Philip A. Harland

Office: Vanier College, 248
Phone: 416-736-2100 Ext: 77379
Primary website:
Professor Philip Harland's teaching and research focus on the comparative study ethnic and minority groups in the ancient Mediterranean, including Judeans (Jews) and Jesus adherents (Christians), as well as the social and cultural history of the Greco-Roman world generally. He is especially interested in the light that archeological and epigraphic evidence can shed on early Jewish and Christian history and literature. His most recent major SSHRC-supported research project is on ethnic relations and ethnographic writing in the Hellenistic and Roman periods with a focus on the perspectives of subject or minority peoples.
Professor Philip Harland is Associate Professor in the Humanities Department, where he teaches in both the Religious Studies and the Ancient History programs. For several years he taught in the Religion Department of Concordia University, Montreal. He received his bachelor’s degree in both History and Religious Studies from the University of Waterloo before pursuing graduate studies at the University of Toronto's Centre for the Study of Religion, where he received his MA and PhD in Christian origins and the religions of antiquity. Professor Philip Harland's teaching and research focus on the comparative study ethnic and minority groups in the ancient Mediterranean, including Judeans (Jews) and Jesus adherents (Christians), as well as the social and cultural history of the Greco-Roman world generally. He is also especially interested in the light that archeological and epigraphic evidence can shed on early Jewish and Christian history and literature. His most recent major SSHRC-supported research project is on ethnic relations and ethnographic writing in the Hellenistic and Roman periods with a focus on the perspectives of subject or minority peoples.
Ph.D. (Religious Studies), University of TorontoM.A. (Religious Studies), University of Toronto
B.A. (History and Religious Studies), University of Waterloo
Faculty of Graduate StudiesProfessional Leadership
Professional and Committee Memberships
2005- Chair and coordinator, “Travel and Religion in Antiquity Seminar,” Canadian Society of Biblical Studies
2005- Steering committee member, “Greco-Roman Meals Seminar,” Society of Biblical Literature (by invitation)
2002- Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies
2000-03 Steering committee member, “Religious Rivalries Seminar,” Canadian Society of Biblical Studies
1995- Hellenistic Texts Seminar, University of Toronto
1994- Canadian Society of Biblical Studies
1993- Society of Biblical Literature
Research Interests
- Fonds Quebecois de la recherche sur la société et la culture - Nouveaux chercheurs (value $41,550 for three years) 2003-2006 - 2003-06
- School of Graduate Studies’ Dissertation Fellowship, University of Toronto 1998-1999 - 1998-99
- Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Graduate FellowsOntario Graduate Scholarship 1998-1999 (declined for 1999-2000) - 1998-99
- Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Graduate Fellowships 1996-1998 - 1996-98
- University of Toronto Open Fellowships 1994-1996 - 1994-96
- Norman E. Wagner Award, Canadian Society of Biblical Studies (for innovative use of technology relating to biblical scholarship in connection with the websites and podcast at 2010 - 2010
- F. W. Beare Book Award, Canadian Society of Biblical Studies (for Associations, Synagogues and Congregations) 2004 - 2004
- Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Insight Grant - 2019-2024
Current Research Projects
The overarching goal is to understand how hegemonic ethnic stereotypes and prejudice relate to minority perspectives and experiences in an eastern Mediterranean diaspora context (ca. 450 BCE-212 CE).
- Month: Apr Year: 2019
End Date:
- Month: Apr Year: 2024
Group Survival in the Ancient Mediterranean: Rethinking Material Conditions in the Landscape of Jews and Christians (T & T Clark, 2020).
2014 Greco-Roman Associations: Texts, Translations, and Commentary: II. North Coast of the Black Sea, Asia Minor. Berlin: de Gruyter, 2014.
2013 Associations, Synagogues, and Congregations: Claiming a Place in Ancient Mediterranean Society. Second revised edition with links to inscriptions. Kitchener, ON: Philip A. Harland, 2013.
2012 Associations in the Greco-Roman World: A Sourcebook, co-authored with Richard Ascough and John S. Kloppenborg. Baylor University Press / de Gruyter, 2012.
2011 Travel and Religion in Antiquity. Studies in Christianity and Judaism, 21. Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2011. (editor)
2009 Dynamics of Identity in the World of the Early Christians: Associations, Judeans, and Cultural Minorities. New York: T & T Clark; London: Continuum Press, 2009.
2007 Identity and Interaction in the Ancient Mediterranean: Jews, Christians and Others. Sheffield: Sheffield-Phoenix, 2007 (co-edited with Zeba Crook).
2003 Associations, Synagogues, and Congregations: Claiming a Place in Ancient Mediterranean Society. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2003 (Winner of the F. W. Beare Book Award, Canadian Society of Biblical Studies, 2004).
2010 “David J. Downs, The Offering of the Gentiles. WUNT 248. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2008.” In Catholic Biblical Quarterly 72 (2010): 589-590.
2007 “Magnus Zetterholm, The Formation of Christianity in Antioch: A Social Scientific Approach to the Separation between Judaism and Christianity. New York, N.Y.: Routledge, 2003.” In Biblical Theology Bulletin 37 (2007): 135-36.
2006 “Susan Elliott, Cutting Too Close for Comfort: Paul’s Letter to the Galatian’s in its Anatolian Cultic Context. Journal for the Study of the New Testament Supplement Series, 248. London: T & T Clark, 2003.” In Phoenix: Journal of the Classical Association of Canada 40 (2006): 154-55.
2005 “Judith M. Lieu, Christian Identity in the Jewish and Graeco-Roman World. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004.” In Biblical Theology Bulletin 35 (2005): 152-53.
2005 “Richard A. Horsley, ed., Paul and the Roman Imperial Order. Harrisburg: Trinity Press International, 2004.” In Religious Studies Review 31 (2005): 92.
2005 “Richard S. Ascough, Paul’s Macedonian Associations:The Social Context of Philippians and 1 Thessalonians. Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament, 161. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2003.” In Toronto Journal of Theology (2006): 205-207.
2002 “Richard N. Longenecker, Biblical Exegesis in the Apostolic Period. 2nd edition. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1999.” In Studies in Religion/Sciences religieuses 31 (2002):126.
2001 “Greg Carey, Elusive Apocalypse: Reading Authority in the Revelation to John. Macon: Mercer University Press, 1999.” In The Journal of Religion 81 (2001): 454-55.
1997 “Steven J. Friesen, Twice Neokoros: Ephesus, Asia and the Cult of the Flavian Imperial Family. Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1993.” In Toronto Journal of Theology 13 (1997): 272-73.
1997 “Edith McEwan Humphrey, The Ladies and the Cities: Transformation and Apocalyptic Identity in Joseph and Aseneth, 4 Ezra, the Apocalypse and the Shepherd of Hermas. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1995.” In Toronto Journal of Theology 13 (1997): 279-81.
2008 coauthored with David Instone-Brewer, “Jewish Associations in Roman Palestine: Evidence from the Mishnah.” Journal of Greco-Roman Christianity and Judaism 5 (2008): 200-221.
2007 “Familial Dimensions of Group Identity (II): ‘Mothers’ and ‘Fathers’ in Associations and Synagogues of the Greek World.” Journal for the Study of Judaism 38 (2007): 57-79.
2007 “‘These people are . . . Men Eaters’: Banquets of the Anti-Associations and Perceptions of Minority Cultural Groups.” In Zeba Crook and Philip A. Harland, ed.: Identity and Interaction in the Ancient Mediterranean: Jews, Christians and Others. Sheffield: Sheffield Phoenix, 2007, pp. 56-75.
2006 “Acculturation and Identity in the Diaspora: A Jewish Family and ‘Pagan’ Guilds at Hierapolis.” Journal of Jewish Studies 57 (2006): 222-244
2006 “The Declining Polis? Religious Rivalries in Ancient Civic Context.” In Leif E. Vaage, ed.: Religious Rivalries in the Early Roman Empire and the Rise of Christianity. Studies in Judaism and Christianity, volume 18. Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2006, pp. 21-49.
2005 “Familial Dimensions of Group Identity: ‘Brothers’ (ΑΔΕΛΦΟΙ) in Associations of the Greek East.” Journal of Biblical Literature 124 (2005): 491-513.
2005 “Spheres of Contention, Claims of Preeminence: Rivalries Among Associations in Sardis and Smyrna.” In Richard S. Ascough, ed.: Religious Rivalries and the Struggle for Success in Sardis and Smyrna. Studies in Judaism and Christianity, volume 14. Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2005, pp. 53-63.
2003 “Christ-Bearers and Fellow-Initiates: Local Cultural Life and Christian Identity in Ignatius’ Letters.” Journal of Early Christian Studies 11 (2003): 481-99.
2003 “Imperial Cults Within Local Cultural Life: Associations in Roman Asia.” Ancient History Bulletin / Zeitschrift für Alte Geschichte 17 (2003): 85-107.
2002 “Connections with Elites in the World of the Early Christians.” In Anthony J. Blasi, Paul-André Turcotte and Jean Duhaime, eds.: Handbook of Early Christianity: Social Science Approaches. Walnut Creek: Alta Mira Press, 2002, pp. 385-408.
2002 “The Economy of First-Century Palestine: State of the Scholarly Discussion.” In Anthony J. Blasi, Paul-André Turcotte and Jean Duhaime, eds.: Handbook of Early Christianity: Social Science Approaches. Walnut Creek: Alta Mira Press, 2002, pp. 511-527.
2000 “Bithynia.” “Mysia.” “Pamphylia.” “Perga.” In D.N. Freedman, A.B. Beck and A.C. Myers, eds.: Eerdmans Dictionary of the Bible. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2000.
2000 “Honouring the Emperor or Assailing the Beast: Participation in Civic Life Among Associations (Jewish, Christian and Other) in Asia Minor and the Apocalypse of John.” Journal for the Study of the New Testament 77 (2000): 99-121.
1996 “Honours and Worship: Emperors, Imperial Cults and Associations at Ephesus (First to Third Centuries C.E.).” Studies in Religion / Sciences religieuses 25 (1996): 319-334.
March 2009 “Dynamics of Identity: Judeans and Christians in the Context of Associations” Context Group, Stella, New York (by invitation)
July 2009 “Dynamics of Identity: Judeans and Christians in the Context of Associations and Cultural Minorities” Greco-Roman World section, International Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature, Rome, Italy
May 2009 “Journeys in Pursuit of Divine Wisdom: Stories of Thessalos and Other Seekers” Travel and Religion in Antiquity Seminar, Canadian Society of Biblical Studies, Congress of the Canadian Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences, Carleton University
March 2008 “’The days seemed like years’: Thessalos’ Journeys and Preparations to Meet an Egyptian God.” Culture and Religion in Antiquity Seminar, University of Toronto (by invitation). (Also presented at the York University Classics Seminar, April 2008.)
Oct. 2006 Response to Steve Mason, “Josephus as Authority for First Century Judaea.” Seminar on Ancient Judaisms and Christianities, University of Toronto (by invitation)
July 2006 “Judeans Among Associations of Immigrants in the Greco-Roman World: A Case Study of Syrians Abroad” Greco-Roman Religions Section, International Society of Biblical Literature Meeting, Edinburgh, Scotland
Dec. 2006 “‘These people are . . . Men Eaters’: Banquets of the Anti-Associations and Perceptions of Minority Cultural Groups.” Oriental Club of Toronto (by invitation)
Nov. 2005 “Culturally Transgressive Banquets in Greco-Roman Associations: Imagination and Reality.” Greco-Roman Meals Seminar, Society of Biblical Literature, Philadelphia (by invitation).
May 2005 “Pausing at the Intersection of Religion and Travel in Antiquity.” Travel and Religion in Antiquity Seminar, Canadian Society of Biblical Studies, University of Western Ontario, London (programmatic paper for the seminar).
Oct. 2003 “Honouring the Gods, Feasting with Friends: The Purposes of Associations in the Greco-Roman World.” Religious Associations in Context Conference, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia (keynote address, by invitation).
May 2002 “Christ-bearers and Fellow-initiates: Local Cultural Life and Christian Identity in Ignatius’ Letters.” Canadian Society of Biblical Studies, Canadian Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities, University of Toronto.
Nov. 2002 “Spheres of Contention, Claims of Preeminence: Rivalries Among Associations in Sardis and Smyrna.” Religious Rivalries, Society of Biblical Literature, Toronto (by invitation). (Also presented, by invitation, at the Canadian Society of Biblical Studies, Religious Rivalries Seminar, Canadian Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities, l’Université Laval, Quebec, May 2001)
May 2002 “Succeeding in Academic Interviews.” Concordia University Graduate Student Conference, Montreal (by invitation).
Nov. 1999 “Honouring the Emperor or Assailing the Beast: Participation in Civic Life Among Associations in Asia Minor and the Apocalypse of John.” John’s Apocalypse and Cultural Contexts: Ancient and Modern, Society of Biblical Literature, Boston, Massachusetts. (Also presented, by invitation, at the Conrad Grebel College Faculty Forum, University of Waterloo, Feb. 2000.)
March 1998 “Models of Decline in the Study of the Greco-Roman City (polis).” University of Waterloo/Wilfrid Laurier University Biblical Colloquium.
June 1998 “The Declining Polis? Religious Rivalries in the Civic Context.” Religious Rivalries Seminar, Canadian Society of Biblical Studies, Canadian Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities, University of Ottawa (by invitation).
Jan. 1997 “Associations and the Imperial Presence in Civic Life: Revelation and 1 Peter.” Toronto School of Theology Seminar Series, University of Toronto.
June 1997 “Greco-Roman Associations and Imperial Facets of Civic Life: Shedding Light on Jewish and Christian Groups in Roman Asia (I-II C.E.).” Canadian Society of Biblical Studies, Learned Societies, Memorial University.
March 1995 “Greco-Roman Associations and Their Significance for the Study of Christianity.” Colloquium on Religion in Antiquity, Centre for the Study of Religion.
Nov. 1995 “Imperial Cults and Associations: Revising a Scholarly Paradigm.” Colloquium on Religion in Antiquity, Centre for the Study of Religion.
2010 “Laura Salah Nasrallah, Christian Responses to Roman Art and Architecture: The Second Century Church Amid the Spaces of Empire. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010.” In Mouseion: Journal of the Classical Association of Canada (forthcoming).
2010 “Stefan Sommer, Rom und die Vereinigungen im südwestlichen Kleinasien (133 v.Chr. - 284 n.Chr.). Pietas Band 1. Hennef, 2006.” In Klio : Beiträge zur alten Geschichte (forthcoming)
2010 Travel and Religion in Antiquity. Studies in Judaism and Christianity. Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, forthcoming.
2006 “Aretalogy.” “Congregation.” “Emperor Worship.” “House Church.” In New Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible. Nashville: Abingdon Press (forthcoming, accepted).
Current Courses
Term | Course Number | Section | Title | Type |
Winter 2025 | AP/HUMA3795 3.0 | M | A Cultural History of Satan | ONLN |
Fall/Winter 2024 | AP/HUMA3105 6.0 | A | Greek and Roman Religion | SEMR |
Fall/Winter 2024 | AP/HUMA4109 6.0 | A | Writing Lives: Greco-Roman Biography | SEMR |
Professor Philip Harland's teaching and research focus on the comparative study ethnic and minority groups in the ancient Mediterranean, including Judeans (Jews) and Jesus adherents (Christians), as well as the social and cultural history of the Greco-Roman world generally. He is especially interested in the light that archeological and epigraphic evidence can shed on early Jewish and Christian history and literature. His most recent major SSHRC-supported research project is on ethnic relations and ethnographic writing in the Hellenistic and Roman periods with a focus on the perspectives of subject or minority peoples.
Professor Philip Harland is Associate Professor in the Humanities Department, where he teaches in both the Religious Studies and the Ancient History programs. For several years he taught in the Religion Department of Concordia University, Montreal. He received his bachelor’s degree in both History and Religious Studies from the University of Waterloo before pursuing graduate studies at the University of Toronto's Centre for the Study of Religion, where he received his MA and PhD in Christian origins and the religions of antiquity. Professor Philip Harland's teaching and research focus on the comparative study ethnic and minority groups in the ancient Mediterranean, including Judeans (Jews) and Jesus adherents (Christians), as well as the social and cultural history of the Greco-Roman world generally. He is also especially interested in the light that archeological and epigraphic evidence can shed on early Jewish and Christian history and literature. His most recent major SSHRC-supported research project is on ethnic relations and ethnographic writing in the Hellenistic and Roman periods with a focus on the perspectives of subject or minority peoples.
Ph.D. (Religious Studies), University of TorontoM.A. (Religious Studies), University of Toronto
B.A. (History and Religious Studies), University of Waterloo
Faculty of Graduate StudiesProfessional Leadership
Professional and Committee Memberships
2005- Chair and coordinator, “Travel and Religion in Antiquity Seminar,” Canadian Society of Biblical Studies
2005- Steering committee member, “Greco-Roman Meals Seminar,” Society of Biblical Literature (by invitation)
2002- Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies
2000-03 Steering committee member, “Religious Rivalries Seminar,” Canadian Society of Biblical Studies
1995- Hellenistic Texts Seminar, University of Toronto
1994- Canadian Society of Biblical Studies
1993- Society of Biblical Literature
Research Interests
- Fonds Quebecois de la recherche sur la société et la culture - Nouveaux chercheurs (value $41,550 for three years) 2003-2006 - 2003-06
- School of Graduate Studies’ Dissertation Fellowship, University of Toronto 1998-1999 - 1998-99
- Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Graduate FellowsOntario Graduate Scholarship 1998-1999 (declined for 1999-2000) - 1998-99
- Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Graduate Fellowships 1996-1998 - 1996-98
- University of Toronto Open Fellowships 1994-1996 - 1994-96
- Norman E. Wagner Award, Canadian Society of Biblical Studies (for innovative use of technology relating to biblical scholarship in connection with the websites and podcast at 2010 - 2010
- F. W. Beare Book Award, Canadian Society of Biblical Studies (for Associations, Synagogues and Congregations) 2004 - 2004
- Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Insight Grant - 2019-2024
Current Research Projects
The overarching goal is to understand how hegemonic ethnic stereotypes and prejudice relate to minority perspectives and experiences in an eastern Mediterranean diaspora context (ca. 450 BCE-212 CE).
Project Type: FundedStart Date:
- Month: Apr Year: 2019
End Date:
- Month: Apr Year: 2024
All Publications
2010 “David J. Downs, The Offering of the Gentiles. WUNT 248. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2008.” In Catholic Biblical Quarterly 72 (2010): 589-590.
2007 “Magnus Zetterholm, The Formation of Christianity in Antioch: A Social Scientific Approach to the Separation between Judaism and Christianity. New York, N.Y.: Routledge, 2003.” In Biblical Theology Bulletin 37 (2007): 135-36.
2006 “Susan Elliott, Cutting Too Close for Comfort: Paul’s Letter to the Galatian’s in its Anatolian Cultic Context. Journal for the Study of the New Testament Supplement Series, 248. London: T & T Clark, 2003.” In Phoenix: Journal of the Classical Association of Canada 40 (2006): 154-55.
2005 “Judith M. Lieu, Christian Identity in the Jewish and Graeco-Roman World. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004.” In Biblical Theology Bulletin 35 (2005): 152-53.
2005 “Richard A. Horsley, ed., Paul and the Roman Imperial Order. Harrisburg: Trinity Press International, 2004.” In Religious Studies Review 31 (2005): 92.
2005 “Richard S. Ascough, Paul’s Macedonian Associations:The Social Context of Philippians and 1 Thessalonians. Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament, 161. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2003.” In Toronto Journal of Theology (2006): 205-207.
2002 “Richard N. Longenecker, Biblical Exegesis in the Apostolic Period. 2nd edition. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1999.” In Studies in Religion/Sciences religieuses 31 (2002):126.
2001 “Greg Carey, Elusive Apocalypse: Reading Authority in the Revelation to John. Macon: Mercer University Press, 1999.” In The Journal of Religion 81 (2001): 454-55.
1997 “Steven J. Friesen, Twice Neokoros: Ephesus, Asia and the Cult of the Flavian Imperial Family. Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1993.” In Toronto Journal of Theology 13 (1997): 272-73.
1997 “Edith McEwan Humphrey, The Ladies and the Cities: Transformation and Apocalyptic Identity in Joseph and Aseneth, 4 Ezra, the Apocalypse and the Shepherd of Hermas. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1995.” In Toronto Journal of Theology 13 (1997): 279-81.
Group Survival in the Ancient Mediterranean: Rethinking Material Conditions in the Landscape of Jews and Christians (T & T Clark, 2020).
2014 Greco-Roman Associations: Texts, Translations, and Commentary: II. North Coast of the Black Sea, Asia Minor. Berlin: de Gruyter, 2014.
2013 Associations, Synagogues, and Congregations: Claiming a Place in Ancient Mediterranean Society. Second revised edition with links to inscriptions. Kitchener, ON: Philip A. Harland, 2013.
2012 Associations in the Greco-Roman World: A Sourcebook, co-authored with Richard Ascough and John S. Kloppenborg. Baylor University Press / de Gruyter, 2012.
2011 Travel and Religion in Antiquity. Studies in Christianity and Judaism, 21. Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2011. (editor)
2009 Dynamics of Identity in the World of the Early Christians: Associations, Judeans, and Cultural Minorities. New York: T & T Clark; London: Continuum Press, 2009.
2007 Identity and Interaction in the Ancient Mediterranean: Jews, Christians and Others. Sheffield: Sheffield-Phoenix, 2007 (co-edited with Zeba Crook).
2003 Associations, Synagogues, and Congregations: Claiming a Place in Ancient Mediterranean Society. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2003 (Winner of the F. W. Beare Book Award, Canadian Society of Biblical Studies, 2004).
2008 coauthored with David Instone-Brewer, “Jewish Associations in Roman Palestine: Evidence from the Mishnah.” Journal of Greco-Roman Christianity and Judaism 5 (2008): 200-221.
2007 “Familial Dimensions of Group Identity (II): ‘Mothers’ and ‘Fathers’ in Associations and Synagogues of the Greek World.” Journal for the Study of Judaism 38 (2007): 57-79.
2007 “‘These people are . . . Men Eaters’: Banquets of the Anti-Associations and Perceptions of Minority Cultural Groups.” In Zeba Crook and Philip A. Harland, ed.: Identity and Interaction in the Ancient Mediterranean: Jews, Christians and Others. Sheffield: Sheffield Phoenix, 2007, pp. 56-75.
2006 “Acculturation and Identity in the Diaspora: A Jewish Family and ‘Pagan’ Guilds at Hierapolis.” Journal of Jewish Studies 57 (2006): 222-244
2006 “The Declining Polis? Religious Rivalries in Ancient Civic Context.” In Leif E. Vaage, ed.: Religious Rivalries in the Early Roman Empire and the Rise of Christianity. Studies in Judaism and Christianity, volume 18. Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2006, pp. 21-49.
2005 “Familial Dimensions of Group Identity: ‘Brothers’ (ΑΔΕΛΦΟΙ) in Associations of the Greek East.” Journal of Biblical Literature 124 (2005): 491-513.
2005 “Spheres of Contention, Claims of Preeminence: Rivalries Among Associations in Sardis and Smyrna.” In Richard S. Ascough, ed.: Religious Rivalries and the Struggle for Success in Sardis and Smyrna. Studies in Judaism and Christianity, volume 14. Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2005, pp. 53-63.
2003 “Christ-Bearers and Fellow-Initiates: Local Cultural Life and Christian Identity in Ignatius’ Letters.” Journal of Early Christian Studies 11 (2003): 481-99.
2003 “Imperial Cults Within Local Cultural Life: Associations in Roman Asia.” Ancient History Bulletin / Zeitschrift für Alte Geschichte 17 (2003): 85-107.
2002 “Connections with Elites in the World of the Early Christians.” In Anthony J. Blasi, Paul-André Turcotte and Jean Duhaime, eds.: Handbook of Early Christianity: Social Science Approaches. Walnut Creek: Alta Mira Press, 2002, pp. 385-408.
2002 “The Economy of First-Century Palestine: State of the Scholarly Discussion.” In Anthony J. Blasi, Paul-André Turcotte and Jean Duhaime, eds.: Handbook of Early Christianity: Social Science Approaches. Walnut Creek: Alta Mira Press, 2002, pp. 511-527.
2000 “Bithynia.” “Mysia.” “Pamphylia.” “Perga.” In D.N. Freedman, A.B. Beck and A.C. Myers, eds.: Eerdmans Dictionary of the Bible. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2000.
2000 “Honouring the Emperor or Assailing the Beast: Participation in Civic Life Among Associations (Jewish, Christian and Other) in Asia Minor and the Apocalypse of John.” Journal for the Study of the New Testament 77 (2000): 99-121.
1996 “Honours and Worship: Emperors, Imperial Cults and Associations at Ephesus (First to Third Centuries C.E.).” Studies in Religion / Sciences religieuses 25 (1996): 319-334.
March 2009 “Dynamics of Identity: Judeans and Christians in the Context of Associations” Context Group, Stella, New York (by invitation)
July 2009 “Dynamics of Identity: Judeans and Christians in the Context of Associations and Cultural Minorities” Greco-Roman World section, International Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature, Rome, Italy
May 2009 “Journeys in Pursuit of Divine Wisdom: Stories of Thessalos and Other Seekers” Travel and Religion in Antiquity Seminar, Canadian Society of Biblical Studies, Congress of the Canadian Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences, Carleton University
March 2008 “’The days seemed like years’: Thessalos’ Journeys and Preparations to Meet an Egyptian God.” Culture and Religion in Antiquity Seminar, University of Toronto (by invitation). (Also presented at the York University Classics Seminar, April 2008.)
Oct. 2006 Response to Steve Mason, “Josephus as Authority for First Century Judaea.” Seminar on Ancient Judaisms and Christianities, University of Toronto (by invitation)
July 2006 “Judeans Among Associations of Immigrants in the Greco-Roman World: A Case Study of Syrians Abroad” Greco-Roman Religions Section, International Society of Biblical Literature Meeting, Edinburgh, Scotland
Dec. 2006 “‘These people are . . . Men Eaters’: Banquets of the Anti-Associations and Perceptions of Minority Cultural Groups.” Oriental Club of Toronto (by invitation)
Nov. 2005 “Culturally Transgressive Banquets in Greco-Roman Associations: Imagination and Reality.” Greco-Roman Meals Seminar, Society of Biblical Literature, Philadelphia (by invitation).
May 2005 “Pausing at the Intersection of Religion and Travel in Antiquity.” Travel and Religion in Antiquity Seminar, Canadian Society of Biblical Studies, University of Western Ontario, London (programmatic paper for the seminar).
Oct. 2003 “Honouring the Gods, Feasting with Friends: The Purposes of Associations in the Greco-Roman World.” Religious Associations in Context Conference, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia (keynote address, by invitation).
May 2002 “Christ-bearers and Fellow-initiates: Local Cultural Life and Christian Identity in Ignatius’ Letters.” Canadian Society of Biblical Studies, Canadian Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities, University of Toronto.
Nov. 2002 “Spheres of Contention, Claims of Preeminence: Rivalries Among Associations in Sardis and Smyrna.” Religious Rivalries, Society of Biblical Literature, Toronto (by invitation). (Also presented, by invitation, at the Canadian Society of Biblical Studies, Religious Rivalries Seminar, Canadian Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities, l’Université Laval, Quebec, May 2001)
May 2002 “Succeeding in Academic Interviews.” Concordia University Graduate Student Conference, Montreal (by invitation).
Nov. 1999 “Honouring the Emperor or Assailing the Beast: Participation in Civic Life Among Associations in Asia Minor and the Apocalypse of John.” John’s Apocalypse and Cultural Contexts: Ancient and Modern, Society of Biblical Literature, Boston, Massachusetts. (Also presented, by invitation, at the Conrad Grebel College Faculty Forum, University of Waterloo, Feb. 2000.)
March 1998 “Models of Decline in the Study of the Greco-Roman City (polis).” University of Waterloo/Wilfrid Laurier University Biblical Colloquium.
June 1998 “The Declining Polis? Religious Rivalries in the Civic Context.” Religious Rivalries Seminar, Canadian Society of Biblical Studies, Canadian Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities, University of Ottawa (by invitation).
Jan. 1997 “Associations and the Imperial Presence in Civic Life: Revelation and 1 Peter.” Toronto School of Theology Seminar Series, University of Toronto.
June 1997 “Greco-Roman Associations and Imperial Facets of Civic Life: Shedding Light on Jewish and Christian Groups in Roman Asia (I-II C.E.).” Canadian Society of Biblical Studies, Learned Societies, Memorial University.
March 1995 “Greco-Roman Associations and Their Significance for the Study of Christianity.” Colloquium on Religion in Antiquity, Centre for the Study of Religion.
Nov. 1995 “Imperial Cults and Associations: Revising a Scholarly Paradigm.” Colloquium on Religion in Antiquity, Centre for the Study of Religion.
2010 “Laura Salah Nasrallah, Christian Responses to Roman Art and Architecture: The Second Century Church Amid the Spaces of Empire. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010.” In Mouseion: Journal of the Classical Association of Canada (forthcoming).
2010 “Stefan Sommer, Rom und die Vereinigungen im südwestlichen Kleinasien (133 v.Chr. - 284 n.Chr.). Pietas Band 1. Hennef, 2006.” In Klio : Beiträge zur alten Geschichte (forthcoming)
2010 Travel and Religion in Antiquity. Studies in Judaism and Christianity. Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, forthcoming.
2006 “Aretalogy.” “Congregation.” “Emperor Worship.” “House Church.” In New Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible. Nashville: Abingdon Press (forthcoming, accepted).
Current Courses
Term | Course Number | Section | Title | Type |
Winter 2025 | AP/HUMA3795 3.0 | M | A Cultural History of Satan | ONLN |
Fall/Winter 2024 | AP/HUMA3105 6.0 | A | Greek and Roman Religion | SEMR |
Fall/Winter 2024 | AP/HUMA4109 6.0 | A | Writing Lives: Greco-Roman Biography | SEMR |