Paul Evans

School of Administrative Studies
Assistant Professor
School of Administrative Studies
Office: Atkinson College, 216
Phone: 416-736-2100 Ext: 55677
Primary website: Ancient Abbeys of Brittany
Paul Evans currently leads and teaches the internship component of the Masters of Financial Accountability program. He is also Treasurer of the York University Faculty Association, Chair of the YUFA Trust and President of the YUFA Foundation. His research is currently focused on financial and valuation matters related to medieval Breton abbeys and their possessions in England.
Paul Evans was born, spent his childhood and obtained his university qualifications in Britain. He did a full year of Voluntary Service Overseas in Mombasa, Kenya. He joined the Atkinson faculty in 1971 after several years of Canadian accounting experience during which he obtained his CPA, CA designation. Since that time he has taught financial accounting both to York and professional students.
He was one of two faculty members who founded, in 1972, what has become the School of Administrative Studies. Since that time he has held various university, faculty and School positions. He was Undergraduate Program Director of the School from 2004-7 and Director from 2008-11.
Since 2000 and especially since he ended his term as Director in 2011 his research has focused on medieval studies.
In 2000 he co-founded the Ancient Abbeys of Brittany Project which has become a collaboration between York, the University of Toronto, the University of Western Brittany and CRBC in Brest, and the University of Southern Brittany and CERHIO in Lorient. His research contribution has related to financial matters associated with Breton Abbeys and their "alien priories" and churches in England. He has also prepared, organized and is the custodian of a database of charters of one Breton abbey and is in process of preparing three others. He has contributed papers to various recent conferences at Kalamazoo (7), Leeds (4) and Brest and Lorient. In May 2014 he organized an Ancient Abbeys of Brittany Colloquium entitled "Cistercians and Canons Regular in Medieval Brittany, Normandy, England and Wales / Cisterciens et Chanoines réguliers en Bretagne, en Normandie, en Angleterre et au Pays de Galles au Moyen Âge" which was held partly at York University and partly at the University of Toronto. In May 2016 he organized a second AABP colloquium for which he was successful as a co-applicant in obtaining funding from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council and French research funding agencies. This one was entitled "Monastères, convergences, échanges et confrontations dans l’Ouest de l’Europe au Moyen Âge/Monasteries, convergences, exchanges and confrontations in the West of Europe in the Middle Ages".
He published as sole author, “Histoires d’argent : emprunts et prêts dans les chartes de l’abbaye de Beauport” in Un scriptorium et son époque : Les chanoines de Beauport et la société bretonne au Moyen-Âge, Université de Bretagne Occidentale, under the direction of Cédric Jeanneau, pp. 170-200, Centre de Recherche Bretonne, Brest (France), 2015. He is currently editing two volumes of articles related to this research and a further article.
He is currently treasurer of the York University Faculty Association. Since 1980 he has continued to serve as President of the York University Faculty Association Foundation and Chair of the York University Faculty Association Trust. These organizations, through their own and matching contributions, have accumulated a large endowment which awards scholarships to York students. They also contribute $100,000 each year to local charitable initiatives. Paul is a member of the graduate faculty and is currently teaching FACC6850 - Financial Accountability Practicum. This course involves full and part-time internships for Master of Financial Accountability students with various types of organizations including financial, commercial and local non-profit organizations.
His teaching assignments are mainly to FACC6850 (Financial Accountability Practicum), ADMS1500 (Introduction to Accounting), ADMS1550 (Accounting for Non-Financial Managers) and ADMS2500 (Introduction to Financial Accounting). He currently leads the internship program in the Masters of Financial Accountability.
Paul enjoys facilitating the realization of potential in individuals, organizations and communities. He is a year round cyclist who otherwise uses and has in interest in public transportation. He particularly values integrity, quality, professionalism and teamwork. He prefers to work within transparent, democratic, and empowering organizational structures.
His office is Room 216 Atkinson and he can be reached at or 416-736-5677.
CPA, CA, Institute of Chartered Accountants of Ontario and Canadian Institute of Chartered AccountantsGraduate Diploma in Social & Administrative Studies, University of Oxford
Honours BA in Economics, University of Wales - University College of Swansea
Faculty of Graduate StudiesProfessional Leadership
Responsible with Professor Sung Kwon for the preparation and introduction of the Master of Financial Accountability program and is currently working to build its internship component. In May 2014 and May 2016 organized bi-lingual multi-disciplinary Ancient Abbeys of Brittany Colloquiua held at York University, the University of Toronto Mississauga and the University of Toronto St George. He is finalizing two volumes of articles arising out of these.
Community Contributions
Active in the York University Faculty Association as its Treasurer, Chair of the YUFA Trust and President of the Foundation which are major contributors to student scholarships at York and other initiatives related to social unionism. Facilitated funding of many student scholarships and community outreach including the YUFA Community Projects, Transition Year Program, Success Beyond Limits and the Advanced Credit Experience.
Research Interests
Paul Evans currently leads and teaches the internship component of the Masters of Financial Accountability program. He is also Treasurer of the York University Faculty Association, Chair of the YUFA Trust and President of the YUFA Foundation. His research is currently focused on financial and valuation matters related to medieval Breton abbeys and their possessions in England.
Paul Evans was born, spent his childhood and obtained his university qualifications in Britain. He did a full year of Voluntary Service Overseas in Mombasa, Kenya. He joined the Atkinson faculty in 1971 after several years of Canadian accounting experience during which he obtained his CPA, CA designation. Since that time he has taught financial accounting both to York and professional students.
He was one of two faculty members who founded, in 1972, what has become the School of Administrative Studies. Since that time he has held various university, faculty and School positions. He was Undergraduate Program Director of the School from 2004-7 and Director from 2008-11.
Since 2000 and especially since he ended his term as Director in 2011 his research has focused on medieval studies.
In 2000 he co-founded the Ancient Abbeys of Brittany Project which has become a collaboration between York, the University of Toronto, the University of Western Brittany and CRBC in Brest, and the University of Southern Brittany and CERHIO in Lorient. His research contribution has related to financial matters associated with Breton Abbeys and their "alien priories" and churches in England. He has also prepared, organized and is the custodian of a database of charters of one Breton abbey and is in process of preparing three others. He has contributed papers to various recent conferences at Kalamazoo (7), Leeds (4) and Brest and Lorient. In May 2014 he organized an Ancient Abbeys of Brittany Colloquium entitled "Cistercians and Canons Regular in Medieval Brittany, Normandy, England and Wales / Cisterciens et Chanoines réguliers en Bretagne, en Normandie, en Angleterre et au Pays de Galles au Moyen Âge" which was held partly at York University and partly at the University of Toronto. In May 2016 he organized a second AABP colloquium for which he was successful as a co-applicant in obtaining funding from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council and French research funding agencies. This one was entitled "Monastères, convergences, échanges et confrontations dans l’Ouest de l’Europe au Moyen Âge/Monasteries, convergences, exchanges and confrontations in the West of Europe in the Middle Ages".
He published as sole author, “Histoires d’argent : emprunts et prêts dans les chartes de l’abbaye de Beauport” in Un scriptorium et son époque : Les chanoines de Beauport et la société bretonne au Moyen-Âge, Université de Bretagne Occidentale, under the direction of Cédric Jeanneau, pp. 170-200, Centre de Recherche Bretonne, Brest (France), 2015. He is currently editing two volumes of articles related to this research and a further article.
He is currently treasurer of the York University Faculty Association. Since 1980 he has continued to serve as President of the York University Faculty Association Foundation and Chair of the York University Faculty Association Trust. These organizations, through their own and matching contributions, have accumulated a large endowment which awards scholarships to York students. They also contribute $100,000 each year to local charitable initiatives. Paul is a member of the graduate faculty and is currently teaching FACC6850 - Financial Accountability Practicum. This course involves full and part-time internships for Master of Financial Accountability students with various types of organizations including financial, commercial and local non-profit organizations.
His teaching assignments are mainly to FACC6850 (Financial Accountability Practicum), ADMS1500 (Introduction to Accounting), ADMS1550 (Accounting for Non-Financial Managers) and ADMS2500 (Introduction to Financial Accounting). He currently leads the internship program in the Masters of Financial Accountability.
Paul enjoys facilitating the realization of potential in individuals, organizations and communities. He is a year round cyclist who otherwise uses and has in interest in public transportation. He particularly values integrity, quality, professionalism and teamwork. He prefers to work within transparent, democratic, and empowering organizational structures.
His office is Room 216 Atkinson and he can be reached at or 416-736-5677.
CPA, CA, Institute of Chartered Accountants of Ontario and Canadian Institute of Chartered AccountantsGraduate Diploma in Social & Administrative Studies, University of Oxford
Honours BA in Economics, University of Wales - University College of Swansea
Faculty of Graduate StudiesProfessional Leadership
Responsible with Professor Sung Kwon for the preparation and introduction of the Master of Financial Accountability program and is currently working to build its internship component. In May 2014 and May 2016 organized bi-lingual multi-disciplinary Ancient Abbeys of Brittany Colloquiua held at York University, the University of Toronto Mississauga and the University of Toronto St George. He is finalizing two volumes of articles arising out of these.
Community Contributions
Active in the York University Faculty Association as its Treasurer, Chair of the YUFA Trust and President of the Foundation which are major contributors to student scholarships at York and other initiatives related to social unionism. Facilitated funding of many student scholarships and community outreach including the YUFA Community Projects, Transition Year Program, Success Beyond Limits and the Advanced Credit Experience.