
Micha Fiedlschuster

Photo of Micha Fiedlschuster

Department of Politics

Assistant Professor

Office: Ross Building, S645
Ext: 88831 Email: michaf@yorku.ca
Primary website: Personal Website
Secondary website: Profile on Research Gate

My research interests cover concepts of democracy, democracy promotion by international actors, and transnational social movements. My book “Globalization, EU Democracy Assistance and the World Social Forum: Concepts and Practices of Democracy” was published in 2018 in the Palgrave Series European Political Sociology. I have analyzed the EU’s concepts of democracy and civil society in the European Neighbourhood Policy. Furthermore, I was interested to learn how social movement activists practice democracy and co-operate transnationally. For that purpose, I participated in the World Social Forums in 2013 and 2015 in Tunis (and other events) and applied approaches in political sociology.

I hold a PhD in Global Studies (2017) from Leipzig University (Germany). I conducted research as a postdoc at York University (2018-2019) and the Leibniz Science Campus Eastern Europe-Global Area (2019) in Leipzig. Since Fall 2020, I am the DAAD Visiting Assistant Professor at the Department of Politics at York University. This position is co-funded by York University and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD: https://www.daad.de/en/). I teach in the field of Comparative Politics, International Relations, and I contribute to German Studies. I am the coordinator of the Graduate Diploma German and European Studies. For more information visit https://michafiedlschuster.de/



PhD in Global Studies, Universität Leipzig, Germany


Faculty of Graduate Studies

Research Interests

Politics and Government , Globalization


Fiedlschuster, Micha. Globalization, EU Democracy Assistance and the World Social Forum: Concepts and Practices of Democracy. Cham: Palgrave MacMillan, 2018.




A full list of publications can be found on my website.

My research interests cover concepts of democracy, democracy promotion by international actors, and transnational social movements. My book “Globalization, EU Democracy Assistance and the World Social Forum: Concepts and Practices of Democracy” was published in 2018 in the Palgrave Series European Political Sociology. I have analyzed the EU’s concepts of democracy and civil society in the European Neighbourhood Policy. Furthermore, I was interested to learn how social movement activists practice democracy and co-operate transnationally. For that purpose, I participated in the World Social Forums in 2013 and 2015 in Tunis (and other events) and applied approaches in political sociology.

I hold a PhD in Global Studies (2017) from Leipzig University (Germany). I conducted research as a postdoc at York University (2018-2019) and the Leibniz Science Campus Eastern Europe-Global Area (2019) in Leipzig. Since Fall 2020, I am the DAAD Visiting Assistant Professor at the Department of Politics at York University. This position is co-funded by York University and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD: https://www.daad.de/en/). I teach in the field of Comparative Politics, International Relations, and I contribute to German Studies. I am the coordinator of the Graduate Diploma German and European Studies. For more information visit https://michafiedlschuster.de/


PhD in Global Studies, Universität Leipzig, Germany


Faculty of Graduate Studies

Research Interests

Politics and Government , Globalization

All Publications



Fiedlschuster, Micha. Globalization, EU Democracy Assistance and the World Social Forum: Concepts and Practices of Democracy. Cham: Palgrave MacMillan, 2018.




A full list of publications can be found on my website.