Sarah Maiter
Office: Ross Building, S827
Phone: 416-736-2100 Ext: 20565
Dr Maiter is Professor in the School of Social Work at York University. Her scholarship, teaching, and professional interests include: Anti racist and social justice approaches to social work; race, culture, and ethnicity and child welfare policy and practice
Dr Maiter is Professor in the School of Social Work at York University. Her scholarship, teaching, and professional interests include: Anti racist and social justice approaches to social work; race, culture, and ethnicity and child welfare policy and practice ; client centered practice in child welfare; including the voices of diverse populations into social work theory, research and practice; developing prevention and social support programs for diverse populations and for immigrants and refugees; and social work practice with families. Dr. Maiter has extensive practice experience in child and family welfare (both child protection and children's mental health services) that she brings to her teaching and scholarship. Prior to coming to York University, she taught in the Faculty of Social Work at Wilfrid Laurier University in the individuals, families, and groups stream and also developed and taught core courses addressing oppression and marginalization. Along with providing consultation to community groups and organizations and sitting on working groups, Dr Maiter has been a member of several professional and community boards including the Board of Accreditation of the Association of Schools of Social Work. Currently, she is serving a second term on the board of the American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children (APSAC) and has been the Chair of the Diversity Committee for both terms. Dr Maiter also served as an expert panel reviewer for the National Traumatic Stress Network in their efforts to develop culturally sensitive, evidence based trauma intervention. As principal investigator of a Social Science and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) funded study, Dr Maiter, with colleagues explored factors that bring ethnic minority families to the attention of the child welfare system and the professional responses to these families. Dr Maiter was co-Investigator of the completed SSHRC funded Community University Research Alliance (CURA) study Partnerships for Children and Families. She is currently co-investigator of a SSHRC funded CURA study: Taking Culture Seriously in Community Mental Health. This is a five year participatory action research project that brings together a variety of university and community partners in Toronto and Waterloo Region. The overall purpose of the study is to explore, develop, pilot and evaluate how best to provide community-based mental health services and supports that are effective for people from culturally diverse backgrounds. Dr Maiter with colleagues is also embarking on a new SSHRC funded study titled The Self-Other Issue in the Healing Practices of Racialized Minority Youth. This study will explore the sense racialized minority youths make of injustice, discrimination, and oppression and the strategies they develop to deal with it.
PhD, University of TorontoMSW, University of Toronto
BSW, Universtiy of Durban-Westville (South Africa)
Research Interests
Current Research Projects
Exploring Child Welfare Services during COVID-19
Research Support Grant LAPS York University
Examining safety protocols for immigrant and refugee families within the COVID-19 pandemic .
Collaborator Institution: York University
York University, COVID-19 Research Fund
Collaborator Institution: Catholic Children’s Aid Society & British Columbia Ministry of Children & Family Development.
SSHRC Standard Research Grant.
Collaborator: P.I. Dr. Martha Kwee Kumsa, Faculty of Social Work, Wilfrid Laurier University, Dr Miu Yan, School of Social Work, University of British Columbia, Dr. Adrienne Chambon, Faculty of Social Work, University of Toronto
SSHRC Standard Research Grant
Taking Culture Seriously in Community Mental Health is a five year participatory action research project that brings together a variety of university and community partners in Toronto and Waterloo Region. The overall purpose of the study is to explore, develop, pilot and evaluate how best to provide community-based mental health services and supports that are effective for people from culturally diverse backgrounds. The five cultural linguistic communities partnering in this project are: Somali, Polish, Mandarin, Punjabi (Hindu), and South American.
Collaborator: P. I. Joanna Ochocka, Community Psychology, Waterloo University, and other University and Community Partners.
Through in-depth qualitative interviews with parents from one visible minority ethnic group, this study explored the factors that led to child protection interventions and the services received from the child welfare system. As many of the participants interviewed were immigrants, the findings highlight barriers to settlement, the sense of exclusion experienced, the misunderstandings related to their needs, services that were helpful and those that were not. As the study has been completed recently, we are actively involved in further data analysis, and knowledge dissemination.
SSHRC Standard Research Grant
Cameron, G., Fine, M., Maiter, S., Frensch, K., & Freymond, N. (Eds.) . (2014) . Towards Positive Systems of Child and Family Welfare: Family Realities and System Responses. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press.
Maiter, S. & Ngo, A. (2017). The well-being of children from immigrant families. In M.C. Yan & U. Anucha (Eds.), Working with immigrants and refugees: A handbook for Social Work and Human Services. Toronto: ON, Oxford University Press Canada.
Joseph, A.J. & Maiter, S. (2015) . Post-national Belonging: Strategies of Racialized Youth in Multicultural Western Contexts. In Baffoe, M. Asimeng-Boahene, L. & Ogbuagu, B. (eds.,) . Settlers in Transition: Pathways and Roadbloacks to Settlement and Citizenship of New Comers in New Homelands. (pp.23-31) . Ronkonkoma: Linus Learning
Maiter, S. (2015) . Race matters: Social justice, not assimilation or cultural competence. In S. Strega & J. Carriere. (Eds.) , Walking this Path Together: Anti-racist and Anti-oppressive Child Welfare Practice,2nd edition. Toronto, ON: Fernwood Press.
Maiter, S., Palmer, S., & Manji, S. (2014) . Invisible lives: The experiences of parents in the child welfare system. In G. Cameron, M. Fine, S. Maiter, K. Frensch, & N. Freymond (Eds.), Towards Positive Systems of Child and Family Welfare: Family Realities and System Responses. (pp. 115-138).Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press.
Nelson, G., D’Ailly, H., Ochocka, J., Janzen, R., Maiter, S., & Jacobson, N. (2014) . Planning mental health services for culturally diverse communities: Towards a framework for transformative change. In G. Nelson, B. Kloos, & J. Ornelas (Eds.), Community Psychology and Community Mental Health: Towards Transformative Change. (Society for Community Research and Action Book Series) . (pp. 177-201). New York: Oxford University Press.
Maiter, S. & Leslie, B. (2014) . Child welfare systems and immigrant families: Canada. In R. Barn, K. Kriz, T. Poso & M. Skivenes (Eds), Child Welfare Systems and Migrant Children: A Cross Country Study of Policy and Practice . (pp. 179-198). New York. Oxford University Press.
Maiter, S. (2014) . Relevant child protection and mental health services for families from diverse racial and ethnic backgrounds. In J. R. Conte (Ed), Child abuse and Neglect Worldwide. (pp. 83-106). Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger.
Maiter, S., Alaggia, R., & Mutta, B. (2013) Double jeopardy: Racialized families and failure to protect. In S. Strega, J. Krane, S. Lapierre, C. Richardson, & R. Carlton (Eds.), Failure to Protect: Moving Beyond Gendered Responses. (pp. 125-145). Halifax & Winnipeg: Fernwood Publishing.
Alaggia, R. & Maiter, S. (2012) . Domestic violence and child abuse: Issues for immigrant and refugee families. In R. Alaggia & C. Vine (Eds.), Cruel But Not Unusual: Violence in Canadian families (2nd ed.). (pp. 235-267). Waterloo, ON: University Press. [Updated from 1st Edition published in 2006]
Maiter, S., Palmer, S., & Manji, S. (2012) . Strengthening social worker-client relationships in child protective services: Addressing power imbalances and “ruptured” relationships. In J. E. B. Myers (Ed.), Child Maltreatment: A Collection of Readings. (pp. 18-33). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc. [Reprinted from Journal Article published in 2006]
Maiter, S. (2009) . Race matters: Social Justice, not Assimilation or Cultural Competence. In S. Strega and J. Carriere (Eds). Walking this Path Together: Anti-racist and Anti-oppressive child Welfare Practice, (pp. 62-77). Fernwood Press, Toronto, Canada.
Alaggia, R. & Maiter, S. (2006) . Domestic violence and child abuse: Issues for immigrant and refugee families. In R. Alaggia and C. Vine, Cruel but not Unusual: Violence in Canadian Families. Wilfrid Laurier University Press.
MacFadden, R. J., Herie, M., Maiter, S., Dumbrill, G.C., (2005). Achieving high touch in high tech: A constructivist, emotionally-oriented model of web-based instruction. In Beaulaurier, R., and Haffey, M. (Eds.) . Technology and Social Work education. NY: Haworth.
Maiter, S. (2005) . From Cultural Sensitivity to Anti-Oppressive Practice. In B. Lee & S. Todd (Eds.). Community practice: Problems and strategies. Mississauga: Common Act Press.
Maiter, S. (2003) . The Context of Culture: Social Work with South Asian-Canadians. In Alean Al-Krenawi & J. Graham (Eds.), Cross-Cultural Social Work Practice with Diverse Ethno-Racial Communities in Canada. Toronto: Oxford University Press. (55 pages)
MacFadden, R. J., Maiter, S., & Dumbrill. G. C. (2002) . High Tech and High Touch: the human face of online education. In P. S. Anderson & H. Resnick (Ed.), Innovations in technology and human services: Practice and education. 2nd edition. New York: Haworth Press.
Kikulwe, D., Ssewanyana, D., & Maiter, S. (2024). Child safety reporting, services, and child welfare interventions with newcomer families during the COVID-19 pandemic: A survey of Ontario child welfare workers. Child Protection and Practice. Vol. 1,
Maiter, S., Ssewanyana, D., Kikulwe, D., & Sato, C. (2024). Connecting children
and youth with their families during COVID-19: Perspectives of child welfare
workers and foster parents. Journal of Public Child Welfare.
Kikulwe, D., & Maiter, S. (2024). Navigating “safety” in a pandemic: A critical
examination of Ontario child welfare safety interventions for newcomer families
in the COVID-19 pandemic. International Journal of Children, Youth and Family
Studies. Vol 14 No 4. DOI:
Maiter, S., Kikulwe, D., & Sibbald, S. (2023). Child Welfare service adaptations during the COVID-19 pandemic: Balancing worker safety and doing essential work. The International Journal of Community Diversity
Maiter, S., Kikulwe, D., & Sibbald, S. (2023). Child Welfare
Service Adaptations during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Balancing Worker Safety
and Doing Essential Work. The International Journal of Community Diversity 23
(2): 1-21. doi:10.18848/2327-0004/CGP/v23i02/1-21.
Maiter, S., Chan, A., Alaggia, A., and Ngo, A. (2019). "Burdens felt by Child Protection Workers Serving Immigrant Families with Limited English Proficiency: The Need for Sustained Support." The International Journal of Community Diversity 19 (1): 1-17. doi:10.18848/2327-0004/CGP/v19i01/1-17.
Alaggia, R., Maiter, S., Jenney, A. (2016) . In whose words? Struggles and strategies of service providers working with immigrant clients with limited language abilities in the violence against women sector and child protection services. Child and family Social Work. Online First. 1-10 doi:10.1111/cfs.12266
Maiter, S. & Joseph, A. J. (2016). Researching Racism: The Colour of Face-Value, Challenges and Opportunities. British Journal of Social Work . British Journal of Social Work Advance Access published May 17, 2016; British Journal of Social Work (2016) 0, 1–18. doi: 10.1093/bjsw/bcw052
Maiter, S., Alaggia, R., Chan, A., & Leslie, B. (2015) . Trial and Error: Attending to language barriers in child welfare service provision from the perspective of frontline workers. Child and Family Social Work. Online First. 1-10 doi:10.1111/cfs.12214 .
Kumsa, M. K., Chambon, A., Yan, M.C., Maiter, S. (2014) . Catching the shimmers of the social: From the limits of reflexivity to methodological creativity. Qualitative Research. Online First. 1-18. DOI: 10.1177/1468794114538897.
Maiter, S., Joseph, A.J., Shan, N. and Saeid, A. (2013) . Doing participatory qualitative research: Development of a shared critical consciousness with racial minority research advisory group members. Qualitative Research, 13(2), 198-213.
Hossen, A. MD., Westhues, A., & Maiter, S. (2013) . Coping strategies of older rural Bangladeshi women with health problems. Health Care for Women International, 34(12), 1116-1135.
Kumsa, M. K., Ng, K., Chambon A., Maiter, S., & Yan, M. C. (2013) . Rethinking youth violence and healing. Journal of Youth Studies, 16(7), 847-863.
Maiter, S. & Stalker, C. (2011) . South Asian immigrants' experience of child protection services: Are we recognizing strengths and resilience? Child and Family Social Work, 16, (2), 138-148.
Janzen, R., Ochocha, J., Jacobson, N., Maiter, S., Westhues, A., & Fleras, A. (2010) . Synthesizing culture and power in community mental health: An emerging framework. Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health, 29(1), 51-67.
Simich, L., Maiter, S., & Ochocka J. (2009) . From social liminality to cultural negotiation: Transformative process in immigrant mental wellbeing. Anthropology and Medicine, 16(3), 253-266.
Simich, L., Maiter, S., Moorlag, E. and Ochocka J. (Winter 2009) . “Taking Culture Seriously: Ethno linguistic community perspectives on mental health.” Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal 32.3.
Maiter, S., Stalker, C., & Alaggia, R. (2009) . The Experiences of minority immigrant families receiving child welfare services: Understanding how to reduce risk and increase protective factors. Families in Society: The Journal of Contemporary Social Services. 90(1), 28-36.
Maiter, S.(2009). Using an Anti-Racist Framework for Assessment and Intervention in Clinical Practice with Families from Diverse Ethno-racial backgrounds. Clinical Social Work. Clinical Social Work, 37, 267-276.
Westhues, A., Ochocka, J., Jacobson, N., Simich, L., Maiter, S., Janzen, R., & Fleras, A. (2008) . Developing theory from complexity: Reflections on a collaborative mixed method participatory action research study. Qualitative Health Research, 18(5), 701-17.
Miller, W. & Maiter, S. (2008) . Fatherhood and ethnicity: Moving beyond cultural competence. Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Diversity in Social Work. Vol. 17(3): 279-300.
Maiter, S., Simich, L., Jacobson, N., & Wise, J. (2008) . Reciprocity: An ethic for Participatory Action An ethic for Participatory Action Research. Action Research. 6(3): 305-325.
Palmer, S., Maiter, S., & Manji, S., (2006). Parents’ experiences with child protective services. Child and Youth Services Review. Vol. 28(7): 812-824.
Maiter, S., Palmer, S., & Manji, S., (2006). Strengthening Social Worker-Client Relationships in Child Protective Services: Addressing Power Imbalances and ‘Ruptured’ Relationships. Qualitative Social Work. Vol 5(2): 167-186.
MacFadden, R. J., Herie, M. A., Maiter, S., and Dumbrill, G. (2005) . Achieving High Touch in High Tech: A Constructivist, Emotionally-Oriented Model of Web-Based Instruction. Journal of Teaching in Social Work Vol. 25, Numbers1/2, pp.21-44
Manji, S., Maiter, S., & Palmer, S. (2005) . Community and informal support for recipients of child protective services. Child and Youth Services Review. Vol. 27(3): 291-308
MacFadden, R. J., Herie, M. A., Maiter, S., and Dumbrill, G. (2005) . High touch in high tech: Exploring the subjective experiences of web-based learners in human services. Technology and Social Work Education, special edition.
Maiter, S. (2004) . Considering context and culture in child protection services to ethnically diverse families: An example from research with parents from the Indian sub continent (South Asians). Social Work Research and Evaluation. Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 63-80
Maiter, S., Alaggia, A. & Trocmé, N. (2004) . Perceptions of Child Maltreatment by Parents from the Indian Sub-Continent: Challenging Myths about Culturally Based Abusive Parenting Practices. Child Maltreatment, 9(3),63-80
Maiter, S. & George, U. (2003) . Understanding context and culture in the parenting approaches of immigrant South Asian Canadian mothers. Affilia Journal of Women and Social Work. Vol 18, No. 24, 411-428.
MacFadden, R. J., Dumbrill, G. C., & Maiter, S. (2000) . Web-based Course Delivery in a Graduate Faculty of Social Work: Crossing the New Frontier. New Technology in the Human Services, Vol.13. Issue 1/2.
Dumbrill, G. C., & Maiter, S. (1996) . Developing cultural and racial equity in social work practice. The Social Worker, 64 (3), 89-94.
Maiter, S., & Dumbrill G. C. (2004) . Curriculum for Cultural Competency. Family and Children’s Services of Kitchener Waterloo. Curriculum for all Agency Personnel.
Maiter, S. (2005) . The Ethics of Child Protection Services for People from Diverse Ethno-Racial Backgrounds. The Ontario Association of Social Worker. Magazine. February 2005.
Dumbrill, G. C., & Maiter, S. (2004) . Moving from clients evaluating services to clients designing services, The Ontario Association of Children’s Aid Societies Journal, 48 (4),17-21.
Dumbrill, G. C., & Maiter, S. (2004) . To understand "Others" we must first understand ourselves: How Canada’s dominant White culture shapes our perceptions of ethnic minorities. British Columbia Association of Social Worker’s Perspectives Newsmagazine, 26 (3), 12-13.
Dumbrill, G. C., & Maiter, S. (2003) . Child protection clients designing the services they receive: An idea from practice. Child and Family: A Journal of the Notre Dame Child and Family Institute, 7 (1), 5-10.
Dumbrill, G. C., & Maiter, S. (2003) . Multicultural social work revisited. New Brunswick Association of Social Workers Dossier Newsmagazine 14 (2), 11-12.
Maiter, S., Ssewanyana, D., & Kikulwe, D. (April 2024). Challenges of keeping children connected
with their families during the Pandemic: insights from foster parents and child welfare workers.
Conference of the International Association of Schools of Social Work. Panama City, Panama.
Kikulwe, D., Ssewanyana, D., & Maiter, S (April 2024). Child Welfare Workers’ Perceptions on Pandemic Service Disruptions and Areas of Improvement: Working with Newcomer Families in Ontario, Canada, during COVID-19. Conference of The International Association of Schools of Social Work. Panama City, Panama.
Maiter, S., & Kikulwe, D. (June 19-23, 2023). Lessons from the Pandemic: Recognizing Social Workers as Essential Workers. European Conference on Social Work Education. Porto, Portugal.
Maiter, S., Goitom, M., & Qadoumi, L. (June 2022) Promoting inclusion, access to
information, and successful transition (PIISTON). Country Presentation: Canada.
Voss, Norway
Kikulwe, D., & Maiter, S. (March 27-30, 2022). Navigating “safety” in a pandemic: a critical
examination of Ontario child welfare safety interventions for immigrant and refugee families in
the COVID-19 pandemic. The International Society for the Prevention of
Child Abuse & Neglect (ISPCAN), Quebec City, Quebec.
Maiter, S. (2014) . Between a rock and a hard place: challenges of racialized immigrant children, youth and families in receiving mental health services. Today’s Children and Youth. Tomorrow’s Families: 2014 Youth and Family Consensus Conference. Vancouver, BC.
Maiter, S. & Chan, A. (2014) . By Trial and Error: Experiences of Child Welfare Workers in Providing Services Where Language Interpretation is an Issue. 7 th Biennial Conference of the Prairie Child Welfare Consortium. Celebrating Child Welfare Transformations: Interdisciplinary Practices, Field Education and Research. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.
Maiter, S., Alaggia, R. & Chan, A. (2014) . Child Welfare Services when clients do not speak the National Language: Voices from the Frontlines. ‘Making a Difference’ - The 13th European Scientific Association on Residential and Family Care for Children and Adolescents Conference. Copenhagen, Denmark.
Maiter, S. & John-Langba, J. (2014) . Culturally Sensitive Social Work: International Perspectives on its Challenges and Benefits. Conference of the International Association of Social Workers. Conference Theme: Promoting Social and Economic Equality: Responses from Social Work and Social Development. Melbourne, Australia.
Maiter, S. & Alaggia, R. (2014) . Language Interpretation and Translation in Child Protection Agencies. Conference of the International Association of Social Workers. Conference Theme: Promoting Social and Economic Equality: Responses from Social Work and Social Development. Melbourne, Australia.
Alaggia, R., & Maiter, S. (2013) . Interpreter and Language Issues in Intercultural Work. Centre for Intercultural Studies of the University of Verona. Conference Theme: Intercultural Counselling and Education in the Global World. Verona, Italy.
Alaggia, R., Maiter, S., Chan, A., Ma, J., & Black, R. (2013) . Structural Barriers in Service Provision for Child Welfare Clients with Language Challenges. Congress of the Humanities and Social sciences. Conference Theme: “@ The Edge”. Victoria, BC.
Maiter, S. (2013) . Child Welfare System and Migrant Families in England, Canada, Finland, and Italy: The Canadian Child Protection System and Immigrant Children and Families. ISPCAN European Regional Conference on Child Abuse & Neglect. Conference Theme: Protecting Children in the Changing World. Dublin, Ireland.
Maiter, S., & Earner, I. (2013) . Considering Knowledge Requirements for Services to Immigrants and Culturally and Ethnically Diverse Families in the Child Protection System. APSAC’S 21st Annual Colloquium. Sponsoring Agency: The American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children. Las Vegas, Nevada.
Maiter, S. (2013) . Double Jeopardy: Racialized Families and Failure to Protect. 3rd Canadian Domestic Violence Conference. Toronto, Ontario.
Chan, A., Maiter, S., & Alaggia, R. (2013) . Policy and Practice Issues for Children and Families: Language Interpretation and Translation. ISPCAN European Regional Conference on Child Abuse & Neglect. Conference Theme: Protecting Children in the Changing World. Dublin, Ireland.
Maiter, S. (2012) . Youth vulnerability and agency: rethinking “youth violence.”. International. Association of Schools of Social Work Conference, Joint World Conference on Social Work and Social Development. Sweden, Stockholm.
Joseph, A., & Maiter, S. (2012) . Postnational Belonging: Strategies of Racialized Youth in Multicultural Western Contexts. 2012 Strangers in New Homelands 5th Annual Conference on the Social Reconstructing of “Home” Among Immigrants in the Diaspora. University of Manitoba. Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Maiter, S. (2012) . Rethinking Youth Violence: Transformative Possibilities for Inclusion, Social Justice and Human Rights. ASSWA Conference (Association of Schools of Social Work in Africa). Conference Theme: Social Work, Towards Inclusion, Social Justice and Human Rights. White River, South Africa.
Maiter, S. (2012) . Researching Racism: Challenges and Opportunities of Qualitative Research Methods. Twelfth International Diversity in Organizations, Communities and Nations Conference Vancouver, Canada.
Maiter, S. (2011) . Deep Wounds: Exploring Violence and Practices of Healing Among Racialized Youth in Global Contexts. The 11th International Conference on Diversity in Organizations, Communities and Nations. Cape Town, South Africa
Maiter, S, Joseph, A., Saeid, A., & Shan, N. (2010) . Doing Participatory Qualitative Research: Development of a Shared Critical Consciousness with Racial Minority Research Advisory Group Members. Qualitative 2010. Wilfrid Laurier University, Brantford, Ontario.
Maiter, S. (2010) . Challenges of Using Documentaries and Other Media Material in Teaching Critical Social Work. International Association of Schools of Social Work Conference, Joint World Conference on Social Work and Social Development. Hong Kong, China.
Maiter, S., & Westhues, A. (2009) . Taking Culture and Power Seriously in Community Mental Health: The Process of Collective Theory Generation in Multi-Faceted Community Based Research. 10th Annual Advances in Qualitative Methods Conference. Vancouver, British Columbia.
Maiter, S. (2008) Multiculturalism,Human Rights and Social Justice in Child Welfare Services. International Association of Schools of Social Work, Durban, South Africa.
Maiter, S. (May 2008) Reconciling Multiculturalism and Human Rights and Social Justice in Child Welfare Services. Social Work National Conference, Toronto.
Maiter, S. and Westhues, A. (2008) . Taking Culture and Power Seriously in Mental Health: An Emerging Framework. Social Work National Conference. Toronto
Maiter, S. (2008) . Working with Muslim families in Child Welfare. The 16th National Conference of the American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children, Phoenix.
Maiter, S. (July 2008) . Human Rights and Social Justice in Child Welfare Services in Multicultural contexts. Conference of the International Association of Social Workers. Durban, South Africa.
Alaggia, R.; Maiter, S. (2008) . Newcomer Families, Child Abuse & Child Welfare Intervention: When East Meets West. Sick Kids Suspected Child Abuse & Neglect Program: Current Issues in Child Maltreatment Conference.
Maiter, S. (2007) . Working with diverse families in child protection. The 15th National Conference of the American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children, Boston.
Simich, L. and Maiter, S. (2007) . Privileging the Perspectives of Cultural Linguistic Community Members: Focus Group Findings; Rethinking Mental Health Interventions: Towards Cultural Empowerment. Metropolis National Conference Exploring Canada’s Diversity, Today and Tomorrow. Toronto, Ontario.
Simich, L. and Maiter, S (2006). Cultural Linguistic Community Perspectives: Focus Group Findings. Towards Cultural Empowerment. CURA Conference. Wilfrid Laurier University.
Maiter, S. (2006) . Theoretical and Practice Frameworks for Culturally Competent Child Protection Services. The 14th National Conference of the American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children. Nashville, Tennessee.
Maiter, S. (June, 2005) . Child Maltreatment Issues for Immigrant families: Understandings from a research study. APSAC annual conference, New Orleans.
Maiter, S (April 2005). Enhancing functioning of newcomer families with young children. Conference of The Infant Mental Health Promotion Project and the Ontario Association for Infant Development.
Maiter S. (2004) . Culturally Sensitive Responses to Trauma. APSAC’s Second Annual Trauma Treatment Clinic (Invited and Refereed). Maui, Hawaii.
Maiter, S. (2004) . Developing Racial and Cultural Equity in Child Welfare Services and Organizations. American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children: The 12th National Conference. Hollywood, California.
Maiter, S. ( 2004) . Muslim Families and Child Maltreatment Issues. American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children. 12th Annual Conference. Hollywood, California.
Maiter, S. (2004) . Child Maltreatment and Working with South Asian Families. American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children: 12th Annual Conference. Hollywood, California.
Maiter, S., Palmer, S. & Manji, S. (2003) . Invisible lives: A qualitative study of 61 parents receiving child protective services. Partnerships for Children and Families, SHHRC Funded CURA Project Conference titled: “Finding A Fit: Family Realities and Service Responses" August 27, 2003
Waterfall, B. & Maiter, S. (May 2 - 4, 2003) . Resisting Colonization in the Academy: From Indigenous/Minoritized Standpoints. Canadian Critical Race Conference. Vancouver, British Columbia.
Maiter, S. (2003) . Working with Muslim Families on Issues of Child Abuse. American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children 11th Annual Conference, Orlando, Florida.
MacFadden, R., Herie, M., Dumbrill, G., & Maiter, S. (May, 2002) . Thinking and Feeling: Building a Constructivist Emotionally-Oriented Model for Online Education. The Nexus Conference. Connecting Teaching, Technology and Inclusive Learning. University of Toronto.
Maiter, S. (July, 2002) . Ethical challenges in designing anti-racist research: An example from child welfare. International Association of Schools of Social Work, Montpellier, France.
Herie, M., R. J. MacFadden, Maiter, S. (2002) . Comparing Learning Outcomes, Experiences and Participation in Online and Classroom-based Cultural Competence Courses, Annual Conference 2002 CASSW-ACESS Toronto, Canada.
Maiter, S. & de la Cruz-Quiroz, Gloria. (June, 2001) . Cultural Competency in Child Abuse Interventions. American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children. Washington, D. C.
Maiter, S (June 2001). Member of Opening Plenary. Child Abuse Interventions in Communities of Color: Doing Good, Doing Harm. American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children. 9th Annual conference. Washington, D. C.
Maiter, S. (May 2001) . Addressing racial and cultural equity in social work education and practice. Annual Conference 2001 CASSW-ACESS in conjunction with HSSFC May 27 - 30, 2001 université Laval, Québec City. "The Intellectual and Social Worker: Beyond Apparent Contradictions".
Maiter, S. (2001) . Resistance research methodology: Issues in conducting cross- cultural research. Conference on Race, Ethnicity and Gender. Faculty of Women’s Studies. University of British Columbia.
Maiter, S. (March 2000) . Structural and cultural considerations for child welfare service provision to diverse families. Paper presentation. National Metropolis Conference. Toronto, Canada.
MacFadden, R. J., Maiter, S., & Dumbrill, G. C. (2000) . Developing web-based training in child welfare: An early look at the present & future of human services education. Conference “Creating the Future...a new vision for Children” organized by 5 major stakeholders in Child Welfare in Ontario, Canada.
MacFadden, R. J., Maiter, S., & Dumbrill, G. C. (1999) . Web-based Course Delivery in a Graduate Faculty of Social Work: Crossing the New Frontier. Paper presented at the conference Husita-5, Budapest, Hungary.
Maiter, S., Trocmé, N., & Shakir, U. (July 1999) . Fabricating tools of resistance: Moral and ethical issues in cross-cultural research. Paper presented at the Qualitative Analysis Conference: The Interdisciplinary Study of Social Process, St. Thomas University and the University of New Brunswick.
Maiter, S. (October 1999) . Immigration research update: Understanding South Asian-Canadian approaches to parenting. Paper presented at the Ontario Association of Agencies Serving Immigrants, Geneva Conference Center, Orillia, Ontario, Canada.
Maiter, S., & Trocmé, N. (July 1998) . Developing racial and cultural equity in child protection services. Paper presented at the American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children: The Sixth Annual National Conference, Chicago.
Dumbrill, G. C. & Maiter, S., (February 1997). Consumer Centered Child Protection Services. Paper presented at the 74th Annual General Meeting of the American Orthopsychiatric Association, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Current Courses
Term | Course Number | Section | Title | Type |
Fall 2024 | GS/SOWK7010 3.0 | A | Epistemology | SEMR |
Fall 2024 | AP/SOWK3041 3.0 | C | Communication | SEMR |
Fall/Winter 2024 | GS/SOWK5350 6.0 | C | Advanced Practicum | PRAC |
Upcoming Courses
Term | Course Number | Section | Title | Type |
Winter 2025 | AP/SOWK3041 3.0 | N | Communication | SEMR |
Fall/Winter 2024 | GS/SOWK5350 6.0 | C | Advanced Practicum | PRAC |
Dr Maiter is Professor in the School of Social Work at York University. Her scholarship, teaching, and professional interests include: Anti racist and social justice approaches to social work; race, culture, and ethnicity and child welfare policy and practice
Dr Maiter is Professor in the School of Social Work at York University. Her scholarship, teaching, and professional interests include: Anti racist and social justice approaches to social work; race, culture, and ethnicity and child welfare policy and practice ; client centered practice in child welfare; including the voices of diverse populations into social work theory, research and practice; developing prevention and social support programs for diverse populations and for immigrants and refugees; and social work practice with families. Dr. Maiter has extensive practice experience in child and family welfare (both child protection and children's mental health services) that she brings to her teaching and scholarship. Prior to coming to York University, she taught in the Faculty of Social Work at Wilfrid Laurier University in the individuals, families, and groups stream and also developed and taught core courses addressing oppression and marginalization. Along with providing consultation to community groups and organizations and sitting on working groups, Dr Maiter has been a member of several professional and community boards including the Board of Accreditation of the Association of Schools of Social Work. Currently, she is serving a second term on the board of the American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children (APSAC) and has been the Chair of the Diversity Committee for both terms. Dr Maiter also served as an expert panel reviewer for the National Traumatic Stress Network in their efforts to develop culturally sensitive, evidence based trauma intervention. As principal investigator of a Social Science and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) funded study, Dr Maiter, with colleagues explored factors that bring ethnic minority families to the attention of the child welfare system and the professional responses to these families. Dr Maiter was co-Investigator of the completed SSHRC funded Community University Research Alliance (CURA) study Partnerships for Children and Families. She is currently co-investigator of a SSHRC funded CURA study: Taking Culture Seriously in Community Mental Health. This is a five year participatory action research project that brings together a variety of university and community partners in Toronto and Waterloo Region. The overall purpose of the study is to explore, develop, pilot and evaluate how best to provide community-based mental health services and supports that are effective for people from culturally diverse backgrounds. Dr Maiter with colleagues is also embarking on a new SSHRC funded study titled The Self-Other Issue in the Healing Practices of Racialized Minority Youth. This study will explore the sense racialized minority youths make of injustice, discrimination, and oppression and the strategies they develop to deal with it.
PhD, University of TorontoMSW, University of Toronto
BSW, Universtiy of Durban-Westville (South Africa)
Research Interests
Current Research Projects
Exploring Child Welfare Services during COVID-19
Project Type: FundedCollaborator: Dr. Daniel Kikulwe
Research Support Grant LAPS York University
Examining safety protocols for immigrant and refugee families within the COVID-19 pandemic .
Project Type: FundedCollaborator: Dr. Daniel Kikulwe & Sabrina Sibbald (MSW Student)
Collaborator Institution: York University
York University, COVID-19 Research Fund
Principal Investigator
Collaborator Institution: Catholic Children’s Aid Society & British Columbia Ministry of Children & Family Development.
SSHRC Standard Research Grant.
Collaborator: P.I. Dr. Martha Kwee Kumsa, Faculty of Social Work, Wilfrid Laurier University, Dr Miu Yan, School of Social Work, University of British Columbia, Dr. Adrienne Chambon, Faculty of Social Work, University of Toronto
SSHRC Standard Research Grant
Taking Culture Seriously in Community Mental Health is a five year participatory action research project that brings together a variety of university and community partners in Toronto and Waterloo Region. The overall purpose of the study is to explore, develop, pilot and evaluate how best to provide community-based mental health services and supports that are effective for people from culturally diverse backgrounds. The five cultural linguistic communities partnering in this project are: Somali, Polish, Mandarin, Punjabi (Hindu), and South American.
Role: Co-InvestigatorCollaborator: P. I. Joanna Ochocka, Community Psychology, Waterloo University, and other University and Community Partners.
Through in-depth qualitative interviews with parents from one visible minority ethnic group, this study explored the factors that led to child protection interventions and the services received from the child welfare system. As many of the participants interviewed were immigrants, the findings highlight barriers to settlement, the sense of exclusion experienced, the misunderstandings related to their needs, services that were helpful and those that were not. As the study has been completed recently, we are actively involved in further data analysis, and knowledge dissemination.
Role: Principal InvestigatorFunders:
SSHRC Standard Research Grant
All Publications
Maiter, S. & Ngo, A. (2017). The well-being of children from immigrant families. In M.C. Yan & U. Anucha (Eds.), Working with immigrants and refugees: A handbook for Social Work and Human Services. Toronto: ON, Oxford University Press Canada.
Joseph, A.J. & Maiter, S. (2015) . Post-national Belonging: Strategies of Racialized Youth in Multicultural Western Contexts. In Baffoe, M. Asimeng-Boahene, L. & Ogbuagu, B. (eds.,) . Settlers in Transition: Pathways and Roadbloacks to Settlement and Citizenship of New Comers in New Homelands. (pp.23-31) . Ronkonkoma: Linus Learning
Maiter, S. (2015) . Race matters: Social justice, not assimilation or cultural competence. In S. Strega & J. Carriere. (Eds.) , Walking this Path Together: Anti-racist and Anti-oppressive Child Welfare Practice,2nd edition. Toronto, ON: Fernwood Press.
Maiter, S., Palmer, S., & Manji, S. (2014) . Invisible lives: The experiences of parents in the child welfare system. In G. Cameron, M. Fine, S. Maiter, K. Frensch, & N. Freymond (Eds.), Towards Positive Systems of Child and Family Welfare: Family Realities and System Responses. (pp. 115-138).Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press.
Nelson, G., D’Ailly, H., Ochocka, J., Janzen, R., Maiter, S., & Jacobson, N. (2014) . Planning mental health services for culturally diverse communities: Towards a framework for transformative change. In G. Nelson, B. Kloos, & J. Ornelas (Eds.), Community Psychology and Community Mental Health: Towards Transformative Change. (Society for Community Research and Action Book Series) . (pp. 177-201). New York: Oxford University Press.
Maiter, S. & Leslie, B. (2014) . Child welfare systems and immigrant families: Canada. In R. Barn, K. Kriz, T. Poso & M. Skivenes (Eds), Child Welfare Systems and Migrant Children: A Cross Country Study of Policy and Practice . (pp. 179-198). New York. Oxford University Press.
Maiter, S. (2014) . Relevant child protection and mental health services for families from diverse racial and ethnic backgrounds. In J. R. Conte (Ed), Child abuse and Neglect Worldwide. (pp. 83-106). Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger.
Maiter, S., Alaggia, R., & Mutta, B. (2013) Double jeopardy: Racialized families and failure to protect. In S. Strega, J. Krane, S. Lapierre, C. Richardson, & R. Carlton (Eds.), Failure to Protect: Moving Beyond Gendered Responses. (pp. 125-145). Halifax & Winnipeg: Fernwood Publishing.
Alaggia, R. & Maiter, S. (2012) . Domestic violence and child abuse: Issues for immigrant and refugee families. In R. Alaggia & C. Vine (Eds.), Cruel But Not Unusual: Violence in Canadian families (2nd ed.). (pp. 235-267). Waterloo, ON: University Press. [Updated from 1st Edition published in 2006]
Maiter, S., Palmer, S., & Manji, S. (2012) . Strengthening social worker-client relationships in child protective services: Addressing power imbalances and “ruptured” relationships. In J. E. B. Myers (Ed.), Child Maltreatment: A Collection of Readings. (pp. 18-33). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc. [Reprinted from Journal Article published in 2006]
Maiter, S. (2009) . Race matters: Social Justice, not Assimilation or Cultural Competence. In S. Strega and J. Carriere (Eds). Walking this Path Together: Anti-racist and Anti-oppressive child Welfare Practice, (pp. 62-77). Fernwood Press, Toronto, Canada.
Alaggia, R. & Maiter, S. (2006) . Domestic violence and child abuse: Issues for immigrant and refugee families. In R. Alaggia and C. Vine, Cruel but not Unusual: Violence in Canadian Families. Wilfrid Laurier University Press.
MacFadden, R. J., Herie, M., Maiter, S., Dumbrill, G.C., (2005). Achieving high touch in high tech: A constructivist, emotionally-oriented model of web-based instruction. In Beaulaurier, R., and Haffey, M. (Eds.) . Technology and Social Work education. NY: Haworth.
Maiter, S. (2005) . From Cultural Sensitivity to Anti-Oppressive Practice. In B. Lee & S. Todd (Eds.). Community practice: Problems and strategies. Mississauga: Common Act Press.
Maiter, S. (2003) . The Context of Culture: Social Work with South Asian-Canadians. In Alean Al-Krenawi & J. Graham (Eds.), Cross-Cultural Social Work Practice with Diverse Ethno-Racial Communities in Canada. Toronto: Oxford University Press. (55 pages)
MacFadden, R. J., Maiter, S., & Dumbrill. G. C. (2002) . High Tech and High Touch: the human face of online education. In P. S. Anderson & H. Resnick (Ed.), Innovations in technology and human services: Practice and education. 2nd edition. New York: Haworth Press.
Cameron, G., Fine, M., Maiter, S., Frensch, K., & Freymond, N. (Eds.) . (2014) . Towards Positive Systems of Child and Family Welfare: Family Realities and System Responses. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press.
Kikulwe, D., Ssewanyana, D., & Maiter, S. (2024). Child safety reporting, services, and child welfare interventions with newcomer families during the COVID-19 pandemic: A survey of Ontario child welfare workers. Child Protection and Practice. Vol. 1,
Maiter, S., Ssewanyana, D., Kikulwe, D., & Sato, C. (2024). Connecting children
and youth with their families during COVID-19: Perspectives of child welfare
workers and foster parents. Journal of Public Child Welfare.
Kikulwe, D., & Maiter, S. (2024). Navigating “safety” in a pandemic: A critical
examination of Ontario child welfare safety interventions for newcomer families
in the COVID-19 pandemic. International Journal of Children, Youth and Family
Studies. Vol 14 No 4. DOI:
Maiter, S., Kikulwe, D., & Sibbald, S. (2023). Child Welfare service adaptations during the COVID-19 pandemic: Balancing worker safety and doing essential work. The International Journal of Community Diversity
Maiter, S., Kikulwe, D., & Sibbald, S. (2023). Child Welfare
Service Adaptations during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Balancing Worker Safety
and Doing Essential Work. The International Journal of Community Diversity 23
(2): 1-21. doi:10.18848/2327-0004/CGP/v23i02/1-21.
Maiter, S., Chan, A., Alaggia, A., and Ngo, A. (2019). "Burdens felt by Child Protection Workers Serving Immigrant Families with Limited English Proficiency: The Need for Sustained Support." The International Journal of Community Diversity 19 (1): 1-17. doi:10.18848/2327-0004/CGP/v19i01/1-17.
Alaggia, R., Maiter, S., Jenney, A. (2016) . In whose words? Struggles and strategies of service providers working with immigrant clients with limited language abilities in the violence against women sector and child protection services. Child and family Social Work. Online First. 1-10 doi:10.1111/cfs.12266
Maiter, S. & Joseph, A. J. (2016). Researching Racism: The Colour of Face-Value, Challenges and Opportunities. British Journal of Social Work . British Journal of Social Work Advance Access published May 17, 2016; British Journal of Social Work (2016) 0, 1–18. doi: 10.1093/bjsw/bcw052
Maiter, S., Alaggia, R., Chan, A., & Leslie, B. (2015) . Trial and Error: Attending to language barriers in child welfare service provision from the perspective of frontline workers. Child and Family Social Work. Online First. 1-10 doi:10.1111/cfs.12214 .
Kumsa, M. K., Chambon, A., Yan, M.C., Maiter, S. (2014) . Catching the shimmers of the social: From the limits of reflexivity to methodological creativity. Qualitative Research. Online First. 1-18. DOI: 10.1177/1468794114538897.
Maiter, S., Joseph, A.J., Shan, N. and Saeid, A. (2013) . Doing participatory qualitative research: Development of a shared critical consciousness with racial minority research advisory group members. Qualitative Research, 13(2), 198-213.
Hossen, A. MD., Westhues, A., & Maiter, S. (2013) . Coping strategies of older rural Bangladeshi women with health problems. Health Care for Women International, 34(12), 1116-1135.
Kumsa, M. K., Ng, K., Chambon A., Maiter, S., & Yan, M. C. (2013) . Rethinking youth violence and healing. Journal of Youth Studies, 16(7), 847-863.
Maiter, S. & Stalker, C. (2011) . South Asian immigrants' experience of child protection services: Are we recognizing strengths and resilience? Child and Family Social Work, 16, (2), 138-148.
Janzen, R., Ochocha, J., Jacobson, N., Maiter, S., Westhues, A., & Fleras, A. (2010) . Synthesizing culture and power in community mental health: An emerging framework. Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health, 29(1), 51-67.
Simich, L., Maiter, S., & Ochocka J. (2009) . From social liminality to cultural negotiation: Transformative process in immigrant mental wellbeing. Anthropology and Medicine, 16(3), 253-266.
Simich, L., Maiter, S., Moorlag, E. and Ochocka J. (Winter 2009) . “Taking Culture Seriously: Ethno linguistic community perspectives on mental health.” Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal 32.3.
Maiter, S., Stalker, C., & Alaggia, R. (2009) . The Experiences of minority immigrant families receiving child welfare services: Understanding how to reduce risk and increase protective factors. Families in Society: The Journal of Contemporary Social Services. 90(1), 28-36.
Maiter, S.(2009). Using an Anti-Racist Framework for Assessment and Intervention in Clinical Practice with Families from Diverse Ethno-racial backgrounds. Clinical Social Work. Clinical Social Work, 37, 267-276.
Westhues, A., Ochocka, J., Jacobson, N., Simich, L., Maiter, S., Janzen, R., & Fleras, A. (2008) . Developing theory from complexity: Reflections on a collaborative mixed method participatory action research study. Qualitative Health Research, 18(5), 701-17.
Miller, W. & Maiter, S. (2008) . Fatherhood and ethnicity: Moving beyond cultural competence. Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Diversity in Social Work. Vol. 17(3): 279-300.
Maiter, S., Simich, L., Jacobson, N., & Wise, J. (2008) . Reciprocity: An ethic for Participatory Action An ethic for Participatory Action Research. Action Research. 6(3): 305-325.
Palmer, S., Maiter, S., & Manji, S., (2006). Parents’ experiences with child protective services. Child and Youth Services Review. Vol. 28(7): 812-824.
Maiter, S., Palmer, S., & Manji, S., (2006). Strengthening Social Worker-Client Relationships in Child Protective Services: Addressing Power Imbalances and ‘Ruptured’ Relationships. Qualitative Social Work. Vol 5(2): 167-186.
MacFadden, R. J., Herie, M. A., Maiter, S., and Dumbrill, G. (2005) . Achieving High Touch in High Tech: A Constructivist, Emotionally-Oriented Model of Web-Based Instruction. Journal of Teaching in Social Work Vol. 25, Numbers1/2, pp.21-44
Manji, S., Maiter, S., & Palmer, S. (2005) . Community and informal support for recipients of child protective services. Child and Youth Services Review. Vol. 27(3): 291-308
MacFadden, R. J., Herie, M. A., Maiter, S., and Dumbrill, G. (2005) . High touch in high tech: Exploring the subjective experiences of web-based learners in human services. Technology and Social Work Education, special edition.
Maiter, S. (2004) . Considering context and culture in child protection services to ethnically diverse families: An example from research with parents from the Indian sub continent (South Asians). Social Work Research and Evaluation. Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 63-80
Maiter, S., Alaggia, A. & Trocmé, N. (2004) . Perceptions of Child Maltreatment by Parents from the Indian Sub-Continent: Challenging Myths about Culturally Based Abusive Parenting Practices. Child Maltreatment, 9(3),63-80
Maiter, S. & George, U. (2003) . Understanding context and culture in the parenting approaches of immigrant South Asian Canadian mothers. Affilia Journal of Women and Social Work. Vol 18, No. 24, 411-428.
MacFadden, R. J., Dumbrill, G. C., & Maiter, S. (2000) . Web-based Course Delivery in a Graduate Faculty of Social Work: Crossing the New Frontier. New Technology in the Human Services, Vol.13. Issue 1/2.
Dumbrill, G. C., & Maiter, S. (1996) . Developing cultural and racial equity in social work practice. The Social Worker, 64 (3), 89-94.
Maiter, S., & Dumbrill G. C. (2004) . Curriculum for Cultural Competency. Family and Children’s Services of Kitchener Waterloo. Curriculum for all Agency Personnel.
Maiter, S. (2005) . The Ethics of Child Protection Services for People from Diverse Ethno-Racial Backgrounds. The Ontario Association of Social Worker. Magazine. February 2005.
Dumbrill, G. C., & Maiter, S. (2004) . Moving from clients evaluating services to clients designing services, The Ontario Association of Children’s Aid Societies Journal, 48 (4),17-21.
Dumbrill, G. C., & Maiter, S. (2004) . To understand "Others" we must first understand ourselves: How Canada’s dominant White culture shapes our perceptions of ethnic minorities. British Columbia Association of Social Worker’s Perspectives Newsmagazine, 26 (3), 12-13.
Dumbrill, G. C., & Maiter, S. (2003) . Child protection clients designing the services they receive: An idea from practice. Child and Family: A Journal of the Notre Dame Child and Family Institute, 7 (1), 5-10.
Dumbrill, G. C., & Maiter, S. (2003) . Multicultural social work revisited. New Brunswick Association of Social Workers Dossier Newsmagazine 14 (2), 11-12.
Maiter, S., Ssewanyana, D., & Kikulwe, D. (April 2024). Challenges of keeping children connected
with their families during the Pandemic: insights from foster parents and child welfare workers.
Conference of the International Association of Schools of Social Work. Panama City, Panama.
Kikulwe, D., Ssewanyana, D., & Maiter, S (April 2024). Child Welfare Workers’ Perceptions on Pandemic Service Disruptions and Areas of Improvement: Working with Newcomer Families in Ontario, Canada, during COVID-19. Conference of The International Association of Schools of Social Work. Panama City, Panama.
Maiter, S., & Kikulwe, D. (June 19-23, 2023). Lessons from the Pandemic: Recognizing Social Workers as Essential Workers. European Conference on Social Work Education. Porto, Portugal.
Maiter, S., Goitom, M., & Qadoumi, L. (June 2022) Promoting inclusion, access to
information, and successful transition (PIISTON). Country Presentation: Canada.
Voss, Norway
Kikulwe, D., & Maiter, S. (March 27-30, 2022). Navigating “safety” in a pandemic: a critical
examination of Ontario child welfare safety interventions for immigrant and refugee families in
the COVID-19 pandemic. The International Society for the Prevention of
Child Abuse & Neglect (ISPCAN), Quebec City, Quebec.
Maiter, S. (2014) . Between a rock and a hard place: challenges of racialized immigrant children, youth and families in receiving mental health services. Today’s Children and Youth. Tomorrow’s Families: 2014 Youth and Family Consensus Conference. Vancouver, BC.
Maiter, S. & Chan, A. (2014) . By Trial and Error: Experiences of Child Welfare Workers in Providing Services Where Language Interpretation is an Issue. 7 th Biennial Conference of the Prairie Child Welfare Consortium. Celebrating Child Welfare Transformations: Interdisciplinary Practices, Field Education and Research. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.
Maiter, S., Alaggia, R. & Chan, A. (2014) . Child Welfare Services when clients do not speak the National Language: Voices from the Frontlines. ‘Making a Difference’ - The 13th European Scientific Association on Residential and Family Care for Children and Adolescents Conference. Copenhagen, Denmark.
Maiter, S. & John-Langba, J. (2014) . Culturally Sensitive Social Work: International Perspectives on its Challenges and Benefits. Conference of the International Association of Social Workers. Conference Theme: Promoting Social and Economic Equality: Responses from Social Work and Social Development. Melbourne, Australia.
Maiter, S. & Alaggia, R. (2014) . Language Interpretation and Translation in Child Protection Agencies. Conference of the International Association of Social Workers. Conference Theme: Promoting Social and Economic Equality: Responses from Social Work and Social Development. Melbourne, Australia.
Alaggia, R., & Maiter, S. (2013) . Interpreter and Language Issues in Intercultural Work. Centre for Intercultural Studies of the University of Verona. Conference Theme: Intercultural Counselling and Education in the Global World. Verona, Italy.
Alaggia, R., Maiter, S., Chan, A., Ma, J., & Black, R. (2013) . Structural Barriers in Service Provision for Child Welfare Clients with Language Challenges. Congress of the Humanities and Social sciences. Conference Theme: “@ The Edge”. Victoria, BC.
Maiter, S. (2013) . Child Welfare System and Migrant Families in England, Canada, Finland, and Italy: The Canadian Child Protection System and Immigrant Children and Families. ISPCAN European Regional Conference on Child Abuse & Neglect. Conference Theme: Protecting Children in the Changing World. Dublin, Ireland.
Maiter, S., & Earner, I. (2013) . Considering Knowledge Requirements for Services to Immigrants and Culturally and Ethnically Diverse Families in the Child Protection System. APSAC’S 21st Annual Colloquium. Sponsoring Agency: The American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children. Las Vegas, Nevada.
Maiter, S. (2013) . Double Jeopardy: Racialized Families and Failure to Protect. 3rd Canadian Domestic Violence Conference. Toronto, Ontario.
Chan, A., Maiter, S., & Alaggia, R. (2013) . Policy and Practice Issues for Children and Families: Language Interpretation and Translation. ISPCAN European Regional Conference on Child Abuse & Neglect. Conference Theme: Protecting Children in the Changing World. Dublin, Ireland.
Maiter, S. (2012) . Youth vulnerability and agency: rethinking “youth violence.”. International. Association of Schools of Social Work Conference, Joint World Conference on Social Work and Social Development. Sweden, Stockholm.
Joseph, A., & Maiter, S. (2012) . Postnational Belonging: Strategies of Racialized Youth in Multicultural Western Contexts. 2012 Strangers in New Homelands 5th Annual Conference on the Social Reconstructing of “Home” Among Immigrants in the Diaspora. University of Manitoba. Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Maiter, S. (2012) . Rethinking Youth Violence: Transformative Possibilities for Inclusion, Social Justice and Human Rights. ASSWA Conference (Association of Schools of Social Work in Africa). Conference Theme: Social Work, Towards Inclusion, Social Justice and Human Rights. White River, South Africa.
Maiter, S. (2012) . Researching Racism: Challenges and Opportunities of Qualitative Research Methods. Twelfth International Diversity in Organizations, Communities and Nations Conference Vancouver, Canada.
Maiter, S. (2011) . Deep Wounds: Exploring Violence and Practices of Healing Among Racialized Youth in Global Contexts. The 11th International Conference on Diversity in Organizations, Communities and Nations. Cape Town, South Africa
Maiter, S, Joseph, A., Saeid, A., & Shan, N. (2010) . Doing Participatory Qualitative Research: Development of a Shared Critical Consciousness with Racial Minority Research Advisory Group Members. Qualitative 2010. Wilfrid Laurier University, Brantford, Ontario.
Maiter, S. (2010) . Challenges of Using Documentaries and Other Media Material in Teaching Critical Social Work. International Association of Schools of Social Work Conference, Joint World Conference on Social Work and Social Development. Hong Kong, China.
Maiter, S., & Westhues, A. (2009) . Taking Culture and Power Seriously in Community Mental Health: The Process of Collective Theory Generation in Multi-Faceted Community Based Research. 10th Annual Advances in Qualitative Methods Conference. Vancouver, British Columbia.
Maiter, S. (2008) Multiculturalism,Human Rights and Social Justice in Child Welfare Services. International Association of Schools of Social Work, Durban, South Africa.
Maiter, S. (May 2008) Reconciling Multiculturalism and Human Rights and Social Justice in Child Welfare Services. Social Work National Conference, Toronto.
Maiter, S. and Westhues, A. (2008) . Taking Culture and Power Seriously in Mental Health: An Emerging Framework. Social Work National Conference. Toronto
Maiter, S. (2008) . Working with Muslim families in Child Welfare. The 16th National Conference of the American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children, Phoenix.
Maiter, S. (July 2008) . Human Rights and Social Justice in Child Welfare Services in Multicultural contexts. Conference of the International Association of Social Workers. Durban, South Africa.
Alaggia, R.; Maiter, S. (2008) . Newcomer Families, Child Abuse & Child Welfare Intervention: When East Meets West. Sick Kids Suspected Child Abuse & Neglect Program: Current Issues in Child Maltreatment Conference.
Maiter, S. (2007) . Working with diverse families in child protection. The 15th National Conference of the American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children, Boston.
Simich, L. and Maiter, S. (2007) . Privileging the Perspectives of Cultural Linguistic Community Members: Focus Group Findings; Rethinking Mental Health Interventions: Towards Cultural Empowerment. Metropolis National Conference Exploring Canada’s Diversity, Today and Tomorrow. Toronto, Ontario.
Simich, L. and Maiter, S (2006). Cultural Linguistic Community Perspectives: Focus Group Findings. Towards Cultural Empowerment. CURA Conference. Wilfrid Laurier University.
Maiter, S. (2006) . Theoretical and Practice Frameworks for Culturally Competent Child Protection Services. The 14th National Conference of the American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children. Nashville, Tennessee.
Maiter, S. (June, 2005) . Child Maltreatment Issues for Immigrant families: Understandings from a research study. APSAC annual conference, New Orleans.
Maiter, S (April 2005). Enhancing functioning of newcomer families with young children. Conference of The Infant Mental Health Promotion Project and the Ontario Association for Infant Development.
Maiter S. (2004) . Culturally Sensitive Responses to Trauma. APSAC’s Second Annual Trauma Treatment Clinic (Invited and Refereed). Maui, Hawaii.
Maiter, S. (2004) . Developing Racial and Cultural Equity in Child Welfare Services and Organizations. American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children: The 12th National Conference. Hollywood, California.
Maiter, S. ( 2004) . Muslim Families and Child Maltreatment Issues. American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children. 12th Annual Conference. Hollywood, California.
Maiter, S. (2004) . Child Maltreatment and Working with South Asian Families. American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children: 12th Annual Conference. Hollywood, California.
Maiter, S., Palmer, S. & Manji, S. (2003) . Invisible lives: A qualitative study of 61 parents receiving child protective services. Partnerships for Children and Families, SHHRC Funded CURA Project Conference titled: “Finding A Fit: Family Realities and Service Responses" August 27, 2003
Waterfall, B. & Maiter, S. (May 2 - 4, 2003) . Resisting Colonization in the Academy: From Indigenous/Minoritized Standpoints. Canadian Critical Race Conference. Vancouver, British Columbia.
Maiter, S. (2003) . Working with Muslim Families on Issues of Child Abuse. American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children 11th Annual Conference, Orlando, Florida.
MacFadden, R., Herie, M., Dumbrill, G., & Maiter, S. (May, 2002) . Thinking and Feeling: Building a Constructivist Emotionally-Oriented Model for Online Education. The Nexus Conference. Connecting Teaching, Technology and Inclusive Learning. University of Toronto.
Maiter, S. (July, 2002) . Ethical challenges in designing anti-racist research: An example from child welfare. International Association of Schools of Social Work, Montpellier, France.
Herie, M., R. J. MacFadden, Maiter, S. (2002) . Comparing Learning Outcomes, Experiences and Participation in Online and Classroom-based Cultural Competence Courses, Annual Conference 2002 CASSW-ACESS Toronto, Canada.
Maiter, S. & de la Cruz-Quiroz, Gloria. (June, 2001) . Cultural Competency in Child Abuse Interventions. American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children. Washington, D. C.
Maiter, S (June 2001). Member of Opening Plenary. Child Abuse Interventions in Communities of Color: Doing Good, Doing Harm. American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children. 9th Annual conference. Washington, D. C.
Maiter, S. (May 2001) . Addressing racial and cultural equity in social work education and practice. Annual Conference 2001 CASSW-ACESS in conjunction with HSSFC May 27 - 30, 2001 université Laval, Québec City. "The Intellectual and Social Worker: Beyond Apparent Contradictions".
Maiter, S. (2001) . Resistance research methodology: Issues in conducting cross- cultural research. Conference on Race, Ethnicity and Gender. Faculty of Women’s Studies. University of British Columbia.
Maiter, S. (March 2000) . Structural and cultural considerations for child welfare service provision to diverse families. Paper presentation. National Metropolis Conference. Toronto, Canada.
MacFadden, R. J., Maiter, S., & Dumbrill, G. C. (2000) . Developing web-based training in child welfare: An early look at the present & future of human services education. Conference “Creating the Future...a new vision for Children” organized by 5 major stakeholders in Child Welfare in Ontario, Canada.
MacFadden, R. J., Maiter, S., & Dumbrill, G. C. (1999) . Web-based Course Delivery in a Graduate Faculty of Social Work: Crossing the New Frontier. Paper presented at the conference Husita-5, Budapest, Hungary.
Maiter, S., Trocmé, N., & Shakir, U. (July 1999) . Fabricating tools of resistance: Moral and ethical issues in cross-cultural research. Paper presented at the Qualitative Analysis Conference: The Interdisciplinary Study of Social Process, St. Thomas University and the University of New Brunswick.
Maiter, S. (October 1999) . Immigration research update: Understanding South Asian-Canadian approaches to parenting. Paper presented at the Ontario Association of Agencies Serving Immigrants, Geneva Conference Center, Orillia, Ontario, Canada.
Maiter, S., & Trocmé, N. (July 1998) . Developing racial and cultural equity in child protection services. Paper presented at the American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children: The Sixth Annual National Conference, Chicago.
Dumbrill, G. C. & Maiter, S., (February 1997). Consumer Centered Child Protection Services. Paper presented at the 74th Annual General Meeting of the American Orthopsychiatric Association, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Current Courses
Term | Course Number | Section | Title | Type |
Fall 2024 | GS/SOWK7010 3.0 | A | Epistemology | SEMR |
Fall 2024 | AP/SOWK3041 3.0 | C | Communication | SEMR |
Fall/Winter 2024 | GS/SOWK5350 6.0 | C | Advanced Practicum | PRAC |
Upcoming Courses
Term | Course Number | Section | Title | Type |
Winter 2025 | AP/SOWK3041 3.0 | N | Communication | SEMR |
Fall/Winter 2024 | GS/SOWK5350 6.0 | C | Advanced Practicum | PRAC |