
Patricia Keeney

Photo of Patricia Keeney

Department of English

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Two new publications in 2016 One Man Dancing, a novel published by Inanna Orpheus in Our Time published by NeoPoiesis


Patricia Keeney's creative and critical work, as well as her teaching interests, are broadly interdisciplinary. Having lived and worked for extended periods of time in England, France, Mexico, Hungary, Brazil, China, India and South Africa, she is widely published both in Canada and abroad. As an editor and award-winning critic (literary and theatre), she has written extensively in Canadian journals such as the Canadian Forum and MacLean's Magazine and served as a consulting editor (1990-2000) on The World Encyclopedia of Contemporary Theatre, published by Routledge. She is the author of nine books of poetry and a picaresque novel entitled The Incredible Shrinking Wife (Black Moss Press, 1995). A volume of her Selected Poems (Oberon Press) was published in 1996 with an introduction by the distinguished Russia poet Yevgeny Yevtushenko. Her poetry has also been translated into French (winning the Prix Jean Paris in 2003), Spanish, Bulgarian, Chinese and Hindi. Keeney's experiment in poetry and theatre called Vocal Braiding with sound poet and playwright Penn Kemp was published by Pendas Productions (2001). One of three Canadian writers sent to Mexico on a cultural exchange program under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), she has, in addition, produced a series of conversations and poems on national and personal culture, entitled You Bring Me Wings, with the Mexican poet Ethel Krauze. (Antares Press, 2011) . Her latest collection of poetry is entitled First Woman (Inanna Publications, 2011). Currently working on fiction, she has completed a full-length novel, One Man Dancing, based on a true story involving a young African actor who finds himself caught up in international intrigue and artistic exploration. Set in Idi Amin's Uganda, early drafts of the book attracted much attention in public readings and has already generated film interest. The novel was published in 2016 by Inanna. Film treatments are underway. In 2016 also, she published a new poetry and dialogue collection based on the original Orphic hymns. Orpheus in Our Time is published by NeoPoeisis Press. Her next project, a novel called Emptiness and Angels is already in draft form, combining the contemporary fascination for biblical suspense with her enduring interest in female quest and feminist satire. A Professor of English and Creative Writing at York University for many years, Keeney has concentrated on areas of Canadian culture and literature, children's literature, modern poetry and literature by and about women.


B.A., McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
M.A., Sir George Williams University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Doctoral Studies, Sussex University, Sussex, England

Research Interests

English , Canadian Studies, theatre, women's studies

Two new publications in 2016 One Man Dancing, a novel published by Inanna Orpheus in Our Time published by NeoPoiesis

Patricia Keeney's creative and critical work, as well as her teaching interests, are broadly interdisciplinary. Having lived and worked for extended periods of time in England, France, Mexico, Hungary, Brazil, China, India and South Africa, she is widely published both in Canada and abroad. As an editor and award-winning critic (literary and theatre), she has written extensively in Canadian journals such as the Canadian Forum and MacLean's Magazine and served as a consulting editor (1990-2000) on The World Encyclopedia of Contemporary Theatre, published by Routledge. She is the author of nine books of poetry and a picaresque novel entitled The Incredible Shrinking Wife (Black Moss Press, 1995). A volume of her Selected Poems (Oberon Press) was published in 1996 with an introduction by the distinguished Russia poet Yevgeny Yevtushenko. Her poetry has also been translated into French (winning the Prix Jean Paris in 2003), Spanish, Bulgarian, Chinese and Hindi. Keeney's experiment in poetry and theatre called Vocal Braiding with sound poet and playwright Penn Kemp was published by Pendas Productions (2001). One of three Canadian writers sent to Mexico on a cultural exchange program under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), she has, in addition, produced a series of conversations and poems on national and personal culture, entitled You Bring Me Wings, with the Mexican poet Ethel Krauze. (Antares Press, 2011) . Her latest collection of poetry is entitled First Woman (Inanna Publications, 2011). Currently working on fiction, she has completed a full-length novel, One Man Dancing, based on a true story involving a young African actor who finds himself caught up in international intrigue and artistic exploration. Set in Idi Amin's Uganda, early drafts of the book attracted much attention in public readings and has already generated film interest. The novel was published in 2016 by Inanna. Film treatments are underway. In 2016 also, she published a new poetry and dialogue collection based on the original Orphic hymns. Orpheus in Our Time is published by NeoPoeisis Press. Her next project, a novel called Emptiness and Angels is already in draft form, combining the contemporary fascination for biblical suspense with her enduring interest in female quest and feminist satire. A Professor of English and Creative Writing at York University for many years, Keeney has concentrated on areas of Canadian culture and literature, children's literature, modern poetry and literature by and about women.


B.A., McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
M.A., Sir George Williams University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Doctoral Studies, Sussex University, Sussex, England

Research Interests

English , Canadian Studies, theatre, women's studies