Simone Bohn

Associate Professor
Office: Ross Building, S628
Phone: 416-736-2100 Ext: 30088
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Simone Bohn is Associate Professor of Political Science at York University. She is the co-editor of Mothers in Public and Political Life (2017), 21st Century Feminismos: Women’s Movements in Latin America and the Caribbean (2021), Mulheres Quilombolas, Políticas Públicas e Intersectionalidades [Quilombola Women, Public Policy and Intersectionalities] (2021), and Women's rights in movement. Dynamics of feminist change in Latin America and the Caribbean (forthcoming). Her articles have been published in scholarly journals, such as Politics and Government, Latin American Research Review, International Political Science Review, Journal of Latin American Politics, and Comparative Governance and Politics.
Research Interests
Politics and Government, Political parties, Latin American political development, Latin American political economy, Methodology in Political Science, Research design in Comparative Politics, Electoral behavior, Legislative politics, Women and Politics in Latin America.
By centering the analysis on gender and racial justice in post-colonial and post-slavery societies, I locate my scholarship, first, within the field of gender and racial equity and development, with a regional focus on Latin America. Although my academic production dialogues with critical race studies and post-colonial perspectives, it draws from – and seeks to promote - the works by Brazilian and/or Latin American authors who have reflected upon gender, race-ethnicity, class, territory, identity, slavery and colonial legacy.
The second scholarly debate that is crucial for my work examines the effects of state architecture and capacity on gender and racial inequities and equity-seeking struggles. Here I focus, first, on the advantages and shortcomings for women activists of federal systems, especially those which are institutionally symmetrical but socioeconomically unequal. More importantly, I am interested in exploring the impact on gender and racial equity of what the late Argentine scholar Guillermo O’Donnell referred to as “brown areas” in Latin American nation-states, the parts of their territory that are essentially devoid of “state capacity”.
My current research project is based on a participatory action research design.
Professional Leadership
Coordinator of the Brazil Chair Program
Research Interests
“Política comparada: um mapeamento do debate entre propostas teóricas e metodologias de pesquisa alternativas”, BIB – Revista Brasileira de Informação Bibliográfica em Ciências Sociais, 2005.
“Evangélicos no Brasil. Perfil sócio-econômico, afinidades ideológicas e determinantes do comportamento eleitoral”, Opinião Pública, 10 (2): 288-338, 2004. [“The Evangelicals in Brazil. Socioeconomic profile, ideological affiliations and determinants of the electoral behavior”]
“La política en Brasil: el gobierno de Cardoso y la reelección de 1998”, Cuadernos del Cendes, 16 (41): 113-131, 1999. Co-authored with Maria D’Alva Gil Kinzo.
“Politics in Brazil: Cardoso’s Government and the 1998 Re-Election”, Government and Opposition, 34 (2): 243-262, Spring 1999. Co-authored with Maria D’Alva Gil Kinzo.
“Brasil: Eleição ou Reeleição Presidencial – Perspectivas para 1998”, in: Anuário Politico de América Latina y el Caribe, 1, 1998. Co-authored with Maria D’Alva Gil Kinzo.
“Democracia e Participação”, Revista Pensando o Brasil, 1 (7): 7-13, 1994. [“Democracy and participation in Brazil”]
Current Courses
Term | Course Number | Section | Title | Type |
Winter 2025 | AP/POLS3555 3.0 | M | Dictatorship and Democratization | ONLN |
Fall/Winter 2024 | GS/POLS6410 6.0 | A | The Study Of Comparative Politics | SEMR |
Fall/Winter 2024 | GS/POLS6700 6.0 | A | Advanced Studies in Gender and Politics | SEMR |
Simone Bohn is Associate Professor of Political Science at York University. She is the co-editor of Mothers in Public and Political Life (2017), 21st Century Feminismos: Women’s Movements in Latin America and the Caribbean (2021), Mulheres Quilombolas, Políticas Públicas e Intersectionalidades [Quilombola Women, Public Policy and Intersectionalities] (2021), and Women's rights in movement. Dynamics of feminist change in Latin America and the Caribbean (forthcoming). Her articles have been published in scholarly journals, such as Politics and Government, Latin American Research Review, International Political Science Review, Journal of Latin American Politics, and Comparative Governance and Politics.
Research Interests
Politics and Government, Political parties, Latin American political development, Latin American political economy, Methodology in Political Science, Research design in Comparative Politics, Electoral behavior, Legislative politics, Women and Politics in Latin America.
By centering the analysis on gender and racial justice in post-colonial and post-slavery societies, I locate my scholarship, first, within the field of gender and racial equity and development, with a regional focus on Latin America. Although my academic production dialogues with critical race studies and post-colonial perspectives, it draws from – and seeks to promote - the works by Brazilian and/or Latin American authors who have reflected upon gender, race-ethnicity, class, territory, identity, slavery and colonial legacy.
The second scholarly debate that is crucial for my work examines the effects of state architecture and capacity on gender and racial inequities and equity-seeking struggles. Here I focus, first, on the advantages and shortcomings for women activists of federal systems, especially those which are institutionally symmetrical but socioeconomically unequal. More importantly, I am interested in exploring the impact on gender and racial equity of what the late Argentine scholar Guillermo O’Donnell referred to as “brown areas” in Latin American nation-states, the parts of their territory that are essentially devoid of “state capacity”.
My current research project is based on a participatory action research design.
Professional Leadership
Coordinator of the Brazil Chair Program
Research Interests
All Publications
“Política comparada: um mapeamento do debate entre propostas teóricas e metodologias de pesquisa alternativas”, BIB – Revista Brasileira de Informação Bibliográfica em Ciências Sociais, 2005.
“Evangélicos no Brasil. Perfil sócio-econômico, afinidades ideológicas e determinantes do comportamento eleitoral”, Opinião Pública, 10 (2): 288-338, 2004. [“The Evangelicals in Brazil. Socioeconomic profile, ideological affiliations and determinants of the electoral behavior”]
“La política en Brasil: el gobierno de Cardoso y la reelección de 1998”, Cuadernos del Cendes, 16 (41): 113-131, 1999. Co-authored with Maria D’Alva Gil Kinzo.
“Politics in Brazil: Cardoso’s Government and the 1998 Re-Election”, Government and Opposition, 34 (2): 243-262, Spring 1999. Co-authored with Maria D’Alva Gil Kinzo.
“Brasil: Eleição ou Reeleição Presidencial – Perspectivas para 1998”, in: Anuário Politico de América Latina y el Caribe, 1, 1998. Co-authored with Maria D’Alva Gil Kinzo.
“Democracia e Participação”, Revista Pensando o Brasil, 1 (7): 7-13, 1994. [“Democracy and participation in Brazil”]
Current Courses
Term | Course Number | Section | Title | Type |
Winter 2025 | AP/POLS3555 3.0 | M | Dictatorship and Democratization | ONLN |
Fall/Winter 2024 | GS/POLS6410 6.0 | A | The Study Of Comparative Politics | SEMR |
Fall/Winter 2024 | GS/POLS6700 6.0 | A | Advanced Studies in Gender and Politics | SEMR |