Xueqing Xu
Department of Languages, Literatures and Linguistics
Associate Professor
Office: Ross Building, S506
Phone: (416)736-2100 Ext: 66300
Email: xueqingx@yorku.ca
Xueqing Xu’s recent research interest is on Chinese Canadian diasporic literature both in English and in Chinese, and on Chinese women literature. About fouty articles and introductions on Chinese Canadian literature in Chinese have been published in Chinese journals and literary anthologies during the past several years. She is working with Dr. Laura Wu on the Chinese Times, a daily Chinese newspaper published in Vancouver from 1910 to 1992, which is part of her major research project on the history of Chinese Canadian literature.
She teaches Chinese literature, classical fiction, Chinese Canadian Diasporic literature, and women writers in modern and contemporary China.
Ph. D. in literature, University of TorontoMA. In literature, Fudan University
BA in literature, Fudan University
Professional Leadership
Membership in Professional Organizations
Chinese Culture and Education Society of Canda, 2009-present
Chinese Canadian Writers’ Association, 2008-present
Association for Research on Mothering, 2005-present
Canadian Teaching Chinese as a Second Language Association, 2005-present
Chinese-Canadian Pen Society, 2005-present
Chinese Language Teachers Association, 2003-present
Association of Asian Studies, 1995-present
Research Interests
Historical Imagination and Diaspora Experience: A Century of Chinese-Canadian Literature. Taipei: Showwe Information Co., Ltd., 2024.
Contemporary Short Stories about Women’s Lives in China Today. Eds. Jennifer Jianghai Mei & Xueqing Xu. New York: The Edwin Mellen Press, Ltd. 2020.
Marriage in China Today: Stories by Chinese Women Authors. Eds. Jennifer & Xueqing Xu. The Edwin Mellen Press, Ltd. New York: 2020.
Toward the North: Stories by Chinese Canadian Writers. Eds. Laura Wu, Xueqing Xu, and Cory Davis. Toronto: Inanna Publications & Education Inc. 2018.
Writer, Place, Gender and Identity: Studies of Chinese Canadian Literature. Co-edited with Laura Wu. Guangzhou: Jinan U Press. 2015.
Anthology of Poetic Prose Essays by Chinese-Canadian Writers????—???????? ????. Ed. Taipei: Buffalo Publishing Co. September, 2005. Also published by Beijing: Writers Publishing Corporation, March, 2006.
Life of Confucius?????. Beijing: Zhongguo heping chubanshe, 1990. 94 pp.
Chinese Culture: The Syntax of the Language.” In Researching and Teaching the Chinese Language: Voices from Canada, ed. Wei Cai. London, Berlin, and New York: Springer Nature, 2024. Pp. 227-240.
“Introduction.” In Contemporary Short Stories about Women’s Lives in China Today. Eds. Jennifer Jianghai Mei & Xueqing Xu. New York: The Edwin Mellen Press, Ltd. 2020. Pp. iii – xxx.
“Introduction.” In Marriage in China Today: Stories by Chinese Women Authors, ed. Jennifer Jianghai Mei & Xueqing Xu. New York: The Edwin Mellen Press, Ltd, 2020. Pp. iii - xlii.
“Empowered Mothers in an Alien Land: Three Chinese-Canadian Women Writers” in Crossing between Tradition and Modernity: Essays in Commemoration of Milena Doležlová-Velingerová (1932-2012). Ed. Kirk A. Denton. Prague: Karolinum Press, 2016. Pp. 223-233.
"Introduction." In Writer, Place, Gender and Identity: Studies of Chinese Canadian Literature. Co-authored with Laura Wu. Guangzhou: Jinan U Press. 2015. Pp. 1-9. 10609 words.
“Rewriting Chinese Canadian History: Historicity and Imagination in Novels by Chinese Canadian Writers,” ????????? (Life Journal and Historical Narrative)Guangzhou: Jinan UP, 2014. Pp. 43-55. 10,600 words.
“The Romanticization of Canadian Culture in Chen He’s fiction”, invited chapter to the book Imagined Outlandish Cultures ????. Ed. Xiaolan Chen. Hefei: Anhui renmin chubanshe, 2012. Pp.155-167. 10,082 words.
“Alice Munro (1931 --)” in A Course in World Literature by Female Writers ?????? ??, Chapter 9. Ed. Xiaolan Chen. Shanghai: Fudan U Press, June. 2011. Pp. 201-209. 8250 words.
“Introduction,” Migrating Birds -- Contemporary Chinese-Canadian Women’s Writings ??: ??????????. Eds. Liu, Huiqin & Susie Lin. Taibei: Shangwu yinshuguan, Dec. 2009. 3500 words.
“The Relationship between Mothers and Their Children in Chinese-Canadian Women Fiction” in Classics and Theory: Lectures by Scholars in the Department of Chinese Literature of Shanghai University II ?????—????????????. Ed. Xiaolan Chen. Shanghai: Fudan University Press, 2009. Pp. 202-205. 3500 words.
“The Mandarin Duck and Butterfly School” in Literary Societies of Republican China, edited by Kirk Denton and Michel Hockx. Lanham: Lexington Books, 2008. Pp.47-78.
“Introduction,” Re-rooting and Root Searching: Selected Prose Essays by Chinese-Canadian Writers ????:????????????. Taipei:Buffalo Publishing Co., 2005. Pp.2-7; also Beijing: Writers Publishing Corporation, 2006. Pp.1-6. 3800 words.
“????” (Reportage Literature) a chapter in???? (News Writing). Beijing: ????? Xinwen chubanshe, 1986. Pp. 122-130. Ca. 14,000 words.
Water Lily. Han Z. Li. University of Toronto Quarterly 75:1, Winter 2006. Pp. 406-407. “???????:???? (An Analysis of the Novel Mist of Prairie)” ?? (Prairie) 4 April (1985): 66-70. 5500 words.
Xu, Xueqing, and Hua Laura Wu. “PORTRAYING SUN YAT-SEN IN THE VANCOUVER-BASED CHINESE TIMES: A Trans-Local Perspective.” BC studies, no. 216 (2023): 99–170.
Xu, Xueqing, and Hua Laura Wu. “A MISCONCEPTION: The Relationship Between the Chinese-English Daily Newspaper and the Chinese Times.” BC studies, no. 209 (2021): 63–154.
“From Sojourners to Settlers: Reflections on the Concept of Home in Poems in The Chinese Times (1906-1992),” ?????? (World Literature Review)No. 12 (Jan. 2018). Pp. 66-77. 13,873 words.
“Cultural Translation and Dialogue: Ling Zhang’s Recent Works of Fiction,” ???????? (Modern Chinese Literature Studies) Vol. 214 No. 5 (May 2017). Pp. 170-176. 7066 words.
“Hybridity of Chinese Diasporic Literature in the Multicultural Milieu,” ?????? (Journal of Comparative Literature in China). Vol.104 No.3 (August 2016). Pp. 11-18. 6340 words.
“Empowered Mother in an Alien Land: Fictional Works by Three Chinese-Canadian Women Writers of Different Generations,” ???? (Humanities International)no. 6 (Jan. 2013) 11-17. 7260 words.
“Plagiarism and Intertextuailty in Literature,” ?????? (Journal of Comparative Literature in China) Vol. 85, no. 4 Vol. (Oct. 2011) 32-39. 7600 words.
“An Ethnics Battle with Humanity and Barbarity: Reading Chen He’s Novel Battles in Sarawak ??,????????: ???????????,” ???? (Journal of World Literature in Chinese). No. 100 (Oct. 2010)97-99. 4500 words.
“Enchantment and Disillusionment of the Gold Mountain: an Analysis of Zhang Ling’s Novel Gold Mountain Blues???????????--- ????????????,” ?????? (Women’s Culture of China) no. 11 (November, 2009): 220-226. 5000 words. Also published in Hong Kong Literature, no. 300 (December 2009) 18-21.
“On Sun Bo’s Fiction??????” ??? (Literatures) vol. 50 (June 2009): 17-20. 5000 words.
“Redefining Identity: a Comparative study of Xiao Yan’s novel The Family Line and Vincent Lam’s Bloodletting & Miraculous Cures ?????????:?????????????.?????????” Shijie huawen wenxue luntan (Forum of World Literature in Chinese, quarterly), vol. 66 (March 2009): 50-54. 8345 words.
“Cultural Memories and Diasporic Experience in Chinese-Canadian Literature ??????:?????????,” ???? (Journal of World Literature in Chinese). 82 (October 2007): 5-8. 5000 words. Also in East West Forum no. 102 (New York, 2007): 49-52.
“Negotiation between Home ‘Here’ and ‘There’—On Zhang Ling’s Fiction ??????.” ???? (Journal of World Literature in Chinese). 75 (August 2006): 88-93. 6800 words.
“Where is the Hometown? On Novels by Chinese-Canadian Writers?????:???? ??????” ???? (Journal of World Literature in Chinese). 75 (August 2006): 39-43. 6000 words. Also in A Rotating Coin. Ed. Sun Bo. Chengdu: Chengdu shidai chubanshe, 2007. 205-210; and On Literature of Chinese Diaspora—from a Comparative Perspective. Ed. Rao Pengzi. Tianjin: Nankai University Press, 2007. 283-291.
“Chinese-Canadians in the Era of Economic Globalization and Multiculturalism: an Analysis of Sun Bo’s Four Novels ?????????????????:???????????????.” ???? (Review of Literature). 6 December (2005): 27-31. 7000 words.
“New Visual Aspects of the Literary Journals in the 1910s.” East Asian Forum 7 (1998): 97-117.
“???????????????” (On the Third Wave of Reportage during the New Period) ?????? (Contemporary Movements in Literature and the Arts, journal) April (1987): 32-35. 5000 words.
“??????????” (A Survey of Reportage Literature during the New Period) ?????? (Exploration in Contemporary Literature and Art, journal) January (1987): 90-92. 4000 words.
“?????????: ?????????” (Portrayals of the Peasant’s Soul:Wang Zhaojun’s Fiction) ????? (Literary Reviewers) June (1986): 35-38. 5000 words. Coauthored with Dongming Wang.
“?????????????” (Changes in the Depiction of Pain in Recent Fiction) ????? (Unfettered Talk on Literature, journal) April (1986): 82-86. 6000 words.
“?????????” (An Analysis of the Historical Drama Prince Li Shimin) ???????? (Huainan Normal University College Journal) (1986): 31-34. 5000 words. Coauthored with Dongming Wang.
“?????: ????????” (Melody of Youth: On the Play Youth Waltz) ???? (Shanghai Drama, journal of the Shanghai Theatre Academy) February (1984): 25-26. 2500 words.
“??????????” (Four Literary Histories of Contemporary China)???? (Literary Commentary) 6 November-December (1984): 120-128. 8000 words. Coauthored with Yongan Liang, Dongming Wang.
“?????????” (Is Realism out of Date?) ???????? (Guizhou Social Science Journal) 19 March (1983): 80-84. 6000 words. Coauthored with DongmingWang.
“???????????” (A Theoretical Problem Worthy of Exploration) ???? (Fudan University Journal) June (1982): 38-39. 2500 words. Coauthored with Dongming Wang.
“????,????--???????????. (Ba Jin’s Literary Writings after 1949.) ” ??? (Literary Times) September 27, 1984. P.3. 2000 words.
“???????--???????? (On Liu Zhaolin’s Fictional Writing)” ?? (Sprouts) November (1986): 61-63. 4000 words.
“????? (An Inward Portrayal.)” ?? (Flying Apsaras) March (1984): 122-123. 2500 words.
“?? ‘???????’: ???????????. (For a ‘More Mature Literature’: Wang Meng’s Fiction of 1982.) ” ??? (Literary Times), March 3rd, 1983. P.3. Coauthored with Dongming Wang.
Current Courses
Term | Course Number | Section | Title | Type |
Fall/Winter 2024 | AP/CH2200 6.0 | A | Introduction to Chinese Literature | SEMR |
Fall/Winter 2024 | AP/CH3800 6.0 | A | Chinese Canadian Literature | BLEN |
Upcoming Courses
Term | Course Number | Section | Title | Type |
Fall/Winter 2024 | AP/CH2200 6.0 | A | Introduction to Chinese Literature | SEMR |
Fall/Winter 2024 | AP/CH3800 6.0 | A | Chinese Canadian Literature | BLEN |
Xueqing Xu’s recent research interest is on Chinese Canadian diasporic literature both in English and in Chinese, and on Chinese women literature. About fouty articles and introductions on Chinese Canadian literature in Chinese have been published in Chinese journals and literary anthologies during the past several years. She is working with Dr. Laura Wu on the Chinese Times, a daily Chinese newspaper published in Vancouver from 1910 to 1992, which is part of her major research project on the history of Chinese Canadian literature.
She teaches Chinese literature, classical fiction, Chinese Canadian Diasporic literature, and women writers in modern and contemporary China.
Ph. D. in literature, University of TorontoMA. In literature, Fudan University
BA in literature, Fudan University
Professional Leadership
Membership in Professional Organizations
Chinese Culture and Education Society of Canda, 2009-present
Chinese Canadian Writers’ Association, 2008-present
Association for Research on Mothering, 2005-present
Canadian Teaching Chinese as a Second Language Association, 2005-present
Chinese-Canadian Pen Society, 2005-present
Chinese Language Teachers Association, 2003-present
Association of Asian Studies, 1995-present
Research Interests
All Publications
Chinese Culture: The Syntax of the Language.” In Researching and Teaching the Chinese Language: Voices from Canada, ed. Wei Cai. London, Berlin, and New York: Springer Nature, 2024. Pp. 227-240.
“Introduction.” In Contemporary Short Stories about Women’s Lives in China Today. Eds. Jennifer Jianghai Mei & Xueqing Xu. New York: The Edwin Mellen Press, Ltd. 2020. Pp. iii – xxx.
“Introduction.” In Marriage in China Today: Stories by Chinese Women Authors, ed. Jennifer Jianghai Mei & Xueqing Xu. New York: The Edwin Mellen Press, Ltd, 2020. Pp. iii - xlii.
“Empowered Mothers in an Alien Land: Three Chinese-Canadian Women Writers” in Crossing between Tradition and Modernity: Essays in Commemoration of Milena Doležlová-Velingerová (1932-2012). Ed. Kirk A. Denton. Prague: Karolinum Press, 2016. Pp. 223-233.
"Introduction." In Writer, Place, Gender and Identity: Studies of Chinese Canadian Literature. Co-authored with Laura Wu. Guangzhou: Jinan U Press. 2015. Pp. 1-9. 10609 words.
“Rewriting Chinese Canadian History: Historicity and Imagination in Novels by Chinese Canadian Writers,” ????????? (Life Journal and Historical Narrative)Guangzhou: Jinan UP, 2014. Pp. 43-55. 10,600 words.
“The Romanticization of Canadian Culture in Chen He’s fiction”, invited chapter to the book Imagined Outlandish Cultures ????. Ed. Xiaolan Chen. Hefei: Anhui renmin chubanshe, 2012. Pp.155-167. 10,082 words.
“Alice Munro (1931 --)” in A Course in World Literature by Female Writers ?????? ??, Chapter 9. Ed. Xiaolan Chen. Shanghai: Fudan U Press, June. 2011. Pp. 201-209. 8250 words.
“Introduction,” Migrating Birds -- Contemporary Chinese-Canadian Women’s Writings ??: ??????????. Eds. Liu, Huiqin & Susie Lin. Taibei: Shangwu yinshuguan, Dec. 2009. 3500 words.
“The Relationship between Mothers and Their Children in Chinese-Canadian Women Fiction” in Classics and Theory: Lectures by Scholars in the Department of Chinese Literature of Shanghai University II ?????—????????????. Ed. Xiaolan Chen. Shanghai: Fudan University Press, 2009. Pp. 202-205. 3500 words.
“The Mandarin Duck and Butterfly School” in Literary Societies of Republican China, edited by Kirk Denton and Michel Hockx. Lanham: Lexington Books, 2008. Pp.47-78.
“Introduction,” Re-rooting and Root Searching: Selected Prose Essays by Chinese-Canadian Writers ????:????????????. Taipei:Buffalo Publishing Co., 2005. Pp.2-7; also Beijing: Writers Publishing Corporation, 2006. Pp.1-6. 3800 words.
“????” (Reportage Literature) a chapter in???? (News Writing). Beijing: ????? Xinwen chubanshe, 1986. Pp. 122-130. Ca. 14,000 words.
Water Lily. Han Z. Li. University of Toronto Quarterly 75:1, Winter 2006. Pp. 406-407. “???????:???? (An Analysis of the Novel Mist of Prairie)” ?? (Prairie) 4 April (1985): 66-70. 5500 words.
Historical Imagination and Diaspora Experience: A Century of Chinese-Canadian Literature. Taipei: Showwe Information Co., Ltd., 2024.
Contemporary Short Stories about Women’s Lives in China Today. Eds. Jennifer Jianghai Mei & Xueqing Xu. New York: The Edwin Mellen Press, Ltd. 2020.
Marriage in China Today: Stories by Chinese Women Authors. Eds. Jennifer & Xueqing Xu. The Edwin Mellen Press, Ltd. New York: 2020.
Toward the North: Stories by Chinese Canadian Writers. Eds. Laura Wu, Xueqing Xu, and Cory Davis. Toronto: Inanna Publications & Education Inc. 2018.
Writer, Place, Gender and Identity: Studies of Chinese Canadian Literature. Co-edited with Laura Wu. Guangzhou: Jinan U Press. 2015.
Anthology of Poetic Prose Essays by Chinese-Canadian Writers????—???????? ????. Ed. Taipei: Buffalo Publishing Co. September, 2005. Also published by Beijing: Writers Publishing Corporation, March, 2006.
Life of Confucius?????. Beijing: Zhongguo heping chubanshe, 1990. 94 pp.
Xu, Xueqing, and Hua Laura Wu. “PORTRAYING SUN YAT-SEN IN THE VANCOUVER-BASED CHINESE TIMES: A Trans-Local Perspective.” BC studies, no. 216 (2023): 99–170.
Xu, Xueqing, and Hua Laura Wu. “A MISCONCEPTION: The Relationship Between the Chinese-English Daily Newspaper and the Chinese Times.” BC studies, no. 209 (2021): 63–154.
“From Sojourners to Settlers: Reflections on the Concept of Home in Poems in The Chinese Times (1906-1992),” ?????? (World Literature Review)No. 12 (Jan. 2018). Pp. 66-77. 13,873 words.
“Cultural Translation and Dialogue: Ling Zhang’s Recent Works of Fiction,” ???????? (Modern Chinese Literature Studies) Vol. 214 No. 5 (May 2017). Pp. 170-176. 7066 words.
“Hybridity of Chinese Diasporic Literature in the Multicultural Milieu,” ?????? (Journal of Comparative Literature in China). Vol.104 No.3 (August 2016). Pp. 11-18. 6340 words.
“Empowered Mother in an Alien Land: Fictional Works by Three Chinese-Canadian Women Writers of Different Generations,” ???? (Humanities International)no. 6 (Jan. 2013) 11-17. 7260 words.
“Plagiarism and Intertextuailty in Literature,” ?????? (Journal of Comparative Literature in China) Vol. 85, no. 4 Vol. (Oct. 2011) 32-39. 7600 words.
“An Ethnics Battle with Humanity and Barbarity: Reading Chen He’s Novel Battles in Sarawak ??,????????: ???????????,” ???? (Journal of World Literature in Chinese). No. 100 (Oct. 2010)97-99. 4500 words.
“Enchantment and Disillusionment of the Gold Mountain: an Analysis of Zhang Ling’s Novel Gold Mountain Blues???????????--- ????????????,” ?????? (Women’s Culture of China) no. 11 (November, 2009): 220-226. 5000 words. Also published in Hong Kong Literature, no. 300 (December 2009) 18-21.
“On Sun Bo’s Fiction??????” ??? (Literatures) vol. 50 (June 2009): 17-20. 5000 words.
“Redefining Identity: a Comparative study of Xiao Yan’s novel The Family Line and Vincent Lam’s Bloodletting & Miraculous Cures ?????????:?????????????.?????????” Shijie huawen wenxue luntan (Forum of World Literature in Chinese, quarterly), vol. 66 (March 2009): 50-54. 8345 words.
“Cultural Memories and Diasporic Experience in Chinese-Canadian Literature ??????:?????????,” ???? (Journal of World Literature in Chinese). 82 (October 2007): 5-8. 5000 words. Also in East West Forum no. 102 (New York, 2007): 49-52.
“Negotiation between Home ‘Here’ and ‘There’—On Zhang Ling’s Fiction ??????.” ???? (Journal of World Literature in Chinese). 75 (August 2006): 88-93. 6800 words.
“Where is the Hometown? On Novels by Chinese-Canadian Writers?????:???? ??????” ???? (Journal of World Literature in Chinese). 75 (August 2006): 39-43. 6000 words. Also in A Rotating Coin. Ed. Sun Bo. Chengdu: Chengdu shidai chubanshe, 2007. 205-210; and On Literature of Chinese Diaspora—from a Comparative Perspective. Ed. Rao Pengzi. Tianjin: Nankai University Press, 2007. 283-291.
“Chinese-Canadians in the Era of Economic Globalization and Multiculturalism: an Analysis of Sun Bo’s Four Novels ?????????????????:???????????????.” ???? (Review of Literature). 6 December (2005): 27-31. 7000 words.
“New Visual Aspects of the Literary Journals in the 1910s.” East Asian Forum 7 (1998): 97-117.
“???????????????” (On the Third Wave of Reportage during the New Period) ?????? (Contemporary Movements in Literature and the Arts, journal) April (1987): 32-35. 5000 words.
“??????????” (A Survey of Reportage Literature during the New Period) ?????? (Exploration in Contemporary Literature and Art, journal) January (1987): 90-92. 4000 words.
“?????????: ?????????” (Portrayals of the Peasant’s Soul:Wang Zhaojun’s Fiction) ????? (Literary Reviewers) June (1986): 35-38. 5000 words. Coauthored with Dongming Wang.
“?????????????” (Changes in the Depiction of Pain in Recent Fiction) ????? (Unfettered Talk on Literature, journal) April (1986): 82-86. 6000 words.
“?????????” (An Analysis of the Historical Drama Prince Li Shimin) ???????? (Huainan Normal University College Journal) (1986): 31-34. 5000 words. Coauthored with Dongming Wang.
“?????: ????????” (Melody of Youth: On the Play Youth Waltz) ???? (Shanghai Drama, journal of the Shanghai Theatre Academy) February (1984): 25-26. 2500 words.
“??????????” (Four Literary Histories of Contemporary China)???? (Literary Commentary) 6 November-December (1984): 120-128. 8000 words. Coauthored with Yongan Liang, Dongming Wang.
“?????????” (Is Realism out of Date?) ???????? (Guizhou Social Science Journal) 19 March (1983): 80-84. 6000 words. Coauthored with DongmingWang.
“???????????” (A Theoretical Problem Worthy of Exploration) ???? (Fudan University Journal) June (1982): 38-39. 2500 words. Coauthored with Dongming Wang.
“????,????--???????????. (Ba Jin’s Literary Writings after 1949.) ” ??? (Literary Times) September 27, 1984. P.3. 2000 words.
“???????--???????? (On Liu Zhaolin’s Fictional Writing)” ?? (Sprouts) November (1986): 61-63. 4000 words.
“????? (An Inward Portrayal.)” ?? (Flying Apsaras) March (1984): 122-123. 2500 words.
“?? ‘???????’: ???????????. (For a ‘More Mature Literature’: Wang Meng’s Fiction of 1982.) ” ??? (Literary Times), March 3rd, 1983. P.3. Coauthored with Dongming Wang.
Current Courses
Term | Course Number | Section | Title | Type |
Fall/Winter 2024 | AP/CH2200 6.0 | A | Introduction to Chinese Literature | SEMR |
Fall/Winter 2024 | AP/CH3800 6.0 | A | Chinese Canadian Literature | BLEN |
Upcoming Courses
Term | Course Number | Section | Title | Type |
Fall/Winter 2024 | AP/CH2200 6.0 | A | Introduction to Chinese Literature | SEMR |
Fall/Winter 2024 | AP/CH3800 6.0 | A | Chinese Canadian Literature | BLEN |