
Judith Adler Hellman

Department of Politics

Professor Emerita

Office: Founders College, 133
Phone: (416)736-2100 Ext: 44087
Email: jhellman@yorku.ca
Primary website: http://www.arts.yorku.ca/sosc/jhellman/index


PhD, University of London
MA, London School of Economics
BA, Cornell University


Changing Lives and Changing Times in the Caribbean and Latin America: Ten Oral Histories, Editor. (Toronto: Centre for Research on Latin America and the Caribbean, York University, 2013) , pp. i-ix, 1-218, view online publication (pdf)


*The World of Mexican Migrants: The Rock and the Hard Place, (New York: The New Press, 2008), pp. i-xxiv, 1-256.


Mexican Lives, 2nd edit., (New York: The New Press, 1999), 263 pp.


Mexican Lives, (New York: The New Press, 1994), 242 pp.


Mexico in Crisis, Second edition reprinted with a new "Afterword" 1988, pp. 253-272.


Journeys Among Women: Feminism in Five Italian Cities (New York: Oxford University Press and Cambridge: Polity Press, 1987), 275 pp.


Mexico in Crisis, (New York: Holmes & Meier) Second Edition, (revised, updated and expanded) 1983, 345 pp.


Mexico in Crisis, (New York: Holmes & Meier; and London: Heinemann Educational Books, 1978), 229 pp.


Book Chapters


"Invasion and Resistance in the Dominican Republic: A Life in Santo Domingo and Upper Manhattan,” in Judith Adler Hellman, ed., Changing Times and Changing Lives in the Caribbean and Latin America: Ten Oral Histories, (Toronto: Centre for Research on Latin America and the Caribbean, 2013), pp. 113-143. ",Changing Times and Changing Lives in the Caribbean and Latin America: Ten Oral Histories


"Mexican Popular Movements, Clientelism, and the Process of Democratization," Richard Stahler-Sholk et al., eds., Latin American Social Movements in the Twenty-First Century: Resistance, Power, and Democracy, (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2008 forthcoming). Revised and updated version of Latin American Perspectives article published in 1994)


"The Riddle of New Social Movements,” in Richard Harris, and Jorge Nef, eds., Capital, Inequality and Power in Latin America, (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2008), Revised and updated version of the 1995 article in Halebsky and Harris.


“The World of a Mexican Migrant,” in Amira De La Garza and Dirk Hoerder, eds. Re-Imagining North America, (Phoenix: Arizona State University, 2008)


* “Give or Take Ten Million: International Migration of Mexicans” in Eric Hershberg and Fred Rosen, eds. Turning the Tide? : Latin America After Neoliberalism, (New York: The New Press, 2006), pp 213-231.


"Virtual Chiapas: A Response to Justin Paulson," Socialist Register, 2001, November 2000.


"Real and Virtual Chiapas: Magic Realism and the Left," in Leo Panitch and Colin Leys, eds., Socialist Register, 2000, (London: Merlin Press, 1999), pp. 156-180.


"Italian Women's Struggle Against Violence: 1976-1996," in Mark Donovan, ed., Italy, Volume II, The International Library of Politics and Comparative Government, (Aldershot: The Dartmouth Publishing Company, 1998), pp. 403-414.


"The Riddle of New Social Movements: Who They Are and What They Do," in Sandor Halebsky and Richard Harris, eds., Capital, Inequality and Power in Latin America, (Boulder and London: Westview, 1995) pp 152-162.


"The Social Policy Consequences for Mexicans of the North American Free Trade Agreement," in H. Michael Stevenson, ed., The Entry into New Economic Communities: Swedish and Canadian Perspectives on the European Economic Community and North American Free Trade Accord, proceedings of the Swedish-Canadian Academic Foundation Annual Conference, 1994, pp. 51-60.


"Mexican Perspectives on Free Trade," in Maxwell Cameron and Ricardo Grinspun, eds., Critical Perspectives on North American Integration, (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1993), pp. 193-206.


"Latin American Social Movements and the Question of Autonomy," in Arturo Escobar and Sonia Alvarez, eds. New Social Movements in Latin America: Identity, Strategy and Democracy, (Boulder and San Francisco: Westview Press, 1992), pp. 52-61.


"Messico: La stanchezza della rivoluzione," in Giuliano Urbani and Francesco Ricciu, eds., Dalle Armi alle Urne: Economia, Societa e Politica nell'America Latina degli Anni Novanta, (Bologna: Il Mulino, 1991), pp. 177-209. (Anthologized, expanded version of Relazioni Internazionali article listed below)


"The Originality of Italian Feminism," in Ada Testaferri, ed., Donna: Women in Italian Culture, (Ottawa: Dovehouse Editions, 1989) pp. 15-23.


"Women's Struggle in a Workers' City: Feminist Movements in Turin," in M.F. Katzenstein and C. Mueller, eds., Changing Paradigms: New Theoretical Perspectives from the Women's Movements of Western Europe and the United States. (Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1987) , pp. 111-131.


"Eyewitness Report, September 24, 1968," in Mexico 1968: A Study of Domination and Repression, (New York: North American Congress on Latin America, 1968), pp. 10-15.


"Social Control and the Mexican Political System," in D. Raat and W. Beezley, eds., Contemporary Mexico, (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1986), pp. 243-256.


"Mexican-Central American Relations," in Jack W. Hopkins, ed., Latin America and Caribbean Contemporary Record, (New York: Holmes & Meier, 1984). (with C. Whitaker), pp. 116-122.


"Mexico in the Age of Petropesos," in L. Folgarait, ed., Images of Displacement: Mexican Art in the 1970s (Nashville: Vanderbilt University, 1984), p. 5-15.


"El cultivo del algodon y la reforma agraria en el norte de Mexico," in Tomas Martinez, Judith Adler Hellman, and Ricardo Estrada, La Comarca Lagunera, Parte III , Cuadernos de la Casa Chata, no. 19, (Mexico, D.F.: CISINAH, 1979).


Book Reviews


Jonathan Fox, Accountability Politics: Power and Voice in Rural Mexico, (Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2007), reviewed for The Journal of Agrarian Change, 2009.


Jose Luis Falconi and Jose Antonio Mazzotti, eds. The Other Latinos: Central and South Americans in the United States, (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2007), reviewed for The Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies, 2009.


George Grayson, Mexican Messiah: Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, (State College, PA: Penn State Press, 2007) reviewed for the Journal of Latin American Studies, 2008.


Sam Quinones, Antonio’s Gun and Delfino’s Dream: True Tales of Mexican Migration, (Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 2007, reviewed for the Journal of Latin American Studies, 2008


Robert Courtney Smith, Mexican New York: Transnational Lives of New Immigrants, (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2006), reviewed for The Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies, 2007 .


Julia Preston and Samuel Dillon, Opening Mexico: The Making of a Democracy, (New York: Farrar, Straus, and Giroux, 2004), reviewed for The Americas: A Quarterly Review of Inter-American Cultural History, 2006.


Luis Rubio and Susan Kaufman Purcell, Mexico Under Fox, (Boulder: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2004), review for The Americas: A Quarterly Review of Inter-American Cultural History, 2006.


Rubén Gallo, ed. The Mexico City Reader, (Madison: The University of Wisconsin Press, 2004), in Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos, 2006.


Daniel C. Levy and Kathleen Bruhn, with Emilio Zebadúa, Mexico: The Struggle for Democratic Development. (Berkeley, Los Angeles, London: University of California Press, 2001) . In Bulletin of Latin American Research, Vol. 23, No. 1, January 2004, pp. 127-129.


Jennifer S. Hirsh, A Courtship after Marriage: Sexuality and Love in Mexican Transnational Families. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 2003. In The Journal of International Migration and Integration, 2004.


Victoria E. Rodríquez. Women in Contemporary Mexican Politics. Austin: University of Texas Press, 2003. In Perspectives on Politics, 2003.


Heather W. Williams, Social Movements and Economic Transition: Markets and Distributive Conflict in Mexico. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 2001), in the American Political Science Review, 2002.


Roberto Castro, La vida en la adversidad: el significado de la salud y la reproducción en la pobreza, (Centro Regional de Investigaciones Multidisiplinarias, UNAM, Cuernavaca, Morelos, 2000. 541 pp) in Social Science and Medicine, 2002.


Catherine Moses, Real Life in Castro's Cuba, (Wilmington, Delaware: Scholarly Resources, Inc., 2000), in The Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies, 2000


Valentina Napolitano and Zochitl Leyva Solano, eds., Encuentro Antropologicos: Power, Identity and Mobility in Mexican Society, (London: Institute of Latin American Studies, 1998) in Journal of Latin America Studies,, 2000.


Diane E. Davis, Urban Leviathan: Mexico City in the Twentieth Century, (Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1994), in Hispanic American Historical Review, 1998.


Elizabeth Dore, ed., Gender Politics in Latin America: Debates in Theory and Practice, (New York: Monthly Review Press, 1997) in Journal of Latin America Studies, May 1998, pp. 421-423.


Kathleen Bruhn, Taking on Goliath; The Emergence of a New Left Party and the Struggle for Democracy in Mexico, (University Park: Penn State Press, 1997), in The Americas, 1998.


Kathryn Kopinak, Desert Capitalism: Maquiladoras in North America's Western Industrial Corridor, (Tucson: The University of Arizona Press, 1996), in Labour/Le travail, forthcoming 1998.


Eldon Kenworthy, America/Americas: Myth in the Making of U.S. Policy Toward Latin America, (Pennsylvania State University Press, 1995), in NACLA Report on the Americas, Vol. 30, no. 1, July/August 1996, p. 48.


Peter Singelmann, ed., Mexican Sugarcane Growers: Economic Restructuring and Political Options, (San Diego: Center for U.S.-Mexican Studies, 1995), World Sugar History Newsletter, No. 22, June 1996, pp. 3-5.


Susan Tiano, Patriarchy on the Line: Labor, Gender, and Ideology in the Mexican Maquila Industry, (Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1995), Contemporary Sociology, Vol. 25, no. 2, March 1996, pp. 185-6.


John Cavanagh et al, eds. Trading Freedom: How Free Trade Affects our Lives, Work, and Environment, (Toronto: Between the Lines Press, 1992), labour/le travail, (33), Spring 1994. , pp. 326-7.


Riordan Roett, ed. Political and Economic Liberalization in Mexico: At a Critical Juncture? Boulder, Colorado: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 1993. in Inter-American Review of Bibliography, Vol XLIV, No. 2, 1994, pp. 363-4.


Sarah A. Radcliffe and Sallie Westwood, eds., Viva: Women and Popular Protest in Latin America, (London and New York: Routledge, 1993), Journal of Latin American Studies, 1994.


Paola Bono and Sandra Kemp, eds., Italian Feminist Thought: A Reader, (Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1991) Italian Politics and Society, No. 36, September 1992, pp. 48-9.


Stephen D. Morris, Corruption and Politics in Contemporary Mexico, (Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, 1991) Journal of Politics, Fall 1992, pp. 1112-15.


David Barkin, Distorted Development: Mexico in the World Economy, (San Francisco: Westview Press, 1990), Journal of Latin American Studies, 23, III, 1991, pp. 654-5.


Jane S. Jaquette, ed., The Women's Movement in Latin America: Feminism and the Transition to Democracy, (Boston: Unwin Hyman, 1989), Journal of Latin American Studies, Vol. 22, Part 2, May 1990, pp. 409-12.


Jean Franco, Plotting Women: Gender and Representation in Mexico, (New York: Columbia University Press, 1988), Journal of Latin American Studies, Vol. 22, Part 2, May 1990, pp. 412-14.


Roberto Newell G. and Luis Rubio F. Mexico's Dilemma: The Political Origins of Economic Crisis, (Boulder: Westview, 1984). Canadian Journal of Political Science, Vol. 19, No. 3, September 1986.


Peter Singelmann, Structures of Domination and Peasant Movements in Latin America, (Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 1981) Queen's Quarterly, Vol 91, no. 3, autumn 1984, pp. 710-713.


Daniel Levy and Gabriel Szekely, Mexico: Paradoxes of Stability and Change (Boulder: Westview, 1982), Canadian Journal of Political Science, Vol. xvi, no. 4, Dec. 1983, pp. 857-861.


Eugenia Scarzanella, Italiani d'Argentina: Storie di contadini, industriali e missionari italiani in Argentina, 1850-1912 (Venezia: Marsilio Editori, 1983), Journal of Latin American Studies, Vol. no. pp. 458-461.


Martin Needler, Mexican Politics: The Containment of Conflict, (New York: Praeger, 1982), Canadian Journal of Political Science, Vol. xvi, no. 4, Dec. 1983, pp. 857-861.


Nora Hamilton, The Limits of State Autonomy: Post-Revolutionary Mexico, (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1982), Canadian Journal of Political Science, Vol. xvi, no. 4, Dec. 1983, pp. 857-861.


Joan M. Nelson, Access to Power: Politics and the Urban Poor in Developing Countries, (Princeton University Press, 1979) Canadian Journal of Political Science, Vol XIII, no 2, June 1980, pp. 425-426.


Manuel L. Carlos, Politics and Development in Rural Mexico: A Study of Socio-Economic Modernization (New York: Praeger, 1974), American Political Science Review, Vol 71 , no. 2, 1977, pp. 758-760.




The Riddle of Distance Education: Promise, Problems, and Application for Development, (Geneva: UNRISD, 2003), pp. i-viii, 1-27.


Journal Articles


“The Migration Debate,” The North American Center Transborder Studies Quarterly, 2008


* “A Bill Only Bush Could Love,” NACLA Report on the Americas, Vol 40, No 5, September/October 2007, p. 3.


"The Impact of September 11 th on Latin America," Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies, Vol 26, Issue # 52, February 2002, pp. 1-10.


"The Transition to Democracy in Mexico," Horizons, 2002.


"Haiti Elections: Electoral Charade," NACLA Report on the Americas, Vol. xxxiv, No. 4, January/February 2001, pp. 1-2.


"Opting for Fox: Why and How Mexicans Went for the PAN," NACLA Report on the Americas, Vol XXXIV, No. 2, September/October 2000, pp. 6-10.


"Chiapas real y virtual: el realismo magico y la izquierda," Este Pais, Numero 100, julio 1999, pp. 23-38. (Expanded version of Socialist Register chapter cited above)


"The Human Rights of Foreigners in Mexico," LASA Forum, Vol. 30 No. 4, fall 1999, pp. 7-11.


"Continuity and Change in the Mexican Political System: New Ways of Knowing a New Reality," European Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies, 63, December 1997, pp. 91-99.


* "Immigrant 'Space' in Italy: When an Emigrant Sending Becomes and Immigrant Receiving Society," Modern Italy, Vol. 3, No. 1, 1997, pp. 34-51.


"Political and Social Responses to Structural Adjustment in Mexico: The Dog that Didn't Bark," Centre for Research on Latin America and the Caribbean Working Papers, 1997.


"Social Movements: Revolution, Reform and Reaction," NACLA Report on the Americas, Vol. 30, No. 6, May/June 1997. Pp. 13-18.


"Toward a Comparative Framework for the Analysis of Women's Movements," International Issues, Vol. 40, No. 6., December 1997, pp. 11-20.


"Mexican Mournings," [Review Article], Voice Literary Supplement, Number 141, December 1995, pp. 10-12.


"Mexican Popular Movements, Clientelism, and the Process of Democratization," Latin American Perspectives, Issue 80, Vol. 2l, No. 2, spring 1994, pp. 276-294.


Estudio de los Nuevos Movimientos Sociales en America Latina y La Cuestion de la Autonomia," America Latina Hoy - Revista de Ciencias Sociales, 2a epoca, No. 3, marzo 1992, pp. 61-67. (Spanish translation of LASA Forum article.)


"Making Women Visible: New Work on Latin American and Caribbean Women," [Review Article], Latin American Research Review, Vol. XXVII, no. 1, winter 1992, pp. 182-191.


"Feminism in Latin America," [Review Article], Socialist Review, Vol. 20, No. 3, July-September 1990, pp. 155-63.


"Latin American Social Movements and the Question of Autonomy," LASA Forum, Vol. 21, no. 2, Summer 1990, pp. 7-12. (Revised and anthologized in Alvarez and Escobar, listed above)


"Messico -- Una democrazia faticosa," Relazioni Internazionali, anno LVI (III nuova serie) giugno 1990, pp. 42-55.


"Continuity and Change in Mexico," [review article], Latin American Research Review, Vol. 23, No. 2, (Spring 1988), pp. 139-151.",Continuity and Change in Mexico"


"Mexico: Thawing the Frozen Revolution," Socialist Review, Vol 18, No. 4, October-December 1988, pp. 117-129.


"Italian Feminism: Women's Movements in the 'Red Belt' of Italy," Canadian Journal of Women's Studies, Vol. 8, No. 2, Summer 1987, pp. 88-93.


"Migration and Urbanization: Breaking New Ground," [review article] Latin American Research Review, Vol. XXI No. 1, winter 1986, pp. 216-226.


"La Laguna y el algodon," [translation of "Capitalist Agriculture...." ] in El Dia, Mexico, D.F. 22 junio 1985. p. 6ff.


"Mexico's Standstill," The Canadian Forum, Vol 64, No. 740, June/July 1984, p. 18-20.


"The Italian Communists, the Women's Question, and the Challenge of Feminism," Studies in Political Economy, #l3, spring 1984, pp. 57-82.


"The Role of Ideology in Peasant Politics: Peasant Mobilization and Demobilization in the Laguna Region," Journal of Interamerican Studies and World Affairs, Vol. 25, No. l, February 1983, pp. 3-29.


"Capitalist Agriculture and Rural Protest," LABOUR Capital and Society, Vol. l4, No. 2, November 198l, p. 30-46


"Mexico," Merit Students Encyclopedia, 1981 Edition.


"Commentary on North and Raby's 'Dynamic of Revolution and Counter-Revolution," LARU Studies, January 1980, pp. 46-51.


"Mexico in the Age of Petropesos," Queen's Quarterly, Vol. 87, No. 2, summer 1980, pp. 234-247 (later anthologized in Folgarait, ed., see listing above.)


"Social Control in Mexico," [review article] Comparative Politics, Vol. l2, No. 2, January 1980, pp. 225-242.


"Notes on the Failure of Reformist Capitalism," LARU Studies, Vol. l, February 1977, p. 1-24.


"Rejoinder to Adie's 'Land and Politics in Mexico'," Canadian Journal of Political Science, Vol. 8, No. 2, June 1975, (with L. North), p. 305-307.




“Migration in the Americas: Permanent, Cyclical, Temporary, and Forced,” [Review Essay] Latin American Research Review, Vol. 46, Number 2, forthcoming 2011, 20 pp.



PhD, University of London
MA, London School of Economics
BA, Cornell University

All Publications

Book Chapters


"Invasion and Resistance in the Dominican Republic: A Life in Santo Domingo and Upper Manhattan,” in Judith Adler Hellman, ed., Changing Times and Changing Lives in the Caribbean and Latin America: Ten Oral Histories, (Toronto: Centre for Research on Latin America and the Caribbean, 2013), pp. 113-143. ",Changing Times and Changing Lives in the Caribbean and Latin America: Ten Oral Histories


"Mexican Popular Movements, Clientelism, and the Process of Democratization," Richard Stahler-Sholk et al., eds., Latin American Social Movements in the Twenty-First Century: Resistance, Power, and Democracy, (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2008 forthcoming). Revised and updated version of Latin American Perspectives article published in 1994)


"The Riddle of New Social Movements,” in Richard Harris, and Jorge Nef, eds., Capital, Inequality and Power in Latin America, (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2008), Revised and updated version of the 1995 article in Halebsky and Harris.


“The World of a Mexican Migrant,” in Amira De La Garza and Dirk Hoerder, eds. Re-Imagining North America, (Phoenix: Arizona State University, 2008)


* “Give or Take Ten Million: International Migration of Mexicans” in Eric Hershberg and Fred Rosen, eds. Turning the Tide? : Latin America After Neoliberalism, (New York: The New Press, 2006), pp 213-231.


"Virtual Chiapas: A Response to Justin Paulson," Socialist Register, 2001, November 2000.


"Real and Virtual Chiapas: Magic Realism and the Left," in Leo Panitch and Colin Leys, eds., Socialist Register, 2000, (London: Merlin Press, 1999), pp. 156-180.


"Italian Women's Struggle Against Violence: 1976-1996," in Mark Donovan, ed., Italy, Volume II, The International Library of Politics and Comparative Government, (Aldershot: The Dartmouth Publishing Company, 1998), pp. 403-414.


"The Riddle of New Social Movements: Who They Are and What They Do," in Sandor Halebsky and Richard Harris, eds., Capital, Inequality and Power in Latin America, (Boulder and London: Westview, 1995) pp 152-162.


"The Social Policy Consequences for Mexicans of the North American Free Trade Agreement," in H. Michael Stevenson, ed., The Entry into New Economic Communities: Swedish and Canadian Perspectives on the European Economic Community and North American Free Trade Accord, proceedings of the Swedish-Canadian Academic Foundation Annual Conference, 1994, pp. 51-60.


"Mexican Perspectives on Free Trade," in Maxwell Cameron and Ricardo Grinspun, eds., Critical Perspectives on North American Integration, (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1993), pp. 193-206.


"Latin American Social Movements and the Question of Autonomy," in Arturo Escobar and Sonia Alvarez, eds. New Social Movements in Latin America: Identity, Strategy and Democracy, (Boulder and San Francisco: Westview Press, 1992), pp. 52-61.


"Messico: La stanchezza della rivoluzione," in Giuliano Urbani and Francesco Ricciu, eds., Dalle Armi alle Urne: Economia, Societa e Politica nell'America Latina degli Anni Novanta, (Bologna: Il Mulino, 1991), pp. 177-209. (Anthologized, expanded version of Relazioni Internazionali article listed below)


"The Originality of Italian Feminism," in Ada Testaferri, ed., Donna: Women in Italian Culture, (Ottawa: Dovehouse Editions, 1989) pp. 15-23.


"Women's Struggle in a Workers' City: Feminist Movements in Turin," in M.F. Katzenstein and C. Mueller, eds., Changing Paradigms: New Theoretical Perspectives from the Women's Movements of Western Europe and the United States. (Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1987) , pp. 111-131.


"Eyewitness Report, September 24, 1968," in Mexico 1968: A Study of Domination and Repression, (New York: North American Congress on Latin America, 1968), pp. 10-15.


"Social Control and the Mexican Political System," in D. Raat and W. Beezley, eds., Contemporary Mexico, (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1986), pp. 243-256.


"Mexican-Central American Relations," in Jack W. Hopkins, ed., Latin America and Caribbean Contemporary Record, (New York: Holmes & Meier, 1984). (with C. Whitaker), pp. 116-122.


"Mexico in the Age of Petropesos," in L. Folgarait, ed., Images of Displacement: Mexican Art in the 1970s (Nashville: Vanderbilt University, 1984), p. 5-15.


"El cultivo del algodon y la reforma agraria en el norte de Mexico," in Tomas Martinez, Judith Adler Hellman, and Ricardo Estrada, La Comarca Lagunera, Parte III , Cuadernos de la Casa Chata, no. 19, (Mexico, D.F.: CISINAH, 1979).


Book Reviews


Jonathan Fox, Accountability Politics: Power and Voice in Rural Mexico, (Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2007), reviewed for The Journal of Agrarian Change, 2009.


Jose Luis Falconi and Jose Antonio Mazzotti, eds. The Other Latinos: Central and South Americans in the United States, (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2007), reviewed for The Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies, 2009.


George Grayson, Mexican Messiah: Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, (State College, PA: Penn State Press, 2007) reviewed for the Journal of Latin American Studies, 2008.


Sam Quinones, Antonio’s Gun and Delfino’s Dream: True Tales of Mexican Migration, (Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 2007, reviewed for the Journal of Latin American Studies, 2008


Robert Courtney Smith, Mexican New York: Transnational Lives of New Immigrants, (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2006), reviewed for The Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies, 2007 .


Julia Preston and Samuel Dillon, Opening Mexico: The Making of a Democracy, (New York: Farrar, Straus, and Giroux, 2004), reviewed for The Americas: A Quarterly Review of Inter-American Cultural History, 2006.


Luis Rubio and Susan Kaufman Purcell, Mexico Under Fox, (Boulder: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2004), review for The Americas: A Quarterly Review of Inter-American Cultural History, 2006.


Rubén Gallo, ed. The Mexico City Reader, (Madison: The University of Wisconsin Press, 2004), in Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos, 2006.


Daniel C. Levy and Kathleen Bruhn, with Emilio Zebadúa, Mexico: The Struggle for Democratic Development. (Berkeley, Los Angeles, London: University of California Press, 2001) . In Bulletin of Latin American Research, Vol. 23, No. 1, January 2004, pp. 127-129.


Jennifer S. Hirsh, A Courtship after Marriage: Sexuality and Love in Mexican Transnational Families. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 2003. In The Journal of International Migration and Integration, 2004.


Victoria E. Rodríquez. Women in Contemporary Mexican Politics. Austin: University of Texas Press, 2003. In Perspectives on Politics, 2003.


Heather W. Williams, Social Movements and Economic Transition: Markets and Distributive Conflict in Mexico. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 2001), in the American Political Science Review, 2002.


Roberto Castro, La vida en la adversidad: el significado de la salud y la reproducción en la pobreza, (Centro Regional de Investigaciones Multidisiplinarias, UNAM, Cuernavaca, Morelos, 2000. 541 pp) in Social Science and Medicine, 2002.


Catherine Moses, Real Life in Castro's Cuba, (Wilmington, Delaware: Scholarly Resources, Inc., 2000), in The Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies, 2000


Valentina Napolitano and Zochitl Leyva Solano, eds., Encuentro Antropologicos: Power, Identity and Mobility in Mexican Society, (London: Institute of Latin American Studies, 1998) in Journal of Latin America Studies,, 2000.


Diane E. Davis, Urban Leviathan: Mexico City in the Twentieth Century, (Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1994), in Hispanic American Historical Review, 1998.


Elizabeth Dore, ed., Gender Politics in Latin America: Debates in Theory and Practice, (New York: Monthly Review Press, 1997) in Journal of Latin America Studies, May 1998, pp. 421-423.


Kathleen Bruhn, Taking on Goliath; The Emergence of a New Left Party and the Struggle for Democracy in Mexico, (University Park: Penn State Press, 1997), in The Americas, 1998.


Kathryn Kopinak, Desert Capitalism: Maquiladoras in North America's Western Industrial Corridor, (Tucson: The University of Arizona Press, 1996), in Labour/Le travail, forthcoming 1998.


Eldon Kenworthy, America/Americas: Myth in the Making of U.S. Policy Toward Latin America, (Pennsylvania State University Press, 1995), in NACLA Report on the Americas, Vol. 30, no. 1, July/August 1996, p. 48.


Peter Singelmann, ed., Mexican Sugarcane Growers: Economic Restructuring and Political Options, (San Diego: Center for U.S.-Mexican Studies, 1995), World Sugar History Newsletter, No. 22, June 1996, pp. 3-5.


Susan Tiano, Patriarchy on the Line: Labor, Gender, and Ideology in the Mexican Maquila Industry, (Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1995), Contemporary Sociology, Vol. 25, no. 2, March 1996, pp. 185-6.


John Cavanagh et al, eds. Trading Freedom: How Free Trade Affects our Lives, Work, and Environment, (Toronto: Between the Lines Press, 1992), labour/le travail, (33), Spring 1994. , pp. 326-7.


Riordan Roett, ed. Political and Economic Liberalization in Mexico: At a Critical Juncture? Boulder, Colorado: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 1993. in Inter-American Review of Bibliography, Vol XLIV, No. 2, 1994, pp. 363-4.


Sarah A. Radcliffe and Sallie Westwood, eds., Viva: Women and Popular Protest in Latin America, (London and New York: Routledge, 1993), Journal of Latin American Studies, 1994.


Paola Bono and Sandra Kemp, eds., Italian Feminist Thought: A Reader, (Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1991) Italian Politics and Society, No. 36, September 1992, pp. 48-9.


Stephen D. Morris, Corruption and Politics in Contemporary Mexico, (Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, 1991) Journal of Politics, Fall 1992, pp. 1112-15.


David Barkin, Distorted Development: Mexico in the World Economy, (San Francisco: Westview Press, 1990), Journal of Latin American Studies, 23, III, 1991, pp. 654-5.


Jane S. Jaquette, ed., The Women's Movement in Latin America: Feminism and the Transition to Democracy, (Boston: Unwin Hyman, 1989), Journal of Latin American Studies, Vol. 22, Part 2, May 1990, pp. 409-12.


Jean Franco, Plotting Women: Gender and Representation in Mexico, (New York: Columbia University Press, 1988), Journal of Latin American Studies, Vol. 22, Part 2, May 1990, pp. 412-14.


Roberto Newell G. and Luis Rubio F. Mexico's Dilemma: The Political Origins of Economic Crisis, (Boulder: Westview, 1984). Canadian Journal of Political Science, Vol. 19, No. 3, September 1986.


Peter Singelmann, Structures of Domination and Peasant Movements in Latin America, (Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 1981) Queen's Quarterly, Vol 91, no. 3, autumn 1984, pp. 710-713.


Daniel Levy and Gabriel Szekely, Mexico: Paradoxes of Stability and Change (Boulder: Westview, 1982), Canadian Journal of Political Science, Vol. xvi, no. 4, Dec. 1983, pp. 857-861.


Eugenia Scarzanella, Italiani d'Argentina: Storie di contadini, industriali e missionari italiani in Argentina, 1850-1912 (Venezia: Marsilio Editori, 1983), Journal of Latin American Studies, Vol. no. pp. 458-461.


Martin Needler, Mexican Politics: The Containment of Conflict, (New York: Praeger, 1982), Canadian Journal of Political Science, Vol. xvi, no. 4, Dec. 1983, pp. 857-861.


Nora Hamilton, The Limits of State Autonomy: Post-Revolutionary Mexico, (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1982), Canadian Journal of Political Science, Vol. xvi, no. 4, Dec. 1983, pp. 857-861.


Joan M. Nelson, Access to Power: Politics and the Urban Poor in Developing Countries, (Princeton University Press, 1979) Canadian Journal of Political Science, Vol XIII, no 2, June 1980, pp. 425-426.


Manuel L. Carlos, Politics and Development in Rural Mexico: A Study of Socio-Economic Modernization (New York: Praeger, 1974), American Political Science Review, Vol 71 , no. 2, 1977, pp. 758-760.




Changing Lives and Changing Times in the Caribbean and Latin America: Ten Oral Histories, Editor. (Toronto: Centre for Research on Latin America and the Caribbean, York University, 2013) , pp. i-ix, 1-218, view online publication (pdf)


*The World of Mexican Migrants: The Rock and the Hard Place, (New York: The New Press, 2008), pp. i-xxiv, 1-256.


Mexican Lives, 2nd edit., (New York: The New Press, 1999), 263 pp.


Mexican Lives, (New York: The New Press, 1994), 242 pp.


Mexico in Crisis, Second edition reprinted with a new "Afterword" 1988, pp. 253-272.


Journeys Among Women: Feminism in Five Italian Cities (New York: Oxford University Press and Cambridge: Polity Press, 1987), 275 pp.


Mexico in Crisis, (New York: Holmes & Meier) Second Edition, (revised, updated and expanded) 1983, 345 pp.


Mexico in Crisis, (New York: Holmes & Meier; and London: Heinemann Educational Books, 1978), 229 pp.




The Riddle of Distance Education: Promise, Problems, and Application for Development, (Geneva: UNRISD, 2003), pp. i-viii, 1-27.


Journal Articles


“The Migration Debate,” The North American Center Transborder Studies Quarterly, 2008


* “A Bill Only Bush Could Love,” NACLA Report on the Americas, Vol 40, No 5, September/October 2007, p. 3.


"The Impact of September 11 th on Latin America," Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies, Vol 26, Issue # 52, February 2002, pp. 1-10.


"The Transition to Democracy in Mexico," Horizons, 2002.


"Haiti Elections: Electoral Charade," NACLA Report on the Americas, Vol. xxxiv, No. 4, January/February 2001, pp. 1-2.


"Opting for Fox: Why and How Mexicans Went for the PAN," NACLA Report on the Americas, Vol XXXIV, No. 2, September/October 2000, pp. 6-10.


"Chiapas real y virtual: el realismo magico y la izquierda," Este Pais, Numero 100, julio 1999, pp. 23-38. (Expanded version of Socialist Register chapter cited above)


"The Human Rights of Foreigners in Mexico," LASA Forum, Vol. 30 No. 4, fall 1999, pp. 7-11.


"Continuity and Change in the Mexican Political System: New Ways of Knowing a New Reality," European Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies, 63, December 1997, pp. 91-99.


* "Immigrant 'Space' in Italy: When an Emigrant Sending Becomes and Immigrant Receiving Society," Modern Italy, Vol. 3, No. 1, 1997, pp. 34-51.


"Political and Social Responses to Structural Adjustment in Mexico: The Dog that Didn't Bark," Centre for Research on Latin America and the Caribbean Working Papers, 1997.


"Social Movements: Revolution, Reform and Reaction," NACLA Report on the Americas, Vol. 30, No. 6, May/June 1997. Pp. 13-18.


"Toward a Comparative Framework for the Analysis of Women's Movements," International Issues, Vol. 40, No. 6., December 1997, pp. 11-20.


"Mexican Mournings," [Review Article], Voice Literary Supplement, Number 141, December 1995, pp. 10-12.


"Mexican Popular Movements, Clientelism, and the Process of Democratization," Latin American Perspectives, Issue 80, Vol. 2l, No. 2, spring 1994, pp. 276-294.


Estudio de los Nuevos Movimientos Sociales en America Latina y La Cuestion de la Autonomia," America Latina Hoy - Revista de Ciencias Sociales, 2a epoca, No. 3, marzo 1992, pp. 61-67. (Spanish translation of LASA Forum article.)


"Making Women Visible: New Work on Latin American and Caribbean Women," [Review Article], Latin American Research Review, Vol. XXVII, no. 1, winter 1992, pp. 182-191.


"Feminism in Latin America," [Review Article], Socialist Review, Vol. 20, No. 3, July-September 1990, pp. 155-63.


"Latin American Social Movements and the Question of Autonomy," LASA Forum, Vol. 21, no. 2, Summer 1990, pp. 7-12. (Revised and anthologized in Alvarez and Escobar, listed above)


"Messico -- Una democrazia faticosa," Relazioni Internazionali, anno LVI (III nuova serie) giugno 1990, pp. 42-55.


"Continuity and Change in Mexico," [review article], Latin American Research Review, Vol. 23, No. 2, (Spring 1988), pp. 139-151.",Continuity and Change in Mexico"


"Mexico: Thawing the Frozen Revolution," Socialist Review, Vol 18, No. 4, October-December 1988, pp. 117-129.


"Italian Feminism: Women's Movements in the 'Red Belt' of Italy," Canadian Journal of Women's Studies, Vol. 8, No. 2, Summer 1987, pp. 88-93.


"Migration and Urbanization: Breaking New Ground," [review article] Latin American Research Review, Vol. XXI No. 1, winter 1986, pp. 216-226.


"La Laguna y el algodon," [translation of "Capitalist Agriculture...." ] in El Dia, Mexico, D.F. 22 junio 1985. p. 6ff.


"Mexico's Standstill," The Canadian Forum, Vol 64, No. 740, June/July 1984, p. 18-20.


"The Italian Communists, the Women's Question, and the Challenge of Feminism," Studies in Political Economy, #l3, spring 1984, pp. 57-82.


"The Role of Ideology in Peasant Politics: Peasant Mobilization and Demobilization in the Laguna Region," Journal of Interamerican Studies and World Affairs, Vol. 25, No. l, February 1983, pp. 3-29.


"Capitalist Agriculture and Rural Protest," LABOUR Capital and Society, Vol. l4, No. 2, November 198l, p. 30-46


"Mexico," Merit Students Encyclopedia, 1981 Edition.


"Commentary on North and Raby's 'Dynamic of Revolution and Counter-Revolution," LARU Studies, January 1980, pp. 46-51.


"Mexico in the Age of Petropesos," Queen's Quarterly, Vol. 87, No. 2, summer 1980, pp. 234-247 (later anthologized in Folgarait, ed., see listing above.)


"Social Control in Mexico," [review article] Comparative Politics, Vol. l2, No. 2, January 1980, pp. 225-242.


"Notes on the Failure of Reformist Capitalism," LARU Studies, Vol. l, February 1977, p. 1-24.


"Rejoinder to Adie's 'Land and Politics in Mexico'," Canadian Journal of Political Science, Vol. 8, No. 2, June 1975, (with L. North), p. 305-307.




“Migration in the Americas: Permanent, Cyclical, Temporary, and Forced,” [Review Essay] Latin American Research Review, Vol. 46, Number 2, forthcoming 2011, 20 pp.