Publications: List: By School/Dept


book chapters

"Margaret Lock and Medical Anthropology," co-authored with Leslie Butt and Karina Kielmann. In: Troubling Natural Categories: Engaging the Medical Anthropology of Margaret Lock. Naomi Adelson, Leslie Butt and Karina Kielmann, eds. McGill-Queen's University Press.

Adelson, Naomi

"Digital Landscapes of Health." In: Troubling Natural Categories: Engaging the Medical Anthropology of Margaret Lock. Naomi Adelson, Leslie Butt and Karina Kielmann, eds. McGill-Queen's University Press.

Adelson, Naomi

"Inequalities and Health Care." In: Encyclopedia of Health, Illness, Behavior and Society, William C. Cockerham, Robert Dingwall, & Stella Quah, eds. Wiley- Blackwell.

Adelson, Naomi

Lisa Schwartz, Matthew Hunt, Christina Sinding, Laurie Elit, Lynda Redwood-Campbell, Naomi Adelson, Sonya De Laat, Jennifer Ranford. "La déontologie des activités cliniques occidentales est-elle applicable aux contextes humanitaires a l'étranger?" In: Jeux de Miroir: Réflexions sur MSF et l'action humanitaire, Caroline Abu-Sada, ed. Antipodes: Lausanne, Switzerland, 77-92. (French version of: Western clinical health ethics: How well do they travel to humanitarian contexts?)

Adelson, Naomi

"Western Clinical Health Ethics: How Well do they Travel to Humanitarian Contexts?" Co-authored with: Lisa Schwartz, Matthew Hunt, Chris Sinding, Laurie Elit, Lynda Redwood-Campbell, Sonya De Laat, Jennifer Ranford. In: Dilemmas, Challenges and Ethics of Humanitarian Action: Reflections on Médicins San Frontières' Perception Project, Caroline Abu-Sada, ed. McGill-Queen's UP, 73-88

Adelson, Naomi

"Cree Communications Technologies Past and Present." In: Aboriginal History: A Reader, Kristin Burnett and Geoffrey Read, eds. Oxford University Press.

Adelson, Naomi

"Towards a Recuperation of Souls and Bodies: Community Healing and the Complex Interplay of Faith and History." In: The Mental Health of Canadian Aboriginal Peoples: Transformations of Identity and Community, Gail Valaskakis and Laurence Kirmayer, eds. Vancouver: UBC Press. Pp. 272-288

Adelson, Naomi

"Models and Metaphors of Healing in a Maritime First Nations Community." (with Amanda Lipinski) In: James Waldram, ed. Aboriginal Healing in Canada: Studies in Therapeutic Meaning and Practice. Montreal: Aboriginal Healing Foundation, pp. 9-30.

Adelson, Naomi

"The Shifting Landscape of Cree Well-Being." In: Pursuits of Happiness: Well-Being in Anthropological Perspective. Gordon Matthews and Carolina Izquierdo, eds. Oxford: Berghahn Books, pp. 109-123.

Adelson, Naomi

"Visible/Human/Project: Visibility and Invisibility at the Next Anatomical Frontier." In: Figuring it Out: Science, Gender, and Visual Culture. Ann B. Shteir and B. Lightman, eds. University Press of New England, 358-376.

Adelson, Naomi

"Appreciation of the Goose: The Relationship Between of Food, Gender and Respect amongst the Iiyiyu’ch of Great Whale, Québec." In: Gendered Intersections: An Introduction to Women’s and Gender Studies. Lesley Biggs and Pamela Downe, eds. Halifax: Fernwood Publishing, pp. 276-279.

Adelson, Naomi

"Cree." In: Encyclopedia of Medical Anthropology: Health and Illness in the World's Cultures. Carol R. Ember and Melvin Ember, eds. Kluwer/Plenum Press, 614-622.

Adelson, Naomi

Kirmayer, L. J., Boothroyd, L. J., Tanner, A., Adelson, N. & Robinson, E. "Psychological distress among the Cree of James Bay." In: P. Boss (ed.), Family Stress: Classic and Contemporary Readings. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 249-264. (Reprint of article.)

Adelson, Naomi

“Re-imagining Aboriginality: An Indigenous People’s Response to Social Suffer­ing.” In: Remaking A World: Violence, Social Suffering, and Recovery. Veena Das, Arthur Kleinman, Margaret Lock, Mamphela Ramphele, Pamela Reynolds, eds. Berkeley: University of California Press, 76-101. (Expanded version of TP article.)

Adelson, Naomi

“Gathering Knowledge: Reflections on the Anthropology of Identity, Aboriginality, and the Annual Gatherings in Whapmagoostui, Quebec.” In: Aboriginal Autonomy and Development in Northern Quebec and Labrador. Colin Scott, ed. Vancouver: University of British Colum­bia Press, pp. 289-303.

Adelson, Naomi

Archives and Cultural Legibility: Objects and Subjects of Neoliberal Heritage Technologies (with Eugenia Kisin). In Tord Larson et al. eds., Objectification and Standardisation: On the Limits and Effects of ritually fixing and measuring life (Ritual Studies Series, Carolina Academic Press), pp. 257-292.

Coombe, Rosemary

Ownership of Intangibles: Intellectual Property and the Contested Commons (with S. Ali Malik). In Kamala Clarke, Eve Darien Smith, and Mariana Valverde, eds., Routledge Handbook on Law and Society. (London: Routledge), 203-208.

Coombe, Rosemary

Aboriginal Community Research: Government and Neoliberal Self-Determination (with Daniel Huizenga). In Deborah Brock, ed., Re-making Normal: Governing the Social in Neoliberal Times (UBC Press), 109-132.

Coombe, Rosemary

Frontiers of Cultural Property in the Global South. In Haidy Geismar & Jane Anderson, eds., Routledge Companion to Cultural Property (London: Routledge), 374-400

Coombe, Rosemary

Rethinking the Work Of Geographical Indications in Asia: Addressing Hidden Geographies of Gendered Labour (with Ali Malik). In Irene Calboli & Ng-Loy Wee Loon, eds., Geographic Indications at the Crossroads of Trade and Development in Asia (Cambridge University Press), 87-121.

Coombe, Rosemary

The Limits of Heritage: Corporate Interests and Cultural Rights on Resource Frontiers (with Melissa Baird). In William Logan, Mairead Nic Craith & Ullrich Kockel eds., The Blackwell Companion to the New Heritage Studies (Wiley-Blackwell), 337-354.

Coombe, Rosemary

Neoliberalism, Heritage Regimes, and Cultural Rights (with Lindsay Weiss). In Lynn Meskell, ed., Global Heritage: A Reader (Wiley-Blackwell), 43-69.

Coombe, Rosemary

Geographical Indications: The Promise, Perils and Politics of Protecting Place-Based Products
(with Sarah Ives and Daniel Huizenga). In Matthew David & Deborah Halbert eds., Sage Handbook on Intellectual Property (Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications), 207-223.

Coombe, Rosemary

The Social Imaginary of Geographical Indicators in Contested Environments: The Politicized Heritage and the Racialized Landscapes of South African Rooibos Tea (with Sarah Ives and Daniel Huizenga). In Matthew David & Deborah Halbert eds., Sage Handbook on Intellectual Property (Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications), 224-237.

Coombe, Rosemary

Introducing Dynamic Fair Dealing: Creating Canadian Digital Culture. In Rosemary J. Coombe, Darren Wershler & Martin Zeilinger (eds.) Dynamic Fair Dealing: Creating Canadian Culture Online (University of Toronto Press), 3-43.

Coombe, Rosemary

The Evolution of Cultural Heritage Ethics Via Human Rights Norms (with Nicole Aylwin). In Rosemary J. Coombe, Darren Wershler & Martin Zeilinger (eds.) Dynamic Fair Dealing: Creating Canadian Culture Online(University of Toronto Press), 201-212.

Coombe, Rosemary

Three Peters and an Obsession with Pierre in a 'Piece of Work': Intellectual Property in John Greyson's Un©ut (with Martin Zeilinger). In Brenda Longfellow, Scott MacKenzie & Tim Waugh, eds., The Perils of Pedagogy: The Works of John Greyson (McGill Queens University Press), 438-449.

Coombe, Rosemary

Managing Cultural Heritage as Neoliberal Governmentality. In Heritage Regimes and the State. Regina Bendix, Aditya Eggert, Arnika Peselmann & Sven Mißling, eds. (Göttingen University Press), 375-389.

Coombe, Rosemary

Cultural Agencies: The Legal Construction of Community Subjects and their Properties. In Mario Biagioli, Peter Jaszi, & Martha Woodmansee, eds., Making and Unmaking Intellectual Property (University of Chicago Press) 79-98.

Coombe, Rosemary

Possessing Culture: Political Economies of Community Subjects and their Properties. In M. Busse & V. Strang, eds., Ownership and Appropriation (Berg Publishers) 105-127

Coombe, Rosemary

2009 “A Broken Record: Subjecting ‘Music’ to Cultural Rights,” (with Elizabeth B. Coleman and Fiona MacAlrault) in James C. Young and Conrad Brunck, eds., Ethics of Cultural Appropriation (London: Blackwell) 179-210.

Coombe, Rosemary

2009 “Indigenous Cultural Heritage Rights in International Human Rights Law” (with Mohsen al atar Ahmed and Nicole Aylwin) in Catherine Bell and Robert Paterson, eds., Protection of First Nations’ Cultural Heritage: Laws, Policy and Reform (Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press) 311-342

Coombe, Rosemary

2009 “First Nations’ Intangible Cultural Heritage Concerns: Prospects for Protection of Traditional Knowledge and Traditional Cultural Expressions in International Law,” in Catherine Bell & Robert Paterson, eds., Protection of First Nations’ Cultural Heritage: Laws, Policy and Reform (Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press) 247-277.

Coombe, Rosemary

2009 “Digital Media and the Informational Politics of Appropriation,” (with David Meurer) in Atopia Projects, eds., Lifting: “Theft” in Art. (Aberdeen, UK: Peacock Visual Arts) 20-27.

Coombe, Rosemary

Excerpts were published online for critique and commentary invited by Lifting, an online anthology created by Atopia Projects (2007) in conjunction with their curated exhibition of art Lifting: Theft in Art, Peacock Visual Arts, Aberdeen, UK. 25 August – 29 September, 2007.

Coombe, Rosemary

“Authorizing the Celebrity: Engendering Alternative Identities,” was reprinted as Chapter 40 in P. David Marshall, ed., The Celebrity Culture Reader (New York: Routledge, 2006).

Coombe, Rosemary

“Objects of Politics and Subjects of Property” and “Authorizing the Celebrity Persona” were reprinted in Sally Falk Moore, ed., Anthropology and Law: A Reader (London: Basil Blackwell, 2005) pp. 113-123.

Coombe, Rosemary

2005 “Bearing Cultural Distinction: Informational Capital and New Expectations for Intellectual Property” (with Steven Schnoor and Mohsen al atar Ahmed) in J. Brinkhof and F. Willem Grosheide, eds., Articles in Intellectual Property: Crossing Boundaries (Antwerp: Intersentia) 191-211.
Reprinted in “Intellectual Property and Social Justice” Symposium Issue. University of California-Davis Law Review 40(3): 891-917 (2007).

Coombe, Rosemary

2005 “Protecting Cultural Industries to Promote Cultural Diversity: Dilemmas for International Policy-making Posed by the Recognition of Traditional Knowledge” in K. Maskus and J. Reichman, eds., International Public Goods and Transfer of Technology Under a Globalized Intellectual Property Regime (Cambridge University Press) 599-614.
Reprinted in V. V. Ramani and A. V. Bala Krishana, eds., Cultural Industries: Perspectives and Experiences (Hyderabad: ICfai University Press, 2008) 45-64.

Coombe, Rosemary

“Making Music in the Soundscapes of the Law.” Foreword to Joanna Demers’ Musical Appropriation, Musical Meaning, and the Law (Athens: University of Georgia Press) i-xii.

Coombe, Rosemary

2004 “Commodity Culture, Private Censorship, Branded Environnments, and Global Trade Politics: Intellectual Property as a Topic of Law and Society Research” in Austin Sarat, ed., The Blackwell Companion to Law and Society (Malden, MA: Basil Blackwell) 369-391.

Coombe, Rosemary

2003 “Works in Progress: Indigenous Knowledge, Biological Diversity and Intellectual Property in a Neoliberal Era” in Richard W. Perry and William Maurer, eds., Globalization Under Construction: Governmentality, Law and Identity (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press) 273-314.

Coombe, Rosemary

2001 “Preserving Cultural Diversity through the Preservation of Biological Diversity: Indigenous Peoples, Local Communities, and the Role of Digital Technologies” in Tony Bennett, ed., Differing Diversities: Transversal Study on the Theme of Cultural Policy and Cultural Diversity (Strasbourg: Council of Europe Publishing) 169-200.

Coombe, Rosemary

1999 “Sports Trademarks and Somatic Politics: Locating the Law in a Critical Cultural Studies,” in Randy Martin & Toby Miller, eds., SportCult (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press) 262-288.
• Reprinted in D. Goldberg, M. Musheno and L. Bower, eds., Between Law and Culture: Relocating Legal Studies (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2001) 22-49.

Coombe, Rosemary

1998 “Contingent Articulations: A Critical Cultural Studies of Law,” in Austin Sarat and Tom Kearns, eds., Law in the Domain of Culture (University of Michigan Press) 21-64.

Coombe, Rosemary

1997 “The Demonic Place of the Not-There: Trademark Rumors in the Imaginary Spaces of Postindustriality,” in James Ferguson and Akhil Gupta, eds., Culture, Power, Place: Explorations in Critical Anthropology (Durham: Duke University Press) 249-274.

Coombe, Rosemary

Davidson, Lisa. 2024. "Diversifying Unity and Unifying Diversity: Christian Hospitality in Multicultural Presbyterian Churches in Toronto". In Reconstructions of Canadian Identity: Towards Diversity and Inclusion, Vander Tavares and Maria João Maciel Jorge (Editors). University of Manitoba Press.

Davidson, Lisa

Davidson, Lisa. 2012. “(Res)sentiment and Practices of Hope: The Labours of Filipina Live-in Caregivers in Filipino Canadian Families”. In Filipinos in Canada: Disturbing Invisibility. University of Toronto Press. Pp 142-60.

Davidson, Lisa

McElhinny, Bonnie, Lisa Davidson and John Paul C. Catungal et al. 2012. “Specters of (In)visibility: Filipina/o Labour, Culture and Youth in Canada”. In Filipinos in Canada: Disturbing Invisibility. University of Toronto Press. Pp 5-45.

Davidson, Lisa

Situating Suburban Ecologies in the Global South: Notes from
India’s Urban periphery.” Eds. Maria Kaika, RogeTait Mandler, Yannis Tzaninis. Turning Up the Heat: Urban Political Ecology for a Climate Emergency. Manchester. Manchester University Press

Gururani, Shubhra

2021 “Cities in a world of villages: Agrarian Urbanism.” Accepted and Forthcoming In
After Suburbia. Ed. Roger Keil. Toronto. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

Gururani, Shubhra

2021 “Making Land out of Water: Ecologies of Urbanism, Property, and Loss in an
Urbanizing Periphery.” In Ecologies of Urbanism in India. Anne Rademacher and K. Sivaramakrishnan Eds. Hong Kong University Press

Gururani, Shubhra

Co-authored with P. Bentley, “The Dialogic Exhibition,” in Canadian Contributions to the Study of Islamic Art and Archaeology, M. Milwright & E. Baboula (eds.), McGill-Queen’s University Press (Montreal, Canada). pp. 351-75. 24 pages.

Hirji, Zulfikar

“The Siyu Qur’ans: Illuminated Qur’an Manuscripts from Coastal East Africa,” in Approaches to the Qur’an in Sub-Saharan Africa, Z. Hirji (ed.), Oxford University Press (Oxford, UK), pp. 431-72. 41 pages

Hirji, Zulfikar

2022 “The place of traditional birth attendants in global maternal health: Policy retreat, ambivalence, and return.” In L Wallace, M MacDonald and K Storeng (eds). Anthropologies of Global Maternal Health: from policy spaces to sites of practice. Springer Nature, Pp 95-115.

MacDonald, Margaret

L Wallace, M MacDonald and K. Storeng. “Introduction.” In L Wallace, M MacDonald and K Storeng (eds). Anthropologies of Global Maternal Health: From policy spaces to sites of practice. Springer Nature, Pp 1-13.

MacDonald, Margaret

“Senegal, Cell Phones, Maternal Health, 2018.” In Denielle Elliott and Matthew Wolf-Meyer (eds). Naked Fieldnotes. A rough guide to ethnographic writing. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.

MacDonald, Margaret

2004 "Tradition as a Political Symbol in the New Midwifery in Ontario." In I L Bourgeault, C Benoit, and R Davis-Floyd (eds.). Reconceiving Midwifery: The New Canadian Model. Montreal: McGill-Queens University Press. Pp 46-66.

MacDonald, Margaret

2012 “Natural Birth at the Turn of the Twenty-First Century: Implications for Gender.” In C Brettell and C Sargent (eds.). Gender in Cross Cultural Perspective (Sixth Edition). Boston, MA: Pearson.

MacDonald, Margaret

2021 "Caribbean Sexualities and Ethnographic Research Methods", in Methodologies in Caribbean Research on Gender and Sexuality. Kamala Kempadoo and Halimah A.F. DeShong, eds. Kingston: Ian Randle Publishers.

Murray, David A. B.

2009 “Homo hauntings: Spectral Sexuality and the Good Citizen in Barbadian Media” in Homophobias: Lust and Loathing Across Time and Space. Duke University Press.

Murray, David A. B.

2009 “Introduction” and “Epilogue” in Homophobias: Lust and Loathing Across Time and Space. Duke University Press

Murray, David A. B.

2009 “Homosexuality, Society and the State: An Ethnography of Sublime Resistance in Martinique” in Perspectives on the Caribbean: A Reader in Culture, History, and Representation. Philip Sher, editor. Blackwell Publishing (Revised version of article originally published in 1996 in Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power 2(3):249-272).

Murray, David A. B.

2009 "Positively Limited: Gender, Sexuality and HIV/AIDS Discourses in Barbados” in From Risk to Management: HIV/AIDS in the Caribbean, Christine Barrow and Robert Carr, editors. Ian Randle Publishers.

Murray, David A. B.

2004 “Takatapui, Gay or just Ho-mo-sexual, Darling? Maori Language, Sexual Terminology and Identity in Aotearoa/New Zealand” in Speaking in Queer Tongues: Globalization and Gay Language, William O. Leap and Tom Boellstorff, eds. Urbana. University of Illinois Press. Pp. 163-180

Murray, David A. B.

‘“The Road Not Taken”: Duncombe on Republican Currency: Joint Stock Democracy, Civic Republicanism, and Free Banking’ in Maxime Dagenais and Julien Mauduit Ed’s. Revolutions across Borders Jacksonian America and the Canadian Rebellion (Montreal/Kingston: McGill-Queens University Press), 174- 208.

Schrauwers, Albert

“Through a glass darkly: Charity, Conspiracy and Power in New Order Indonesia” for the volume, Transparency and Conspiracy: Power Revealed and Concealed in (the) Global Village(s) edited by Harry G. West and Todd Sanders. (Durham, Duke University Press)

Schrauwers, Albert

“‘It’s not economical’: The Market Roots of a Moral Economy.” In Transforming the Indonesian Uplands: Marginality, Power and Production edited by Tania Li, pp. 105-29. (London/Singapore; “Studies in Environmental Anthropology”, Harwood Academic Publishers/ ISEAS)

Schrauwers, Albert

“Returning to the ‘Origin’: Church and State in the Ethnogenesis of the ‘To Pamona’.” In Southeast Asian Identities: Culture and the Politics of Representation in Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand edited by Joel Kahn, pp. 203-26. (Singapore/New York/London; ISEAS/St. Martin’s Press/Taurus).

Schrauwers, Albert

“Global Politics of the Body”. In Women Worldwide: transnational feminist perspectives on women, J.Lee and S. Shaw, eds. New York: McGraw-Hill. Pp.109-130.

Van Esterik, Penelope

“Texts and Contexts in Canadian Anthropology”, In Historicizing Canadian Anthropology, ed. J. Harrison and R. Regnell. Vancouver: UBC Press

Van Esterik, Penelope

“From Hunger Foods to Heritage Foods: Challenges to Food Localization in Lao PDR”. In R. Wilk, ed Fast Food/Slow Food: The Cultural Economy of the Global Food System. Lanham, Md.: Altimira Press.

Van Esterik, Penelope

"Nurturing Cycles". In F. Miller, et al The Gender of Genetic Futures: The Canadian Biotechnology Strategy, Women and Health. York University, NNEWH.

Van Esterik, Penelope

"Repositioning Gender, Sexuality and Power in Thai Studies". In Genders and Sexualities in Modern Thailand, P. Jackson and N Cook, eds., Chiang Mai: Silkworm Books. pp 275-289.

Van Esterik, Penelope

"Ritual and Performance of Buddhist Identity among Lao Buddhists in North America". In Duncan Ryuken Williams and Christopher Queen, eds., American Buddhism. Richmond, Surrey:Curzon Press.

Van Esterik, Penelope

"Food and the Refugee Experience: Gender and Food in Exile, Asylum, and Repatriation." In P. Van Esterik, W. Giles, and H. Moussa, eds., Development and Diaspora. Dundas, Ontario: Artemis Press. pp.61-74.

Van Esterik, Penelope

"Nurturance and Reciprocity in Thai Studies." In P. Durrenberger, ed., State Power and Culture in Thailand. New Haven: Yale University, Southeast Asian Studies Monograph 44. pp.22-46.

Van Esterik, Penelope

"Breast-Feeding and Work: The Situation of Midwives and Other Women Health Care Providers." In S. Murray, ed., International Perspectives on Midwifery. London: Mosby-Wolfe. pp.77-88. (chapter selected as UNICEF's Breastfeeding Paper of the Month, August, 1996, for distribution to UNICEF offices world-wide.)

Van Esterik, Penelope

"The Politics of Breastfeeding: Advocacy and Anthropology." In P. Stuart-Macadam and K. Dettwyler, eds., Breastfeeding: A Biocultural Perspective. New York: Aldine de Gruyter. pp.145- 166.

Van Esterik, Penelope

"The Politics of Beauty in Thailand." In C. Ballero Cohen, R. Wilk, and B. Stoelje, eds. Beauty Queens on the Global Stage. New York: Routledge. pp.203-216.

Van Esterik, Penelope

"Thank You Breasts: Breastfeeding as a Global Feminist Issue." In S. Cole and L. Phillips, eds. Ethnographic Feminisms. Ottawa: Carleton University Press. pp.75-91.

Van Esterik, Penelope

"Rewriting Gender and Development Anthropology in Southeast Asia." In Wazir Jahan Karim, ed., Male and Female in Developing Southeast Asia. Oxford: Berg Publishers. pp.247-259.

Van Esterik, Penelope

"Gender and Development in Thailand: Deconstructing Display." In H. Dagenais and D. Piche, eds., Women, Feminism and Development. Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press. pp.264-279.

Van Esterik, Penelope

"Introduction." In L. Milgram and P. Van Esterik, eds., The Transformative Power of Cloth in Southeast Asia. Montreal: Canadian Asian Studies Association. pp.1-9.

Van Esterik, Penelope

"Cutting Up Culture: Colonizing Costume." In L. Migram and P. Van Esterik, eds., The Transformative Power of Cloth in Southeast Asia. Montreal: Canadian Asian Studies Association. pp.39-52.

Van Esterik, Penelope

"The Right to Food and Good Nutrition: An Anthropologist's Perspective". In E. Linusson, M. Beaudry, and M. Latham, eds. The Right to Food and Good Nutrition. Cornell International Nutrition Monograph 26:31-33.

Van Esterik, Penelope

"Thai Prostitution and the Medical Gaze." In P. Van Esterik and J. Van Esterik, eds., Gender and Development in Southeast Asia. Montreal: Canadian Asian Studies Association. pp.133-150.

Van Esterik, Penelope

"Linking Institutions: The Women in Development Consortium in Thailand and Canada." In A. Rao, ed., Women's Studies International: Nairobi and Beyond. New York: Feminist Press. pp.238-247.

Van Esterik, Penelope

"Women in Southeast Asia: Research Directions." In Documents du GERAC (Le Groupe detudes et de recherches sur l'asie contemporaine), Que Savons-nous et Que Faisons-nous au Subject de L'asie du Sud-est au Canada? Quebec City: Laval University.

Van Esterik, Penelope

"Lao Refugees: A Short Bibliography on Recent Research." In Documents du GERAC (Le Groupe detudes et de recherches sur l'asie contemporaine), Que Savons-nous et Que Faisons-nous au Subject de L'asie du Sud-est au Canada? Quebec City: Laval University.

Van Esterik, Penelope

"Women in Southeast Asia: A Bibliography on Recent Research." In Documents du GERAC (Le Groupe detudes et de recherches sur l'asie contemporaine), Que Savons-nous et Que Faisons-nous au Subject de L'asie du Sud-est au Canada? Quebec City: Laval University.

Van Esterik, Penelope

"The Insufficient Milk Syndrome: Biologic Epidemic or Cultural Construction." In P. Whelehan, ed., Women and Health. Granby, Mass.: Bergin and Garvey. pp.97-109.

Van Esterik, Penelope

"Introduction" (with V. Laukaran, J. Post, and B. Winikoff). In B. Winikoff, M. Castle, and V. Laukaran, eds., Feeding Infants in Four Societies. New York: Greenwood Press.

Van Esterik, Penelope

"Indochinese Refugees in Toronto." In L. J. Dorais, K. Chan, and D. Indra, eds. Ten Years Later: Indochinese Communities in Canada. Montreal: Canadian Asian Studies Association. pp.117-126.

Van Esterik, Penelope

"The Cultural Context of Infant Feeding." In B. Winikoff, M. Castle, and V. Laukaran, eds., Feeding Infants in Four Societies. New York: Greenwood Press. pp.187-202.

Van Esterik, Penelope

"To Strengthen and Refresh: Herbal Therapy in Southeast Asia." Social Science and Medicine 27(8):751-661.

Van Esterik, Penelope

"Thailand's Response to the Refugee Crisis." In Cultural Survival, Report 22, Southeast Asian Tribal Groups and Ethnic Minorities. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University.

Van Esterik, Penelope

"Confronting Anthropology Confronting Advocacy." In R. Paine, ed., Advocacy and Anthropology. St. John's, Nfld.: Institute for Social and Economic Research (ISER). pp.59-77.

Van Esterik, Penelope

"The Cultural Context of Breastfeeding in Rural Thailand." In V. Hull and M. Simpson, eds. Breastfeeding, Child Health, and Child Spacing: Cross-Cultural Perspectives. London: Croom Helm. pp.139-161.

Van Esterik, Penelope

"An Anthropological Perspective on Infant Feeding in Oceania." In L. Marshall, ed., Infant Care and Feeding in the South Pacific. New York: Gordon and Breach. pp.331-343.

Van Esterik, Penelope

"Imitating Ban Chiang Pottery: Towards a Cognitive Theory of Replication." In J. Dougherty, ed., Directions in Cognitive Anthropology. Urbana, Illinois: University of Illinois Press. pp.221-241.

Van Esterik, Penelope

"Women and Food in Southeast Asia: Recent Research Trends and New Directions." In B. Miller and J. Hyde, eds., Women in Asia and Asian Studies. Committee on Women in Asian Studies, Monograph No. 1. Syracuse, New York: Syracuse University. pp.71-81.

Van Esterik, Penelope

"Laywomen in Theravada Buddhism." In P. B. Van Esterik, ed., Women in Southeast Asia. Southeast Asia Monograph Series. DeKalb, Illinois: Northern Illinois University. pp.55-78.

Van Esterik, Penelope

"Infant Feeding Options for Bangkok Professional Women." In Michael C. Latham, ed., The Decline of the Breast: An Examination of Its Impact on Fertility and Health, and Its Relation to Socioeconomic Status. Cornell International Nutrition Monograph 10. Ithaca, New York: Division of Nutritional Sciences, Cornell University. pp.56-79.

Van Esterik, Penelope

"The Infant Formula Controversy in Southeast Asia: Advocacy Confrontation or Applied Anthropology?" In G. Hainsworth, ed., Southeast Asia: Women, Changing Social Structure, and Cultural Continuity. Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press.

Van Esterik, Penelope

"Cultural Factors Affecting the Adjustment of Southeast Asian Refugees." In Southeast Asian Exodus: From Tradition to Resettlement. Ottawa: Canadian Asian Studies Association. 151-171.

Van Esterik, Penelope

"Royal Style in Village Context: Towards a Model of Interaction Between Royalty and Commoner." In C. Wilson, C. Smith, and G. Smith, eds. Royalty and Commoner: Essays in Thai Administrative, Economic and Social History. Contributions to Asian Studies, Vol. XV. Leiden: Brill. pp.102-117.

Van Esterik, Penelope

"Ban Chiang: Archaeological Past and Entrepreneurial Present." In Gordon Means, ed., The Past in Southeast Asia's Present. Ottawa: Canadian Asian Studies Association. pp.70-79.

Van Esterik, Penelope

"Lactation, Nutrition and Changing Cultural Values: Infant Feeding Practices in Rural and Urban Thailand." In G. Means, ed., Development and Underdevelopment in Southeast Asia. Ottawa: Canadian Asian Studies Association. pp.140-150.

Van Esterik, Penelope

“Breastfeeding and HIV/AIDS: Critical Gaps and Dangerous Intersections.” In Giving Breast Milk, ef R. Shaw and A. Bartlett. Toronto: Demeter Press, 2009.

Van Esterik, Penelope

“Census; New Hebrides/Vanuatu” In The Planning Moment: Colonial and Post Colonial Histories, edited by Sarah Blacker, Emily Brownell, Anindita Nag, Martina Schluender, Sarah van Beurden and Helen Verran. New York: Fordham Press.

Widmer, Sandra

“Pacific Islander Assistant Physicians and Depopulation: Medical Work and Political Participation in Vanuatu (1940s-1960s)” In Reconsidering Pacific Depopulation, edited by Christophe Sand and Christopher Ballard. Canberra: ANU Press.

Widmer, Sandra

"Reproductive labour and Indigenous hospitalities in post/colonial fieldwork"

Widmer, Sandra

“Making People Countable: Analyzing Paper Trails and the Imperial Census” in Approaching the Imperial Archive: Sources and Methods in Histories of Colonialism, Kirsty Reid and Fiona Paisley, eds. Oxford: Routledge Press.

Widmer, Sandra

“Colonial Demography: Rationalities, Practices, Discourses” (with Samuël Coghe) in Twentieth Century Population Thinking: A Critical Reader of Primary and Secondary Sources, Population Knowledge Network, ed. London: Routledge. pp. 37-64.

Widmer, Sandra

“Filtering Demography and Biomedical Technologies: Melanesian Nurses and Global Population Concerns (1920-1970)” in A World of Populations: Transnational Perspectives on Demography in the Twentieth Century, Corinna R. Unger and Heinrich Hartmann, eds. Oxford: Berghahn Press. pp. 222-242.

Widmer, Sandra

“Seeing Health Like a Colonial State: Assistant Medical Practitioners and Nascent Biomedical Citizenship in the New Hebrides” in Senses and Citizenships: Embodying Political Life, S. Trnka, J. Park and C. Dureau, eds. New York: Routledge. pp. 200-220.

Widmer, Sandra

“Making Mothers: The Changing Relationships of Birth and Raising Children in Pango Village, Vanuatu” in An Anthropology of Mothering, Michelle Walks and Naomi MacPherson, eds. Bradford: Demeter Press. pp. 102-114.

Widmer, Sandra

2013 “Family Matters: Finding Solutions to Youth Homelessness” Gaetz, S., Karabanow, J, O’Grady, B. (eds.) Youth Homelessness in Canada: a Reader. Pp. 15-39.

Winland, Daphne

2010 “Mujaheddin in our Midst: Bosnian Croats after Dayton” in L. Šaric, (ed.) Contested Cultural Identities: Discursive Responses to the Challenges of Changing Europe London: Routledge.

Winland, Daphne

2008 “Transnationalism in Post-Conflict Contexts: Croatia” in D. Kostovicova and V. Boji?i?-Dzelilovi? (eds.) Transnationalism in the Balkans. London: Routledge.

Winland, Daphne

2006 “Claiming to be Croat: The Risks of Return to the Homeland” pp. 201-220, in V. Amit and N. Dyck, (eds.) Claiming Individuality: The Cultural Politics of Distinction. London, UK: Pluto Press.

Winland, Daphne

2006 “Raising the Curtain: Transnationalism in the Post-Communist World” pp. 261-277 in V. Satzewich and L. Wong (eds.) Transnational Identities and Practices in Canada. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press.

Winland, Daphne

2005 “Nation-Building, Nation-Bonding: Croatian Diaspora and the Homeland” in H. Riegler (ed.) The Politics of Exile: the Role of Diasporas in Nation Building Austrian Institute of International Affairs, Baden-Baden, Germany: Nomos Pub.

Winland, Daphne

2004 “Croatian Diaspora” in Encyclopedia of Diasporas-Immigrant and Refugee Cultures Around the World in M. Ember, C. Ember, I. Skoggard (eds.) New Haven: Kluwer/Plenam Press.

Winland, Daphne
book reviews

2008 “Rethinking Creativity and Value,” Review of Johanna Gibson, Creating Selves: Intellectual Property and the Narration of Culture (Dartmouth: Ashgate, 2006). Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practice 3 (12): 804.

Coombe, Rosemary

2003 Review of Carol Greenhouse (with Roshanak Kheshti), Democracy and Ethnography (Albany: SUNY Press, 1998). American Ethnologist 30: 625-6.

Coombe, Rosemary

2013 Tacit Subjects: Belonging and Same Sex Desire Among Dominican Immigrant Men (Carlos U. Decena) in GLQ 19(1):131-133

Murray, David A. B.

2010 Native Men Remade: Gender and Nation in Contemporary Hawaii (Ty P. Kawika Tengan) in American Ethnologist 37:4

Murray, David A. B.

2008 Caribbean Pleasure Industry: Tourism, Sexuality and AIDS in the Dominican Republic (Mark Padilla) in Anthropologica 50(2):434-436

Murray, David A. B.

2007 Theatre and Political Process: Staging Identities in Tokelau and New Zealand (Ingjerd Hoem) in Ethnos 72(1):136-137

Murray, David A. B.

2005 The Culture of Gender and Sexuality in the Caribbean (Linden Lewis, ed.) in The New West Indian Guide 79(1&2):27-29

Murray, David A. B.

2005 Queer Globalizations: Citizenship and the Afterlife of Colonialism (Cruz-Malave and Manalansan, eds) in The Journal of Homosexuality 49(2):169-172

Murray, David A. B.

2003 The Anthropology of Media (K. Askew and R. Wilk, eds.) in The Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology 40(2):238-240

Murray, David A. B.

1999 American Gay (S.O. Murray) in The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 5 (2):293-294

Murray, David A. B.

1998 A Day For the Hunter, A Day for the Prey, Popular Music and Power in Haiti (Gage Averill) in The Australian Journal of Anthropology 9 (3):327-328

Murray, David A. B.

1998 Freakery: Cultural Spectacles of the Extraordinary Body (Rosemarie Garland Thomson ed.) in American Ethnologist 25 (1):20-21

Murray, David A. B.

1998 Condor Qatay: Anthropology in Performance (Catherine J. Allen and Nathan Garner) in American Anthropologist 100 (1):34-35

Murray, David A. B.

Sally Merry, “Human Rights and Gender Violence: Translating International Law into Social Justice, Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Association, On Line Book Reviews.

Van Esterik, Penelope

“From Opium to Chrysanthemums” and “ Drug Story”. (video review) News and Reviews, Asian Education Media Services 8 (1): 1-3

Van Esterik, Penelope

Martin Stuart-Fox, “Historical Dictionary of Laos”. Journal of the Siam Society 89(1&2):132

Van Esterik, Penelope

Sid Brown, “The Journey of One Buddhist Nun”. Journal of the Siam Society 89 (1&2):132-3.

Van Esterik, Penelope

Carol J. Ireson.” Field, Forest and Family: Women's Work and Power in Rural Laos" and "Mya Than and Joseph L. H. Tan (eds.). Laos' Dilemmas and Options". Journal of Asian Studies 57(1):281-282.

Van Esterik, Penelope

Susan Bordo. “Unbearable Weight: Feminism, Western Culture and the Body". The Communicator. Washington, D.C.: American Anthropology Association.

Van Esterik, Penelope

V. Maher. Anthropology of Breastfeeding." American Anthropologist 95:728-729.

Van Esterik, Penelope

Snit Smuckarn and Kennon Breazeale. “A Culture in Search of Survival: The Phuan of Thailand and Laos." Journal of Asian History 24(2):220-221.

Van Esterik, Penelope

Josephine Reynell. “Political Pawns: Refugees on the Thai-Kampuchean Border." Refuge 9(3):15-16.

Van Esterik, Penelope

Irene Tinker. “Street Foods: Testing Assumptions About Informal Sector Activity by Women and Men." Food and Foodways 3(4):377-378.

Van Esterik, Penelope

A. Eisen. “Women and Revolution in Vietnam” and M. Khaing. “The World of Burmese Women." Canadian Women’s Studies Journal 7:216-217.

Van Esterik, Penelope

Pierre Bourdieu. “Distinction." American Anthropologist 88(2):456-457.

Van Esterik, Penelope

S. Rifkin. “Health Planning and Community Participation." Journal of Asian Studies 45(3):659-660.

Van Esterik, Penelope

J. Robson, ed. “ Food, Ecology and Culture." Journal of Nutrition Education 13(3):123

Van Esterik, Penelope

S. Potter. “Family Life in Northern Thailand." American Anthropologist 81(4):945.

Van Esterik, Penelope

2009 Trbovich, A.S. "A Legal Geography of Yugoslavia’s Disintegration." New York: Oxford University Press 2008 H-Net: Humanities and Social Sciences Review On-line

Winland, Daphne

2008 Green, S. F., "Notes from the Balkans: Locating Marginality and Ambiguity in the Greek-Albanian Border." Princeton: Princeton University. 2005. Journal of Modern Greek Studies, 29(2): 494-495

Winland, Daphne

2002 Das, V., A. “Kleinman, M. Lock, M. Ramphele and P. Reynolds (eds.) Remaking a World: Violence, Social Suffering, and Recovery.” University of California Press, 2001. American Ethnologist, 29(3): 756-758

Winland, Daphne

1996 Donnelly, N. “Changing Lives of Refugee Among Women” (Philadelphia, Pa.: Temple University Press) in Contemporary Sociology, 25(1): 37-38.

Winland, Daphne

1996 Chan, S. Hmong Means Free (Seattle University Washington Press) in Contemporary Sociology, 25(1):38-39

Winland, Daphne

1995 Margolis, M. Little Brazil: An Ethnography of Brazilian Immigrants in New York City (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press) in Canadian Journal of Urban Research 4#1:163-164

Winland, Daphne

Troubling Natural Categories: Engaging the Medical Anthropology of Margaret Lock. Naomi Adelson, Leslie Butt and Karina Kielmann, eds. McGill-Queen's University

Adelson, Naomi

“Being Alive Well”: Health and the Politics of Cree Well-Being. University of Toronto Press (Reprinted 2002, 2004), 141pp.

Adelson, Naomi

Othon Alexandrakis. 2022. Radical Resilience: Athenian Topographies of Precocity and Possibility. Cornell University Press: Ithaca and London.

Alexandrakis, Othon

Alexandrakis, Othon (Editor). 2016. Impulse to Act: A New Anthropology of Resistance and Social Justice. Indiana University Press.

Alexandrakis, Othon

The Cultural Life of Intellectual Properties: Authorship, Appropriation and the Law. (Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 1998) 462 pp. Reprinted in 2008.

Coombe, Rosemary

Denielle Elliott and Matthew Wolf-Meyer, eds. 2024 Naked Fieldnotes: A rough guide to ethnographic writing. University of Minnesota Press.

Elliott, Denielle A

Denielle Elliott and Dara Culhane, eds. 2021 November Réinventer L’ethnographie: pratiques imaginatives et méthodologies créatives. Quebec City: University of Laval Press.

Elliott, Denielle A

2018 Reimagining Science and Statecraft in Postcolonial Kenya: Stories from an African Scientist. London: Routledge Press.

Elliott, Denielle A

Denielle Elliott and Dara Culhane, eds. 2016 A Different Kind of Ethnography. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

Elliott, Denielle A

Giles, Wenona

Giles, Wenona

Giles, Wenona

Giles, Wenona

2021 Special Issue. Engaging the Urban from the Periphery. South Asia Multidisciplinary Academic Journal. SAMAJ. Volume 26. Co-edited with Loraine Kennedy and Ashima Sood.

Gururani, Shubhra

2021 Special Issue. Agrarian Urbanisation: Emerging Entanglements of Land, Labour and Capital. Urbanisation. Volume 6:1. Co-edited with Sai Balakrishnan.

Gururani, Shubhra

2018 Special Issue. Frontier Urbanism: Urbanisation Beyond Cities in South Asia. Co-edited with Rajarshi Dasgupta. Review of Urban Affairs. Economic and Political Weekly. Volume 53. Issue No. 12. March 24.

Gururani, Shubhra

2015 Special Issue. Ethnographies of the Political: Honouring Malcolm
Blincow. Anthropologica. Volume 57: 1. Co-edited with Karl Schmid

Gururani, Shubhra

2015 Gender in the Himalaya: Feminist Explorations of Identity, Place, and Positionality. Himal Books. Co-edited with Kim Berry.

Gururani, Shubhra

2014 Themed Issue. Gender in the Himalaya. Himalaya: The Journal of the
Association of Nepal and Himalayan Studies. Co-edited with Kim Berry. Vol. 34: No. 1

Gururani, Shubhra

2014 Special Issue New Frontiers of Ecological Knowledge: Co-producing
Knowledge and Governance in Asia. Conservation and Society. Co-edited
with Peter Vandergeest. Winter

Gururani, Shubhra

Approaches to the Qur'an in Sub-Saharan Africa. Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780198840770. Covering a period from the eighteenth century to the early twenty-first century, this multidisciplinary volume examines Muslim engagements with the Qur'an in a variety of geographical locations in sub-Saharan Africa including Burkina Faso, Kenya, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, and Tanzania. The volume's twelve case studies use different frameworks and methodological approaches from the academic disciplines of philology, historiography, anthropology, and art history. These studies explore a variety of media and modalities that Muslims in sub-Saharan Africa, as elsewhere, use in their engagements with the Qur'an. These include: manuscripts; commentaries; translations; recitations and invocations; music and poetry; magical squares and symbolic repertoire; medicinal and curative acts; textiles, ink, paper, and wooden boards; spaces of education, healing and prayer, as well as spaces of dreams and spirit worlds. As such, the case studies move well beyond the materiality of the Qur'an as a physical book to explore the ways in which the Qur'an is understood, felt and imagined, as well as the contestations and debates that arise from these diverse engagements.

Hirji, Zulfikar

Islam: An Illustrated Journey. Farhad Daftary and Zulfikar Hirji. 2018. Azimuth Editions in Association with the Institute of Ismaili Studies. ISBN: 1898592357. Beginning in the world of late antiquity and the pre-Islamic period, the book takes the reader through Islam’s formative era and early development in the Arabian Peninsula, the rise and decline of major Muslim dynasties and finally into its place in the modern world.

Lavishly illustrated and written in an accessible style, Islam: An Illustrated Journey tells the story of Islam, a faith that is today practised by more than a billion people and is the fastest growing religion in the world.

The book contains a multitude of images, graphics, maps and charts, features many of the masterpieces of art, architecture and literature produced by Muslims along with an easy-to-use glossary and a detailed bibliography that will appeal to both general audiences and enthusiasts of Islamic societies and cultures and world civilizations.

Hirji, Zulfikar

Between Empires: Sheikh-Sir Mbarak al-Hinawy (1896-1959). Azimuth Editions. 2012. ISBN: 1898592099. An illustrated biography of one of the most famous governors of the East African coast. This scholarly publication uses numerous photographs and is based on newly discovered family archives and other primary sources. It also explores the growth and development of Mombasa from the 19th century up to the 1950s, its Arab and Swahili communities, and its unique cosmopolitain culture.

Hirji, Zulfikar

Diversity and Pluralism in Islam and Muslim Contexts: Historical and Contemporary Discourses amongst Muslims I.B.Tauris & Co Ltd, 2010 ISBN: 9781848853027 For more than fourteen hundred years Muslims have held multiple and diverging views about their religious tradition. This divergence encompasses such matters as authority; ritual practice; political power; law and governance; civic life; and the form and content of individual and communal expressions of their faith. Over the centuries Muslims have regularly debated these issues amongst themselves. However, despite the remarkable diversity of the Islamic tradition, and the plurality of understandings about Islam, Muslims are regularly and erroneously portrayed as internally homogeneous and dogmatic. This important book challenges such propositions by examining the ways in which matters of common concern to Muslims have been discussed by them and examined. The volume explores the processes by which Muslims construct notions of the self, the other and community, and addresses the socio-cultural tools that they employ in so doing. Offering contributions by world-class scholars, "Diversity and Pluralism in Islam" applies insights from a range of disciplines, including anthropology, history, literature, political theory, comparative literature and Islamic studies.

Hirji, Zulfikar

The Ismailis: An Illustrated History. Azimuth Editions in Association with Institute of Ismaili Studies. 2008. ISBN-10: 1898592268. Farhad Daftary and Zulfikar Hirji. This book contains some 400 images of manuscripts, artifacts and monuments, community documents as well as important historical and contemporary photographs. Based on modern scholarship in the fields of Ismaili and Islamic Studies, the book offers a comprehensive and accessible account of Ismaili history and intellectual achievements, set in the wider contexts of Islamic and world history.

Hirji, Zulfikar

2011 “On Edge in an Impossible Topics” In David Picard and Mike Robinson, eds., Emotion in Motion: Tourism, Awe and Inner Journeys, Pp. 163-186. Farnham: Ashgate Publishing Ltd.

Little, William Kenneth

2011 “The Tourists are Just Wild about Harry, or Not: Becoming Insensible on a Beach in Belize.” In David Picard, ed. Tourism and the Seductions of Difference. Conference Proceedings of the Tourism Contact, Culture Research Network (TOCOCU), Lisbon, Portugal.

Little, William Kenneth

2010 “Paradise is as Paradise Doesn’t: Tourist Encounters on Edge, at the Edge of a Beach in Belize” In Mike Robinson, ed. Resorting to the Coast: Tourism, Heritage and Cultures of the Seaside. Conference Proceedings, Blackpool, UK. Centre for Tourism and Cultural Change and the Institute of Northern Studies, Leeds-Metropolitan University (On line)

Little, William Kenneth

2010 “On the Nervous Edge of an Impossible Tropics” In Jeremy Kuster and Mike Robinson, eds. Emotion in Motion: The Passion of Tourism, Travel, and Movement. Conference Proceedings, Centre for Tourism and Cultural Change, Leeds-Metropolitan University, (On Line).

Little, William Kenneth

2010 “Paradise from the Other side of Nowhere: Troubling a Troubled Scene of Tourist Encounter in Belize.” Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change. Vol. 8, No. 1-2: 1-14.

Little, William Kenneth

2009 “On the Nervous Edge of an Impossible Tropics.” In-Tensions Vol. 3 (Fall):1-28(

Little, William Kenneth

2009 “Slobodin as Example: A Note on the Dialectics of Style” In Richard J. Preston, ed. A Kindly Scrutiny of Human Nature: Essays in Honour of Richard Slobodin, pp. 25-32. Wilfrid Laurier University Press.

Little, William Kenneth

2007 “Belize Ephemera” In Mike Robinson, ed. Things that Move: The Material World of Tourism and Travel. Conference Proceedings, Centre for Tourism and Cultural Change, Leeds, UK: Leeds Metropolitan University. (On-line)

Little, William Kenneth

2006 “From Sacrificial Victim to Tourist Icon: An Elvis Presley Pilgrimage and the Making of a Globalized Culture of Spectacle Consumption.” In Mike Robinson and David Picard, eds., Journeys of Expressions V: Tourism and the Roots/Routes of Tourism. The Belfast Conference Proceedings, Centre for Tourism and Cultural Change, Sheffield, UK: Sheffield Halam University. (On-line)

Little, William Kenneth

2006 “Circus In Ruins: A Comment on ‘Lions on Display: Culture, Nature, and Totality in a Circus Performance,’ by Yoram Carmelli.” Poetics Today 27(3): 597-614.

Little, William Kenneth

2006 “Pitu’s Doubt: Entrée Clown Self-fashioning in the Circus Tradition” In Joel Schechter, ed., Popular Theatre: A Sourcebook. Pp. 138-149. London and New York: Routlegde. (re-issued 1986 article)

Little, William Kenneth

2005 “Paradise from the Other Side of Nowhere: Troubling a Troubled Scene of Tourist Encounter” In David Picard and Mike Robinson, eds., Tourism and Performance: Scripts, Stages, and Stories. Conference Proceedings, Centre for Tourism and Cultural Change, Sheffield, UK: Sheffield Halam University. (On-line)

Little, William Kenneth

2003 "Pitu's Doubt: Entrée Clown Self-fashioning in the Circus Tradition" In Joel Schechter, ed., Popular Theatre: A Sourcebook. Pp. 138-149. London and New York: Routlegde. (re-issued article)

Little, William Kenneth

1995 Talking Circus not Culture: The Politics of Identity in European Circus Discourse. Qualitative Inquiry 1 (3): 346-359.

Little, William Kenneth

1994 Reading Archaos: Transgression, Surveillance, and the Spaces of Power in Popular Entertainment. In J. Marriott & I. Neuman (eds.), Sensoria from Censorium 2 . Mangagin Books, pp.1-8.

Little, William Kenneth

1993 Masochism, Spectacle, and the ‘Broken Mirror' Clown Entrée: A Note on the Anthropology of Performance in Postmodern Culture. Cultural Anthropology 8 (1): 117-129.

Little, William Kenneth

1991 The Rhetoric of Romance and the Simulation of Tradition in Circus Clown Performance. Theme issue, "The Semiotics of the Circus," Semiotica 85 (3/4): 227-255.

Little, William Kenneth

1991 A Mutual Parody of Meaning in Circus Clown and Ethnographic Discourse. Theme issue, "From Method to Modesty: Essays on Thinking and Making Ethnography," Culture 11 (1/2): 77-92.

Little, William Kenneth

1991 On Safari: The Visual Politics of a Tour Representation. In D. Howes (ed.), The Varieties of Sensory Experience: A Sourcebook in the Anthropology of the Senses. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, pp. 149-163.

Little, William Kenneth

L Wallace, M MacDonald and K Storeng (eds). Anthropologies of Global Maternal Health: From policy spaces to sites of practice. Chams, SW: Springer Nature. Open Access at

MacDonald, Margaret

2007 At Work in the Field of Birth: Midwifery Narratives of Nature, Tradition and Home. Nashville: Vanderbilt University Press.

MacDonald, Margaret

2021 Living with HIV in 'Post Crisis' Times: Beyond the Endgame (editor). Lanham: Lexington Books.

Murray, David A. B.

2016 Real Queer? Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Refugees in the Canadian Refugee Apparatus. Rowman and Littlefield International. Winner of the 2016 Ruth Benedict Prize for Outstanding Monograph, American Anthropological Association.

Murray, David A. B.

2016 Queering Borders: Language, Sexuality and Migration (editor). Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company

Murray, David A. B.

2012 Flaming Souls: Homosexuality, Homophobia and Social Change in Barbados. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

Murray, David A. B.

2009 Homophobias: Lust and Loathing Across Time and Space. Duke University Press (Editor). Winner of the 2010 Ruth Benedict Prize for Best Edited Volume, American Anthropological Association.

Murray, David A. B.

2002 Opacity: Gender, Sexuality, Race and the ‘Problem’ of Identity in Martinique New York: Peter Lang

Murray, David A. B.

Merchant Kings: Corporate Governmentality in the Dutch Colonial Empire, 1815-1870 (Berghahn Books; New York, 2021)

Schrauwers, Albert

“Union is Strength”: W.L. Mackenzie, the Children of Peace and the Emergence of Joint Stock Democracy in Upper Canada (Toronto, University of Toronto Press).

Schrauwers, Albert

Co-editor with Deborah James, “An Apartheid of Souls: Dutch and Afrikaner Colonialism and its aftermath.” Special Issue of Itinerario 27 (3/4).

Schrauwers, Albert

Colonial "Reformation" in the Highlands of Central Sulawesi, Indonesia, 1892-1995 (Toronto, Anthropological Horizons Series 14, University of Toronto Press).

Schrauwers, Albert

Awaiting the Millennium: The Children of Peace and the Village of Hope, 1812-1889 (University of Toronto Press: Toronto, 1993)

Schrauwers, Albert

Food Culture in Southeast Asia. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press. (141pp.)

Van Esterik, Penelope

Food and Culture: A reader, Second Edition. (ed. with Carole Counihan). New York: Routledge Press.

Van Esterik, Penelope

Head, Heart and Hand: Partnerships for Women’s Hearth in Canadian Environments. 2 Volumes, NNEWH, York University.

Van Esterik, Penelope

Risks, Rights and Regulation: Communicating about Risks and Infant Feeding. WABA: Penang (93pp).

Van Esterik, Penelope

Cultural Anthropology. First Canadian Edition. (with B. Miller, J. Van Esterik). Toronto: Pearson Education. (Second Canadian Edition, 2004; Third Canadian Edition 2006)

Van Esterik, Penelope

Materializing Thailand. Oxford: Berg Press. (274pp.)

Van Esterik, Penelope

Food and Culture: A Reader (ed. with Carole Counihan). New York: Routledge Press.

Van Esterik, Penelope

Development and Diaspora: Gender Implications of the Refugee Experience (ed., with Wenona Giles and Helena Moussa). Dundas, Ontario: Artemis Press.

Van Esterik, Penelope

Women of Southeast Asia. Editor. Revised Second Edition. DeKalb, Illinois: Southeast Asia Monograph Series, Northern Illinois University. (First published 1982.)

Van Esterik, Penelope

The Transformative Power of Cloth in Southeast Asia (ed., with Lynne Milgram). Montreal: Canadian Asian Studies Association. 186pp.

Van Esterik, Penelope

Taking Refuge: Lao Buddhists in North America. Tempe, Arizona and North York, Ont.: Program for Southeast Asian Studies, Arizona State University and York Lanes Press. 148pp. (Reissued with new introduction, 2003)

Van Esterik, Penelope

Women, Work, and Breastfeeding. Cornell International Nutrition Monograph 23. Ithaca, New York: Division of Nutritional Sciences, Cornell University. 96pp. (Mujer, Trabajo Y Lactancia Materna, Spanish translation)

Van Esterik, Penelope

Gender and Development in Southeast Asia (ed. with John Van Esterik). Montreal: Canadian Asian Studies Association. 214pp.

Van Esterik, Penelope

Di Balik Kontroversi Asi-Susu Formula. Jakarta, Indonesia: Yayasan Obor Indonesia. (Indonesian translation of Beyond the Breast Bottle Controversy.) 205pp.

Van Esterik, Penelope

Beyond the Breast Bottle Controversy. New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press. (Simultaneously published as Mother Power and Infant Feeding, London, Zed Press.) 242pp.

Van Esterik, Penelope

Techniques of Healing in Southeast Asia (ed. with C. Laderman). Social Science and Medicine 17(8):747-877.

Van Esterik, Penelope

Intra-Family Food Distribution: Its Relevance for Maternal and Child Health. Ithaca, New York: Cornell Nutrition Surveillance Program.113 pp. (Republished 1985 in: Determinants of Young Child Feeding and Their Implications for Nutritional Surveillance, M. C. Latham, ed., Cornell International Nutrition Monograph 14. Ithaca, New York: Division of Nutritional Sciences, Cornell University.)

Van Esterik, Penelope

Cognition and Design Production in Ban Chiang Painted Pottery. Athens, Ohio: Center for International Studies, Southeast Asia Monograph Series, Ohio University Press. 88pp.

Van Esterik, Penelope

Moral Figures: Making Reproduction Public in Vanuatu. Toronto: University of Toronto Press

Widmer, Sandra

Health and Difference: Rendering Human Variation in Colonial Engagements (First editor, with Veronika Lipphardt). NY: Berghahn Books.

Widmer, Sandra

Twentieth Century Population Thinking: A Critical Reader of Primary and Secondary Sources (with Population Knowledge Network). London: Routledge

Widmer, Sandra

“Time and the Expert: Temporalities and the Social Life of Expertise” Anthropologica 55(2). (guest edited collection with Jean Mitchell)

Widmer, Sandra

2007 We Are Now a Nation: Croats between ‘Home’ and ‘Homeland’ Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 264 pp. (Paperback 2013)

Winland, Daphne

journal articles

Naomi Adelson and Michele Olding. "Narrating Aboriginality On-Line: Digital Storytelling, Identity and Healing." Journal of Community Informatics 9(2). e-Journal

Adelson, Naomi

Lisa Schwartz, Matthew Hunt, Chris Sinding, Laurie Elit, Lynda Redwood-Campbell, Naomi Adelson, Sonya deLaat. 'Models for Humanitarian Health Care Ethics.' Public Health Ethics 5(1): 81-90. doi: 10.1093/phe/phs005

Adelson, Naomi

Graham, Janice, Naomi Adelson, Sylvie Fortin, Gilles Bibeau, Margaret Lock, Sandra Hyde, Mary Ellen Macdonald, Ignace Olazabal, Peter Stephenson, and James Waldram. “The End of Medical Anthropology in Canada? A Manifesto.” University Affairs. March 2011.

Adelson, Naomi

Schwartz, Lisa, Sinding, Christina, Hunt, Matthew, Elit, Laurie, Redwood-Campbell, Lynda, Adelson, Naomi, Luther, Lori, Ranford, Jennifer and DeLaat, Sonya. 'Ethics in Humanitarian Aid Work: Learning From the Narratives of Humanitarian Health Workers', AJOB Primary Research, 1(3): 45-54.

Adelson, Naomi

“The Fit of Health: The Embodiment of an Ideal and its Implications.” In: Illness, Bodies, Contexts: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Isabelle Lange & Zoe Norridge, eds. Oxford: Inter-disciplinary Press, 49-56

Adelson, Naomi

Discourses of Stress, Social Inequities, and the Everyday Worlds of First Nations Women in a Remote Northern Canadian Community. Ethos 36(3): 316-333.

Adelson, Naomi

“Biomedical Approach a Poor Fit with Aboriginal Views on Health and Healing.” Canadian Psychiatry Aujourd’hui. February 2007, Vol 3(1): 10.

Adelson, Naomi

“The Embodiment of Inequity: Health Disparities in Aboriginal Canada”. Canadian Journal of Public Health (March-April). Vol 96 (Supplement 2): S45-60.

Adelson, Naomi

"La Souffrance Collective: Une Analyse Anthropologique De L’Incarnation D’Injustice." (Trans. Sophie Desjardins) Revue québécoise de psychologie 26(2): 111-127.

Adelson, Naomi

“Health and the Politics of Cree Well-Being.” Health: An Interdisciplinary Journal for the Study of Health, Illness and Medicine 2(1): 5-22

Adelson, Naomi

Alexandrakis, Othon. 2016. “Incidental Activism: Graffiti and Political Possibility in Athens, Greece.” Cultural Anthropology 31(2): 272-296.

Alexandrakis, Othon

Alexandrakis, Othon. 2015. "Transformative Connections: Trauma, Cooperative Horizons, and Emerging Political Topographies in Athens, Greece." History and Anthropology 27 (1):32-44.

Alexandrakis, Othon

Othon Alexandrakis. 2013. “Neoliberalism and the New Agora: Exploring Survival, Emergence, and Political Subjectivity among Pluralized Subaltern Communities in Athens, Greece.” Anthropological Quarterly. 86(1): 77-106.

Alexandrakis, Othon

Posthuman Rights Struggles and Environmentalisms from Below in the Political Ontologies of Colombia and Ecuador (with David J. Jefferson). Journal of Human Rights and the Environment 12 (2): 177-204.

Coombe, Rosemary

Transforming the Work of Geographical Indications to Decolonize Racialized Labor and Support Agroecology (with Sajjid Ali Malik). 8 (3) UC Irvine Law Review 363-412 (special issue titled Intellectual Property and Human Rights).

Coombe, Rosemary

The Knowledge Economy and its Cultures: Neoliberalism and Latin American Reterritorializations. HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory 6 (3): 247-75 (special issue symposium titled Language and Political Economy Revisited).

Coombe, Rosemary

Marks Indicating Conditions of Production in Rights-based Sustainable Development (with Nicole Aylwin). “Brand New Worlds” special issue. University of California Davis Law Review 47(3): 753-786.

Coombe, Rosemary

Bordering Diversity and Desire: Using Intellectual Property to Mark Place-based Products (with Nicole Aylwin). Environment and Planning A: Society and Space43(9): 2027-2042.

Coombe, Rosemary

What’s Feminist about Open Access? A Relational Approach to Copyright in the Academy (with Carys Craig and Joseph F. Turcotte). feminists@law: an open access journal of feminist legal scholarship 1(1): ISSN: 2046-9551. (

Coombe, Rosemary

Honing a Critical Cultural Study of Human Rights. Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies 7 (3): 230-246.

Coombe, Rosemary

“Intellectual Property Issues in Heritage Management Part 2: Legal Dimensions, Ethical Considerations, and Collaborative Research Practices,” Journal of Heritage Management (with George Nicholas, Catherine Bell, John Welch, Brian Noble, Jane Anderson, Kelly Bannister, and Joe Watkins). 3: 117-147.

Coombe, Rosemary

“The Expanding Purview of Cultural Properties and their Politics.” Annual Review of Law and Social Sciences< 5: 393-412.
• Translated and reprinted as “Der zunehmende Geltungsbereich von Cultural Properties und ihrer Politik.” In: R. Bendix, K. Bizer, S. Groth, eds. Die Konstituierung von Cultural Property: Forschungsperspektiven. University of Göttingen Press, 2010

Coombe, Rosemary

“Your Second Life? The Performativity of Intellectual Property in Online Games” (with Andrew Herman and Lewis Kaye). Cultural Studies 20 (2&3): 184-210.
• Reprinted in Pramod K. Nayar, ed., The New Media and Cybercultures Reader (Wiley Blackwell, 2010) 441-464.

Coombe, Rosemary

“Protecting Traditional Environmental Knowledge and New Social Movements in the Americas: Intellectual Property, Human Right or Claims to an Alternative Form of Sustainable Development?” Florida Journal of International Law 17(1): 115-136.

Coombe, Rosemary

“Legal Claims to Culture in and Against the Market: Neoliberalism and the Global Proliferation of Meaningful Difference” Law, Culture and Humanities 1(1): 32-55.
Reprinted in Eve Darien-Smith, ed., Ethnography and Law (a volume in the International Library of Essays in Law and Society, Aldershott: Ashgate Publishing, 2007) 95-115.

Coombe, Rosemary

“The Human Genome Diversity Project: The Politics of Patents at the Intersection of Race, Religion Research Ethics, and Human Rights” (with Bita Amani). 27 Law and Policy 27 (1): 152-188 (Special issue on Law, Technology and Development).
• Reprinted in William Gallagher, ed., Intellectual Property (a volume in the International Library of Essays in Law and Society, Aldershott: Ashgate Publishing, 2007) 479-518.

Coombe, Rosemary

“Rhetorical Virtues: Property, Speech and the Commons on the world-wide Web” (With Andrew Herman). Anthropology Quarterly 77: 559-574.

Coombe, Rosemary

“Fear, Hope, and Longing for the Future of Authorship and a Revitalized Public Domain in Global Regimes of Intellectual Property.” De Paul Law Review 52: 171-1191.

Coombe, Rosemary

“The Recognition of Indigenous Peoples’ and Community Traditional Knowledge in International Law.” St. Thomas Law Review 14: 275-285.

Coombe, Rosemary

“Culture Wars on the Net: Trademarks, Consumer Politics and Corporate Accountability on the World Wide Web.” South Atlantic Quarterly 100: 919 - 947 (co-authored with Andrew Herman). Special issue on “Culture and the Law” edited by Gaurav Desai.
• Reprinted in William T. Gallagher, ed., Intellectual Property (a volume in the International Library of Essays in Law and Society, Aldershott: Ashgate Publishing, 2007) 579-608.

Coombe, Rosemary

2000 “Trademarks, Property, and Propriety: The Moral Economy of Consumer Politics and Corporate Accountability on the World Wide Web.” De Paul Law Review 50: 597-632. (coauthored with Andrew Herman)

Coombe, Rosemary

1999 “The Law and Late Modern Culture: Reflections on Between Facts and Norms from the Perspective of a Critical Cultural Legal Studies” (with Jonathan Cohen). Symposium Issue on Jurgen Habermas. University of Denver Law Review 76: 1029-1055.

Coombe, Rosemary

1998 “Critical Cultural Legal Studies.” Yale Journal of Law & the Humanities 10: 463-486.

Coombe, Rosemary

1998 “Intellectual Property, Human Rights, and Sovereignty: New Dilemmas in International Law Posed by the Recognition of Indigenous Knowledge and the Conservation of Biodiversity” Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies 6 (1): 59-115.

Coombe, Rosemary

1997 “En/gendering and Identifying the Forms of Emergent Civil Societies: New Directions in Political Anthropology.” Guest-editor's introduction to a special issue on Civil Society in Postcolonial Contexts. PoLAR: Political & Legal Anthropology Review 20: 1-12.

Coombe, Rosemary

1996 “Embodied Trademarks: Mimesis & Alterity on American Commercial Frontiers.” Cultural Anthropology 11(2): 202-224.

Coombe, Rosemary

1996 “Authorial Cartographies: Mapping Proprietary Borders in a Less Than Brave New World.” Stanford Law Review 48(5): 1357-1366.

Coombe, Rosemary

1996 “Left Out on the Information Highway.” Oregon Law Review 75: 237-247.

Coombe, Rosemary

1995 “The Cultural Life of Things: Anthropological Approaches to Law and Society in Conditions of Globalization.” American University Journal of International Law and Policy 10(2): 91-836.
• Reprinted in Alexandra George, ed., Globalisation and Intellectual Property (a volume in the International Library of Essays on Globalization and Law Series. Aldershott: Ashgate Publishing, 2006) 590-610.
• Abbreviated version reprinted in Nicholas Blomley, David Delaney, and Richard T. Ford, eds., The Legal Geographies Reader (Oxford and Malden, MA: Basil Blackwell, 2001) 298-318.

Coombe, Rosemary

1995 “Marking Difference in American Commerce: Trademarks and Alterity at Century's Ends.” Canadian Journal of Law & Society 10(2): 109-128.
• Reprinted in POLAR: Political & Legal Anthropology Review 19(1): 105-116 (1996).

Coombe, Rosemary

1994 “X Marks the Spot: The Ambiguities of African Trading in the Commerce of the Black Public Sphere.” Public Culture: Society for Transnational Studies 7 (2): 249-274 (with Paul Stoller).
• Reprinted in The Public Sphere Collective, ed., The Black Public Sphere (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1995) 253-278.

Coombe, Rosemary

1994 “Challenging Paternity: Histories of Copyright.” Yale Journal of Law and the Humanities 6: 397-422.

Coombe, Rosemary

1993 “Tactics of Appropriation and the Politics of Recognition in Late Modern Democracies.” Political Theory: An International Journal of Political Philosophy 21 (3): 411 - 433.

Coombe, Rosemary

1993 “The Properties of Culture and the Politics of Possessing Identity: Native Claims in the Cultural Appropriation Controversy.” Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence 6 (2): 249 - 285.
• Reprinted in Elspeth Cameron ed., Multiculturalism & Immigration in Canada: An Introductory Reader (Toronto: Canadian Scholars Press, 2004) 133-158.
• Abbreviated version reprinted in Karen Engle and Dan Danielson, eds., After Identity: A Reader in Law and Culture (New York: Routledge, 1995) 251-272.
• Another abbreviation reprinted in Bruce Ziff, ed., Borrowed Power: Issues of Cultural Appropriation (New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 1997) 75-96.
• Abbreviated in Patty Girstenblith ed., Art, Cultural Heritage and the Law (Durham: Carolina Academic Press, 2004) 541-545 and in the Second Edition (2008) 596-99.

Coombe, Rosemary

1993 “Cultural and Intellectual Property: Occupying the Colonial Imagination.” POLAR: Political and Legal Anthropology Review 16 (1): 8 - 16.
• Reprinted in P. Drahos, ed., Intellectual Property a volume in the International Library of Essays in Legal Thought and Legal Theory series (Aldershot: Dartmouth Publishing, 1999) 171-180.

Coombe, Rosemary

1992 “Author/izing the Celebrity: Publicity Rights, Postmodern Politics, and Unauthorized Genders.” Special issue titled “Intellectual Property and the Construction of Authorship.” Cardozo Arts and Entertainment Law Journal 10: 365 - 395.
• Reprinted in Martha Woodmansee and Peter Jaszi, eds., The Construction of Authorship: Textual Appropriations in Law and Literature (Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 1994) 101 - 131.
• Reprinted in Peter Yu, ed., The Marketplace of Ideas: Twenty Years of the Cardozo Arts and Entertainment Law Journal (New York: Kluwer International, 2002) 236-266.
• Reprinted in W. Gallagher, ed., Intellectual Property (a volume in the International Library of Essays in Law and Society, Ashgate 2007) 519-550.

Coombe, Rosemary

1992 “The Celebrity Image and Cultural Identity: Publicity Rights and the Subaltern Politics of Gender.” Discourse: Journal for Theoretical Studies in Media & Culture 14(3): 59 – 88 (1992).
• Reprinted in Toby Miller, ed., The Contemporary Hollywood Reader (Routledge 2009) 453-471.

Coombe, Rosemary

1992 “Publicity Rights and Political Aspiration: Mass Culture, Gender Identity and Democracy.” New England Law Review 26 (4): 1221-1280 (1992).

Coombe, Rosemary

1991 “Beyond Modernity's Meanings: Engaging the Postmodern in Cultural Anthropology.” Culture: Journal of the Canadian Anthropology Society 11(1): 111- 124.

Coombe, Rosemary

1991 “Objects of Property and Subjects of Politics: Intellectual Property Laws and Democratic Dialogue.” Texas Law Review 69: 1853 - 1880.
• Reprinted in Dennis Patterson ed., Postmodernism and Law, in The International Library of Essays in Legal Theory (Dartmouth, 1993) 275-302.
• Reprinted in Alan Freeman and Elizabeth Mensch, eds., Essays in Property. Volume II (Dartmouth, 1992) 415-442.
• Abbreviated for inclusion in M. La France, G. Myers, and D. Lange, eds., Intellectual Property (West Publishing, 1997).

Coombe, Rosemary

1991 “Contesting the Self: Negotiating Subjectivities in Nineteenth Century Ontario Defamation Trials.” Studies in Law, Politics and Society 11: 3-40.

Coombe, Rosemary

1991 “Encountering the Postmodern: New Directions in Cultural Anthropology.” Symposium issue titled “Cultural Studies in Canada: Sociological and Anthropological Perspectives” Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology 28: 188-205.

Coombe, Rosemary

1991 “The Potential for an Interdisciplinary Approach to Intellectual Property Scholarship.” Introduction to a special issue of my student’s essays Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Intellectual Property Issues. Intellectual Property Journal 6: 265-269.

Coombe, Rosemary

1990 “Barren Ground: Reconceiving Honour and Shame in the Field of Mediterranean Ethnography.” Anthropologica 32: 221-238.

Coombe, Rosemary

1989 “Same As It Ever Was: Rethinking the Politics of Legal Interpretation.” McGill Law Journal 34: 603-652.

Coombe, Rosemary

1989 “Room for Manoeuver: Toward a Theory of Practice in Critical Legal Studies.” Law & Social Inquiry: Journal of the American Bar Foundation 14(1): 69-121.

Coombe, Rosemary

1988 “' The Most Disgusting, Disgraceful and Inequitous Proceeding in our Law': The Action for Breach of Promise of Marriage in Nineteenth Century Ontario.” University of Toronto Law Journal 38: 64-108.

Coombe, Rosemary

Davidson, L. (2022). Nourishing the Body, Disenfranchising the Spirit: Convivial Hospitality, Dignity, and Commensality in a Presbyterian Church in Toronto. Anthropologica, 64(2).

Davidson, Lisa

Property-work, work of property: figuring land and caste in an urbanizing frontier

Gururani, Shubhra

Property-work, work of property: figuring land and caste in an urbanizing frontier

Gururani, Shubhra

2021 “Situating Suburban Ecologies in the Global South:
Notes from India’s periphery.” Eds. Maria Kaika, RogeTait Mandler, Yannis Tzaninis. Moving UPE beyond the city: towards an integrated political ecology of suburbanization (forthcoming)

Gururani, Shubhra

2022 (forthcoming) “Co-existing Heterogeneity": Urban Frontiers in the Global South.”
Eds. Jennifer Robinson and Patrick LeGales. Routledge Handbook of Comparative Urban Studies.

Gururani, Shubhra

2021 “The Co-production of Space, Politics and Subjectivities in India’s Urban
Peripheries.” In South Asia Multidisciplinary Academic Journal (SAMAJ) Co-author Loraine Kennedy.

Gururani, Shubhra

2021 “New Terrain of Agrarian Urban Studies: Limits and Possibilities” Urbanisation. Volume 6:1 Co-author Sai Balakrishnan.

Gururani, Shubhra

2021 “Land as an Intermittent Commodity: Ethnographic Insights from India's Urban-
agrarian Frontiers.” Co-author Sarasij Majumder. Urbanisation. Volume 6:1

Gururani, Shubhra

2019 ““Designed to Fail”: Technopolitics of Sewage in India’s Urban Periphery.” In Critical Perspectives on Suburban Infrastructures: Contemporary International Cases.Edited by Pierre Filion and Nina M. Pulver.Toronto. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

Gururani, Shubhra

2018 “Frontier Urbanism: Urbanisation Beyond Cities in South Asia.” (with
Rajarshi Dasgupta) in Review of Urban Affairs. Economic and Political Weekly.
Volume 53. No. 12

Gururani, Shubhra

2019 “Cities in a world of villages: Agrarian Urbanism and the making of India’s
urbanizing frontiers,” Urban Geography.

Gururani, Shubhra

2018 “When Land Becomes Gold: Political Ecology of the Commons in an
urbanizing frontier.” In Land Rights, Biodiversity Conservation and Justice: Rethinking parks and people. Co-Editors: Sharlene Mollett and Thembela Kepe. Pages 107 -125. Routledge. Taylor and Francis Group.

Gururani, Shubhra

2017 “Designed to Fail”: Technopolitics of Disavowal and Disdain in an Urbanizing
Frontier.” Economic and Political Weekly. Volume 52. August 30.

Gururani, Shubhra

2015 “Introduction.” Ethnographies of the Political: Honouring Malcolm Blincow. Special Issue of Anthropologica. Volume 57: 1. Co-edited with Karl Schmid

Gururani, Shubhra

2014 “Shifting Terrains: Questions of Governance in India’s Cities and their Peripheries.” In Suburban Governance. Co-editors, Pierre Hamel and Roger Keil. University of Toronto Press. Toronto. (with Burak Kose)

Gururani, Shubhra

2014 "Geographies that Make Resistance”: Remapping the Politics of Gender and Place in Uttarakhand, India," Himalaya, the Journal of the Association for Nepal and Himalayan Studies: Vol. 34: No. 1, Article 12.

Gururani, Shubhra

2014 “Cultural Politics of Gendered Identity, Place and Positionality.” Special Section. Himalaya, The Journal of the Association of Nepal and Himalayan Studies. Vol. 34: No. 1 (with Kim Berry)

Gururani, Shubhra

2014 “Introduction: New Frontiers of Ecological Knowledge: Co-producing Knowledge and Governance in Asia” Special Issue in Conservation and Society. (with Peter Vandergeest)

Gururani, Shubhra

2013 “Flexible Planning: The Making of India’s ‘Millennial City.’” In Ecologies of Urbanism in India. Anne Rademacher and K. Sivaramakrishnan Eds. Hong Kong University Press

Gururani, Shubhra

2013 “On Capital’s Edge: Gurgaon, India’s Millennial City.” In Suburban Constellations: Governance, Land, Infrastructure in the 21st Century. Ed. Roger Keil. Jovis.

Gururani, Shubhra

2012 “Troubled Nature”: Some Reflections on the Changing Nature of the
Millennial City (Gurgaon), India. In The Natural City: Re-Envisioning the Built Environment. Ingrid Stefanovic and Stephen Scharper (Eds.) University of Toronto Press. Toronto.

Gururani, Shubhra

2002 “2002 “Forests of Pleasure and Pain: Gendered Practices of Labor and Livelihood in the Forests of Kumaon Himalayas, India.” Gender, Place, and Culture. Volume 9, No.3.” Gender, Place, and Culture. Volume 9, No.3.

Gururani, Shubhra

2002 “Constructions of Third World Women’s Knowledge in the Development Discourse.” International Social Science Journal. Special Issue on Indigenous Knowledges. No. 173. September.

Gururani, Shubhra

2000 “Regimes of Control, Strategies of Access: Practices of Property and Community in Uttarakhand Himalayas, India.” In Agrarian Environments: Resources, Representations, and Rule in India. Arun Agrawal & K. Sivaramakrishnan (Eds.) Duke University Press. Durham, NC.

Gururani, Shubhra

1997 “The ‘New Traditionalist’ Discourse of Indian Environmentalism." Journal of Peasant Studies with Subir Sinha and Brian Greenberg. Volume 24, No. 3, April 1997. pp. 65 - 99.

Gururani, Shubhra

A Corpus of Illuminated Qur’ans from Coastal East Africa, Journal of Islamic Manuscripts 14:2-4, 2023, 356-395.

This article examines a little-known corpus of illuminated Qurʾān manuscripts that were produced between ca. 1750–ca. 1850 in the Swahili city-states of Pate, Siyu, and Faza on Pate Island in the Lamu archipelago (Kenya). Now dispersed in collections in Kenya, Tanzania, Oman, the UK, and the USA, the manuscripts have many distinctive features: decorative frontispieces, sūra titles, basmalas, and division and prostration markers; locally developed Arabic script styles; colophons containing names of copyists and completion dates; endowment dedications; northern Italian-made paper; and, blind-stamped, leather covers. The list of known manuscripts presented in the appendix is aimed at encouraging the identification, digitization, and study of other manuscripts in the corpus. The study of their content, materiality, and contexts of production can advance scholarship on the histories of Islamic manuscript production in coastal East Africa and provide comparative material for manuscript studies in other regions of Eastern Africa and the Indian Ocean.

Hirji, Zulfikar

The Faza Qur'an: Three Nineteenth-Century Illuminated Manuscripts from Coastal East Africa, Journal of Qur'anic Studies, 2022, 24:2, 21-47.

This article concerns three illuminated Qur’an manuscripts that were produced in coastal East Africa in the first half of the nineteenth century. Two of the manuscripts are currently located in collections in Oman and the third is in a collection in Zanzibar, Tanzania. Analysis shows that these manuscripts comprise three parts of a four-part Qur’an that was copied by ʿAbd al-Karīm b. ʿUmar al-Nawfalī (d. 1274/1857) in Faza, a town located on Pate Island in the Lamu archipelago in Kenya. The article describes the three Faza manuscripts and, using colophon evidence and external sources, situates the copyist and the manuscripts in their historical context. The article also provides a summary of the academic study of illuminated Qur’an manuscripts from coastal East Africa to date and provides a list of these manuscripts.

Hirji, Zulfikar

and Ellen Foley. “The innovation imperative in global health: gendered futurity in the Sayana Press." Medicine, Anthropology, Theory. 9(2): 1–15.

MacDonald, Margaret

2020. “Misoprostol: the life story of a life-saving drug.” Science, Technology & Human Values. (1-26)

MacDonald, Margaret

2019 "The Image World of Maternal Mortality: Visual economies of hope and aspiration in global campaigns to reduce maternal mortality." Humanity. An International Journal of Human Rights, Humanitarianism and Development. 10(2):278-285.

MacDonald, Margaret

2019. with Gorgui Sene Diallo. “Socio cultural contextual factors of an mhealth application to improve maternal health in Senegal: an ethnographic study looking at contextual factors of a mobile health intervention.” BMC Reproductive Health. 16: 141.

MacDonald, Margaret

2018 “The Making of Informed Choice in Ontario Midwifery: A Feminist Experiment in Care.” Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry. 42(2): 278-294.

MacDonald, Margaret

2017 “Why ethnography matters in global health.” Journal of Global Health. 7(2): 1-4.

MacDonald, Margaret

2016 "The Legacy of Midwifery and the Women’s Health Movement in Contemporary Discourses of Patient Choice and Empowerment in Mainstream Biomedicine." Canadian Journal of Midwifery Research and Practice. 15(1): 43-50

MacDonald, Margaret

2011 The cultural evolution of natural birth. The Lancet. 378 (July 30): 394-395.

MacDonald, Margaret

2006 “Gender Expectations: Natural Bodies and Natural Births in the New Midwifery in Ontario.” Medical Anthropology Quarterly. 20(2): 235-256.

MacDonald, Margaret

2006 Bourgeault, IL, Luce, J, & MacDonald, M. “The caring dilemma in midwifery: balancing the needs of midwives and clients in a continuity of care model of practice.” Community, Work and Family. 9(4): 398-406.

MacDonald, Margaret

2001 "The Politics of Representation: Doing and Writing Interested Research on Midwifery." Resources for Feminist Research. 28(1/2): 151-168.

MacDonald, Margaret

2009 MacDonald, M and IL Bourgeault. “The Ontario Midwifery Model of Care.” In R Davis-Floyd and L Barclay (eds.). Birth Models that Work. Berkeley: University of California Press. Pp 89-118.

MacDonald, Margaret

2001 "Postmodern Negotiations with Medical Technology: The Role of Midwifery Clients in the New Midwifery in Canada." Medical Anthropology. 20: 245-276.

MacDonald, Margaret

2023. Queerly Departed: Queer Viral Socialities and Caribbean Migrant Desires. Sexualities

Murray, David A. B.

2022 "Anachronic: Viral Socialities and Project Time among HIV Support Groups in Barbados". Medical Anthropology Quarterly. Online Version

Murray, David A. B.

2021. Opting Out: Aging Gays, HIV/AIDS and the Bio-Politics of Queer Viral Time. Journal of Homosexuality. DOI: 10.1080/00918369.2021.1901503

Murray, David A. B.

2021. Redemption songs: women, religion, and the moral politics of HIV in Barbados. Culture and Religion. DOI: 10.1080/14755610.2021.1903956

Murray, David A. B.

2020 We Are (A Measurable) Family: Affect and Audit in a Toronto HIV/AIDS Service Organization. Anthropologica 62(1):163–175.

Murray, David A. B.

2020 Liberation Nation? Queer Refugees, Homonationalism and the Canadian Necropolitical State. REMHU - Revista Interdisciplinar da Mobilidade Humana v. 28, n. 59.

Murray, David A. B.

2020 Pozitively Me: HIV Support Groups, Culture and Individualism in Toronto. Medical Anthropology. 39(8):689-703

Murray, David A. B.

2018 Learning to be LGBT: Sexual Orientation Refugees and Linguistic Inequality. Critical Multilingualism Studies 6.1 (2018): pp. 2325-2871

Murray, David A. B.

2016 Queer Forms: Producing Documentation in Sexual Orientation Refugee Cases. Anthropological Quarterly 89(2):465–484

Murray, David A. B.

2014 Guest Editor, “Queering Borders: Language, Sexuality, and Migration. Special Issue, Journal of Language and Sexuality 3(1). “Preface” and “To Feel the Truth: Discourse and Emotion in Canadian Sexual Orientation Refugee Hearings”. Journal of Language and Sexuality 3(1):1-5, 6-27

Murray, David A. B.

2014 The (not so) straight story: Queering migration narratives of sexual orientation and gendered identity refugee claimants. Sexualities 17(4), 451-471

Murray, David A. B.

2014 The Challenge of Home for Sexual Orientation and Gendered Identity Refugees in Toronto. Journal of Canadian Studies/Revue d'études canadiennes 48 (1), 132-152

Murray, David A. B.

2014 Real Queer:" Authentic" LGBT Refugee Claimants and Homonationalism in the Canadian Refugee System. Anthropologica 56 (1), 21-32

Murray, David A. B.

2011 "Becoming Queer Here: Integration and Adaptation Experiences of Sexual Minority Refugees in Toronto". Refuge 28(2):127-135

Murray, David A. B.

2010 “Digisex: Cell-phones, Barbadian Queens and Circuits of Desire in the Gay Caribbean” Anthropologica 52(1):103-112

Murray, David A. B.

2009 “Bajan Queens, Nebulous Dreams: Sexual Diversity in Barbados” to Caribbean Review of Gender Studies. Issue #3 (

Murray, David A. B.

2007 “The Civilized Homosexual: Travel Talk and The Project of Gay Identity”. Sexualities 10(1): 49-60

Murray, David A. B.

2006 “East Indies/West Indies: Introduction” (co-written with Tom Boellstorf and Kathryn Robinson) Anthropological Forum 16(3):219-227

Murray, David A. B.

2006 “Whose Right? Human Rights, Sexuality and Social Change in Barbados” Journal of Culture, Health and Sexuality 8(3):267-281

Murray, David A. B.

2003 “Who is Takatapui? Maori Language, Sexuality and Identity in Aotearoa/New Zealand." Anthropologica, 45:233-244

Murray, David A. B.

2002 “Introduction” (co-written with Joel Robbins) and “Queering the Culture Cult” in Social Analysis 46(1):1-3, 80-89.

Murray, David A. B.

2000 “Between a Rock and a Hard Place: The Power and Powerlessness of Transnational Narratives among Gay Martinican Men” in American Anthropologist 102(2):261-270

Murray, David A. B.

2000 “Remapping Carnival: Gender, Sexuality and Power in a Martinican Festival” in Social Analysis 44 (1):103-112

Murray, David A. B.

2000 “Introduction” (co-written with Fiona Magowan and Rosita Henry) and “Haka Fracas? The Dialectics of Identity in Discussions of a Contemporary Maori Dance” in The Australian Journal of Anthropology 11(3):14-26

Murray, David A. B.

2000 Travesti: Sex, Gender and Culture amongst Brazilian Transgendered Prostitutes (Don Kulick) in The Australian Journal of Anthropology 11(1):116-117

Murray, David A. B.

1999 “Laws of Desire? Hegemonic Masculinity in Homosexual and Heterosexual Male Martinican Sexual Narratives” in American Ethnologist 26(1):160-172

Murray, David A. B.

1999 “Cultural Scripts of Language and Sexuality in Martinican Theater: The Improvisational Impasse” in Cultural Anthropology 14(1):88-110

Murray, David A. B.

1998 “Undressing Crossdressing in Martinique’s Carnival” in Sexualities 1(3):343-354

Murray, David A. B.

1998 “Making Haitian Peasants: The Work of Authenticity in Martinican Theatre” in The Australian Journal of Anthropology 9(2):179-193

Murray, David A. B.

“Banknotes, Bookkeeping Barter and Cloth Money: Conversions of ‘Special Purpose Money’ in the Cloth and Dammar Trade of Sulawesi, Indonesia, 1860-1905” Economic Anthropology, available in EarlyView 8(2).

Schrauwers, Albert

“Colonies of Benevolence: A Carceral Archipelago of Empire in the Greater Netherlands” History and Anthropology 31(3): 352-70.

Schrauwers, Albert

“Colonies of Benevolence: A Carceral Archipelago of Empire in the Greater Netherlands” History and Anthropology 31(3): 352-70.

Schrauwers, Albert

“The Spirit of the Gift, the Price of Potency: A Maussian Model of the Southeast Asian State of Luwu” Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 25(4): 738-59.

Schrauwers, Albert

“The Spirit of the Gift, the Price of Potency: A Maussian Model of the Southeast Asian State of Luwu” Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 25(4): 738-59.

Schrauwers, Albert

“Tilting at Windmills: The Utopian Socialist Roots of the Patriot War, 1838–1839” Labour/Le Travail 79(1): 53-80.

Schrauwers, Albert

"Houses of Worship in Sulawesi: Precedence, Hierarchy and Class in the Development of House Ideology" Anthropological Forum 26(4): 333-54.

Schrauwers, Albert

“A Genealogy of Corporate Governmentality in the Realm of the ‘Merchant-King’: The Netherlands Trading Company and the Management of Dutch Paupers” Economy & Society 40(3).

Schrauwers, Albert

“Policing Production: Corporate Governmentality and the Cultivation System” Focaal: Journal of Historical and Global Anthropology, 2011 (61): 75-90.

Schrauwers, Albert

“‘Money bound you – money shall loose you”: Gift Giving, Social Capital and the Meaning of Money in Upper Canada” Comparative Studies in Society and History, 53(2): 1-30.

Schrauwers, Albert

“Regenten (‘Gentlemanly’) Capitalism: Saint-Simonian Technocracy and the emergence of the ‘Industrial Great Club’ in the mid-Nineteenth-Century Netherlands” Enterprise and Society 11(3): 1-31.

Schrauwers, Albert

“The Gentlemanly Order & the Politics of Production in the Transition to Capitalism in Upper Canada” Labour/ Le Travail 65(1): 9-45.

Schrauwers, Albert

“Revolutions without a Revolutionary Moment: Joint Stock Democracy & the Transition to Capitalism in Upper Canada” Canadian Historical Review 89(2): 223-55.

Schrauwers, Albert

“H(h)ouses, E(e)states and Class: On the Importance of Capitals in central Sulawesi” Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde. 160 (1): 71-93.

Schrauwers, Albert

“An Apartheid of Souls: Religious Rationalization in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia”. Itinerario 27 (3/4): 142-159.

Schrauwers, Albert

“The Miser's Store: Property and Traditional Law in the Governance of the Economy.” Journal of Peasant Studies 29(2): 24-46.

Schrauwers, Albert

“Sitting in Silence: Self, Emotion and Tradition in the Genesis of a Charismatic Ministry.” Ethos 29 (4): 1-23.

Schrauwers, Albert

“The Benevolent Colonies of Johannes van den Bosch: Continuities in the Administration of Poverty in the Netherlands and Indonesia” Comparative Studies in Society and History 43(2): 298-328.

Schrauwers, Albert

“Three weddings and a Performance: Marriage, Households and Development in the Highlands of Central Sulawesi”, American Ethnologist 27(4): 1-23.

Schrauwers, Albert

Negotiating Parentage: The Political Economy of Kinship in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia.” American Ethnologist Vol. 26 (2): 310-23.

Schrauwers, Albert

“’Let’s Party’: State Intervention, Discursive Traditionalism and the Labour Process of Highland Rice Cultivators in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia.” Journal of Peasant Studies Vol. 25 (3): 112-30.

Schrauwers, Albert

“Houses, Hierarchy, Headhunting and Exchange: Rethinking Political Relations in the Southeast Asian Realm of Luwu.” Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde vol. 153 (3): 311-35.

Schrauwers, Albert

“The Household and Shared Poverty in the Highlands of Central Sulawesi.” Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, incorporating Man n.s. vol. 1 (2): 337-57.

Schrauwers, Albert

“Commentaries on Premastication: the second arm of infant and young child feeding for health and survival?, Gretel Pelto, Yuanyuan Zhang, and Jean-Pierre Habicht.” Maternal and Child Nutrition 6(1):19-20.

Van Esterik, Penelope

“Infant Feeding Experiences of Women who were Sexually Abused in Childhood. (with Karen Wood) Canadian Family Physician, Vol. 55, 136-141.

Van Esterik, Penelope

Vintage Breastmilk: Exploring the Discusive Limits of Feminine Fluids. Canadian Theatre Review, 137, Winter.:20-23.

Van Esterik, Penelope

“Infant Feeding and the Right to Food.” In The World Food Crisis and the Human Right to Food, launch issue.

Van Esterik, Penelope

Anna and the King: Digesting Difference. Southeast Asian Research 14(2):289-307.

Van Esterik, Penelope

“Assisiting Adult Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse (CSA) through Breastfeeding”. Information Sheet for the National Network for Environments and Women’s Health (NNEWH)

Van Esterik, Penelope

No Free Lunch. Agriculture and Human Values 22: 207-208

Van Esterik, Penelope

Flexible Networking in Research Capacity Training at National University of Laos: Lessons for North South Collaboration. (P. Vandergeest, K. Phanvilay, Y. Fujita, J. Fox, P. Hirsch, P. Van Esterik, C. Whitayapak and S. Tyler) Canadian Journal of Development Studies 24(1):119-135.

Van Esterik, Penelope

“Towards Healthy Environments for Children: Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about breastfeeding in a contaminated environment”., WHO (translated into French, Spanish, Arabic, Italian).

Van Esterik, Penelope

Contemporary Trends in Infant Feeding Research. Annual Review of Anthropology, Volume 31, 257-27

Van Esterik, Penelope

"Fabricating National Identity: Textiles in Lao PDR". Museum Anthropology 23(1):47-55.

Van Esterik, Penelope

"Right to food; right to feed; right to be fed: the intersection of women's rights and the right to food.” Agriculture and Human Values 16: 225-232.

Van Esterik, Penelope

Women and Nurture in Industrial Societies". Proceedings of the Nutrition Society Vol.56, No. 1B: 335- 343.

Van Esterik, Penelope

I. de Garine and N. Pollock. "Social Aspects of Obesity." The Communicator. Washington, D.C.: American Anthropology Association.

Van Esterik, Penelope

"The Cultural Context of Breastfeeding and Breastfeeding Policy". Food and Nutrition Bulletin Vol. 17, No. 4:422-431.

Van Esterik, Penelope

"Chat of Central Thailand." Southeast Asian Women: Strategies for Change. Special Issue. J. Nagata and: J. Salaff, eds. Southeast Asian Journal of Social Science 24(1):120-130.

Van Esterik, Penelope

"Care, Caregiving and Caregivers". Food and Nutrition Bulletin Vol. 16, No.4:378-389.

Van Esterik, Penelope

"Southeast Asia: A View from the Periphery." Leiden, Netherlands: International Institute of Asian Studies Newsletter, 3:41.

Van Esterik, Penelope

"Breastfeeding and Feminism." International Journal of Gynaecology and Obstetrics 47(Supplement):41-54.

Van Esterik, Penelope

"Introducing Thailand." American Museum of Natural History. Faces 11(2):4-8.

Van Esterik, Penelope

"From Marco Polo to McDonalds: Thai Cuisine in Transition." Food and Foodways 5(2):177-193.

Van Esterik, Penelope

"Perspectives on Food Systems." Reviews in Anthropology 20:69-78.

Van Esterik, Penelope

In Bogota: Breastfeeding vs. the Bottle" (with M.A. Castle). Class May 1991. pp.56-57.

Van Esterik, Penelope

"Introduction: Techniques of Healing in Southeast Asia" (with C. Laderman). Social Science and Medicine 27(8):747-750.

Van Esterik, Penelope

"Infant Feeding in Urban Kenya: A Pattern of Early Triple Nipple Feeding" (with M.C. Latham, T.C. Elliot, J. Kekovole, V.H.Laukaran). Journal of Tropical Pediatrics 32:276-280.

Van Esterik, Penelope

"Infant Feeding Style in Urban Kenya" (with T. Elliot). Ecology of Food and Nutrition 18(3):183-195.

Van Esterik, Penelope

"Feeding Their Faith: Recipe Knowledge Among Thai Buddhist Women." Food and Foodways 1(1):198-215.

Van Esterik, Penelope

"Beer Consumption and Third World Nutrition" (with J. Greer). Food Policy 10(1):11-13.

Van Esterik, Penelope

"Continuities and Transformations in Southeast Asian Symbolism: A Case Study from Thailand." Bijdragen 140(1):77-92.

Van Esterik, Penelope

"Rice and Milk in Thai Buddhism: Symbolism and Social Values of Basic Food Substances." Crossroads: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Southeast Asian Studies 2(1):46-58.

Van Esterik, Penelope

"Celebrating Ethnicity: Ethnic Flavor in an Urban Festival." Ethnic Groups 4(4):207-227.

Van Esterik, Penelope

"Interpreting a Cosmology: Guardian Spirits in Thai Buddhism." Anthropos 77:1-15.

Van Esterik, Penelope

"Breastfeeding and Women's Work: Constraints and Opportunities" (with T. Greiner). Studies in Family Planning 12(4):182-195.

Van Esterik, Penelope

"The Insufficient Milk Syndrome: An Alternate Explanation" (with T. Greiner and M.C. Latham). Medical Anthropology 5(2):233-248.

Van Esterik, Penelope

"In-home Sponsorship for Southeast Asian Refugees." Journal of Refugee Resettlement 21(2):18-26.

Van Esterik, Penelope

"Ban Chiang Painted Pottery." Studio Potter 14(1):2-5.

Van Esterik, Penelope

"Sweetened Condensed Soma: Dietary Innovation in Southeast Asia." Filipinas: A Journal of Philippine Studies 1(10):96-104. Abstracted in Nutritional Planning, May 1980.)

Van Esterik, Penelope

"An Interpretation of Ban Chiang Rollers: Experiment and Speculation" (with N. Kress). Asian Perspectives 21(1):52-58.

Van Esterik, Penelope

"Royal Style in Village Context: Translation and Interpretation of a Thai Tonsure Text" (with J. Van Esterik). Journal of Asian Folklore Studies 39(1):63-78.

Van Esterik, Penelope

"Symmetry and Symbolism in Ban Chiang Painted Pottery." Journal of Anthropological Research 35(4):495-508.

Van Esterik, Penelope

"A Preliminary Analysis of Ban Chiang Pottery, Northeast Thailand." Asian Perspectives 16(2):174-194.

Van Esterik, Penelope

"Thai Tonsure Ceremonies: A Reinterpretation of Brahmanic Ritual in Thailand." Journal of the Steward Anthropological Society 4(2):79-121.

Van Esterik, Penelope

“Reproducing Life in Conditions of Abandonment in Oceania” Introduction to Special Issue on Reproductive Abandonment. The Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology, 23:4-5, 301-310, DOI: 10.1080/14442213.2022.2115543 (With Jenny Munro).

Widmer, Sandra

Widmer, Alexandra. 2021. "Locating low-protein life: post-war colonial nutrition science, subsistence metabolisms and food cultures in the South-Western Pacific Islands," Food, Culture and Society.

Widmer, Sandra

Widmer, A. (2021). Positioning Human Microbiome DTC Tests: On the Search for Health, Data and Alternatives Amid the Financialisation of Life. Medicine Anthropology Theory, 8(2), 1-12.

Widmer, Sandra

“Health and Medicine during and after the Pacific War: Pacific Islanders, Institutions, Infrastructure, Ingenuities.” Introduction to Special Issue. Health and History 23(2): 1-13. (with Christine Winter).

Widmer, Sandra

The Order of the Magic Lantern Slides Stories, Colonial Medicine, and Power

Widmer, Sandra

“The Imbalanced Sex-Ratio and the High Bride Price: Watermarks of Race in Demography and the Colonial Regulation of Reproduction” Special Issue, “Technologies of Belonging: Biology, Race and Ethnicity in Europe”, Amade M'charek, Katharina Schramm and David Skinner, eds. Science, Technology and Human Values 39(4): 538-560.

Widmer, Sandra

“Making Blood ‘Melanesian’: Fieldwork and Isolating Techniques in Genetic Epidemiology (1963–1976)” Special Issue, “Making Human Heredity: Populations, Life Sciences and Public Health in the Post-War Era”, Jenny Bangham and Soraya de Chadarevian, eds. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 47(Part A): 118-129.

Widmer, Sandra

“Of Temporal Politics and Demographic Anxieties: ‘Young Mothers’ in Demographic Predictions and Social Life in Vanuatu” Anthropologica 55(2): 317-328.

Widmer, Sandra

“Diversity as Valued and Troubled: Social Identities and Demographic Categories in understandings of Rapid Urban Growth in Vanuatu” Special Issue “Medical Crises, Diversification and Mainstreaming”, David Parkin, Kristine Krause and Gabriele Alex, eds. Anthropology and Medicine 20(2): 142-159.

Widmer, Sandra

“From Research Encounters to Metropolitan Debates: The Making and Meaning of the Melanesian ‘Race’ during Demographic Decline”. Paideuma: Mitteilungen zur Kulturkunde 58: 69-93

Widmer, Sandra

“Native Medical Practitioners, Temporality and Nascent Biomedical Citizenship in the New Hebrides”. Political and Legal Anthropology Review 30(s1): 57-80.

Widmer, Sandra

“The Effects of Elusive Knowledge: Census, Health Laws and Inconsistently Modern Subjects in Early Colonial Vanuatu”. Journal of Legal Anthropology 1(1): 92-116.

Widmer, Sandra

"Victimhood and the transnationalization of Croatian memory politics" Memory Studies, 17#2.

Winland, Daphne

“Between Two Wars: Generational Responses of Croats to Homeland Independence”. Diaspora: Journal of Transnational Studies. Special issue 18:2/3

Winland, Daphne

“Why We Come Back to Diasporas: Heterogeneous Groups and the Persistent Dream of Political Action” Diaspora: Journal of Transnational Studies (1/2):254-64

Winland, Daphne

2006 “Ten Years Later: the Changing Nature of Transnational Ties in post-Independence Croatia” Ethnopolitics 5(3):295-307.

Winland, Daphne

2006 “Revisiting a Case Study of Hmong Refugees and Ontario Mennonites” Journal of Mennonite Studies, 24:169-176.

Winland, Daphne

2002 “The Politics of Desire and Disdain: Croatian Identity Between 'Home' and 'Homeland'”. American Ethnologist 29(3): 693-718.

Winland, Daphne

2000 “Vision Impaired: The Cultural Politics of Everyday Life in Croatia” Anthropology of East Europe Review 18(2): 31-37.

Winland, Daphne

1998b “Croatians ‘Here’ and ‘There’: Diaspora and the Politics of Desire”). Revija za Sociologiju, 29(1): 49-59.

Winland, Daphne

1998a “’Our Home and Native Land?’ Canadian Ethnic Scholarship and the Challenge of Transnationalism” Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology, 35(4): 521-543.

Winland, Daphne

1995 “We Are Now an Actual Nation”: The Impact of National Independence on the Croatian Diaspora in Canada”, Diaspora, 4(1): 3-30.

Winland, Daphne

1994 “Conversion and Community: Hmong Refugee Women and Christianity” Canadian Journal of Sociology, 19(1): 21-45.

Winland, Daphne

1993 “The Quest for Mennonite Peoplehood: Ethno-religious Identity and the Dilemma of Definitions”, Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology, 30(1): 110-138.

Winland, Daphne

1992 “Native Scholarship: the Enigma of Self-Definition among Jewish and Mennonite Scholars” Journal of Historical Sociology, 5(4): 431-461.

Winland, Daphne

1992 “The Role of Religious Affiliation in Refugee Resettlement: the Case of Hmong Mennonites” Canadian Ethnic Studies, 24(1): 96-119.

Winland, Daphne

1987 “Women and Religion: Mennonite Hmong”, Refuge 6(3): 3-6.

Winland, Daphne
professional journal articles

conference papers

“Woman as Canary: Global Discourses on Breastfeeding and the Environment”. Berkshire Conference on the History of Women. June 2-5, Scripps College.

Van Esterik, Penelope

“Geneaologies of Nurture: Of Pots and Professors”. Association for Asian Studies, Philadelphia, March 25-27.

Van Esterik, Penelope

“Breastfeeding across cultures: dealing with difference”. Breasyfeeding and Feminism 2010: Informing Public Health, Greensboro, North Carolina, March 19-20.

Van Esterik, Penelope

“Doing Lunch in Salaya.” Association for the Study of Food and Society, June, New Orleans.

Van Esterik, Penelope

Joint Statement “Gender, Child Survival and HIV/AIDS: From Evidence to Policy”. Prepared for distribution at the International AIDS Conference, Toronto, August

Van Esterik, Penelope

Narrating Stories from the Field. Experiences from the Field: Methods, Ethics, Critique: A Symposium on Fieldwork., YCISS, York University. March

Van Esterik, Penelope

“Revisiting Lao Food: Pain and Commensality”. Association for the Study of Food and Society, June, Boston.

Van Esterik, Penelope

“1990-2005 Celebrating the Innocenti Declaration: Past Achievements, Present Challenges and Future Directions for Infant and Young Child Feeding”. (long document, 150 pps, UNICEF short version, condensed messages and related pamphlets extracted from long report) . Report published through UNICEF Innocenti Centre in Italian and English, Nov, 2005, revised version, 2006.

Van Esterik, Penelope

“Culinary Tourism: Cooking Thai, Eating Thai”. Paper presented at CASCA meetings, Merida, Mexico, May.

Van Esterik, Penelope

“Others in our Midst: Cross-cultural Practices of Communicating about Cultural Difference”. Internationalization Report submitted to Dean of Arts, York University.

Van Esterik, Penelope

“From Hunger Foods to Heritage Foods: Challenges to Food Localization in Lao PDR”. Association for the Study of Food and Society, June, Hyde Park, New York.

Van Esterik, Penelope

“Lao Share Food: Narratives of Scarcity and Celebration.” Paper presented at the American Anthropology Association annual meetings, Nov. Chicago.

Van Esterik, Penelope

“From the Nestle Boycott to Toxic Breasts: the evolution of intimate praxis”. Paper presented at CASCA meetings, May, Halifax.

Van Esterik, Penelope

“Women, Food and Families” Video interview and transcript of discussion. Centre for Studies in Food Security, Ryerson University.

Van Esterik, Penelope

“Political Commensality in Anna and the King”. Paper presented at the Southwest Texas Popular Culture Association, Albuquerque, NM, March.

Van Esterik, Penelope

"Risks, Rights and Regulation: Communicating about Risks and Infant Feeding". Report to National Networks on Environment and Women's Health. Discussion paper, York Centre for Health Studies. (revised and published as monograph, 2002)

Van Esterik, Penelope

"Tribute to Jane Hanks on her 90th birthday". Association for Asian Studies, annual meetings, Washington, March.

Van Esterik, Penelope

"The Cultural Context of HIV/AIDS in Thailand". Paper presented at CASCA meetings, June, St. John's, Nfld.,

Van Esterik, Penelope

"Fabricating National Identity: Textiles in Lao P.D.R." Paper presented at Association for Asian Studies, March, Chicago.

Van Esterik, Penelope

"Salt, Lord of the Table: Implications for Iodine Deficiency Disease Control in Lao PDR." Report for Micronutrient Initiatives, IDRC, Ottawa.

Van Esterik, Penelope

Materials developed for World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action (WABA). "Women, Work, and Breastfeeding: Everybody Benefits" (Action Folder); "Breastfeeding as a Feminist Issue" (Action Sheet); "Breastfeeding and the Well-being of Families" (Action Sheet); "Expressing Ourselves" (policy paper on breast pumps). Materials, press releases, reports, and editorials developed for World Breastfeeding Week task force and WABA Secretariat.

Van Esterik, Penelope

"Repositioning Gender and Power in Thai Studies." Keynote address. Conference on Gender and Sexuality in Thailand, July, Australian National University.

Van Esterik, Penelope

"Breastfeeding and the Empowerment of Women" and "Breastfeeding and Human Rights." Workshops presented at the NGO Conference on Women, Beijing.

Van Esterik, Penelope

"Food Security and Gender Equity in Lao PDR." Paper presented at the Canadian Council for Southeast Asian Studies meeting, October, Montreal.

Van Esterik, Penelope

"Breastfeeding, Power and Body Boundaries." Paper presented at the American Anthropological Association meeting, November, Washington, D.C.

Van Esterik, Penelope

"Perspectives on Caregiving." Report for the UNICEF Expert Working Group on Young Child Nutrition, Aurora, New York.

Van Esterik, Penelope

"Beauty and the Beast: The Cultural Context of the May Massacre." Working Paper Number 10, Thai Studies Project, York University, North York.

Van Esterik, Penelope

"Women in Development Consortium in Thailand: Final Report." CIDA, Ottawa.

Van Esterik, Penelope

"Rights to Food, Rights to be Fed, Rights to Feed." Paper presented in a Plenary Panel "Food as a Human Right" at the American Anthropological Association meeting, December, Atlanta.

Van Esterik, Penelope

"Ethnographic Futures and AIDS Research in Thailand." Paper presented at the Association for Asian Studies meeting, March, Boston.

Van Esterik, Penelope

"Making Breastfeeding the Norm." Keynote address. OISE Breastfeeding Conference, June, Toronto.

Van Esterik, Penelope

"Beauty and the Beast: The Cultural Context of the May Massacre, Bangkok, Thailand." Paper presented at the American Anthropological Association meetings, November, Washington, D.C.

Van Esterik, Penelope

"Ethnographic Futures Research on AIDS in Thailand." Paper presented at the Canadian Anthropology Society meetings, May, Toronto.

Van Esterik, Penelope

"Nurturance and Reciprocity in Thai Studies." Working Paper Number 8, Thai Studies Project, York University, North York.

Van Esterik, Penelope

"Update on Lao Repatriation." Paper presented at the Refugee Policy in the 1990s meeting, October, Vancouver.

Van Esterik, Penelope

"Listening to Silences: The Unspoken in Thai Gender Analysis." Paper presented at the American Anthropological Association meetings, April, Washington, D.C.

Van Esterik, Penelope

"Thai Prostitution and the Medical Gaze." Paper presented at the Canadian Council for Southeast Asian Studies, October, Toronto.

Van Esterik, Penelope

"Public Health and the Appropriate of Culture." Paper presented at the Canadian Anthropology Society meetings, May, London, Ontario.

Van Esterik, Penelope

"Listening to the Silences: The Unspoken in Thai Gender Analysis." Presented at the Gender and Industrialization in Asia meeting, May, SUNY-Purchase, New York.

Van Esterik, Penelope

"Foreign Bodies, Diseased Bodies, No Bodies." Paper presented at the Gender and Sexuality in Asia meetings, December, Los Angeles.

Van Esterik, Penelope

"Nurturance and Urbanism: Speculations on Child Survival in the Tropics." Paper presented at the American Anthropological Association meetings, November, New Orleans.",",Van Esterik

Van Esterik, Penelope

"Women in Grassroots Movements." Paper presented at the University-NGO Linkages conference, October, Vancouver.

Van Esterik, Penelope

"Ideologies and Women in Development in Thailand." Working Paper Number 1, Thai Studies Project, York University, North York

Van Esterik, Penelope

"Gender and Development in Thailand: Deconstructing Display." Working Paper Number 2, Thai Studies Project, York University, North York.

Van Esterik, Penelope

"Introduction: Buddhism and Gender Bias - An Analysis of a Jataka Tale by Kornvipa Boonsue." Working Paper Number 3, Thai Studies Project, York University, North York.

Van Esterik, Penelope

"In the Fields Rice: Thai Cuisine in Transition." Paper presented at the Canadian Council for Southeast Asia Studies meeting, November, Vancouver.

Van Esterik, Penelope

"The Invention of Thai Cuisine." Paper presented at the American Anthropological Association meeting, November, Washington, D.C.

Van Esterik, Penelope

"Intimacy and Infant Feeding: Entering the Commensal Circle." Paper presented at the American Anthropological Association meeting, November, Phoenix. (Refereed)

Van Esterik, Penelope

"Gender and Development in Thailand: Deconstructing Display." Paper presented at the C.R.I.A.W., November, Quebec City.

Van Esterik, Penelope

"Constructing a Feminist Model of Development." Paper presented at the Society for Applied Anthropology meetings, April, Oaxaca, Mexico.

Van Esterik, Penelope

"Ban Chiang and the Invention of Tradition." Paper presented at the American Anthropological Association meeting, November, Chicago.

Van Esterik, Penelope

"Towards a New Problematic for Infant Feeding Research." Paper presented at the American Anthropological Association meeting, December, Philadelphia.

Van Esterik, Penelope

"Roundtable on Gender Roles in Burma and Thailand." Paper presented at the Southeast Asia Summer Studies Institute meeting, July, DeKalb, Illinois.

Van Esterik, Penelope

"Livelihood Security and Livelihood Enhancement." Discussant and presented paper, May, Bandung, Indonesia.

Van Esterik, Penelope

"Buddhism Among Lao Refugees in Toronto." Paper presented February, Toronto

Van Esterik, Penelope

"Maternal Knowledge and Attitudes Toward Breastfeeding and Bottlefeeding" (with V.H. Laukaran). Working Paper Number 19, International Programs, Population Council, New York.

Van Esterik, Penelope

"Infant Feeding Patterns and Women's Empowerment" (with M.C. Latham and B. Winikoff). Working Paper Number 19, International Programs, Population Council, New York.

Van Esterik, Penelope

"Integrating Ethnographic and Survey Research: A Review of the Ethnographic Component of a Study of Infant Feeding Patterns in Developing Countries." Working Paper Number 17, International Programs, Population Council, New York.

Van Esterik, Penelope

"Research on Determinants of Infant Feeding Practices: A Conceptual Framework" (with V.H.Laukaran, E.K.Kellner, B. Winikoff, G. Solimano, M. Latham, and J. Post). Working Paper Number 15, International Programs, Population Council, New York.

Van Esterik, Penelope

"Ethnic Flavor in an Urban Festival." Report. Institute for Urban Studies, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana.

Van Esterik, Penelope

2010 “Alternative Homecomings: Diaspora Croats and the shifting grounds of belonging”. Movement and the Dilemmas of Cosmopolitan Ethics and Practices: Canadian Anthropology Society (CASCA), Montreal, June 1

Winland, Daphne

2010 “True Patriot Love”? Reflections on Imported Conflicts and “Civil” Society in Canada. Metropolis, Montreal, March 18-20

Winland, Daphne

2009 “Neoliberalism in the new Croatia” American Anthropological Association. Philadelphia, December 2

Winland, Daphne

2009 "Plenary Panel, Diasporas and Activism in Europe," Centre for Civil Society, London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), London, UK, September 10-13.

Winland, Daphne

2009 “Transnationalism and Transformation among Toronto Croats Since Independence” Towards a Democratic Cosmopolis: Diaspora, Citizenship & Recognition York University, Toronto, October 22.

Winland, Daphne

2008 “Liberty, Freedom, Prosperity: the New Face of Croatian Diaspora” European Association of Social Anthropology Ljubljana, Slovenia, August 26-29.

Winland, Daphne

2007 “Posavina Croats after Dayton” Institute for Strengthening Democracy in Bosnia, Konjic, Bosnia and Hercegovina, July 6-9.

Winland, Daphne

2007 “’Mujaheddin in Our Midst’: Bosnian Croats after the Yugoslav Wars of Succession”, Association for the Study of Nationalities, Harriman Institute, Columbia University, New York City, April 6-8.

Winland, Daphne

2007 “Going Home”: Diaspora Return and Croatian National Imaginaries” Metropolis, Toronto, March 15-19.

Winland, Daphne

2006 “(Re)Making Croatians: Western Civilization versus Oriental Barbarism” Canadian Anthropology Society (CASCA), Montreal, May.

Winland, Daphne

2005 “Revisiting a Case Study of Hmong Refugees and Ontario Mennonites” Mennonite Hosts and Refugee Newcomers: 1979 to the Present. University of Winnipeg, September 29-October 2, Winnipeg, Manitoba.

Winland, Daphne

2004 “Ten Years Later: the Changing Nature of Transnational Ties in post-Independence Croatia” Transnationalism in the Balkans: The Emergence, Nature and Impact of Cross-national Linkages on an Enlarged and Enlarging Europe London School of Economics. November 23-25, London, UK.

Winland, Daphne

2004 “Diaspora Croats and Homeland Return” Imagining Diasporas: Space, Identity and Social Change, University of Windsor, May 14-16, Windsor.

Winland, Daphne

2004 “Patriots or Provocateurs: The Right -Wing Backlash in Croatia” Association for the Study of Nationalism, Harriman Institute, Columbia University, April 13-15, New York.

Winland, Daphne

2003 “Memories and Monuments: “Recovering” the Croatian State” Association for the Study of Nationalism, Harriman Institute, Columbia University, April 3-5, New York.

Winland, Daphne

2003 “Spawning the Self: Croatians Ten Years Later” Canadian Association of Social and Cultural Anthropology, May 6-9, Halifax.

Winland, Daphne

2003 “Kamenjak “National” Park: Politics and the Privatization of Tourist Sites in Croatia”, Canadian Association of Social and Cultural Anthropology, May 6-9, Halifax.

Winland, Daphne

2002 “Diasporic Influence on Host Country Domestic Political Activity” Diaspora and the Homeland, Metropolis International, May 9-12, Dubrovnik, Croatia.

Winland, Daphne

2001 “Herzeg Croats at the Brink” South Eastern Security at the Beginning of the XXI Century, May 17-20, Belgrade, Serbia.

Winland, Daphne

2001 “The Politics of Desire and Disdain: Croatian Identity Between “home” and “homeland” American Ethnological Society. May 3-6, Montreal.

Winland, Daphne

2001 “Transnational Structure of Contemporary Academic Practices” Canadian Association of Social and Cultural Anthropology, May 3-6, Montreal.

Winland, Daphne

2000 “The Cultural Politics of Croatian Identity” European Association of Social Anthropology, July 26-29, Krakow, Poland.

Winland, Daphne

2000 “Civic Participation and Homeland Ties: A Comparative Study of Croatians and Sri Lankan Tamils in the Greater Toronto Area” Metropolis 2000 May 15-17, Toronto.

Winland, Daphne

2000 “Vision Impaired: The Cultural Politics of Everyday Life in Croatia” Soyuz Symposium, Harriman Institute, Columbia University, February 12-15, New York.

Winland, Daphne

1999 “Projekt Mitteleuropa”: Croatians and the Politics of Recognition in the “New Europe", Creating the Other: the Causes and Dynamic of Nationalism, Ethnic Enmity, and Racism in Central and Eastern Europe Center for Austrian Studies, University of Minnesota, May 22-25, Minneapolis.

Winland, Daphne

1999 “Cartographies of Desire: The Cultural Politics of Croatian Identity”, Diasporas and Ethnic Immigrants in 20th Century Europe” Humboldt Universitaet Zu Berlin, May 9-12, Berlin.

Winland, Daphne

1999 “Croatia Ten Years Later” Canadian Association of Social and Cultural Anthropology, May 3-6, Quebec City.

Winland, Daphne

1998 “Imagining Croatia: Diaspora and Desire”, American Anthropological Association, December 4-9, Philadelphia.

Winland, Daphne

1998 “Imagining the State in Canada and Croatia: the Politics and Poetics of Nationalist and Multiculturalist Discourse in Pluralist Societies” Divided Societies, April 22-29, Dubrovnik, Croatia.

Winland, Daphne

1998 “Navigating the Storm: Fieldwork with Communities in Crisis” Qualitative Analysis Conference, May 15-17, Toronto.

Winland, Daphne

1997 “The Croatian Diaspora and the Politics of Desire” American Sociological Association, August 9-12, Toronto.

Winland, Daphne

1997 “Contingent Selves: Reflections from the Fields” Canadian Association of Social and Cultural Anthropology, June 11-15, St. Johns, Nfld.

Winland, Daphne

1996 “True Patriot Love?” Multiculturalism and the Problem of Borders”, Canadian Association of Social and Cultural Anthropology, May 4-7, St. Catharine’s.

Winland, Daphne

1995 “Constructing Multicultural Identities: Diaspora in the Age of Ethnic Nationalism”, Canadian Ethnic Studies Association, October 20-23, Gimli, Manitoba.

Winland, Daphne

1995 “”Now we are a Nation”: Independence and the Croatian Diaspora”, Canadian Association of Social and Cultural Anthropology, May 12-15, Montreal.

Winland, Daphne

1993 “The ‘Hrvatska’ Factor: Croatian Canadians and Mother Country” Canadian Ethnic Studies Association, November 7-10, Vancouver, B.C.

Winland, Daphne

1993 “Crisis and Community: Reflections of the Impact of Croatian Independence on Croatian Identity in Canada”, Canadian Association of Social and Cultural Anthropology, May 8-12, Toronto.

Winland, Daphne

1993 “Strategies for Survival among “Hard-to-Settle” Refugees: Gender and Adaptation among Hmong Women” Conference on Gender Issues and Refugees: Development Implications, May 3-5, Toronto.

Winland, Daphne

1991 “Conversion and Community: Hmong Women and Christianity” Canadian Council on Southeast Asian Studies, March, Toronto.

Winland, Daphne

1990 “Museums and Multicultural Policy in Ontario” Ontario Museum Association, October, Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario.

Winland, Daphne

1987 “Mennonite Hmong: Summer Sausage and Sticky Rice” Society for the Scientific Study of Religion, November, Louisville, Ky.

Winland, Daphne

1985 “Mennonite identity Crisis: Fact or Fiction” Northeastern Anthropological Association, November, Buffalo, N.Y.

Winland, Daphne

1985 “Hmong Mennonites: Adaptation or Conversion” Canadian Association of Sociology and Anthropology, June, Winnipeg, Manitoba.

Winland, Daphne
conference proceedings

“Troubling the ‘Natural’ Category of Health: Revisiting the Embodied Discourse of Cree Well-Being.” Proceedings of the Canadian Anthropology Society Symposium, May 2007. Naomi Adelson and Pamela Wakewich, eds. Toronto: Department of Anthropology, York University. CD-ROM publication ISBN 978-1-55014-489-5.

Adelson, Naomi

""Troubling ‘Natural’ Categories": A Festschrift for Margaret Lock." Proceedings of the Canadian Anthropology Society Symposium, May 2007. Naomi Adelson and Pamela Wakewich, eds. Toronto: Department of Anthropology, York University. CD-ROM publication ISBN 978-1-55014-489-5.

Adelson, Naomi

"Introduction." In: Regeneration and Medical History: The Implications of Fictionalized Medicine for Teaching, Research and Scholarship Conference Proceedings. M. Nahman, N. Adelson, G. Feldberg, eds. Toronto: York Centre for Health Studies.

Adelson, Naomi

“Towards a Recuperation of Souls and Bodies: Community Healing and the Complex Interplay of Faith and History.” In: The Mental Health of Indigenous Peoples: Proceedings of the Advanced Study Institute: The Mental Health of Indigenous Peoples (McGill Summer Programme in Social and Cultural Psychiatry). L.J. Kirmayer, M.E. MacDonald, G.M. Brass, eds. Montreal: Culture and Mental Health Research Unit, Report #10.

Adelson, Naomi

“Social Health and Community Healing.” In: Widening the Circle: Collaborative Research for Mental Health Promotion in Native Communities, proceedings of Widening the Circle: Developing Partnerships for Aboriginal Mental Health. Caroline Oblin, Laurence J. Kirmayer, Kathryn Gill, and Elizabeth Robinson, eds. Montreal, QC: Culture and Mental Health Research Unity Report No. 8., pp. 79-83.

Adelson, Naomi

“Intellectual Properties and the Limits of Human Rights Categories: Claiming Cultural Rights in Neoliberal Environments,” in “The Not Quite Publics and the Public Domain” Panel in Contested Commons, Trespassing Publics: A Public Record (Delhi: Centre for the Study of Developing Societies) 10-16.

Coombe, Rosemary

“Preserving Cultural Diversity through the Preservation of Biological Diversity” in Fiona Miller, et. al. eds., The Gender of Genetic Futures: The Canadian Biotechnology Strategy, Women and Health (National Network on Environments and Women’s Health Working Paper Series, September) 133-161.

Coombe, Rosemary

“Culture: Anthropology's Old Vice or International Law's New Virtue?” Proceedings of the American Society for International Law Annual Meetings 79: 261-270.

Coombe, Rosemary

2010 “Transnationalism and Transformation among Toronto Croats Since Independence” Democratic Cosmopolis (forthcoming)

Winland, Daphne

2003 “Diasporic Influence on Host Country Domestic Political Activity: Croatians in Canada or Croatian-Canadians?” in Šaki et. al. (eds) Immigrants and Homeland Institute of Social Sciences, Zagreb, pp. 143-157.

Winland, Daphne

1981 “Recommendations for M.A. Programs in Anthropology” in W. Adcock and G. Gold (eds.) Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Ontario Association of Sociology and Anthropology, pp. 4-23.

Winland, Daphne
policy papers

“Preserving Cultural Diversity through the Preservation of Biological Diversity: Indigenous Peoples, Local Communities, and the Role of Digital Technologies.” A research report commissioned by the Cultural Policy Division of the Council of Europe, July, 2000. 48 pp.

Coombe, Rosemary

Expert’s Report on The Crucible Group, “Seeding Solutions: Policy Options for Plant Genetic Resources” for the International Development Research Centre, July, 2000.25pp

Coombe, Rosemary

“The Protection of Indigenous Knowledge under the Convention on Biological Diversity: The International Human Rights Framework and Canadian Policy Options.” Prepared for the Intellectual Property Policy Directorate, Industry Canada, May 1998. 280 pp.

Coombe, Rosemary
research reports

2009 “Masculinity: Rethinking the ‘Crisis’”. Antigua Sun, May 15, 2009 ( and Stabroek News (Guyana), May 19, 2009 (

Murray, David A. B.
creative works

Exhibition: Memories of Stone: Landscapes of Prayer, Death and Commemoration in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Site-specific exhibition of texts, textile art and photographs. (Ismaili Centre Toronto, February 10-April 23).

Hirji, Zulfikar

Exhibition: Sensational Words: Power, Beauty and Ephemeral Nature of Words in the Digital Age. Three site-specific art installations and two public lectures. Major Institutions Project, Nuit Blanche Festival (Ismaili Centre Toronto, Aga Khan Park & Aga Khan Museum, Toronto, October 1).

Hirji, Zulfikar

Exhibition: Transformations: Enlightenment in a Digital Age. Four site-specific art installations (Ismaili Centre Toronto, September 1-December 31).

Hirji, Zulfikar

Exhibition: Our Stories, Our Images, Our Futures: Photographs made by Youth from Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Hyderabad and Toronto. Site-specific photographic exhibition. Independent Project, CONTACT Photography Festival (Ismaili Centre Toronto, April 30-July 31).

Hirji, Zulfikar

Exhibition: Cities of the Dead: The Ancestral Cemeteries of Kyrgyzstan, Photographs by Margaret Morton. Site-specific photographic exhibition (Ismaili Centre Toronto, May 9-July 30).

Hirji, Zulfikar

Exhibition: Connect, Create, Cairo: Build a City with History & Technology. Site-specific community engagement exhibition & Workshops (Ismaili Centre Toronto, November 15- February 28).

Hirji, Zulfikar

MacDonald, Margaret
public lectures

Islamic Arts : Multiple Histories, Multiple Expressions

Hirji, Zulfikar


Hirji, Zulfikar

“Nurturing Power: Food and Commensality in a Globalized World”. Keynote address. Ben-Gurion University, June.

Van Esterik, Penelope

Breastfeeding and Feminism: How Modernity Disrupts Birthplaces and Workplaces. Keynote address, University of North Carolina at Greensboro, March 26

Van Esterik, Penelope

“Challenges to Breastfeeding Advocacy in the Context of HIV/AIDS.” Douglas College, October 16.

Van Esterik, Penelope

“Nurturing Children, Nurturing Anthropology: Child Nutrition in Global Perspective.” University of Saskatoon, January 25.

Van Esterik, Penelope

“Breastfeeding and HIV/AIDS: Critical Gaps and Dangerous Intersections”. Presidential Panel on New Approaches for Combatting HIV/AIDS and Food and Nutrition Insecurity in Sub-Saharan Africa. American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting, November, San Jose.

Van Esterik, Penelope

“Teaching Food and Culture”, Southwest Texas Popular Culture Association, Albuquerque, NM.

Van Esterik, Penelope

“Conceptual Tools for the Study of Food and Globalization”. Netherlands Institute for Advanced Studies, April

Van Esterik, Penelope

“The Hind Legs of the Elephant: gender, household and health in Southeast Asia.” Continuing Education workshops, Illinois State. University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois, June.

Van Esterik, Penelope

“Tasting the Other: Explorations of Power and Food in the Thai Imaginary”. Cornell University.

Van Esterik, Penelope

“Breastfeeding Advocacy: Meeting New Challenges in a Globalized World”. University of Hawaii at Hilo, (Mar.6)

Van Esterik, Penelope

“Anna and the King of Siam: Digesting Difference”. University of Hawaii, Honolulu (Mar. 11)

Van Esterik, Penelope

`Lao Food: Here and There, Then and Now”. Arizona State University, (Mar. 18).

Van Esterik, Penelope

Repositioning Breastfeeding in Health Research”. Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University, Thailand (Dec.4).

Van Esterik, Penelope

"Gender, Power and Technology: Breastfeeding in a Postmodern World". Keynote Address, Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine, Tucson, Arizona. (September)

Van Esterik, Penelope

"Creative Approaches to Breastfeeding and Working Women". Keynote address, Stepping into the Baby Friendly Initiative, Vancouver.

Van Esterik, Penelope

"Breastfeeding: Women's Ways." Keynote address, Continuing Medical Education, Province of Saskatchewan.

Van Esterik, Penelope

"Breastfeeding and Human Rights: global and local initiatives." "Anthropology and Advocacy: rethinking intervention and involvement". Invited lectures, St. Francis Xavier University, Antigonish, Nova Scotia, March.

Van Esterik, Penelope

"Recreating Breastfeeding Cultures." Plenary speaker, Global Forum on Children's Rights. Bangkok, Thailand, December.

Van Esterik, Penelope

"Women and Nurture in Industrial Society." Plenary Speaker, The Nutrition Society, Coleraine, Northern Ireland.

Van Esterik, Penelope

"Institutional Responses to Global Health Issues: Case Studies of Breastfeeding Promotion and AIDS Prevention" (with Colleen O'Manique). Seminar on International Health Promotion, University of Toronto/Ryerson/York Health Promotion Seminar Series, March, Toronto.

Van Esterik, Penelope

"Southeast Asia: A View from the Periphery." President's Forum. Canadian Asian Studies Association. Calgary.

Van Esterik, Penelope

"Gender and Food Security in Lao PDR." UNICEF, February, Vietiane, Lao, PDR.

Van Esterik, Penelope

"Breastfeeding and Women's Empowerment." Bellagio Study Center, April, Bellagio, Italy.

Van Esterik, Penelope

"Socio-cultural Factors Affecting Breastfeeding." Pontifical Academy of Sciences, Expert Working Group on Breastfeeding, Science and Society, May, Vatican City, Italy.

Van Esterik, Penelope

"Gendered Surfaces: Explorations on Thai Gender Identity." Invited lecture. Council on Thai Studies, October, Wisconsin.

Van Esterik, Penelope

"The Dilemma of Context." Invited lecture. Department of Anthropology, University of Wisconsin, October, Wisconsin.

Van Esterik, Penelope

"Gender and Development in Southeast Asia." Invited lecture. JCAPS Seminar Series, University of Toronto, October, Toronto.

Van Esterik, Penelope

"Breastfeeding and Feminism." Keynote address. Seminar on Breastfeeding as a Women's Issue: A Dialogue on Health, Family Planning, Work, and Feminism, Georgetown University, September, Washington, D.C.

Van Esterik, Penelope

"Food as a Human Right." Invited lecture. Division of Nutritional Sciences, Cornell University, June, Ithaca, New York.1993

Van Esterik, Penelope

"Beauty and the Beast: The Cultural Context of the May Massacre." Dean's Invited Lecture. York University, January, Toronto.",",Van Esterik

Van Esterik, Penelope

"Beauty and the Beast: The Cultural Context of the May Massacre." Invited lecture. Southeast Asia Program, University of Wisconsin, January, Madison.

Van Esterik, Penelope

"Cross Cultural Perspectives on the Post Partum Period." Population Council, December, New York.

Van Esterik, Penelope

"Thai Studies in Canada." Invited lecture. Northern Illinois University, October, DeKalb, Illinois.

Van Esterik, Penelope

"Feminist Approaches to Health Promotion." York Centre for Health Studies Seminar, York University, January, Toronto.

Van Esterik, Penelope

"Culture, Diversity, and Health: Meeting the Challenge." Keynote address. Meeting the Challenge of Cultural Diversity, Doctors' Hospital, November, Toronto.

Van Esterik, Penelope

"Breastfeeding as a Feminist Issue." Plenary address. International Baby Food Action Network (IBFAN), October, Forum, Manila.

Van Esterik, Penelope

"Thai Studies in Canada." Invited lecture. Institute of Asian Studies, Chulalongkorn University, July, Bangkok, Thailand.

Van Esterik, Penelope

"Lao Refugees in Canada." Invited lecture. Centre for Refugee Studies, York University, February, Toronto.

Van Esterik, Penelope

"Anthropological Perspectives on Women in Buddhism." Invited lecture. Faculty of Asian Studies, Griffith University, July, Brisbane, Australia.",",Van Esterik

Van Esterik, Penelope

"Food as a Cultural Symbol." Lecture at faculty seminar. Research School of Pacific Studies, Australian National University, July, Canberra.

Van Esterik, Penelope

published reviews



Alexandrakis, Othon, and David Nugent. Political Spatio-temporalities: A Conversation with David Nugent. Interview. PoLAR: Political and Legal Anthropology Review Online, 23 January 2017,

Alexandrakis, Othon

Alexandrakis, Othon, and John Borneman. The Crucial Question. Interview. PoLAR: Political and Legal Anthropology Review Online, 23 January 2017,

Alexandrakis, Othon

To humanize Muslims, let’s start in the classroom

Hirji, Zulfikar

‘‘’A world that counts’: The power of infographics in global maternal health.” Somatosphere. Science, Medicine and Anthropology. Sept 22.

MacDonald, Margaret