Research Interests by Interest

Research Interests

Philosophy, Ethics
, Ancient Greek philosophy, particularly of the origins of philosophy, the Presocratics and Plato, Philosophy
Philosophy, Ethics, Philosophy of Mindfulness, Application of Mindfulness to Anti-oppressive Pedagogy and Praxis
Philosophy, Environment and Sustainability, Philosophical Logic, Work of Bertrand Russell and the history of early analytic philosophy
Philosophy, Translation, Ethics/Political Philosophy, DE&I, Philosophy of Race, Philosophy of Religion, South Asian Philosophy, Yoga, Truth, Objectivity, Reason, Philosophy of Language, Philosophy of Propositions (Thought)
Ethics, Psychology, moral cognition, social epistemology, Philosophy
Economics, Philosophy, Theories of Subjectivity, Language and Economics, Crises of Capitalism
Philosophy, Sociology
Philosophy, Science and Technology, Psychology (especially evolutionary), Literary Studies, Film Studies, Piano and Pipe Organ Music (Bach, Beethoven, Mozart, Mendelssohn, Schumann, Kuhlau, Chopin, etc.)
English, Philosophy, Aesthetics, Politics, Genres and Modes of Literature
Philosophy, Race and Racism, 19th and 20th Century Continental Philosophy, esp. Hegel and post-war French Philosophy, Post-Structuralism, Emancipatory Politics
Philosophy, Ethics, Mental Health, Bioethics, Philosophy of Psychiatry
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