Pat Armstrong held a Canada Health Services Research Foundation/Canadian Institute of Health Research Chair in Health Services and is a Distinguished Research Professor Emeritus and Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada.
Focusing on the fields of social policy, women, work and health and social services, she has published widely, co-authoring and co-editing books such as Wash, Wear and Care: Clothes and Laundry in Nursing Homes; The Privatization of Care: The Case of Nursing Homes; Creative Team Work: Developing Rpaid; Site-Switching Ethnography; Troubling Care: Critical Perspectives on Research and Practices; Shaping Academe for the Public Good; Thinking Women and Health Care Reform in Canada; Women’s Health: Intersections of Research, Policy and Practice; They Deserve Better: the Long-term Care Experience in Canada and Scandinavia; A Place to Call Home: Long-term Care in Canada; Critical to Care: The Invisible Women in Health Services and Wasting Away; and The Undermining of Canadian Health Care, as well as multiple journal articles and book chapters.
Dr. Armstrong was Chair of Women and Health Care Reform, a group funded for more than a decade by Health Canada, acting director of the National Network for Environments and Women’s Health, co-director at York of the Ontario Training Centre, a member of the Board for the York Institute for Health Research and has served as both Chair of the Department of Sociology at York and Director of the School of Canadian Studies at Carleton University. She is also a member of the Canadian Health Coalition and Centre for Policy Alternatives board. In addition, she has served as an expert witness in more than a dozen cases, heard before bodies ranging from the Federal Court to federal Human Rights Tribunals on issues related to women’s healthcare work and pay equity. She has been a co-investigator and principal investigator on many grants, primarily focused on women’s work, health and health care. Funded by the Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada, she was the Principal Investigator on the 10-year "Reimagining Long-term Residential Care: An International Study of Promising Practices" and the CIHR-funded "Healthy Aging in Residential Places" and is currently on two SSHRC-funded projects.
Ph.D., Sociology, Carleton University
M.A., Canadian Studies, Carleton University
B.A., Sociology, University of Toronto
Faculty of Health
Community Contributions
Pat Armstrong currently serves on the Technical Committee of the Health Standards Organization, developing proposals for long-term care standards. She is a member of the Congregate Care Group, a sub-group of the Ontario Science Table and a Board member of the Canadian Health Coalition and of the Members Council of the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives.
Research Interests
, Women, Work, Health Care, Feminist Political Economy
Current Research Projects
Changing Places: Unpaid Work in Public Places
The goal of this project is to identify promising practices for family engagement now and in the future, with a view that includes but goes beyond safety to make care as good as it can be and brings joy to families, residents and staff.
This goal of identifying principles and processes for family engagement in the post-COVID-19 environment is shared with our partner Family Councils Network Four and collaborating organizations.
See more
Principal Investigator
SSHRC Partnership Engage Grant
covid and families
The goal of this project is to identify promising practices for family engagement now and in the future, with a view that includes but goes beyond safety to make care as good as it can be and brings joy to families, residents and staff.
This goal of identifying principles and processes for family engagement in the post-COVID-19 environment is shared with our partner Family Councils Network Four and collaborating organizations.
See more
Principal Investigator
Pat Armstrong held a Canada Health Services Research Foundation/Canadian Institute of Health Research Chair in Health Services and is a Distinguished Research Professor Emeritus and Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada.
Focusing on the fields of social policy, women, work and health and social services, she has published widely, co-authoring and co-editing books such as Wash, Wear and Care: Clothes and Laundry in Nursing Homes; The Privatization of Care: The Case of Nursing Homes; Creative Team Work: Developing Rpaid; Site-Switching Ethnography; Troubling Care: Critical Perspectives on Research and Practices; Shaping Academe for the Public Good; Thinking Women and Health Care Reform in Canada; Women’s Health: Intersections of Research, Policy and Practice; They Deserve Better: the Long-term Care Experience in Canada and Scandinavia; A Place to Call Home: Long-term Care in Canada; Critical to Care: The Invisible Women in Health Services and Wasting Away; and The Undermining of Canadian Health Care, as well as multiple journal articles and book chapters.
Dr. Armstrong was Chair of Women and Health Care Reform, a group funded for more than a decade by Health Canada, acting director of the National Network for Environments and Women’s Health, co-director at York of the Ontario Training Centre, a member of the Board for the York Institute for Health Research and has served as both Chair of the Department of Sociology at York and Director of the School of Canadian Studies at Carleton University. She is also a member of the Canadian Health Coalition and Centre for Policy Alternatives board. In addition, she has served as an expert witness in more than a dozen cases, heard before bodies ranging from the Federal Court to federal Human Rights Tribunals on issues related to women’s healthcare work and pay equity. She has been a co-investigator and principal investigator on many grants, primarily focused on women’s work, health and health care. Funded by the Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada, she was the Principal Investigator on the 10-year "Reimagining Long-term Residential Care: An International Study of Promising Practices" and the CIHR-funded "Healthy Aging in Residential Places" and is currently on two SSHRC-funded projects.
Ph.D., Sociology, Carleton University
M.A., Canadian Studies, Carleton University
B.A., Sociology, University of Toronto
Faculty of Health
Community Contributions
Pat Armstrong currently serves on the Technical Committee of the Health Standards Organization, developing proposals for long-term care standards. She is a member of the Congregate Care Group, a sub-group of the Ontario Science Table and a Board member of the Canadian Health Coalition and of the Members Council of the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives.
Research Interests
, Women, Work, Health Care, Feminist Political Economy
- Emmett Hall Memorial Laurette (May) - 2023
- Research Canada’s Leadership in Advocacy Award (November) - 2022
- Public Bread and Roses Award, Canadian federation of Nurses Unions (June) - 2021
- Rik Davidson/SPE Book Prize for Wash, Wear and Care (with Suzanne Day) - 2019
- YWCA Toronto Woman of Distinction Award - 2018
- Post-doctoral Supervisor Award, York University - 2017
- “Working for Care: Caring for Work.” Robarts Lecture, Canadian Studies, York University (October) - 2013
- Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada - 2011
- Distinguished Research Professor in Sociology and Health, York University - 2010
- Ethel Meade Award, Ontario Health Coalition - 2007
- Dean of Arts Award for Outstanding Research, York University - 2007
- Canadian Sociology & Anthropology Association Award for Outstanding Contribution to Sociology - 2002
- Dean's Award for Outstanding Contribution in Teaching, York University - 1991
- Victoria College Undergraduate Award - 1964
Current Research Projects
Changing Places: Unpaid Work in Public Places
The goal of this project is to identify promising practices for family engagement now and in the future, with a view that includes but goes beyond safety to make care as good as it can be and brings joy to families, residents and staff.
This goal of identifying principles and processes for family engagement in the post-COVID-19 environment is shared with our partner Family Councils Network Four and collaborating organizations.
Project Type:
Principal Investigator
SSHRC Partnership Engage Grant
covid and families
The goal of this project is to identify promising practices for family engagement now and in the future, with a view that includes but goes beyond safety to make care as good as it can be and brings joy to families, residents and staff.
This goal of identifying principles and processes for family engagement in the post-COVID-19 environment is shared with our partner Family Councils Network Four and collaborating organizations.
Principal Investigator
All Publications
Book Chapters
"Measuring Care: Neo-liberalism Comes to the Nursing Home." Pat Armstrong, Hugh Armstrong, and Jacqueline Choiniere in Christine Gabriel and L. Pauline Rankin eds. Counting Matters. Policy, Practice, and the Limits of Gender Equality Measurement in Canada. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2024, pp. 99-118
"Unpaid Care in Public Places: Tensions in the Time of COVID-19." Pat Armstrong and Janna Klostermann in Amy Armenia, Kim Price-Glynn and Mignon Duffy, eds. Confronting the Global Care Crisis during COVID-19: Past Problems, New Issues, and Pathways to Change! Rutgers University Press, 2023, Chapter 6.
"Learning Sociology: A Participant’s Perspective" in Stephen Harold Riggins and Neil McLaughlin eds. Canadian Sociologists in the First-Person Kingston McGill-Queens University Press, 2021, pp. 295-314
"Putting Life into Years: Promoting Health and Joy in Nursing Homes." Pat Armstrong, Hugh Armstrong and Jacqueline Choiniere in Irv Rootman et al eds. Health Promotion and Older Adults in Canada Toronto: CSP, 2021, Chapter 27.
"Contracting Out Care." Pat Armstrong and Hugh Armstrong. pp. 87-103 in Fran Collyer and Karen Willis eds. Navigating Private and Public Healthcare: Experiences of Patients, Doctor sand Policy Makers London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2020., pp .87-103
"Never Done: The Struggle for Health Care” pp. 107-113 in Cynthia Levine-Rasky and Lisa Kowalchuk, eds. We Resist: Defending the Common Good in Hostile Times, Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press. 2020, pp. 107-113.
"Privatization and COVID-19: A Deadly Combination for Nursing Homes." Pat Armstrong, Hugh Armstrong and Ivy Bourgeault in Colleen M Flood, Vanessa MacDonnell, Jane Philpott, Sophie Theriault & Sridhar Venkatapuram, eds, Vulnerable: The Policy, Law and Ethics of COVID-19 Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press, 2020, pp 447-462..
"Privatization of Long-Term Residential Care in Canada: The Case of Three Provinces." Pat Armstrong, Hugh Armstrong, Martha McDonald and Malcolm Doupe in Pat Armstrong, Hugh Armstrong eds The Privatization of Care: The Case of Nursing Homes New York: Routledge, 2020, pp. 87-101.
"Privatization, Hybridization and Resistance in Contemporary Care Work"
(Pat Armstrong and Donna Baines) in Donna Baines and Ian Cunningham, eds. Working in the Context of Austerity Bristol: Policy Press 2020, 97-108
"Privatizing Care: Setting the Stage Pat Armstrong and Hugh Armstrong" in Pat Armstrong, and Hugh Armstrong eds The Privatization of Care: The Case of Nursing Homes New York: Routledge, 2020, pp. 17-37.
"Promoting Public Health in Pat Armstrong and Hugh Armstrong," eds. The Privatization of Care: The Case of Nursing Homes New York: Routledge, 2020, pp. 224-237.
"Shifting Responsibilities for Care: The Experiences of Staff and Families in Long-Term Residential Care ."Rachel Barken and Pat Armstrong in Pat Armstrong, and Hugh Armstrong, eds The Privatization of Care: The Case of Nursing Homes New York: Routledge, 2020, pp. 209-223.
"Start Early. Stay Late. Planning for Care in Old Age" (Pat Armstrong and Hugh Armstrong) in Leo Panitch and Greg Albo eds. Beyond Digital Capitalism: New Ways of Living London: Merlin Press 2020, pp 246-256.
"Caring for Seniors the Neo-Liberal Way." Pat Armstrong, Hugh Armstrong, Tamara Daly and Jacqueline Choiniere in Mark Thomas et al. eds. Change and Continuity: Canadian Political Economy in the New Millennium McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2019. pp. 229-244
"Women, Health and Care" in Toba Bryant, Dennis Raphael and Marcia Rioux, eds. Staying Alive, Third Edition. Critical Perspectives in Health, Illness, and Care Toronto: Canadian Scholars’ Press, 2019. Chapter 13.
"Complexities, tensions, and promising practices: Work in Canadian long-term residential care ."Pat Armstrong and Tamara Daly in Karen Christensen and Doria Pilling, eds., The Routledge Handbook of Social Care Work Around the World. London: Routledge, 2018. Chapter 20.
"Reforming Health Services in Ontario: Contradictions" in Greg Albo and Bryan Evans, eds. Divided Province: Ontario Politics in the Age of Neo-Liberalism Montreal: McGill-Queens’ University Press, 2018. pp. 334-358.
"Working for Care: Caring for Work" in Patrizia Albanese, Lorne Tepperman and Emily Alexander, eds., Reading Sociology: Canadian Perspectives. Toronto: Oxford University Press, 2017. pp. 101-104
"Public Policy, Gender, and Health" in Dennis Raphael, Toba Bryant, and Marcia Rioux, eds., Staying Alive: Critical Perspectives on Health, Illness and Care – 3rd edition. Toronto: Canadian Scholars’ Press, 2016. pp. 331-346
"Women's Health in Context: Gender Issues" in John Germov and Jennie Hornosty, eds., Second Opinion: An Introduction to Health Sociology – 2nd Canadian edition. Toronto: Oxford University Press Canada, 2016. pp. 334-358
"Sex, Gender and Systematic Reviews: The Example of Wait Times for Hip and Knee Replacements." Ann Pederson and Pat Armstrong in Pat Armstrong and Ann Pederson, eds., Women’s Health: Intersections of Policy, Research and Practice – 2nd edition. Toronto: Women’s Press, 2015. pp. 56-72
"The Mental Health of Health Care Workers – A Woman’s Issue?" in Khanlou N & Pilkington B, eds., Women’s Mental Health: Resistance and Resilience in Community and Society. Advances in Mental Health and Addiction (Series Editor: Masood Zangeneh). New York: Springer, 2015. pp. 19-32
"Unpaid Health Care: An Indicator of Equity" in Pat Armstrong and Ann Pederson, eds., Women’s Health: Intersections of Policy, Research and Practice – 2nd edition. Toronto: Women’s Press, 2015. pp. 238-258
"Nurses Unions: Where Knowledge Meets Know-How." Pat Armstrong and Linda Silas, in Marjorie McIntyre and Carol McDonald eds., Realities of Canadian Nursing: Professional, Practice and Power Issues. New York: Walters Kluwer/Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, 2014. pp. 158-180. pp.217-228
"Managing to Manage: The Daily Practices of a Chair" in Louise Potvin and Pat Armstrong eds., Shaping Academia for the Public Good. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2013. pp. 223-245
Pay Equity in Canada, The Story Continues Pat Armstrong and Krista Scott-Dixon, in Gillian Whitehouse, ed., Equal Pay for Women? Trends and Perspectives in Cross-National Perspective. New York: Routledge Press, 2013.
"Regulating Care: Lessons from Canada" in Gabrielle Meagher and Marta Szebehely eds., Marketisation in Nordic Eldercare: A Research Report on Legislation, Oversight, Extent and Consequences. Stockholm: Stockholm University School of Social Work, 2013 .Chapter 7
"Skills for Care" in Pat Armstrong and Susan Breadley, eds., Troubling Care: Critical Perspectives on Research and Practices Toronto: Canadian Scholars Press, 2013. pp. 101-112
“The Mental Health of Women Health Care Workers” pp. 193-214 in Pat Armstrong, Barbara Clow, Karen Grant, Beth Jackson, Margaret Haworth-Brockman, Ann Pederson and Morgan Seeley, eds., Thinking Women: Reforming Care. Toronto: Women's Press, 2012.
“Woman-Defined Quality Care” (Pat Armstrong, Madeline Boscoe, Barbara Clow, Karen R. Grant, Nancy Guberman, Beth Jackson and Kay Willson), pp. 215-232 in Pat Armstrong, Barbara Clow, Karen Grant, Beth Jackson, Margaret Haworth-Brockman, Ann Pederson and, Morgan Seeley, eds., Thinking Women: Reforming Care. Toronto: Women's Press, 2012.
“Women's Health in Context: Gender Issues” pp. 82-99 in John Germov and Jennie Hornosty, eds., Second Opinion: An Introduction to Health Sociology – 1st Canadian edition. Toronto: Oxford University Press Canada, 2012.
“Women's Work in Health Care” pp. 167-192 in Pat Armstrong, Barbara Clow, Karen Grant, Beth Jackson, Margaret Haworth-Brockman, Ann Pederson and Morgan Seeley, eds., Thinking Women: Reforming Care. Toronto: Women's Press, 2012.
“Pay Equity: Yesterday’s Issue?” pp. 211-214 in Lorne Tepperman and Angela Kalyta, eds., Reading Sociology: Canadian Perspectives – 2nd Edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011.
“Five Minutes with the Health Minister: What Women Want in Health Care” (Karen Grant,
Pat Armstrong, Madeline Boscoe, Barbara Clow, Nancy Guberman, Margaret Haworth-Brockman, Beth Jackson, Ann Pederson, Morgan Seeley and Kay Wilson), pp. 147-58 in Nili Kaplan-Myrth, Lori Hanson and Patricia Thille, eds.,
Women Who Care: Women’s Stories of Health Care and Caring. East Lawrenstown NS: Pottersfield Press, 2010
“Gender, Health and Care” (
Pat Armstrong) in Dennis Raphael and Tulsa Bryant, eds.
Staying Alive. Critical Perspectives on Health, Illness and Care. Toronto: Canadian Scholars’ Press, forthcoming 2010
“Neoliberalism in Action: Canadian Perspectives” (
Pat Armstrong), pp. 184-201 in Susan Braedley and Meg Luxton, eds.,
Neoliberalism and Everyday Life. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2010
“Pay Equity in Canada, The Story Continues” (
Pat Armstrong and Kristan Scott Dixon) in Gillian Whitehouse, ed.,
Equal Pay for Women? Trends and Perspectives in Cross-National Perspective. New York: Routledge Press, forthcoming 2010
“Pay Equity: Yesterday’s Issue” (
Pat Armstrong), in Lorne Tepperman and Angela Kalyta, eds.,
Reading Sociology: Canadian Perspectives. Second Edition., forthcoming 2010.
“Women Forced to Work Longer, Harder, for Less Pay” (
Pat Armstrong), pp. 7-14 in Trish Hennessy and Ed Finn, eds.,
Speaking Truth to Power: A Reader on Canadian Women’s Inequality. Ottawa: Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, 2010
“Women’s Health Centres” (
Pat Armstrong), pp. 371-86 in Ellen Kuhlmann and Ellen Annandale, eds.,
The Palgrave Handbook of Gender and Healthcare. Basingstoke UK: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010
"Women’s Health Centres" in Ellen Kuhlmann and Ellen Annandale, eds., The Palgrave Handbook of Gender and Healthcare – 2nd edition 2013. Basingstoke UK: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010. pp. 371-86
“Challenging Questions: Designing Long-Term Facility Care with Women in Mind” (
Pat Armstrong and Albert Banerjee), pp. 110-18 in
Pat Armstrong, Madeline Boscoe, Barbara Clow, Karen Grant, Margaret Haworth-Brockman, Beth Jackson, Ann Pederson, Morgan Seeley and Jane Springer, eds.
A Place to Call Home: Long Term Care in Canada, Toronto: Fernwood Publishing, 2009
“Contradictions at Work: Struggles for Control in Canadian Health Care” (
Pat Armstrong and Hugh Armstrong), pp. 145-67 in Leo Panitch and Colin Leys, eds.,
Morbid Symptoms: Health under Capitalism. Socialist Register 2010. Pontypool Wales: Merlin Press and New York: Monthly Review Press, 2009
“Foreword” (
Pat Armstrong), pp. 7-8 in Celia Briar, ed.,
Hidden Health Hazards in Women’s Work. Wellington NZ: Dunmore Publishing, 2009.
“Gendering Work? Women and Technologies in Health Care” (
Pat Armstrong, Hugh Armstrong and Karen Messing), pp. 122-37 in Ellen Balka, Eileen Green and Flis Henwood, eds.,
Gender, Health and Information Technology in Context. Basingstoke UK: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009
“Managing Care the Canadian Way” (
Pat Armstrong), pp. in Johanna Fisher, ed.,
Biomedical Ethics: A Canadian Focus. Toronto: Oxford University Press, 2009.
“Precarious Employment in the Health-Care Sector” (
Pat Armstrong and Hugh Armstrong), pp. 256-70 in Leah F. Vosko, Martha MacDonald, Iain Campbell, eds.,
Gender and the Contours of Precarious Employment. New York: Routledge Press, 2009.
“Public Policy, Gender, and Health” (
Pat Armstrong), pp. 350-61 in Dennis Raphael, ed.,
Social Determinants of Health: Canadian Perspectives. Second Edition. Toronto: Canadian Scholars’ Press, 2009
“Social Cohesion and the State: The Health Care Example” (
Pat Armstrong), pp. 87-106 in Alexandra Dobrowolsky, ed.,
Women and Public Policy in Canada. Toronto: Oxford University Press, 2009
“Taking Power: Making Change Nurses’ Unions in Canada” (
Pat Armstrong and Linda Silas), pp. 316-36 in Marjorie McIntyre and Carol McDonald, eds.,
Realities of Canadian Nursing: Professional, Practice, and Power Issues. Third Edition. Philadelphia: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, 2009
“Doing Women’s Studies” (
Pat Armstrong), pp. 250-55 in Wendy Robbins, Meg Luxton, Margrit Eichler, and Francine Descarries, eds.,
Minds of Our Own: Inventing Feminist Scholarship and Women’s Studies in Canada and Quebec, 1966–76. Waterloo: Wilfred Laurier Press, 2008
“Gender Relations” (
Pat Armstrong), pp. in Lorne Tepperman and Patrizia Albanese, eds.,
Sociology: A Canadian Perspective. Revised Third Edition. Toronto: Oxford University Press, 2008
“Las mujeres, el trabajo y el cuidado de los demás en el actual milenio” (“Thinking it Through: Women, Work and Caring in the New Millenium”) (
Pat Armstrong and Hugh Armstrong), pp. 195-204 in María Luisa Clark, ed.
La mediciόn de las aportaciones de las mujeres a la salud y al desarrollo en las Américas: encuestas sobre el empleo del tiempo y cuentas satélite del sector familiar [
Measuring Women’s Contributions to Health and Development in the Americas: Household Satellite Accounts and Time-Use Surveys], 2008
“Doubtful Data: Why Paradigms Matter in Counting the Health-Care Labor Force” (
Pat Armstrong, Hugh Armstrong and Kate Laxer), pp. 326-48 in Vivian Shalla and Wallace Clement, eds.
Work in Tumultuous Times: Critical Perspectives. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2007
“Health Care Reform and Its Impact on Women” (
Pat Armstrong), pp. 333-55 in Les Samuelson and Wayne Antony, eds.,
Power and Resistance: Critical Thinking about Canadian Social Issues. Fourth Edition. Halifax: Fernwood Publishing, 2007
“Relocating Care: Home Care in Ontario”, (
Pat Armstrong), pp. 528-53 in Marina Morrow, Olena Hankivsky and Colleen Varcoe, eds.
Women’s Health in Canada: Critical Perspective on Theory and Policy. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2007
“Women and Health Care Reform” (
Pat Armstrong), pp. 257-61 in Bruce Campbell and Greg Marchildon, eds.,
Medicare: Facts, Myths, Problems and Promises Ottawa: Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, 2007
“Gender, Health and Care” (
Pat Armstrong), pp. 287-304 in Dennis Raphael, Toba Bryant and Marcia Rioux, eds.
Staying Alive: Critical Perspectives on Health, Illness, and Health Care. Toronto: Canadian Scholars’ Press, 2006
“Precarious Work, Privatization, and the Health-Care Industry: The Case of Ancillary Workers” (
Pat Armstrong and Kate Laxer), pp. 115-38 in Leah Vosko, ed.,
Precarious Employment: Understanding Labour Market Insecurity in Canada. Montreal: McGill-Queens University Press, 2006
“Caregiving in Historical Perspective” (
Pat Armstrong and Olga Kits), pp. 23-63 in Paul Leduc Browne, ed.,
The Commodity of Care: Assessing Ontario’s Experiment with Managed Competition in Home Care. Ottawa: Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, 2004
"Gender Relations" (
Pat Armstrong), pp. 380-401 in Lorne Tepperman and James Curtis, eds.,
Sociology: A Canadian Perspective. Toronto: Oxford University Press, 2004
“Health, Social Policy, Social Economics, and the Voluntary Sector” (
Pat Armstrong), pp.331-44 in Dennis Raphael, ed.,
Social Determinants of Health: Canadian Perspectives. Toronto: Canadian Scholars’ Press, 2004
“Planning for Care: Approaches to Human Resources Policy and Planning in Health Care” (
Pat Armstrong and Hugh Armstrong), pp. 117-49 in Pierre Gerlier Forest, Gregory P. Marchildon and Tom McIntosh, eds.,
Changing Health Care in Canada. Romanow Papers, Volume 2. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2004. Translated as “Planification des soins: approches en matière de politiques et de planification des ressources humaines de la santé”, pp. 125-63 in Pierre-Gerlier Forest, Gregory P. Marchildon and Tom McIntosh, eds.,
Les forces de changement dans le système de santé canadien. Ottawa: Les Presses de l’Université d’Ottawa, 2004
“Assessing the Impact of Restructuring and Work Reorganization in Long Term Care” (
Pat Armstrong, Irene Jansen, Erin Connell and Mavis Jones), pp. 175-217 in Penny Van Esterik, ed.
Head, Heart and Hands: Partnerships for Women’s Health in Canadian Environments. Volume 1. Toronto: National Network on Environments and Women’s Health, 2003
“Pay Equity: Complexities and Contradictions in Legal and Social Processes” (
Pat Armstrong, Mary Cornish and Elizabeth Millar), pp. 161-82 in Wallace Clement and Leah Vosko, eds.,
Changing Canada: Political Economy as Transformation. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2003
“Privatization as Health-Care Reform and Its Impact on Women” (
Pat Armstrong), pp. 315-36 in Wayne Antony, ed.,
Power and Resistance. Third Edition. Halifax: Fernwood Publishing, 2003
“Feminist Methodology” (
Pat Armstrong and Hugh Armstrong), pp. 11-24 in Merle Jacobs, ed.,
Is Anyone Listening? Women, Work and Society, Toronto: Women’s Press, 2002. Reprinted from
Theorizing Women’s Work, 1990
“The Everyday Practices of Rationing: Comparing the Voices of Nurses in California and British Columbia”(I. Bourgeault, S. Lindsay, E. Mykhalovskiy, H. Armstrong, P. Armstrong, J. Choiniere, S. Lexchin, S. Peters, and J.P. White), pp. 83-103 in Donald Light and David Hughes, eds.,
Rationing: Constructed Realities and Professional Practices. Malden MA: Blackwell, 2002. Reprinted from
Sociology of Health and Illness.
“Evidence-Based Health Care Reform: Women’s Issues” (
Pat Armstrong), pp. 121-45 in
Pat Armstrong, Hugh Armstrong and David Coburn, eds.,
Unhealthy Times. Toronto: Oxford University Press, 2001
“The Context for Health Care Reform” (
Pat Armstrong), pp. 11-48 in
Pat Armstrong, et al, eds.,
Exposing Privatization: Women and Health Care Reform. Toronto: Garamond Press, 2001
“Women and Health: Not Just a Matter of Care” (
Pat Armstrong), pp. 260-78 in Nancy Mandell, ed.,
Feminist Issues: Race, Class and Sexuality. Revised Third Edition. Scarborough: Prentice-Hall, 2001
“Women, Privatization and Health Care Reform: The Ontario Case” (
Pat Armstrong and Hugh Armstrong), pp. 163-216 in
Pat Armstrong, et al., eds.
Exposing Privatization: Women and Health Care Reform. Toronto: Garamond Press, 2001
“Women and Health: Challenges and Changes”, (
Pat Armstrong), pp. 249-66 in Nancy Mandell, ed.
Feminist Issues: Race, Class and Sexuality. Revised Second Edition. Scarborough: Prentice-Hall, 1998
“Pay Equity: Not Just a Matter of Money”(
Pat Armstrong), pp. 246-65 in Patricia Evans and Gerda Werkerle, eds.,
Women and the Canadian Welfare State: Challenges and Changes. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1997. Revised version pp. 122-37 in Caroline Andrew and Sandra Rogers, eds.,
Women and the Canadian State. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press, 1997
“Restructuring Public and Private: Women's Paid and Unpaid Work” (
Pat Armstrong), pp.37-61 in Susan B. Boyd, ed.
Challenging the Public/Private Divide: Feminism, Law and Public Policy. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1997. Revised version pp. 37-61 in Barbara A. Crow and Lise Gotell, eds.,
Open Boundaries: A Canadian Women’s Studies Reader. Toronto: Prentice-Hall, 2000
“From Caring and Sharing to Greedy and Mean?” (
Pat Armstrong), in André Lapierre, Patricia Smart and Pierre Savard, eds.
Language, Culture and Values in Canada at the Dawn of the 21st Century. Ottawa: Carleton University Press, 1996. Revised version published as "The Welfare State as History", pp. 52-71 in Raymond Blake, Penny Bryden and J. Frank Strain, eds.
The Welfare State in Canada. Concord: Irwin, 1997, pp. 251-268.
“The Feminization of the Labour Force: Harmonizing Down in A Global Economy” (
Pat Armstrong) , pp. 368-392 in Karen Messing, Barbara Neis and Lucie Dumais, eds.
Invisible: La Santé des Travailleuses. Charlottetown: Gynergy, 1995. Revised version pp. 29-54 in Isabella Bakker, ed.,
Rethinking Restructuring: Gender and Change in Canada. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1996
“Unraveling the Safety Net: Transformations in Health Care and Their Impact on Women” (
Pat Armstrong), pp. 129-50 in Janine Brodie, ed.
Women and Canadian Public Policy. Toronto: Harcourt Brace, 1995
“Women and Health: Challenges and Changes” (
Pat Armstrong), pp. 294-314 in Nancy Mandell, ed.
Feminist Issues: Race, Class and Sexuality. Scarborough: Prentice-Hall, 1995
“Gender Relations” (
Pat Armstrong), pp. 345-77 in Jack Richardson, Lorne Tepperman and James Curtis, eds.,
The Social World. Revised Third Edition. Toronto: McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 1994
“Health Care as a Business: The Legacy of Free Trade” (
Pat Armstrong and Hugh Armstrong), pp. 218-34 in Wayne Antony, ed.,
Power and Resistance. Second Edition. Halifax: Fernwood, 1998. Revised from
Take Care: Warning Signals for the Canadian Health System, 1994.
“Professions, Unions or What? Learning from Nurses” (
Pat Armstrong), pp. 304-24 in Linda Briskin and Patricia McDermott, eds.,
Women Challenging Unions: Feminism, Democracy, and Militancy. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1993
“Women and Work: Learning From the Research Experience” (
Pat Armstrong), pp. 135-46 in Joan Brockman and Dorothy E. Chunn, eds.
Investigating Gender Bias in the Law: Socio-Legal Perspectives. Toronto: Thompson, 1993
“Women as Victims, Women as Actors”, (
Pat Armstrong and Hugh Armstrong), pp. 299-310 in James Curtis, Edward Grabb and Neil Guppy, eds.
Social Inequality in Canada. Second Edition. Scarborough: Prentice-Hall, 1993. Reprinted from
Theorizing Women's Work, 1990.
“Work and Family Life: Changing Patterns” (
Pat Armstrong), pp. 127-45 in G.N. Ramu, ed.,
Marriage and the Family in Canada Today. Second Edition. Scarborough: Prentice-Hall, 1993
“Better Irreverent than Irrelevant”, (
Pat Armstrong and Hugh Armstrong), pp. 339-48 in William Carroll et al., eds.
Fragile Truths: 25 Years of Sociology and Anthropology in Canada. Ottawa: Carleton University Press, 1992
“Gender Relations” (
Pat Armstrong), pp. in Jack Richardson and Lorne Tepperman, eds.,
The Social World. Toronto: McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 1991
“Understanding the Numbers: Women in the Film and Television Industry” (
Pat Armstrong), pp. 3-38 in Toronto Women in Film and Television, ed.
Changing Focus: The Future of Women in the Canadian Film and Television Industry. Toronto: TWIF, 1991
“Economic Conditions and Family Structures” (
Pat Armstrong), pp. 67-92 in Maureen Baker, ed.,
Families: Changing Trends in Canada. Second Edition. McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 1990
“Women and the Double Ghetto” (
Pat Armstrong and Hugh Armstrong), pp. 381-89 in James Curtis and Lorne Tepperman, eds.
Images of Canada. Scarborough: Prentice Hall, 1990. Reprinted from
The Double Ghetto, 1984.
“Choosing Equity and Prosperity: Access to College and the Ontario Economy”, (
Pat Armstrong and Hugh Armstrong), pp. 1-27 in Ontario Council of Regents,
Colleges and the Changing Economy: Background Papers, Vision 2000. Toronto: Author, 1989
“Taking Women into Account: Redefining and Intensifying Employment in Canada” (
Pat Armstrong and Hugh Armstrong), pp. 65-84 in Elizabeth Hagen, Jane Jenson and Trudi Koziol, eds.,
Feminization of the Labour Force: Paradoxes and Promises. Cambridge: Polity and New York: Oxford University Press, 1988
“The Marital System: Australian and Canadian Patterns” (
Pat Armstrong), pp. 179-206 in Bonnie Fox, ed.
Family Bonds and Gender Division. Toronto: Canadian Scholars’ Press, 1988
“Unemployment as a Women's Issue” (
Pat Armstrong), pp. 385-93 in Lorne Tepperman and James Curtis, eds.,
Readings in Sociology: An Introduction. Toronto: McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 1988
“Women's Work in the Labour Force” (
Pat Armstrong and Hugh Armstrong), pp. 275-315 in Arlene Tiger McLaren, ed.,
Gender and Society: Creating a Canadian Women's Sociology. Toronto: Copp-Clark Pitman, 1988. Reprinted from
The Double Ghetto, 1984.
“Women, Family and Economy”, (
Pat Armstrong and Hugh Armstrong), pp. 143-74 in Ann Duffy and Nancy Mandell, eds.,
The Canadian Family: Feminist Reflections. Scarborough: Butterworths, 1988
“Work and Family Life: Changing Patterns” (
Pat Armstrong), pp. 121-42 in G. N. Ramu, ed.,
Marriage and the Family in Canada Today. Scarborough: Prentice-Hall, 1988
“Mediating the Conflicting Demands of 'Home' and 'Work'”, (
Pat Armstrong and Hugh Armstrong), pp. 113-41 in Karen Anderson
et al.,
Family Matters. Toronto: Methuen, in association with TVOntario, 1987
“Women and the Economic Crisis in Canada”, (
Pat Armstrong and Hugh Armstrong), pp. 225-46 in Robert Argue, Charlene Gannage and David Livingstone, eds.,
Working People in Hard Times: Canadian Perspectives. Toronto: Garamond, 1987
“Women's Work: Women's Wages” (
Pat Armstrong), pp. 354-76 in Greta Hofmann Nemiroff, ed.,
Women and Men: Interdisciplinary Readings on Gender. Toronto: Fitzhenry and Whiteside, 1987
“Women, Technology and the Economic Crisis” (
Pat Armstrong), pp. 43-96 in John F. Peters, ed.,
Work in Canada. Occasional Paper No. 4. Waterloo: Interdisciplinary Research Committee, Wilfred Laurier University, 1986
“Women” (
Pat Armstrong and Hugh Armstrong), pp. 36-43 in Daniel Drache and Wallace Clement, eds.,
A Practical Guide to Canadian Political Economy. Revised Second Edition. Toronto: Lorimer, 1985
“The Structure of Women's Labour Force Work: Everywhere and Nowhere”, (
Pat Armstrong and Hugh Armstrong), pp. 130-36 in Graham S. Lowe and Harvey Krahn, eds.,
Working Canadians: A Reader in the Sociology of Work and Industry. Toronto: Methuen, 1984. Reprinted from
A Working Majority, 1983
“Job Creation and Unemployment for Canadian Women”, (
Pat Armstrong and Hugh Armstrong), pp. 129-52 in Anne Hoiberg, ed.,
Women and the World of Work. New York: Plenum, 1982. Revised versions, pp. 209-55 in Naomi Hersom and Dorothy E. Smith, eds.,
Women and the Canadian Labour Force. Ottawa: Supply and Services Canada, 1982; and as Working Paper No. 9, Canadian Research Institute for the Advancement of Women, 1982
“Women and Unemployment” (
Pat Armstrong), pp. 70-101 in R. Marvyn Novick, ed.,
Full Employment: Social Questions for Public Policy. Toronto: Social Planning Council of Metropolitan Toronto, 1979
Book Reviews
Review of Karen Messing’s "Bent Out of Shape: Shame, Solidarity and Women’s Bodies" Herizons Summer 2022, p.39.
Review of Annette Kamp and Helge Hvid, eds. “Elderly Care in Transition. Management, Meaning and Identity” Acta Sociologica 57(2): 183-184 (May 2014).
Review of Julia Johnson, Sheena Rolph and Randall Smith, “Residential Care Transformed: Revisiting the Last Refuge” (Pat Armstrong & Hugh Armstrong), Canadian Journal of Sociology 36(2): 292-232 (2011).
Review of Laurent Vogel, “The Gender Workplace Health Gap in Europe”(
Pat Armstrong),
Gender, Work and Organization 12:4 (June 2005)
Review of Rebecca Johnson, “Taxing Choices: The Intersection of Class, Gender, Parenthood, and the Law.” (
Pat Armstrong),
Canadian Tax Journal 51:5 (2003): 1961-66
Review of Miriam Glucksmann, “Cottons and Casuals: The Gendered Organization of Work.” (
Pat Armstrong),
Canadian Journal of Sociology online.
Review of Antonia Maioni, “Parting at the Crossroads: The Emergence of Health Insurance in the United States and Canada” (
Pat Armstrong),
American Historical Review (February 2000)
Review of Colleen Fuller, “Caring for Profit: How Corporations are Taking Over Canada’s Health Care System.” (
Pat Armstrong), CAUT
Bulletin (January 1999)
Review of Miriam Stewart, “Integrating Social Support in Nursing” (
Pat Armstrong),
Health and Canadian Society 2:1 (1994)
Review of Steven Rhoads, “Incomparable Worth in Gender” (
Pat Armstrong),
Work and Organization 1:3 (July 1994)
Review of Judith Rollins, “Between Women: Domestics and Their Employers” (
Pat Armstrong),
Labour/Le Travail 28 (Spring 1988)
Review of Charlene Gannage, “Double Day, Double Bind” (
Pat Armstrong),
Perception 10:3 (January 1987)
Review of Elizabeth Roberts, “A Woman's Place” and Jean Burnet, ed., “Looking into My Sister's Eyes” (
Pat Armstrong),
The Canadian Journal of Sociology 12:4 (Winter 1987)
Review of W. Craig Riddell, Research Co-ordinator, “Work and Pay: The Canadian Labour Market” (
Pat Armstrong),
Queen's Quarterly 94:1 (Spring 1987)
Review of Wendy Chapkis and Cynthia Enloe, eds., “Of Common Cloth: Women in the Global Textile Industry” (
Pat Armstrong),
Resources for Feminist Research 16:4 (June 1987)
Review of Jan Zimmerman, ed., “The Technological Woman” (
Pat Armstrong),
Perception 7:3 (January-February 1984)
Review of D.C. McKie, B. Prentice and P. Reed, “Divorce: Law and the Family in Canada” (
Pat Armstrong),
Perception 6:5 (Summer 1983)
Review of Marianne Herzog, “From Hand to Mouth: Women and Piecework” (
Pat Armstrong),
Labour/Le Travailleur 12 (Fall 1983)
“In Canada, There's Still No Room at the Top: Review of Dennis Olsen,
The State Elite” (
Pat Armstrong and Hugh Armstrong),
Montreal Gazette (19 April 1980).
Review of the OECD, “Equal Opportunities for Women” (
Pat Armstrong),
Resources for Feminist Research 9:3 (November 1980)
Review of Pat Marchak, ed., “The Working Sexes” (
Pat Armstrong),
Canadian Newsletter of Research on Women 7:3 (November 1978)
Review Essay on Janice Action et al., eds., “Women at Work: Ontario 1850-1930” (
Pat Armstrong and Hugh Armstrong),
Our Generation 11:3 (Summer 1976): 46-48
The Labour Force Crisis in Long Term Care. The Right to Care. (Pat Armstrong, Hugh Armstrong and Jacqueline Choiniere, eds.) Cheltenham UK: Edward Elgar. 2024.
Care Homes in a Turbulent Era: Do They Have a Future? (Pat Armstrong and Susan Braedley, eds.) Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 2023
Unpaid Work in Nursing Homes: Flexible Boundaries (Pat Armstrong, ed.) Bristol, England: Policy Press, 2023
Health Matters: Evidence, Critical Social Science and Health Care in Canada (Eric Mykhalovskiy, Jacqueline Choiniere, Pat Armstrong, Hugh Armstrong, eds.) Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2020
The Privatization of Care: The Case of Nursing Homes (Pat Armstrong and Hugh Armstrong, eds.) New York: Routledge, 2020
Creative Teamwork: Developing Rapid, Site-Switching Ethnography (Pat Armstrong and Ruth Lowndes, eds.), New York: Oxford University Press, 2018
Wash Wear and Care: Clothing and Laundry in Long-Term Residential Care (Pat Armstrong and Suzanne Day), Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2017.
About Canada: Health Care (Pat Armstrong and Hugh Armstrong), Halifax: Fernwood Publishing, Revised Second Edition, 2016.
Women’s Health: Intersections of Policy, Research and Practice – 2nd edition (Pat Armstrong and Ann Pederson, eds.), Toronto: Women’s Press, 2015.
Shaping Academia for the Public Good (Louise Potvin and Pat Armstrong, eds.), Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2013.
Troubling Care: Critical Perspectives on Research and Practices (Pat Armstrong and Susan Braedley, eds.), Toronto: Women’s Press, 2013.
Thinking Women and Health Care Reform in Canada (Pat Armstrong, Barbara Clow, Karen Grant, Margaret Haworth-Brockman, Beth Jackson, Ann Pederson and Morgan Seeley, eds.), Toronto: Women’s Press, 2012.
The Double Ghetto: Canadian Women and Their Segregated Work (
Pat Armstrong and Hugh Armstrong). Wynford Project Edition, with new Preface. Toronto: Oxford University Press, 2010, 7 + 259 pp.
Wasting Away: The Undermining of Canadian Health Care (
Pat Armstrong and Hugh Armstrong). Wynford Project Edition, with new Introduction. Toronto: Oxford University Press, 2010, xii + 271 pp.
A Place to Call Home: Long Term Care in Canada (
Pat Armstrong, Madeline Boscoe, Barbara Clow, Karen Grant, Margaret Haworth-Brockman, Beth Jackson, Ann Pederson, Morgan Seeley, Jane Springer, eds.), Toronto: Fernwood Publishing, 2009, 127 pp.
They Deserve Better: The long-term care experience in Canada and Scandinavia (
Pat Armstrong, Albert Banerjee, Marta Szebehely, Hugh Armstrong, Tamara Daly and Stirling Lafrance ) Ottawa: Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, 2009, 155 pp.
About Canada: Health Care (
Pat Armstrong and Hugh Armstrong), Halifax: Fernwood Publishing, 2008, 157 pp.
Critical to Care; The Invisible Women in Health Services (
Pat Armstrong, Hugh Armstrong and Krista Scott-Dixon), Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2008, xii + 228 pp.
Women’s Health: Intersections of Policy, Research and Practice (
Pat Armstrong and Jennifer Deadman eds.), Toronto: Women’s Press, 2008, xi + 290 pp.
Caring For/Caring About. Women, Home Care and Unpaid Caregiving (Karen R. Grant, Carol Amaratunga,
Pat Armstrong, Madeline Boscoe, Ann Pederson and Kay Willson eds.), Aurora: Garamond Press, 2004, 200 pp.
Studies in Political Economy: Developments in Feminism (Caroline Andrew, Hugh Armstrong,
Pat Armstrong, Wallace Clement and Leah Vosko eds.). Toronto: Canadian Scholar’s Press, 2003, vi + 362 pp.
Exposing Privatization: Women and Health Care Reform (
Pat Armstrong, Carol Amaratunga, Jocelyne Bernier, Karen Grant, Ann Pederson and Kay Willson eds.). Aurora: Garamond Press, 2002, 308 pp.
Wasting Away: The Undermining of Canadian Health Care (
Pat Armstrong and Hugh Armstrong). Revised Second Edition. Toronto: Oxford University Press, 2002, viii + 272 pp.
Unhealthy Times: Political Economy Perspectives on Health and Care in Canada (
Pat Armstrong, Hugh Armstrong and David Coburn eds.). Toronto: Oxford University Press, 2001, x + 254 pp.
“Heal Thyself”: Managing Health Care Reform (
Pat Armstrong, Hugh Armstrong, Ivy Bourgeault, Jacqueline Choiniere, Eric Mykhalovskiy and Jerry White). Toronto: Garamond Press, 2000, 171 pp.
Feminism, Political Economy and the State: Contested Terrain (
Pat Armstrong and M. Patricia Connelly eds.). Toronto: Canadian Scholars Press, 1999, 373 pp.
World Class Cities: Can Canada Play? (Caroline Andrew,
Pat Armstrong, and André Lapierre eds.) . Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press, 1999, 454 pp.
Universal Health Care. What the United States Can Learn From the Canadian Experience (
Pat Armstrong, Hugh Armstrong and Claudia Fegan). New York: The New Press, 1998, xv + 176 pp.
Medical Alert: New Work Organizations in Health Care (
Pat Armstrong, Hugh Armstrong, Jacqueline Choiniere, Eric Mykhalovskiy and Jerry White), Toronto: Garamond Press, 1997, x + 158 pp.
Wasting Away: The Undermining of Canadian Health Care (
Pat Armstrong and Hugh Armstrong), Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1996, viii + 245 pp.
Take Care: Warning Signals for Canadian Health Care (
Pat Armstrong, Hugh Armstrong, Jacqueline Choiniere, Gina Feldberg and Jerry White eds.), Toronto: Garamond Press, 1994, 127 pp.
The Double Ghetto: Canadian Women and Their Segregated Work (
Pat Armstrong and Hugh Armstrong). Revised Third Edition. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1994, 259 pp.
Vital Signs: Nursing Work in Transition (
Pat Armstrong, Jacqueline Choiniere and Elaine Day), Toronto: Garamond Press, 1993, 125 pp.
Feminism in Action: Studies in Political Economy (
Pat Armstrong, M. Patricia Connelly eds.), Toronto: Canadian Scholars Press, 1992, 342 pp.
Theorizing Women's Work (
Pat Armstrong and Hugh Armstrong), Toronto: Garamond Press, 1990, 161 pp.
The Double Ghetto: Canadian Women and Their Segregated Work (
Pat Armstrong and Hugh Armstrong), Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1978, 199 pp.
Labour Pains: Women's Work in Crisis (
Pat Armstrong), Toronto: The Women's Press, 1984, 273 pp.
The Double Ghetto: Canadian Women and Their Segregated Work (
Pat Armstrong and Hugh Armstrong). Revised Second Edition. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1984, 223 pp.
A Working Majority: What Women Must Do for Pay (
Pat Armstrong and Hugh Armstrong), Ottawa: Supply and Services Canada for the Canadian Advisory Council on the Status of Women, 1983, 280 pp. Translated as
Une Majorité Laborieuse: Les femmes qui gagnent leur vie, mais a quel prix. Ottawa: Approvisionnements et Services Canada pour le Conseil Consultatif Canadien de la Situation de la Femme, 1983, 329 pp.
Journal Articles
"How Privatization Infects the Canadian Health Care System" (
Armstrong, P., and Armstrong, H.),
New Labor Forum 0(0) (2023).
"Excess mortality in long-term care residents with and without personal contact with family or friends during the COVID-19 pandemic." Rachel D. Savage, Paula A. Rochon, Yingbo Na,, Rachel Strauss,, Kevin A. Brown, Andrew P. Costa, Sudeep Gill, Jennie Johnstone, Peter Tanuseputro, Nathan M. Stall, Pat Armstrong. PII: S1525-8610(21)01067-7 DOI: JMDA 4209 Journal of the American Medical Directors Association 2022
"Teaming up for long-term care: Recognizing all long-term care staff contribute to quality care." Armstrong, P. Armstrong H. Bourgeault, I. Health Management Forum, (2022).
"The problems with care: A feminist care scholar retrospective." Klostermann, J., Funk, L., Symonds-Brown, H., Cherba, M., Ceci, C., Armstrong, P., & Pols, J. Societies, 12(2), 52, (2022).
"Leadership for quality in long-term care." Ivy L. Bourgeault; Tamara Daly; Catherine Aubrecht ; Pat Armstrong; Hugh Armstrong; and Susan Braedley. Healthcare Management Forum 2021, 35(1):5-10.
"A conversation with Pat Armstrong about Creative Teamwork: Developing Rapid Site-Switching Ethnography." Doucet, A. and Armstrong, P. Families, Relationships and Societies, 1–10, 2020.
"Clothing matters: locating wash, wear, and care." Pat Armstrong & Suzanne Day Studies in Political Economy, 101:1, 1-16, 2020 DOI: 10.1080/07078552.2020.1738777
"COVID-19 in Long-Term Care Homes in Ontario and British Columbia." Michael Liu, Colleen J. Maxwell, Pat Armstrong, Michael Schwandt, Andrea Moser, Margaret J. McGregor, Susan E. Bronskill, Irfan A. Dhalla. Canadian Medical Association Journal September 30:192, 2020
"Is There a Future for Nursing Homes in Canada?" Pat Armstrong and Hugh Armstrong Healthcare Management Forum 2021, 0(0)1-4.
"Non‐job work/unpaid caring: Gendered industrial relations in long‐term care." Donna Baines, D., & Pat Armstrong, Gender, Work, & Organization, 26(7), pp 934-947, 2019.
“”It’s Hard Work”: A Feminist Political Economy Approach to Reconceptualizing “Work” in the Cancer Context” (Cheryl Pritlove, Parissa Safai, Jan E. Angus, Pat Armstrong, Jennifer M. Jones, and Janet Parsons) Qualitative Health Research 29(5)-758-771, 2019.
“Promising Practices in Long Term Care: Can Work Organization Treat both Residents and Providers with Dignity and Respect?” (Donna Baines and Pat Armstrong) Social Work and Policy Studies: Social Justice, Practice and Theory,1(1); special issue on Critical Engagements with Ageing and Care, 1(001):1-26, 2018.
"We’re told, ‘Suck it up’: Long- Term Care Workers Psychological Health and Safety” (Susan Braedley, Prince Owusu, Anna Przednowek, Pat Armstrong) Ageing International, Online May 09, 2017. doi: 10.1007/s12126-017-9288-4
“Balancing the Tension in Long-Term Residential Care” Ageing International, Online Published online before print, May 24, 2017; DOI: 10.1007/s12126-017-9285-7. In print 43(1):74-90.
“Cleaning and Caring: Contributions in Long-term Residential Care” (Beatrice Müller, Pat Armstrong, Ruth Lowndes) Ageing International, Online May 20, 2017. doi:10.1007/s12126-017-9290-x
“Experiences of moral distress by privately hired companions in Ontario’s long-term care facilities.” Brassolotto, J., Daly, T., Armstrong, P., & Naidoo, V. Quality in Ageing and Older Adults, 18(1), pp 58-68, 2017
“Leisurely Dining: Exploring How Work Organization, Informal Care and Dining Spaces Shape Residents’ Experiences of Eating in Long Term Residential Care” (Pat Armstrong, Tamara Daly, Ruth Lowndes). Qualitative Health Research 2017
“Skills of Workers in Long-Term Residential Care: Exploring Complexities, Challenges, and Opportunities.” Rachel Barken and Pat Armstrong. Ageing International, Published online before print, May 24, 2017; DOI: 10.1007/s12126-017-9285-7
“Family Matters: The Work and Skills of Family Members in Long-term Residential Care” (Rachel Barken, Tamara Daly, Pat Armstrong) Journal of Canadian Studies, 50(2): 321-347, 2016.
“How do work hierarchies and strict divisions of labour impact care workers' experiences of health and safety? Case studies of long term care in Toronto” (Syed, I., Daly, T., Armstrong, P., Lowndes, R., Chadoin, M., Naidoo, V.), The Journal of Nursing Home Research Sciences, 2: 1-9, 2016.
“Liminal and invisible long-term care labour: Precarity in the face of austerity” (Tamara Daly and Pat Armstrong), The Journal of Industrial Relations, Online April 19, 2016.
“The Threats of Privatization to Security in Long-Term Residential Care” (Pat Armstrong, Hugh Armstrong and Krystal Kehoe-McLoad) Ageing International 41(1): 99-116, 2016. Electronic version Dec. 1, 2015 DOI: 10.1007/s12126-015-9228-0
“‘Si ce n’est pas documenté, ça n’a pas été fait’: quand les indicateurs de gestion escamotent le travail invisible des femmes” (Chadoin, M., Messing, K., Daly, T., Armstrong, P.) PISTES, 18, 2, 2016.
“’Leisurely Dining’: Exploring How Work Organization, Informal Care, and Dining Spaces Shape Residents’ Experiences of Eating in Long-Term Residential Care" (Ruth Lowndes, Ruth, Tamara Daly, and Pat Armstrong) Qualitative Health Research, 1-18, 2017 DOI: 10.1177/1049732317737979
“Centering Care: Explaining Regulatory Tensions in Residential Care for Older Persons” (Albert Banerjee and Pat Armstrong), Studies in Political Economy, 95, Spring 2015: 7-28.
“Liminality in Ontario Long-term Care Facilities. Private Companions Work in the Space ‘Betwixt and Between’” (Tamara Daly, Pat Armstrong and Ruth Lowndes), Competition and Change, 9(3): 246-263, 2015.
“The Meaning of "Dining" The Social Organization of Food in LTC” (Ruth Lowndes, Pat Armstrong and Tamara Daly), Food Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 4(1): 19-34, 2015.
“‘Care workers Don’t Have a Voice:’ Epistemological Violence in Residential Care for Older People” (Albert Bannerjee, Pat Armstrong, Tamara Daly, Hugh Armstrong, Susan Braedley), Journal of Aging Studies, 33: 28-36, April 2015.
“Taking Gender into Account in Occupational Health Research: Continuing Tensions” (Pat Armstrong and Karen Messing), Policy and Practice in Health and Safety, 12(1): 3-16, 2014.
“Puzzling Skills” Canadian Review of Sociology, Special Issue 50th Anniversary of the Canadian Review of Sociology, 53(3): 256-283, 2013.
“Structural violence in long-term, residential care for older people: Comparing Canada and Scandinavia” (Albert Banerjee, Tamara Daly, Pat Armstrong, Marta Szebehely, Hugh Armstrong, Stirling LaFrance), Social Science and Medicine, 74(3): 390-398, 2012.
“The Thin Blue Line: Long Term Care as an Indicator of Equity in Welfare States” (Pat Armstrong, Hugh Armstrong and Tamara Daly), Canadian Woman Studies, 29(3): 49-60, Spring/Summer 2012.
"Lifting the Violence Veil: Examining Working Conditions in Long-Term Care Facilities Using Iterative Methods" (Tamara Daly, Albert Banerjee, Pat Armstrong, Hugh Armstrong, and Marta Szebehely), Canadian Journal on Aging, 30(2): 271-284, 2011.
“Structural Violence in Long-Term Residential Care” (Pat Armstrong, Hugh Armstrong, Albert Banerjee, Tamara Daly, and Marta Szebehely), Women's Health and Urban Life, 10(1): 11-129, May 2011.
“Bringing it Home: Women’s Health Work” (
Pat Armstrong and Hugh Armstrong),
Women's Health and Urban Life: An International and Interdisciplinary Journal VII:2 (December 2008): 6-15
“Qualitative research and the politics of knowledge in an age of evidence: Developing a research-based practice of immanent critique” (Eric Mykhalousky,
Pat Armstrong, Hugh Armstrong, Ivy Bourgeault, Jackie Choiniere, Joel Lexchin, Suzanne Peters and Jerry White),
Social Science and Medicine 67 (2008): 195-203
“Back to Basics: Pay Equity for Women Today” (
Pat Armstrong),
Labour and Industry 18:2 (December 2007): 11-32
“Indicators for All: Including Occupational Health” (Ellen Balka, Karen Messing and
Pat Armstrong),
Indicators for a Sustainable Health Care System: Policy and Practices in Health and Safety 4:1 (2006): 69-85
“Public and Private: Implications for Care Work” (
Pat Armstrong and Hugh Armstrong),
Sociological Review 53.s2 (2005): 167-187. Reprinted in Lynne Pettinger Jane Parry, Rebecca Taylor and Miriam Glucksman, eds.,
A New Sociology of Work, Oxford: Blackwell, 2006
“Quality Care is Like a Carton of Eggs: Using a Gender-based Diversity Analysis to Assess Quality of Health Care” (Beth E. Jackson, Ann Pederson,
Pat Armstrong, Madeline Boscoe, Barbara Clow, Karen R. Grant, Nancy Guberman, and Kay Willson),
Canadian Woman Studies 24 (2005): 15-22.
“At First You Will Not Succeed: Negotiating For Care in the Context of Health Reform” (I. L. Bourgeault, S. Lindsay, Eric Mykhalovskiy, H.Armstrong,
P. Armstrong, J. Choiniere, J. Lexchin, S. Peters, and J, P. White),
Research in the Sociology of Health Care 22 (2004): 263-278
“Thinking it Through. Women, Work and Caring in the New Millennium” (
Pat Armstrong and Hugh Armstrong).
Canadian Woman Studies/les cahiers de la femme. 21/22:4/1 (Spring/Summer 2002): 44-50. Summary version of the original. Reprinted as pp. 145-53 in Barbara A. Crow and Lise Gotell, eds.
Open Boundaries: A Canadian Women’s Studies Reader. Toronto: Prentice-Hall, 2004.
“Market Principles, Business Practices and Health Care: Comparing the U.S. and Canadian Experiences” (
Pat Armstrong, Hugh Armstrong, Ivy Lynn Bourgeault, Jacqueline Choiniere, Joel Lexchin, Eric Mykhalovskiy, Suzanne Peters and Jerry P. White),
International Journal of Canadian Studies 28 (Fall 2003): 13-38, issue on “Health and Well-being in Canada”
“Everyday Experiences of Implicit Rationing: Comparing the Voices of Nurses in California and British Columbia” (I. Bourgeault, H. Armstrong,
P. Armstrong, J. Choiniere, J. Lexchin, E. Mykhalovskiy, S. Peters and J.P. White),
Sociology of Health and Illness. 23.5 (2001): 633-653.
“The Impact of Managed Care on Nurses’ Learning and Teaching” (Jerry White, Hugh Armstrong,
Pat Armstrong, Ivy Bourgeault, Jacqueline Choiniere and Eric Mykalovskiy),
Nursing Inquiry 7 (2000): 74-80.
“Decentralized Health Care in Canada” (
Pat Armstrong and Hugh Armstrong),
British Medical Journal 318 (May 1999): 1201-04.
“Restructuring Pay Equity for a Restructured Work Force: Canadian Perspectives” (
Pat Armstrong and Mary Cornish),
Gender, Work and Organization 4:2 (April 1997): 67-86.
“Caring and Women's Work” (
Pat Armstrong),
Health and Canadian Society, 2:1 (1996): 109-18.
“Resurrecting the Family: Interring the State” (
Pat Armstrong),
Journal of Comparative Family Studies 27:2 (Summer 1996): 221-248.
“Lessons from Pay Equity” (
Pat Armstrong and Hugh Armstrong),
Studies in Political Economy 32 (Spring 1990): 29-54. Reprinted as pp. 286-314 in M. Patricia Connelly and
Pat Armstrong, eds.,
Feminism in Action. Toronto: Canadian Scholars' Press, 1992
“Is There Still A Chairman of the Board?” (
Pat Armstrong),
Journal of Management Development 8:6 (1989): 6-16.
“Sex and the Professions in Canada” (
Pat Armstrong and Hugh Armstrong),
Journal of Canadian Studies 27:1 (1989): 118-35
“Looking Ahead: The Future of Women's Work” (
Pat Armstrong and Hugh Armstrong),
Australian-Canadian Studies 3 (1985): 1-11. Also available in pamphlet form as the 1985 Phillip Law Lecture. Bundoora (Australia): The PIT Press, 1985. Revised version, pp. 312-25 in Meg Luxton and Heather Jon Maroney, eds.
Feminism and Political Economy: Women in Canada. Toronto: Methuen, 1987.
“Review Essay. Political Economy and the Household: Rejecting Separate Spheres.” (
Pat Armstrong and Hugh Armstrong),
Studies in Political Economy 17 (Summer 1985): 167-77.
“More on Marxism and Feminism: A Response and Reply to Patricia Connelly” (
Pat Armstrong and Hugh Armstrong),
Studies in Political Economy 15 (fall 1984): 179-184. Reprinted as pp. 249-254 in Michele Barrett and Roberta Hamilton, eds.,
The Politics of Diversity: Feminism, Marxism and Nationalism. London: Verso and Montreal: Book Centre, 1986.
“Beyond Numbers: Problems with Quantitative Data” (
Pat Armstrong and Hugh Armstrong),
Alternate Routes 6 (1983): 1-40. Reprinted as pp. 307-335 in Mary Kinnear and Greg Mason, eds.
Women and Work. Winnipeg: University of Winnipeg Institute for Social and Economic Research, 1983. Revised version published as pp.54-79 in Greta Hofmann Nemiroff, ed.,
Women and Men: Interdisciplinary Readings on Gender. Toronto: Fitzhenry and Whiteside, 1987
“Beyond Sexless Class and Classless Sex: Towards Feminist Marxism” (
Pat Armstrong and Hugh Armstrong),
Studies in Political Economy 10 (winter 1983): 7-43. Excerpt reprinted as pp. 317-19 in Althea Pierce and Susan Silva-Wayne, eds.,
Feminisms and Womanisms: A Women’s Studies Reader. Toronto: Women’s Press, 2004. Reprinted as pp. 11-50 in Caroline Andrew et al., eds.,
Studies in Political Economy: Development in Feminism. Toronto: Women’s Press, 2003. Reprinted as pp. 1-37 in
Pat Armstrong et al.,
Feminist Marxism or Marxist Feminism: A Debate. Toronto: Garamond, 1985. Revised version published as pp. 208-237 in Michele Barrett and Roberta Hamilton, eds.
The Politics of Diversity. London: Verso and Montreal: Book Centre, 1987
“Underemployed and Unemployed.” (
Pat Armstrong),
Canadian Woman Studies 3:4 (Summer 1982): 41-43.
“Women and Jobs: The Canadian Case” (
Pat Armstrong and Hugh Armstrong),
Equal Opportunities International (United Kingdom) 1:1 (1981): 3-9. Revised version published as Occasional Paper No. 6, Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, 1981
“Women and Unemployment” (
Pat Armstrong),
Atlantis 6:1 (Fall 1980): 1-16. Another version published in French and English by the Canadian Research Institute for the Advancement of Women.
“The Segregated Participation of Women in the Canadian Labour Force, 1941-1971” (
Pat Armstrong and Hugh Armstrong),
Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology 12.4(1) (November 1975): 370-384.
Research Reports
Regulating Care: Lessons from Canada. in Gabrielle Meagher and Marta Szebehely eds., Marketisation in Nordic Eldercare: A Research Report on Legislation, Oversight, Extent and Consequences. Stockholm: Stockholm University School of Social Work, 2013. Chapter 7
“Contradictions: Health Equity and Women’s Health in Toronto” (Tamara Daly,
Pat Armstrong, Hugh Armstrong, Susan Braedley and Vanessa Oliver). Toronto: Wellesley Institute, 2008, 71 pp.
“‘Out of Control’: Violence Against Personal Support Workers in Long-Term Care” (Albert Banerjee, Tamara Daly, Hugh Armstrong,
Pat Armstrong, Stirling Lafrance and Marta Szebehely). Distributed in supporting unions and through York University and the Canadian Women’s Health Network, 2008, 24 pp.
“Critical to Care: Women and Ancillary Work in Health Care” (
Pat Armstrong, Hugh Armstrong and Krista Scott Dixon). Distributed by the National Network on Environments and Women’s Health, York University, January 2006, 113 pp. Excerpt published as “Who Counts as a Health Care Worker?” Canadian Women’s Health Network 8:3/4 (Spring 2006): 12-13
“Conceptualizing Care.” (
Pat Armstrong, Kate Laxer and Hugh Armstrong) Introduction to the Health Module in the Gender and Work Database., 2004
“Trade Agreements, Home Care and Women’s Health” (Olena Hankivsky, Marina Morrow,
Pat Armstrong, Lindsay Galvin and Holly Grinvalds). Ottawa: Status of Women in Canada, 2004
“‘There are not enough hands’: Conditions in Ontario’s Long-Term Care Facilities” (
Pat Armstrong and Tamara Daly). Report prepared for the Canadian Union of Public Employees. Toronto, 2004
“Reading Romanow. The Implications of the Final Report of The Commission on the Future of Health Care in Canada for Women.” (
Pat Armstrong, Madeline Boscoe, Barbara Clow, Karen Grant, Ann Pederson, Kay Willson and Olena Hankivsky, Beth Jackson and Marina Morrow). Winnipeg: Canadian Women’s Health Network, 2003
“Planning For Care.” (
Pat Armstrong and Hugh Armstrong). Paper commissioned by the Commission on the Future of Health Care (Romanow), 2002.
“100 Years of Caregiving.” (
Pat Armstrong and Olga Kitts). Report prepared to the Law Commission of Canada, 2001
“Assessing the Impact of Restructuring and Work Reorganization in Long Term Care” (
Pat Armstrong, Irene Jansen, Erin Connell and Mavis Jones). Toronto: National Network For Environments and Women’s Health, 2001
“Thinking It Through: Women, Work and Caring in the New Millennium” (
Pat Armstrong and Hugh Armstrong). Paper prepared for The Healthy Balance Research Programme, Maritime Centre of Excellence for Women’s Health, Halifax, October 2001
“Equal Pay for Work of Equal Value” (
Pat Armstrong). Report prepared for the Public Service Alliance of Canada, in Canadian Postal Workers vs Canada Post. Ottawa: Canadian Human Rights Commission, January, 1993. Revised for the Canadian Human Rights Commission, Spring 1998 and 2000
“Integrating the Social Sciences and Humanities in the CIHR.” (Working Group on the Canadian Institutes of Health Gender and Women’s Health Research: Lorraine Greaves and Penny Ballem, Principle Investigators) Research Report submitted to the SSHRC and the CIHR Foundation, Ottawa, October 1999. Karen Grant PI.
“Managing Reform: Managing Care: Perspectives from B.C. Nurses” (
Pat Armstrong, Hugh Armstrong, Ivy Bourgeault, Jacqueline Choiniere, Eric Mykalovskiy and Jerry White). Ottawa: Carleton University, 1999
“Women, Privatization and Health Care Reform: The Ontario Case” (
Pat Armstrong and Hugh Armstrong). Toronto: National Network on Environments and Women’s Health, December 1999
“The Consequences of Government Policy Changes in Long Term Care In Ontario. A Survey of Care Providers.” (
Pat Armstrong, Laura Sky, Ellen Long, Hugh Armstrong, Jacqueline Choiniere, Eric Mykhalovskiy, Jerry White and Ivy Bourgeault). Toronto: CUPE and SEIU, 1997
“The Promise and The Price: New Work Organization in Health Care.” (
Pat Armstrong, Hugh Armstrong, Jacqueline Choiniere, Eric Mykhalovskiy and Jerry White). Toronto: York University Centre for Health Studies, 1996
"Voices From the Ward: A Pilot Study of the Impact of Cutbacks on Hospital Care" (
Pat Armstrong, Jackie Choiniere, Gina Feldberg and Jerry White). Toronto: York University Centre for Health Studies, February, 1994
Registration Project Report on Prior Learning Assessment (
Pat Armstrong, Elizabeth Allemang, Hugh Armstrong and Freda Seddon). Prepared for the Transitional Council of the Ontario College of Midwives, June 1993
“Closer to Home: More Work for Women” (
Pat Armstrong). Report published by the British Columbia Hospital Employees Union, November 1993
“Understanding the Numbers: Women in Television and Film” (
Pat Armstrong). Report prepared for Toronto Women in Film and Television, January 1992.
“Families at Play.” (
Pat Armstrong and Laura Johnson). Report prepared for the Ontario Ministry of Tourism and Recreation, 1991
“Under 10's: Small Business and Pay Equity” (
Pat Armstrong). Report prepared for the Ontario Ministry of Labour's Green Paper on Pay Equity, 1991
“Predominately Female Sectors: Health Care.” (
Pat Armstrong with assistance from Jacqueline Choiniere, Chris Gabriel and Jan Kainer). Report prepared for the Ontario Pay Equity Commission, September, 1988
Creative Works
Negotiating Tensions in Long-Term Residential Care: Ideas Worth Sharing (Pat Armstrong and Ruth Lowndes, eds) Ottawa: Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, 2018, 134 pp.
Exercising Choice in Long-Term Residential Care. (Pat Armstrong and Tamara Daly, eds.) Ottawa: Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, 2017. 128 pp
Physical Environments for Long Term Care: Ideas Worth Sharing. (Pat Armstrong and Susan Braedley, eds.) Ottawa: Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, 2016. 112pp
Promising Practices in Long Term Care: Ideas Worth Sharing. (Donna Baines and Pat Armstrong, eds.) Ottawa: Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, 2015/16. 84pp.
The Labour Force Crisis in Long Term Care. The Right to Care. (Pat Armstrong, Hugh Armstrong and Jacqueline Choiniere, eds.) Cheltenham UK: Edward Elgar. Forthcoming fall 2024.