Shannon Bell is a performance philosopher who-lives-and-writes philosophy-in-action. Bell is a Professor in York University’s Political Science Department, Toronto, Canada.
Her books include: Fast Feminism (Autonomedia, 2010), Reading, Writing and Rewriting the Prostitute Body (Indiana University Press 1994); Whore Carnival (Autonomedia1995); Bad Attitude/s on Trial coauthored with Brenda Cossman, Lise Gotell and Becki Ross (University of Toronto Press 1997); New Socialisms eds. Robert Albritton, Shannon Bell, John R. Bell and Richard Westra (Routledge 2004).
Bell's areas of interest include continental political theory, cyber politics and digital theory, aesthetics and politics, psychoanalysis, feminism.
Bell is currently working on shooting theory––video-imagining philosophical concept such as Heidegger’s ‘stillness’, Husserl’s ‘epoché’, Batiallian ‘waste’ and ‘expenditure’, Weil’s ‘attention’, Deleuzian ‘deterritorialization’, Virilio’s ‘vision machine’ and ‘accident’, Levinas’ ‘elemental’ and Mallin’s ‘sinuosity’.
PhD Political Science, York University
MA Political Science, York University
BA Political Science, University of Winnipeg
Research Interests
Arts and Culture
, Gender Issues, Aesthetics, Technology and Media, Psychology,
Shannon Bell is a performance philosopher who-lives-and-writes philosophy-in-action. Bell is a Professor in York University’s Political Science Department, Toronto, Canada.
Her books include: Fast Feminism (Autonomedia, 2010), Reading, Writing and Rewriting the Prostitute Body (Indiana University Press 1994); Whore Carnival (Autonomedia1995); Bad Attitude/s on Trial coauthored with Brenda Cossman, Lise Gotell and Becki Ross (University of Toronto Press 1997); New Socialisms eds. Robert Albritton, Shannon Bell, John R. Bell and Richard Westra (Routledge 2004).
Bell's areas of interest include continental political theory, cyber politics and digital theory, aesthetics and politics, psychoanalysis, feminism.
Bell is currently working on shooting theory––video-imagining philosophical concept such as Heidegger’s ‘stillness’, Husserl’s ‘epoché’, Batiallian ‘waste’ and ‘expenditure’, Weil’s ‘attention’, Deleuzian ‘deterritorialization’, Virilio’s ‘vision machine’ and ‘accident’, Levinas’ ‘elemental’ and Mallin’s ‘sinuosity’.
PhD Political Science, York University
MA Political Science, York University
BA Political Science, University of Winnipeg
Research Interests
Arts and Culture
, Gender Issues, Aesthetics, Technology and Media, Psychology,
Current Research Projects
Shooting Theory
Since 2007 I have been working on Shooting Theory – bringing together digital video technology and print textual philosophy/theory through imaging philosophical/theoretical concepts. The intended end product is a scalar and print book.
To date I have produced fourteen image texts (print and film):
2007 Martin Heidegger – Dynamic Stillness, 40 days and nights of sunrise and sunset, Judean Desert
2008 Edmund Husserl – Epoché Reflections and Blind Residuum Caves, Judean Desert, Negev, Golan, and Galilee
2009 George Bataille and Simone Weil – Beautiful Waste: Dead Sea Sinkholes, Dead Sea,
2009 Paul Virilio – ‘Camel Vision Machine’ (Wadi Ram- Jordian Desert)
2010 Gilles Deleuze – Shooting the Blur: the Syrian state, the Israeli state, the British state, the Jordanian state, Golan, North shore of the Dead Sea, Abu Dis, Jerusalem, Gilo/ Beit Jala
2011 Jacques Lacan and Paul Virilio-‘Imaging Time and the Real’
2012 Emmanuel Levinas – Shooting the Elemental, Aleyska and Seward Highways, Girdwood, Whittier and Prince William Sound\ Lake George Valley, Lake George Glacier,Colony Glacier, Whiteout Glacier and Surprise Glacier, Alaska
2012 Walter Benjamin – Flâneuring Ancient Arcade Ruins, Israel/Palestine.
2013 Martin Heidegger – Flashes of Perception - Pangnirtung, Cumberland Sound, Saniru in Baffin Island, Eastern Arctic
2013 Samuel Mallin – The Sinuous Turn, Ancient Minoan lines, Gournia, Knosos, Malia, Phaestos in Crete
2014 Alain Badiou and Hindu Theory of Numbers, Shooting Zero in ancient lands. Salt Icon of Zero in Israel and India
2015 Georges Bataille, Expenditure in Mount Etna
2016 Object Oriented Ontology and Alfred Korzybski, Niagara Falls is the Thing
2017 Alfred North Whitehead, Green as Eternal Object
Project Type:
To bring digital technology and political theory together.
Start Date:
End Date:
All Publications
Book Chapters
2018 “The Ugly Gaze,” On the Politics of Ugliness, eds. Ela Przybylo and Sara Rodrigues (New York: Palgrave Macmillan ), 411-26.
2018 “‘Dialectics at a Standstill’ – CONSTELACIONES in the Atacama Desert,”
Return Atacama Digital Book, eds. Roewan Crowe and Helene Vosters (New York: Hemi Press) [forthcoming 2018].
2018 “Fouring in Echoes,” Return Atacama Digital Book, eds. Roewan Crowe and Helene Vosters (New York: Hemi Press) [forthcoming 2018].
2018 “Fluid Truth,” Solitary Pleasures, ed. Marquard Smith (London: Live Art Development Agency), 42-63. (Excerpted reprint of 2014 “Fluid Truth,” InterAlia. A Journal of Queer Studies special issue Bodily Fluids).
2018 “Stelarc: HyperObject,” Stelarc. Stretched Skin—Obsolete, Uncertain and Indifferent Body, ed. Håvve Fjell (Oslo, Norway: PS Media) 235-9.
2017 “Kira O’Reilly: Techné of Anxiety,” Kira O’Reilly: Untitled (Bodies), eds. Harriet Curtis & Martin Hargreaves (London and Bristol: Live Art Development Agency and Intellect Books), 114-135.
2016 “Facing the Elemental: Amanda Boetzkes, Emmanuel Levinas and Shooting Theory,” Blue Plastic Marble. Catalyst: Amanda Boetzkes, ed. Ted Hiebert (Victoria and Seattle: Noxious Sector Press), 125-39.
2016 “Philosophizing with a Scalpel. From Nietzsche to Nina Arsenault,” The Digital Dionysus: Nietzsche & the Network-Centric Condition, eds. Dan Mellamphy and Nandita Biswas Mellamphy (Brooklyn: Punctum), 236-248.
2015 "Guy Ben-Ary, The Work of Accelerated Fastness" Nervoplastica: Guy Ben-Ary. Bio-Robotic Art and Its Cultural Contexts ed. Ryszard Kluszczynski (Gdansk: Laznia Centre for Contemporary Art), [English and Polish pp.98-135]
2013 Chapter 8. “Gad ben Rachel ve Aharon: Parrhesiastes,” Subversive Itinerary: The Thought of Gad Horowitz, ed. Shannon Bell and Peter Kulchyski (Toronto: University of Toronto Press), [pp.133-155].
2013 “The Accident of Art,” The Virilio Dictionary, ed. John Armitage (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press) [pp.19-22, 1000 words].
2013 “Fast Feminism,” The Virilio Dictionary, ed. John Armitage (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press), [pp.83-85, 1000 words].
2012 “Nina Arsenault: Fast Feminist Object a,” TRANS(per)FORMING Nina Arsenault: An Unreasonable Body of Work, ed. Judith Rudakoff (UK: Intellect Books) [pp.93-108].
2010 “The Fungi Dress - A Living Garment, Interview with Donna Franklin”
Fashion Statements, Hot Topics: Contemporary Philosophy & Culture Series, eds. Ron Scapp & Brian Seitz (New York: Suny Press).
2010 “Victimless Leather - A Prototype of Stitch-less Jacket grown in a Technoscientific Body,” Tissue Culture & Art Project, Interview with Oron Catts & Ionat Zurr,”
Fashion Statements, Hot Topics: Contemporary Philosophy & Culture Series, eds. Ron Scapp & Brian Seitz (New York: Suny Press).
2008 “Istvan Kantor: Machinery Execution,”
Cinematic Folds: the furling and unfurling of images, ed. Firoza Elavia (Toronto: Pleasure Dome).
2006 “Levinas and Alterity Politics,”
Difficult Justice. Comments on Levinas and Politics, eds. Asher Horowitz and Gad Horowitz. (Toronto: University of Toronto Press) , pp.111-126.
2004 “Post-PornPost-Anti Porn: Queer Socialist Pornography,”
New Socialisms, eds. Robert Albriitton, John Bell, Shannon Bell, Richard Westra, (Routledge), pp. 139-156.
2002 “Liquid Fire,”
Jane Sexes it Up, ed. Lisa Johnson. (New York: Four Walls Eight Windows) , pp. 327-45.
2000 "Feminist Ejaculations,” in, eds. Barbara Crow and Lise Gotell.
Open Boundaries: A Canadian Women's Studies Reader (Scarborough: Prentice Hall), pp.276-281.
2000 "Feminist EroticaEroticism,”
Routledge Encyclopedia of Feminist Theories, ed. Lorraine Code (London: Routledge) [450 words]
2000 "Gayle Rubin,”
Routledge Encyclopedia of Feminist Theories, ed. Lorraine Code (London: Routledge) [450 words]
2000 “Justice and Law: Passion, Power, Prejudice and so-called Pedophilia,”
Law As A Gendering Practice, eds. Dorothy Chunn and Dany Lacombe (Toronto: Oxford University Press), pp. 40-59.
1999 “Rewriting the Prostitute Body,”
Women and Values. Readings in Recent Feminist Philosophy, 3rd edition, ed. Marilyn Pearsall (Belmont CA: Wadsworth Publishing Company), pp.144-6 (reprints from
Reading, Writing and Rewriting the Prostitute Body.
1998 Chapter 16. “The Political-Libidinal Economy of the Socialist Female Body: Flesh and Blood, Work and Ideas,” Women and Revolution: Global Expressions, ed. Marie Josephine Diamond (Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 339-335 reprint.
1997 “Performing Theory: Socrates, Sam, Kate and Scarlet,” Feminism and New Democracy, ed. Jodi Dean (London: Sage Press), pp.198-209.
1997 “Doing Time in the Bardo,” The Eight Technologies of Otherness, ed. Sue Golding (London: Routledge) pp.333-42.
1996 “Rewriting the Prostitute Body: Prostitute Perspectives,” pp.99-103, 106-12, 114-15, 117, 120-6, 128-31, 135-6 of Reading, Writing and Rewriting the Prostitute Body reprinted in Women and the Law, eds. Mary Joe Fugg, Jerry Fugg and Judi Greenberg (Foundation Press).
1992 “Tomb of the Sacred Prostitute: The Symposium,” Shadow of Spirit, Postmodernism and Religion, eds. Philippa Berry and Andrew Wernick (London & New York: Routledge), pp.198-210.
Book Reviews
2000 "Julia O'Connell Davidson. Prostitution, Power and Freedom." A Review.
Sexualities Vol 3(1), pp.108-113.
2017 [Republished in The Canadian 150 Collection] Brenda Cossman, Shannon Bell, Lise Gotell, Becki Ross, Bad Attitude\s on Trial: Pornography, Feminism and the Butler Decision (Toronto: University of Toronto Press). My contribution includes Ch. 5 "On ne Peut voir l’image,”. pp.199-242 [43 pages] and half of the “Introduction” pp.3-47 [22 pages]
2016 Gad Horowitz and Shannon Bell, eds. The Book of Radical General Semantics (Delhi: Pencraft International) [243 pages].
2013 Shannon Bell and Peter Kulchyski, eds. Subversive Itinerary: The Thought of Gad Horowitz. (Toronto: University of Toronto Press) [349 pages].
2010 Fast Feminism: Speed Philosophy, Pornography, and Politics (New York: Autonomedia). [198 pages] The manuscript received a $7000 publishing grant from the Aid to Scholarly Publishing Programme (ASPP) Canadian Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences, 2006 based on three international reader’s reviews. Nominated for the Canadian Women’s Studies Association Outstanding Scholarship Prize 2011.
2004 Robert Albriitton , John Bell , Shannon Bell, Richard Westra, eds. New Socialisms. (New York: Routledge) [267 pages].
2001 Reading, Writing and Rewriting the Prostitute Body (Tokyo, Japan: Seikyusha)
ISBN: 9784787231826 [348 pages]; Reading, Writing and Rewriting the Prostitute Body.
(Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 1994). [229 pages].
2000 Whore Carnival (Tokyo: Japan: Seikyusha) ISBN: 9784807400119 [355 pages];
Whore Carnival (New York: Autonomedia, 1995) [287 pages].
1997 Brenda Cossman, Shannon Bell, Lise Gotell, Becki Ross, Bad Attitude\s on
Trial: Pornography, Feminism and the Butler Decision (Toronto: University of Toronto Press). My contribution includes Ch. 5 "On ne Peut voir l’image,”. pp.199-242 [43 pages] and half of the “Introduction” pp.3-47 [22 pages]
1995 Whore Carnival. (New York: Autonomedia)
1994 Reading, Writing and Rewriting the Prostitute Body. (Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press) [229 pages]
Journal Articles
2017 Shannon Bell and Gad Horowitz , “Expenditure – Mount Etna: Walking with Bataille,”
Anekaant: A Journal of Polysemic Thought, No. 5, 2016-17, Spring, 95-102.
2016 Shannon Bell and Gad Horowitz, “Salt Icon of Zero: Shooting Zero in Ancient Lands,” Anekaant: A Journal of Polysemic Thought, No. 4, 2016-17, Autumn, 45-51.
2016 “Shooting Theory – An Accident of Fast Feminism,” video and transcript of talk, Transversing Technologies, eds. Patrick Keilty and Leslie Regan Shade, The Scholar & Feminist Online Journal, Barnard Center for Research on Women, Issue 13.3 - 14.1.
2014 “Shooting Theory,” Anekaant: A Journal of Polysemic Thought, No 2 (2014), 39-44.
2014 “Fragment of a Case of Posthysteria: D’or Owns the Jewel,” Hysteria Manifest: Cultural Lives of a Great Disorder, eds. Ela Przybylo and Derrit Mason, Special Issue of English Studies Canada (ESC), Vol 40.1, March, 189-210.
2014 “Fluid Truth,” InterAlia. A Journal of Queer Studies special issue Bodily Fluids, edited by Kamillea Aghtan, Michael O’Rourke and Karin Sellberg, #9 (2014), 49-71.
2013 “Out of Skin,” Filozofski vestnik International, the online international edition of Filozofski vestnik, print Vol. XXXIII, No. 3, 2012, pp. 119-26.
2008 ”Biokino: The Living Screen,”
Prefix Photo, Vol 18. Nov.
2002 “Fast Feminism,”
Journal of Contemporary Thought, 14 (Winter 2001), pp.93-112.
2001 “Robin Sharpe’s Perverse Aesthetic,”
Constitutional Forum, Vol. 12, No.1, pp.30-9.
1998 "Aphrodite of the Market Place: Fetishism, Value and Sexual Pragmatism,"
Rethinking Marxism, Vol. 10, No. 4, pp.134-140.
1998 "The Political-Libidinal Economy of the Socialist Female Body:
Flesh and Blood, Work and Ideas,”
Women and Revolution: Global Expressions 1998, ed M.J. Diamond (Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp.339-355. Reprint
1995 “Pictures don’t lie. Pictures tell it all,” Journal of the History of Sexuality, Vol. 6,
no. 2, pp.284-321
1995 “Performing Theory: Socrates, Sam, Kate and Scarlot,” Philosophy and Social
Criticism, Vol, 21, no.3, pp.79-92.
1990 “The Political-Libidinal Economy of the Socialist Female Body: Flesh and Blood,
Work and Ideas,” Dialectical Anthropology, Special Issue on Women and Revolution,
Vol. 15, pp. 249-58 [9 pages]
Conference Papers
2010, “Shooting the Blur,” keynote address,
Cultural Space and Identity in a Post-Socialist Context, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, September.
2008 “Epoché and Residuum as HD Cave Art,”
Image and Imagery - Re-making, Re-writing, Re-discovery, 5th Biennial International Conference, Brock University, October.
2008 “Gad ben Aharon ve Rachel: Parrhesiastes,”
Contemporary Critical Theory in Canada: Essays in Honour of Gad Horowitz, Canadian Political Science Association, Congress of Humanities and Social Sciences, Vancouver, June.
2007 “Dynamic Stillness: Imaging Stillness @ The Dead Sea. A Bringing Together of Performance and Heideggerian Philosophy,”
CADE Computer Art and Design Education International Conference, Central TAFE, Perth, September.
2005 ”Two Phalluses & Big Toe: Tissue Engineered Art Objects,” ‘New Species’
Break 2.3, 8th International Festival of Independent Artists, Ljubljana, Slovenia, Nov.
2004 “Ancient, Modern and Post Human Tissue,” Reclaiming Politics in Sites of Enactment: The Body, Cyberspace, Knowledge,
Cultural Typhoon, 2nd International Symposium, University of Ryukyus, Okinawa, Japan, July
2004 “Gender BioTerrorism,” Activism, Feminism, Formalism
BioDifference, SameDifference, BEAP (Biennale of Electronic Art Perth), The University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia, Sept.
2004 ”Out of Skin,” ‘Old and New Forms: A Post-Traditional Technography of World Media Arts,’
New Forms Festival, Vancouver Art Gallery, Vancouver, Canada, Oct.
2004 “Out of Skin: Time, Being, Growing,” ‘Security Bytes,’
New Securities Forum, Department of Politics, Lancaster University, July.
2004 ”Time, Being, Growing,” ‘Creative Connections Symposium,’
BEAP (Biennale of Electronic Arts Perth), Edith Cowan University, Perth, Australia, Sept.
2003 ”Fast Bodies and Cyber Humans,’ Modernism and Technology ‘Rethinking Modernity,’
The Forum on Contemporary Theory, 6th International Convention, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur, India, Dec.
2003 ”Post-Porn, Post Anti-Porn’ New Socialisms ‘Marxism and the World Stage,’
Rethinking Marxism’s 5th International Gala Conference, University of Massachusetts at Amherst, Nov.
2003 ”The Female Phallus. Something to See,”
Body Modification: Changing Bodies, Changing Selves, Department of Critical and Cultural Studies, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia, April.
2002 “Levinasian Pragmatics,”
Levinas and the Political International Conference, York University and University of Toronto, September.
2002 “Queer Socialist Porn,”
Towards New Socialisms Conference, York University, June.
2001 “Fast Feminism: At the Margins of Globalization,”
The Human Condition Series 2010 -- Globalization and Culture, Paideia Retreat, Carleton University.
2001 “Fast Feminism: Post Porn and the Conquest of the Narcissistic Barrier” ‘Critical Boundaries: Reconceiving Space and Identity in Contemporary Europe,’
Immaterial Cultures, The University of Leeds
2001 “Levinas's Postmodern Ethics,”
The Ethical Turn in Literary and Cultural Studies 4th International Conference, Utkal University of Culture in Bhubaneswar, India, December.
2001 “The Sorcerer’s Apprentice,”
Learned Societies Conference, Canadian Political Science Association, ‘Time and Forgiveness’ (all day session co-organized with Gad Horowitz)
2000 “A Feminist Bataille,”
The Australian Society for Continental Philosophy, University of New South Wales
2000 “Abject Class,” ‘The Party's Not Over, Marxism 2000,’
Rethinking Marxism, Association for Economic and Social Analysis.
2000 “Fast Feminism: A posthysterical postmanifesto” Crossing Borders,
The International Association for Philosophy and Literature, SUNY/Stonev Brook
2000 “The Will to Laughter,” Georges Bataille, Community, Transgression and Excess
Center for Theory, Politics and Culture, Trent University, Peterbourgh
2000 “Turning Over Woman,” TurningsSvolteKehrenTournants in Philosophy, Culture and Arts at the Turn of the Century,
Istituto Italiano Per Gli Studi Filosofici, Naples
2000 “Violent Feminism” Canadian Political Science Association International Political Science Association Quebec City, co-organizer with Gad Horowitz of an all day session ‘Philosophy and Violence Violent Philosophy’
1999 “Fast Feminism,”
Protesting Globalization, Transforming Cultures, University of Technology, Sydney
1999 “Fast Theory, Recombinant Ex[change],”
International Association of Philosophy and Literature, Trinity College, Hartford, Connecticut
1999 “Scribbling in Time,”
Learned Societies Conference, Canadian Political Science Association, co-organizer with Gad Horowitz of an all day session ‘Speed Theory’
1999 “Witnessing the Other\ Others as Witness,”
Addressing Levinas: Ethics, Phenomenology and the Judaic Tradition, Emory University, Atlanta Georgia
1998 “Deconstruction: The Politics of Neo-Pragmatism, a Neo-Marxian Reconfiguration,” ‘Twentieth Century European Narratives: Tradition and Innovation, Haifa University,’
International Society for the Study of European Ideas, Twentieth Century European Narratives: Tradition and Innovation, Haifa University, Haifa, Israel
1998 “Marcuse and Virilio: Speed and Messianic Time,”
The Legacy of Herbert Marcuse International Conference, University of California, Berkeley
Conference Proceedings
2007 “Dynamic Stillness: Imaging Stillness @ The Dead Sea. A Bringing Together of Performance and Heideggerian Philosophy,”
CADE Computer Art and Design Education International Conference Proceedings (ISBN 1740675304), pp.17-22.
2004 “Out of Skin: Time, Being, Growing - Thinking with Heidegger,”
QI and Complexity, Consciousness Reframed 2004: 6th International Research Conference, art and consciousness in the post-biological era, pp.23-29.
Current Courses
Term |
Course Number |
Section |
Title |
Type |
Winter 2025 |
AP/POLS4071 3.0 |
M |
The Politics of Cyberspace |
Winter 2025 |
GS/SPTH6155 3.0 |
N |
Accelerating Technicity |