
Jeannie Samuel

Photo of Jeannie Samuel

Department of Social Science

Assistant Professor
Coordinator, Health & Society (HESO) Program

Office: 708 Ross Building South
Phone: 416 736 2100 Ext: 33298

Jeannie Samuel is an interdisciplinary scholar with a Ph.D. in Public Health Sciences from the Dalla Lana School of Public Health, with expertise in health equity and human rights. She is appointed to the Health and Society program at York University and teaches in the areas of environmental health, health and humanitarianism and gender and health. She has a particular interest in community engaged and hands-on learning practices.

Before pursuing an academic track, Jeannie spent fifteen years working in Canada and the Global South on equity-related social and environmental issues. She held a permanent staff position within the United Nations system, with postings in Africa and Latin America. Jeannie has also worked extensively in Canada on a range of health equity related issues, including community?based health promotion with socially excluded groups in Toronto and youth engaged in environmental justice activism in British Columbia. She is an active Board member for the Ottawa-based international social justice NGO, Inter Pares.

Jeannie is currently pursuing a research agenda focusing on different types of human rights-based accountability mechanisms for addressing health inequities faced by marginalized people. She is also developing a second research stream focused on environmental health equity.


PhD, University of Toronto
MA, University of Toronto
BA, McGill University

Professional Leadership

  • Peer Reviewer  -  Health and Human Rights
  • Peer Reviewer - Global Health Action Journal
  • Member - Canadian Coalition for Global Health Research. (2016-2017 Faculty Mentor for CCGHR Student Chapter, Western University) .
  • Current Research Projects

    Partners for realizing rights? Exploring pathways to cooperation between National Human Rights Institutions and citizen-led accountability networks in Guatemala.


      2020-2021. Funded by SSHRC Partnership Engage Grant.

      See more
      Role: Principal Investigator

    Challenging inequalities in Peru: Learning from human rights-based approaches to health over time.


      Funded by SSHRC Insight Development Grant.

      See more
      Role: Principal Investigator

    Book Chapters


    Samuel, J.(2016). “Citizen Monitoring: Promoting Health Rights Among Socially Excluded Women in Andean Peru.” In Handbook on Gender and Health, edited by Jasmine Gideon. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Press, 2016


    Book Reviews


    Samuel, J. (2016) . “A history of family planning in Peru in the 20th century” [Review of the book A history of family planning in Peru in the 20th century, by R. Necochea López]. Journal of Medical History and Allied Sciences, doi:10.1093/jhmas/jrw035


    Samuel J. Medicine and Public Health at the End of Empire [Review of the book Medicine and public health at the end of empire, by Howard Waitzkin] Journal of Public Health Policy. 33 (2012), pp. 273-78.


    Journal Articles


    Samuel, J., Flores, W., & Frisancho, A. (Forthcoming, 2020). Social exclusion and struggles for Universal Health Care: Health care rights and accountability movements in Guatemala and Peru. International Journal for Equity and Health.


    Flores, W., & Samuel, J. (2019). Grassroots organisations and the sustainable development goals: No one left behind? British Medical Journal (BMJ), 365, l2269.


    Forman, L., Abdillahi, I., & Samuel, J. (2017). What can international human rights law offer to reduce the ‘incoherence' between right to health and trade duties when it comes to access to medicines? Considerations for the UN High-Level Panel on Access to Medicines. Intellectual Property Forum, (110), 47–55 (reprint from Laws).


    Forman, L, Abdillahi, I., & Samuel, J. (2016) . What Can International Human Rights Law offer to Reduce the ‘Incoherence' Between Right to Health and Trade Duties When It Comes to Access to Medicines? Considerations for the UN High-Level Panel on Access to Medicines. Laws 5(43). doi:10.3390/laws5040043


    Samuel, J. The role of civil society in strengthening intercultural maternal health care in local health facilities: Puno, Peru. Global Health Action 9(33355).


    Samuel J, & Frisancho, A. “Rights-Based Citizen Monitoring in Peru: Evidence from the Field.” Health and Human Rights 2/17 (2015), pp. 7-18.


    Research Reports


    Rights-Based Citizen Monitoring in Peru: Evidence of Impact from the Field. COPASAH Communiqué. 2017. [Electronic bulletin for a global community of practitioners and scholars on accountability and social action in health] . (co-authored with A. Frisancho)


    Caring for Us – HIV/AIDS Awareness Training Program – UN WFP Country Office. United Nations WFP Eritrea Project Report, Asmara, Eritrea, 2004.


    Food Assistance and Nutritional Support to People Living with HIV/AIDS in Eritrea. UN WFP Eritrea Mid-Term Project Evaluation Report, Asmara, Eritrea, 2003.


    Manual for Training Community-Based Peer Outreach Workers. Sistering Outreach Program, Toronto, Canada, 1997.




    “Moving toward Universal Health Coverage: the critical role of citizen-led accountability.” Civil Society Policy Forum: World Bank/International Monetary Fund Spring Annual Meeting, Washington DC, USA, In collaboration with A. Frisancho, ForoSalud, Peru; W. Flores, Center for the Study of Equity and Governance in Health Systems, Guatemala; and K. Malouf-Bous, Oxfam International. April, 2017.


    “Rights-Based Governance of Reproductive Health Service Delivery in Puno, Peru.” Presentation for the Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Women's Health and Human Rights seminar. Comparative Program on Health and Society, Munk School of Global Affairs, Toronto, Canada, March 2015.


    “Promoting Equity in Maternal Health through Citizen Monitoring of Reproductive Health Services in Andean Peru.” 13th World Congress on Public Health: Towards Global Health Equity: Opportunities and Threats, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, April 2012.


    “Rural Indigenous Women’s Monitoring of Reproductive Health Services in Peru.” Women’s Worlds Congress, Ottawa, Canada, July 2011.


    “Vigilant Citizens: Reproductive Health Service Delivery in the Peruvian Andes” (selected to participate through an international essay competition) The 13th Berlin Roundtables on Transnationality: Health Politics in an Interconnected World. Coninx Foundation/Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany, December 2010.


    “Participation in Reproductive Health Service Delivery in Peru” Presentation at University of Toronto’s Global Health Graduate Students’ Alliance Research Day. Toronto, Canada, 2009.


    “Gender Mainstreaming in WFP Peru Country Program” Presented at UN WFP Regional Gender Workshop, Havana, Cuba, 2000.


    “Making Cents: Women and Community Economic Development” Canadian Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences. St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada, 1997.


    “Action Learning: Women and Community Economic Development” American Sociology Association Annual Conference. Toronto, Canada, 1997.




    Forman, L, Abdillahi, I., & Samuel, J. What Can International Human Rights Law offer to Reduce the ‘Incoherence' Between Right to Health and Trade Duties When It Comes to Access to Medicines? Considerations for the UN High-Level Panel on Access to Medicines. Intellectual Property Forum, (reprint from Laws).


    Current Courses

    Term Course Number Section Title Type
    Fall/Winter 2024 AP/SOSC4144 6.0 A Engaging Health in the Community SEMR

    Jeannie Samuel is an interdisciplinary scholar with a Ph.D. in Public Health Sciences from the Dalla Lana School of Public Health, with expertise in health equity and human rights. She is appointed to the Health and Society program at York University and teaches in the areas of environmental health, health and humanitarianism and gender and health. She has a particular interest in community engaged and hands-on learning practices.

    Before pursuing an academic track, Jeannie spent fifteen years working in Canada and the Global South on equity-related social and environmental issues. She held a permanent staff position within the United Nations system, with postings in Africa and Latin America. Jeannie has also worked extensively in Canada on a range of health equity related issues, including community?based health promotion with socially excluded groups in Toronto and youth engaged in environmental justice activism in British Columbia. She is an active Board member for the Ottawa-based international social justice NGO, Inter Pares.

    Jeannie is currently pursuing a research agenda focusing on different types of human rights-based accountability mechanisms for addressing health inequities faced by marginalized people. She is also developing a second research stream focused on environmental health equity.


    PhD, University of Toronto
    MA, University of Toronto
    BA, McGill University

    Professional Leadership

  • Peer Reviewer  -  Health and Human Rights
  • Peer Reviewer - Global Health Action Journal
  • Member - Canadian Coalition for Global Health Research. (2016-2017 Faculty Mentor for CCGHR Student Chapter, Western University) .
  • Current Research Projects

    Partners for realizing rights? Exploring pathways to cooperation between National Human Rights Institutions and citizen-led accountability networks in Guatemala.


      2020-2021. Funded by SSHRC Partnership Engage Grant.

      Project Type: Funded
      Role: Principal Investigator

    Challenging inequalities in Peru: Learning from human rights-based approaches to health over time.


      Funded by SSHRC Insight Development Grant.

      Project Type: Funded
      Role: Principal Investigator

    All Publications

    Book Chapters


    Samuel, J.(2016). “Citizen Monitoring: Promoting Health Rights Among Socially Excluded Women in Andean Peru.” In Handbook on Gender and Health, edited by Jasmine Gideon. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Press, 2016


    Book Reviews


    Samuel, J. (2016) . “A history of family planning in Peru in the 20th century” [Review of the book A history of family planning in Peru in the 20th century, by R. Necochea López]. Journal of Medical History and Allied Sciences, doi:10.1093/jhmas/jrw035


    Samuel J. Medicine and Public Health at the End of Empire [Review of the book Medicine and public health at the end of empire, by Howard Waitzkin] Journal of Public Health Policy. 33 (2012), pp. 273-78.


    Journal Articles


    Samuel, J., Flores, W., & Frisancho, A. (Forthcoming, 2020). Social exclusion and struggles for Universal Health Care: Health care rights and accountability movements in Guatemala and Peru. International Journal for Equity and Health.


    Flores, W., & Samuel, J. (2019). Grassroots organisations and the sustainable development goals: No one left behind? British Medical Journal (BMJ), 365, l2269.


    Forman, L., Abdillahi, I., & Samuel, J. (2017). What can international human rights law offer to reduce the ‘incoherence' between right to health and trade duties when it comes to access to medicines? Considerations for the UN High-Level Panel on Access to Medicines. Intellectual Property Forum, (110), 47–55 (reprint from Laws).


    Forman, L, Abdillahi, I., & Samuel, J. (2016) . What Can International Human Rights Law offer to Reduce the ‘Incoherence' Between Right to Health and Trade Duties When It Comes to Access to Medicines? Considerations for the UN High-Level Panel on Access to Medicines. Laws 5(43). doi:10.3390/laws5040043


    Samuel, J. The role of civil society in strengthening intercultural maternal health care in local health facilities: Puno, Peru. Global Health Action 9(33355).


    Samuel J, & Frisancho, A. “Rights-Based Citizen Monitoring in Peru: Evidence from the Field.” Health and Human Rights 2/17 (2015), pp. 7-18.


    Research Reports


    Rights-Based Citizen Monitoring in Peru: Evidence of Impact from the Field. COPASAH Communiqué. 2017. [Electronic bulletin for a global community of practitioners and scholars on accountability and social action in health] . (co-authored with A. Frisancho)


    Caring for Us – HIV/AIDS Awareness Training Program – UN WFP Country Office. United Nations WFP Eritrea Project Report, Asmara, Eritrea, 2004.


    Food Assistance and Nutritional Support to People Living with HIV/AIDS in Eritrea. UN WFP Eritrea Mid-Term Project Evaluation Report, Asmara, Eritrea, 2003.


    Manual for Training Community-Based Peer Outreach Workers. Sistering Outreach Program, Toronto, Canada, 1997.




    “Moving toward Universal Health Coverage: the critical role of citizen-led accountability.” Civil Society Policy Forum: World Bank/International Monetary Fund Spring Annual Meeting, Washington DC, USA, In collaboration with A. Frisancho, ForoSalud, Peru; W. Flores, Center for the Study of Equity and Governance in Health Systems, Guatemala; and K. Malouf-Bous, Oxfam International. April, 2017.


    “Rights-Based Governance of Reproductive Health Service Delivery in Puno, Peru.” Presentation for the Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Women's Health and Human Rights seminar. Comparative Program on Health and Society, Munk School of Global Affairs, Toronto, Canada, March 2015.


    “Promoting Equity in Maternal Health through Citizen Monitoring of Reproductive Health Services in Andean Peru.” 13th World Congress on Public Health: Towards Global Health Equity: Opportunities and Threats, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, April 2012.


    “Rural Indigenous Women’s Monitoring of Reproductive Health Services in Peru.” Women’s Worlds Congress, Ottawa, Canada, July 2011.


    “Vigilant Citizens: Reproductive Health Service Delivery in the Peruvian Andes” (selected to participate through an international essay competition) The 13th Berlin Roundtables on Transnationality: Health Politics in an Interconnected World. Coninx Foundation/Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany, December 2010.


    “Participation in Reproductive Health Service Delivery in Peru” Presentation at University of Toronto’s Global Health Graduate Students’ Alliance Research Day. Toronto, Canada, 2009.


    “Gender Mainstreaming in WFP Peru Country Program” Presented at UN WFP Regional Gender Workshop, Havana, Cuba, 2000.


    “Making Cents: Women and Community Economic Development” Canadian Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences. St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada, 1997.


    “Action Learning: Women and Community Economic Development” American Sociology Association Annual Conference. Toronto, Canada, 1997.




    Forman, L, Abdillahi, I., & Samuel, J. What Can International Human Rights Law offer to Reduce the ‘Incoherence' Between Right to Health and Trade Duties When It Comes to Access to Medicines? Considerations for the UN High-Level Panel on Access to Medicines. Intellectual Property Forum, (reprint from Laws).


    Current Courses

    Term Course Number Section Title Type
    Fall/Winter 2024 AP/SOSC4144 6.0 A Engaging Health in the Community SEMR