: The role of local employers and skilled immigrants in enabling successful integration


    SSHRC Insight Grant (sole principal applicant) – Skilled immigrant integration: The role of local employers and skilled immigrants in enabling successful integration, (2018-2022)

    Project Type: Funded
Migration and resilience in Urban Canada: Discovering strengths and building capacity


    SSHRC Partnership Grant – Migration and resilience in Urban Canada: Discovering strengths and building capacity (one of ten academic partners) (2016-2021)

    Project Type: Funded
Competitive Award to Lead and Organize Cross-cultural Symposium between Canada & Germany: Is Canada a model immigration nation?


    European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP) – Competitive Award to Lead and Organize Cross-cultural Symposium between Canada & Germany: Is Canada a model immigration nation? Bamberg, Germany (Dec. 15-16, 2016)

    Project Type: Funded
Internationalization of the Curriculum and Blended Course proposal


    Academic Innovation Fund Recipient: Internationalization of the Curriculum and Blended Course proposal, (2016-2018)

    Project Type: Funded
Career Success of Migrant Professionals


    SSHRC Partnership Grant (Migration and Resilience) (co-applicant) – Project chosen & awarded competitive GA-ship for 2017-2018 for Career Success of Migrant Professionals project.

    Project Type: Funded
Cross-cultural mentoring relationships


    SSHRC Research Opportunity Grant (York U) – Cross-cultural mentoring relationships, (2016-2017)

    Project Type: Funded
Organizing with the new demographic: The bidirectional influence of immigrant and bicultural employees on their organizations


    SSHRC (collaborator role) – Organizing with the new demographic: The bidirectional influence of immigrant and bicultural employees on their organizations, (2016-2019).

    Project Type: Funded
Immigrant doctors in the Canadian labour force


    Minor Research Grant (York University) – Immigrant doctors in the Canadian labour force, (2015-2016)

    Project Type: Funded
Mentoring relationships between immigrant and local professionals


    SSHRC (principal applicant) – Mentoring relationships between immigrant and local professionals (sole principal investigator) (2012-2015)

    Project Type: Funded
Special Call in Business and Management, Immigrant Professionals: Organizational and Personal Employment Barriers


    SSHRC (principal applicant)– Special Call in Business and Management, Immigrant Professionals: Organizational and Personal Employment Barriers, (sole principal investigator) (2008-2011)

    Project Type: Funded
Re-invention of retirement: A study of Baby Boomers in two nations


    SSHRC – Special Call in Business and Management, Re-invention of retirement: A study of Baby Boomers in two nations, (co-applicant) (2008-2011)

    Project Type: Funded
Recruitment, (Re)training, and Retention of Immigrants in the Canadian Workforce


    SSHRC Knowledge Mobilization Grant – Recruitment, (Re)training, and Retention of Immigrants in the Canadian Workforce, (co-applicant, multiple contributor grant) (2008-2011)

    Project Type: Funded
What can job seekers do to improve their job search clarity and job search self-efficacy?


    SSHRC Small Research Grant (York University) – What can job seekers do to improve their job search clarity and job search self-efficacy? (2006-2007)

    Project Type: Funded

All Publications

Book Chapters


Zikic, J. & Voloshyna, V. (In press). Skilled migrant resilience in the new city: The role of boundary objects in migrant careers. In V. Preston, J. Shields, & T. Bedard (Eds.). Resilience and integrating international migrants in cities in Canada.


Zikic, J. & Voloshyna, V. (2021). Mixed methods in careers research: Contradictory paradigms or desired approach? In Murphy, W., & Tosti-Kharas, J. (Eds.). Handbook of Research Methods in Careers (pp. 299-318). EE Publishing Limited.


Zikic, J. & Voloshyna, V. (2021). Skilled migrant careers: From identity struggle to organizational integration. In Bonache J., Brewster C., & Froese F. J. (Eds.). Global mobility and the management of expatriates. (pp. 204-224). Cambridge University Press.


Zikic, J. (2020). Career nomad: From career instinct to action, in T. Hernaus & M. Cerne (Eds.), Becoming an organizational scholar: Navigating the academic odyssey. Edward Elgar.


Buyken, M. B. W., Klehe, U.-C., Zikic, J., & van Vianen, A. E. M. (2015). Merits and challenges of career adaptability as a tool towards sustainable careers. In van der Heijden, B. & de Vos, A. (Eds). Handbook of research on sustainable careers. Elgar Publishing.


Zikic, J., Kent, D., & Richardson, J. (2014). International Job Search. In Klehe, U.C. & van Hooft, E.A.J. (Eds.). Handbook of job loss and job search. Oxford University Press.


Klehe, U.-C., Zikic, J., van Vianen, A. E. M. & Koen, J. (2013). Proactive coping with economic stress: The role of career adaptability. In P. Perrewe (Ed.) Research in occupational stress and well being. Bingley.


Zikic, J. & Bogicevic, B. (2011). Careers in Serbia. In Briscoe, J. P., Hall, D. T. & Mayrhofer, W. (Eds.) Careers around the world, Routledge.


Zikic, J. (2006) . Career Exploration. In J. H. Greenhaus & G. Callanan (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Career Development, 374 – 385. Sage.


Journal Articles


Usanova, K., Zikic, J., Vaiman, V. (in press). Being an “outsider in”: Skilled migrants’ career strategies in local organizations. Journal of Global Mobility.


Zikic J. & Voloshyna, V. (in press). Untangling space and career action: Migrant career recontextualization in the host city. Academy of Management Discoveries.


Zikic, J. (2022). Career sacrifice unpacked: From prosocial motivation to regret. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 874142.


Hajro, A., Caprar, D. V., Zikic, J., & Stahl, G. K. (2021). Global migrants: Understanding the implications for international business and management. Journal of World Business, 56(2), 101192.


Zikic, J. & Klehe, U. (2021). Going against the grain: The role of skilled migrants' self-regulation in finding quality employment. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 42(8), 1023-1041.


Andresen, M., Apospori, E., Gunz, H., Suzanne, P. A., Taniguchi, M., Lysova, E. I., . . . Zikic, J. (2019). Careers in context: An international study of career goals as mesostructure between societies’ career-related human potential and proactive career behavior. Human Resource Management Journal, 30(3), 365-391.


Wehrle, K., Klehe, U. C., Kira, M., & Zikic, J. (2018). Can I come as I am? Refugees' vocational identity threats, coping, and growth. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 105, 83-101.


Smale, A., Bagdadli, S., Cotton, R., Dello Russo, S., Dickmann, M., Dysvik, A., ... & Unite, J., & Zikic as part of the Cross‐Cultural Collaboration on Contemporary Careers (5C) research collaborative. (2018) Proactive career behaviors and subjective career success: The moderating role of national culture. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 40(1), 105-122.


Lee, D.M., Zikic, J., Sung-Chul, N., & Leisa, S. (2017) . Human Resource Approaches to Retirement: Gatekeeping, Improvising, Orchestrating, and Partnering. Human Resource Management, 56 (3), 455-477.


Zikic, J. & Richardson, J. (2016) . What happens when you can’t be who you are: Professional identity at the institutional periphery. Human Relations, vol. 69 (1), pp.139-168.


Koen, J., van Vianen, A.E.M., Klehe, U.C. & Zikic, J. (2016) . “A Whole New Future”: Identity Construction among Disadvantaged Young Adults. Career Development International, vol.21 (7), 1-25.


Y. Shen, B. Demel, J. Unite, J.P. Briscoe, D.T. Hall, K. Chudzikowski, W. Mayrhofer, R. Abdul-Ghani, B. Bogicevic Milikic, O. Colorado, Z. Fei, M. Las Heras, E. Ogliastri, A. Pazy, J.M.L. Poon, D. Shefer, M. Taniguchi, J. Zikic. (2015) Career success across 11 countries: implications for international human resource management. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 26-13, pages 1753-1778.


Ezzedeen, S. & Zikic, J. (2015) . Finding balance amidst boundarylessness: An interpretive study of entrepreneurial work-life balance and boundary management. Journal of Family Issues. Vol.36, (14), 1883-1894.


Zikic, J., & Ezzedeen, S. (2015) . Towards a more integrated view of entrepreneurial careers: Qualitative investigation of the three forms of career capital and their relationships among high tech entrepreneurs. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, vol. 21 (6) pp. 756-777.


Saks, A., Zikic, J., Koen, J. (2015) . A Reconceptualization of the Measurement of Job Search Self-Efficacy, Journal of Vocational Behavior, vol, 86, pp.104-114.


Zikic, J. (2015) . Skilled Migrants Career Capital as a Source of Competitive Advantage: Implications for Strategic HRM, The International Journal of Human Resource Management, vol. 26(10), 1360-1381.


Malik, A.R, Cooper-Thomas, H.D., & Zikic, J. (2014) . The neglected role of cultural intelligence in recent immigrant newcomers’ socialization. International Journal of Cross Cultural Management, 14 (2), 195-213.


Lee, M.D., Sargent, L.D., Martin, B., & Zikic, J. (2013) . Reinventing retirement: New pathways, new arrangements, new meanings. Human Relations, 66 (1), 3-21.


Novicevic, M.M., Zikic, J., Martin, J., Humpreys, J.H., & Foster, R. (2013) . Responsible executive leadership: A moral-identity analysis based on Barnard’s conceptualization. Journal of Management History, 19 (4), 474-491.


Ezzedeen, S., & Zikic, J. (2012) . Entrepreneurial experiences of women in Canadian high technology. International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship. 4 (1), 44-64.


Klehe, U.C., Van Vianen, A.E.M., & Zikic, J. (2012) . Coping with economic stress: Introduction to the Special Issue. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 33, 745-75.


Klehe, U.C., Zikic, J., VanVianen, A. E. M., & DePater, I. E. (2011) . Career adaptability, turnover, and loyalty during organizational downsizing. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 79, 217-229.


Turchick-Hakak, L., Holzinger, I., & Zikic, J. (2010) . Barriers and paths to success: Latin American MBAs’ views of employment in Canada. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 25, 159-176.


Zikic, J., Bonache, J., & Cerdin J-L. (2010) . Crossing national boundaries: A typology of qualified immigrants’ career orientations. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 31, 667-686.


Zikic, J. & Franklin, M. (2010) Enriching careers & lives: Introducing a positive, holistic, and narrative career counselling method that bridges theory and practice Journal of Employment Counseling, 74, 180-189.


Koen, J., Klehe, U.-C., Vianen, A. E. M. v., Zikic, J., & Nauta, A. (2010) . Job-search strategies and reemployment quality - the impact of career adaptability. Journal of Vocational Behavior,77, 126-139.


Koen, J., Klehe, U.-C., Zikic, J., & vanVianen, A. E., M. (2010) . Well prepared is half done: Career adaptability and job search strategy among unemployed. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 77, 126-139.


Fang, T., Zikic, J., & Novicevic, M. N. (2009) . Career Success of Immigrant Professionals: Stock and Flow of their Career Capital, International Journal of Manpower, 30 (5), 472-488.


Chudzikowski, K., Demel, B., Mayrhofer, W., Unite, J., Bogicevic, B., Briscoe, J., Hall, T, Las Heras, M., Yan, S., & Zikic. J. (2009) . Career Transitions in Europe: A country comparative analysis of causes and triggers in three occupational groups. Journal of Organizational and Occupational Psychology, 82, 825-849.


Zikic J., & Saks, A. (2009) . Job search and social cognitive theory: The role of career-relevant activities. Journal of Vocational Behavior 74, 117–127.


Zikic. J., & Hall, D.T. (2009) . Toward a more complex view of career exploration. Career Development Quarterly, 58, 181- 191, 2009


Zikic, J., Burke, R., & Fiksenbaum, L. (2008) . Gender differences in involuntary job loss and the reemployment experience: Less there than meets the eye. Gender in Management: An International Journal, 23 (4), 247-261.


Harvey, M., Novicevic, M. M., Zikic, J., & Ready, K. (2007) . How to manage multiple faculty identifications during change. Multicultural Education & Technology Journal, 1, (4), 259-270


Zikic, J. 2007. The darker side of an international academic career. Career Development International, 12(2), 164-186.


Zikic, J. 2007. Unlocking the careers of business professionals following job loss: Sensemaking and career exploration of older workers. Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, 24(1), 58-73.


Zikic, J. 2006. Job loss as a blessing in disguise: The role of career exploration and career planning in predicting reemployment quality. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 69(3), 391-401.


Zikic, J. 2006. Trait affect and job search outcomes. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 68, 233-252.


Zikic, J., Novicevic, M. N, Harvey, M., & Breland, J. (2006) . Repatriate career exploration: A path to career growth and success. Career Development International, 11, (7), 633-649.


Zikic, J., & Richardson, J. (2005) . Unlocking careers following job loss: The interplay between individual and outplacement influence on career exploration processes. Paper presented at European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS), Berlin, Germany.


Chuang, Y., Church, R., & Zikic, J. (2004) . Organizational culture, group diversity, and intra-group conflict. Team Performance Management, 10, (2)L 26-34.


Klehe, U.-C., Zikic, J., VanVianan, A. E. M., & DePater, I. E. (in press) . Career adaptability, turnover, and loyalty during organizational downsizing. In press at Journal of Vocational Behavior.

Zikic, J. & Franklin, M. (in press) Enriching careers & lives: Introducing a positive, holistic, and narrative career counselling method that bridges theory and practice Journal of Employment Counseling.

Briscoe, J.P., Kaše, R., Dries, N., Dysvik, A., Unite, J.A., Adeleye, I…..& Zikic, J. Here, there, & everywhere: Development and validation of a cross-culturally representative measure of subjective career success. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 130, 1-23.

Conference Papers


Zikic, J. Job Search and unemployment: Integrating Theories, Invited Discussant to the Symposium at the Academy of Management Conference, Montreal, August 2010.


Zikic, J. Positive organizational scholarship: Perspective from Canada. Paper to be presented at that Academy of Management Conference, Chicago, August 2009.


Zikic, J., Bonache, J., & Cerdin, J-L. (2008) . Boundary Translation’: Typology of Immigrant Career Adaptation & Boundarylessness. Evidence from Canada, France and Spain. Paper presented at the Academy of Management Conference, Anaheim, August 2008.


Fang, T., Zikic, J., & Novicevic, M. N. Career Success of Immigrant Professionals: Stock and Flow of their Career Capital. Paper presented at the Academy of Management Conference, Anaheim, August 2008


5C team including Zikic J. (multiple authors) . Career Transitions in Shifting Economic, Political and Social Contexts: The Case of Four Countries. Paper presented at the Academy of Management Conference, Anaheim, August 2008.


5C team including Zikic, J. (multiple authors) . Cracking the fortune cookies: Influencing factors in career success across 11 countries", Paper presented at the meeting of the European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) in Amsterdam July 2008.


Zikic, J. (2008) . How boundaryless are immigrant professionals? Evidence from Canada, Spain and France. Presented at the Expatriation Meeting organized by EIASM in October 2008 in Gran Canarias.


Zikic, J., (2008). Questions we ask about careers of the immigrant workforce. Symposium organized and presented at the Academy of Management Conference, Anaheim, August 2008.


Zikic, J. (as part of the 5C team) . (2007) Career Success Across Cultures: Dancing to the Beat of Their Own Drummers. Paper presented at the meeting of the European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS), Vienna, Austria.


Zikic, J., (2007). To feel successful in one’s career by doing good: Career success in Spain. Symposium presented at the Academy of Management Conference, Philadelphia, August 2007


Zikic, J. & Hall, D. T. (2007) . Toward a more complex view of career exploration: Triggers and barriers to dancing alone. Paper presented at the meeting of the European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS), Vienna, Austria.


Zikic, J. (2006) . Cross-Cultural study of Contemporary Careers (Spanish perspective) Symposium presented at International Congress of International Association of Cross Cultural Psychology, Spetses, Greece.


Zikic, J. (2006) . Here, There, and Everywhere? Conceptualizations of Career and Career Success in Different Cultures. Paper presented by the 5C team at European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS), Bergen, Norway.


Zikic, J. (2005) . Exploring for better jobs: Career activities and job search during job loss. Paper presented at the Academy of Management Conference, Honolulu, August 2005


Zikic, J., & Hall, D. T. (2004) . Career exploration as a lifelong process. Paper presented at European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS), Ljubljana, Slovenia.


Zikic, J., & Vora, D. (2003) . A continuity model of organizational identification in multinational corporations. Paper presented at European Academy of Management (EURAM )Annual Meeting, Milan, Italy.


Zikic, J. (2003) . Rediscovering career exploration as a life-long process. Paper presented and Symposium organizer at the Academy of Management Conference, Seattle, WA.


Zikic, J. (2002) . Applicant attraction: From signals to outcomes. Paper presented at Canadian Psychological Association (CPA), Vancouver, Canada.


Zikic, J. (2002) . From dual to multiple career orientations of technical professionals. Paper presented at European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS), Barcelona, Spain.


Chuang, Y., Church, R., & Zikic, J. (2001) . How does organizational culture matter? The role of organizational culture in group diversity processes and performance. Paper presented at Academy of Management Confernece, Washington, D.C, August, 2001


Zikic, J. (2001) . The image cycle: Bridging the gap between customers and employees. Paper presented at Conference on Corporate Identity, Reputation, & Competitiveness, Paris, France.


Zikic, J., & Ondrack, D. (2000) . Development of professional competencies for management consulting. Workshop on the Management Advice Industry, European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management, Brussels, Belgium.


Conference Proceedings


Zikic, J. (2001) . The image cycle: Bridging the gap between customers and employees. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Corporate Reputation, Identity, and Competitiveness. Paris, France: Reputation Institute.


Research Reports


Winn, C., & Zikic, J. Best Practices: Employers and IEPs Speak about Strategies for integrating International Educated Professionals into the Canadian Labour Force. Published by the Progress Career Planning Institute and sponsored by the Citizenship and Immigration Canada.

Current Courses

Term Course Number Section Title Type
Winter 2025 AP/HRM4430 3.0 M Career Management BLEN
Winter 2025 GS/HRM7120 3.0 M Seminar II: Micro-HRM Research SEMR
Winter 2025 GS/HRM6500 3.0 M Human Resources Management Effectiveness LECT