Publications: List: By School/Dept


book chapters

N. Coulter and *G. Lao. Superfans and Evangelizers: Young People’s Creative Entanglements with Promotional Culture. New Frontiers in The Cultural and Creative Industries of Childhood and Youth. V.I. de La Ville (ed). Peter Lang

Coulter, Natalie

N. Coulter. The cultural, political and ethical mazes of childhood. Routledge Companion to Digital Media and Children. L. Green, D. Holloway, L. Haddon, K. Stevenson and T. Leaver (eds). Routledge: London.

Coulter, Natalie

N. Coulter. My Moshi Monster is 'Desolate.' Digital Games and Affect in Neoliberal Capitalism. Youth mediations and affective relations. S. Driver and N. Coulter (eds). Palgrave Macmillan: New York. (pp. 107-118).

Coulter, Natalie

N. Coulter. Emergence of the Canadian Tween Market. Advertising, consumer culture & Canadian society. Kyle Asquith (ed). Oxford University Press: Toronto, ON. (pp. 71–87).

Coulter, Natalie

Coulter, N. (2013) . From the Top Drawer to the Bottom Line: The Commodification of Children’s Culture. Mediascapes. 4th edition. Leslie Regan Shade, editor, Nelson Education: Toronto. (pp. 409-426)

Coulter, Natalie

“The Hudson’s Bay Company, Canadian History and Settler Colonialism.” In Advertising, Consumer Culture, and Canadian: Society: A Reader. K. Asquith (ed). Don Mills, ON: Oxford University Press: 106-119.

Fresco, Estee

“Marketing Avery Brundage’s Apoplexy: The 1976 Montreal Olympics Self-Financing Model.” In Olympic Perspectives. S. Wassong, R. Baka and J. Forsyth (eds). New York: Routledge, 3-18 (reprinted from The International Journal of the History of Sport).

Fresco, Estee

Gehl, Robert W. 2020. “Afterword: The Legitimacy of Produsage.” In Produsing Theory in a Digital World 3.0, edited by Rebecca Lind, 245–55. New York: Peter Lang.

Gehl, Robert W.

Hayward, Mark. (2013) . Political Economy and Cultural Studies: Methodological Reflections on the Economy in U.S. Communication Studies (pp 21-­43). In Communication and the Economy: Meaning Value and Agency . New York: Peter Lang.

Hayward, Mark

Hayward, Mark. (2013) . Convergence Thinking, Information Theory and Labour in “End of Television” Studies (pp 117­-130). In Jan Teurlings and Marieke de Valk, eds. After the Break: Television Theory Today. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.

Hayward, Mark

Hayward, Mark. (2012) . Ethnic Broadcasting: A History (pp 204-­219). In Peter Urquhart and Ira Wagman, eds. Cultural Making Sense of Canadian Media in the Digital Age . Toronto: James Lorimer and Company.

Hayward, Mark

Hayward, Mark. (2010) . “Il Caso Canadese and the Question of Global Media (pp 21-­36). In Michelle Ardizzioni and Chiara Ferrari, eds. Beyond Monopoly: Globalization in Contemporary Italian Media . Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.

Hayward, Mark

Heynen, Robert (2024). Data-driven policing and whole-of-society anti-trafficking strategies. In Katrin Roots, Ann de Shalit, and Emily van der Meulen, eds. Trafficking Harms: Critical perspectives on human trafficking in Canada. Fernwood.

Heynen, Rob

van der Meulen, Emily and Robert Heynen (2019). Unpacking State Surveillance: Histories, Theories, and Global Contexts. In R. Heynen and E. van der Meulen, eds., Making Surveillance States: Transnational Histories. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, pp. 3-30.

Heynen, Rob

Heynen, Robert (2019). The German Revolution and the Reshaping of the Radical Right. In J. Muldoon, ed., The German Revolution and Political Theory. London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 3-32

Heynen, Rob

Heynen, Robert and Emily van der Meulen (2016). ‘Gendered Visions: Reimagining Surveillance Studies,’ in van der Meulen and Heynen, eds., Expanding the Gaze: Gender and the Politics of Surveillance. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

Heynen, Rob

Langlois, G., Redden, J. and Elmer, G. 2015. Introduction: Compromised Data. In Compromised Data: From Social Media to Big Data, eds. Greg Elmer, Ganaele Langlois and Joanna Redden. London: Bloomsbury.

Langlois, Ganaele M.

Renzi, A and Langlois, G. 2015. “Data Activism”. In Compromised Data: From Social Media to Big Data, eds. Greg Elmer, Ganaele Langlois and Joanna Redden. London: Bloomsbury.

Langlois, Ganaele M.

Elmer, Greg, Ganaele Langlois & Fenwick McKelvey. 2014. "The Permanent Campaign: Online Political Communication". In Publicity and the Canadian State: Critical Communication Approaches, ed. Kirsten Kozolanka, 240-261. Toronto: U. of Toronto Press.

Langlois, Ganaele M.

Langlois, Ganaele. 2012. “Social Media, or Towards a Political Economy of Psychic Life”. In The Unlike Us Reader, ed, Geert Lovink and Miriam Rasch, 50-60. Amsterdam: Institute of Network Cultures.

Langlois, Ganaele M.

MacLennan, Anne F. and Irena Knezevic, “Advertising Food for Health and Happiness: Bovril to superfood,” In Food Studies: Matter, Meaning & Movement, edited by David Szanto, Amanda Di Battista, and Irena Knezevic. Ottawa, ON: Food Studies Press, 2022, pp. 247-256.

MacLennan, Anne F.

MacLennan, Anne F., “Forming Networks: National Radio Networks − Public, State, and Commercial,” Routledge Companion to Radio and Podcast Studies, edited by Mia Lindgren and Jason Loviglio, Routledge, 2022

MacLennan, Anne F.

MacLennan, Anne F “Canadian Community/Campus Radio: Struggling and Coping on the Cusp of Change” (Chapter 12) in Radio’s Second Century: Perspectives on the Past, Present and Future edited by John Allen Hendricks, Rutgers University Press, 2020, pp. 193-206.

MacLennan, Anne F.

MacLennan, Anne F., “Promoting Pity or Empathy? Poverty and Canadian Charitable Appeals,” Advertising, Consumer Culture & Canadian Society: A Reader, ed. Kyle Asquith Toronto: Oxford University Press Canada, 2017. (forthcoming)

MacLennan, Anne F.

“Reading Radio: The intersection between radio and newspaper for the Canadian radio listener in the 1930s” in Mollgaard, Matt ed. Radio and Society: New thinking for an old media. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2012, pp. 16-29.

MacLennan, Anne F.

“Resistance to Regulation: Early Canadian Broadcaster and Listeners,” Islands of Resistance: Pirate Radio in Canada. Andrea Langlois, Ron Sakolsky and Marian van der Zon eds., New Star Books, 2010.

MacLennan, Anne F.

(2008) “Linking the Radio Audience from the Past to the Present: Communication of Knowledge through Websites and Electronic Resources,” Social and Human Sciences Research for a Global Civil Society: Research Communication, Public Discourse, and Citizen Engagement. Beaudet, Céline, Pamela Grant-Russell, and Doreen Starke-Meyerring (eds.) Cambridge Scholars Press, 2008

MacLennan, Anne F.

"What do the radio program schedules reveal? Content analysis versus accidental sampling in early Canadian radio history," in Jeff Keshen and Sylvie Perrier, eds. Bâtir de nouveaus ponts: sources, méthodes et interdisciplinarité/ Building New Bridges: Sources, Methods, and Interdisciplinarity. Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press, 2005: 225-238.

MacLennan, Anne F.

“A Political Economy Approach to the Internet” with Vincent Mosco in Bauer, J.M. and Latzer, M. (Eds.) Handbook on the Economics of the Internet. Cheltenham U.K. and Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar. (pp. 163-180).

Mazepa, Patricia A

“Regressive Social Relations, Activism and Media in Canada” in Kozolanka, K., Mazepa, P., and Skinner, D. (Eds.) Alternative Media in Canada. UBC Press (pp. 244-263).

Mazepa, Patricia A

“Considering Alternative Media in Canada: Structure, Participation, Activism” in Kozolanka, K., Mazepa, P., and Skinner, D. (Eds.) Alternative Media in Canada. UBC Press(pp. 1-22).

Mazepa, Patricia A

“Cultural Front (Canada)” in Downing, J. (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Social Movement Media. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications. (pp. 147-150).

Mazepa, Patricia A

“Direct from the Source: Canada's Integrated System of State Propaganda” in Sussman, G. (Ed.) The Propaganda Society: Promotional Culture and Politics in Global Context. Peter Lang. [pp.297-313).

Mazepa, Patricia A

“Rights on Paper, but Not in Practice: A History of Press Censorship in Canada” in Dakroury, A., Eid, M., and Kamalipour, Y. (Eds.) (2009) Right to Communicate: Historical Hopes, Global Debates, and Future Premises. Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt. (pp. 195-226).

Mazepa, Patricia A

"High Tech Hegemony: Transforming Canada's Capital into Silicon Valley North" with Vincent Mosco in Artz, L. and Kamalipour, Y. (Eds.) The Globalization of Corporate Media Hegemony. State University of New York Press. pp. 93-112.

Mazepa, Patricia A

“Goodbye Ohbijou: Notes on Music, Queer Affect, and the Impossibilities of Satisfying Multicultural Ideals in Canada”, book chapter in Diasporic Intimacies, Queer Filipinos/as and Canadian Imaginaries

Mecija, Casey

“The Early Black Press in Canada” In O. Banjo (Ed), Media Across the African Diaspora: Contents, Audiences and Influence (pp. 7-17]. London: Routledge.

Ojo, Tokunbo

“Political Economy of ICT4D and Africa” In J. Servaes (Ed), Handbook of Communication for Development and Social Change. Singapore: Springer. Doi:

Ojo, Tokunbo

“Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Activities of Huawei & ZTE in Africa.” In K. Batchelor & X. Zhang (Eds.), China-Africa Relations: Building Images through Cultural Co-operation, Media Representation and on the Ground Activities (pp. 218-230]. London: Routledge.

Ojo, Tokunbo

"Nigeria, Public Diplomacy and Soft Power" in Naren Chitty, Li Ji, Gary D. Rawnsley & Craig Hayden (Eds) The Routledge Handbook of Soft Power (pp. 315-325). London: Routledge.

Ojo, Tokunbo

“ICTs and Mobile Phones for Development in Sub-Saharan African Region” In Jan Servaes (Ed) Sustainability, Participation and Culture in Communication (pp.83-100). Bristol, UK & Chicago, US: Intellect.

Ojo, Tokunbo

Roburn, Shirley. "Innis and Environmental Politics: Practical Insights from the Yukon," in Buxton,
William Ed. Harold Innis and the Canadian North: Appraisals and Contestations. Montreal: McGill-
Queens University Press, 2013. 295-325

Roburn, Shirley

Roburn, Shirley. “Sounding a Sea-Change: Acoustic Ecology and Arctic Ocean Governance,” in Chen, Cecelia, Janine MacLeod and Astrida Neimanis Eds. Thinking With Water. Montreal: McGill-Queens University Press, 2013. 106-128

Roburn, Shirley

Rowland, W. “The Myth of Galileo: An Interview with Wade Rowland.” In Secrets of ‘Angels and Demons:’ The Unauthorized Guide to the Bestselling Novel, Dan Burstein, Arne de Keijzer, (eds.), New York, CDS Books, p. 97-107; paperback April 2009. (2004)

Rowland, Wade

Rowland, W. “Institutional Hurdles to Ethical Behaviour in Media: Challenges Posed by the Modern Business Corporation’s Role in Mass Media and Its Professions.” In International Dimensions of Mass Media Research, Yorgo Pasadeos (Ed.), ATINER Publications, 2007, p. 517-529

Rowland, Wade

Rowland, W. “Introduction” to de Kerckhove, Derrick, Connected Intelligence: The Arrival of the Web Society, Toronto/Amsterdam, Kogan Page, 1997, p. xv-xx. (Published in ten languages.)

Rowland, Wade

Skinner, David. “Historical Dimensions of Universalism at the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation: Some Implications for Today.” In Universalism in Public Service Media. Gothenburg, Sweden: Nordicom.Pps. 69-90

Skinner, David

2016 Skinner, David and Kathleen Cross. “Media Activism in Canada: the Cases of Media Democracy Day,, and, ReImagineCBC.” In Strategies for Media Reform, Fordham University Press.

Skinner, David

2016 Skinner, David, Kathleen Cross, and Robert Hackett. “Media reform as a Foundation for Better Journalism.” In Deliberation, Diversity and Dollars: Public Strategies for Journalism. Mike Gasher and Collette Brin (Eds.) University of Toronto Press

Skinner, David

2015 Skinner, David. “ Alternative and Community Media in Canada: Structure, Policy, and Prospects.” In The Routledge Companion to Alternative and Community Media.

Skinner, David

2014 Skinner, David. “Media on the Margins?” In Leslie Regan Shade (Ed.). Mediascapes: New Patterns in Canadian Communication, 4th Ed. Toronto: Thomson Nelson.

Skinner, David

2011 Skinner, David. “Sustaining Alternative Media.” In Kirsten Kozolenko, Patricia Mazepa, and David Skinner (Eds.) Alternative Media in Canada. Vancouver: UBC Press.

Skinner, David

2010. Skinner, David. (In Press.) “Community Media in Canada.” In the International Encyclopedia of Social Movement Media, Sage Publications.

Skinner, David

2010 Skinner, David, Scott Uzelman, Andrea Langlois, and Frederic Dubois. “Independent Media Centres in Canada: Three Case Studies.” In Dorothy Kidd, Clemencia Rodriguez, and Laura Stein (Eds.). Making Our Media: Mapping Global Initiatives Toward a Democratic Public Sphere, V.1. Hampton Press. pp. 275-293.

Skinner, David

2010 Skinner, David, “Minding the Gaps: Alternative Media In Canada.” In Paul Attallah and Leslie Regan Shade (Eds.). Mediascapes: New Patterns in Canadian Communication, 3rd Ed. Toronto: Thomson Nelson. pp. 221-236.

Skinner, David

2009 Raboy, Marc and David Skinner. “Canada.” In The International Media Handbook. Hamburg, Germany: Hans Breslow Institute. pp. 315-325 (German ed.).

Skinner, David

2008 Skinner, David. “Broadcasting in Canada.” In David Ward and Anthony McNicholas (Eds.). Television and Public Policy: Change and Continuity in an Era of Liberation. Lawrence Erlbaum and Associates, New Jersey. pp. 3-26.

Skinner, David

2005 Skinner, David, James Compton, and Mike Gasher. “Chapter 1: Setting the Ground.” In David Skinner, James Compton, and Mike Gasher (Eds.). Converging Media, Diverging Interests: A Political Economy of News in the United States and Canada. Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books. pp. 7-23.

Skinner, David

2005 Skinner, David, and Mike Gasher. “Chapter Two: So Much by So Few: Media Policy and Ownership in Canada.” In David Skinner, James Compton, and Mike Gasher (Eds.). Converging Media, Diverging Politics: A Political Economy of News in the United States and Canada. Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books. pp. 51-76.

Skinner, David

2005 Skinner, David, James Compton, and Mike Gasher. “Chapter 14: Where to from here?” In David Skinner, James Compton, and Mike Gasher (Eds.). Converging Media, Diverging Interests: A Political Economy of News in the United States and Canada. Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books. pp. 291-303.

Skinner, David

2005 Skinner, David, “Alternative Media In Canada.” In Paul Attallah and Leslie Regan Shade (Eds.). Mediascapes: New Patterns in Canadian Communication, 2nd Ed. Toronto: Thomson Nelson. pp. 213-229.

Skinner, David

“The Chinese Connection: The Transnational Origins of Quebecois Circus Arts.” In Patrick Louis Leroux and Charles Batson (Eds.) Cirque Global: Quebec’s Expanding Circus Boundaries. Canada, Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 202-219.

Zhang, Tracy Ying

(2016, reprint) “Bending the Body for China: The Uses of Acrobatics in Sino-US Diplomacy during the Cold War.” In Katie Lavers and Peta Tait (Eds.) The Routledge Circus Studies Reader. UK: Routledge.

Zhang, Tracy Ying

(2014) “Carpet Worlds: The Construction of a Commodity Hierarchy and Politics of Difference in Lhasa.” In Trine Brox and Ildiko Beller-Hann (Eds.) On the Fringes of the Harmonious Society: Tibetans and Uyghurs in Socialist China. Denmark, Copenhagen: NIAS Press, 98-126.

Zhang, Tracy Ying

“On the Fringe of the Canadian State: Grassroots Film and Video in Halifax, 1970-1980.” In Darrell Varga (Ed.) Rain, Drizzle, and Fog: Essays on Atlantic Canadian Film and Video. Canada, Calgary: University of Calgary Press, 171-198.

Zhang, Tracy Ying
book reviews

Review of Duane C. S. Stoltzfus. Freedom from Advertising: E.W. Scripps’s Chicago Experiment.(Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2007) for Enterprise & Society 9:4 (December 2008): 856-858.

MacLennan, Anne F.

Review of Pierre Pagé Histoire de la Radio au Québec: Information, Éducation, Culture. (Montréal: Éditions Fides, 2007) for Revue d’histoire de l’amerique française 61: 3-4 (Hiver-Printemps 2008): 590-593.

MacLennan, Anne F.

Rowland, W. Journal of Business Ethics, Volume 71, Number 1, March 2007, pp. 103-105(3). A review of Bernard Hodgson, ed., The Invisible Hand and the Common Good.

Rowland, Wade

Rowland, W. A review of David F. Noble’s Beyond the Promised Land: The Movement and the Myth, in Literary Review of Canada, April 2006.

Rowland, Wade

2007 Media Organization and Production. Edited by Simon Cottle. Representing Resistance: Media, Civil Disobedience and The Global Justice Movement. Andy Opel and Donnalyn Pomper (eds.). Canadian Journal of Communication. Vol. 32 No. 1: 139-141.

Skinner, David

“Fu Ping.” Book review, Literary Review of Canada, 12(6), 20.

Zhang, Tracy Ying

Carter, M., Bergstrom, K., & Woodford, D. (Eds.). (2016). Internet spaceships are serious business: An EVE Online reader. University of Minnesota Press.

Bergstrom, Kelly

M. Gasher, D. Skinner and N. Coulter. Mass Communication in Canada. 9th edition. Oxford University Press: Toronto.

Coulter, Natalie

S. Driver and N. Coulter (eds). Youth Mediations and Affective Relations. Palgrave Macmillan: New York.

Coulter, Natalie

Coulter, N. (2014) .Tweening the Girl: The Crystallization of the Tween Market. Mediated Youth Series, edited by Sharon Mazzarella. New York: Peter Lang.

Coulter, Natalie

Cinque, Toija, Alexia Maddox, and Robert W. Gehl, eds. The Dark Social: Online Practices of Resistance, Motility and Power. New York: Routledge, 2023.

Gehl, Robert W.

Gehl, Robert W., and Sean T. Lawson. 2022. Social Engineering: How Crowdmasters, Phreaks, Hackers, and Trolls Create a New Form of Manipulative Communication. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

Gehl, Robert W.

Gehl, Robert W. 2018. Weaving the Dark Web: Legitimacy on Freenet, Tor, and I2P. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

Gehl, Robert W.

Gehl, Robert W, and Maria Bakardjieva. 2017. Socialbots and Their Friends: Digital Media and the Automation of Sociality. New York: Routledge.

Gehl, Robert W.

Gehl, Robert W. 2014. Reverse Engineering Social Media: Software, Culture, and Political Economy in New Media Capitalism. Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press.

Gehl, Robert W.

Hayward, Mark. Identity and Industry: Making Media Multicultural in Canada. McGill-Queen's Press-MQUP, 2019.

Hayward, Mark

Hanan, Joshua S. and Mark Hayward (Eds.). (2013) . Communication and the Economy: Meaning, Value and Agency . New York City: Peter Lang, 2013.

Hayward, Mark

Hayward, Mark (Ed.). (2012) . Cultural Studies and Finance Capitalism. London: Routledge. (Republication of "The Economic Crisis and After". Cultural Studies, 24 (3), 2010.)

Hayward, Mark

Heynen, Robert and Emily van der Meulen, eds. (2019). Making Surveillance States: Transnational Histories. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

Heynen, Rob

van der Meulen, Emily, and Robert Heynen, eds. (2016). Expanding the Gaze: Gender and the Politics of Surveillance. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

Heynen, Rob

Heynen, Robert (2015). Degeneration and Revolution: Radical Cultural Politics and the Body in Weimar Germany. Leiden: Brill and Chicago: Haymarket.

Heynen, Rob

Langlois G, Redden, J., Elmer, G., eds. 2015. Compromised Data - From Social Media to Big Data. New York: Bloomsbury.

Langlois, Ganaele M.

Langlois, G. 2014. Meaning in the Age of Social Media. New York: Palgrave.

Langlois, Ganaele M.

Elmer, G., Langlois, G., McKelvey, F. 2012. The Permanent Campaign: New Media, New Politics. New York: Peter Lang.

Langlois, Ganaele M.

Windover, Michael and Anne F. MacLennan Seeing, Selling, and Situating Radio in Canada, 1922-1956. Halifax: Dalhousie Architectural Press, 2017.

MacLennan, Anne F.

Communication and New Media: From Broadcast to Narrowcast, Canadian Edition. with Martin Hirst and John Harrison. Toronto: Oxford University Press.

Mazepa, Patricia A

Alternative Media in Canada. Co-edited with Kirsten Kozolanka and David Skinner, UBC Press.

Mazepa, Patricia A

Rowland, W. Spirit of the Web: The Age of Information from Telegraph to Internet. Toronto: Thomas Allen Publishers, 2006 (third edition). 474 pp. An extended essay on the cultural impact. of communications technologies from the phonetic alphabet to Web 2.0. Third edition includes additional material introducing main themes of scholarly inquiry into communication and culture.

Rowland, Wade

Rowland, W. Cupidité Inc.: La Soif des Enterprises. Montreal, Editions Hertubise HMH. 2006.

Rowland, Wade

Rowland, W. Greed, Inc.: Why Corporations Rule Out World and How We Let It Happen. Toronto, Thomas Allen Publishers, 2005; New York, Arcade Publishers, 2006. Published in French as Cupidite Inc.: La Soif des Enterprises. Montreal, Editions Hertubise HMH, 2005. Also published in Korea. An examination of the nature and social impact of the modern business corporation, in the context of critical moral theory. Based on my 2004 doctoral dissertation.

Rowland, Wade

Rowland, W. Galileo's Mistake: The Archaeology of a Myth. Toronto, Thomas Allen Publishers, 2001; New York, Arcade Publishing, 2003, in paper, 2004. An inquiry into the epistemological roots of the dispute between Galileo and the Church. A work of popular scholarship based on my 2001 MA thesis of the same title.

Rowland, Wade

Rowland, W. Ockham's Razor: A Search for Wonder in an Age of Doubt. Toronto, Key Porter Books, 1999. Maclean's best seller. An exploration of the roots of morality in the context of journey through Cathar country in southern France.

Rowland, Wade

Rowland, W. with de Kerckhove, Derrick, Connected Intelligence: The Arrival of the Web Society, Toronto/Amsterdam, Kogan Page. 1997, (224 pp.)

Rowland, Wade

Rowland, W. Nobody Calls Me Mr. Kirck (co-written with Harvey Kirck). Toronto, Collins, 1985.

Rowland, Wade

Rowland, W. Making Connections. Toronto, Macmillan ,1979. (A case-study in investigative journalism on television: the story behind the CBC's award-winning organized crime series. A spring, 1980 Book of the Month Club selection. 226 pp.)

Rowland, Wade

Rowland, W. Oil Spill Countermeasures: The Beaufort Sea and the Search for Oil (with Ross, S.L., Logan, W.J., Milne, J.R.). Ottawa, Department of Fisheries and Environment. 1979, (67 pp.)

Rowland, Wade

Rowland, W. Fuelling Canada's Future. Toronto, Macmillan, 1974. (A critical overview of the energy crisis and energy delivery systems in place or proposed, from CANDU to Syncrude to submarine tankers. 162 pp.)

Rowland, Wade

Rowland, W. The Plot to Save the World, Toronto, Clarke Irwin,1973. A book-length report on international diplomacy's first attempt to come to grips with environmental problems, at the United Nations' Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment. 194 pp.

Rowland, Wade

Rowland, W. Our Living World: A Guide to Knowing Your Environment, Toronto, Concept, 1972. Environmental issues for elementary school students.

Rowland, Wade

Rowland, W. The Pollution Guide (with Bennett, John [Tiny]). Toronto, Clarke Irwin. 1972, (170 pp.)

Rowland, Wade

Gasher, Mike, David Skinner & Natalie Coulter . Media and Communication in Canada,
Ninth Edition. Toronto: Oxford University Press.

Skinner, David

2016 Gasher, Mike, David Skinner & Rowland Lorimer. Mass Communication in Canada, Eighth Edition. Toronto: Oxford University Press

Skinner, David

2011 Kirsten Kozolenko, Patricia Mazepa, and David Skinner (Eds.) Alternative Media in Canada. Vancouver: UBC Press

Skinner, David

2011 Gasher, Mike, David Skinner & Rowland Lorimer. Mass Communication in Canada, Seventh Edition. Toronto: Oxford University Press.

Skinner, David

2005 Skinner, David, James Compton, and Mike Gasher (Eds.), Converging Media, Diverging Interests: A Political Economy of News in the United States and Canada. Lexington Books.

Skinner, David

Fresco, E. (2022). Red Mitten Nationalism: Sport, Commercialism and Settler Colonialism in Canada. Montreal & Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press.

Fresco, Estee

Juhasz, A., Langlois, G., Shah, N. 2021. Really Fake. Minneapolis: Meson Press.

Langlois, Ganaele M.

Ottoni, Eduardo, Shirley Roburn and Chris Wulff. An Ethnobotany of the UBC Arboretum. Monograph.
Vancouver: 1995. 150 pages. This work was adapted to the web and used in teaching undergraduate biology courses at UBC into the mid-2000s.

Roburn, Shirley
journal articles

Bergstrom, K., & Poor, N. (2023). We have always been social: Comparing social expressiveness between single-player and multiplayer gamers. Journal of Gaming & Virtual Worlds, 15(3), 247-266.

Bergstrom, Kelly

Bergstrom, K. (2022). When a door becomes a window: Using Glassdoor to examine game industry work cultures. Information, Communication & Society, 25(6), 835-850.

Bergstrom, Kelly

Bergstrom, K. and Poor, N. (2022). Signaling the Intent to Change Online Communities: A Case from a Reddit Gaming Community. Social Media + Society, 8(2), 1-10.

Bergstrom, Kelly

Bergstrom, K. (2022). Ignoring the blood on the tracks: exits and departures from game studies. Critical Studies in Media Communication, 39(3), 173-180

Bergstrom, Kelly

Bergstrom, K., & Poor, N. (2021). Reddit Gaming Communities During Times of Transition. Social Media+ Society, 7(2). DOI: 20563051211010167

Bergstrom, Kelly

Bergstrom, K. (2021). Anti-social social gaming: community conflict in a Facebook game. Critical Studies in Media Communication, 38(1), 61-74.

Bergstrom, Kelly

Bergstrom, K. (2021). Who is playing Pokémon GO? An observational activity. Communication Teacher, 35(2), 93-97.

Bergstrom, Kelly

Bergstrom, K. (2021). What if we were all novices? Making room for inexperience in a game studies classroom. Digital Culture & Education, 13(2).

Bergstrom, Kelly

Bergstrom, K., & Neo, R. (2020). Searching for the stairway to heaven: information seeking about an illegal hiking trail in Hawaii. Leisure Studies, 39(5), 751-764.

Bergstrom, Kelly

Bergstrom, K. (2020). Destruction as Deviant Leisure in EVE Online. Journal of Virtual Worlds Research, 13(1).

Bergstrom, Kelly

Bergstrom, K. (2019). Barriers to play: Accounting for non-participation in digital game play. Feminist Media Studies, 19(6), 841-857.

Bergstrom, Kelly

Bergstrom, K. (2019). Temporary break or permanent departure? Rethinking what it means to quit EVE online. Games and Culture, 14(3), 276-296.

Bergstrom, Kelly

Bergstrom, K. (2019). Moving beyond churn: Barriers and constraints to playing a social network game. Games and Culture, 14(2), 170-189.

Bergstrom, Kelly

Bergstrom, K. (2019). EVE Online is not for everyone: Exceptionalism in online gaming cultures. Human Technology, 15(3).

Bergstrom, Kelly

N. Coulter and K. Moruzi. (2020). Woke Girls: From the Girl’s Realm to Teen Vogue. Feminist Media Studies.

Coulter, Natalie

Maureen Mauk, Rebekah Willett & Natalie Coulter (2020) The can-do girl goes to coding camp: a discourse analysis of news reports on coding initiatives designed for girls, Learning, Media and Technology, 45:4, 395-408, DOI: 10.1080/17439884.2020.1781889

Coulter, Natalie

N. Coulter. (2019) ‘Frappés, Friends and Fun.’ Affective labour and the cultural industries of girlhood. Journal of Consumer Culture.

Coulter, Natalie

Coulter, N and M. Kennedy. (eds.) (2018). Special Issue: Locating the Tween Girl. Girlhood Studies 11.1.

Coulter, Natalie

Coulter, N. (2016). More 'Missed Opportunities': The Oversight of Canadian Children’s Media. Canadian Journal of Communication. Vol 41.

Coulter, Natalie

S. Poyntz, N. Coulter and G. Brisson. (2016) Past Tensions and Future Possibilities: ARCYP and Children's Media Studies. Journal of Children and Media. 10.1: 47- 53.

Coulter, Natalie

Coulter, N., and H. Ramirez. (2015). Locked In: Feminist Perspectives on Surviving on Academic Piecework. New Proposals: Journal of Marxism and Interdisciplinary Inquiry. 7 (4): 28-36.

Coulter, Natalie

Coulter, N. (2014). Selling the Male Consumer the Playboy Way. Popular Communication.

Coulter, Natalie

Coulter, N. (2014). Looking for Love in All the Wrong Places: Mythology of DWYL in the Neoliberal Marketplace of Academic Labour. English Studies in Canada. 40 (4): 13-16.

Coulter, Natalie

Coulter, N. (2012). From Toddlers to Teens: Colonizing Childhood the Disney Way. Jeunesse: Young People, Texts, Cultures. Summer issue. (146-158)

Coulter, Natalie

Coulter, N. (2012). Separate Playgrounds: Surveying the Fields of Girls’ Media Studies and Boyhood Studies. Canadian Journal of Communication. Vol. 37(1): 353 – 363.

Coulter, Natalie

"In LeBron James’ Promotional Skin: Self-Branded Athletes and Fans’ Immaterial Labour." Journal of Consumer Culture. 20 (4): 440-456.

Fresco, Estee

“Canadian Television Studies: All Grown Up?” Topia: Canadian Journal of Cultural Studies. 33: 213-219.

Fresco, Estee

“Consuming Canada’s Colonial Past: Reconciliation and Corporate Sponsorship in the Vancouver 2010 Olympics.” Olympika: The International Journal of Olympic Studies. 21: 58-74.

Fresco, Estee

Siuda, Piotr, Jakub Nowak, and Robert W Gehl. “Darknet Imaginaries in Internet Memes: The Discursive Malleability of the Cultural Status of Digital Technologies.” Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication 28, no. 1 (January 1, 2023): zmac023.

Gehl, Robert W.

Gehl, Robert W., and Diana Zulli. 2022. “The Digital Covenant: Non-Centralized Platform Governance on the Mastodon Social Network.” Information, Communication & Society 0 (0): 1–17.

Gehl, Robert W.

Gorissen, Sebastiaan, and Robert W. Gehl. 2021. “When Wikipedia Met Tor: Trials of Legitimacy at a Key Moment in Internet History.” Internet Histories 0 (0): 1–17.

Gehl, Robert W.

Gehl, Robert W. 2021. “Dark Web Advertising: The Dark Magic System on Tor Hidden Service Search Engines.” Continuum, October, 1–12.

Gehl, Robert W.

Zulli, Diana, Miao Liu, and Robert Gehl. 2020. “Rethinking the ‘Social’ in ‘Social Media’: Insights into Topology, Abstraction, and Scale on the Mastodon Social Network:” New Media & Society, July.

Gehl, Robert W.

Gehl, Robert W., and Fenwick McKelvey. “Bugging out: Darknets as Parasites of Large-Scale Media Objects.” Media, Culture & Society 41, no. 2 (March 1, 2019): 219–35.

Gehl, Robert W.

Hayward, M (2014). Settling Accounts: On The Subject of Economic Confessions. TOPIA: Canadian Journal of Cultural Studies, (30–31).

Hayward, Mark

Hayward, Mark. (2013) . ATM, Teleprompter, Photobooth: A Brief History of Neoliberal Optics. New Formations, 80-­81, 194-­208.

Hayward, Mark

Striphas, Ted and Mark Hayward. (2013) . Working Papers in Cultural Studies, or the Virtues of Grey Literature. New Formations, 78, 102-­116.

Hayward, Mark

Hayward, Mark and Bernard Geoghegan. (2012) . Introduction: Catching up with Simondon. SubStance , 41(3), 3-­14.

Hayward, Mark

Hayward, Mark. (2010) . Good Workers: Television Documentary, Migration and the Italian Nation, 1956-1964. Modern Italy , 16 (1), 3-17.

Hayward, Mark

Heynen, Robert and Emily van der Meulen (2022). Anti-Trafficking Saviours: Celebrity, Slavery, and Branded Activism. Crime, Media, Culture 18(2): 301-323

Heynen, Rob

Heynen, Robert (2020). Biometric Aesthetics: Towards a Critical Theory of the Biometric Body. Public: Art, Culture, Ideas 60 (special issue on ‘Biometrics: Mediating Bodies’): 108-125.

Heynen, Rob

Heynen, Robert (2018). ‘Cultures of Confinement: Health, Illness, and Madness in The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari and The Magic Mountain.’ Modernism/Modernity 25(4): 683-708.

Heynen, Rob

Heynen, Robert (2016). ‘From Science to Fashion: Photography and the Production of a Surrogate Colony in Weimar Germany,’ History of Photography. 40(2).

Heynen, Rob

Durisin, Elya and Robert Heynen (2016). ‘Producing the “Trafficked Woman”: Canadian Newspaper Reporting on Eastern European Exotic Dancers During the 1990s,’ Atlantis: Critical Studies in Gender, Culture, and Social Justice. 37(2).

Heynen, Rob

Wright, Jordana, Robert Heynen, and Emily van der Meulen (2015). ‘“It depends on who you are, what you are”: ‘Community Safety’ and Sex Workers’ Experience with Surveillance,’ Surveillance & Society 13(2), pp. 265-282.

Heynen, Rob

De Shalit, Ann, Robert Heynen, and Emily van der Meulen (2014). ‘Human Trafficking and Media Myths: Federal Funding, Communication Strategies, and Canadian Anti-Trafficking Programs,’ Canadian Journal of Communication 39(3), pp. 385-412.

Heynen, Rob

Heynen, Robert (2012). ‘Socialism from the Right? Aesthetics, Politics and the Counter-Revolution in Weimar Germany,’ New Formations 75, pp. 82-98.

Heynen, Rob

Heynen, Robert (2000). ‘Making Soviet Nations,’ Socialist Studies Bulletin 60, pp. 5-26.

Heynen, Rob

Slane, A. and Langlois, G. 2018. Not My Bad:" Sexual Images, Consent, and Online Host Responsibilities in Canada. Canadian Journal of Women and the Law.

Langlois, Ganaele M.

Langlois G. and Slane, A. 2016. Economies of Reputation: The Case of Revenge Porn. Communication and Critical Cultural Studies.

Langlois, Ganaele M.

Langlois G. and Slane, A. 2016. Economies of Reputation: The Case of Revenge Porn. Communication and Critical Cultural Studies.

Langlois, Ganaele M.

Langlois, G., and Elmer, G. 2013. The Research Politics of Social Media Platforms. Culture Machine, 14(2013). 9391 words.

Langlois, Ganaele M.

Elmer, G. and Langlois, G. 2013. Networked Campaigns: Traffic Tags and Cross-Platform Analysis on the Web. Information Polity 18(2013), pp. 43-56.

Langlois, Ganaele M.

Langlois, G. 2013. The New Governance of Participatory Culture. Television & New Media, 14(2), pp. 91-105.

Langlois, Ganaele M.

Langlois, G. 2011. Meaning, Semiotechnologies and Participatory Media. Culture Machine, 12(2011). 6197 words.

Langlois, Ganaele M.

Langlois, G., McKelvey, F., Elmer, G. and Werbin, K. 2009. Mapping Commercial Web 2.0 Worlds: Towards a New Critical Ontogenesis. Fibreculture 14. 7611 words.

Langlois, Ganaele M.

Langlois, G. and Elmer, G. 2009. Wikipedia Leeches? The Promotion of Traffic through a Collaborative Web Format. New Media & Society 11(5).pp. 773-794.

Langlois, Ganaele M.

Elmer, G., Ryan, P.M., Devereaux, Z., Langlois, G. McKelvey, F. 2009. Blogs I Read: Partisanship in the Canadian Blogosphere. Journal of Information, Politics and Technology 6(2).

Langlois, Ganaele M.

Elmer, G.; Ryan, P.M.; Devereaux, Z.; Langlois, G.; Redden, J. and McKelvey, F. 2007. Election Bloggers: Methods for Determining Political Influence. First Monday 12(4).

Langlois, Ganaele M.

Langlois, G. 2005. Networks and Layers: Technocultural Encodings of the World Wide Web. Canadian Journal of Communication 30(4), pp. 565-584.

Langlois, Ganaele M.

Donison, Jeffrey and Anne F. MacLennan, “Podcasting Marginalized History: Historica Canada’s World War Podcast Narratives and their Audio Archival Considerations,” Radio Journal: International Studies in Broadcast & Audio Media. 19:2 (2021): 271–89, rjao_00045_1

MacLennan, Anne F.

MacLennan, Anne F. “Private Broadcasting and the Path to Radio Broadcasting Policy in Canada,” Media and Communication 6 (2018) DOI:10.17645/mac.v61.1219 available for free download at

MacLennan, Anne F.

MacLennan Anne F. “Transcending Borders: Reaffirming Radio’s Cultural Value in Canada and Beyond,” Journal of Radio & Audio Media 23 (2016): 197-199.

MacLennan, Anne F.

“Learning to Listen: Becoming a Canadian Radio Audience in the 1930s,” Journal of Radio & Audio Media (November 2013) 20:2 311-326.

MacLennan, Anne F.

MacLennan, Anne F. “Cultural Imperialism of the North? The Expansion of CBC’s Northern Service and Community Radio” Radio Journal: International Studies in Broadcast & Audio Media. 9:1 (2011): 63-81.

MacLennan, Anne F.

“Women, Radio and the Depression: A “Captive” Audience from Household Hints to Story Time and Serials” Women’s Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 37:5 (July/August 2008).

MacLennan, Anne F.

Singh, Parbudyal, Deborah Zinni and Anne F. MacLennan, "Graduate Student Unions in the United States." Journal of Labor Research, 27:1 (Winter 2006): 55-73.

MacLennan, Anne F.

"American network broadcasting, the CBC and Canadian radio stations during the 1930s: A Content Analysis,” Journal of Radio Studies, 12:1 (May 2005): 85-103.",American network broadcasting

MacLennan, Anne F.

Zinni, Deborah, Parbudyal Singh and Anne MacLennan, "An Exploratory Study of Graduate Student Unions in Canada," Relations Industrielles /Industrial Relations 60: 1 (Winter 2005): 145-175.

MacLennan, Anne F.

"Charity and Change: Montreal's English Protestant Charity Faces the Crisis of the 1930s," The Urban History Review 16: 1-16.

MacLennan, Anne F.

"Manifest Spatialization: Militarizing Communication in Canada." Global Media Journal -- Canadian Edition, 8(1), 9-30.

Mazepa, Patricia A

“Making Media Public: From Discussion to Action?” with Cohen, N.S., Macdonald, S. and Skinner, D. Canadian Journal of Communication. 36(1): 169-178.

Mazepa, Patricia A

“Democracy of, in and through Communication: Struggles around Public Service in Canada in the First Half of the Twentieth Century” Info: The journal of policy, regulation and strategy for telecommunications, information and media. Vol. 9, No. 2, pp. 45-56.

Mazepa, Patricia A

“Managing the Media: Communicating Labour at High Tech U” with Christopher Bodnar. Canadian Journal of Social and Political Thought. Special Issue On-line

Mazepa, Patricia A

“The desert’s no home for a rose”: Filipinx Childhood and Music as Aesthetic Experience”, special issue of Global Studies of Childhood.

Mecija, Casey

“Skin as Ecstatic Surface: Listening Queerly to the Works of Patrick Cruz”, special issue of Canadian Review of Cultural Studies, “Queer Canada”, 54(2), pp. 508-525.

Mecija, Casey

“Disobedient Listening Practices: Notes on Christine Bacareza Balance’s Tropical Renditions: Making Music Scenes in Filipino America”.

Mecija, Casey

“Family is a Feeling: Affective belonging, Family Photography and the Reparative Practices of Queer Parenting”

Mecija, Casey

Through their Eyes: Reporters’ Challenges in Covering China-Africa Relations, Journalism Practice, DOI: 10.1080/17512786.2019.1692689

Ojo, Tokunbo

“Changing the game in Nigeria? Appropriating Internet and web 2.0 for sport communication.” Volume 19, Issue 2: p 222-235.
**Published first online in 2016.

Ojo, Tokunbo

"Media ownership and market structures: banes of news media sustainability in Nigeria?", Media, Culture & Society, 40 (8), pp: 1270-1280

Ojo, Tokunbo

“Political Economy of Huawei’s market strategies in the Nigerian Telecommunication market” International Communication Gazette, Volume: 79 issue: 3, page(s): 317-332.

Ojo, Tokunbo

“Neo-Gramscian Approach and Geopolitics of ICT4D Agenda.” Global Media Journal -- Canadian Edition Volume 9, Issue 1, pp. 23-35

Ojo, Tokunbo

“Global Agenda & ICT4D in Africa: Constraints of localizing ‘universal norm’.” Telecommunications Policy, 40(7): 704-713

Ojo, Tokunbo

“Framing of the Sino-African relationship in diasporic/pan-African news magazines.” Chinese Journal of Communication, 9(1): 38-55.

Ojo, Tokunbo

“Africa in the Canadian Media: The Globe and Mail’s Coverage of Africa from 2003 to 2012.” Ecquid Novi: African Journalism Studies, 35(1): 43-57

Ojo, Tokunbo

Roburn, Shirley. “Power From the North: the Energized Trajectory of Indigenous Sovereignty Movements.” Canadian Journal of Communication. 43.1 (2018): 167-184

Roburn, Shirley

Roburn, Shirley. “Beyond Film Impact Assessment: Being Caribou Community Screenings as Activist
Training Grounds.” International Journal of Communication 11 (2017): 2520-2539.

Roburn, Shirley

Roburn, Shirley. “Reflections from the Final International Polar Year Conference." TOPIA: Canadian
Journal of Cultural Studies
32 (2014). 253-263

Roburn, Shirley

Roburn, Shirley and Tr'ondëk Hwëch'in Heritage Department. “Weathering Changes: Growing Local
and Traditional Knowledge of Environmental Change in Tr'ondëk Hwëch'in Traditional Territory.”
Arctic. Vol.65, No.4. (2012): 439-455

Roburn, Shirley

Roburn, Shirley. "Chlorine Conflicts." Alternatives. 29.2 (2003): 26

Roburn, Shirley

Roburn, Shirley. "Literacy and the Underdevelopment of Knowledge." Mediatribe: Concordia
University's Undergraduate Journal of Communication Studies
. 4.1 (1994).

Roburn, Shirley

Rowland, W. “Fatal Attraction: The CBC’s Richard Stursberg and His Romance With Ratings,” Literary Review of Canada, “Online original,” May.

Rowland, Wade

Rowland, W. “Corporate Social Responsibility and Garrett Hardin’s ‘Tragedy of the Commons’ as Myth and Reality,” Journal of Corporate Citizenship, Issue 35, Nov. 2009, (p. 22-36)

Rowland, Wade

Rowland, W. “Reflections on Metaphor and Identity in the Cyber-corporation,” Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 90, Issue 1, Nov. 2009 (p. 15-28)

Rowland, Wade

Rowland, W. International Journal of Media and Cultural Politics, "A Modest Proposal" (for a classaction suit against commercial television for producing an addictive and injurious product).April, 2005. 5 pp.

Rowland, Wade

Rowland, W. Social Epistemology, "Recognizing the Role of the Modern Business Corporation in the `Social Construction' of Technology." April, 2005. 20 pp.

Rowland, Wade

Singh, Rianka. “Curating Care: A CJC Playlist.” Canadian Journal of Communications.

Singh, Rianka

Singh, Rianka. “Rethinking Platform Power.” Canadian Journal of Communications.

Singh, Rianka

Singh, Rianka. “Resistance in a Minor Key: Care Survival and Convening on the Margins.” First Monday, 5, (4).

Singh, Rianka

Singh, Rianka and Sarah Sharma. “Platform Uncommons.” Feminist Media Studies.

Singh, Rianka

Singh, Rianka. “Platform Feminism: Protest and the Politics of Spatial Organization.” ADA: A Journal of Gender, New Media and Technology, 14

Singh, Rianka

2015 Skinner, David, Robert Hackett, and Stuart R. Poyntz. “Activism and the Academy, Three Cases: Media Democracy Day, Open Media, and NewsWatch Canada.” Studies in Social Justice. Vol 9, No. 1. Available at:

Skinner, David

2012 Hackett, Robert and David Skinner. “Keeping the Fox at Bay: A Canadian Perspective on the Murdoch Phone Hacking Scandal.” Television and News Media, pp. 31-36.

Skinner, David

2010 Cohen, Nicole, Sonja Macdonald, Patricia Mazepa, David Skinner. “Making Media Public: From Discussion to Action.” Canadian Journal of Communication. 169-78

Skinner, David

2006 Elmer, Greg, Zach Devereaux and David Skinner. “Disaggregating Online News: The Canadian Federal Election, 2005-2006,” Scan. Available at:

Skinner, David

2001 Skinner, David, Mike Gasher, and James Compton. “Putting Theory to Practice: A Critical Approach to Journalism Studies” Journalism: Theory, Practice & Criticism. Sage Publications, v. 2(3) pp. 341-360.

Skinner, David

1994 Skinner, David, and David C. Robinson. “Re-thinking Cultural Policy: Critical Approaches in the Era of Privatization.” Alternate Routes. Vol. 11, pp. 121-132.

Skinner, David

1992 Skinner, David. “The CBC and Private Capital.” Alternate Routes. Winter. pp. 26-43.

Skinner, David

“Enchanted Masculinities: Gender, Modern Magic and Nationalism in Early Twentieth Century China,” The Journal of Early Popular Visual Culture, In Matthew Solomon & Joe Culpepper (Eds.) Special issue on “The Golden Age of Stage Conjuring, 1880-1930,” 16(2), 172-187.

Zhang, Tracy Ying

“From China to the Big Top in North America: Chinese Acrobats and the Politics of Aesthetic Labor, 1980s-2000s,” The Journal of International Labor and Working-Class History, In Joel Stillerman, Chris Tilly, and Sarah Mosoetsa (Eds.) Special issue on “Precarious Labor in Global Perspective,” 89, 40-63.

Zhang, Tracy Ying

“Bending the Body for China: The Uses of Acrobatics in Sino-US Diplomacy during the Cold War,” International Journal of Cultural Policy, 22 (2), 123-146. (first published online in October, 2014. This article won the 2015 award from Les Fonds de Recherché du Québec for best original research paper).

Zhang, Tracy Ying

“Factory Nuns: The Ethnicization of Migrant Labor in the Making of Tibetan Carpets,” Gender, Place, and Culture: A Journal of Feminist Geography, 20(6), 754-772.

Zhang, Tracy Ying

“The Making of Valuable Carpets in Lhasa,” Journal of Material Culture, 17(1): 83-101.

Zhang, Tracy Ying

“Deaf-mutes, Illiterates, and Women: Ethnicity, Gender, and Labor Policy in a Tibetan Carpet Factory,” Feminist Media Studies, 7(4): 381-396.

Zhang, Tracy Ying
professional journal articles

“Leaving to Love: Filipino Caregivers and the Queer Kinship of Transnational Childcare”, special issue of World Futures, “Transdisciplinary Child and Youth Studies: Critical Praxis and Global Perspectives”

Mecija, Casey