
Mark P Thomas

Photo of Mark P Thomas

Department Chair

Office: Vari Hall, 2060C
Phone: (416) 736-2100 Ext: 77999

Mark P. Thomas is Professor & Chair in the Department of Sociology. He is former Director of the Global Labour Research Centre at York, and has been a Visiting Professor at the Institute of Political Economy, Carleton University, and a Visiting Researcher at Institut de Recherches Sociologiques, Université de Genève. Current areas of research include: working time and new technologies; labour, austerity, and populism in urban North America; and the enforcement of employment standards legislation in Canada. Thomas is the author of Regulating Flexibility: The Political Economy of Employment Standards (McGill-Queens, 2009) and co-author of Work and Labour in Canada: Critical Issues, 3rd Edition (Canadian Scholars Press, 2017) and Closing the Employment Standards Enforcement Gap: Improving Protections for People in Precarious Jobs (University of Toronto Press, forthcoming). He is co-editor of several volumes including Change and Continuity: Canadian Political Economy in the New Millennium (McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2019) and Power and Everyday Practices, 2nd Edition (University of Toronto Press, 2019). His work has also been published in journals including Antipode, Economic & Industrial Democracy, Economic & Labour Relations Review, Journal of Industrial Relations, Labor Studies Journal, Labour/Le Travail, and Studies in Political Economy.


Ph.D., Sociology, York University
M.A., Sociology, University of Guelph
B.A. Honours, Political Science and Sociology, Carleton University


Faculty of Graduate Studies

Research Interests

Sociology , Employment and Labour, Economic Sociology, Political Economy

Current Research Projects

Clocked In – Work, Time, and Technology in the Digital Economy


    Working time patterns in contemporary labour markets. The ways in which new technologies are reshaping the organization of working time. Currently funded through a SSHRC Insight Grant.

    See more
    Role: Principal investigator

Spaces of Labour in Moments of Urban Populism


    An analysis of the rise of populism in the context of austerity politics in North America. The implications for labour movements in terms of engagement with forms of both left- and right-wing populism. Currently funded through a SSHRC Insight Grant.

    See more
    Role: Co-investigator

Closing the Enforcement Gap: Improving Employment Standards for Workers in Precarious Jobs


    Canadian-based case study research on the enforcement of employment standards, with a focus on connections between an 'enforcement gap' and conditions of precarious employment. The potential for strategies to re-regulate employment standards enforcement through proactive approaches. Currently funded through a SSHRC Partnership Grant.

    See more
    Role: Co-investigator



Thomas, Mark P., Leah Vosko, Carlo Fanelli, and Olena Lyubchenko (eds.) (2019) Change and Continuity: Canadian Political Economy in the New Millennium. Kingston & Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press.


Brock, Debi, Aryn Martin, Rebecca Raby, and Mark P. Thomas (eds.) (2019) Power and Everyday Practices, 2nd Edition. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.


Jackson, Andrew, and Mark P. Thomas (2017) Work and Labour in Canada: Critical Issues. 3rd Edition. Toronto: Canadian Scholars Press.


Brock, Deborah, Rebecca Raby, and Mark Thomas (eds.) (2012). Power and Everyday Practices. Toronto: Nelson.


Pupo, Norene, and Mark Thomas (eds.) (2010) Interrogating the New Economy: Restructuring Work in the 21st Century. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.


Thomas, Mark (2009) Regulating Flexibility: The Political Economy of Employment Standards. Montreal & Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press.


Book Chapters


Thomas, Mark P. (2019) “Being ‘Middle Class’?” In D. Brock, A. Martin, R. Raby, and M.P. Thomas (eds.) Power and Everyday Practices, 2nd Edition. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.


Thomas, Mark P. and Leah F. Vosko (2019) “Canadian Political Economy in the New Millennium.” In M.P. Thomas, L.F. Vosko, C Fanelli, and O Lyubchenko (eds.) Change and Continuity: Canadian Political Economy in the New Millennium. Kingston & Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press.


Ross, Stephanie, and Mark P. Thomas (2019) “Organizing in Precarious Times: The Political Economy of Work and Workers’ Movements After the Great Recession.” In M.P. Thomas, L.F. Vosko, C Fanelli, and O Lyubchenko (eds.) Change and Continuity: Canadian Political Economy in the New Millennium. Kingston & Montrea: McGill-Queen’s University Press.


Brock, Deborah, Aryn Martin, Rebecca Raby, and Mark P. Thomas (2019) “Unpacking the Centre.” In D. Brock, A. Martin, R. Raby, and M.P. Thomas (eds.) Power and Everyday Practices, 2nd Edition. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.


Vosko, Leah, John Grundy, and Mark Thomas (2017) “Beyond New Governance: Improving Employment Standards Enforcement in Liberal Market Economies.” In C. Fenwick and V. Van Goethem (eds.) Regulating for Equitable and Job-Rich Growth. Geneva & Cheltenham: International Labour Organization & Edward Elgar, 63-87.


Thomas, Mark (2016) “Global Unions, Global Framework Agreements and the Transnational Regulation of Labour Standards”. In Robert Lambert and Andrew Herod (eds.) Neoliberal Capitalism & Precarious Work: Ethnographies of Accommodation and Resistance. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 277-302.


Thomas, Mark (2016) “Producing and Contesting ‘Unfree Labour’ Through the Seasonal Agricultural Workers Program.” In A. Choudry and A. Smith (eds.) Unfree Labour? Struggles of Migrant and Immigrant Workers in Canada. Oakland: PM Press, 21-36.


Thomas, Mark (2012) “Class, State and Power: Unpacking Social Relations in Contemporary Capitalism.” In D. Brock, R. Raby, and M. Thomas (eds.) Power and Everyday Practices. Toronto: Nelson, 110-132.


Thomas, Mark (2012) “Employment Standards ‘Modernization’ in Canada”. In C. Warhurst, F. Carre, P. Findlay, and C. Tilly (eds.) Are Bad Jobs Inevitable? Trends, Determinants and Responses to Job Quality in the Twenty-First Century. Houndsmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan, 224-39.


Choudry, Aziz, and Mark Thomas (2012). “Organizing Migrant and Immigrant Workers in Canada.” In L. Savage & S. Ross (eds.) The Politics of Labour in Canada. Halifax & Winnipeg: Fernwood, 171-83.


Thomas, Mark (2012) “Thinking Global: ‘The West and the Rest’.” In D. Brock, R. Raby, and M. Thomas (eds.) Power and Everyday Practices. Toronto: Nelson, 247-51.


Brock, Deborah, Rebecca Raby, and Mark Thomas (2012) “Unpacking the Centre.” In D. Brock, R. Raby, and M. Thomas (eds.) Power and Everyday Practices. Toronto: Nelson, 2-10.


Thomas, Mark (2011) “Global Unions, Local Labour, and the Regulation of International Labour Standards: Mapping ITF Labour Rights Strategies”. In M. Fichter, M. Serrano, and E. Xhafa (eds.) Trade Union and the Global Crisis: Labour’s Visions, Strategies and Responses. Geneva: International Labour Organization.


Thomas, Mark (2011) “Regulating Labour Standards in the Global Economy: Emerging Forms of Global Governance”. In G. Teeple and S. McBride (eds.), Relations of Global Power: Neoliberal Order and Disorder. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 95-117.


Thomas, Mark (2010) “Labour Migration and Temporary Work: Canada’s Foreign Worker Programs in the ‘New Economy’." In N. Pupo and M. Thomas (eds.), Interrogating the New Economy: Restructuring Work in the 21st Century. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 149-72.


Thomas, Mark (2010) “Neoliberalism, Racialization, and the Regulation of Employment Standards”. In S. Braedley and M. Luxton (eds.) Neoliberalism and Everyday Life. Montreal & Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 68-89.


Pupo, Norene, and Mark Thomas (2010) “Work in the New Economy: Critical Reflections”. In N. Pupo and M. Thomas (eds.) Interrogating the New Economy: Restructuring Work in the 21st Century. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, ix-xxii.


Thomas, Mark (2008) “Labor Rights and Social Justice for Migrant Workers”. In R. Perrucci, K. Ferraro, J. Miller, and G.W. Muschert (eds.) Agenda for Social Justice: Solutions 2008. Knoxville, TN: Society for the Study of Social Problems, 8-15.


Thomas, Mark (2008) “Working Time and Labour Control in the Toyota Production System.” In R. O’Brien (ed.) Solidarity First: Canadian Workers and Social Cohesion. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 86-105.


Journal Articles


Thomas, Mark P., and Steven Tufts (2019) “Blue Solidarity: Police Unions, Race and Authoritarian Populism in North America.” Work, Employment & Society 34(1) 126-44.


Vosko, Leah F., John Grundy, Rebecca Casey, Andrea M. Noack, and Mark P. Thomas (2019) “A Tattered Quilt: Exemptions and Special Rules under Ontario’s Employment Standards Act.” Canadian Labour and Employment Law Journal 21 (2), 267-98.


Tucker, Eric, Leah F. Vosko, Rebecca Casey, Mark P. Thomas, John Grundy, and Andrea M. Noack (2019) “Carrying Little Sticks: Is there a ‘Deterrence Gap’ in Employment Standards Enforcement in Ontario, Canada?” International Journal of Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations 35(1), 1-30.


Thomas, Mark P., Leah F. Vosko, Eric Tucker, Mercedes Steedman, Andie Noack, John Grundy, Mary Gellatly, and Lisa Leinveer (2019) “The Employment Standards Enforcement Gap and the Overtime Pay Exemption in Ontario.” Labour/Le Travail 84 (Fall), 25-51.


Tufts, Steven, and Mark Thomas (2017) “The Christian Labour Association of Canada: Between Company and Populist Unionism.” Labour/Le Travail: Journal of Canadian Labour Studies 80. Fall (October), 55-80.


Vosko L. F., J. Grundy, E. Tucker, M. Thomas, A. Noack, R. Casey, M. Gellatly, and J. Mussell (2017) “The Compliance Model of Employment Standards Enforcement: An Evidence-based Assessment of its Efficacy in Instances of Wage Theft.” Industrial Relations Journal 48(3) May, 256-73.


Thomas, Mark, and Steven Tufts (2016) “Austerity, Right Populism and the Crisis of Labour in Canada.” Antipode 48(1) January, 212-30.


Vosko, Leah, John Grundy, and Mark Thomas (2016) “Challenging New Governance: Evaluating New Approaches to Employment Standards Enforcement in Common Law Jurisdictions.” Economic and Industrial Democracy 37(2) May, 373-98.


Thomas, Mark, and Steve Tufts (2016) “’Enabling Dissent’: Contesting Austerity and Right-Wing Populism in Toronto, Canada.” Economic and Labour Relations Review 27(1) March, 29-45


Vosko, Leah, and Mark Thomas (2014) “Confronting the Employment Standards Enforcement Gap: Exploring the Potential for Union Engagement with Employment Law in Ontario, Canada.” Journal of Industrial Relations. Vol. 56(5) November, 631-52.


Tufts, Steven, and Mark Thomas (2014) “Populist Unionism Confronts Austerity in Canada.” Labor Studies Journal 39(1) March, 60-82.


Choudry, Aziz, and Mark Thomas (2013) “Labour Struggles for Workplace Justice: Migrant and Immigrant Worker Organizing in Canada”. Journal of Industrial Relations 55(2) April, 212-26.


Mary Gellatly, John Grundy, Kiran Mirchandani, Adam Perry, Mark Thomas and Leah Vosko (2011) “’Modernizing’ Employment Standards? Administrative Efficiency, Market Regulation, and the Production of the Illegitimate Claimant in Ontario, Canada”. Economic and Labour Relations Review 22(2).


Fanelli, Carlo and Mark Thomas (2011) “Austerity, Competitiveness and Neoliberalism Redux: Ontario Responds to the Great Recession”. Socialist Studies 7(1/2), 141-70.


Thomas, Mark (2011) “Global Industrial Relations? Framework Agreements and the Regulation of International Labor Standards”. Labor Studies Journal 36(2), 269-87.


Thomas, Mark, and Steve Tufts (2007) “Introducing New Voices in Labour Studies in Canada.” Just Labour: A Canadian Journal of Work and Society 11, 1-5.


Thomas, Mark, and Tufts, Steve (eds.) (2007) New Voices in Labour Studies in Canada. Just Labour: A Canadian Journal of Work and Society. Vol. 11, Fall 2007.


Thomas, Mark (2007) “Toyotaism Meets the 60 Hour Work Week: Coercion, ‘Consent’ and the Regulation of Working Time.” Studies in Political Economy 80, 105-28.


Thomas, Mark (2006) “Union Strategies to Re-Regulate Work Time”. Just Labour: A Canadian Journal of Work and Society 9, 1-15.


Thomas, Mark (2004) “Setting the Minimum: Ontario’s Employment Standards in the Postwar Years, 1944-1968.” Labour/Le Travail: Journal of Canadian Labour Studies 54, 49-82.


Research Reports


Vosko, Leah, John Grundy, Eric Tucker, Andrea M. Noack, Mary Gellatly, Rebecca Casey, Mark P. Thomas, Guliz Akkaymak, and Parvinder Hira-Friesen (2017) Closing the Employment Standards Enforcement Gap: An Agenda for Change.


Vosko, Leah, Andrea Noack, and Mark Thomas (2016) “How Far Does the Employment Standards Act, 2000 Extend and What Are the Gaps in Coverage? An Empirical Analysis of Archival and Statistical Data”. Changing Workplaces Review. Toronto: Ministry of Labour.


Vosko, Leah, John Grundy, Eric Tucker, Andrea M. Noack, Alan Hall, Mark P. Thomas, Rebecca Casey, Kiran Mirchandani, and, Guliz Akkaymak (2016) Improving Employment Standards and Their Enforcement in Ontario: A Research Brief Addressing Options Identified in the Interim Report of the Changing Workplaces Review. Submitted to Ontario Ministry of Labour


Vosko, Leah, Eric Tucker, Mark Thomas, and Mary Gellatly (2011) New Approaches to Enforcement and Compliance with Labour Regulatory Standards. Prepared for the Law Commission of Ontario.




Tufts, Steven, Mark P. Thomas, and Ian MacDonald (forthcoming) "Austerity Urbanism, Populism, and Labour.” In C. Levine-Rasky and L. Kowalchuk (eds.) We Resist: Defending the Common Ground in Hostile Times. Kingston & Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press.


Vosko, Leah F., Guliz Akkaymak, Rebecca Casey, Shelley Condratto, John Grundy, Alan Hall, Alice Hoe, Kiran Mirchandani, Andrea M. Noack, Urvashi Soni-Sinha, Mercedes Steedman, Mark P. Thomas, Eric M. Tucker (forthcoming) Closing the Employment Standards Enforcement Gap: Improving Protections for People in Precarious Jobs. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

Tufts, Steven, and Mark P. Thomas (forthcoming) “The Service Economy, Low-Wage Work, and the Populist Moment." In J. Peters and D. Wells (eds.) Canadian Labour Policy and Politics: Inequality and Alternatives. Toronto: Oxford University Press.

Mark P. Thomas is Professor & Chair in the Department of Sociology. He is former Director of the Global Labour Research Centre at York, and has been a Visiting Professor at the Institute of Political Economy, Carleton University, and a Visiting Researcher at Institut de Recherches Sociologiques, Université de Genève. Current areas of research include: working time and new technologies; labour, austerity, and populism in urban North America; and the enforcement of employment standards legislation in Canada. Thomas is the author of Regulating Flexibility: The Political Economy of Employment Standards (McGill-Queens, 2009) and co-author of Work and Labour in Canada: Critical Issues, 3rd Edition (Canadian Scholars Press, 2017) and Closing the Employment Standards Enforcement Gap: Improving Protections for People in Precarious Jobs (University of Toronto Press, forthcoming). He is co-editor of several volumes including Change and Continuity: Canadian Political Economy in the New Millennium (McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2019) and Power and Everyday Practices, 2nd Edition (University of Toronto Press, 2019). His work has also been published in journals including Antipode, Economic & Industrial Democracy, Economic & Labour Relations Review, Journal of Industrial Relations, Labor Studies Journal, Labour/Le Travail, and Studies in Political Economy.


Ph.D., Sociology, York University
M.A., Sociology, University of Guelph
B.A. Honours, Political Science and Sociology, Carleton University


Faculty of Graduate Studies

Research Interests

Sociology , Employment and Labour, Economic Sociology, Political Economy

Current Research Projects

Clocked In – Work, Time, and Technology in the Digital Economy


    Working time patterns in contemporary labour markets. The ways in which new technologies are reshaping the organization of working time. Currently funded through a SSHRC Insight Grant.

    Project Type: Funded
    Role: Principal investigator

Spaces of Labour in Moments of Urban Populism


    An analysis of the rise of populism in the context of austerity politics in North America. The implications for labour movements in terms of engagement with forms of both left- and right-wing populism. Currently funded through a SSHRC Insight Grant.

    Project Type: Funded
    Role: Co-investigator

Closing the Enforcement Gap: Improving Employment Standards for Workers in Precarious Jobs


    Canadian-based case study research on the enforcement of employment standards, with a focus on connections between an 'enforcement gap' and conditions of precarious employment. The potential for strategies to re-regulate employment standards enforcement through proactive approaches. Currently funded through a SSHRC Partnership Grant.

    Project Type: Funded
    Role: Co-investigator

All Publications

Book Chapters


Thomas, Mark P. (2019) “Being ‘Middle Class’?” In D. Brock, A. Martin, R. Raby, and M.P. Thomas (eds.) Power and Everyday Practices, 2nd Edition. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.


Thomas, Mark P. and Leah F. Vosko (2019) “Canadian Political Economy in the New Millennium.” In M.P. Thomas, L.F. Vosko, C Fanelli, and O Lyubchenko (eds.) Change and Continuity: Canadian Political Economy in the New Millennium. Kingston & Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press.


Ross, Stephanie, and Mark P. Thomas (2019) “Organizing in Precarious Times: The Political Economy of Work and Workers’ Movements After the Great Recession.” In M.P. Thomas, L.F. Vosko, C Fanelli, and O Lyubchenko (eds.) Change and Continuity: Canadian Political Economy in the New Millennium. Kingston & Montrea: McGill-Queen’s University Press.


Brock, Deborah, Aryn Martin, Rebecca Raby, and Mark P. Thomas (2019) “Unpacking the Centre.” In D. Brock, A. Martin, R. Raby, and M.P. Thomas (eds.) Power and Everyday Practices, 2nd Edition. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.


Vosko, Leah, John Grundy, and Mark Thomas (2017) “Beyond New Governance: Improving Employment Standards Enforcement in Liberal Market Economies.” In C. Fenwick and V. Van Goethem (eds.) Regulating for Equitable and Job-Rich Growth. Geneva & Cheltenham: International Labour Organization & Edward Elgar, 63-87.


Thomas, Mark (2016) “Global Unions, Global Framework Agreements and the Transnational Regulation of Labour Standards”. In Robert Lambert and Andrew Herod (eds.) Neoliberal Capitalism & Precarious Work: Ethnographies of Accommodation and Resistance. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 277-302.


Thomas, Mark (2016) “Producing and Contesting ‘Unfree Labour’ Through the Seasonal Agricultural Workers Program.” In A. Choudry and A. Smith (eds.) Unfree Labour? Struggles of Migrant and Immigrant Workers in Canada. Oakland: PM Press, 21-36.


Thomas, Mark (2012) “Class, State and Power: Unpacking Social Relations in Contemporary Capitalism.” In D. Brock, R. Raby, and M. Thomas (eds.) Power and Everyday Practices. Toronto: Nelson, 110-132.


Thomas, Mark (2012) “Employment Standards ‘Modernization’ in Canada”. In C. Warhurst, F. Carre, P. Findlay, and C. Tilly (eds.) Are Bad Jobs Inevitable? Trends, Determinants and Responses to Job Quality in the Twenty-First Century. Houndsmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan, 224-39.


Choudry, Aziz, and Mark Thomas (2012). “Organizing Migrant and Immigrant Workers in Canada.” In L. Savage & S. Ross (eds.) The Politics of Labour in Canada. Halifax & Winnipeg: Fernwood, 171-83.


Thomas, Mark (2012) “Thinking Global: ‘The West and the Rest’.” In D. Brock, R. Raby, and M. Thomas (eds.) Power and Everyday Practices. Toronto: Nelson, 247-51.


Brock, Deborah, Rebecca Raby, and Mark Thomas (2012) “Unpacking the Centre.” In D. Brock, R. Raby, and M. Thomas (eds.) Power and Everyday Practices. Toronto: Nelson, 2-10.


Thomas, Mark (2011) “Global Unions, Local Labour, and the Regulation of International Labour Standards: Mapping ITF Labour Rights Strategies”. In M. Fichter, M. Serrano, and E. Xhafa (eds.) Trade Union and the Global Crisis: Labour’s Visions, Strategies and Responses. Geneva: International Labour Organization.


Thomas, Mark (2011) “Regulating Labour Standards in the Global Economy: Emerging Forms of Global Governance”. In G. Teeple and S. McBride (eds.), Relations of Global Power: Neoliberal Order and Disorder. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 95-117.


Thomas, Mark (2010) “Labour Migration and Temporary Work: Canada’s Foreign Worker Programs in the ‘New Economy’." In N. Pupo and M. Thomas (eds.), Interrogating the New Economy: Restructuring Work in the 21st Century. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 149-72.


Thomas, Mark (2010) “Neoliberalism, Racialization, and the Regulation of Employment Standards”. In S. Braedley and M. Luxton (eds.) Neoliberalism and Everyday Life. Montreal & Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 68-89.


Pupo, Norene, and Mark Thomas (2010) “Work in the New Economy: Critical Reflections”. In N. Pupo and M. Thomas (eds.) Interrogating the New Economy: Restructuring Work in the 21st Century. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, ix-xxii.


Thomas, Mark (2008) “Labor Rights and Social Justice for Migrant Workers”. In R. Perrucci, K. Ferraro, J. Miller, and G.W. Muschert (eds.) Agenda for Social Justice: Solutions 2008. Knoxville, TN: Society for the Study of Social Problems, 8-15.


Thomas, Mark (2008) “Working Time and Labour Control in the Toyota Production System.” In R. O’Brien (ed.) Solidarity First: Canadian Workers and Social Cohesion. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 86-105.




Thomas, Mark P., Leah Vosko, Carlo Fanelli, and Olena Lyubchenko (eds.) (2019) Change and Continuity: Canadian Political Economy in the New Millennium. Kingston & Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press.


Brock, Debi, Aryn Martin, Rebecca Raby, and Mark P. Thomas (eds.) (2019) Power and Everyday Practices, 2nd Edition. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.


Jackson, Andrew, and Mark P. Thomas (2017) Work and Labour in Canada: Critical Issues. 3rd Edition. Toronto: Canadian Scholars Press.


Brock, Deborah, Rebecca Raby, and Mark Thomas (eds.) (2012). Power and Everyday Practices. Toronto: Nelson.


Pupo, Norene, and Mark Thomas (eds.) (2010) Interrogating the New Economy: Restructuring Work in the 21st Century. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.


Thomas, Mark (2009) Regulating Flexibility: The Political Economy of Employment Standards. Montreal & Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press.


Journal Articles


Thomas, Mark P., and Steven Tufts (2019) “Blue Solidarity: Police Unions, Race and Authoritarian Populism in North America.” Work, Employment & Society 34(1) 126-44.


Vosko, Leah F., John Grundy, Rebecca Casey, Andrea M. Noack, and Mark P. Thomas (2019) “A Tattered Quilt: Exemptions and Special Rules under Ontario’s Employment Standards Act.” Canadian Labour and Employment Law Journal 21 (2), 267-98.


Tucker, Eric, Leah F. Vosko, Rebecca Casey, Mark P. Thomas, John Grundy, and Andrea M. Noack (2019) “Carrying Little Sticks: Is there a ‘Deterrence Gap’ in Employment Standards Enforcement in Ontario, Canada?” International Journal of Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations 35(1), 1-30.


Thomas, Mark P., Leah F. Vosko, Eric Tucker, Mercedes Steedman, Andie Noack, John Grundy, Mary Gellatly, and Lisa Leinveer (2019) “The Employment Standards Enforcement Gap and the Overtime Pay Exemption in Ontario.” Labour/Le Travail 84 (Fall), 25-51.


Tufts, Steven, and Mark Thomas (2017) “The Christian Labour Association of Canada: Between Company and Populist Unionism.” Labour/Le Travail: Journal of Canadian Labour Studies 80. Fall (October), 55-80.


Vosko L. F., J. Grundy, E. Tucker, M. Thomas, A. Noack, R. Casey, M. Gellatly, and J. Mussell (2017) “The Compliance Model of Employment Standards Enforcement: An Evidence-based Assessment of its Efficacy in Instances of Wage Theft.” Industrial Relations Journal 48(3) May, 256-73.


Thomas, Mark, and Steven Tufts (2016) “Austerity, Right Populism and the Crisis of Labour in Canada.” Antipode 48(1) January, 212-30.


Vosko, Leah, John Grundy, and Mark Thomas (2016) “Challenging New Governance: Evaluating New Approaches to Employment Standards Enforcement in Common Law Jurisdictions.” Economic and Industrial Democracy 37(2) May, 373-98.


Thomas, Mark, and Steve Tufts (2016) “’Enabling Dissent’: Contesting Austerity and Right-Wing Populism in Toronto, Canada.” Economic and Labour Relations Review 27(1) March, 29-45


Vosko, Leah, and Mark Thomas (2014) “Confronting the Employment Standards Enforcement Gap: Exploring the Potential for Union Engagement with Employment Law in Ontario, Canada.” Journal of Industrial Relations. Vol. 56(5) November, 631-52.


Tufts, Steven, and Mark Thomas (2014) “Populist Unionism Confronts Austerity in Canada.” Labor Studies Journal 39(1) March, 60-82.


Choudry, Aziz, and Mark Thomas (2013) “Labour Struggles for Workplace Justice: Migrant and Immigrant Worker Organizing in Canada”. Journal of Industrial Relations 55(2) April, 212-26.


Mary Gellatly, John Grundy, Kiran Mirchandani, Adam Perry, Mark Thomas and Leah Vosko (2011) “’Modernizing’ Employment Standards? Administrative Efficiency, Market Regulation, and the Production of the Illegitimate Claimant in Ontario, Canada”. Economic and Labour Relations Review 22(2).


Fanelli, Carlo and Mark Thomas (2011) “Austerity, Competitiveness and Neoliberalism Redux: Ontario Responds to the Great Recession”. Socialist Studies 7(1/2), 141-70.


Thomas, Mark (2011) “Global Industrial Relations? Framework Agreements and the Regulation of International Labor Standards”. Labor Studies Journal 36(2), 269-87.


Thomas, Mark, and Steve Tufts (2007) “Introducing New Voices in Labour Studies in Canada.” Just Labour: A Canadian Journal of Work and Society 11, 1-5.


Thomas, Mark, and Tufts, Steve (eds.) (2007) New Voices in Labour Studies in Canada. Just Labour: A Canadian Journal of Work and Society. Vol. 11, Fall 2007.


Thomas, Mark (2007) “Toyotaism Meets the 60 Hour Work Week: Coercion, ‘Consent’ and the Regulation of Working Time.” Studies in Political Economy 80, 105-28.


Thomas, Mark (2006) “Union Strategies to Re-Regulate Work Time”. Just Labour: A Canadian Journal of Work and Society 9, 1-15.


Thomas, Mark (2004) “Setting the Minimum: Ontario’s Employment Standards in the Postwar Years, 1944-1968.” Labour/Le Travail: Journal of Canadian Labour Studies 54, 49-82.


Research Reports


Vosko, Leah, John Grundy, Eric Tucker, Andrea M. Noack, Mary Gellatly, Rebecca Casey, Mark P. Thomas, Guliz Akkaymak, and Parvinder Hira-Friesen (2017) Closing the Employment Standards Enforcement Gap: An Agenda for Change.


Vosko, Leah, Andrea Noack, and Mark Thomas (2016) “How Far Does the Employment Standards Act, 2000 Extend and What Are the Gaps in Coverage? An Empirical Analysis of Archival and Statistical Data”. Changing Workplaces Review. Toronto: Ministry of Labour.


Vosko, Leah, John Grundy, Eric Tucker, Andrea M. Noack, Alan Hall, Mark P. Thomas, Rebecca Casey, Kiran Mirchandani, and, Guliz Akkaymak (2016) Improving Employment Standards and Their Enforcement in Ontario: A Research Brief Addressing Options Identified in the Interim Report of the Changing Workplaces Review. Submitted to Ontario Ministry of Labour


Vosko, Leah, Eric Tucker, Mark Thomas, and Mary Gellatly (2011) New Approaches to Enforcement and Compliance with Labour Regulatory Standards. Prepared for the Law Commission of Ontario.




Tufts, Steven, Mark P. Thomas, and Ian MacDonald (forthcoming) "Austerity Urbanism, Populism, and Labour.” In C. Levine-Rasky and L. Kowalchuk (eds.) We Resist: Defending the Common Ground in Hostile Times. Kingston & Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press.


Vosko, Leah F., Guliz Akkaymak, Rebecca Casey, Shelley Condratto, John Grundy, Alan Hall, Alice Hoe, Kiran Mirchandani, Andrea M. Noack, Urvashi Soni-Sinha, Mercedes Steedman, Mark P. Thomas, Eric M. Tucker (forthcoming) Closing the Employment Standards Enforcement Gap: Improving Protections for People in Precarious Jobs. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

Tufts, Steven, and Mark P. Thomas (forthcoming) “The Service Economy, Low-Wage Work, and the Populist Moment." In J. Peters and D. Wells (eds.) Canadian Labour Policy and Politics: Inequality and Alternatives. Toronto: Oxford University Press.