Publications: List: By School/Dept


book chapters

Goulding, J. 2022 “Heidegger’s Daoist Phenomenology,” in David Chai (ed.), Daoist Resonances in Heidegger: Exploring a Forgotten Debt, pp. 47-102. The first book devoted solely to Heidegger and Daoism, London and New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 55 pgs.

Goulding, Jay

Goulding, J. 2008 “Wu Kuang-ming and Maurice Merleau-Ponty: Daoism and Phenomenology” Ch. 10 pp. 183-206 in Jay Goulding (ed.) China-West Interculture: Toward the Philosophy of World Integration, New York: Global Scholarly Publications.

Goulding, Jay

Goulding, J. 2008 “Cheng Chung-ying’s Onto-cosmology: Chinese Philosophy and Hermeneutic Phenomenology” Ch. 8 pp. 135-155 in Ng On-cho (ed.) The Imperative of Understanding: Chinese Philosophy, Comparative Philosophy, and Onto-Hermeneutics: A Tribute Volume Dedicated to Professor Chung-ying Cheng, New York: Global Scholarly Publications.

Goulding, Jay

Goulding, J. 2005 “Rorty, Heidegger, Cheng: Pragmatism, Phenomenology, Onto-cosmology” revised version Ch. 13 pp. 263-297 in Pan Derong (ed.) Ontology and Interpretation: A Special Collection of Treatises Honouring Cheng Chung-ying’s 70th Birthday, Shanghai: Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences Press (in Chinese).

Goulding, Jay

Goulding, J. 2005 “Barbarism and Civilization” New Dictionary of the History of Ideas vol. 1, pp. 195-197 editor, Maryanne Horowitz New York: Charles’ Scribner’s Sons.

Goulding, Jay

Goulding, J. 2005 “Globalization: Asia” New Dictionary of the History of Ideas vol. 3, pp. 941-947 editor, Maryanne Horowitz New York: Charles’ Scribner’s Sons.

Goulding, Jay

Goulding, J. 2005 “Religion: East and Southeast Asia” New Dictionary of the History of Ideas vol. 5, pp. 2060-2064 editor, Maryanne Horowitz New York: Charles’ Scribner’s Sons.

Goulding, Jay

Goulding, J. 2005 “Society” New Dictionary of the History of Ideas vol. 5 pp. 2238-2241 editor Maryanne Horowitz New York: Charles’ Scribner’s Sons.

Goulding, Jay

Goulding, J. 2005 “Zen” New Dictionary of the History of Ideas vol. 6 pp. 2513-2514 editor Mary Anne Horowitz New York: Charles’ Scribner’s Sons.

Goulding, Jay

Goulding, J. 2002 “‘Three Teachings are One’: The Ethical Intertwinings of Buddhism, Confucianism and Daoism” Ch. 11 pp. 249-278 in Xinyan Jiang (ed.) The Examined Life - Chinese Perspectives: Essays on Chinese Ethical traditions Binghamton, New York: Global Publications, Binghamton University.

Goulding, Jay

Goulding, J. 2001 “Tokugawa Traces in 21st C. Japan” Ch. 12 pp. 159-174 in Masao Nakamura (ed.) Japan in the Global Age: Cultural, Historical and Political Issues on Asia, Environment, Households and International Communication, Vancouver: The Centre for Japanese Research, University of British Columbia Press.

Goulding, Jay

Understanding Bureaucracies in Canadian Society: Global Perspectives, edited by Timothy P. McCauley. Ontario, de Sitter Publications

Jacobs, Merle A

Equity and Work in The Professionalization of Work (Eds) with Stephen Bosanac .Ontario, de Sitter Publications

Jacobs, Merle A

Disordered Eating: Culture Matters. In Merle Jacobs (Ed) Critical Readings in Health. (pp 183-212) . Toronto: APF Press.

Jacobs, Merle A

Race is a determent of health. In Merle Jacobs (Ed) Justice, Health and Culture. (pp 36 – 46) . Ontario:Thomson Nelson.

Jacobs, Merle A

Nursing, A Pink Collar Ghetto? From Semi-Professional to Professional. In Merle Jacobs & Stephen Bosanac (Eds) ‘The Professionalization of Work.’ (pp 123-143). Ontario: de Sitter Publications.

Jacobs, Merle A

Social Determinants of Health: A roadmap to Social Justice. In Merle Jacobs (Ed) A Reader in Social Justice: Local and Global. (pp 235-252) . Toronto: Thomson Nelson.

Jacobs, Merle A

Creating Understanding from Research: Staff Nurses’ Views on Collegiality. In Merle Jacobs (Ed) ‘Is anyone listening? Women, Work and Society.’ (pp 295-314). Toronto:Women’s Press.

Jacobs, Merle A

Undertaking Advocacy. In Merle Jacobs (Ed) ‘is anyone listening? Women, Work and Society.’ (pp 336-344). Toronto: Women’s Press

Jacobs, Merle A

Race is a determent of Health in Canada. In Merle Jacobs (Ed) Critical Readings in Health. (pp 49-72) . Toronto: APF Press.

Jacobs, Merle A

“Philosophical Aspects of International Regionalism”, in: Seni M. Ouedraogo (ed.), Le droit communautaire africain d’hier à aujourd’hui. Mélanges en l’Honneur du Pr. Luc M. Ibriga, Ouagadougou, University of Ouagadougou Press, 2022, pp. 9-26.

Ouedraogo, Awalou

“Emerging Powers and Conflicts Management in Africa”, in: Sabine Lavorel, Delphine Deschaux-Dutard (dir.), Emerging Powers and International Security, Brussel, Peter Lang, 2017, pp. 195-219.

Ouedraogo, Awalou

“Equity and the Voting Rights of Non-resident Canadian Citizen”, in: Awalou Ouedraogo and Merle A. Jacobs (eds.), Race In-Equity: Intersectionality, Social Determinants of Health and Human Rights, Toronto, APF Press, 2017, pp. 239-266.

Ouedraogo, Awalou

“On the Humanization of International Law”, in: Awalou Ouedraogo and Merle A. Jacobs (eds.), Race In-Equity: Intersectionality, Social Determinants of Health and Human Rights, Toronto, APF Press, 2017, pp. 352-393.

Ouedraogo, Awalou

“International Law and Contemporary Security Changes: Does the Prohibition of the Use of Force Obsolete?”, in: Stanislav Kirschbaum, (ed.), The Challenges of the Western Security System, Brussel, Bruylant, 2014, pp. 49-75

Ouedraogo, Awalou

“Embassy”, in: Pascal Mbongo, Carlo Santulli, François Hervouët (dir.), Encyclopedic Dictionary of the State, Paris, Berger Levraut, 2014, pp. 49-52

Ouedraogo, Awalou

“International Neutrality”, in: Pascal Mbongo, Carlo Santulli, François Hervouët (dir.), Encyclopedic Dictionary of the State, Paris, Berger Levraut, 2014, pp. 672-675

Ouedraogo, Awalou

Minville, G., and Su, Y. (2024). Fires and Floods: Examining Internal Climate Migration in Canada. In C., Clark-Kazak (Ed.). Forced Migration in/to Canada: From Colonization to Refugee Resettlement. McGill–Queen’s University Press. (Open Access)

Su, Yvonne

Su, Y., Mangada, L., Pacoma, A. (2023). Beyond Bayanihan: Overcoming Myths of Community Resilience in Disaster Recovery. In Bonifacio, G. T. (Eds.), Disasters in the Philippines: Before and After Haiyan (pp. 267-286). Bristol University Press.

Su, Yvonne

Casa Miga: A case of LGBT-led, transnational activism in Latin America.

Su, Yvonne

Resilient Cities?: Mainstreaming Climate Change Resilience into Urban Policy in Dhaka and Ho Chi Minh City

Su, Yvonne

“Servitude of the certitude in the 9/11 hauntology: a case study of (in)securities in cyber ‘security’”. In C. Colaguori (ed) Security, Life and Death: Governmentality and Biopower in the Post-9/11 Era Toronto: deSitter Press. (June)

Visano, Livy

“Impact of Ideologies in Institutionalizing Injustice: The Pathology of Pathologizing” pp 46. In Social Justice and Human Rights (eds. L. Visano & Merle A. Jacobs). Toronto: APF Press.

Visano, Livy

“Status as the Signified Locus of Injustice” (with M. Jacobs). pp1-16. In Social Justice and Human Rights (eds. L. Visano & Merle A. Jacobs). Toronto: APF Press.

Visano, Livy

“Whose Refuge?” In M. Jacobs (ed) Trauma, Dislocation and Human Rights Toronto: APF Publishers. (September)

Visano, Livy

“What’s Wrong with Rights?” In M. Jacobs (ed) Trauma, Dislocation and Human Rights Toronto: APF Publishers. (September)

Visano, Livy

“Professions and the Individual: The Impact of Culture in the Control of Careers”, The Professionalization of Work M. Jacobs and S. Bosanac (eds) 5pp Toronto: deSitter Press 23pp.

Visano, Livy

“The impact of colour in “correcting” youths: a programme of action”.(with W. Crichlow), Racism, Culture and Law: Critical Readings ed. by Dr R. Barmaki APF Press. Toronto. (26pp

Visano, Livy

“Instrumentalism as the ideology of discipline: the impact of technology on corrections”. (with K. McCormick) Racism, Culture and Law: Critical Readings edited by Dr R. Barmaki APF Press. Toronto. (20pp)

Visano, Livy

“Adversarial Justice” in Gregg Barak (ed) Battleground: Criminal Justice Greenwood Publ . 18pp

Visano, Livy

"The Social in Justice as Social Injustice”. M. Jacobs (ed) Justice, Health and Culture Toronto: Thomson Nelson; reprinted in M. Jacobs (ed) Critical Readings In Health Toronto APF 2008, 16pp

Visano, Livy

"Class Enriching the Classroom: the 'radical' as rooted pedagogic strengths". In S. Muzzatti and V. Samarco (eds) Working Class Academics - reflections from the wrong side of the tracks Lanham, Md.: Roman and Littlefield.

Visano, Livy

“The Social Organization of Internet Policing: From Pornography to Terrorism” In C. Orban and J. Hodgson (eds) Public Policing in the 21st Century: Comparative Issues and Dilemmas Criminal Justice Press (with Abbee Corb-Cinotti)

Visano, Livy

“A Critique of the Cultures of Control: A Case Study of Cyber Rape”. In J. Hodgson and D. Kelly (eds) Sexual Violence NY Criminal Justice Press NY. 2002 reprinted from “A Critique of the Cultures of Control: A Case Study of Cyber Rape”. In J. Hodgson and D. Kelly (eds) Sexual Violence Praeger: Wesport Conn. (pp 51-71)

Visano, Livy

“Labelling and Symbolic Interaction Theories” In J. Mitchell Miller (ed) The Encyclopedia of Criminology (with D.Baker) NY: Routledge.

Visano, Livy

“The Impact of Whiteness on the Culture of Law: from theory to practice”. In C. Levine- Rasky (ed.) Working Through Whiteness SUNY Press. (pp 209-237)

Visano, Livy

“Community-Based Corrections”. In J. Winterdyk (ed.) Corrections in Canada: Social Reactions to Crime Toronto: Prentice-Hall (pp 296-322).

Visano, Livy

"Culture and Control at the Crossroads: A Case Study of Local Squeegee Kids as Subversive Subjects” (with C. MacArthur and S. McMahon). In S. McMahon (ed.) Women, Crime and Culture Toronto: Canadian Scholars’ Press. (pp 231-252)

Visano, Livy

“Bram Stoker’s Dracula as a Critical Ethnography: A Critique of Mediated Moralities and Mysterious Mythologies”. In C. Davison (ed.) Bram Stoker’s Dracula, London/Toronto: Dundurn Press. (pp 331-350)

Visano, Livy
book reviews

Moallem, Minoo. Between Warrior Brother and Veiled Sister: Islamic Fundamentalism and the Politics of Patriarchy in Iran. California: University of California Press, 2005.

Derayeh, Minoo

Goulding, J. 2008 Postscript (cover) for Jana S. Rŏsker, Searching for the Way: Theory and Knowledge in Premodern and Modern China, Philosophy Series, The Chinese University Press, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Goulding, Jay

Goulding, J. “Wagner’s Wangbi Trilogy on the Laozi” China Review International vol. 14, #1, pp. 61-67.

Goulding, Jay

Goulding, J. 2008 Postscript (cover) for Ma Peng, Traditional Chinese Painting in Canada Toronto: Toronto South Asian Review (TSAR).

Goulding, Jay

Goulding, J. 2008 “The Artistic Way” in Ma Peng, Traditional Chinese Painting in Canada Toronto: Toronto South Asian Review (TSAR), p. xi.

Goulding, Jay

Goulding, J. 2007 “Zhang Wei’s “Heidegger, Rorty, and the Eastern Thinkers: A Hermeneutics of Cross-Cultural Understanding” Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy vol 6, #2 pp. 206-209.

Goulding, Jay

2005 “Perkins’ Leibniz and China: A Commerce of Light” Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy vol. 5, #1 pp. 183-187.

Goulding, Jay

Goulding, J. 2005 “Moeller’s Daoism Explained: From The Dream Of The Butterfly To The Fishnet Allegory” Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy vol. 4, #2 pp. 383-387.

Goulding, Jay

Goulding, J. 2004 “Neville’s Boston Confucianism” Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy vol. 4, #1 pp. 193-196.

Goulding, Jay

Goulding, J. 2004 “Zhang Dainian’s Key Concepts in Chinese Philosophy” Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy vol. 3, #2 pp. 262-266.

Goulding, Jay

Goulding, J. 2004 “James Sellmann’s Timing and Rulership in Master Lü’s Spring and Autumn Annals” Journal of Chinese Philosophy vol. 31, no. 2, pp. 305-309.

Goulding, Jay

Goulding, J. 2003 “Wu Kuang-ming’s Chinese Body Thinking: A Cultural Hermeneutic” Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy vol. 2, #2 pp. 350-353.

Goulding, Jay

Goulding, J. 2002 "Chenyang Li’s The Tao Encounters the West” Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy vol. 2, #1 pp. 166-171.

Goulding, Jay

Goulding, J. 2002 “New Dimensions of Confucian and Neo-Confucian Philosophy” in Vrinda Dalmiya and Xinyan Jiang (ed.) American Philosophical Association: Newsletter on The Status of Asian/ Asian American Philosophers and Philosophies Spring vol. 1, No. 2 pp. 54-56.

Goulding, Jay

Goulding, J. 1984 “Metaphysics in Midwestern America” Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, vol. 23, #3 pp. 324-6.

Goulding, Jay

Goulding, J. 1980 “Critical Sociology” Catalyst, #14, pp. 92-94.

Goulding, Jay

Jeff Ferrell et al “Cultural Criminology Unleashed”, Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice. July, 48(4).[Invited]

Visano, Livy

Jeffrey Ian Ross, “The Dynamics of Political Crime” in Criminal Justice Review volume 31 issue 2 : 175-177 [Invited].

Visano, Livy

J. Ross, Cutting The Edge: Current Perspectives in Radical/ Critical Criminology and Criminal Justice, Canadian Journal of Sociology November/ December [Invited].

Visano, Livy

Derayeh, Minoo

Gender Equality in Iranian History: From Pre-Islamic Times to The Present. Lewiston, New York: Edwin Mellen Press, 2006.

Derayeh, Minoo

Goulding, J. 2025 Daoist Phenomenology: A Vertical Reading, London: Bloomsbury Academic 260 pgs.

Goulding, Jay

Goulding, J. 2008 China-West Interculture,Toward the Philosophy of World Integration: Essays on Wu Kuang-ming’s Thinking for The Association of Chinese Philosophers in America (ACPA) Series on Chinese and Comparative Philosophy, New York: Global Scholarly Publications 336 pgs.

Goulding, Jay

Goulding, J. 1985 Empire, Aliens and Conquest: A Critique of American Ideology in Star Trek and Other Science Fiction Adventures, Toronto: Sisyphus Press Inc. 95 pgs.

Goulding, Jay

Goulding, J. 1982 The Last Outport: Newfoundland in Crisis, Toronto: Sisyphus Press Inc. 373 pgs.

Goulding, Jay

Race Imn-Equity

Jacobs, Merle A

(Ed) Toronto. APF Press (refereed)

Jacobs, Merle A

(pp 33-61) Toronto. APF Press.

Jacobs, Merle A

APF Press Toronto

Jacobs, Merle A

Toronto. APF Press (pages 524) (refereed)

Jacobs, Merle A

Women's Work:Racism Revisited. APF Press

Jacobs, Merle A

Visano, L. A & Merle Jacobs. Social justice and human rights: inequalities relating to health status. APF Press

Jacobs, Merle A

(Ed) with Toronto: APF Press. (pages 246)(refereed)

Jacobs, Merle A

Social Dislocation, Trauma, and The Lived Experience. (Ed) Toronto: APF Press

Jacobs, Merle A

The Professionalization of Work (Eds) with Stephen Bosanac .Ontario: de Sitter Publications. ( Second Edition - forthcoming June)

Jacobs, Merle A

Women’s Work: Racism and Trauma. Toronto: APF Press (pages 164)

Jacobs, Merle A

Critical Reading in Health (Ed) Toronto: APF Press.

Jacobs, Merle A

The Cappuccino Principle: Health, Culture and Social Justice in the Workplace. Ontario: de Sitter Publication (pages 231)

Jacobs, Merle A

Justice Health and Culture (Ed) Toronto: Thomson Nelson.

Jacobs, Merle A

A Reader in Social Justice: Local and Global (Ed) Ontario: Thomson Nelson.

Jacobs, Merle A

The Professionalization of Work (Eds) with Stephen Bosanac .Ontario: de Sitter Publications.

Jacobs, Merle A

A Reader in Social Justice: Local and Global. Toronto: Thomson Nelson.

Jacobs, Merle A

Sociology: Families and Social Change. Toronto: Thomson Nelson.

Jacobs, Merle A

Intersections: Readings in Sociology. Customized Reader Canada: Pearson Custom Publishing.

Jacobs, Merle A

Is Anyone Listening?: Women, Work, and Society (Ed)Toronto: Women’s Press.

Jacobs, Merle A

International Law of Solidarity, Paris, Pedone, 2023 (Forthcoming).

Ouedraogo, Awalou

Due Diligence in International Law. Theoretical Foundation. Toronto: De Sitter Press, 2021, 305 pages.

Ouedraogo, Awalou

Race In-Equity: Intersectionality, Social Determinants of Health and Human Rights. Edited with Merle A. Jacobs. Toronto: APF Press, 2017, 417 pages.

Ouedraogo, Awalou

Social Justice and Human Rights (with Merle A. Jacobs). Toronto: APF Press (265pp) two printings (2013).

Visano, Livy

Violated & Silenced: Gendering Criminal “Justice” (with N. Couto) Toronto: APF Press, (547 pp).

Visano, Livy

Cultural Contradictions of Delinquency: Youth Gambling in Canada (with Reza Barmaki) Toronto: APF Press, (233 pp

Visano, Livy

What do they Know? Youth, Crime and Culture deSitter Toronto (378pp) (2nd printing).

Visano, Livy

Law and Justice: A Critical Inquiry APF Press. Toronto (401pp)

Visano, Livy

Teaching Controversy (with L. Jakubowski) Fernwood Press. Halifax. (250 pp)

Visano, Livy

Crime and Culture: Refining the Traditions. Canadian Scholars’ Press. Toronto. (328 p)

Visano, Livy

Canadian Penology: Advanced Perspectives and Research. (with K. McCormick) Canadian Scholars’ Press. Toronto. (460pp)

Visano, Livy

Understanding Policing (with K. McCormick) Canadian Scholars’ Press. Toronto. (705pp)

Visano, Livy

This Idle Trade. VitaSana Books. Concord, Ont. (389 pages

Visano, Livy

Deviant Designations: Crime, Law and Deviance in Canada (with T. Fleming). (490pp) Butterworth. Toronto. (reprinted 1987)

Visano, Livy

journal articles

Derayeh, Minoo. "De-hyphenate, and De-theorize my voice:“I act, therefore, I am.”." International journal of liberal arts and social science 2, no. 3 (2014): 99-108.

Derayeh, Minoo

Derayeh, Minoo. "The myths of creation and hijab: Iranian women, liberated or oppressed?." Pakistan Journal of Women's Studies= Alam-e-Niswan= Alam-i Nisvan 18, no. 2 (2011): 1.

Derayeh, Minoo

'Depiction of Women in Iranian cinema, 1970 to present.' Women Studies International Forum 33 (May 2010): 151-158.

Derayeh, Minoo

Goulding, J. (forthcoming) “The East Asian Communicative Body,” Journal of Chinese Philosophy 51 (2024), edited by Cheng Chung-ying, Linyu Gu, and Andrew Fuyarchuk (8,400 words), corrected proofs sent Dec 19, 2024.

Goulding, Jay

Goulding, Jay 2025 (forthcoming) “Cheng’s East-West Philosophy,” Journal of Chinese Philosophy 52 special issue Honouring the life of Chung-ying Cheng, Founder of the Journal, edited by Xinzhong Yao, Linyu Gu, and Andrew Fuyrachuk (8000 words), submitted Oct 31, 2024.

Goulding, Jay

Goulding, J. 2021 “Cheng and Gadamer: Daoist Phenomenology and Heidegger” Journal of Chinese Philosophy 48 (2021) 368–382, edited by Cheng Chung-ying, Linyu Gu, and Andrew Fuyarchuk, Special Issue: Gadamer-Cheng: Hermeneutics and Onto-hermeneutics (II). I am invited by the editors representing Wiley-Blackwell “in recognition of prominence in hermeneutics and philosophy.” (9,500 words), Dec.

Goulding, Jay

Goulding, J. 2015 “The Forgotten Frankfurt School: Richard Wilhelm’s China Institute,” Journal of Chinese Philosophy edited by Cheng Chung-ying, Linyu Gu, and Tim Connolly, special issues entitled “Chinese Philosophy as World Philosophy: Humanity and Creativity (III)” 41:1-2 (March–June 2014) 170–186 [published June 2015]. with this article, I am recognized by Journal of Chinese Philosophy as “a distinguished scholar in Chinese philosophy and/or comparative thinker,” contributing to the peer reviewed 40th anniversary celebratory volume. JCP is the only journal in the world devoted solely to Chinese philosophy, published by Wiley-Blackwell. As one of the leading internationally acclaimed philosophical quarterly journals, JCP has published more than 160 issues of 40 volumes since 1973 and four independent supplements from 2008 on, a total of over 1500 refereed articles.

Goulding, Jay

Goulding, J. 2008 “Hwa Yol Jung’s Daoist Phenomenology” International Journal for Field-Being vol. 6, #1 (2007), pp. 1-18.

Goulding, Jay

Goulding, J. 2008 China-West Interculture,Toward the Philosophy of World Integration: Essays on Wu Kuang-ming’s Thinking for The Association of Chinese Philosophers in America (ACPA) Series on Chinese and Comparative Philosophy, New York: Global Scholarly Publications 336 pgs.

Goulding, Jay

Goulding, J. 2008 “Hwa Yol Jung’s Daoist Phenomenology” International Journal for Field-Being vol. 6, #1 (2007), pp. 1-18.

Goulding, Jay

Goulding, J. (accepted) “Pioneers of Globalization: Tokugawa’s Cross-Cultural Communications” in Ken Coates and Carin Holroyd (eds.) Japan in an Age of Globalization, Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press.

Goulding, Jay

Goulding, J. 2007 “New Ways Toward Sino-Western Philosophical Dialogues” Journal of Chinese Philosophy Special Issue on “Contemporary Chinese Hermeneutic Philosophy,” Lauren Pfister (ed.), vol. 34, #1, March pp. 99-125.

Goulding, Jay

Goulding, J. 2006 “Crossroads of Experience: Miyazaki Hayao’s Global/Local Nexus” Asian Cinema vol. 17, #2, pp. 114-123.

Goulding, Jay

Goulding, J. 2004 “Xiong Wei: Chinese Philosophy and Hermeneutic Phenomenology” Gate of Philosophy 哲學門, Beijing University’s Journal of Philosophy Special 90th Anniversary of the Dept. of Philosophy, vol. 5, pp. 116-130.

Goulding, Jay

Goulding, J. 2003 “‘Visceral Manifestation’: Chinese Philosophy and Western Phenomenology” pp. 360-417 in Fang Keli (ed.) Chinese Philosophy and the Trends of the 21st Century Civilization vol. 4 Beijing: Commercial Press Inc.

Goulding, Jay

2002 “Cheng Chung-ying’s New Dimension: Chinese Philosophy and Phenomenology” Journal of Anhui Normal University: Humanities and Social Sciences vol. 30, #3 May pp. 278-281 (in Chinese).

Goulding, Jay

Goulding, J. 1981 with Cary Nederman, “Popular Occultism & Critical Social Theory: Exploring some Themes in Adorno’s Critique of Astrology & the Occult” Sociological Analysis: A Journal in the Sociology of Religion, vol. 4, Winter pp. 325-32.

Goulding, Jay

“Are International Law Scholars Miserable Comforters? On the Celebration of the Funeral of the United Nations Charter in Ukraine and Gaza”, Venegre: The African Review of Legal, Administrative and Political Science, April 2024, pp. 1-27

Ouedraogo, Awalou

“The Ontological and Normative Foundations of International Solidarity”, Quebec Journal of International Law, vol. 35:2 (2023), pp. 63-92.

Ouedraogo, Awalou

“Do the Sahel States have a Right to International Solidarity?”, Venegre: African Review of Legal, Administrative and Political Science, October 2022, pp. 1-27.

Ouedraogo, Awalou

“From Political to Digital Animal: On the Human Sociability”, Venegre: African Review of Legal, Administrative and Political Science, March 2021, pp. 1-6

Ouedraogo, Awalou

“Progressive Humanization of International Legal Order: A Kantian Perspective”, African Yearbook of International Law, vol. 22 (2016), pp. 202-240. Publisher: Brill | Nijhoff, Leiden, June 2019.

Ouedraogo, Awalou

“Time and Constitutional Law”, Burkina Law Review, vol. 54 (2018), pp. 109-137]

Ouedraogo, Awalou

“I vote therefore I am. The Ontario Court of Appeal decision in Frank v. Canada (Attorney General) and the external voting rights”, Belgium Constitutional Law Review, 2017 (4), pp. 365-386]. Publisher : Larcier, Brussels.

Ouedraogo, Awalou

“The Rebirth of jus gentium or the Cosmopolitan Foundation of the Law of International Community”, Francophone State Review of Law and Politics, vol. 70:1 (2016), pp. 77-105. Publisher: LGDJ, Paris

Ouedraogo, Awalou

“Standards and Standardization: The Variable Normativity in International Law”, Quebec Journal of International Law, vol. 26:1 (2014), pp. 155-186

Ouedraogo, Awalou

“Elements of a Philosophy of Law in Africa”, African Yearbook of International Law, vol. 20 (2013), pp. 41-80. Publisher: Brill | Nijhoff

Ouedraogo, Awalou

“Due Diligence in International Law: From a Rule of Neutrality to a General Principle Law”, Ottawa General Law Review, vol. 42:2 (2012), pp. 641-683. Publisher: Wilson & Lafleur

Ouedraogo, Awalou

“Neutrality and the Emergence of Due Diligence in International Law: The Alabama Case Revisited”, Journal of the History of International Law, vol. 13 (2011), pp. 307-346. Publisher: Brill | Nijhoff]

Ouedraogo, Awalou

“State Responsibility and the Evolution of the Concept of Fault in International Law”, Quebec Journal of International Law, vol. 21:2 (2010), 129-166

Ouedraogo, Awalou

“Positivism in International Law: Epistemological Foundation of a Mecanicist Paradigm”, Ottawa General Law Review, vol. 40:2 (2010), pp. 1-44.

Ouedraogo, Awalou

“Positivism in International Law: Epistemological Foundation of a Mecanicist Paradigm”, Ottawa General Law Review, vol. 40:2 (2010), pp. 1-44. Publisher: Wilson & Lafleur

Ouedraogo, Awalou

Su, Y., & Thayaalan, S. (2024). Empty Pantries: The Death of Survival Myths Among Typhoon Haiyan Survivors in Resettlement Sites during COVID-19. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction. (Open Access)

Su, Yvonne

Cuaton, G., Su, Y., Katic, P., & Yarmine, M. (2024). Unpacking water governance dynamics and its implications for household water security in post-disaster resettlement communities in the Philippines. Geoforum.

Su, Yvonne

Su, Y., & Thalaalan, S. (2023). Forced Resiliency: Bayanihan Narrative Masks Insufficient Support for Typhoon Haiyan Survivors in Resettlement Sites during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Philippines Sociological Review, 71, 113-137.

Su, Yvonne

Su, Y. (2023) No One Wants to Hire Us: The Intersectional Precarity Experienced by Venezuelan LGBTQ+ Asylum Seekers in Brazil during COVID-19. Anti-Trafficking Review. (Open Access)

Su, Yvonne

Cuaton, G., and Su, Y. (2023). Promises and pitfalls of social capital to climate change adaptation of an Indigenous Cultural Community in the Philippines. Third World Quarterly.

Su, Yvonne

Su, Y., and Valiquette, T. (2022). ‘They kill us Transwomen’: Migration, Informal Labour and Sex Work among Trans Venezuelan asylum seekers and undocumented migrants in Brazil during COVID-19. Anti-Trafficking Review. (Open Access)

Su, Yvonne

Pacoma, A. J., Su, Y., & Genotiva, A. (2022). Resilience Unfiltered: Local Understandings of Resilience after Typhoon Haiyan in Tacloban City, Philippines. Journal of Humanitarian Affairs, 4(1), 14-24. (Open Access)

Su, Yvonne

Augsten, L., Gagne, K., and Su, Y. (2022). The Human Dimensions of The Climate Risk and Armed Conflict Nexus: A Review Article. Regional Environmental Change, 22(42).

Su, Yvonne

Su, Y. (2022). Networks of Recovery: Remittances, Social Capital and Post-Disaster Recovery in Tacloban City, Philippines. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 67. (Open Access)

Su, Yvonne

Surviving Overlapping Precarity in a “Gigantic Hellhole”: A Case Study of Venezuelan LGBTQI+ Asylum Seekers and Undocumented Migrants in Brazil amind COVID-19

Su, Yvonne

Masks are for sissies: the story of LGBTQI+ asylum seekers in Brazil during COVID-19

Su, Yvonne

Uneven Recovery: A Case Study of Factors Affecting Remittance-Receiving in Tacloban, Philippines after Typhoon Haiyan

Su, Yvonne

Valiquette, T., Su, Y., and Scheidweiler, G. (2021). Unwelcomed: Examining Brazil’s Broken Promise to Venezuelan refugees amid COVID-19. Humanitarian Alternatives. (Open Access)

Su, Yvonne

Selling the Dead”: More Dignified Options Needed to Assist Widows in Post-Disaster Recovery after Typhoon Haiyan

Su, Yvonne

Local-indigenous knowledge on disaster risk reduction: Insights from the Mamanwa indigenous peoples in Basey, Samar after Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines

Su, Yvonne

Whose Views Matter in Post-disaster Recovery? A Case Study of “Build Back Better” in Tacloban City After Typhoon Haiyan

Su, Yvonne

Indigenous Peoples and the COVID-19 Social Amelioration Program in Eastern Visayas, Philippines: Perspectives from Social Workers

Su, Yvonne

Achieving human security after a disaster: the case of the Haiyan widows

Su, Yvonne

Globalising Myths of Survival: Post-disaster Households after Typhoon Haiyan

Su, Yvonne

Post-Disaster Social Capital: Trust, Equity, Bayanihan and Typhoon Yolanda

Su, Yvonne

A Tide that Does Not Lift All Boats: The Surge of Remittances in Post-Disaster Recovery in Tacloban City, Philippines

Su, Yvonne

Pursuing the Capabilities Approach within the Global Governance of Migration

Su, Yvonne

Should We Bring Back Climate Refugees?

Su, Yvonne

The one billion 'climate refugees' that never was: INGOs and the human rights perspective to climate change-induced displacement

Su, Yvonne

The Failure of the American ABC HIV Prevention Model in Botswana

Su, Yvonne

Tirmizey, Kasim Ali (2024). The geometry of (anti)imperialism in food regime analysis. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space.

Tirmizey, Kasim

Tirmizey, K. A. (2023). Labour Geography of the National Question in Times of Decolonisation: Sharecropper Politics in Western Punjab, c. 1945–1953. Antipode, 55(1), 286-306.

Tirmizey, Kasim

“Degrees Of Freedom: The Applied Degree As The Pedagogy Of Praxis, Dialectics Of Discipline And The Primacy Of Partnerships”, College Quarterly, Summer Volume 7 Number 3. (23pp)

Visano, Livy

“The Role of Law in the Rule of Economics: a Critical Study of Ghana’s Labour Laws” (with N.Bastine) Journal of Asian and African Studies Volume 38, Issue 1.

Visano, Livy

Law and the Culture of Capital: A Critical Perspective on Labour’s Right to Associate in Developing Societies” (with N.Bastine) Journal of Developing Societies.1, January 2vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 1-22(22)

Visano, Livy

“War on Drugs: From The Politics of Punishment to the Prospects of Peacekeeping” Addictions: An International Research Journal vol. 1 (Fall): 81-95.

Visano, Livy

“Crime As A Commodity: Police Use of Informers” Journal of Human Justice (Autumn), vol. 2 no. 1: 105-114.

Visano, Livy

“The Socialization of Street Kids”, Sociological Studies of Child Development, vol. 3: 139-161

Visano, Livy

“Equality and Multiculturalism” (with R. Doyle) Journal of Law and Social Policy, vol. 3 (Jan.): 21-35

Visano, Livy
professional journal articles

conference papers

• Exploring Identity Discourses of the Muslim Diaspora in Canada, 62nd Annual Conference of the Comparative and International Education Society CIES, Mexico City, 2018

Derayeh, Minoo

• Teaching Human Rights, Equity, and Social Justice in the Canadian Poste-secondary Education, Hawaii International Conference on Education, January 2018

Derayeh, Minoo

• A New Wave of Feminism in Iranian and Turkish Muslim Women’s Cultural Production, The Oxford Women's Leadership Symposium, 14-16 March 2016

Derayeh, Minoo

• De-hyphenate and De-theorize my voice: “I act, therefore, I am.” The Oxford Women's Leadership Symposium, Oxford, England, 5-6 December 2013

Derayeh, Minoo

• Voices unveiled: “I Act, Therefore I Am.” Women’s Quests for Rights. Center for Feminist Studies and Research, York University. 6 April 2013

Derayeh, Minoo

• “Hear my voice,” Ninth International Conference on New Directions in the Humanities, Universidad de Granada, Granada, Spain, June 8-11, 2011

Derayeh, Minoo

'Creating a third space: Teaching and Learning Creation and Evolution in the Canadian and Turkish Schools.' Comparative and International Education Society, Teachers College, Columbia University, New York City. 17-21 March 2008.

Derayeh, Minoo

'Hijab-i Batini (Esoteric Veil) Versus Hijab-i Zahiri (Exoteric Veil): Iranian Women Liberated or Oppressed.' The Middle East Studies Association of North America (MESA), Washington D.C. 22-25 Nov. 2008.

Derayeh, Minoo

'Iranian Women and their Quests for Equality.' Noor Cultural Centre, Toronto. 6 May 2007.

Derayeh, Minoo

'Complementary Rights versus Gender Equality and Equity in the Islamic Republic of Iran.' The 29th Annual National Women’s Studies Association (NWSA) Conference, Cincinnati, Ohio. June 2008.

Derayeh, Minoo

'The Dialogue on Ifsha Qanun: Iranian Women Revealing the Shariah.' The International Conference on Islam: Dialogue vs. Conflict, Islam in the Age of Globalization, Madison, Wisconsin: University of Wisconsin-Madison. March 2006.

Derayeh, Minoo

'Iranian Women Movie Directors and Their Quest for Gender Equality.' The East West Council and The Asia Pacific International Conference on Arts and History, Honolulu, Hawaii. 15 January 2006.

Derayeh, Minoo

'Rewriting History: Women in Search of Identity.' The East West Council and The Asia Pacific International Conference on Arts and History, Honolulu, Hawaii. 16 January 16 2005.

Derayeh, Minoo

'Effective Early Education of Linguistic Minorities in Turkey: Ways Around the Barriers.' The International Pragmatics Conference, University of Toronto, Toronto. July 2003.

Derayeh, Minoo

'The Cultural Revolution of 1979: Iranian Women's New Identity.' The Comparative and International Educational Society (CIES), New Orleans. March 2003.

Derayeh, Minoo

'Teachers’ narratives about issues off Difference: Iran and Afghanistan.' The Comparative and International Educational Society (CIES), New Orleans. March 2003.

Derayeh, Minoo

'Voices unveiled.' Iranian women association in Diaspora, Université du Québec à Montréal, Montreal. 8 March 2003.

Derayeh, Minoo

'The Question of Gender Equality in Education in the Quran.' The Comparative and International Educational Society (CIES), University of Toronto. March 1999.

Derayeh, Minoo

Goulding, J. 2005 “Kuki Shuzo and Martin Heidegger: Iki and Hermeneutic Phenomenology” pp. 677-690 in Joseph F. Kess and Helen Lansdowne (eds.) Why Japan Matters! volume 2, Victoria, BC: Centre for Asia-Pacific Initiatives, University of Victoria.

Goulding, Jay

“The Hermeneutics of Youth Crime: From an Ontology of Conformity to a Metaphysics of Resistance”, San Francisco, Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, November .

Visano, Livy

“Ideologizing Race, Rationalizing Racism and Racializing Space: Carceral Connections”. Canadian Sociology Association, Brock University, May 26.

Visano, Livy

“Youth Crime as Conformity: Criminological Obfuscations and the Ontology of Resistance”, Canadian Sociology Association, Brock University, May 28.

Visano, Livy

“Logic of multiculturalism as rationalized neoliberalism” Canadian Sociology Association, Brock University, May 28.

Visano, Livy

“Transformative Teaching Transitions as Stages of Subversion and Pedagogies of Praxis: from tethered triangles, cynical cycles to connecting circles”, Teaching and Learning Symposium on Talking Transitions, The Lougheed Teaching and Learning Centre of Excellence at Huntington University, Sudbury, May 2.Keynote Address

Visano, Livy

“ (In)Securities in Cyber ‘Security’”, Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Atlanta, November 20.

Visano, Livy

“Hermeneutics as Anarchic Criminology”, Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Chicago, November 17.

Visano, Livy

“Trauma of Dislocation: Refuge in Multicultural Canada”, Canadian Sociology Association, University of Waterloo (Congress) Tuesday, May 29.

Visano, Livy

“Beyond the Slogans: prospects for authentic community- university engagement”. Engage 2012: Contemporary Communities Conference, University of Guelph, March 17. Keynote

Visano, Livy

(Dis) Order and the Anarchism of Hermeneutics”, Annual Meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Toronto, March 05.

Visano, Livy

“Cultural Contradictions of Delinquency: Youth Gambling in Canada”, 3rd Annual At-risk Youth & the Law Conference, Durham College, Oshawa, workshop leader and keynote workshop speaker March 30.

Visano, Livy

“Conformity and the War on Terror: locating the ideological - institutional nexus” Annual Meeting, Canadian Society of Criminology, Concordia University, June 01, 2010 (invited by session chair W. Crichlow)

Visano, Livy

“Legal Hermeneutics and Anarchic Criminologies: Justice in Action”, Annual Meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Boston, March 14.

Visano, Livy

“Towards a critical cultural theory of criminological curriculum” and “Ontological Hermeneutics and Anarchic Epistemologies .” Annual Meeting, Canadian Society of Criminology, Toronto, Oct 3-4.

Visano, Livy

“Courting Opinion: The Differential Impact of the Media on the Administration of Criminal Justice”, Annual Meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Seattle, March 14.

Visano, Livy

Institutionalizing the Informal: the Impact of Ideology on "Criminal" Identities ” Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology (read by Dr D. Baker) Los Angeles, November .

Visano, Livy

“Ontonomology: The Rootedness of Canadian Critical Criminology”, Annual Meeting, Canadian Society of Criminology, Toronto, April 10.

Visano, Livy

“Crime as Conformity: Youth Resistance and Peacekeeping” Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology”, Nashville, November 19.

Visano, Livy

"The Impact of the Media on Delinquency: Preliminary findings of a cross sectional study" Annual Meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Las Vegas, March .

Visano, Livy

“Reclaiming the Community and Securing the Social” International Outlook Conference on Human Security, Naresuan University, Phitsanulok, Thailand, November 10 -12.

Visano, Livy

Cool Cultures and Mediocre Messages: Differential Impact of the Media on Delinquency”.55nd Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Denver, November 20.

Visano, Livy

“Mediated Moralities” Summer School of Cultural Studies, Morality and Narratives, Summer School of Cultural Studies, Network Cultural Studies and Research Unit for Contemporary Culture, University of Jyvaskyla, Jyvaskyla Finland May 20 .(Previous invited speakers G. Spivak, S. Hall)

Visano, Livy
conference proceedings

'Iranian Women in Search of Identity.' Proceedings of The East West Council and The Asia Pacific International Conference on Arts and History. January 2005.

Derayeh, Minoo

Goulding, J. 2004 “Rorty, Heidegger, Cheng: Pragmatism, Phenomenology, Onto-cosmology” pp. 84-103 in Conference Proceedings for Rorty and Chinese Philosophy (see revised version n Book Chapters) Shanghai: East China Normal University and Association of Chinese Philosophers in America

Goulding, Jay

“The Applied Degree as the Pedagogy of Praxis, Dialectics of Discipline and the Primacy of Partnerships" Report of the Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Conference on The Applied Degree, Applied Degree Conference, CAATS.

Visano, Livy

“The Culture of Connectedness” Report of the Proceedings of the 1st Tapestry of Teaching Conference”, Georgian College, Keynote Address Nov 4, (14pp).

Visano, Livy
policy papers

LGBTQI+ populations face unique challenges during pandemic

Su, Yvonne

Caremongering and the risk of “happy-washing” during a pandemic

Su, Yvonne

Out of the shadows: the precarious lives of Venezuelan LGBTQI+ asylum-seekers in Brazil

Su, Yvonne
research reports

Goulding, J. 2007 “Japan Studies Association of Canada (JSAC): 20th Annual Conference, and 1st International Conference” in European Association for Japanese Studies Bulletin, pp. 11-12, #76, Dec. Frankfurt: EAJS University of Frankfurt

Goulding, Jay

2006 “Canada: The Soul of Japan Through Anime and Manga” (in Japanese) in Wochi Kochi (“Near and Far”) pp. 27-31, vol. 13, Oct-Nov. Tokyo: Japan Foundation

Goulding, Jay

Implementing Accountability For Equity And Ending Racial Backlash (Eds) Hagey, R., Jacobs. M., Turrittin J., Prudy, M., Lee, Ruth., Cooper Brathwaite A., & Marianne Chandler. Toronto: Canadian Race Relation Foundation.

Jacobs, Merle A

Understanding and Responding to The Combined Impact Of Climate Change and Armed Conflict On People’s Lives: A Literature Review Prepared for the ICRC

Su, Yvonne

Irreconcilable Differences? Pursuing the Capabilities Approach within the Global Governance of Migration

Su, Yvonne
creative works

public lectures


published reviews